These symposium lectures address the field of medicine, life sciences, and biotechnology that are creating some of the great contemporary challenges of science and technology, raising social, ethical, religious, and legal issues. Awesome powers of medicine that are continually expanded by developments in the life sciences have sparked growing public interest in what are now termed "bioethical" issues. The lectures cover biotechnological developments in the field of organ and tissue transplants and the responses of society and the law to these developments; artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, and surrogate motherhood; and the capacity of medicine and technology to prolong life and postpone death.
Recommended Citation
Zelman Cowen,
In the Rear and Limping a Little: Some Reflections on Medicine, Biotechnology, and the Law: The Roscoe Pound Lectures,
64 Neb. L. Rev.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nlr/vol64/iss4/3