

This article will present the literary concept of endowed objects, provide examples of endowed objects in literature, provide examples of endowed objects in trials, and then discuss how attorneys can identify and use evidence to create an endowed object. Part II of this article explains why endowed objects are useful at trial. Part III defines endowed objects, explains the similarities and differences between endowed objects and other symbols, and illustrates the use of both in fiction and at trial. Part IV describes the process of endowing an object in both fiction narratives and legal narratives. Part V discusses how endowed objects can develop a theme in fiction and theory of the case at trial. Part VI discusses how endowed objects can create a structural through-line in story structure in fiction and litigation. Part VII discusses how endowed objects can develop character in both fiction and litigation. Part VIII gives examples of endowed objects turned against their proponent in fiction and at trial. And finally, Part IX discusses the ethical issues surrounding endowed objects in litigation.
