The materials archived here are presented for the purpose of preserving the historical record and for those interested in research into the practices and activities of the past. They very well may not reflect current recommendations and should not be used for that purpose. Many regulations and recommendations regarding pest control, food preparation, animal treatment, and agricultural methods have changed drastically over the past 100 years. For the latest up-to-date information, publications, and recommendations from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, please visit
More than 4,000 items are listed below, many following the prefixes "CC" (for Community Circular) and "EC" (for Extension Circular). The Advanced search link at left will perform searches by author, title, and full text.
G91-1055 Using Moving Averages to Effectively Analyze Trends, Robin R. Riley and Lynn H. Lutgen
G91-1056 Support and Resistance Areas, and Will the Market Give Us a Second Chance?, Lynn H. Lutgen
G91-1057 Elements of Technical Analysis, Robin R. Riley and Lynn H. Lutgen
G91-1058 Using the RSI and Other Oscillators to Analyze the Markete, Robin R. Riley and Lynn H. Lutgen
G91-1059 Point-and-Figure Analysis, Robin R. Riley and Lynn H. Lutgen
G91-1060 Black Spot of Roses, John E. Watkins
G91-1061 Conserving Water in the Landscape, Don Steinegger, Frederick P. Baxendale, Garald L. Horse, and Dale T. Lindgren
G91-1062 Termites (Revised March 2002), Shripat T. Kamble
G91-1101 Peach Leaf Curl and Related Diseases, L.V. Coziahr and David S. Wysong
NF91-11 Help Children Cope With Separation and Loss, Patricia E. Steffens
NF91-12 "Living" Trust: Cause for Consumer Concern, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-13 Winter Home Shutdown, Monica Braun and Anne Ziebarth
NF91-14 Moth Protection For Woolen Apparel, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-15 Removing Skunk Odor from Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-16 Removing Smoke Odors from Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-17 How to Minimize Mildew Damage to Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-18 Cutting Family Living INSURANCE Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-19 Cutting Installment Payments, Credit Cards and Other CREDIT PAYMENTS, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-1 Bankruptcy: Debtor's Last Resort, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-20 Cutting Family Living TRANSPORTATION Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-21 Cutting Family Living FOOD Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-22 Cutting Family Living Recreation, Health Care, Gifts and Contributions, Education, and other Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-23 Insurance Needs of the Home-Based Child Care Business (Revised February 2005), Kathleen Prochaska-Cue
NF91-24 A Cash Flow Technique to Use in Household Budgeting, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-25 Cutting Family Living Clothing and Personal Care Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-26 Cutting Housing, Utilities, Telephone, Furnishings, Cleaning Supply Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue, Shirley Niemeyer, and Ann Ziebarth
NF91-27 A Discussion of 'Greenhouse' Gases, Steve Meyer and Ken Hubbard
NF91-28 Psittacosis (Chlamydia Psittaci Infections) in Pet Birds, Eva Wallner-Pendleton
NF91-29 Ringworm and Club Lamb Fungus, Doyle Wolverton and Ted Doane
NF91-2 Acquiring Credit, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-30 The Clover Leaf Weevil in Alfalfa, Keith J. Jarvi and Stephen D. Danielson
NF91-32 A Quick Consumer Guide to Safe Food Handling, Dennis Burson and Julie A. Albrecht
NF91-33 Handling Eggs Safely at Home, Julie A. Albrecht and Alice Henneman
NF91-34 Food Safety for Farmers' Market Vendors, Julie A. Albrecht
NF91-35 Amaranth Grain Production in Nebraska, David D. Baltensperger, Drew J. Lyon, Lenis Alton Nelson, and Alan J. Corr
NF91-36 Growing Safflower in Nebraska, Drew J. Lyon, David D. Baltensperger, Ray Sall, and Eric Kerr
NF91-37 Thread Facts, Rose Marie Tondl and Wendy Rich
NF91-39 Precipitation and Sprinkler Irrigation Monitoring for Managing Irrigation Scheduling, Steve Meyer and Kenneth Hubbard
NF91-3 Setting Reasonable Debt Limits, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-40 Insulation Information for Nebraska Homeowners, Ann Ziebarth
NF91-43 Blossom End Rot in Tomatoes, Laurie Hodges and Don Steinegger
NF91-44 Ineffectiveness of Home Remedy Dye Setting Treatments, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-45 Ramie, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-46 Guidelines for Collection, Storage and Heating of Human Milk, Darlene Martin and Charlotte Kern
NF91-47 Micro-Fibers, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-48 Sewing With Micro-Fibers, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-49 Well Water, Nitrates and the "Blue Baby" Syndrome Methemoglobinemia, Ann Ziebarth
