Impacts of Migratory Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) on Microbial Water Quality in the Central Platte River, Nebraska, USA, Jason R. Vogel, Dale W. Griffin, Hon S. Ip, Nicholas J. Ashbolt, Matthew T. Moser, Jingrang Lu, Mary K. Beitz, Hodon Ryu, and Jorge W. Santo Domingo
Evidence of Songbird Intoxication From Rozol Application at a Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony, Nimish B. Vyas, Craig S. Hulse, Carol U. Meteyer, and Clifford P. Rice
A global standard for monitoring coastal wetland vulnerability to accelerated sea-level rise, Edward L. Webb, Daniel A. Friess, Ken W. Krauss, Donald R. Cahoon, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and Jacob Phelps
On Modeling Weak Sinks in MODPATH, Daniel Abrams, H. Haitjema, and L. Kauffman
Effects of Mining-Derived Metals on Riffle-Dwelling Crayfish in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas, USA, Ann L. Allert, Robert J. DiStefano, Christopher J. Schmitt, James F. Fairchild, and William G. Brumbaugh
The Driving Forces Of Land Change In The Northern Piedmont Of The United States, Roger F. Auch, Darrell E. Napton, Steven Kambly, Thomas R. Moreland Jr., and Kristi L. Sayler
Hurricane disturbance and recovery of energy balance, CO2 fluxes and canopy structure in a mangrove forest of the Florida Everglades, Jordan G. Barr, Vic Engel, Thomas J. Smith, and José D. Fuentes
Development and application of methods used to source prehistoric Southwestern maize: a review, Larry Benson
Insights from a synthesis of old and new climate-proxy data from the Pyramid and Winnemucca lake basins for the period 48 to 11.5 cal ka, Larry Benson, J.P. Smoot, S.P. Lund, S.A. Mensing, F.F. Foit Jr., and R.O. Rye
Long-term effects of the ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil spill: sea otter foraging in the intertidal as a pathway of exposure to lingering oil, James L. Bodkin, Brenda E. Ballachey, Heather A. Coletti, George G. Esslinger, Kimberly A. Kloecker, Stanley D. Rice, John A. Reed, and Daniel H. Monson
Gene transcription in sea otters (Enhydra lutris); development of a diagnostic tool for sea otter and ecosystem health, Lizabeth Bowen, A. Keith Miles, Michael Murray, Martin Haulena, Judy Tuttle, William Van Bonn, Lance Adams, James L. Bodkin, Brenda Ballachey, James A. Estes, M. Tim Tinker, Robin Keister, and Jeffrey L. Stott
The population structure of Escherichia coli isolated from subtropical and temperate soils, Muruleedhara N. Byappanahalli, Tao Yan, Matthew J. Hamilton, Satoshi Ishii, Roger S. Fujioka, Richard L. Whitman, and Michael J. Sadowsky
Global air temperature variability independent of sea-surface temperature influences, Andrew C. Comrie and Gregory J. McCabe
Simulated Effects Of Host Fish Distribution On Juvenile Unionid Mussel Dispersal In A Large River, J. A. Daraio, L. J. Weber, Steven J. Zigler, Teresa J. Newton, and John M. Nestler
Dynamics of Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) Forests and Historical Landscape Change along Unchannelized Segments of the Missouri River, USA, Mark D. Dixon, W. Carter Johnson, Michael L. Scott, Daniel E. Bowen, and Lisa A. Rabbe
Partial systematic adaptive cluster sampling, Arthur L. Dryver, Urairat Netharn, and David R. Smith
Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests, Andrew J. Elmore, Steven M. Guinn, Burke J. Minsley, and Andrew Richardson
Copper Pellets Simulating Oral Exposure to Copper Ammunition: Absence of Toxicity in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), J. Christian Franson, Lesanna L. Lahner, Carol U. Meteyer, and Barnett A. Rattner
