Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications
Letter to the Editors: Critical Comments on a Recent Letter to the Editors regarding the Use of Frozen Carcasses in Parasite Surveys, Danny B. Pence, John M. Aho, Albert O. Bush, Albert G. Canaris, Joseph A. Conti, William R. Davidson, Terry A. Dick, Gerald W. Esch, Timothy Goater, Wynn Fitzpatrick, Donald J. Forrester, John C. Holmes, William M. Samuel, John M. Kinsella, Janice Moore, Robert L. Rausch, William Threlfall, and Terry A. Wheeler
Embryonic and Postembryonic Development of Meloidogyne californiensis AbdeI-Rahman & Maggenti, 1987 [Research Note], Fawzia Abdel-Rahman and Armand R. Maggenti
Hirschmanniella pomponiensis n. sp. (Nemata: Pratylenchidae), Parasitic on Bulrush, Scirpus robustus Pursh, Fawzia Abdel-Rahman and Armand R. Maggenti
Meloidogyne californiensis n. sp. (Nemata: Meloidogyninae), Parasitic on Bulrush, Scirpus robustus Pursh, Fawzia Abdel-Rahman and Armand R. Maggenti
A Reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nemata). 4. The family Anguinidae Nicoll, 1935 (1926), Renaud Fortuner and Armand R. Maggenti
Helminth Parasites of Coprolites., Scott Lyell Gardner and Karen H. Clary
Coccidian Parasites (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Insectivores. III. Seven New Species in Shrews (Soricidae: Soricinae) from Canada, Japan, and the United States, Lynn Ann Hertel and Donald W. Duszynski
Corrigendum: Revision of the Name Eimeria palustris Hertel and Duszynski, 1987, from Shrews (Sorex spp.), Lynn Ann Hertel and Donald W. Duszynski
A Reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nemata) 1. For a New Approach to the Taxonomy of Tylenchina, Michel Luc, Armand R. Maggenti, Renaud Fortuner, Dewey J. Raski, and Etienne Geraert
Morphometric Analysis of Anguina amsinckiae from Three Host Species, Dan James Pantone, John A. Griesbach, and Armand R. Maggenti
Late Fall Transmission of Nematodirus battus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) in Western Oregon, Lora G. Rickard, Eric P. Hoberg, Gary L. Zimmerman, and Jannell K. Erno
Two New Species of Ascometra Kholodkovskii, 1912 (Cestoda: Paruterinidae) from the Kori Bustard, Choriotis kori (Burchell), in Kenya, Ann M. Adams and Robert L. Rausch
Reviewed of Coevolution in Parasitic Arthropods and Mammals edited by Ke Chung Kim (Wiley, 1985), Daniel R. Brooks
Two New Species of Litomosoides (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) from Pocket Gophers (Rodentia: Geomyidae) in Colorado, Scott Lyell Gardner and Gerald D. Schmidt
Eulimdana rauschorum n. sp., a Filarioid Nematode (Lemdaninae) from Larus dominicanus in Antarctica, with Comments on Evolution and Biogeography, Eric P. Hoberg
Evolution and Historical Biogeography of a Parasite-Host Assemblage: Alcataenia spp. (Cyclophyllidea: Dilepididae) in Alcidae (Charadriiformes), Eric P. Hoberg
Small mammal community structure and composition in the Cerrado Province of central Brazil, Michael A. Mares, Kristina A. Ernest, and Donald D. Gettinger
Coccidiosis of Sand Hill Cranes (Grus canadensis) Wintering in New Mexico, Brent B. Parker and Donald W. Duszynski
Polymorphism of Eimerian Oocysts: A Dilemma Posed by Working with Some Naturally Infected Hosts, Brent B. Parker and Donald W. Duszynski
Polymorphism of Eimerian Oocysts: A Dilemma Posed by Working with Some Naturally Infected Hosts, Brent B. Parker and Donald W. Duszynski
Cysts Resembling Hydatids in a Chicken, Gerald D. Schmidt and Robert L. Rausch
Eimeria halleri sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the Round Stingray, Urolophus halleri (Rajiformes: Dasyatidae), Steve Upton, John Bristol, Scott Lyell Gardner, and Donald Duszynski
