

I. Introduction . . . . . 1299

II. Background . . . . . 1301

A. Civil Forfeiture in the United States . . . . . 1301

B. Civil Forfeiture in Nebraska Prior to State v. Franco . . . . . 1304

C. State v. Franco . . . . . 1305

III. Analysis . . . . . 1307

A. Breaking Down Franco’s Holding . . . . . 1307

B. Franco’s Legacy: Federal Adoption . . . . .1312

C. A Proposal for Reform . . . . . 1319

1. Superseding Franco . . . . . 1320

2. Limiting Federal Adoption . . . . . 1320

3. Additional Procedural Protections . . . . . 1323

IV. Conclusion . . . . . 1323
