Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture: Faculty Publications
Absence of Dominance of the Cu Gene in Influencing o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Content in Melilotus alba, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Animal Performance on Crested Wheatgrass pastures During May and June, Fort Rock, Oregon, D. W. Hedrick, W. M. Moser, A. L. Steninger, and R. A. Long
Development, Differentiation, and Yield, John Heslop-Harrison
Engineering for Higher Yields, Yoshiaki Ishizuka
Gaseous Exchange in Crop Stands, Edgar Lemon
Productivity and the Morphology of Crop Stands: Patterns with Leaves, R. S. Loomis and W. A. Williams
Light Interception and Radiative Exchange in Crop Stands, John Monteith
Rollins Adams Emerson (1873-1947) Horticulturist Pioneer Plant Geneticist Administrator Inspiring Student Adviser, Rosalind Morris
Physiological Responses to Nitrogen in Plants, Yoshio Murata
Physiological Significance of Internal Water Relations to Crop Yield, R. O. Slatyer
Germ Plasm Manipulations of the Future, George Sprague
Interrelationships Among Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Movement of Carbon in Developing Crops, Volkmar Stoy
Environmental Manipulation for Higher Yields, Paul Waggoner
Mechanisms of Carbon Fixation and Associated Physiological Responses, Israel Zelitch
A Water-Soluble Factor in Melilotus officinalis Leaves Which Stimulates Feeding by the Adult Sweetclover Weevil, W. R. Akeson, Herman J. Gorz, Francis A. Haskins, and G. R. Manglitz
Water-soluble Factors in Melilotus Leaves Which Influence Feeding by the Sweetclover Weevil, W. R. Akeson, Francis A. Haskins, Herman J. Gorz, and G. R. Manglitz
Mutation Induction in Melilotus alba annua by Chemical Mutagens, A. Kleinhofs, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Rhizome and Tiller Development of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) as Influenced by Photoperiod, Cold Treatment, and Variety, Lowell E. Moser, S. R. Anderson, and R. W. Miller
A Bioassay for Detecting Compounds Which Stimulate or Deter Feeding by the Sweetclover Weevil, W. R. Akeson, G. R. Manglitz, H. J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Trans-o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Glucosylation in Cell-Free Extracts of Melilotus alba, A. Kleinhofs, Francis A. Haskins, and Herman J. Gorz
Size Distribution of Soil Aggregates as Influenced by Microorganisms, H. E. Weakly, T. M. McCalla, and Francis A. Haskins
Use of Shoot-Root Grafts in Case studies of Site of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Synthesis in Melilotus alba, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Genetic and Biochemical Aspects of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Synthesis in Melilotus alba, Herman J. Gorz, Francis A. Haskins, and A. Kleinhofs
Relationship of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase Activity to o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Content in Melilotus alba, A. Kleinhofs, Francis A. Haskins, and Herman J. Gorz
Absence of Dominance of the B Gene in Influencing β-Glucosidase Activity in Melilotus alba, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Genetic Control of the Metabolism of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Precursors in Melilotus alba, Francis A. Haskins and T. Kosuge
Ultraviolet-Induced Isomerization of β-D-Glucosyl o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid on Filter Paper, Andris Kleinhofs, Francis A. Haskins, and Herman J. Gorz
Biochemical Studies of Bud Dormancy in Tanweed, W. G. Lipke, O. C. Burnside, and Francis A. Haskins
Peroxidase and Polyphenoloxidase Activities and Free Ninhydrin-Positive Substances In Underground Buds of Ironweed and Leafy Spurge, W. G. Monson and Francis A. Haskins
Plant Communities: Native Vegetation of Nebraska, J. E. Weaver
