United States Department of Commerce: Staff Publications | U.S. Department of Commerce | University of Nebraska - Lincoln




Temporal Variation and Scale in Movement-Based Resource Selection Functions, M. B. Hooten, E. M. Hanks, D. S. Johnson, and M. W. Alldredge


Molecular Systematics of Pinniped Hookworms (Nematoda: Uncinaria): Species Delimitation, Host Associations and Host-Induced Morphometric Variation, Steven A. Nadler, Eugene T. Lyons, Christopher Pagan, Derek Hyman, Edwin E. Lewis, Kimberlee Beckman, Cameron M. Bell, Aurelie Castinel, Robert L. DeLong, Padraig J. Duignan, Cher Farinpour, Kathy Burek Huntington, Thijs Kuiken, Diana Morgades, Soraya Naem, Richard Norman, Corwin Parker, Raul Ramos, Terry R. Spraker, and Bárbara Berón-Vera


Evaluation of a Perpendicular Inlet for Airborne Sampling of Interstitial Submicron Black-Carbon Aerosol, A. E. Perring, J. P. Schwarz, R. S. Gao, A. J. Heymsfield, C. G. Schmitt, M. Schnaiter, and D. W. Fahey


Modelling Dendritic Ecological Networks in Space: An Integrated Network Perspective, Erin E. Peterson, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Dan J. Isaak, Jeffrey A. Falke, Marie-Josée Fortin, Chris E. Jordan, Kristina McNyset, Pascal Monestiez, Aaron S. Ruesch, Aritra Sengupta, Nicholas Som, E. Ashley Steel, David M. Theobald, Christian E. Torgersen, and Seth J. Wenger


Prioritizing Pacific Salmon Stocks for Conservation: Response to Allendorf et al., Thomas C. Wainwright and Robin Waples



Identification of ovarian gene expression patterns during vitellogenesis in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Timothy S. Breton, Janet L. Anderson, Frederick W. Goetz, and David L. Berlinsky


Immunomodulation in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to a PAH-contaminated, microphytobenthic diatom, April N. Croxton, Gary H. Wikfors, and Richard D. Schulterbrandt-Gragg


Spatial complexity in fragmenting Amazonian rainforests: Do feedbacks from edge effects push forests towards an ecological threshold?, Graeme S. Cumming, Jane Southworth, Xanic J. Rondon, and Matthew Marsik


Changes in atmospheric circulation patterns associated with high and low rainfall regimes in the Hawaiian Islands region on multiple time scales, Henry F. Diaz and Thomas W. Giambelluca


Corrigendum to “Recent changes in primary production and phytoplankton in the offshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan” [J. Great Lakes Res. 36 (Supplement 3) (2010) 20–29], G. Fahnenstiel, Steven A. Pothoven, H. Vanderploeg, D. Klarer, T. F. Nalepa, and D. Scavia


Marine Biotoxins: Emergence of Harmful Algal Blooms as Health Threats to Marine Wildlife, Spencer E. Fire and Frances M. Van Dolah


Responses of Antarctic pack-ice seals to environmental change and increasing krill fishing, Jaume Forcada, Philip N. Trathan, Peter L. Boveng, Ian L. Boyd, Jennifer M. Burns, Daniel P. Costa, Michael Fedak, Tracey L. Rogers, and Colin J. Southwell


Social network correlates of food availability in an endangered population of killer whales, Orcinus orca, Emma A. Foster, Daniel W. Franks, Lesley J. Morrell, Ken C. Balcomb, Kim M. Parsons, Astrid van Ginneken, and Darren P. Croft


A multi-beach study of Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, and enterococci in seawater and beach sand, Kelly D. Goodwin, Melody McNay, Yiping Cao, Darcy Ebentier, Melissa Madison, and John F. Griffith


When Experts Disagree (And Better Science Won’t Help Much): Using Structured Deliberations to Support Endangered Species Recovery Planning, Robin Gregory, Graham Long, Mary Colligan, James G. Geiger, and Melissa Laser