American Society of Parasitologists Henry Baldwin Ward Medal Acceptance Speech, Daniel R. Brooks
Phylogenetics and the Future of Helminth Systematics, Daniel R. Brooks
Eimeria from Bats of the World: A New Species in Tomopeas ravus from Peru, Donald W. Duszynski and Linda J. Barkley
Helminth Parasites of Thomomys bulbivorus (Richardson) (Rodentia: Geomyidae), with the Description of a New Species of Hymenolepis (Cestoda), Scott Lyell Gardner
A List of Records of Freshwater Aspidogastrids (Trematoda) and Their Hosts in North America, Sherman S. Hendrix, Malcolm F. Vidrine, and Raymond H. Hartenstine
Nearshore Foodwebs and the Distribution of Acanthocephalan Parasites in Antarctic Seabirds, Eric P. Hoberg
Epizootiology: [Chapter 9 in Biology of the Acanthocephala], Brent B. Nickol
Introduction [to Biology of the Acanthocephala], Brent B. Nickol
The Pentastomid Sebekia mississippiensis sp. n. in the American Alligator and Other Hosts, Robin M. Overstreet, J. Teague Self, and Kent A. Vliet
Presidential Address: Parasitology: Retrospect and Prospect, Robert L. Rausch and Gerald D. Schmidt
Eimeria Species (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) Infecting Peromyscus Rodents in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico with Description of a New Species, David W. Reducker, Lynn Ann Hertel, and Donald W. Duszynski
Development and life cycles, Gerald D. Schmidt
Development and Life Cycles: [Chapter 8 in Biology of the Acanthocephala], Gerald D. Schmidt and Brent B. Nickol
Coccidian Parasites (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of Microtus spp. (Rodentia: Arvicolidae) from the United States, Mexico, and Japan, with Descriptions of Five New Species, Tedman L. Vance and Donald W. Duszynski
Eimerians from Different Karyotypes of the Japanese Wood Mouse (Apodemus spp.), with Descriptions of Two New Species and a Redescription of Eimeria montgomeryae Lewis and Ball, 1983, Constance D. Wash, Donald W. Duszynski, and Terry L. Yates
A New Gall-Forming Species of Anguina Scopoli, 1777 (Nemata: Anguinidae) on Bluegrass, Poa annua L., from the Coast of California, I. Cid del Prado Vera and Armand R. Maggenti
Postembryonic Development of the Redwood Nematode, Rhizonema sequoiae (Nemata: Heteroderidae), I. Cid del Prado Vera, Armand R. Maggenti, and B. F. Lownsbery
Morphometrical Variability in Helicotylenchus Steiner, 1945. 4 : Study of Field Populations of H. pseudorobustus and Related Species, Renaud Fortuner, Armand R. Maggenti, and Laurel M. Whittaker
Discobothrium caribbensis sp. n., a Lecanicephalidean Cestode from a Yellow-Spotted Stingray, Urolophus jamaicensis, in Jamaica, Scott Lyell Gardner and Gerald D. Schmidt
Ultrastructure of the Interface Between Stages of Eimeria funduli (Apicomplexa) and Hepatocytes of the Longnose Killifish, Fundulus similis, William E. Hawkins, John W. Fournie, and Robin M. Overstreet
Effects of Space Shuttle Exhaust Plumes on Gills of Some Estuarine Fishes: A Light and Electron Microscopic Study, William E. Hawkins, Robin M. Overstreet, and Mark J. Provancha
Trematode Parasites of Marine Birds in Antarctica: The Distribution of Gymnophallus deliciosus (Olsson 1893), Eric P. Hoberg
Trematode Parasites of Marine Birds in Antarctica: The Distribution of Gymnophallus deliciosus (Olsson 1893), Eric P. Hoberg
In Memoriam: Konstantin Minaevich Ryzhikov, 1912-1983, Robert L. Rausch
