How mangrove forests adjust to rising sea level, Ken W. Krauss, Karen L. McKee, Catherine E. Lovelock, Donald R. Cahoon, Neil Saintilan, Ruth Reef, and Luzhen Chen
Exposure and Food Web Transfer of Pharmaceuticals in Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus): Predictive Model and Empirical Data, Rebecca S. Lazarus, Barnett A. Rattner, Bryan W. Brooks, Bowen Du, Peter C. McGowan, Vicki S. Blazer, and Mary Ann Ottinger
A Bayesian Network Model for Assessing Natural Estrogen Fate and Transport in a Swine Waste Lagoon, Boknam Lee, Seth W. Kullman, Erin Yost, Michael T. Meyer, Lynn Worley-Davis, C. Michael Williams, and Kenneth H. Reckhow
Comparing cropland net primary production estimates frominventory, a satellite-based model, and a process-based model in theMidwest of the United States, Zengpeng Li, Shuguang Liu, Zhengxi Tan, Normann B. Bliss, Claudia J. Young, Tristram O. West, and Stephen M. Ogle
Comparing crop land net primary production estimates from inventory, a satellite-based model, and a process-based model in the Midwest of the United States Zhengpeng, Zhengpeng Li, Shuguang Liu, Zhengxi Tan, Normann B. Bliss, Claudia J. Young, Tristram O. West, and Stephen M. Ogle
Scaling coastal dune elevation changes across storm-impact regimes, Joeseph Long, Anouk T.M de Bakker, and Nathaniel G. Plant
A probabilistic method for constructing wave time-series at inshore locations using model scenarios, J. W. Long, N. G. Plant, P. S. Dalyander, and D. M. Thompson
Anatomy of the lamprey ear: morphological evidence for occurrence of horizontal semicircular ducts in the labyrinth of Petromyzon marinus, Adel Maklad, Caitlyn Reed, Nicolas Johnson, and Bernd Fritzsch
Beta‐Thymosin Gene Polymorphism Associated With Freshwater Invasiveness of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), Katarzyna Michalak, Serguisz Czesny, John Epifanio, Randal Snyder, Eric Schultz, Jonathan Velotta, Stephen McCormick, Bonnie Brown, Graciela Santopietro, and Pawel Michalak
Summary of the Snowmastodon Project Special Volume: A high-elevation, multi-proxy biotic and environmental record of MIS 6–4 from the Ziegler Reservoir fossil site, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA, Ian M. Miller, Jeffrey S. Pigati, R. Scott Anderson, Kirk R. Johnson, Shannon A. Mahan, Thomas A. Ager, Richard G. Baker, Maarten Blaauw, Jordon Bright, Peter M. Brown, Bruce Bryant, Zachary T. Calamari, Paul E. Carrara, Michael D. Cherney, John R. Demboski, Scott A. Elias, Daniel C. Fisher, Harrison J. Gray, Danielle R. Haskett, Jeffrey S. Honke, Stephen T. Jackson, Gonzalo Jiménez- Moreno, Douglas Kline, Eric M. Leonard, Nathaniel A. Lifton, Carol Lucking, H. Gregory McDonald, Dane M. Miller, Daniel R. Muhs, Stephen E. Nash, Cody Newton, James B. Paces, Lesley Petrie, Mitchell A. Plummer, David F. Porinchu, Adam N. Rountrey, Eric Scott, Joseph J.W. Sertich, Saxon E. Sharpe, Gary L. Skipp, Laura E. Strickland, Richard K. Stucky, Robert S. Thompson, and Jim Wilson
Real-time inversions for finite fault slip models and rupture geometry based on high-rate GPS data, S. E. Minson, Jessica Murray, John Langbein, and Joan Gomberg
Loess Records, Daniel R. Muhs, Stephen R. Cattle, Onn Crouvi, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Jimin Sun, and Marcelo A. Zárate
Loess as a Quaternary paleoenvironmental indicator, Daniel R. Muhs, M. A. Prins, and B. Machalett
Coastal tectonics on the eastern margin of the Pacific Rim: late Quaternary sea-level history and uplift rates, Channel Islands National Park, California, USA, Daniel R. Muhs, Kathleen R. Simmons, R. Randall Schumann, Lindsey T. Groves, Stephen B. DeVogel, Scott A. Minor, and DeAnna Laurel