Land Surface Temperature product validation using NOAA's surface climate observation networks—Scaling methodology for the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Pierre C. Guillevic, Jeffrey L. Privette, Benoit Coudert, Michael A. Palecki, Jerome Demarty, Catherine Ottlé, and John A. Augustine


Evaluation of circulating eosinophil count and adrenal gland function in California sea lions naturally exposed to domoic acid, Frances M. D. Gulland, Ailsa J. Hall, Denise J. Greig, Elizabeth R. Frame, Kathleen M. Colegrove, Rebecca K. N. Booth, Sam K. Wasser, and J. Catharine R. Scott-Moncrieff


Mercury in the Gulf of Mexico: Sources to receptors, Reed Harris, Curtis Pollman, William Landing, David Evans, Donald Axelrad, David Hutchinson, Steven L. Morey, Darren Rumbold, Dmitry Dukhovskoy, Douglas H. Adams, Krish Vijayaraghavan, Christopher Holmes, R. Dwight Atkinson, Tom Myers, and Elsie Sunderland


Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in treated wastewater discharges into Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, Melanie Lea Hedgespeth, Yelena Sapozhnikova, Paul Pennington, Allan Clum, Andy Fairey, and Edward Wirth


The Global Drought Monitor Portal: The Foundation for a Global Drought Information System, Richard R. Heim Jr. and Michael J. Brewer


Estimation of surface albedo and directional reflectance from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations, Tao He, Shunlin Liang, Dongdong Wang, Hongyi Wu, Yunyue Yu, and Jindi Wang


North American Carbon Program (NACP) regional interim synthesis: Terrestrial biospheric model intercomparison, D.N. Huntzinger, W.M. Post, Y. Wei, A.M. Michalak, T.O. West, A.R. Jacobson, I.T. Baker, J.M. Chen, K. J. Davis, D.J. Hayes, F.M. Hoffman, A.K. Jain, S. Liu, A.D. McGuire, R.P. Neilson, Chris Potter, B. Poulter, David T. Price, B.M. Raczka, H.Q. Tian, P. Thornton, E. Tomelleri, N. Viovy, J. Xiao, W. Yuan, N. Zeng, M. Zhao, and R. Cook


Genetic diversity in the Snake River sockeye salmon captive broodstock program as estimated from broodstock records, Steven T. Kalinowski, Donald M. Van Doornik, Christine C. Kozfkay, and Robin Waples


Coupling planktonic ecosystem and fisheries food web models for a pelagic ecosystem: Description and validation for the subarctic Pacific, Kelly A. Kearney, Charles Stock, Kerim Aydin, and Jorge L. Sarmiento


Snow Cover Monitoring from Remote-Sensing Satellites: Possibilities for Drought Assessment, Cezar Kongoli, Peter Romanov, and Ralph Ferraro


State of the art satellite and airborne marine oil spill remote sensing: Application to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Ira Leifer, William J. Lehr, Debra Simecek-Beatty, Eliza Bradley, Roger Clark, Philip Dennison, Yongxiang Hu, Scott Matheson, Cathleen E. Jones, Benjamin Holt, Molly Reif, Dar A. Roberts, Jan Svejkovsky, Gregg Swayze, and Jennifer Wozencraft


Harmful Algal Blooms Along the North American West Coast Region: History, Trends, Causes, and Impacts, Alan J. Lewitus, Rita A. Horner, David A. Caron, Ernesto Garcia-Mendoza, Barbara M. Hickey, Matthew Hunter, Daniel D. Huppert, Raphael M. Kudela, Gregg W. Langlois, John L. Largier, Evelyn J. Lessard, Raymond RaLonde, J. E. Jack Rensel, Peter G. Strutton, Vera L. Trainer, and Jacqueline F. Tweddle


Arctic cloud macrophysical characteristics from CloudSat and CALIPSO, Yinghui Liu, Jeffrey R. Key, Steven A. Ackerman, Gerald G. Mace, and Qiuqing Zhang


Arctic cloud macrophysical characteristics from CloudSat and CALIPSO, Yinghui Liu, Jeffrey R. Key, Steven A. Ackerman, Gerald G. Mace, and Qiuqing Zhang


