Color and Pattern: Tribal and Contemporary Ikats of India and Laos, Concurrent Exhibitions and Lentz Center for Asian Culture
Anna Von Mertens: AZMT & Aura, Concurrent Exhibitions and The Project Room
New Material World: Rethreading Technology, Concurrent Exhibitions and The Sheldon Museum of Art
Surrounded: Large and Small Work by Lillian Elliott Awardees, Concurrent Exhibitions and Tugboat Gallery
Fueled by Silk: Victorian Crazy Quilt Mania, Patricia Cox Crews
Woven Color in China/ The Five Colors in Chinese Culture and Polychrome Woven Textiles, Zhao Feng
View From The Shoulders Of Thar Masters: New Space For Ply-Split Braiding, David W. Fraser
The Fiber of Our Lives: A Conceptual Framework for Looking at Textiles’ Meanings, Beverly Gordon
Trousseaux: From Weaving Handwoven Textiles to Collecting Mass Commodities, Kimberly Hart
The Landscape Tapestries of Louise Nevelson, 1972-1997, Ann Hedlund
Future Reliquaries, Barbara Heller
Spin Artists, and How the Internet Fuels the Art Yarn Movement, Tracy P. Hudson
Mapping Textile Space: Stitched and Woven Terrains, Elizabeth Ingraham
Geometric Abstraction in pre-Columbian Tapestry and its Enduring Influence, Susan Iverson
Digital Costume Display, Katia Johansen
Walnut Dye for Wool and Silk and Development of a Color Palette for a Product Line, Anjali Karolia
Handwork as a Conceptual Strategy, Jane Kidd
Artisanal Textile Manufacturing, Bethanne Knudson
The Way of Sami Duodji: From Nomadic Necessity to Trademarked Lifestyle, Desiree Koslin
Low Tech Transmission: European Tapestry to High Tech America, Christine Laffer
Figured Velvets from Simple Looms: Velvet Pick-up and Related Techniques for Handweavers, Wendy Landry
Kitab al-Hadaya wa al-Tuhaf: A Unique Window on Islamic Textiles, Wendy Landry
Order and Complexity in My Woven Work, Janice Lessman-Moss
Invisible No More: The Embellished Abaya in Qatar, Christina Lindholm
Contemporary Interpretation of an Unusual Navajo Weaving Technique, Connie Lippert
Colcha Embroidery as Cartography: Mapping Landscapes of Memory and Passage, Suzanne P. MacAulay
Synthetic Fibers, Showy Cars and Sportshirts: Liberating the Fashion Spirit of “the man in the gray flannel suit”, Diane Maglio
New Insights from the Archives: Historicizing the Political Economy of Navajo Weaving and Wool Growing, Kathy M'Closkey
Tradition Embraces “The New”: Depictions of Modernity on Japanese Kurume E-gasuri Futon-ji, Ann Marie Moeller
Shipibo Textile Practices 1952-2010, Claire Odland and Nancy Feldman
Cutting Through the Surface: The Use of Laser Cutting Technology with Traditional Textile Process, Jessica Payne
Tracing Cochineal Through the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum, Elena Phipps and Nobuko Shibayama
Velvetweaving Today: A Worldwide Overview, Barbara Setsu Pickett
What’s Old is New Again: Carved Board Clamped Resist Dyeing, Jay Rich, Ana Lisa Hedstrom, Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada, and Elin Noble
Development of a Personal and Non-Pictorial Style in Contemporary Tapestry, Michael F. Rohde
Metalling with Fibers: A Design Series Exploring the Reuse of Metal Findings Through the Use of Technology, Eulanda A. Sanders
Red Gold - Raising Cochineal in Oaxaca, Eric Chávez Santiago and Hector Manuel Meneses Lozano
Woven Images: All Techniques Considered, Tommye McClure Scanlin
Urban Textiles: From Yarn Bombing to Crochet Ivy Chains, Ruth Scheuing
Sustaining the Magnificent Craft of Songket Weaving in Malaysia, June Ngo Siok Kheng
From Traditional to Digital Tools, Grethe Sorensen
Traversing Locality/Navigating Borders, Kelly Thompson
Cloth Settlers: Fine Art Dolls Populating the Textile Art Landscape, Shelley Thornton
Hooked: Between Personal and Public Space, Patricia Tinajero
Chinese Blue and White Itajime (Jiaxie): Folk Tradition of Carved Board Clamp Resist Dyeing in Zenjiang Province, Tomoko Torimaru and Ana Lisa Hedstrom
Locating Textile Arts Pedagogy: Do we ever settle?, Mary Lou Trinkwon
Performing the Quilt: The Block to the Blog and Back Again, Sarah E. Tucker
Zaher va Baten: Outer Form and Inner Meaning in Iranian Textile Designs, James Turner