Nongeocentric axial dipole field behavior during the Mono Lake excursion, Robert M. Negrini, Daniel T. McCuan, Robert A. Horton, James D. Lopez, William S. Cassata, James E. T. Channell, Kenneth L. Verosub, Jeffrey R. Knott, Robert S. Coe, Joseph C. Liddicoat, Steven P. Lund, Larry Benson, and Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki
Nongeocentric axial dipole field behavior during the Mono Lake excursion, Robert M. Negrini, Daniel T. McCuan, Robert A. Horton, James D. Lopez, William S. Cassata, James E.T. Channell, Kenneth L. Verosub, Jeffrey R. Knott, Robert S. Coe, Joseph C. Liddicoat, Steven P. Lund, Larry V. Benson, and Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki
Pesticide Toxicity Index—A tool for assessing potential toxicity of pesticide mixtures to freshwater aquatic organisms, Lisa Nowell, Julia Norman, Patrick Moran, Jeffrey Martin, and Wesley Stone
Comparative population structure of cavity-nesting sea ducks Estructura poblacional comparada de patos marinos que anidan en cavidades, John M. Pearce, John M. Eadie, Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Thomas K. Christensen, James Berdeen, Eric J. Taylor, Sean Boyd, Arni Einarsson, and Sandra L. Talbot
Wildfire effects on extractable elements in ash from a Pinus pinaster forest in Portugal, Paulo Pereira, Xavier Ubeda, Deborah Martin, Jorge Mataix-Solera, Artemi Cerda, and Maria Burguet
Mapping irrigated areas in Afghanistan over the past decade using MODIS NDVI, Md. Shahriar Pervez, Michael Budde, and James Rowland
Radiocarbon dating loess deposits in the Mississippi Valley using terrestrial gastropod shells (Polygyridae, Helicinidae, and Discidae), Jeffrey S. Pigati, John McGeehin, Daniel R. Muhs, David A. Grimley, and Jeffrey C. Nekola
Evidence of Repeated Wildfires Prior to Human Occupation on San Nicolas Island, California, Jeffrey S. Pigati, John P. McGeehin, Gary L. Skipp, and Daniel R. Muhs
Geologic setting and stratigraphy of the Ziegler Reservoir fossil site, Snowmass Village, Colorado, Jeffrey S. Pigati, Ian M. Miller, Kirk R. Johnson, Jeffrey S. Honke, Paul E. Carrara, Daniel R. Muhs, Gary Skipp, and Bruce Bryant
A GIS-based vulnerability assessment of brine contamination to aquatic resources from oil and gas development in eastern Sheridan County, Montana, Todd M. Preston, Tara Chelsey-Preston, and Joanna N. Thamke
Adverse Outcome Pathway and Risks of Anticoagulant Rodenticides to Predatory Wildlife, Barnett A. Rattner, Rebecca S. Lazarus, John E. Elliott, Richard F. Shore, and Nico van den Brink
Effects of prey metapopulation structure on the viability of black-footed ferrets in plague-impacted landscapes: a metamodelling approach, Kevin Shoemaker, Robert Lacy, Michelle Verant, Barry Brook, Travis Livieri, Philip Miller, Damien Fordman, and H. Resit Akcarkaya
Humic substances interfere with detection of pathogenic prion protein, Christen B. Smith, Clarissa J. Booth, Tyler J. Wadzinski, Giuseppe Legname, Rick Chappell, Christopher J. Johnson, and Joel A. Pedersen
Humic substances interfere with detection of pathogenic prion protein, Christen B. Smith, Clarissa J. Booth, Tyler J. Wadzinski, Giuseppe Legname, Rick Chappell, Christopher J. Johnson, and Joel A. Pedersen
Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of Lake Superior, Jason Stockwell, Daniel Yule, Thomas Hrabik, Michael Sierszen, and Edmund Isaac
The Inky Story of the Dinky Oak Gall, Ken Sulak