Reconstructing disturbance history using satellite-based assessment of the distribution of land cover in the Russian Far East, T.V. Loboda, Z. Zhang, K.J. O'Neal, G. Sun, I.A. Csiszar, H.H. Shugart, and N.J. Sherman


Metabolite Profiles in Starved Diporeia Spp. Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) Based Metabolomics, Suman Maity, Amber Jannasch, Jiri Adamec, Michael Gribskov, Thomas F. Nalepa, Tomas O. Höök, and Maria S. Sepúlveda


Starvation causes disturbance in amino acid and fatty acid metabolism in Diporeia, Suman Maity, Amber Jannasch, Jiri Adamec, Thomas Nalepa, Tomas O. Höök, and Maria S. Sepúlveda


Health status, infection and disease in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) studied using a canine microarray platform and machine-learning approaches, Annalaura Mancia, James C. Ryan, Robert W. Chapman, Qingzhong Wu, Gregory W. Warr, Frances M.D. Gulland, and Frances M. Van Dolah


Modeling Microalgal Abundance with Artificial Neural Networks: Demonstration of a Heuristic ‘Grey-Box’ to Deconvolve and Quantify Environmental Influences, David F. Millie, Gary R. Weckman, William A. Young II, James E. Ivey, Hunter J. Carrick, and Gary L. Fahnenstiel


Analysis of inconsistencies in multi-year gridded quantitative precipitation estimate over complex terrain and its impact on hydrologic modeling, Naoki Mizukami and Michael B. Smith


Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification, Einar E. Nielsen, Alessia Cariani, Eoin Mac Aoidh, Gregory E. Maes, Ilaria Milano, Rob Ogden, Martin Taylor, Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, Massimiliano Babbucci, Luca Bargelloni, Dorte Bekkevold, Eveline Diopere, Leonie Grenfell, Sarah Helyar, Morten T. Limborg, Jann T. Martinsohn, Ross McEwing, Frank Panitz, Tomaso Patarnello, Fausto Tinti, Jeroen K.J. Van Houdt, Filip A.M. Volckaert, Robin Waples, FishPopTrace Consortium, and Gary R. Carvalho


Using microwave brightness temperature diurnal cycle to improve emissivity retrievals over land, Hamidreza Norouzi, William Rossow, Marouane Temimi, Catherine Prigent, Marzieh Azarderakhsh, Sid Boukabara, and Reza Khanbilvardi


The development of a new optical total suspended matter algorithm for the Chesapeake Bay, Michael Ondrusek, Eric Stengel, Christopher Kinkade, Ronald Vogel, Phillip Keegstra, Craig Hunter, and Chunai Kim


Linking ciguatera poisoning to spatial ecology of fish: A novel approach to examining the distribution of biotoxin levels in the great barracuda by combining non-lethal blood sampling and biotelemetry, Amanda C. O'Toole, Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein, Andy J. Danylchuk, John S. Ramsdell, and Steven J. Cooke


Groundwater pumping and spatial externalities in agriculture, Lisa Pfeiffer and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin


A Dual-Wavelength Polarimetric Analysis of the 16 May 2010 Oklahoma City Extreme Hailstorm, J. PICCA and A. RYZHKOV


Spatial and temporal patterns of vertical distribution for three planktivorous fishes in Lake Washington, Thomas P. Quinn, Christopher J. Sergeant, Anne H. Beaudreau, and David A. Beauchamp


Comparison of methods for the detection of coliphages in recreational water at two California, United States beaches, Roberto A. Rodríguez, David C. Love, Jill R. Stewart, Julianne Tajuba, Jacqueline Knee, Jerold W. Dickerson Jr., Laura F. Webster, and Mark D. Sobsey


Spatial variation in RNA:DNA ratios of Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes region, Daniel J. Ryan, Maria S. Sepúlveda, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Tomas O. Höök


North American Land Data Assimilation System: A Framework for Merging Model and Satellite Data for Improved Drought Monitoring, Justin Sheffield, Youlong Xia, Lifeng Luo, Eric F. Wood, Michael Ek, and Kenneth E. Mitchell


