Embroidering Paradise: Suzanis As a Place of Creative Agency and Acculturation for Uzbek Women in 19th Century Bukhara, Shannon Ludington
Ancient, Indigenous and Iconic Textile Motifs in Contemporary Fashion Case Study: Defining Concepts through Textile Designs: Appropriation, Collaboration, Provenance and Identity, Kristin Scheel Lunde
Weaving Authenticity: Artesanías or the Art of the Textile in Chiapas Mexico, Addison Nace
Weaving Authenticity: Artesanías or the Art of the Textile in Chiapas, Mexico [poster], Addison Nace
The Modern Development of Kyoto Textiles for the Kimono, Keiko Okamoto
Silk Velvets Identified as Byzantine: Were warp-looped silk pile velvets woven under the Byzantine Empire?, Sumiyo Okumura
Local Wear: A Chat about Textiles & the Body, Emily J. Pascoe
Rahul Jain’s Reimagined Velvet Drawloom, Barbara Setsu Pickett
Ties That Bind: Finding Meaning in the Making of Sacred Textiles, Janet Pollock
Place-based Textiles in Post WWII Poland, Jane Przybysz
The Rayed Head and Stepped Platform: A Core Symbol of the Southern Andean Iconographic Series, Nancy B. Rosoff
Containing Tradition, Embracing Change: Weaving Together Plant Materials in Northern Latin America, Kathryn Rousso
Along a Continuum: Spirally-woven Beadwork of the Tlingit, Wasco, and Pit River Peoples, Alice Scherer
The Untold Story of Inuit Printed Fabrics from Kinngait Studios, Kinngait (Cape Dorset), Nunavut, Canada, Roxane Shaughnessy and Anna Richard
The Fabric of War: Wool and Local Land Wars in a Global Context, Madelyn Shaw and Trish FitzSimons
Nd’awakananawal Babijigwezijik Wd’elasawawôganôl: “We Wear the Clothing of Our Ancestors”, Vera Longtoe Sheehan
Other People’s Clothes: The Second-Hand Clothes Dealer and the Western Art Collector in early Twentieth-Century China, Rachel Silberstein
Living Organisms for Living Spaces: Shifting the function of material, Juliana Silva Diaz
The Radical Fiber Art Practices of The Yarn Mission: A Case Study, Lila Stone
Sanquhar Gloves: An Exemplification of Deep Local to Pan Global?, Angharad Thomas
The Wagga Quilt in history and literature, Diana Mary Eva Thomas
Warp and weft twining, and tablet weaving around the Pacific, Tomoko Torimaru, Kathryn Rousso, Laura Filloy Nadal, and Alejandro de Ávila B
The Lévite Dress: Untangling the Cultural Influences of Eighteenth-Century French Fashion, Kendra Van Cleave
Tapestry Crochet in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East: Tradition and Innovation, Carol Ventura
Looking at the Past and Current Status of Kenya’s clothing and textiles, Mercy V.W. Wanduara
Mashru Redux: From the Calico Museum in Ahmedabad to a Loom in the Great Plains, Wendy R. Weiss
Manipulating the Threads of Culture: Contemporary Shibori Artist Yvonne Wakabayashi, Eileen Wheeler
Threading together politics and poetics in Cecilia Vicuña’s fiber art, Jacqueline Witkowski
Batik of Java: Global Inspiration, Maria Wronska-Friend
The Global Influence of China and Europe on Local Japanese Tapestries Mainly from the 19th through Early 20th Centuries, Masako Yoshida
Getting Located: Queer Semiotics in Dress, C. Zimmerman
Author Guidelines: Biennial Symposium 2016 Proceedings
Transnational Influences on Louisiana Samplers: Traditions, Teachers, Techniques, and Text, Lynne Anderson
Bombay to Bauhaus: Design Influences in Churchill Weavers Textiles from 1922-1949, Sarah Stopenhagen Broomfield
Growing a Dye Garden, Donna Brown
Field to Bag, Bag to Field: Feedbag Production and Distribution in Rural America, Heather R. Buechler
“The British are coming! A contraband cloth tsunami flows over Maya handicrafts and homespun in The Kingdom of Guatemala, 1760-1820”, Heather J. Chiero
America’s Indigo Obsession: From Colonial Plantations to Contemporary DIY Ethos, Sonja Dahl
Mexican ikat and transatlantic trade, Alejandro B. de Avila
On Textile Fragments Found at Karadong, a 3rd to early 4th Century Oasis in the Taklamakan Desert (Xinjiang, China), Sophie Desrosiers and Corinne Debaine-Francfort
Dyeing with Morinda citrifolia: In Pursuit of Sustainable future, Sudha Dhingra
Exploring Color Interactions Illuminated in Goldwork Embroidery, Katherine Diuguid
Title: AJRAKH- A Textile Tradition in Transition, Sharmila J. Dua Prof. Dr.