Native Vegetation of Nebraska, J. E. Weaver
Occurrence of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid in Species of Melilotus and Trigonella, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Light-Induced Trans to Cis Conversion of β-D-Glucosyl o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid in Melilotus alba Leaves, Francis A. Haskins, Larry G. Williams, and H. J. Gorz
Using Fertilizer Nitrogen Effectively on Grain Crops, Robert A. Olson, A. F. Dreier, C. Thompson, K. Frank, and Phillip H. Grabouski
Culture and o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Content of Excised Melilotus Roots, Larry G. Williams, Francis A. Haskins, and Herman J. Gorz
Effect of Genotype and Growth Stage on Distribution of Melilotic Acid, o-Coumaric Acid, and Coumarinic Acid in Melilotus alba Desr., Walter R. Akeson, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Glucosides of Coumarinic and o-Coumaric Acids in the Tonka Bean, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
The Wonderful Prairie Sod, J. E. Weaver
A Modified Procedure for Assay of Melilotic Acid in Sweetclover1, Walter R. Akeson, Francis A. Haskins, and Herman J. Gorz
Translocation of Coumarin Across a Graft Union m Sweetclover, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Chromatographic Study of Ninhydrin-positive Substances in Etiolated Shoots from Control and Irradiated Maize Seeds, Francis A. Haskins
Activities of Acid Phosphatase, Peroxidase, and Polyphenolase in Etiolated Shoots from Control and Irradiated Maize Seeds, Francis A. Haskins and S. C. Downs
A Reappraisal of the Relationship Between Free and Bound Coumarin in Melilotus, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Assay of cis and trans-o-Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Sweetclover Extracts, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Microorganisms and Soil Structure, T. M. McCalla and F. A. Haskins
Genetic, Developmental, and Within-Plant Variation in Free and Bound Coumarin Content of Sweetclover, G. W. Schaeffer, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Pensternon in Your Garden, Glenn Viehmeyer
The Living Network in Prairie Soils, J. E. Weaver
Genetic Blocks in the Synthesis of Coumarin in Melilotus alba, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Genetic Control of Coumarin Biosynthesis and β-Glucosidase Activity in Melilotus alba, G. W. Schaeffer, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Comparison of Vegetation of Kansas-Nebraska Drift-Loess Hills and Loess Plains, J. E. Weaver
Extent of Communities and Abundance of the Most Common Grasses in Prairie, J. E. Weaver
Flood Plain Vegetation of the Central Missouri Valley and Contacts of Woodland with Prairie, J. E. Weaver
Influence of Spectral Composition of Light on cis-trans Interconversion of o- Hydroxycinnamic Acid, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Comparison of Effects of X-Ray and Thermal Neutrons on Dormant Seeds of Barley, Maize, Mustard, and Safflower, B. H. Beard, Francis A. Haskins, and C. O. Gardner
Rapid Tests for Free and Bound Coumarin in Sweetclover, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Influence of Seed Irradiation with X-Rays and Thermal Neutrons upon Cell Size and Mitotic Activity in Root Tips of Maize, Francis A. Haskins, Merwyn Davidson, and Russell Beers
Soil aggregation by microorganisms following soil fumigation, T. M. McCalla, Francis A. Haskins, and R. D. Curley
Classification of Root Systems of Forbs of Grassland and a Consideration of Their Significance, J. E. Weaver
Native Grassland of Southwestern Iowa, J. E. Weaver
Summary and Interpretation of Underground Development in Grassland Communities, J. E. Weaver
Fluorometric Assay of Free and Bound Coumarin rn Sweetclover, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Influence of Various Factors on Aggregation of Peorian Loess by Microorganisms, T. M. McCalla, Francis A. Haskins, and E. F. Frolik