The distributed model intercomparison project – Phase 2: Motivation and design of the Oklahoma experiments, Michael B. Smith, Victor Koren, Seann Reed, Ziya Zhang, Yu Zhang, Fekadu Moreda, Zhengtao Cui, Naoki Mizukami, Eric A. Anderson, and Brian A. Cosgrove


Results of the DMIP 2 Oklahoma experiments, Michael B. Smith, Victor Koren, Ziya Zhang, Yu Zhang, Seann M. Reed, Zhengtao Cui, Fekadu Moreda, Brian A. Cosgrove, Naoki Mizukami, Eric A. Anderson, and DMIP 2 Participants


Water properties in Chesapeake Bay from MODIS-Aqua measurements, SeungHyun Son and Menghua Wang


Disease will limit future food supply from the global crustacean fishery and aquaculture sectors, G.D. Stentiford, D.M. Neil, E.J. Peeler, J.D. Shields, H.J. Small, T.W. Flegel, J.M. Vlak, B. Jones, F. Morado, S. Moss, J. Lotz, L. Bartholomay, D.C. Behringer, C. Hauton, and D.V. Lightner


Estimating Precipitation from WSR-88D Observations and Rain Gauge Data: Potential for Drought Monitoring, Gregory J. Story


Assessment of Management to Mitigate Anthropogenic Effects on Large Whales, Julie M. Van Der Hoop, Michael J. Moore, Susan G. Barco, Timothy V.N. Cole, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Allison G. Henry, Donald F. Mcalpine, William A. Mclellan, Tonya Wimmer, and Andrew R. Solow


Seasonal zooplankton dynamics in Lake Michigan: Disentangling impacts of resource limitation, ecosystem engineering, and predation during a critical ecosystem transition, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Steven A. Pothoven, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, Joann F. Cavaletto, James R. Liebig, Craig A. Stow, Thomas F. Nalepa, Charles P. Madenjian, and David B. Bunnell


A pollen-based reconstruction of summer temperature in central North America and implications for circulation patterns during medieval times, Eugene R. Wahl, Henry F. Diaz, and Christian Ohlwein


Characterization of turbidity in Florida’s Lake Okeechobee and Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Estuaries using MODIS-Aqua measurements, Menghua Wang, Carl J. Nim, SeungHyun Son, and Wei Shi


Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) as a paleothermometer: otolith oxygen isotope reconstruction, Catherine F. West, Stephen Wischniowski, and Christopher Johnston


The effect of soil surface litter residue on energy and carbon fluxes in a deciduous forest, T.B. Wilson, T.P. Meyers, J. Kochendorfer, M. C. Anderson, and M. Heuer


View angle effects on MODIS snow mapping in forests, Qinchuan Xin, Curtis E. Woodcock, Jicheng Liu, Bin Tan, Rae A. Melloh, and Robert E. Davis


Validation of the GOES-R ABI flood and standing water algorithm using gauging station measurements and interpretation maps, Rui Zhang, Donglian Sun, Yunyue Yu, Anthony Stefanidis, and Mitchell D. Goldberg


Validation of the GOES-R ABI flood and standing water algorithm using gauging station measurements and interpretation maps, Rui Zhang, Donglian Sun, Yunyue Yu, Anthony Stefanidis, and Mitchell D. Goldberg


Prototype for monitoring and forecasting fall foliage coloration in real time from satellite data, Xiaoyang Zhang, Mitchell D. Goldberg, and Yunyue Yu


Prototype for monitoring and forecasting fall foliage coloration in real time from satellite data, Xiaoyang Zhang, Mitchell D. Goldberg, and Yunyue Yu


Effect of fires on soil organic carbon pool and mineralization in a Northeastern China wetland, Hongmei Zhao, Daniel Q. Tong, Qianxin Lin, Xianguo Lu, and Guoping Wang



