United States Department of Commerce: Staff Publications | U.S. Department of Commerce | University of Nebraska - Lincoln




Spatial-temporal stratifications in natural populations and how they affect understanding and estimation of effective population size, Robin Waples


Linkage disequilibrium estimates of contemporary Ne using highly variable genetic markers: a largely untapped resource for applied conservation and evolution, Robin Waples and Chi Do


Eco-evolutionary dynamics: fluctuations in population growth rate reduce effective population size in chinook salmon, Robin Waples, David Jensen, and Michelle McClure


Stabilization of Fragments to Enhance Asexual Recruitment in Acropora Palmata, a Threatened Caribbean Coral, Dana E. Williams and Margaret W. Miller



Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessments, 2008, R. P. Angliss and B. M. Allen


Population Structure of Island-Associated Dolphins: Evidence from Photo-Identification of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncates) in the Main Hawaiian Islands, Robin Baird, Antoinette Gorgone, Daniel McSweeney, Allan Ligon, Mark Deakos, Daniel Webster, Gregory Schorr, Karen Martien, Dan Salden, and Sabre Mahaffy




A fish of many scales: extrapolating sublethal pesticide exposures to the productivity of wild salmon populations, David H. Baldwin, Julann A. Spromberg, Tracy K. Collier, and Nathaniel L. Scholz


Anthropogenic Scarring of Western Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus), Amanda Bradford, David Weller, Yulia Ivaschenko, Alexander Burdin, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Behavior of Melon-Headed Whales, Peponocephala electra, Near Oceanic Islands, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Katherine Ralls, Simone Baumann-Pickering, and M. Michael Poole


Worldwide Review Of Pygmy Killer Whales, Feresa attenuate, Mass Strandings Reveals Taiwan Hot Spot, Robert L. Brownell Jr., C.-J. Yao, Chia-Shan Lee, and Ming-Chih Wang


Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2008, Alexander M. Burdin, Grigory A. Tsidulko, Maxim Sidorenko, Amanda L. Bradford, David W. Weller, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Insights into the population structure of blue whales in the Eastern North Pacific from recent sightings and photographic identification, John Calambokidis, Jay Barlow, John K. B. Ford, Todd E. Chandler, and Annie B. Douglas


Draft U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 2009, James V. Carretta, Karin A. Forney, Mark S. Lowry, Jay Barlow, Jason Baker, Dave Johnston, Brad Hanson, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Jooke Robbins, David K. Mattila, Katherine Ralls, Marcia M. Muto, Deanna Lynch, and Lilian Carswell


U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: 2009, James V. Carretta, Karin A. Forney, Mark S. Lowry, Jay Barlow, Jason Baker, Dave Johnston, Brad Hanson, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Jooke Robbins, David K. Mattila, Katherine Ralls, Marcia M. Muto, Deanna Lynch, and Lilian Carswell


Sex change and the genetic structure of marine fish populations, Julien Chopelet, Robin Waples, and Stefano Mariani


Catches of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, by the Soviet Union and Other Nations in the Southern Ocean, 1947–1973, Phil Clapham, Yuri Mikhalev, Wally Franklin, David Paton, C. Scott Baker, Yulia V. Ivashchenko, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Accounting for uncertainty in ecological analysis: the strengths and limitations of hierarchical statistical modeling, Noel Cressie, Catherine A. Calder, James S. Clark, Jay M. Ver Hoef, and Christopher K. Wikle


Cetaceans of Southeast Alaska: Distribution and Seasonal Occurrence, Marilyn E. Dahlheim, Janice M. Waite, and Paula A. White


Treatment of Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus) Pups with Ivermectin Reduces Hookworm-Induced Mortality, Robert Delong, Anthony Orr, Ryan Jenkinson, and Eugene T. Lyons


Harvesting Young-of-the-Year from Large Mammal Populations: An Application of Systemic Management, C. W. Fowler, T. E. Jewell, and M.V. Lee


Spatial modelling and prediction on river networks: up model, down model or hybrid?, Vincent Garreta, Pascal Monestiez, and Jay M. Ver Hoef


Contrasting patterns of genetic diversity at three different genetic markers in a marine mammal metapopulation, J. I. Hoffman, K. K. Dasmahapatra, W. Amos, C. D. Phillips, T. S. Gelatt, and J . W. Bickham


