Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture: Faculty Publications
Science-Based Organic Farming 2006: Toward Local and Secure Food Systems, Charles A. Francis, Katja Koehler-Cole, Twyla Hansen, and Peter Skelton
Simulated insect defoliation and duration of weed interference affected soybean growth, Travis C. Gustafson, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Thomas E. Hunt, and John L. Lindquist
Early-season insect defoliation influences the critical time for weed removal in soybean, Travis C. Gustafson, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Thomas E. Hunt, and John L. Lindquist
Performance of WeedSOFT for Predicting Soybean Yield Loss, Shawn M. Hock, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Alex Martin, and John L. Lindquist
Soybean row spacing and weed emergence time influence weed competitiveness and competitive indices, Shawn M. Hock, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Alex Martin, and John L. Lindquist
Comparison of an Antitranspirant Spray, a Polyacrylamide Gel, and Wind Protection on Early Growth of Muskmelon, Laurie Hodges, Entin Daningsih, and James R. Brandle
Impacts of genetic bottlenecks on soybean genome diversity, D. L. Hyten, Qijian Song, Youlin Zhu, Ik-Young Choi, Randall L. Nelson, Jose M. Costa, James E. Specht, Randy C. Shoemaker, and Perry B. Cregan
Ethylene could influence ferric reductase, iron transporter, and H+-ATPase gene expression by affecting FER (or FER-like) gene activity, Carlos Lucera, Brian M. Waters, Francisco Javier Romera, María José García, María Morales, Esteban Alcántara, and Rafael Pérez-Vicente
AffyMiner: mining differentially expressed genes and biological knowledge in GeneChip microarray data, Guoqing Lu, The V Nguyen, Yuannan Xia, and Michael E. Fromm
Application of machine learning in SNP discovery, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, John J. Grefenstette, David L. Hyten, Ik-Young Choi, Perry B. Cregan, and Curtis P. Van Tassell
SNP-PHAGE – High throughput SNP discovery pipeline, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, John J. Grefenstette, David L. Hyten, Ik-Young Choi, Perry B. Cregan, and Curt P. Van Tassell
Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) markers co-localize with disease resistance genes and QTL in common bean, Nedim Mutlu, Phillip Miklas, and Dermot Coyne
Anthropogenic Drivers of Ecosystem Change: an Overview, Gerald C. Nelson, Elena Bennett, Asmeret A. Berhe, Kenneth G. Cassman, Ruth DeFries, Thomas Dietz, Achim R. Dobermann, Andrew Dobson, Anthony Janetos, Marc Levy, Diana Marco, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Brian O'Neill, Richard Norgaard, Gerhard Petschel-Held, Dennis Ojima, Prabhu Pingali, Robert Watson, and Monika Zurek
Chemical stabilization of soil organic nitrogen by phenolic lignin residues in anaerobic agroecosystems, D.C. Olk, Kenneth G. Cassman, K. Schmidt-Rohr, M.M. Anders, J.-D. Mao, and J.L. Deenik
Seasonal Changes in Dry Matter Partitioning, Yield, and Crude Protein of Intermediate Wheatgrass and Smooth Bromegrass, Alexander J. Smart, Walter H. Schacht, Jerry D. Volesky, and Lowell E. Moser
Soybean Cultivars Resulted from More Recombination Events Than Unselected Lines in the Same Population, T. R. Stefaniak, D. L. Hyten Jr., V. R. Pantalone, A. Klarer, and T. W. Pfeiffer
Long-Term Effects of Tillage on Soil Chemical Properties and Grain Yields of a Dryland Winter Wheat–Sorghum/Corn–Fallow Rotation in the Great Plains, David D. Tarkalson, Gary W. Hergert, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Acidification of soil in a dry land winter wheat-sorghum/corn-fallow rotation in the semiarid U.S. Great Plains, David D. Tarkalson, Jose O. Payero, Gary W. Hergert, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Nitrate Accumulation and Movement Under Deficit Irrigation in Soil Receiving Cattle Manure and Commercial Fertilizer, D. D. Tarkalson, J. O. Payero, S. M. Ensley, and Charles A. Shapiro
Soil Organic Carbon Changes in Diversified Rotations of the Western Corn Belt, Gary E. Varvel
Mutations in Arabidopsis Yellow Stripe-Like1 and Yellow Stripe-Like3 Reveal Their Roles in Metal Ion Homeostasis and Loading of Metal Ions in Seeds, Brian M. Waters, Heng-Hsuan Chu, Raymond J. DiDonato, Louis A. Roberts, Robynn B. Eisley, Brett Lahner, David E. Salt, and Elsbeth L. Walker
Features, Applications, and Limitations of the Hybrid-Maize Simulation Model, Haishun Yang, Achim Dobermann, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Daniel T. Walters
Soil Surface Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases in an Irrigated Maize-Based Agroecosystem, Brigid Amos, Timothy J. Arkebauer, and John W. Doran
Leaf Radiative Properties and the Leaf Energy Budget, Timothy J. Arkebauer
