Martin Centurion Publications | Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Martin Centurion
Department of Physics and Astronomy
B55 Behlan Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 United States
mcenturion2 at




The Ring-Closing Reaction of Cyclopentadiene Probed with Ultrafast X‑ray Scattering, Lisa Huang, Lauren Bertram, Lingyu Ma, Nathan Goff, Stuart W. Crane, Asami Odate, Thomas Northey, Andrés Moreno Carrascosa, Mats Simmermacher, Sri Bhavya Muvva, Joseph D. Geiser, Matthew J. Lueckheide, Zane Phelps, Mengning Liang, Xinxin Cheng, Ruaridh Forbes, Joseph S. Robinson, Matthew J. Hayes, Felix Allum, Alice E. Green, Kenneth Lopata, Artem Rudenko, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Martin Centurion, Daniel Rolles, Michael P. Minitti, Adam Kirrander, and Peter M. Weber



Ultrafast electronic relaxation pathways of the molecular photoswitch quadricyclane, Kurtis D. Borne, Joseph C. Cooper, Michael N. R. Ashfold, Julien Bachmann, Surjendu Bhattacharyya, Rebecca Boll5, Matteo Bonanomi, Michael Bosch, Carlo Callegari, Martin Centurion, Marcello Coreno, Basile F. E. Curchod, Miltcho B. Danailov, Alexander Demidovich, Michele Di Fraia, Benjamin Erk, Davide Faccialà, Raimund Feifel, Ruaridh J. G. Forbes, Christopher S. Hansen, David M. P. Holland, Rebecca A. Ingle, Roland Lindh, Lingyu Ma, Henry G. McGhee, Sri Bhavya Muvva, Joao Pedro Figueira Nunes, Asami Odate, Shashank Pathak, Oksana Plekan, Kevin C. Prince, Primoz Rebernik, Arnaud Rouzée, Artem Rudenko, Alberto Simoncig, Richard J. Squibb, Anbu Selvam Venkatachalam, Caterina Vozzi, Peter M. Weber, Adam Kirrander, and Daniel Rolles


Relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction at high repetition rates, K. M. Siddiqui, D. B. Durham, F. Cropp, F. Ji, S. Paiagua, C. Ophus, N. C. Andresen, L. Jin, J. Wu, S. Wang, X. Zhang, W. You, M. Murnane, Martin Centurion, X. Wang, D. S. Slaughter, R. A. Kaindl, P. Musumeci, A. M. Minor, and D. Filippetto



Ultrafast Electron Diffraction: Visualizing Dynamic States of Matter, D. Filipetto, P. Musumed, R. K. Li, B. J. Siwick, M. R. Otto, Martin Centurion, and J. P.F. Nunes



Conformer-specific photochemistry imaged in real space and time, E. G. Champenois, D. M. Sanchez, J. Yang, J. P. Figueira Nunes, A. Attar, Martin Centurion, R. Forbes, M. Gühr, K. Hegazy, F. Ji, S. K. Saha, Y. Liu, M. F. Lin, D. Luo, B. Moore, X. Shen, M. R. Ware, Xijie Wang, T. J. Martínez, and Thomas J. A. Wolf


Structure retrieval in liquid-phase electron scattering, Jie Yang, J. Pedro F. Nunes, Kathryn Ledbetter, Elisa Biasin, Martin Centurion, Zhijiang Chen, Amy A. Cordones, Christopher Crissman, Daniel P. Deponte, Siegfried H. Glenzer, Ming Fu Lin, Mianzhen Mo, Conor D. Rankine, Xiaozhe Shen, Thomas J.A. Wolf, and Xijie Wang


Quantum state tomography of molecules by ultrafast diffraction, Ming Zhang, Shuqiao Zhang, Yanwei Xiong, Hankai Zhang, Anatoly A. Ischenko, Oriol Vendrell, Xiaolong Dong, Xiangxu Mu, Martin Centurion, Haitan Xu, R. J.Dwayne Miller, and Zheng Li



Photodissociation of aqueous I 3 - observed with liquid-phase ultrafast mega-electron-volt electron diffraction, K. Ledbetter, E. Biasin, J. P.F. Nunes, Martin Centurion, K. J. Gaffney, M. Kozina, M. F. Lin, X. Shen, J. Yang, X. J. Wang, T. J. A. Wolf, and A. A. Cordones


