Demographic and Evolutionary Impacts of Native and Invasive Insect Herbivores on Cirsium canescens, Karen E. Rose, Svata M. Louda, and Mark Rees
Indirect interaction between two native thistles mediated by an invasive exotic floral herbivore, F. Leland Russell and Svata M. Louda
Linking seed fate to natural dispersal patterns: factors affecting predation and scatter-hoarding of Virola calophylla seeds in Peru, Sabrina E. Russo
A Multi-Forest Comparison of Dietary Preferences and Seed Dispersal by Ateles spp., Sabrina E. Russo, Christina J. Campbell, J. Lawrence Dew, Pablo R. Stevenson, and Scott A. Suarez
Soil-Related Performance Variation and Distributions of Tree Species in a Bornean Rain Forest, Sabrina E. Russo, Stuart J. Davies, David A. King, and Sylvester Tan
Community Analysis of a Mercury Hot Spring Supports Occurrence of Domain-Specific Forms of Mercuric Reductase, Jessica Simbahan, Elizabeth Kurth, James Schelert, Amanda Dillman, Estuko N. Moriyama, Stevan Jovanovich, and Paul H. Blum
Homologous and Heterologous Reconstitution of Golgi to Chloroplast Transport and Protein Import into the Complex Chloroplasts of Euglena, Silvia Sláviková, Rostislav Vacula, Zhiwei Fang, Tomoko Ehara, Tetsuaki Osafune, and Steven D. Schwartzbach
Testosterone and Group Size in Cliff Swallows: Testing the “Challenge Hypothesis” in a Colonial Bird, Linda C. Smith, Samrrah A. Raouf, Mary Bomberger Brown, John C. WIngfield, and Charles R. Brown
Nonrandom dispersal and local adaptation, Jay F. Storz
Using genome scans of DNA polymorphism to infer adaptive population divergence, Jay F. Storz
Gene Set Coregulated by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay Pathway, Rachel Taylor, Bessie Wanja Kebaara, Tara Nazarenus, Ashley Jones, Rena Yamanaka, Rachel Uhrenholdt, Jason P. Wendler, and Audrey L. Atkin
Web-based toolkits for topology prediction of transmembrane helical proteins, fold recognition, structure and binding scoring, folding-kinetics analysis and comparative analysis of domain combinations, Hongyi Zhou, Chi Zhang, Song Liu, and Yaoqi Zhou
Long-Range Visibility of Greater Sage Grouse Leks: A GIS-Based Analysis, Andrea S. Aspbury and Robert M. Gibson
Phylogenetic Relationships of Malvatheca (Bombacoideae and Malvoideae; Malvaceae sensu lato) as Inferred from Plastid DNA Sequences, David A. Baum, Stacey DeWitt Smith, Alan Yen, William S. Alverson, Reto Nyffeler, Barbara A. Whitlock, and Rebecca L. Oldham
How Predation Risk Affects the Temporal Dynamics of Avian Leks: Greater Sage Grouse versus Golden Eagles, Adam R. Boyko, Robert M. Gibson, and Jeffrey R. Lucas
How Predation Risk Affects the Temporal Dynamics of Avian Leks: Greater Sage Grouse versus Golden Eagles, Adam R. Boyko, Robert M. Gibson, and Jeffrey R. Lucas
Population Genetics of the Developmental Gene optomotor-blind (omb) in Drosophila polymorpha: Evidence for a Role in Abdominal Pigmentation Variation, Jennifer A. Brisson, Alan R. Templeton, and Ian Duncan
Group Size and Ectoparasitism Affect Daily Survival Probability in a Colonial Bird, Charles R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Mark–recapture and behavioral ecology: a case study of Cliff Swallows, C. R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Spatial Heterogeneity, Not Visitation Bias, Dominates Variation in Herbivory: Comment & Reply, James F. Cahill, Brenda B. Casper, David S. Hik, Svata M. Louda, Anne M. Parkhurst, Kate L. Bradley, Elisabeth S. Bakker, Johannes M. H. Knops, Ellen I. Damschen, and Lauren M. Young
Culture-Independent Analysis of Fecal Enterobacteria in Environmental Samples by Single-Cell mRNA Profiling, Han Chen, Gomathinayagam Ponniah, Nancy Salonen, and Paul H. Blum
Juvenile and Adult Survival in the Sociable Weaver (Philetairus Socius), a Southern-Temperate Colonial Cooperative Breeder in Africa, Rita Covas, Charles R. Brown, Mark D. Anderson, and Mary Bomberger Brown
Host–Symbiont Stability and Fast Evolutionary Rates in an Ant–Bacterium Association: Cospeciation of Camponotus Species and Their Endosymbionts, Candidatus Blochmannia, Patrick H. Degnan, Adam B. Lazarus, Chad D. Brock, and Jennifer J. Wernegreen