Nitrogen supply affects root:shoot ratio in corn and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), Kimberly D. Bonifas, Daniel T. Walters, Kenneth G. Cassman, and John L. Lindquist
Environmental factors affecting seed persistence of annual weeds across the U.S. corn belt, Adam S. Davis, John Cardina, Frank Forcella, Gregg A. Johnson, George Kegode, John L. Lindquist, Edward C. Luschei, Karen A. Renner, Christy L. Sprague, and Martin M. Williams II
Nitrogen Use Efficiency – State of the Art, Achim R. Dobermann
Use of the Hybrid-Maize model to improve management decisions, Achim R. Dobermann, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Science-Based Organic Farming 2005: Toward Local and Secure Food Systems, Charles A. Francis, Twyla Hansen, and Peter Skelton
Genetic Improvement Trends in Agronomic Performances and End-Use Quality Characteristics Among Hard Red Winter Wheat Cultivars in Nebraska, H. Fufa, P. Stephen Baenziger, B. S. Beecher, Robert A. Graybosch, Kent M. Eskridge, and Lenis Alton Nelson
Registration of ‘Antelope’ Hard White Winter Wheat, Robert A. Graybosch, C.J. Peterson, P. Stephen Baenziger, Lenis Alton Nelson, B.B. Beecher, D. D. Baltensperger, and J.M. Krall
Life History Traits of the Threatened Purple Amole (Chlorogalum Purpureum var. Purpureum), John A. Guretzky, Elizabeth Clark, and Darlene Woodbury
Cattle Grazing and Tracked Vehicle Training on Central and Southwest U.S. Army Lands, John A. Guretzky, Jeffrey Fehmi, and Alan Anderson
Species Diversity and Functional Composition of Pastures that Vary in Landscape Position and Grazing Management, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, E. Charles Brummer, and C. Lee Burras
Nematode-Induced Changes of Transporter Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Roots, Ulrich Z. Hammes, Daniel P. Schachtman, R. Howard Berg, Erik Nielsen, Wolfgang Koch, Lauren M. McIntyre, and Christopher G. Taylor
Influence of soybean row width and velvetleaf emergence time on velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), Shawn M. Hock, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Alex R. Martin, and John L. Lindquist
Standard Meteorological Measurements, Kenneth Hubbard and Steven E. Hollinger
Quality effect of wheat-rye (1R) translocation in ‘Pavon 76’, W. Kim, J. W. Johnson, P. Stephen Baenziger, A. J. Lukaszewski, and C. S. Gaines
Maize Radiation Use Efficiency under Optimal Growth Conditions, John L. Lindquist, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Daniel T. Walters, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Achim Dobermann
Estimating Surface Wetness on Plants, R.D. MAGAREY, R.C. SEEM, A. WEISS, T. GILLESPIE, and L. HUBER
Effects of Summer Grazing Strategies on Organic Reserves and Root Characteristics of Big Bluestem, E. M. Mousel, Walter H. Schacht, C. W. Zanner, and Lowell E. Moser
Backcross breeding for improved resistance to common bacterial blight in pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ), Nedim Mutlu, P. Miklas, J. Reiser, and D. Coyne
Plant Resins---Chemistry, Evolution Ecology and Ethnobotany, Ellen T. Paparozzi
Processing of Yield Map Data, J. L. Ping and Achim R. Dobermann
Remotely Measuring Chlorophyll Content in Corn Leaves with Differing Nitrogen Levels and Relative Water Content, Michael R. Schlemmer, Dennis D. Francis, J.F. Shanahan, and James S. Schepers
Establishment Stand Thresholds for Switchgrass Grown as a Bioenergy Crop, Marty R. Schmer, Kenneth P. Vogel, Robert B. Mitchell, Lowell E. Moser, Kent M. Eskridge, and Richard K. Perrin
Marketing Locally Produced Foods: Consumer and Farmer Opinions in Washington County, Nebraska, Mindi L. Schneider and Charles A. Francis
Effect of Control Plot Density, Control Plot Arrangement, and Assumption of Random or Fixed Effects on Nonreplicated Experiments for Germplasm Screening Using Spatial Models, Boi Sebolai, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, D. B. Marx, and D. L. Boykin
Overseeding Buffalograss Turf with Fine-Leaved Fescues, Songul Severmutlu, Terrance P. Riordan, Robert C. Shearman, Roch E. Gaussoin, and Lowell E. Moser
Temporal Origin of Nitrogen in the Grain of Tropical Wet-Season Rice, J. E. Sheehy, M. Mnzava, Kenneth G. Cassman, P. L. Mitchell, A. B. Ferrer, R. P. Robles, and P. Pablico
Curiosities, nonsense, non-science and SRI, J. E. Sheehy, T. R. Sinclair, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Adoption of Riparian Forest Buffers on Private Lands in Nebraska, USA, Peter Skelton, Scott J. Josiah, James W. King, James R. Brandle, Glenn A. Helmers, and Charles A. Francis
Evaluation and Perceived Impacts of the North-Central Region SARE Grants, 1988-2002, Shirley K. Trout, Charles A. Francis, and John E. Barbuto Jr.
