I. Disciplinary Dismissals: The Problem
II. Economic or Collective Dismissals: The Problem
III. The Theory of Wrongful Discharge: The Proposed Legislation
IV. State Plant Closure Legislation ... A. Summary of State Legislation ... B. Constitutionality
V. Federal Plant Closure Legislation
VI. Obligations under International Labor Law
VII. Relevant Western European Law and Experience: The Substantive Standard for Dismissal ... A. Union Influence Prior to the Decision ... B. Notification and Consultation of Workers and Government Representatives
VIII. Conclusion
Recommended Citation
William B. Gould IV,
Job Security in the United States: Some Reflections on Unfair Dismissal and Plant Closure Legislation from a Comparative Perspective,
67 Neb. L. Rev.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/nlr/vol67/iss1/4