Linking River Management To Species Conservation Using Dynamic Landscape-Scale Models, M. C. Freeman, G. R. Buell, L. E. Hay, W. B. Hughes, R. B. Jacobson, J. W. Jones, S. A. Jones, J. H. Lafontaine, K. R. Odom, J. T. Peterson, J. W. Riley, J. S. Schindler, C. Shea, and J. D. Weaver
Mapping Recent Decadal Climate Variations in Precipitation and Temperature across Eastern Africa and the Sahel, Christopher Funk, Joel Michaelsen, and Michael T. Marshall
Complementarity of ResourceSat-1 AWiFS and Landsat TM/ETM+ sensors, S.N. Goward, G. Chander, M. Pagnutti, A. Marx, R. Ryan, N. Thomas, and R. Tetrault
Wildlife Toxicology: Environmental Contaminants and Their National and International Regulation, K. Christiana Grim, Anne Fairbrother, and Barnett A. Rattner
Identifying grasslands suitable for cellulosic feedstock crops in the Greater Platte River Basin: dynamic modeling of ecosystem performance with 250 m eMODIS, Yingxin Gu, Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, and Larry L. Tieszen
Genetic Population Substructure in Bison at Yellowstone National Park, Natalie D. Halbert, Peter J. P. Gogan, Philip W. Hedrick, Jacquelyn M. Wahl, and James N. Derr
Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among terrestrial biosphere models, atmospheric inversions, and a new approach for estimating net ecosystem exchange from inventory-based data, Daniel J. Hayes, David P. Turner, Graham Stinson, A. David Mcguire, Yaxing Wei, Tristram O. West, Linda S. Heath, Bernardus Dejong, Brian G. Mcconkey, Richard A. Birdsey, Werner A. Kurz, Andrew R. Jacobson, Deborah N. Huntzinger, Yude Pan, W. Mac Post, and Robert B. Cook
Effects of biotic disturbances on forest carbon cycling in the United States and Canada, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Craig D. Allen, Ankur R. Desai, Michael C. Dietze, Ronald J. Hall, Edward (Ted) H. Hogg, Daniel M. Kashian, David Moore, Kenneth F. Raffa, Rona N. Sturrock, and James Vogelmann
Field experiment provides ground truth for surface nuclear magnetic resonance measurement, Rosemary Knight, Elliot Grunewald, Trevor Irons, Katherine Dlubac, Yiqiao Song, Henry N. Bachman, Ben Grau, Dave Walsh, Jared D. Abraham, and Jim Cannia
Autumn Migration of Mississippi Flyway Mallards as Determined by Satellite Telemetry, David George G. Krementz, Kwasi Asante, and Luke W. Naylor
Improved Mapping of National Atmospheric Deposition Program Wet-deposition in Complex Terrain using PRISM-gridded Data Sets, Natalie E. Latysh and Gregory Alan Wetherbee
On thinning of chains in MCMC, William A. Link and Mitchell J. Eaton
On thinning of chains in MCMC, William A. Link and Mitchell J. Eaton
Grizzly Bear Population Vital Rates and Trend in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, Montana, Richard D. Mace, Daniel W. Carney, Tonya Chilton-Radandt, Stacy A. Courville, Mark A. Haroldson, Richard B. Harris, James Jonkel, Bruce Mclellan, Michael Madel, Timothy Manley, Charles Schwartz, Christopher Servheen, Gordon Stenhouse, John S. Waller, and Erik Wenum
Agricultural Drought Monitoring in Kenya Using Evapotranspiration Derived from Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Data, Michael T. Marshall, Christopher Funk, and Joel Michaelsen
Airborne electromagnetic imaging of discontinuous permafrost, Burke J. Minsley, Jared D. Abraham, Bruce D. Smith, James C. Cannia, Clifford I. Voss, M. Torre Jorgenson, Michelle A. Walvoord, Bruce K. Wylie, Lesleigh Anderson, Lyndsay B. Ball, Maryla Deszcz-Pan, Tristan P. Wellman, and Thomas A. Ager
Remote sensing of sagebrush canopy nitrogen, Jessica J. Mitchell, Nancy F. Glenn, Temuulen T. Sankey, DeWayne R. Derryberry, and Matthew J. Germino
The geologic records of dust in the Quaternary, Daniel R. Muhs