NF91-4 How to Balance Your Checkbook, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-50 Bee Pollination of Cucurbit Crops, Laurie Hodges and Fred Baxendale
NF91-51 Kale: The "New" Old Vegetable, Laurie Hodges
NF91-5 Money Management Recordkeeping, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-6 Solving Financial Problems, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-7 Communicating About Money, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-8 Individual vs. Group Health Insurance, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-9 Financial Planning When Called To Active Military Duty, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
Preparing Fabric for Use, Rose Marie Tondl
CC178 Revised 1990 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1990-1991, Lenis Alton Nelson and Bruce Anderson
CC351 Revised 1990 Organizing a Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC352 Revised 1990 Developing a productive Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC356 1990 Farm Program : Summary and Participation Worksheets, Roger Selley and Terry Bockstadter
CC357 Glossary of Farm Program Terms, Roger Selley
CC90-342 Soil Compaction...Fact and Fiction: Common Questions and Their Answers, Alice J. Jones, Robert D. Grisso, and Charles A. Shapiro
CC90-351 Team Building: Organizing a Team, Arnold J. Bateman
CC90-352 Team Building: Developing a Productive Team, Arnold J. Bateman
Challenging Patterns, Rose Marie Tondl
EC-90-102 Nebraska Spring Small Grain Variety Tests 1990, Lenis Alton Nelson
EC90-104 Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and R. S. Moomaw
EC90-105 Nebraska Corn Hybrid Tests 1990, Lenis Alton Nelson, Russell S. Moomaw, and Roger Wesley Elmore
EC90-106 Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 1990, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and P. T. Nordquist
EC90-107 Nebraska Proso, Sunflower and Amaranth Variety Tests 1990, David D. Baltensperger
EC90-120 Certified Perennial Grass Varieties Recommended for Nebraska, Bruce E. Anderson, Ken Hladek, and Roger Kanable
EC90-121 Conducting a Prescribed Burn And Prescribed Burning Checklist, Robert A. Masters, Robert Stritzke, and Steven S. Waller
EC 90-130 A 1990 Guide for --- Herbicide Use in Nebraska
EC90-1509 1990 Insect Management Guide for Nebraska Corn and Sorghum, R. J. Wright, S. D. Danielson, and J. F. Witkowski
EC90-1511 1990 Insect Management Guide for Alfalfa, Soybeans, Wheat, Range, and Pasture, S. D. Danielson, R. J. Wright, and J. F. Witkowski
EC90-1537 1990 Insect Management Guide for Sugarbeets, Dry Beans, Sunflowers, Vetch, Potatoes, and Onions, G. L. Hein, R. J. Wright, and F. P. Baxendale
EC90-1537 Addendum Insect Management Guide for Sugarbeets, Dry Beans, Sunflowers, Vetch, Potatoes, and Onions, G. L. Hein, R. J. Wright, and J. B. Campbell
EC90-1762 Nut Tree Cultivars for Nebraska, William A. Gustafson Jr.
EC90-219 1990 Nebraska Swine Report, M. C. Brumm, Jan Mohrmann, Larry L. Bitney, Paula J. Fedorka-Cray, Pushpa Srikumaran, Sally A. Breisch, Steven J. Weiss, Gary A. Anderson, Donald G. Levis, Duane Reese, Luis Gama, Clyde Naber, Terry Radke, Edd Clemens, Alyce Zalesky, Dennis Schulte, Gerald R. Bodman, Marcus Milanuk, David P. Shelton, Joe D. Hancock, E.R. Peo, Austin J. Lewis, Mark A. Giesemann, Lee I. Chiba, Gary F. Louis, William C. Weldon, Robert V. Knox, Murray Danielson, William Ahlschwede, Rodger K. Johnson, and Gregg Eckardt
EC90-2500 Federally Registered Restricted Use Pesticides, Larry D. Schulze
EC 90-2501 Pesticide Safety Telephone Hotlines
EC90-2502 Perspectives on Nitrates, Gary W. Hergert, Richard A. Wiese, DeLynn Hay, William A. Lee, Ann Ziebarth, Richard B. Davis, Constance Kies, Carolyn Bednar, Norman Schneider, Alex Hogg, Robert A. Britton, and J. David Aiken
EC90-266 Nebraska Beef Cow Record Card
EC90-267 Nebraska Beef Sire Summary Card
EC90-268 Nebraska Beef Weaning-Yearling Worksheet
EC90-426 Planning your Lifestyle The Good Life Report: Skin Cancer
EC 90-428 Household Waste Management : Yours, Mine, and Ours Year One, Shirley Niemeyer, Ann Ziebarth, and Leon Rottman
EC90-429 Legal Considerations, Thomas L. Holman, Gwendolyn K. Meister, and J. David Aiken
EC90-430 Sources of Beginning Capital
EC90-431 Juggling Time, Work and Family, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Sandy Hatter, and Kathleen Prochaska-Cue
EC90-432 Guide to Employee Relations, Gwen K. Meister and Larry B. Swain
EC90-433 Business Plan, Paul H. Gessaman
EC90-434 Let's Preserve: Canning Basis, Julie A. Albrecht
EC90-435 Let's Preserve: Vegetables and Vegetable Products, Julie A. Albrecht
EC90-436 Let's Preserve: Fruit and Fruit Products, Julie A. Albrecht
EC90-437 Let's Preserve: Tomatoes and Tomato Products, Julie A. Albrecht
EC90-438 Do Your Have What it Takes to be an Entrpreneur?, Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel and Kathy Prochaska-Cue
EC90-732 Sugarbeet Population and Spacing Calculator
EC90-883 Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, Allen C. Wellman and Lynn H. Lutgen