Spectroscopic and Structural Probing of Excited-State Molecular Dynamics with Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Electron Diffraction, Yusong Liu, Spencer L. Horton, Jie Yang, J. Pedro F. Nunes, Xiaozhe Shen, Thomas J.A. Wolf, Ruaridh Forbes, Chuan Cheng, Bryan Moore, Martin Centurion, Kareem Hegazy, Renkai Li, Ming Fu Lin, Albert Stolow, Paul Hockett, Tamás Rozgonyi, Philipp Marquetand, Xijie Wang, and Thomas Weinacht


Liquid-phase mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction, J. P.F. Nunes, K. Ledbetter, M. Lin, M. Kozina, D. P. Deponte, E. Biasin, Martin Centurion, C. J. Crissman, M. Dunning, S. Guillet, K. Jobe, Y. Liu, M. Mo, X. Shen, R. Sublett, S. Weathersby, C. Yoneda, T. J. A. Wolf, Jie Yang, A. A. Cordones, and Xijie Wang


High-resolution movies of molecular rotational dynamics captured with ultrafast electron diffraction, Yanwei Xiong, Kyle J. Wilkin, and Martin Centurion



Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: II. Electron and antimatter interactions, Stefan Schippers, Emma Sokell, Friedrich Aumayr, Hossein Sadeghpour, Kiyoshi Ueda, Igor Bray, Klaus Bartschat, Andrew Murray, Jonathan Tennyson, Alexander Dorn, Masakazu Yamazaki, Masahiko Takahashi, Nigel Mason, Oldřich Novotný, Andreas Wolf, Leon Sanche, Martin Centurion, Yasunori Yamazaki, Gaetana Laricchia, Clifford M. Surko, James Sullivan, Gleb Gribakin, Daniel Wolf Savin, Yuri Ralchenko, Ronnie Hoekstra, and Gerry O'Sullivan


Femtosecond gas-phase mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction, Xiaozhe Shen, J. P.F. Nunes, J. Yang, R. K. Jobe, R. K. Li, Ming Fu Lin, B. Moore, M. Niebuhr, S. P. Weathersby, T. J.A. Wolf, C. Yoneda, Markus Guehr, Martin Centurion, and X. J. Wang


Diffractive imaging of dissociation and ground-state dynamics in a complex molecule, Kyle J. Wilkin, Robert M. Parrish, Jie Yang, Thomas J.A. Wolf, J. Pedro F. Nunes, Markus Guehr, Renkai Li, Xiaozhe Shen, Qiang Zheng, Xijie Wang, Todd J. Martinez, and Martin Centurion



Imaging CF3I conical intersection and photodissociation dynamics with ultrafast electron diffraction, Jie Yang, Xiaolei Zhu, Thomas J.A. Wolf, Zheng Li, J. Pedro F. Nunes, Ryan Coffee, James P. Cryan, Markus Gühr, Kareem Hegazy, Tony F. Heinz, Keith Jobe, Renkai Li, Xiaozhe Shen, Theodore Veccione, Stephen Weathersby, Kyle J. Wilkin, Charles Yoneda, Qiang Zheng, Todd J. Martinez, Martin Centurion, and Xijie Wang



High current table-top setup for femtosecond gas electron diffraction, Omid Zandi, Kyle J. Wilkin, and Martin Centurion


Implementation and modeling of a femtosecond laser-activated streak camera, Omid Zandi, Kyle J. Wilkin, and Martin Centurion



Ultrafast imaging of isolated molecules with electron diffraction, Martin Centurion


Diffractive Imaging of Coherent Nuclear Motion in Isolated Molecules, Jie Yang, Markus Guehr, Xiaozhe Shen, Renkai Li, Theodore Vecchione, Ryan Coffee, Jeff Corbett, Alan Fry, Nick Hartmann, Carsten Hast, Kareem Hegazy, Keith Jobe, Igor Makasyuk, Joseph Robinson, Matthew S. Robinson, Sharon Vetter, Stephen Weathersby, Charles Yoneda, Xijie Wang, and Martin Centurion


Diffractive imaging of a rotational wavepacket in nitrogen molecules with femtosecond megaelectronvolt electron pulses, Jie Yang, Markus Guehr, Theodore Vecchione, Matthew S. Robinson, Renkai Li, Nick Hartmann, Xiaozhe Shen, Ryan Coffee, Jeff Corbett, Alan Fry, Kelly Gaffney, Tais Gorkhover, Carsten Hast, Keith Jobe, Igor Makasyuk, Alexander Reid, Joseph Robinson, Sharon Vetter, Fenglin Wang, Stephen Weathersby, Charles Yoneda, Martin Centurion, and Xijie Wang