Soil Genesis on the Island of Bermuda in the Quaternary: The Importance of African Dust Transport and Deposition, Daniel R. Muhs, James R. Budahn, Joseph M. Prospero, Gary Skipp, and Stanley R. Herwitz
Sea-level history of past interglacial periods from uranium-series dating of corals, Curaçao, Leeward Antilles islands, Daniel R. Muhs, John M. Pandolfi, Kathleen R. Simmons, and R. Randall Schumann
Sea-level history during the Last Interglacial complex on San Nicolas Island, California: implications for glacial isostatic adjustment processes, paleozoogeography and tectonics, Daniel R. Muhs, Kathleen R. Simmons, R. Randall Schumann, Lindsey T. Groves, Jerry X. Mitrovica, and DeAnna Laurel
Gonadal abnormalities in frogs (Lithobates spp.) collected from managed wetlands in an agricultural region of Nebraska, USA, Diana M. Papoulias, Matt S. Schwarz, and Lourdes Mena
Strontium isotope systematics of mixing groundwater and oil-field brine at Goose Lake in northeastern Montana, USA, Zell E. Peterman, Joanna N. Thamke, Kiyoto Futa, and Todd M. Preston
Climate Change and Infectious Disease Dynamics, Raina K. Plowright, Paul C. Cross, Gary M. Tabor, Emily Almberg, Leslie Bienen, and Peter J. Hudson
Long-term impacts of invasive species on a native top predator in a large lake system, Scott A. Rush, Gordon Paterson, Tim B. Johnson, Ken G. Drouillard, Gordon D. Haffner, Craig E. Hebert, Michael T. Arts, Daryl J. Mcgoldric, Sean M. Backus, Brian F. Lantry, Jana R. Lantry, Ted Schaner, and Aaron T. Fisk
Groundwater depletion and sustainability of irrigation in the US High Plains and Central Valley, Bridget R. Scanlon, Claudia C. Faunt, Laurent Longuevergne, Robert C. Reedy, William M. Alley, Virginia L. McGuire, and Peter B. McMahon
Heterogeneous detection probabilities for imperiled Missouri River fishes: implications for large-river monitoring programs, Joshua T. Schloesser, Craig P. Paukert, Wyatt J. Doyle, Tracy D. Hill, Kirk D. Steffensen, and Vince H. Travnichek
Tectonic influences on the preservation of marine terraces: Old and new evidence from Santa Catalina Island, California, R. Randall Schumann, Scott A. Minor, Daniel R. Muhs, Lindsey T. Groves, and John P. McGeehan
Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration for Operational Drought Monitoring Using Principles of Water and Energy Balance, Gabriel B. Senay, Stefanie Bohms, and James P. Verdin
Lake sturgeon population attributes and reproductive structure in the Namakan Reservoir, Minnesota and Ontario, S. L. Shaw, S. R. Chipps, Steve K. Windels, M. A. H. Webb, Darryl T. McLeod, and D. W. Willis
Strategies for Wildlife Disease Surveillance, Jonathan M. Sleeman, Christopher J. Brand, and Scott D. Wright
History and evaluation of national-scale geochemical data sets for the United States, David B. Smith, Steven M. Smith, and John D. Horton
Hybridization among Arctic white-headed gulls (Larus spp.) obscures the genetic legacy of the Pleistocene, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, R. Terry Chesser, Douglas A. Bell, and Carla J. Dove
Habitat and prey availability attributes associated with juvenile and early adult pallid sturgeon occurrence in the Missouri River, USA, Bryan D. Spindler, Steven R. Chipps, Robert A. Klumb, Brian D. S. Graeb, and Michael C. Wimberly
Catching Air - Those Magnificent Jumping Suwannee Sturgeons, Ken Sulak
Feeding habitats of the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Suwannee and Yellow rivers, Florida, as identified by multiple stable isotope analyses, Kenneth J. Sulak, J. J. Berg, and M. Randall
East versus West: Organic contaminant differences in brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) eggs from South Carolina, USA and the Gulf of California, Mexico, Stacy S. Vander Pol, Daniel W. Anderson, Patrick G.R. Jodice, and Joyce E. Stuckey