The Taxonomic Status of Echinococcus cruzi Brumpt and Joyeux, 1924 (Cestoda: Taeniidae) from an Agouti (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) in Brazil, Robert L. Rausch, A. D'Alessandro, and M. Ohbayashi
Angularella audubonensis sp. n. (Dilepididae) and Other Cestodes of Cliff Swallows in Colorado, Jeffery D. Stamper and Gerald D. Schmidt
Angularella audubonensis sp. n. (Dilepididae) and Other Cestodes of Cliff Swallows in Colorado, Jeffrey D. Stamper and Gerald D. Schmidt
Helminth Parasites of the Endangered Houston Toad, Bufo houstonensis Sanders, 1953 (Amphibia, Bufonidae), Robert A. Thomas, Steven A. Nadler, and W. Lynn Jagers
Taxonomy of North American Fish Eimeriidae, Steve J. Upton, David W. Reduker, William L. Current, and Donald W. Duszynski
Rhizonema sequoiae n. gen. n. sp. from Coast Redwood Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl., I. Cid del Prado Vera, B. F. Lownsbery, and Armand R. Maggenti
Heligmosomoides thomomyos sp. n. (Nematoda: Heligmosomidae) from Pocket Gophers, Thomomys spp. (Rodentia: Geomyidae), in Oregon and California, Scott L. Gardner and Douglas Jasmer
Organization of Sporulated Oocysts of Eimeria funduli in the Gulf Killifish, Fundulus grandis, William E. Hawkins, John W. Fournie, and Robin M. Overstreet
Taxonomy and Life Histories of Two North American Species of "Carneophallus" (=Microphallus) (Digenea: Microphallidae), Richard W. Heard and Robin M. Overstreet
Evaluation of the Status of Texanocotyle pogoniae and Laterocotyle padreinsulae (Trematoda: Aspidogastridae), Sherman S. Hendrix and Robin M. Overstreet
Cuticular Ridge Patterns of Nematodirus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) Parasitic in Domestic Ruminants of North America, with a Key to Species, J. R. Lichtenfels and P. A. Pilitt
A Checklist of Parasites of California, Oregon, and Washington Marine and Estuarine Fishes, Milton S. Love and Mike Moser
A New Species of Chronogaster Cobb, 1913 (Nemata : Plectidae) with an Amended Diagnosis of the Genus and Discussion of Cuticular Ornamentation, Armand R. Maggenti, Dewey J. Raski, Puthenkandathil K. Koshy, and Varghese K. Sosamma
Centrorhynchus kuntzi from the USA with Description of the Male and Redescription of C. spinosus (Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchidae), Brent B. Nickol
Aspects of the Biology of the Red Drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in Mississippi, Robin M. Overstreet
Aspects of the Biology of the Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Mississippi, Robin M. Overstreet
An Unusually Small Egg-Carrying Callinectes sapidus in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Robin M. Overstreet, Harriett M. Perry, and Gerald Adkins
Occurrence and Pathogenicity of Heligmosomoides spp. (Nematoda: Heligmosomidae) Associated with Cecal Villi in Arvicolid Rodents, R. L. Rausch and M. L. Johnson
Review of The Grizzlies of Mount McKinley by Adolph Muire, Robert L. Rausch
Occurrence and Pathogenicity of Heligmosomoides spp. (Nematoda: Heligmosomidae) Associated with Cecal Villi in Arvicolid Rodents, Robert L. Rausch and M. L. Johnson
Occurrence and Pathogenicity of Heligmosomoides spp. (Nematoda: Heligmosomidae) Associated with Cecal Villi in Arvicolid Rodents, Robert L. Rausch and M. L. Johnson
Gastrointestinal Helminths of the Cougar, Felis concolor L., in Northeastern Oregon, Robert L. Rausch, C. Maser, and Eric P. Hoberg
Coccidia from Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys spp.) in the Western United States, Baja California, and Northern Mexico with Descriptions of Eimeria merriami sp. n. and Isospora sp., Carla A. Stout and Donald W. Duszynski