Mercury Inactivates Transcription and the Generalized Transcription Factor TFB in the Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, Vidula Dixit, Elisabetta Bini, Melissa Drozda, and Paul H. Blum
Kangaroo management options IN THE MURRAY-DARLING BASIN, Ron Hacker, Steve McLeod, John Druhan, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and Udai Pradhan
The Role of cis-acting Sequences Governing Catabolite Repression Control of lacS Expression in the Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, Viet Hoang, Elisabetta Bini, Vidula Dixit, Melissa Drozda, and Paul H. Blum
Book Review: Los Mamíferos de la Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina, Federico G. Hoffmann
Book Review: Tangled Trees: Phylogeny, Cospeciation, and Coevolution, Federico G. Hoffmann
Isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris), Delbert W. Hutchison, Jared L. Strasburg, Jennifer A. Brisson, and Shawn Cummings
Impact of Intraspecific Polyploidy in Andropogon gerardii (Poaceae) Populations, Kathleen H. Keeler
Aspects of the ecology of a distinct population of Xenosaurus platyceps from Querétaro, México, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Royce E. Ballinger
Estimation of genetically effective breeding numbers using a rejection algorithm approach, Uma Ramakrishnan, Jay F. Storz, Barbara L. Taylor, and Russell Lande
Exotic Weed Invasion Increases the Susceptibility of Native Plants to Attack by a Biocontrol Herbivore, Tatyana A. Rand and Svata M. Louda
Aggregated Seed Dispersal by Spider Monkeys Limits Recruitment to Clumped Patterns in Virola calophylla, Sabrina E. Russo and Carol K. Augsperger
Occurrence and Characterization of Mercury Resistance in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus by Use of Gene Disruption, James Schelert, Vidula Dixit, Viet Hoang, Jessica Simbahan, Melissa Drozda, and Paul H. Blum
The Sweet Tooth of Adult Parasitoid Cotesia rubecula: Ignoring Hosts for Nectar?, Gitta Siekmann, Michael A. Keller, and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Genetic Discontinuities among Populations of Cleistes (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) in North America, Stacey DeWitt Smith, Robyn S. Cowan, Katharine B. Gregg, Mark W. Chase, Nigel Maxted, and Michael F. Fay
Landscape Vs. Local Habitat Scale Influences To Insect Communities From Tallgrass Prairie Remnants, Kristal J.L. Stoner and Anthony Joern
Natural Selection Drives Altitudinal Divergence at the Albumin Locus in Deer Mice, Peromyscus Maniculatus, Jay F. Storz and Jean M. Dubach
Genome Scans of DNA Variability in Humans Reveal Evidence for Selective Sweeps Outside of Africa, Jay F. Storz, Bret A. Payseur, and Michael W. Nachman
Predicting predation efficiency of biocontrol agents: linking behavior of individuals and population dynamics, Brigitte Tenhumberg
Linking Wild and Captive Populations to Maximize Species Persistence: Optimal Translocation Strategies, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Andrew J. Tyre, Katriona Shea, and Hugh P. Possingham
The role of local spatial heterogeneity in the maintenance of parapatric boundaries: agent based models of competition between two parasitic ticks, Andrew J. Tyre, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and C. Michael Bull
Effect of a Juvenile Hormone Analogue on Lipid Metabolism in a Wing-Polymorphic Cricket: Implications for the Endocrine-Biochemical Bases of Life-History Trade-Offs, Anthony J. Zera and Zhangwu Zhao
The Dependence of All-Atom Statistical Potentials on Structural Training Database, Chi Zhang, Song Liu, Hongyi Zhou, and Yaoqi Zhou
A morph-specific daily cycle in the rate of JH biosynthesis underlies a morph-specific daily cycle in the hemolymph JH titer in a wing-polymorphic cricket, Zhangwu Zhao and Anthony J. Zera
The hemolymph JH titer exhibits a large-amplitude, morph-dependent, diurnal cycle in the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus, Zhangwu Zhao and Anthony J. Zera
Toward a physical energy function for intra- and inter-protein interactions by combining structural knowledge with physical principles, Yaoqi Zhou, Hongyi Zhou, Chi Zhang, and Song Liu