Monitoring gradual ecosystem change using Landsat time series analyses: Case studies in selected forest and rangeland ecosystems, James E. Vogelmann, George Xian, Collin Homer, and Brian Tolk
Critique on the Use of the Standardized Avian Acute Oral Toxicity Test for First Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides, Nimish B. Vyas and Barnett A. Rattner
Do bioclimate variables improve performance of climate envelope models?, James I. Watling, Stephanie S. Romanach, David N. Bucklin, Carolina Speroterra, Laura A. Brandt, Leonard G. Pearlstine, and Frank J. Mazzotti
Sorta Situ: The New Reality of Management Conditions for Wildlife Populations in the Absence of "Wild" Spaces, Barbara A. Wolfe, Roberto F. Aguilar, A. Alonso Aguirre, Glenn H. Olsen, and Evan S. Blumer
Taxonomic status and relationships of Sorex obscurus parvidens Jackson, 1921, from California, Neal Woodman
Predicting impacts of increased CO2 and climate change on the water cycle and water quality in the semiarid James River Basin of the Midwestern USA, Yiping Wu, Shuguang Liu, and Alisa L. Gallant
Identifying potential areas for biofuel production and evaluating the environmental effects: a case study of the James River Basin in the Midwestern United States, Yiping Wu, Shuguang Liu, and Zhengpeng Li
Fitting statistical distributions to sea duck count data: Implications for survey design and abundance estimation, Elise F. Zipkin, Jeffery B. Leirness, Brian P. Kinlan, Allan F. O’Connell, and Emily D. Silverman
Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys For 3d Geological Mapping, Jared D. Abraham and James C. Cannia
The rise and fall of Lake Bonneville between 45 and 10.5 ka, L.V. Benson, S.P. Lund, J.P. Smoot, D.E. Rhode, R.J. Spencer, K.L. Verosub, L.A. Louderback, C.A. Johnson, R.O. Rye, and R.M. Negrini
Introduction to “Environmental Contaminants in Biota, 2nd edition”, W. Nelson Beyer and James P. Meador
Secretive Marsh Bird Species Co-Occurrences and Habitat Associations Across the Midwest, USA, Jason R. Bolenbaugh, Sarah E. Lehnen, and David G. Krementz
Mercury trends in fish from rivers and lakes in the United States, 1969–2005, Ann Chalmers, Denise M. Argue, David A. Gay, Mark E. Brigham, Christopher J. Schmitt, and David Lorenz
Land Change Variability and Human–Environment Dynamics in the United States Great Plains, Mark A, Drummond; Roger F. Auch; Krista A. Karstensen; Kristi L. Sayler; Janis L. Taylor; and Thomas Loveland
Spatial Patch Occupancy Patterns of the Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit, Mitchell J. Eaton, Phillip T. Hughes, James D. Nichols, Anne Morkill, and Chad Anderson
Spatial Patch Occupancy Patterns of the Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit, Mitchell J. Eaton, Phillip T. Hughes, James D. Nichols, Anne Morkill, and Chad Anderson
Estimating age from recapture data: integrating incremental growth measures with ancillary data to infer age-at-length, Mitchell J. Eaton and William A. Link
Estimating age from recapture data: integrating incremental growth measures with ancillary data to infer age-at-length, Mitchell J. Eaton and William A. Link
Tracking solutes and water from subsurface drip irrigation application of coalbed methane–produced waters, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Mark A. Engle, Carleton R. Bern, Richard W. Healy, James I. Sams, John W. Zupancic, and Karl T. Schroeder
Comment on ‘‘An unconfined groundwater model of the Death Valley Regional Flow System and a comparison to its confined predecessor’’ by R.W.H. Carroll, G.M. Pohll and R.L. Hershey [Journal of Hydrology 373/3–4, pp. 316–328], Claudia C. Faunt, Alden M. Provost, Mary C. Hill, and Wayne R. Belcher