A Simulations Approach to Discerning Possible Sister-groups of Dioecotaenia Schmidt, 1969 (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea: Dioecotaeniidae), Daniel R. Brooks
Review of Phylogenetics: The Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics, by E. O. Wiley (Wiley-Interscience, 1981; 439 p.), Daniel R. Brooks
Pinworms and Primates: A Case Study in Coevolution, Daniel R. Brooks and David R. Glen
Hysterothylacium pelagicum Sp. n. and H. cornutum (Stossich, 1904) (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from Marine Fishes, Thomas L. Deardorff and Robin M. Overstreet
Eimeria from Jumping Mice (Zapus spp.): A New Species and Genetic and Geographic Features of Z. hudsonius luteus, Donald W. Duszynski, Gary Eastham, and Terry L. Yates
Intestinal Absorption of β-methyl-D-glucoside in Rats Infected with Eimeria nieschulzi, Donald W. Duszynski, K. Ramaswamy, and Gilbert A. Castro
Helminths of Bushy-tailed Wood Rats, Neotoma cinerea subspp. from Colorado, Idaho, and Wyoming, Gene E. Miller and Gerald D. Schmidt
Food Content of Six Commercial Fishes from Mississippi Sound, Robin M. Overstreet and Richard W. Heard
Haliotrema (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalinae) from Ostraciid Fishes in Guadeloupe, West Indies, Jean Claude Vala, Claude Maillard, and Robin M. Overstreet
Systematic Review of Cestodes Infecting Freshwater Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) Including Four New Species from Venezuela, Daniel R. Brooks, Monte A. Mayes, and Thomas B. Thorson
A New Species of Echinocephalus (Nematoda: Gnathostomidae) from Neotropical Stingrays with Comments on E. diazi, Thomas L. Deardorff, Daniel R. Brooks, and Thomas B. Thorson
Raphidascaris camura sp. n., Hysterothylacium eurycheilum (Olsen) comb. n. and Comments on Heterotyphlum Spaul (Nematoda: Ascaroidea) in Marine Fishes, Thomas L. Deardorff and Robin M. Overstreet
Terranova ceticola n. sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from the Dwarf Sperm Whale, Kogia simus (Owen), in the Gulf of Mexico, Thomas L. Deardorff and Robin M. Overstreet
The Coccidia of Quail in the United States, Donald W. Duszynski and Ralph J. Guttiérrez
Pseudogymnophallus alcae gen. n. et sp. n. (Trematoda: Gymnophallidae) from Alcids (Charadriiformes) in Subarctic Seas, Eric P. Hoberg
Trematode-Gastropod Associations in Nine Non-Lacustrine Habitats in the Mwanza Region of Tanzania, Sam Loker, H. G. Moyo, and Scott Lyell Gardner
Two New Tetraphyllidean Cestodes from Potamotrygon circularis Garman (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Itacnai River, Brazill, Monte A. Mayes, Daniel R. Brooks, and Thomas B. Thorson
Hemmorrhagic Lesions in Stomach of Rhesus Monkey Caused by Piscine Ascaridoid Nematode, Robin M. Overstreet and George W. Meyer
Parasites and Diseases of Mullets (Mugilidae), I. Paperna and Robin M. Overstreet
Differentiation of Late Fourth and Early Fifth Stages of Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) in Swine, P. A. Pilitt, J. Ralph Lichtenfels, F. G. Tromba, and P. A. Madden
Sarcocystis of Passerine Birds: Sexual Stages in the Opossum (Didelphis virginiana), Edith D. Box and Donald W. Duszynski
Ultrastructure of Sarcocystis Sporocysts from Passerine Birds and Opossums: Comments on Classification of the Genus Isospora, Edith D. Box, Alan A. Marchiondo, Donald W. Duszynski, and C. Patrick Davis
Brooks' Response to Holmes and Price, Daniel R. Brooks
Three Proteocephalid Cestodes from Colombian Siluriform Fishes, Including Nomimoscolex alovarius sp.n. (Monticelliidae: Z ygobothriinae), Daniel R. Brooks and Thomas L. Deardorff