Survival of hatchery Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi Mitchill, 1815) in the Suwannee River, Florida: A 19-year evaluation, K. J. Sulak, M. T. Randall, and J. P. Clugston
Tissue-specific molecular immune response to lipopolysaccharide challenge in emaciated anadromous Arctic charr, Mathilakath Vijayan, Anju Philip, Even Jørgensen, and Alec Maule
Wetland Reserve Program Enhances Site Occupancy and Species Richness in Assemblages of Anuran Amphibians in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA, Susan C. Walls, J. Hardin Waddle, and Stephen P. Faulkner
Development of a generic auto-calibration package for regional ecological modeling and application in the Central Plains of the United States, Yuping Wu, Shuguang Liu, Zhengpeng Li, Devendra Dahal, Claudia Young, Gail Schmidt, Jinxun Liu, Brian Davis, Terry Sohl, Jeremy Werner, and Jennifer Oeding
Regulation of a putative corticosteroid, 17,21-dihydroxypregn-4-ene,3, 20-one, in sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, Sang-Seon Yun, David Close, Brent Roberts, Wes Didier, Satbir Rai, Nicholas Johnson, and Scot Libants
Net ecosystem productivity of temperate grasslands in northern China: An upscaling study, Li Zhang, Huadong Guo, Gensou Jia, Bruce K. Wylie, Tagir Gilmanov, Danny Howard, Lei Ji, Jingfeng Xiao, Jing Li, Wenping Yuan, Tianbao Zhao, Shiping Chen, Guangsheng Zhou, and Tomomichi Kato
Scale criticality in estimating ecosystem carbon dynamics, Shuqing Zhao and Shuguang Liu
Fitting statistical distributions to sea duck count data: Implications for survey design and abundance estimation, Elise Zipkin, Jeffrey Leirness, Brian Kinlan, Allan O'Connell, and Emily Silverman
Effects of historical lead–zinc mining on riffle-dwelling benthic fish and crayfish in the Big River of southeastern Missouri, USA, A. L. Allert, R. J. DiStefano, J. F. Fairchild, C. J. Schmitt, M. J. McKee, J. A. Girondo, W. G. Brumbaugh, and T. W. May
Controls on recent Alaskan lake changes identified from water isotopes and remote sensing, Lesleigh Anderson, Jennifer Rover, Nikki Gaulager, and Jean Birks
Response of palila and other subalpine Hawaiian forest bird species to prolonged drought and habitat degradation by feral ungulates, Paul C. Banko, Richard J. Camp, Chris Farmer, Kevin W. Brinck, David L. Leonard, and Robert M. Stephens
The floodplain food web mosaic: a study of its importance to salmon and steelhead with implications for their recovery, J. Ryan Bellmore, Colden V. Baxter, Kyle Martens, and Patrick J. Connolly
Potential Effects of Changes in Temperature and Food Resources on Life History Trajectories of Juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss, Joseph R. Benjamin, Patrick J. Connolly, Jason G. Romine, and Russell W. Perry
Some thoughts on the factors that controlled prehistoric maize production in the American Southwest with application to southwestern Colorado, Larry Benson, D. K. Ramsey, David W. Stahle, and K. L. Peterson
Dating North America’s oldest petroglyphs, Winnemucca Lake subbasin, Nevada, L.V. Benson, E.M. Hattori, J. Southon, and B. Aleck
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: History, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical syndrome and genetic diversity, Dennis A. Bente, Naomi L. Forrester, Douglas M. Watts, Alexander J. McAuley, Chris A. Whitehouse, and Mike Bray
Toxic Exposure of Songbirds to Lead in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, W. Nelson Beyer, J. Christian Franson, John B. French, Thomas May, Barnett A. Rattner, Valerie I. Shearn-Bochsler, Sarah E. Warner, John Weber, and David Mosby