ISOLATION AND TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS OF ADULT ZEBRAFISH CELLS ENRICHED FOR SKELETAL MUSCLE PROGENITORS, Matthew S. Alexander, Genri Kawahara, Alvin T. Kho, Melanie H. Howell, Timothy J. Pusack, Jennifer A. Myers, Federica Monanaro, Leonard I. Zon, Jeffrey R. Guyon, and Louis M. Kunkel


Small-scale fisheries of Peru: a major sink for marine turtles in the Pacific, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Francisco Bernedo, Peter H. Dutton, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, and Brendan J. Godley


Explaining spatial variability in stream habitats using both natural and management-influenced landscape predictors, K. J. Anlauf, D. W. Jensen, K. M. Burnett, E. A. Steel, K. Christiansen, J. C. Firman, B. E. Feist, and D. P. Larsen


Seasonal and interannual effects of hypoxia on fish habitat quality in central Lake Erie, Kristin K. Arend, Dmitry Beletsky, Joseph DePinto, Stuart A. Ludsin, James J. Roberts, Daniel K. Rucinski, Donald Scavia, David J. Schwab, and Tomas O. Höök


Population structure of melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) in the Hawaiian Archipelago: Evidence of multiple populations based on photo identification, Jessica M. Aschettino, Robin W. Baird, Daniel J. McSweeney, Daniel L. Webster, Gregory S. Schorr, Jessica L. Huggins, Karen K. Martin, Sabre D. Mahaffy, and Kristi L. West


The response of fish larvae to decadal changes in environmental forcing factors off the Oregon coast, Toby D. Auth, Richard D. Brodeur, Heather L. Soulen, Lorenzo Ciannelli, and William T. Peterson


Movements of two satellite-tagged pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) off the island of Hawai‘i, Robin W. Baird, Gregory S. Schorr, Daniel L. Webster, Dan J. McSweeney, M. Bradley Hanson, and Russel D. Andrews


Dramatic shifts in Hawaiian monk seal distribution predicted from divergent regional trends, Jason D. Baker, Albert L. Harting, Tracy A. Wurth, and Thea C. Johanos


Humpback whale abundance in the North Pacific estimated by photographic capture-recapture with bias correction from simulation studies, Jay Barlow, John Calambokidis, Erin A. Falcone, C. Scott Baker, Alexander M. Burdin, Phillip J. Clapham, John K. B. Ford, Christine M. Gabriele, Richard LeDuc, David K. Mattila, Terrance J. Quinn II, Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, Janice M. Straley, Barbara L. Taylor, Jorge Urbán R., Paul Wade, David Weller, Briana H. Witteveen, and Manami Yamaguchi


Satellite cloud and precipitation assimilation at operational NWP centres, Peter Bauer, Thomas Auligné, William Bell, Alan Geer, Vincent Guidard, Sylvain Heilliette, Masahiro Kazumori, Min-Jeong Kim, Emily H.-C. Liu, Anthony P. McNally, Bruce Macpherson, Kozo Okamoto, Richard Renshaw, and Lars-Peter Riishøjgaard


The use of potential vorticity inversion to evaluate the effect of precipitation on downstream mesoscale processes, Martin Baxter, Phillip Schumacher, and Joshua Boustead


Multidecadal otolith growth histories for red and gray snapper (Lutjanus spp.) in the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, Bryan A. Black, Robert J. Allman, Isaac D. Schroeder, and Michael J. Schirripa


Winter and summer upwelling modes and their biological importance in the California Current Ecosystem, Bryan A. Black, Isaac D. Schroeder, William J. Sydeman, Steven J. Bograd, Brian K. Wells, and Franklin B. Schwing


State of the Climate in 2010, Jessica Blunden, Derek S. Arndt, and Molly O. Baringer


A riverscape perspective of Pacific salmonids and aquatic habitats prior to large-scale dam removal in the Elwha River, Washington, USA, S. J. Brenkman, J. J. Duda, C. E. Torgersen, E. Welty, G. R. Pess, R. Peters, and M. L. Mchenry


International Drought Workshop Series, Michael J. Brewer and Richard R. Heim Jr.