Food Supplements Modulate Changes in Leucocyte Numbers in Breeding Male Ground Squirrels, Gwendolyn C. Bachman
The turn of the sword: length increases male swimming costs in swordtails, Alexandra Basolo and Giollermina Alcaraz
Hyperthermophilic Alpha-Glucosidase Gene and its Use, Paul Blum
Spatial Heterogeneity, Not Visitation Bias, Dominates Variation in Herbivory, Kate L. Bradley, Ellen I. Damschen, Lauren M. Young, Daniel Kuefler, Sarah Went, Galen Wray, Nick M. Haddad, Johannes M. H. Knops, and Svata M. Louda
Impact of fire management on the ecology of collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) populations living on the Ozark Plateau, Jennifer A. Brisson, Jared L. Strasburg, and Alan R. Templeton
Testis Size Increases with Colony Size in Cliff Swallows, Charles R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Multistate Estimates of Survival and Movement in Relation to Colony Size in the Sociable Weaver, Charles R. Brown, Rita Covas, Mark D. Anderson, and Mary Bomberger Brown
Subadult experience influences adult mate choice in an arthropod: Exposed female wolf spiders prefer males of a familiar phenotype, Eileen Hebets
The role of visual landmarks in the avian familiar area map, Richard A. Holland
Chemistry of Cirsium and Carduus: A role in ecological risk assessment for biological control of weeds?, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden and Svata M. Louda
Host Range Extension for Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria (Geometrinae, Geometridae) to Include Eriogonum alatum (Polygonaceae), Kathleen H. Keeler and George J. Balogh
Ecology of Sceloporus undulatus speari (Sauria: Phrynosomatidae) from North-Central Chihuahua, Mexico, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal, Geoffrey R. Smith, Royce E. Ballinger, and Hobart M. Smith
Invasiveness of Some Biological Control Insects and Adequacy of Their Ecological Risk Assessment and Regulation, Svata M. Louda, Amy E. Arnett, Tatyana A. Rand, and F. L. Russell
Native Thistles: Expendable or Integral to Ecosystem Resistance to Invasion?, Svata M. Louda and Tatyana A. Rand
Dynamic versus Instantaneous Models of Diet Choice, Brian O. Ma, Peter A. Abrams, and Chad Brassil
Codon Usage, Estuko N. Moriyama
Ontogenetic shift in buoyancy and habitat in the Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni (Perciformes: Nototheniidae), Thomas J. Near, Sabrina E. Russo, Christopher D. Jones, and Arthur L. DeVries
Cytotypes of Andropogon gerardii Vitman (Poaceae): Fertility and Reproduction of Aneuploids, Guillermo A. Norrmann and Kathleen H. Keeler
Single-Cell Protein Profiling of Wastewater Enterobacterial Communities Predicts Disinfection Efficiency, Gomathinayagam Ponniah, Han Chen, Ronda Michielutti, Nancy Salonen, and Paul H. Blum
The Proliferation Gene Expression Signature is a Quantitative Integrator of Oncogenic Events that Predicts Survival in Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Andreas Rosenwald, George Wright, Adrian Wiestner, Wing Chan, Joseph Connors, Elias Campo, Randy Gascoyne, Thomas Grogan, Konrad Muller-Hermelink, Erlend B. Smeland, Michael Chiorazzi, Jena M. Giltnane, Elaine M. Hurt, Hong Zhao, Lauren Averett, Sarah Henrickson, Liming Yang, John Powell, Wyndham H. Wilson, Elaine S. Jaffe, Richard Simon, Richard D. Klausner, Emilio Montserrat, Francesc Bosch, Timothy Greiner, Dennis D. Weisenburger, Warren G. Sanger, Bhavana J. Dave, James C. Lynch, Julie Vose, James O. Armitage, Richard I. Fisher, Thomas P. Miller, Michael LeBlanc, German Ott, Stein Kvaloy, Harald Holte, Jan Delabie, and Louis M. Staudt
Size-Abundance Relationships in an Amazonian Bird Community: Implications for the Energetic Equivalence Rule, Sabrina E. Russo, Scott K. Robinson, and John Terborgh
Body Mass of Late Quaternary Mammals (Data Set), Felisa A. Smith, S. Kathleen Lyons, S.K. Morgan Ernest, Kate E. Jones, Kansas State University, Tamar Dayan, Pablo A. Marquet, James H. Brown, and John P. Haskell
An Analysis of the Secondary Structure of the Mitochondrial Large Subunit rRNA Gene (16S) in Spiders and Its Implications for Phylogenetic Reconstruction, Stacey DeWitt Smith and Jason E. Bond