Reproductive health of yellow perch Perca flavescens in selected tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Vicki S. Blazer, Alfred E. Pinkney, Jill A. Jenkins, Luke R. Iwanowicz, Steven Minkkinen, Rassa O. Draugelis-Dale, and James H. Uphoff
Modeling Sediment Accumulation in North American Playa Wetlands in Response to Climate Change, 1940–2100, Lucy Burris and Susan K. Skagen
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Pneumonia in Bighorn Sheep, E. Frances Cassirer, Raina K. Plowright, Kezia R. Manlove, Paul C. Cross, Andrew P. Dobson, Kathleen A. Potter, and Peter J. Hudson
Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments, G. Chander, Tim J. Hewison, Nigel Fox, Xiangqian Wu, Xiaoxiong Xiong, and William J. Blackwell
What are the toxicological effects of mercury in Arctic biota?, Rune Dietz, Christian Sonne, Niladri Basu, Birgit Braune, Todd O'Hara, Robert J. Letcher, Tony Scheuhammer, Magnus Andersen, Claus Andreasen, Dennis Andriashek, Gert Asmund, Aurore Aubail, Hans Baagøe, Erik W. Born, Hing M. Chan, Andrew E. Derocher, Philippe Grandjean, Katrina Knott, Maja Kirkegaard, Anke Krey, Nick Lunn, Francoise Messier, Marty Obbard, Morten T. Olsen, Sonja Ostertag, Elizabeth Peacock, Aristeo Renzoni, Frank F. Rigét, Janneche Utne Skaare, Gary Stern, Ian Stirling, Mitch Taylor, Øystein Wiig, Simon Wilson, and Jon Aars
National valuation of monarch butterflies indicates an untapped potential for incentive-based conservation, Jay E. Diffendorfer, John B. Loomis, Leslie Ries, Karen Oberhauser, Laura Lopez-Hoffman, Darius Semmens, Brice Semmens, Bruce Butterfield, Ken Bagstad, Josh Goldstein, Ruscena Wiederholt, Brady Mattson, and Wayne E. Thogmartin
Use of NMR logging to obtain estimates of hydraulic conductivity in the High Plains aquifer, Nebraska, USA, Katherine Dlubac, Rosemary Knight, Yi-Qiao Song, Nate Bachman, Ben Grau, Jim Cannia, and John Williams
Historical Groundwater Trends in Northern New England and Relations with Streamflow and Climatic Variables, Robert W. Dudley and Glenn A. Hodgkins
A review of environmental impacts of salts from produced waters on aquatic resources, Aida M. Farag and David D. Harper
Predictive Models for Escherichia coli Concentrations at Inland Lake Beaches and Relationship of Model Variables to Pathogen Detection, Donna S. Francy, Erin A. Stelzer, Joseph W. Duris, Amie M. G. Brady, John H. Harrison, Heather E. Johnson, and Michael W. Ware
Chapter 4 Management of Wetlands for Wildlife, Matthew J. Gray, Heath M. Hagy, J. Andrew Nyman, and Joshua D. Stafford
Projecting Future Grassland Productivity to Assess the Sustainability of Potential Biofuel Feedstock Areas in the Greater Platte River Basin, Yingxin Gu, Bruce K. Wylie, Stephen P. Boyte, and Khem P. Phuyal
Disease in a dynamic landscape: Host behavior and wildfire reduce amphibian chytrid infection, Blake R. Hossack, Winsor H. Lowe, Joy L. Ware, and Paul Stephen Corn
Chinook Salmon Foraging Patterns in a Changing Lake Michigan, Gregory R. Jacobs, Charles P. Madenjian, David B. Bunnell, David M. Warner, and Randall M. Caramunt
Modeling rain-fed maize vulnerability to droughts using the standardized precipitation index from satellite estimated rainfall-Southern Malawi case study, Harikishan Jayanthi, Gregory J. Husak, Chris Funk, Tamuka Magadzire, Adams Chavula, and James P. Verdin
Assessing reproductive and endocrine parameters in male largescale suckers (Catostomus macrocheilus) along a contaminant gradient in the lower Columbia River, USA, J.A. Jenkins, H.M. Olivier, R.O. Draugelis-Dale, B.E. Eilts, L. Torres, R. Patiño, E. Nilsen, and S.L. Goodbred