Woven Blooms of Nationalism: Russian Handwoven Tapestry-Technique Shawls 1825-1855, Tanya Wetenhall
Coast Salish Textiles: From ‘Stilled Fingers’ to Spinning an Identity, Eileen Wheeler
The Grid, Weaving, Body and Mind, Syniva Whitney
Capturing the Landscape : Textiles for the Australian Fashion Industry, Liz Williamson
A A Rice Sacks Secrets: Once Hidden from Ourselves and Others, Flo Oy Wong
11th Biennial Symposium Program, Part 1, Textiles as Cutlural Expressions
The use of trapezoidal tunics with curved warp borders as a means to define the Pica Tarapacá cultural group of Northern Chile (900-1200 AD), Carolina Agüero
The use of trapezoidal tunics with curved warp borders as a means to define the Pica Tarapacá cultural group of Northern Chile (900-1200 AD), Carolina Agüero
Soft or Modern? Delineating Curtains in Domestic Interiors of Modern Architecture, Açalya Allmer
Soft or Modern? Delineating Curtains in Domestic Interiors of Modern Architecture, Açalya Allmer
Omoshirogara Textile Design and Children’s Clothing in Japan 1910-1930, Jacqueline M. Atkins
Omoshirogara Textile Design and Children’s Clothing in Japan 1910-1930, Jacqueline M. Atkins
Mending as Metaphor: Contemporary Fiber and Cultural Change, Mary Babcock
Mending as Metaphor: Contemporary Fiber and Cultural Change, Mary Babcock
A Stitch in Time: New Embroidery, Old Fabric, Changing Values, Annin Barrett
A Stitch in Time: New Embroidery, Old Fabric, Changing Values, Annin Barrett
Norwegian Natural dyeing: Art, Craft, Gender and Innovation - Natural dyes as a Tradition in Norway, Mette Biering
Norwegian Natural dyeing: Art, Craft, Gender and Innovation - Natural dyes as a Tradition in Norway, Mette Biering
Introduction, Reiko Brandon and Tom Klobe
Social Cohesion and Cultural Expressions: The Case of the Sacred Textiles in the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul, Marlene R. Breu and Ronald T. Marchese
Social Cohesion and Cultural Expressions: The Case of the Sacred Textiles in the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul, Marlene R. Breu and Ronald T. Marchese
Claudy Jongstra: Transmitting Craft Heritage through Contemporary Architecture, Susan Brown
Claudy Jongstra: Transmitting Craft Heritage through Contemporary Architecture, Susan Brown
A Poem is a Robe and a Castle: Inscribing Verses on Textiles and Architecture in the Alhambra, Olga Bush
A Poem is a Robe and a Castle: Inscribing Verses on Textiles and Architecture in the Alhambra, Olga Bush
The Colour of Women’s Culture: Natural Dyeing as Self-Expression in America, Japan, Norway and Australia, Karen Diadick Casselman
The Colour of Women’s Culture: Natural Dyeing as Self-Expression in America, Japan, Norway and Australia, Karen Diadick Casselman
Chinchorro Twined Shrouds, Vicki Cassman, Nancy Odegaard, and Bernardo Arriaza
Chinchorro Twined Shrouds, Vicki Cassman, Nancy Odegaard, and Bernardo Arriaza
Embroidering the Golden Chersonese: Metallic Thread Needlework in the Malay Peninsula, Hwei-Fe’n Cheah
Embroidering the Golden Chersonese: Metallic Thread Needlework in the Malay Peninsula, Hwei-Fe’n Cheah
From Construction to Ritual Function: An Exploration of New Guinea Fiber Masterworks, Jill D’Alessandro and Christina Hellmich
From Construction to Ritual Function: An Exploration of New Guinea Fiber Masterworks, Jill D’Alessandro and Christina Hellmich
“Revisiting the Ocucaje Opened Tunic from the Textile Museum; Washington, D.C.: Textile Models and the Process of Imitation”, Sophie Desrosiers
“Revisiting the Ocucaje Opened Tunic from the Textile Museum; Washington, D.C.: Textile Models and the Process of Imitation”, Sophie Desrosiers
Atlas Today: Patterns of Production, Bazaars and Bloomingdales Uzbekistan and Xinjiang, China, Mary M. Dusenbury
Atlas Today: Patterns of Production, Bazaars and Bloomingdales Uzbekistan and Xinjiang, China, Mary M. Dusenbury
Industrial Production and the Hand Process: Making a Bridge, Catharine Ellis
Industrial Production and the Hand Process: Making a Bridge, Catharine Ellis
Silent Needles, Speaking Flowers: The Language of Flowers as a Tool for Communication in Women’s Embroidery in Victorian Britain, Christen Elaine Ericsson and Mary Brooks