Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Parasitology (December 1976) 62(6): 906-909. Copyright 1976, the American Society of Parasitologists. Used by permission.


A new genus and species of digenean and a new species of cestode are described and a previously described species of digenean reported for the first time from Siren intermedia from Illinois. A new genus is proposed for a previously described digenean, and another known species of digenean reported from Siren lacertina in Florida. Progorgodera foliata from S. intermedia has a foliate hind- body characteristic of members of Phyllodistomum and multiple testes arranged in 2 longitudinal rows characteristic of members of Gorgodera. Ophiotaenia sireni from the same host resembles O. filaroides in number of testes, O. amphiumae and O. alternans in number of uterine branches, and O. grandis and O. marenzelleri in scolex size. Allassostomoides louisianaensis is reported for the first time from Siren intermedia. The new genus Cephalogonimoides is proposed for Cephalogonimus sireni from Siren lacertina, which differs from members of Cephalogonimus by having symmetrical testes, ceca extending to the posterior end of the body, an acetabulum twice as large as the oral sucker, and a muscular pre-pharynx; and by lacking a seminal receptacle. Telorchis stunkardi is reported from S. lacertina for the first time.

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