Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Translation number 13, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, 1968? (3 pages)

Translation of Kheysin, E. M. 1967. Obnaryzhenie tsentrioli pri elektronnomikroskopicheskom issledovanii merozoitov Eimeria intestinalis (Sporozoa, Coccidia) [= Observation of the centriole during electron microscope studies of the merozoites of Eimeria intestinalis (Sporozoa, Coccidia). Tsitologiya 9: 1,411-1,412

Translation from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr. and edited by Norman D. Levine



Structures were seen in the merozoites of Eimeria intestinalis which were markedly resembled a centriole. Nine tubules formed a ringlet near the nucleus, with one more tubule in the center. This structure, although similar to a typical centriole, differs in that it has a central tubule.

Translation number 13, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, 1968? (3 pages)

Translation of Kheysin, E. M. 1967. Obnaryzhenie tsentrioli pri elektronnomikroskopicheskom issledovanii merozoitov Eimeria intestinalis (Sporozoa, Coccidia) [= Observation of the centriole during electron microscope studies of the merozoites of Eimeria intestinalis (Sporozoa, Coccidia). Tsitologiya 9: 1,411-1,412

Translation from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr. and edited by Norman D. Levine

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