Law, College of


Nebraska Law Bulletin (Selected Issues)

Date of this Version


Document Type



Nebraska Law Bulletin (April 20, 2021)


Copyright 2021, the author


The mission statement of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) is “to govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.” It is clear to many that the NCAA has forgotten this mission long ago, and now many institutions use student-athletes as their cash cows raking in millions in revenue. These student-athletes put their bodies on the line for the NCAA and its member institutions, and in return for some, they receive free education. There are many arguments about whether this is right or wrong or if athletes should be compensated in other ways. However, what can be agreed upon is that the student-athletes at least deserve to be adequately protected by proper insurance, that does not have significant gaps in the coverage or little to no chance of actually paying out. This Article serves to inform about the current insurance coverage provided by the NCAA. This analysis is an overview of the NCAA insurance programs examining: (1) how each program works and (2) demonstrate some of the significant problems in each of the programs. Unfortunately, this Article does nothing to offer any solutions to the problems presented. However, student-athletes are gaining more power each year and soon will have the leverage to make the changes that need to be made.

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