Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Parasitology (June 1976) 62(3): 429-433. Copyright 1976, the American Society of Parasitologists. Used by permission.


Gorgoderina diaster, Cylindrotaenia americana, and Ophiotaenia bonariensis are reported, and Creptotrema lynchi and Glypthelmins robustus described from Bufo marinus from 3 localities in the Republic of Colombia. All are new locality records and B. marinus is a new host for G. diaster and C. americana. Creptotrema lynchi differs from C. creptotrema in possessing smaller eggs, relatively smaller oral papillae and suckers, and elongate rather than spherical testes. Glypthelmins robustus differs from all other species in the genus in possessing a pharynx which is significantly larger than the acetabulum and tegumental spines restricted to the anterior fifth of the body. It further differs from G. facioi in possessing diagonal testes and slightly smaller eggs, and from G. palmipedis in possessing an I-shaped excretory vesicle and slightly smaller eggs. The known species of amphibian platyhelminths from Colombia have affinities with both North and Central as well as South America.

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