Centre for Textile Research
Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD
The second conference on textile terminology was held in June 2014 at the University of Copenhagen. Around 50 experts from the fields of Ancient History, Indo-European Studies, Semitic Philology, Assyriology, Classical Archaeology, and Terminology from twelve different countries came together at the Centre for Textile Research, to discuss textile terminology, semantic fields of clothing and technology, loan words, and developments of textile terms in Antiquity.
The present volume has been prepared within the frame of an international cooperation, the Groupement de Recherche International ATOM = Ancient Textiles from the Orient to the Mediterranean (2015-2018) which involves several research institutions and universities in France, Denmark and the United Kingdom. ATOM aims to define both the impact of textile production on agriculture, husbandry and the environment, its role in handicrafts, in trade, and, more generally, in the ancient economy, but also the uses of clothing in the construction of gender and individual and collective identities.
The complete volume--in one PDF file--is available at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook/56/
Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD -- Covers & Frontmatter, Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, and Marie-Louise Nosch
Textile Terminologies, State of the Art and New Directions, Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, and Marie-Louise Nosch
Tools and Crafts, the Terminology of Textile Manufacturing in 1st-Millennium BC Babylonia, Louise Quillien
Ordinary People’s Garments in Neo- and Late-Babylonian Sources, Luigi Malatacca
Flax and Linen Terminology in Talmudic Literature, Nahum Ben-Yehuda
Jewish Terminologies for Fabrics and Garments in Late Antiquity: A Linguistic Survey Based on the Mishnah and the Talmuds, Christina Katsikadeli
Armenian karmir, Sogdian karmīr ‘red’, Hebrew karmīl and the Armenian Scale Insect Dye in Antiquity, Agnes Korn and Georg Warning
Armenian Textile Terminology, Birgit Anette Olsen
Remarks on the Interpretation of Some Ambiguous Greek Textile Terms, Stella Spantidaki
Sabellic Textile Terminology, Peder Flemestad and Birgit Anette Olsen
Beschaffung und Handel mit Farbstoffen, Peter Herz
Purple and its Various Kinds in Documentary Papyri, Ines Bogensperger
Zur Textilterminologie auf römischen Bleitäfelchen: Probleme der Lesung und Interpretation, Herbert Graßl
Observations on the Terminology of Textile Tools in the Edictum Diocletiani on Maximum Prices, Peder Flemestad, Mary Harlow, Berit Hildebrandt, and Marie-Louise Nosch
Listening for licia: A Reconsideration of Latin licia as Heddle-Leashes, Magdalena Öhrman
Textile Terminology in Old High German between Inherited and Loan Words, Roland Schuhmann
Χιτών – δαλματική – μαφόρτης – σύνθεσις: Common and Uncommon Garment Terms in Dowry Arrangements from Roman Egypt, Kerstin Droß-Krüpe
Ars polymita, ars plumaria: The Weaving Terminology of Taqueté and Tapestry, John Peter Wild and Kerstin Droß-Krüpe
Tunics Worn in Egypt in Roman and Byzantine Times: The Greek Vocabulary, Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
Terminology Associated with Silk in the Middle Byzantine Period (AD 843-1204), Julia Galliker
A Name of a Private Factory (or Workshop) on a Piece of Textile: The Case of the Document A.L.18 (Vienna), Anne Regourd and Fiona J. L. Handley
Zur Bekleidung der Krieger im Avesta: Rüstung und magischer Schmuck, Götz König
Sasanian Exegesis of Avestan Textile Terms, Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo
“Der Faden soll nicht reißen, während ich meine Dichtung webe…”: Zum metaphorischen Gebrauch von Textilterminologie im Rigveda, Stefan Niederreiter,
Der Text als Gewebe: Lexikalische Studien im Sinnbezirk von Webstuhl und Kleid, Oswald Panagl
Weaving a Song. Convergences in Greek Poetic Imagery between Textile and Musical Terminology. An Overview on Archaic and Classical Literature, Giovanni Fanfani
Xie, a Technical Term for Resist Dye in China: Analysis Based on the Burial Inventory from Tomb 26, Bijiashan, Huahai, Gansu, Le Wang and Feng Zhao
The Textile Terminology in Ancient Japan, Mari Omura and Naoko Kizawa
The Textile Term gammadia, Maciej Szymaszek
The oscillum Misunderstanding, Francesco Meo
Irritating Byssus – Etymological Problems, Material facts, and the Impact of Mass Media, Felicitas Maeder
Conceptualizing Greek Textile Terminologies: A Databased System, Kalliope Sarri
textilnet.dk – A Toolkit for Terminology Research and Presentation, Susanne Lervad and Tove Engelhardt Mathiassen