Annual carbon dioxide exchange in irrigated and rainfed maize-based agroecosystems, Shashi Verma, Achim Dobermann, Kenneth G. Cassman, Daniel T. Walters, Johannes M. H. Knops, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Andrew E. Suyker, George Burba, Brigid Amos, Haishun Yang, Daniel Ginting, Kenneth Hubbard, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea
Registration of N30-N56, N741, N743, N745, N747, U362, U363, U367, U369-U374, U389-U394, U396-U398, and U500 Sweetclover Genetic Stocks, Kenneth P. Vogel, H. J. Gorz, and F. A. Haskins
Farmer research: Conventional experiences and guidelines for alternative agriculture and multi-functional agro-ecosystems, Charles S. Wortmann, A. P. Christensen, Keith L. Glewen, Terence A. Hejny, J. Mulliken, J. M. Peterson, D. L. Varner, S. Wortmann, and Gary L. Zoubek
Changes In Nitrogen Use Efficiency And Soil Quality After Five Years Of Managing For High Yield Corn And Soybean, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Achim R. Dobermann, Kenneth G. Cassman, Rhae A. Drijber, J. Lindquist, James E. Specht, Daniel T. Walters, and Haishun Yang
Expression of a putative flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase in sorghum mesocotyls synthesizing 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins, Jayanand Boddu, Catherine Svabek, Rajandeep Sekhon, Amanda Gevens, Ralph L. Nicholson, A. Daniel Jones, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, David L. Gustine, and Surinder Chopra
Windbreaks in North American Agricultural Systems, James R. Brandle, Laurie Hodges, and Xinhua H. Zhou
Application of Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism Markers for Characterization of Turfgrass Species, Hikmet Budak, Bob Shearman, Roch E. Gaussoin, and Ismail M. Dweikat
Factors affecting the realized niche of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in ridge-tillage corn, Michael G. Burton, David A. Mortensen, David B. Marx, and John L. Lindquist
In-season Prediction of Attainable Maize Yield Using the Hybrid-Maize Model, Achim R. Dobermann, Haishun Yang, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Daniel T. Walters
Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) interference with corn across the north-central United States, David W. Fischer, R. Gordon Harvey, Thomas T. Bauman, Sam Phillips, Stephen E. Hart, Gregg A. Johnson, James J. Kells, Philip Westra, and John L. Lindquist
Crop Performance and Soil Properties of Sites Previously Used for Production of Beef Cattle Manure Compost, Daniel Ginting, Bahman Eghball, Daniel T. Walters, Charles A. Francis, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Casey Wilson, and Galen E. Erickson
Heritability of the Resistance to Potato Leafhopper in Dry Bean, J.W. Gonzales, Dermot P. Coyne, Dale T. Lindgren, D. Schaaf, and Kent M. Eskridge
Genotypic and Environmental Modification of Asian Noodle Quality of Hard Winter Wheats, Robert A. Graybosch, N. Ames, P. Stephen Baenziger, and C. J. Peterson
Distribution of Legumes along Gradients of Slope and Soil Electrical Conductivity in Pastures, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, C. Lee Burras, and E. Charles Brummer
Emergence and Survival of Legumes Seeded into Pastures Varying in Landscape Position, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, Allen D. Knapp, and E. Charles Brummer
Growth and Yield of Snap Beans as Affected by Wind Protection and Microclimate Changes due to Shelterbelts and Planting Dates, Laurie Hodges, Mohd Nazip Suratman, James R. Brandle, and Kenneth G. Hubbard
Sources of Plant Materials for Land Rehabilitation, Heidi Howard, John A. Guretzky, Brandy Koch, Shannon McDowell, Steven Warren, and Gwyn L. Howard
Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance Equipment Sources, Heidi Howard, Shannon McDowell, Amanda Breon, John A. Guretzky, and Bradley Tadlock
Molecular Mapping and Identification of Soybean Fatty Acid Modifier Quantitative Trait Loci, D. L. Hyten Jr., Vincent R. Pantalone, Arnold M. Saxton, Michael E. Schmidt, and Carl E. Sams
