

International concern with crime and corrections is not a recent phenomenon. The first International Penal and Penitentiary Congress (IPPC) was held in London in 1872. When the United Nations was established, it was decided that its role should include a program for the prevention of crime and treatment of offenders. The IPPC at the time of its last Congress, held at The Hague in 1950, agreed to the transfer of its functions to the United Nations. The first of the quinquennial Congresses on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders was held in Geneva in 1955, the second in London in 1960, and the third in Stockholm in 1965. The United States was represented in Stockholm by an official delegation of twenty-four plus seventy-some additional representatives. There can be no doubt that these congresses are providing much-needed communication between countries on improved methods and that there is developing a world-wide fraternity in the field which transcends national and ideological boundaries.

I. Introduction

II. Scope of the Congresses … (1) Social Change and Criminality … (2) Social Forces and the Prevention of Criminality … (3) Community Preventive Action … (4) Measures to Combat Recidivism … (5) Probation and Other Noninstitutional Measures … (6) Special Preventive and Treatment Measures for Young Adults

III. Conclusion