A comprehensive change detection method for updating the National Land Cover Database to circa 2011, Suming Jin, Limin Yang, Patrick Danielson, Collin Homer, Joyce Fry, and George Xian
Evaluation of a Coupled Event-driven Phenology and Evapotranspiration Model for Croplands in the United States Northern Great Plains, V. Kovalskyy, G. M. Henebry, D. P. Roy, B. Adusei, M. Hansen, G. Senay, and D. M. Mocko
On the halophytic nature of mangroves, Ken W. Krauss and Marilyn C. Ball
Hawaiian Forest Birds: The Past, Present And Future Status Of An Endangered Avifauna, Dennis A. Lapointe, Carter T. Atkinson, Paul C. Banko, Richard J. Camp, P. Marcos Gorresen, James D. Jacobi, Thane K. Pratt, and Michael D. Samuel
Performance of human fecal anaerobe-associated PCR-based assays in a multi-laboratory method evaluation study, Blythe A. Layton, Yiping Cao, Darcy L. Ebentier, Kaitlyn Hanley, Elisenda Balleste, Joao Brandao, Muruleedhara Byappanahalli, Reagan Converse, Andreas H. Farnleitner, Jennifer Gentry-Shields, Maribeth L. Gidley, Michele Gourmelon, Chang Soo Lee, Jiyoung Lee, Solen Lozach, Tania Madi, Wim G. Meijer, Rachel Noble, Lindsay Peed, Georg H. Reischer, Raquel Rodrigues, Joan B. Rose, Alexander Schriewer, Chris Sinigalliano, Sangeetha Srinivasan, Jill Stewart, Laurie C. Van De Werfhorst, Dan Wang, Richard Whitman, Stefan Wuertz, Jenny Jay, Patricia A. Holden, Alexandria B. Boehm, Orin Shanks, and John F. Griffith
Use of Aquaculture Ponds and Other Habitats by Autumn Migrating Shorebirds Along the Lower Mississippi River, Sarah E. Lehnen and David G. Krementz
Characterizing LEDAPS surface reflectance products by comparisons with AERONET, field spectrometer, and MODIS data, T.K. Maiersperger, P.L. Scaramuzza, L. Leigh, S. Shrestha, K.P. Gallo, C.B. Jenkerson, and J.L. Dwyer
Ice-age megafauna in Arctic Alaska: extinction, invasion, survival, Daniel H. Mann, Pamela Groves, Michael L. Kunz, Richard E. Reanier, and Benjamin V. Gaglioti
Entrainment of Shovelnose Sturgeon by Towboat Navigation in the Upper Mississippi River, L. E. Miranda and K. J. Killgore
Loess and its Geomorphic, Stratigraphic, and Paleoclimatic Significance in the Quaternary, Daniel R. Muhs
The geologic records of dust in the Quaternary, Daniel R. Muhs
Chronology and provenance of last-glacial (Peoria) loess in western Iowa and paleoclimatic implications, Daniel R. Muhs, E. Arthur Bettis III, Helen M. Roberts, Stephen S. Harlan, James B. Paces, and Richard L. Reynolds
Loess origin, transport, and deposition over the past 10,000 years, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, Daniel R. Muhs, James R. Budahn, John P. McGeehin, E. Arthur Bettis III, Gary Skipp, James B. Paces, and Elisabeth A. Wheeler
Origin of the Sinai-Negev erg, Egypt and Israel: mineralogical and geochemical evidence for the importance of the Nile and sea level history, Daniel R. Muhs, Joel Roskin, Haim Tsoar, Gary Skipp, James Budahn, Amihai Sneh, Naomi Porat, Jean-Daniel Stanley, Itzhak Katra, and Dan G. Blumberg
Adaptation to Climate Change: Changes in Farmland Use and Stocking Rate in the U.S., Jianhong E. Mu, Bruce A. McCarl, and Anne W. Wein
A Data-Based Conservation Planning Tool for Florida Panthers, Jennifer L. Murrow, Cindy A. Thatcher, Frank T. van Manen, and Joseph D. Clark
The Malthusian–Darwinian dynamic and the trajectory of civilization, Jeffrey C. Nekola, Craig D. Allen, James H. Brown, Joseph R. Burger, Ana D. Davidson, Trevor S. Fristoe, Marcus J. Hamilton, Sean T. Hammond, Astrid Kodric-Brown, Norman Mercado-Silva, and Jordan G. Okie