Blubber Testosterone: A Potential Marker of Male Reproductive Status in Short-Beaked Common Dolphins, Nicholas Kellar, Marisa Trego, Corina Marks, Susan Chivers, Kerri Danil, and Frederick Archer


Effects of age, sex and reproductive status on persistent organic pollutant concentrations in ‘‘Southern Resident” killer whales, Margaret M. Krahn, M. Bradley Hanson, Gregory Schorr, Candice K. Emmons, Douglas G. Burrows, Jennie L. Bolton, Robin W. Baird, and Gina M. Ylitalo


Adaptations in a hierarchical food web of southeastern Lake Michigan, Ann E. Krause, Ken A. Frank, Michael L. Jones, Thomas F. Nalepa, Richard P. Barbiero, Charles P. Madenjian, Megan Agy, Marlene S. Evans, William W. Taylor, Doran M. Mason, and Nancy J. Leonard


Neglect of Genetic Diversity in Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Linda Laikre, Fred W. Allendorf, Laurel C. Aroner, C. Scott Baker, David P. Gregovich, Michael M. Hansen, Jennifer A. Jackson, Katherine C. Kendall, Kevin Mckelvey, Maile C. Neel, Isabelle Olivieri, Nils Ryman, Michael K. Schwartz, Ruth Short Bull, Jeffrey B. Stetz, David A. Tallmon, Barbara L. Taylor, Christina D. Vojta, Donald M. Waller, and Robin S. Waples


Regional differences in the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of oceanographic habitat used by Steller sea lions, Michelle E. Lander, Thomas R. Loughlin, Miles G. Logsdon, Glenn R. Vanblaricom, Brian S. Fadely, and Lowell W. Fritz


Investigation of Growth Phases for Bottlenose Dolphins using a Bayesian Modeling Approach, Wayne McFee, John Schwacke, Megan Stolen, Keith Mullin, and Lori Schwacke


Paedomorphic Ossification in Porpoises with an Emphasis on the Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), Liliana Mellor, Lisa Noelle Cooper, Jorge Torre, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Transformation of the offshore benthic community in Lake Michigan: recent shift from the native amphipod Diporeia spp. to the invasive mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, Thomas F. Nalepa, David L. Fanslow, and Gregory A. Lang


Recent changes in benthic macroinvertebrate populations in Lake Huron and impact on the diet of lake whitefish (coregonus clupeaformis), Thomas F. Nalepa, Steven A. Pothoven, and David L. Fanslow


Do Monk Seals Exert Top-Down Pressure in Subphotic Ecosystems?, Frank Parrish


Review of the Evidence Used In The Description Of Currently Recognized Cetacean Subspecies, William F. Perrin, James G. Mead, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Record of Feeding by Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Tropical Waters off Brazil, Luiz Claudio Pinto de sa Alves, Artur Andriolo, Alexandra Zerbini, Jose Luis Altmayer Pizzorno, and Phillip Clapham


Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin Assessment Workshop Report, R.R. Reeves and R. L. Brownell Jr.


A Trans-Holocene Archaeological Record of Guadalupe Fur Seals (Arctocephalus townsendi) on the California Coast, Torben Rick, Robert DeLong, Jon Erlandson, Todd Braje, Terry Jones, Douglas Kennett, Thomas Wake, and Phillip Walker


Seasonality, estrous cycle characterization, estrus synchronization, semen cryopreservation, and artificial insemination in the Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), T. R. Robeck, K. J. Steinman, M. Greenwell, K. Ramirez, W. Van Bonn, M. Toshioka, E. Katsumata, L. Dalton, S. Osborn, and J. K. O'Brien


CRYPTOCOCCUS GATTIIVGI IN A SPINNERDOLPHIN (STENELLA LONGIROSTRIS) FROM HAWAII, David S. Rotstein, Kristi West, Gregg Levine, Shawn R. Lockhart, Stephen Raverty, Muhammad G. Morshed, and Teri Rowles


Movements and Diving Behavior of Pelagic Spotted Dolphins, Michael Scott and Susan Chivers


From Captivity to the Wild and Back: An Attempt to Release Keiko the Killer Whale, M. Simon, M. B. Hanson, L. Murrey, J. Tougaard, and F. Ugarte


Demography and population viability of polar bears in the Gulf of Boothia, Nunavut, Mitchell Taylor, Jeff Laake, Philip McLoughlin, H. Dean Cluff, and Francois Messier