Seed quality QTL in a prominent soybean population, D. L. Hyten Jr., V. R. Pantalone, C. E. Sams, A. M. Saxon, D. Landau-Ellis, T. R. Stefaniak, and M. E. Schmidt
IMPLEMENTATION OF A MITOCHONDRIAL MUTATOR, Sally Mackenzie and Ricardo Vilela Abdelnoor
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis of Long-term Cultured Hybrid Hazelnut, Mehmet Nuri Nas, Nedim Mutle, and Paul Read
Improved Rooting and Acclimatization of Micropropagated Hazelnut Shoots, Mehmet Nuri Nas and Paul Read
Nitrogen Mineralization from Humic Acid Fractions in Rice Soils Depends on Degree of Humification, Bao Ve Nguyen, D. C. Olk, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Agronomic Responses of Corn Hybrids from Different Eras to Deficit and Adequate Levels of Water and Nitrogen, Patrick M. O'Neill, J.F. Shanahan, James S. Schepers, and Bob Caldwell
Using Multi-Spectral Imagery To Evaluate Corn Grown Under Nitrogen and Drought Stressed Conditions, Shannon L. Osborne, James S. Schepers, and Mike R. Schlemmer
Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming, Shaobing Peng, Jianliang Huang, John Sheehy, Rebecca C. Laza, Romeo M. Visperas, Xuhua Zhong, Grace S. Centeno, Gurdev S. Khush, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Registration of NPM-4, a Dwarf White Grain Pearl Millet Germplasm, J.F. Rajewski, D.J. Andrews, and Ismail M. Dweikat
Interactions Among Western Ragweed and Other Sandhills Species After Drought, Patrick E. Reece, Joe E. Brummer, Brian K. Northup, Ann E. Koehler, and Lowell E. Moser
Windbreaks, Robert J. Rouse and Laurie Hodges
Stability of the allergenic soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor, Robin Roychaudhuri, Gautam Sarath, Michael G. Zeece, and John P. Markwell
Appropriateness of Management Zones for Characterizing Spatial Variability of Soil Properties and Irrigated Corn Yields across Years, Aaron R. Schepers, J.F. Shanahan, Mark A. Liebig, James S. Schepers, Sven Johnson, and Ariovaldo Luchiari Jr.
Feasibility of Site-Specific Management of Corn Hybrids and Plant Densities in the Great Plains, J.F. Shanahan, Thomas A. Doerge, Jerry J. Johnson, and Merle F. Vigil
Establishing Effects of application of Swine Manure on Crop Leaf Damage to Growing Crops, Charles Shapiro and University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Temporal origin of nitrogen in the grain of irrigated rice in the dry season: the outcome of uptake, cycling, senescence and competition studied using a 15N-point placement technique, J. E. Sheehy, M. Mnzava, Kenneth G. Cassman, P. L. Mitchell, P. Pablico, R. P. Robles, H. P. Samonte, J. S. Lales, and A. B. Ferrer
Hydrogen peroxide mediates plant root cell response to nutrient deprivation, Ryoung Shin and Daniel P. Schachtman
Agronomic UFOs, Thomas R. Sinclair and Kenneth G. Cassman
FORAGE & GRAZING LANDS: Morphological Characteristics of Big Bluestem and Switchgrass Plants Divergently Selected for Seedling Tiller Number, Alexander J. Smart, Lowell E. Moser, and Kenneth P. Vogel
A new integrated genetic linkage map of the soybean, Q.J. Song, L.F. Marek, R.C. Shoemaker, K.G. Lark, V.C. Concibido, X. Delannay, James E. Specht, and P.B. Cregan
Old-Field Grassland Successional Dynamics Following Cessation of Chronic Disturbance, Susan Tunnell, David Engle, and Eric Jorgensen
Characterization of Humic Acid Fractions Improves Estimates of Nitrogen Mineralization Kinetics for Lowland Rice Soils, Nguyen Bao Ve, D. C. Olk, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Plant Population and Fertilization Impacts on Irrigated Corn in Nebraska, Daniel T. Walters and Achim R. Dobermann
Glyphosate Efficacy on Velvetleaf Varies with Application Time of Day, Aaron L. Waltz, Alex R. Martin, Fred W. Roeth, and John L. Lindquist
Resource Allocation in a Breeding Program for Phosphorus Concentration in Maize Grain, Brandon M. Wardyn and W. Ken Russell
Crop and Soil Productivity Response to Corn Residue Removal: A Literature Review, Wallace Wilhelm, J.M.F. Johnson, J. L. Hatfield, W.B. Voorhees, and D.R. Linden
Predicting phenological development in winter wheat, Qingwu Xue, Albert Weiss, and P. Stephen Baenziger