Effects of Irradiation, Maleic Hydrazide, Temperature, and Age on Enzyme Activity in Seedlings of Corn (Zea mays L.), Francis A. Haskins and Harold Chapman
Stachybotrys atra, an Effective Aggregator of Peorian Loess, S. C. Downs, T. M. McCalla, and Francis A. Haskins
Changes in the Activities of Several Enzymes during Germination and Seedling Development in Corn (Zea mays L.), Francis A. Haskins
A Seventeen-Year Study of Plant Succession in Prairie, J. E. Weaver
Nature and Place of Transition from True Prairie to Mixed Prairie, J. E. Weaver and W. E. Bruner
Influence of Atmospheric and Soil Moisture Conditions on Diurnal Variations in Relative Turgidity of Potato Leaves, H. O. Werner
Quantitative Study of Degeneration of Mixed Prairie, Farrell Branson and J. E. Weaver
Cytochromes and the Succinic Acid Oxidase System of Poky Strains of Neurospora, Francis A. Haskins, Alfred Tissieres, Herschell K. Mitchell, and Mary B. Mitchell
Studies on the Respiratory System of the Poky Strain of Neurospora, Alfred Tissieres, Herschel Mitchell, and Francis A. Haskins
An Example of the Influence of Modifying Genes in Neurospora, Francis A. Haskins and Herschel K. Mitchell
Effects of Excessive Natural Mulch on Development, Yield, and Structure of Native Grassland, J. E. Weaver and N. W. Rowland
Range Condition Classes of Native Midwestern Pasture: An Ecological Analysis, John Voigt and J. E. Weaver
Ecological Studies in a Midwestern Range: The Vegetation and Effects of Cattle on Its Composition and Distribution, J. E. Weaver and G. W. Tomanek
The Growth-Promoting Properties of Quinic Acid, Malcom Gordon, Francis A. Haskins, and Herschel Mitchell
Microorganisms and Soil Structure, T. M. McCalla
Effects of Different Intensities of Grazing on Depth and Quantity of Roots of Grasses, J. E. Weaver
Stabilization of Midwestern Grassland, J. E. Weaver
Monolith Method of Root-Sampling in Studies on Succession and Degeneration, J. E. Weaver and John Voigt
Evidence for a Tryptophane Cycle in Neurospora, Francis A. Haskins and Herschel Mitchell
Separation of Enzymes on the Filter Paper Chromatopile, Herschel Mitchell, Malcom Gordon, and Francis A. Haskins
A Filter Paper "Chromatopile", Herschel Mitchell and Francis A. Haskins
A Metabolic Relationship Between the Aromatic Amino Acids, Joseph F. Nyc, Francis A. Haskins, and Herschel K. Mitchell
Quantitative Study of Root Systems in Different Soil Types, J. E. Weaver and R. W. Darland
Soil-Root Relationships of Certain Native Grasses in Various Soil Types, J. E. Weaver and R. W. Darland
Prairies and Pastures of the Dissected Loess Plains of Central Nebraska, J. E. Weaver and W. E. Bruner
Changes in Vegetation and Production of Forage Resulting from Grazing Lowland Prairie, J. E. Weaver and R. W. Darland
A Method Of Measuring Vigor Of Range Grasses, J. E. Weaver
Reduction of Un-Grazed Mixed Prairie to Short Grass as a Result of Drought and Dust, F. W. Albertson and J. E. Weaver
Annual Increase of Underground Materials in Three Range Grasses, J. E. Weaver and Ellen Zink
Length of Life of Roots of Ten Species of Perennial Range and Pasture Grasses, J. E. Weaver and Ellen Zink
Injury and Death or Recovery of Trees in Prairie Climate, F. W. Albertson and J. E. Weaver
Yields and Consumption of Forage in Three Pasture-Types: An Ecological Analysis, R. W. Darland and J. E. Weaver
A Seven-Year Quantitative Study of Succession in Grassland, J. E. Weaver and W. E. Bruner
Extent and Longevity of the Seminal Roots of Certain Grasses, J. E. Weaver and Ellen Zink
Effects of Drought, Dust, and Intensity of Grazing on Cover and Yield of Short-Grass Pastures, F. W. Albertson and J. E. Weaver
Nature and Degree of Recovery of Grassland from the Great Drought of 1933 to 1940, F. W. Albertson and J. E. Weaver
Grassland Patterns In 1940, J. E. Weaver and R. W. Darland