In the language of the author: The'' ... sole purpose of this book is educational. It is directed to the attention of that sector of the adult reading public, which can materially aid the cause of good government and good citizenship where sexual matters are concerned .... " The lofty intent is endowed with an obliging confidence in man's readiness to act wisely if only he knows how. This book aims to help him to know how " ... by affording ... the opportunity of acquiring-and therefore imparting-some of the information necessary to guide the voting citizens toward needed reforms in matters pertaining to sex legislation and to effective control and rehabilitation of sexual deviants."
Recommended Citation
James M. Reinhardt,
Book Reviews: The Sex Paradox: An Analytical Survey of Sex and the Law in the United States, by Isabel Drummond, New York: G. B. Putnam's Sons, 1953,
33 Neb. L. Rev. 657
Available at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nlr/vol33/iss4/16