Development and application of DNA techniques for validating and improving pinniped diet estimates, Dominic J. Tollit, Angela D. Schulze, Andrew W. Trites, Peter F. Olesiuk, Susan J. Crockford, Thomas S. Gelatt, Rolf R. Ream, and Kristina M. Miller


Feedback between zebra mussel selective feeding and algal composition affects mussel condition: did the regime changer pay a price for its success?, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Thomas H. Johengen, and James R. Liebig


Review of Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R by R. S. Bivand, E. J. Pebesma, and V. Gomez-Rubio, Jay M. Ver Hoef


Mammal-eating killer whales and their prey—trend data for pinnipeds and sea otters in the North Pacific Ocean do not support the sequential megafaunal collapse hypothesis, P. R. Wade, J. M. Ver Hoef, and D. P. Demaster


Evolutionary History, Habitat Disturbance Regimes, and Anthropogenic Changes: What Do These Mean for Resilience of Pacific Salmon Populations?, Robin Waples, Tim Beechie, and George R. Pess


Modelling evolutionary processes in small populations: not as ideal as you think, Robin Waples and James R. Faulkner


Genetic and Evolutionary Considerations in Fishery Management: Research Needs for the Future, Robin Waples and Kerry A. Naish


Birth-Intervals and Sex Composition of Western Gray Whales Summering off Sakhalin Island, Russia, David W. Weller, Amanda L. Bradford, Aimée R. Lang, Robert L. Brownell Jr., and Alexander M. Burdin


Movements and Dive Patterns of a Rehabilitated Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, Randall Wells, Charles Manire, Lynne Byrd, David Smith, Janet Gannon, Deborah Fauquier, and Keith Mullin


Diet of Pygmy Sperm Whales (Kogia breviceps) in the Hawaiian Archipelago, Kristi West, William Walker, Robin Baird, Whitney White, Gregg Levine, Eric Brown, and David Schofield


Northern Fur Seal Rookery Photo Archive: Aerial and Ground-Level Photos, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1895 - 2006, Kymberly M. Yano, Jessica Y. Tingg, and Charles W. Fowler


Health Assessment of Weddell Seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, P.K. Yochem, B.S. Stewart, T.S. Gelatt, and D.B. Siniff



An Improved Method for Predicting the Accuracy of Genetic Stock Identification, Eric C. Anderson, Robin Waples, and Steven T. Kalinowski


False Killer Whales (Pseudorca crassidens) Around the Main Hawaiian Islands: Long-Term Site Fidelity, Inter-Island Movements, and Association Patterns, Robin Baird, Antoinette Gorgone, Daniel McSweeney, Daniel Webster, Dan Salden, Mark Deakos, Allan Ligon, Gregory Schorr, Jay Barlow, and Sabre Mahaffy


Diel Variation in Beaked Whale Diving Behavior, Robin Baird, Daniel Webster, Gregory Schorr, Daniel McSweeney, and Jay Barlow


Demographics and Spatio-Temporal Signature of the Biotoxin Domoic Acid in California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) Stranding Records, Adriana Bejarano, Frances Gulland, Tracey Goldstein, Judy St. Leger, Michele Hunter, Lori Schwacke, Frances VanDolah, and Teri Rowles


The Truth About Soviet Whaling: A Memoir, Alfred Berzin


Seasonal and annual variation in body condition of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, Amanda L. Bradford, David W. Weller, Yulia V. Ivashchenko, Alexander M. Burdin, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Population abundance and growth rate of western gray whales Eschrichtius robustus, Amanda L. Bradford, David W. Weller, Paul R. Wade, Alexander M. Burdin, and Robert L. Brownell Jr.