The minimization of the screen bias from ancient Western Mediterranean air temperature records: an exploratory statistical analysis, Manola Brunet, Jesús Asin, Javier Sigró, Manuel Bañón, Francisco García, Enric Aguilar, Juan Esteban Palenzuela, Thomas C. Peterson, and Phil Jones


Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) population identity in the western Mediterranean Sea, Manuel Castellote, Christopher W. Clark, and Marc O. Lammers


A synergetic use of satellite imagery from SAR and optical sensors to improve coastal flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico, Naira Chaouch, Marouane Temimi, Scott Hagen, John Weishampel, Stephen Medeiros, and Reza Khanbilvardi


Do Invasive Mussels Restrict Offshore Phosphorus Transport in Lake Huron?, YoonKyung Cha, Craig A. Stow, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Kenneth H. Reckhow


Migration and behavior of juvenile North Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga), John Childers, Stephanie Snyder, and Suzanne Kohin


From Observations to Forecasts – Part 8: The use of satellite observations in numerical weather prediction, Andrew Collard, Fiona Hilton, Mary Forsythe, and Brett Candy


Review Article The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project, G. P. Compo, J. S. Whitaker, P. D. Sardeshmukh, N. Matsui, R. J. Allan, X. Yin, B. E. Gleason Jr., R. S. Vose, G. Rutledge, P. Bessemoulin, S. Brönnimann, M. Brunet, R. I. Crouthamel, A. N. Grant, P. Y. Groisman, P. D. Jones, M. C. Kruk, A. C. Kruger, G. J. Marshall, M. Maugeri, H. Y. Mok, Ø. Nordli, T. F. Ross, R. M. Trigo, X. L. Wang, S. D. Woodruff, and S. J. Worley


Age estimation and growth layer patterns in teeth of Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus c. commersonii) in subantarctic waters, Natalia A. Dellabianca, Aleta A. Hohn, and R. Natalie P. Goodall


Development of an enhanced tropical cyclone tracks database for the southwest Pacific from 1840 to 2010, H. J. Diamond, A. M. Lorrey, K. R. Knapp, and D. H. Levinson


Cloud statistics and cloud radiative effect for a low-mountain site, Kerstin Ebell, Susanne Crewell, Ulrich Löhnert, David D. Turner, and Ewan J. O'Connor


Seasonality of calving and predation risk in bottlenose dolphins on Little Bahama Bank, Holly Fearnbach, John Durban, Kim Parsons, and Diane Claridge


Global mismatch between research effort and conservation needs of tropical coral reefs, Rebecca Fisher, Ben T. Radford, Nancy Knowlton, Russell E. Brainard, Frances B. Michaelis, and M. Julian Caley


What’s the catch? Patterns of cetacean bycatch and depredation in Hawaii-based pelagic longline fisheries, Karin A. Forney, Donald R. Kobayashi, David W. Johnston, Jamie A. Marchetti, and Michael G. Marsik


Can water vapour process data be used to estimate precipitation efficiency?, Shouting Gao and Xiaofan Li




Inference without significance: measuring support for hypotheses rather than rejecting them, Tim Gerrodette


A combined visual and acoustic estimate of 2008 abundance, and change in abundance since 1997, for the vaquita, Phocoena sinus, Tim Gerrodette, Barbara L. Taylor, René Swift, Shannon Rankin, Armando M. Jaramillo-Legorreta, and Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho


Radar characteristics of continental, coastal, andmaritime convection observed during AMMA/NAMMA, Nick Guy, Steven A. Rutledge, and Robert Cifelli


Understanding and Estimating Effective Population Size for Practical Application in Marine Species Management, Matthew P. Hare, Leonard Nunney, Michael K. Schwartz, Daniel E. Ruzzante, Martha Burford, Robin S. Waples, Kristen Ruegg, and Friso Palstra


Letter to the Editor, Ron A. Heintz, Stanley D. Rice, Mark G. Carls, and Jeffery W. Short


Comparative metabolic rates of common western North Atlantic Ocean sciaenid fishes, A. Z. Horodysky, R. W. Brill, P. G. Bushnell, J. A. Musick, and R. J. Latour