Human-caused mortality influences spatial population dynamics: Pumas in landscapes with varying mortality risks, Jesse R. Newby, L. Scott Mills, Toni K. Ruth, Daniel H. Pletscher, Michael S. Mitchell, Howard B. Quigley, Kerry M. Murphy, and Rich DeSimone
Extending Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Regional Active Layer and Permafrost Mapping with Remote Sensing and Ancillary Data, Yukon Flats Ecoregion, Central Alaska, Neal J. Pastick, M. Torre Jorgenson, Bruce K. Wylie, Burke J. Minsley, Lei Ji, Michelle A. Walvoord, Bruce D. Smith, Jared D. Abraham, and Joshua R. Rose
Development of an in vitro assay for detecting botulinum neurotoxin type E with application to avian botulism in the Great Lakes, T.M. Piazza, D.S. Blehert, M.D. Samuel, F.M. Dunning, F.N. Zeytin, and W.C. Tucker
Radiocarbon dating late Quaternary loess deposits using small terrestrial gastropod shells, Jeffrey S. Pigati, John McGeehin, Daniel R. Muhs, and E. Arthur Bettis III
Comparative embryotoxicity of a pentabrominated diphenyl ether mixture to common terns (Sterna hirundo) and American kestrels (Falco sparverius), Barnett A. Rattner, Rebecca S. Lazarus, Gary H. Heinz, Natalie K. Karouna-Renier, Sandra L. Schultz, and Robert C. Hale
Influence of management and precipitation on carbon fluxes in Great Plains grasslands, Matthew Rigge, Bruce K. Wylie, Li Zhang, and Stephen P. Boyte
Estimation of Evapotranspiration Across the Conterminous United States Using a Regression with Climate and Land-Cover Data, Ward E. Sanford and David L. Selnick
Using hand proportions to test taxonomic boundaries within the Tupaia glis species complex (Scandentia, Tupaiidae), Eric J. Sargis, Neal Woodman, Aspen T. Reese, and Link E. Olson
An algorithmic and information-theoretic approach to multimetric index construction, Donald R. Schoolmaster Jr., James B. Grace, E. William Schweiger, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Brian R. Mitchell, Kathryn M. Miller, and Amanda M. Little
A causal examination of the effects of confounding factors on multimetric indices, Donald R. Schoolmaster Jr., James B. Grace, E. William Schweiger, Brian R. Mitchell, and Glenn R. Guntenspergen
Operational Evapotranspiration Mapping Using Remote Sensing and Weather Datasets: A New Parameterization for the SSEB Approach, Gabriel B. Senay, Stefanie Bohms, Ramesh K. Singh, Prasanna H. Gowda, Naga M. Velpuri, Henok Alemu, and James P. Verdin
Introduced northern pike predation on salmonids in southcentral alaska, Adam J. Sepulveda, David S. Rutz, Sam S. Ivey, Kristine J. Dunker, and Jackson A. Gross
Avian response to timber harvesting applied experimentally to manage Cerulean Warbler breeding populations, James Sheehan, Petra Bohall Wood, David A. Buehler, Patrick D. Keyser, Jeffrey L. Larkin, Amanda D. Rodewald, T. Bently Wigley, Than J. Boves, Gregory A. George, Marja H. Bakermans, Tiffany A. Beachy, Andrea Evans, Molly E. McDermott, Felicity L. Newell, Kelly A. Perkins, and Matthew White
Effects of Linking a Soil-Water-Balance Model with a Groundwater-Flow Model, Jennifer S. Stanton, Derek W. Ryter, and Steven M. Peterson
White-nose syndrome is likely to extirpate the endangered Indiana bat over large parts of its range, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Carol A. Sanders-Reed, Jennifer A. Szymanski, Patrick C. McKann, Lori Pruitt, R. Andrew King, Michael C. Runge, and Robin E. Russell
Foraging Habitat for Shorebirds in Southeastern Missouri and its Predicted Future Availability, Daniel J. Twedt