Hunting cetaceans with sound: a worldwide review, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Douglas P. Nowacek, and Katherine Ralls


Biological Background on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in the 'Live-Capture' Trade and Specifically on the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, T. Aduncus, Robert L. Brownell Jr. and Randall Reeves


Acoustic Pingers Eliminate Beaked Whale Bycatch in a Gill Net Fishery, James Carretta, Jay Barlow, and Lyle Enriquez


An animal movement model incorporating home range and habitat selection, Aaron Christ, Jay Ver Hoef, and Dale L. Zimmerman


Determining spatial and temporal scales for management: lessons from whaling, P J. Clapham, Alex Aguilar, and Leila Hatch


Eastern temperate North Pacific offshore killer whales (Orcinus orca): Occurrence, movements, and insights into feeding ecology, Marilyn Dahlheim, Alisa Schulman-Janiger, Nancy Black, Richard Ternullo, Dave Ellifrit, and Kenneth Balcomb III


Eastern Temperate North Pacific Offshore Killer Whales (Orcinus orca): Occurrence, Movements, and Insights into Feeding Ecology, Marilyn Dalheim, Alisa Schulman-Janiger, Nancy Black, Richard Ternullo, Dave Ellifrit, and Kenneth Balcomb III


Design and field methods for sighting surveys of cetaceans in coastal and riverine habitats, Steve Dawson, Paul Wade, Elisabeth Slooten, and Jay Barlow


Florida Red Tide and Brevetoxins: Association and Exposure in Live Resident Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncates) in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A., Spencer Fire, Leanne Flewelling, Zhihong Wang, Jerome Naar, Michael Henry, Richard Pierce, and Randall Wells


Linking Colonies to Fisheries: Spatio-Temporal Overlap Between Common Murres (Uria aalge) from Tatoosh Island and Coastal Gillnet Fisheries in the Pacific Northwest, USA, Nathalie J. Hamela, Julia K. Parrisha, and Jeff Laake


Letter to the Editor: COMMENT ON ‘‘TOXICITY OF WEATHERED EXXON VALDEZ CRUDE OIL TO PINK SALMON EMBRYOS’’, Ron A. Heintz, Jeffrey W. Short, Stanley D. Rice, and Mark G. Carls


A General Framework for the Analysis of Animal Resource Selection from Telemetry Data, Devin S. Johnson, Dana L. Thomas, Jay M. Ver Hoef, and Aaron Christ


Some Fungi and Water Molds in Waters of Lake Michigan with Emphasis on Those Associated with the Benthic Amphipod Diporeia spp., Bozena Kiziewicz and Thomas F. Nalepa


Use of Chemical Tracers to Assess Diet and Persistent Organic Pollutants in Antarctic Type C Killer Whales, Margaret Krahn, Robert Pitman, Douglas Burrows, David Herman, and Ronald Pearce


Synoptic-Scale Convective Environment Climatology by ENSO Phase in the North Central United States, Barbara E. Mayes, Joshua M. Boustead, Craig Cogil, Glenn R. Lussky, Jeffrey S. Boyne, and Richard S. Ryrholm


North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) Seasonal and Diel Calling Patterns from Long-Term Acoustic Recordings in the Southeastern Bering Sea, 2000–2006, Lisa Munger, Sean Wiggins, Sue Moore, and John Hildebrand


Environmental Policy Aid Under Uncertainty, J. Mysiak, J. D. Brown, J. M. L. Jansen, and N. W. T. Quinn


Abundances of the Amphipod Diporeia Spp. and the Mussels Dreissena Polymorpha and Dreissena Rostriformis Bugensis in Lake Michigan in 1994-1995, 2000, and 2005, Thomas F. Nalepa, David L. Fanslow, Gregory A. Lang, Derek B. Lamarand, Laurie G. Cummins, and Glenn S. Carter


Arctic Report Card 2008: Tracking Recent Environmental Changes, J. Overland, J. Walsh, M. Wang, J. Richter-Menge, J. Comiso, W. Meier, S. Nghiem, D. Perovich, A. Proshutinsky, J. Morison, I. Ashik, E. Carmack, I. Frolov, J. C. Gascard, M. Itoh, R. Krishfield, F. McLaughlin, I . Polyakov, B. Rudels, U. Schauer, K . Shimada, V. Sokolov, M. Steele, M.-L. Timmermans, J. Toole, V. Romanovsky, R. Armstrong, A. Shiklomanov, D. Walker, G. Jia, J. Box, J. Cappelen, D. Bromwich, L.-S. Bai, T. Mote, B. Veenhuis, N. Mikkelsen, A. Weidick, Michael Svoboda, D. Russell, M.J.J.E. Loonen, C. Zöckler, B. Ebbinge, M. Simpkins, C.D. Sawatzky, and J.D. Reist


Diet of the Striped Dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, William F. Perrin, Kelly M. Robertson, and William A. Walker