Lasting impressions: Indian block-prints and global trade, Eiluned Edwards
Applications of Cross Dyeing with Natural Dyes, Catharine Ellis
The fashion diplomacy and trade of Kashmir shawls: Conversations with shawl artisans, designers and collectors., Deborah Emmett
Veiled in Ignorance and Clothed in Reason: Jimmie Durham’s 2014 Exhibition Traces and Shiny Evidence, Andrea Feeser
Resilient Threads Telling Our Stories Hilos Resilientes Cosiendo Nuestras Historias, Carolina Paz Gana and Lynne M. Jenkins
Sacred Currency: The Value of Textile in Colonial Andean Painting, Gaby Greenlee
The Changing Role of Chaguar Textiles in the Lives of the Wichí, an Indigenous People of Argentina, Rachel Green
The Effect of Colonization and Globalization in the shaping of Phulkari: A case study of the Textiles of Punjab, India, Anu H. Gupta and Shalina Mehta
Seafarer People and their Textiles from Erub Arts, Torres Strait, Australia, Louise Hamby and Valerie Kirk
Batik, ja, batik: Wiener Werkstätte Batik from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Cotsen Textile Traces Collections, Michaela Hansen
Kashmir Shawls: The Perfect Exemplar of a Textile Shaping and Being Shaped, Joan Hart
Ingenious and practical; parallels in the making of Arimatsu trade cloth and contemporary designers’ production, Ana Lisa Hedstrom
Here and there, now, Sandra Heffernan
New Tools in the Box: Traditional Methods, Contemporary Materials and New Techniques on the Atlantic Coast A Round Table Discussion, Memory Holloway and Laurie Carlson Steger
Recycling Sprang, Carol James
Drawing, Stitch, Translation, Archive, Janis Jefferies
Aesthetics, Economics and the Enchantment of Cloth, Janis Jefferies and Barbara Layne
Textile Art as a Locus of Colonization and Globalization: The Tapestry Project, EunKyung Jeong MFA, Ph.D.
Imperial versus local perceptions of Indian textiles, Donald Clay Clay Johnson
Performance, Adaptation, Identity: Cantonese Opera Costumes in Vancouver, Canada, Jean L. Kares
Shifu: A Traditional Paper Textile of Japan, Hiroko Karuno
The Story and the Stitch., Alice Kettle
"Knit a Bit for Our First Line of Defense": Emotional Labor, Knitters, and Comforts for Soldiers during the First World War, Rebecca Keyel
For What It’s Worth: The French Knot as a Basic Trade Commodity, Jeana Eve Klein
Byzantine and Oriental silks from a Royal Shrine in Denmark AD 1100, Anne Hedeager Krag
The Power of Color: Anatolian Kilims, Sumru Belger Krody
Drawloom Velvet: Exploring a Centuries Old Tradition, Wendy Landry
The Intercontinental Reflections of an Eighteenth-Century Mexican Rebozo, Eleanor A. Laughlin
Sumptuary Synergy: British Imperialism Through the Tartan and Slave Trades, David Loranger and Eulanda A. Sanders
“Meshed with a Million Veins”: Seafaring Networks & the Norfolk Sampler, Joanne Martin Lukacher
Cutting edge technology: knitting in the early modern era, Jane Malcolm-Davies Dr.
The Legacy of Yarn Dyed Cotton Lungis of Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu: A Case Study, Vasantha M. Dr.
Velvet and Patronage: The Origin and Historical Background of Ottoman and Italian Velvets, Sumiyo Okumura Dr.
Revitalization of the Handloom Heritage of Chhota Udepur, Gujarat, Bhatia Reena PhD. and Pawar Pooja
Revitalization of the Handloom Heritage of Chhota Udepur, Gujarat, Bhatia Reena PhD. and Pawar Pooja M.Sc.
WEST AFRICAN INDIGO TEXTILES UNDER INFLUENCES The Fouta-Djallon wrapper & the Mauritanian melhafa, Annie Ringuede
Sadu Weaving: the pace of a camel in a fast-moving culture, Lesli Robertson
Imagining Conquest: El Tapiz and Postrevolutionary Mexico*, Regina A. Root
A Morenada Dance Costume: An Example of the Interconnection of the Americas, Spain and Africa, Nancy B. Rosoff
Kanga Textile Design, Education, and Production in contemporary Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, MacKenzie Moon Ryan PhD.
Engineered Ikat Textile of Gujarat - A Design Intervention, Shohrat S. Saiyed and Reena Bhatia Ph.D.
“The Consular Collections at the National Museum of American History” Opening Plenary Session: Crosscurrents: the Transnational Flows of Textiles, Madelyn Shaw and Amy J. Anderson
The Textile Artist’s Archive: Approaches to Creating, Collecting and Preserving Artistic Legacy, Jessica Shaykett, Kathleen Mangan, Lia Cook, Stephanie Zollinger Dr., and Fannie Ouyang
Importing Irish Linen and Creating American ‘Art Moderne’: An Analysis of an Early 20th Century Trade Catalog, Lacy Simkowitz
Mending as Metaphor: Finding Community Through Slow Stitching in a Fast Paced World, Ruth Katzenstein Souza
Artist at Sea: Codes and Cargo, Kelly Thompson
The Merchants and the Dyers: The Rise of a Dyeing Service Industry in Massachusetts and New York 1800-1850, Linda Jean Thorsen
Tablet Weaving in Myanmar, Tomoko Torimaru
Early Modern Needlework Pattern Books: Tracing the International Exchange of Design, Lisa VandenBerghe
The Nature of Collaboration in the Digital Age, Pauline Verbeek-Cowart