Femtosecond gas phase electron diffraction with MeV electrons, Jie Yang, Markus Guehr, Theodore Vecchione, Matthew S. Robinson, Renkai Li, Nick Hartmann, Xiaozhe Shen, Ryan Coffee, Jeff Corbett, Alan Fry, Kelly Gaffney, Tais Gorkhover, Carsten Hast, Keith Jobe, Igor Makasyuk, Alexander Reid, Joseph Robinson, Sharon Vetter, Fenglin Wang, Stephen Weathersby, Charles Yoneda, Xijie Wang, and Martin Centurion



Mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stephen Weathersby, G. Brown, Martin Centurion, T. F. Chase, Ryan Coffee, Jeff Corbett, J. P. Eichner, J. C. Frisch, A. R. Fry, M. Gühr, Nick Hartmann, Carsten Hast, R. Hettel, R. K. Jobe, E. N. Jongewaard, J. R. Lewandowski, R. K. Li, A. M. Lindenberg, Igor Makasyuk, J. E. May, D. McCormick, M. N. Nguyen, Alexander Reid, Xiaozhe Shen, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, Theodore Vecchione, Sharon Vetter, J. Wu, Jie Yang, H. A. Dürr, and Xijie Wang


Imaging of alignment and structural changes of carbon disulfide molecules using ultrafast electron diffraction, Jie Yang, Joshua Beck, Cornelis J. Uiterwaal, and Martin Centurion


Gas-phase electron diffraction from laser-aligned molecules, Jie Yang and Martin Centurion



Reconstruction of three-dimensional molecular structure from diffraction of laseraligned molecules, Jie Yang, Varun Makhija, Vinod Kumarappan, and Martin Centurion


Reconstruction of three-dimensional molecular structure from diffraction of laser-aligned molecules, Jie Yang, Varun Makhija, Vinod Kumarappan, and Martin Centurion


Tilted femtosecond pulses for velocity matching in gas-phase ultrafast electron diffraction, Ping Zhang, Jie Yang, and Martin Centurion


Tilted femtosecond pulses for velocity matching in gas-phase ultrafast electron diffraction, Ping Zhang, Jie Yang, and Martin Centurion



Dispersion compensation for attosecond electron pulses, Peter Hansen, Cory Baumgarten, Herman Batelaan, and Martin Centurion


Imaging of Isolated Molecules with Ultrafast Electron Pulses, Christopher J. Hensley, Jie Yang, and Martin Centurion



Picosecond electron diffraction from molecules aligned by dissociation, Martin Centurion, Peter Reckenthaeler, Ferenc Krausz, and Ernst E. Fill



Picosecond imaging of low-density plasmas by electron deflectometry, Martin Centurion, P. Reckenthaeler, F. Krausz, and E. E. Fill


Time-Resolved Electron Diffraction from Selectively Aligned Molecules, Peter Reckenthaeler, Martin Centurion, Werner Fuß, Sergei A. Trushin, Ferenc Krausz, and Ernst E. Fill


Ultrashort pulse electron gun with a MHz repetition rate, D. Wytrykus, Martin Centurion, P. Reckenthaeler, F. Krausz, A. Apolonski, and E. Fill



Proposed method for measuring the duration of electron pulses by attosecond streaking, Peter Reckenthaeler, Martin Centurion, V. S. Yakovlev, M. Lezius, F. Krausz, and Ernst E. Fill



Modulational instability in nonlinearity-managed optical media, Martin Centurion, Mason A. Porter, Ye Pu, P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and Demetri Psaltis


Harmonic holography: a new holographic principle, Ye Pu, Martin Centurion, and Demetri Psaltis



Nonlinearity Management in Optics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation, Martin Centurion, Mason A. Porter, P. G. Kevrekidis, and Demetri Psaltis


Modulational Instability in a Layered Kerr Medium: Theory and Experiment, Martin Centurion, Mason A. Porter, Ye Pu, P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and Demetri Psaltis


Holographic capture of femtosecond pulse propagation, Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, and Demetri Psaltis


Erratum: Dynamics of filament formation in a Kerr medium [Phys Rev. A 71, 063811 (2005)], Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, Mankei Tsang, and Demetri Psaltis



Self-organization of spatial solitons, Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, and Demetri Psaltis


Dynamics of filament formation in a Kerr medium (with Erratum), Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, Mankei Tsang, and Demetri Psaltis



Holographic recording of laser-induced plasma, Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, Zhiwen Liu, Demetri Psaltis, and Theodor W. Hänsch



Holographic recording of fast events on a CCD camera, Zhiwen Liu, Martin Centurion, George Panotopoulos, John Hong, and Demetri Psaltis