An Assessment of Shore-Based Counts of Gray Whales, David Rugh, Marcia Muto, Roderick Hobbs, and James Lerczak


Harbor seal population decline in the Aleutian Archipelago, Robert Small, Peter Boveng, G. Vernon Byrd, and David Withrow


Taking account of dependent species in management of the Southern Ocean krill fishery: estimating crabeater seal abundance off east Antarctica, Colin Southwell, Charles G. M. Paxton, David Borchers, Peter Boveng, and William de la Mare


Geographic Variation in Killer Whale Attacks on Humpback Whales in the North Pacific: Implications for Predation Pressure, Gretchen H. Steiger, John Calambokidis, Janice M. Straley, Louis M. Herman, Salvatore Cerchio, Dan R. Salden, Jorge Urban-R., Jeff K. Jacobsen, Olga von Ziegesar, Kenneth C. Balcomb, Christine M. Gabriele, Marilyn E. Dahlheim, Senzo Uchida, John K. B. Ford, Paloma Ladron de Guevara-P., Manami Yamaguchi, and Jay Barlow


Spatial methods for plot-based sampling of wildlife populations, Jay M. Ver Hoef


Genetic isolation and morphological divergence of Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, Karine A. Viaud-Martineza, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Andrew J. Bohonak, and Anastasia Komnenouc


Legal Viability, Societal Values, and SPOIR: Response to D’Elia et al., Robin Waples, Peter B. Adams, James Bohnsack, and Barbara L. Taylor


LDNE: a program for estimating effective population size from data on linkage disequilibrium, Robin Waples and Chi Do


Special Issue: Evolutionary perspectives on salmonid conservation and management, Robin Waples and Andrew P. Hendry


Evolutionary history of Pacific salmon in dynamic environments, Robin Waples, George R. Pess, and Tim Beechie


Integrating genetic data into management of marine resources: how can we do it better?, Robin Waples, Andre E. Punt, and Jason M. Cope


Potential for anthropogenic disturbances to influence evolutionary change in the life history of a threatened salmonid, John G. Williams, Richard W. Zabel, Robin Waples, Jeffrey A. Hutchings, and William P. Connor


Abundance and Conservation Status of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise in the Yangtze River, China, Xiujiang Zhao, Jay Barlow, Barbara L. Taylor, Robert L. Pitman, Kexiong Wang, Zhuo Wei, Brent S. Stewart, Samuel T. Turvey, Tomonari Akamatsu, Randall R. Reeves, and Ding Wang



Effective population size of steelhead trout: influence of variance in reproductive success, hatchery programs, and genetic compensation between life-history forms, Hitoshi Araki, Robin Waples, William Ardren, Becky Cooper, and Michael S. Blouin


A potential bias in the temporal method for estimating Ne in admixed populations under natural selection, Hitoshi Araki, Robin Waples, and Michael S. Blouin


State of the Climate in 2006 Executive Summary, A. Arguez, A.M. Waple, and A.M. Sanchez-Lugo


Estimating the number of whales entering trade using DNA profiling and capture-recapture analysis of market products, C. Scott Baker, Justin G. Cooke, Shane Lavery, Merel L. Dalebout, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Yong-Un Ma, Naoko Funahashi, and Colm Carraher


Past and present distribution, densities and movements of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean, T. A. Branch, K. M. Stafford, D. M. Palacios, C. Allison, J. L. Bannister, C. L. K. Burton, E. Cabrera, C. A. Carlson, B. Galletti Vernazzani, P. C. Gill, R. Hucke-Gaete, K. C. S. Jenner, M.-N. M. Jenner, K. Matsuoka, Y. A. Mikhalev, T. Miyashita, M. G. Morrice, S. Nishiwaki, V. J. Sturrock, D. Tormosov, R. C. Anderson, A. N. Baker, P. B. Best, P. Borsa, R. L. Brownell Jr., S. Childerhouse, K. P. Findlay, T. Gerrodette, A. D. Ilangakoon, M. Joergensen, B. Kahn, D. K. Ljungblad, B. Maughan, R. D. Mccauley, S. Mckay, T. F. Norris, Oman Whale, Dolphin Research Group, R. M. Warneke, S. Rankin, F. Samaran, D. Thiele, and K. Van Waerebeek


Skin lesions on blue whales off southern Chile: Possible conservation implications?, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Carole A. Carlson, Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, and Elsa Cabrera