Lead in Birds, J. Christian Franson and Deborah J. Pain
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Leaf Phenology and Cold Hardiness of Native and Introduced Riparian Trees, Jonathan M. Friedman, James E. Roelle, and Brian S. Cade
What Do We Know About Metal Recycling Rates?, T. E. Graedel, Julian Allwood, Jean-Pierre Birat, Matthias Buchert, Christian Hagelűken, Barbara K. Reck, Scott F. Sibley, and Guido Sonnemann
Patterns of maternal yolk hormones in eastern screech owl eggs (Megascops asio), D. Caldwell Hahn
Genetic Applications in Avian Conservation, Susan M. Haig, Whitcomb M. Bronaugh, Rachel S. Crowhurst, Jesse D'Elia, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Clinton W. Epps, Brian Knaus, Mark P. Miller, Michael L. Moses, Sara Oyler-McCance, W. Douglas Robinson, and Brian Sidlauskas
A Geospatial Approach to Identify Water Quality Issues for National Wildlife Refuges in Oregon and Washington, Jo Ellen Hinck, Kimberly Chojnacki, Susan Finger, Greg Linder, and Kevin Kilbride
Integration of Palmer Drought Severity Index and remote sensing data to simulate wetland water surface from 1910 to 2009 in Cottonwood Lake area, North Dakota, Shengli Huang, Devendra Dahal, Claudia Young, Gyanesh Chander, and Shuguang Liu
Challenges of Predicting the Potential Distribution of a Slow-spreading Invader: A Habitat Suitability Map for an Invasive Riparian Tree, Catherine S. Jarnevich and Lindsay V. Reynolds
Soil carbon distribution in Alaska in relation to soil-forming factors, Kristofer D. Johnson, Jennifer Harden, A. David McGuire, Norman B. Bliss, James G. Bockheim, Mark Clark, Teresa Nettleton-Hollingsworth, M. Torre Jorgenson, Evan S. Kane, Michelle Mack, Jonathan O'Donnell, Chien-Lu Ping, Edward A.G. Schuur, Merritt R. Turetsky, and David W. Valentine
Rapid wetland expansion during European settlement and its implication for marsh survival under modern sediment delivery rates, Matthew L. Kirwan, A. Brad Murray, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, and D. Reide Corbett
Rapid wetland expansion during European settlement and its implication for marsh survival under modern sediment delivery rates, Matthew L. Kirwan, A. Brad Murray, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, and D. Reide Corbett
Spring Migration of Mallards from Arkansas as Determined by Satellite Telemetry, David George Krementz, Kwasi Asante, and Luke W. Naylor
Incorporating parametric uncertainty into population viability analysis models, Conor P. McGowan, Michael C. Runge, and Michael A. Larson
The role of demographic compensation theory in incidental take assessments for endangered species, Conor P. McGowan, Mark R. Ryan, Michael C. Runge, Joshua J. Millspaugh, and Jean Fitts Cochrane
A trans-dimensional Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for model assessment using frequency-domain electromagnetic data, Burke J. Minsley
Hydrogeophysical Investigations at Hidden Dam, Raymond, California, Burke J. Minsley, Bethany L. Burton, Scott Ikard, and Michael H. Powers
Plant Community Recovery Following Restoration in Semiarid Grasslands, Seth M. Munson and William K. Lauenroth
Selenium in Birds, Harry M. Ohlendorf and Gary H. Heinz
A loess–paleosol record of climate and glacial history over the past two glacial–interglacial cycles (~150 ka), southern Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Kenneth L. Pierce, Daniel R. Muhs, Maynard A. Fosberg, Shannon A. Mahan, Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Joseph M. Licciardi, and Milan J. Pavich
History of Wildlife Toxicology and the Interpretation of Contaminant Concentrations in Tissues, Barnett A. Rattner, Anton M. Scheuhammer, and John E. Ellott