Natural Selection on Protein Polymorphism in the Rodent Genus Peromyscus: Evidence from Interlocus Contrasts, Jay F. Storz and Michael W. Nachman
Indirect evidence of density-dependent population regulation in Aponomma hydrosauri (Acari: Ixodidae), an ectoparasite of reptiles, Andrew J. Tyre, C. Michael Bull, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and Neil Chilton
IMPROVING PRECISION AND REDUCING BIAS IN BIOLOGICAL SURVEYS: ESTIMATING FALSE-NEGATIVE ERROR RATES, Andrew J. Tyre, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Scott A. Field, Darren Niejalke, Kirsten Parris, and Hugh P. Possingham
Putative subunits of the maize origin of replication recognition complex ZmORC1±ZmORC5, Xiaohong Witmer, Raul Alvarez-Venegas, Phillip San-Miguel, Olga Danilevskaya, and Zoya Avramova
Large-Scale Cultivation of Acidophilic Hyperthermophiles for Recovery of Secreted Proteins, Penny Worthington, Paul H. Blum, Francisco Perez-Pomares, and Tom Elthon
Targeted Disruption of the α-Amylase Gene in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, Penny Worthington, Viet Hoang, Francisco Perez-Pomares, and Paul H. Blum
The Endocrine Regulation of Wing Polymorphism in Insects: State of the Art, Recent Surprises, and Future Directions, Anthony J. Zera
Life-History Evolution and the Microevolution of Intermediary Metabolism: Activities of Lipid-Metabolizing Enzymes in Life-History Morphs of a Wing-Dimorphic Cricket, Anthony J. Zera and Zhangwu Zhao
Morph-dependent fatty acid oxidation in a wing-polymorphic cricket: Implications for the trade-off between dispersal and reproduction, Anthony J. Zera and Zhangwu Zhao
Re-test of Rhinocyllus conicus host specificity, and the prediction of ecological risk in biological control, Amy E. Arnett and Svata M. Louda
Stability of mRNA in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, Elisabetta Bini, Vidula Dikshit, Kristi Dirksen, Melissa Drozda, and Paul H. Blum
Brief Communications: Rapid and Costly Ageing in Wild Male Flies, Russell Bonduriansky and Chad Brassil
Conformational strictness required for maximum activity and stability of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A as revealed by crystallographic study of three Phe120 mutants at 1.4 Å resolution, Eri Chatani, Rikimaru Hayashi, Hideaki Moriyama, and Tatzuo Ueki
Active formation of mixed-species grouse leks: a role for predation in lek evolution?, Robert M. Gibson
Active Formation of Mixed-Species Grouse Leks: A Role for Predation in Lek Evolution?, Robert M. Gibson, Andrea S. Aspbury, and Leonard L. McDaniel
‘Neuroecologists’ are Not Made of Straw, Robert Hampton, Susan Healy, Sara Shettleworth, and Alan C. Kamil
Clone Size of Andropogon gerardii Vitman (Big Bluestem) at Konza Prairie, Kansas, Kathleen H. Keeler, Charles F. Williams, and Linda S. Vescio
Convergent Demographic Effects of Insect Attack on Related Thistles in Coastal vs. Continental Dunes, John L. Maron, Julie K. Combs, and Svata M. Louda
The Natural History of Reproduction in Solanum and Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in a Subtropical Moist Forest, Stacey DeWitt Smith and Sandra Knapp
Ecogeographic surveys as tools for analyzing potential reproductive isolating mechanisms: An example using Solanum juglandifolium Dunal, S. ochranthum Dunal, S. lycopersicoides Dunal, and S. sitiens I. M. Johnston, Stacey DeWitt Smith and Iris Edith Peralta
Effects of herbivory on the reproductive effort of 4 prairie perennials, Erica Spotswood, Kate L. Bradley, and Johannes M. H. Knops
Contrasting Patterns of Divergence in Quantitative Traits and Neutral DNA Markers: Analysis of Clinal Variation, Jay F. Storz
Testing for Genetic Evidence of Population Expansion and Contraction: An Empirical Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Variation Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model, Jay F. Storz and Mark Beaumont
Genetic Evidence for Long-Term Population Decline in a Savannah Dwelling Primate: Inferences from a Hierarchical Bayesian Model, Jay F. Storz, Mark A. Beaumont, and Susan C. Alberts