The materials archived here are presented for the purpose of preserving the historical record and for those interested in research into the practices and activities of the past. They very well may not reflect current recommendations and should not be used for that purpose. Many regulations and recommendations regarding pest control, food preparation, animal treatment, and agricultural methods have changed drastically over the past 100 years. For the latest up-to-date information, publications, and recommendations from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, please visit
More than 4,000 items are listed below, many following the prefixes "CC" (for Community Circular) and "EC" (for Extension Circular). The Advanced search link at left will perform searches by author, title, and full text.
EC91-102 C Nebraska Spring Wheat, Oats, Barley, Canola and Crambe Variety Tests 1991, Lenis Alton Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, and Russell S. Moomaw
EDC90-2501 Pesticide Safety Telephone Hotlines
G90-1001 Spray Drift of Pesticides, Larry D. Schulze, Robert Grisso, and Robert Stougaard
G90-1002 Child Labor Laws For Agriculture, Raymond Massey
G90-1003 Maximizing Feed Intake for Maximum Milk Production, Rick J. Grant
G90-1004 Growing Radishes and Table Beets, Susan D. Schoneweis
G90-1005 Fruit Tree Cultivars For Nebraska (Revised September 1997), William A. Gustafson
G90-1006 Setting Up a Family Council, Herbert G. Lingren
G90-1007 Pesticide Management and Safety on Home Grounds, John C. Fech and Larry D. Schulze
G90-1008 Making the Most of Your Food Dollars (Revised March 1996), Linda S. Boeckner
G90-945 A Gardener's Guide for Soil and Nutrient Management in Growing Vegetables, E.J. Penas and Dale T. Lindgren
G90-957 Is Burning Wood Economical?, Rollin D. Schnieder
G90-958 House Fly Control Guide, John B. Campbell
G90-960 Laws That Impact Our Lives, Georgia L. Stevens
G90-962 Introducing Solid Foods to Babies, Darlene Martin
G90-963 Narrow-row Soybeans, Roger Wesley Elmore, Russell S. Moomaw, and ROGER SELLEY
G90-964 How Soil Holds Water, Norman L. Klocke and Gary W. Hergert
G90-966 Choosing and Using Cheese, Scottie Misner
G90-968 Nebraska's Forest Resources: Acreages and Ownership, Thomas L. Schmidt and Michael R. Kuhns
G90-970 Summer Patch and Necrotic Ring Spot, John E. Watkins, Robert C. Shearman, and Terrance P. Riordan
G90-971 Accent on Accessories, Carol Thayer
G90-972 Reducing Calf Losses with Top Management, Don Hudson, Duane Rice, and Dale Grotelueschen
G90-974 The Beaf Leaf Beetle in Soybeans (Revised September 1994), Thomas E. Hunt, J. F. Witkowski, Robert J. Wright, and Keith J. Jarvi
G90-975 Health Insurance for Older People (Revised February 1991), Kathleen Prochaska-Cue
G90-977 Johne's Disease (Paratuberculosis), Duane N. Rice and Douglas G. Rogers
G90-978 Byproduct Feedstuffs for Beef and Dairy Cattle, Don J. Kubik and Rick Stock
G90-979 Powdery Mildew of Roses, John E. Watkins
G90-980 Rose Mosaic and Rose Rosette Diseases, John E. Watkins
G90-983 Equipment Adjustments for Herbicide Incorporation, Robert Grisso, Elbert C. Dickey, and Alex Martin
G90-985 Discipline -- An Effective Life Guide, Herbert G. Lingren
G90-986 Strengthening the Couple Relationship, Herbert G. Lingren
G90-987 Colostrum Quality and Absorption in Baby Calves, Duane N. Rice and Douglas G. Rogers
G90-988 A Process for Building Coalitions, Georgia L. Stevens
G90-989 Drinking Water: Bacteria (Revised November 1998), Sharon Skipton, Paul J. Jasa, David L. Varner, and DeLynn Hay
G90-990 Explosion Venting and Suppression of Bucket Elevator Legs, David D. Jones
G90-990 Explosion Venting and Suppression of Bucket Elevator Legs, David Jones
G90-991 Parenting Your Child Effectively (Revised November 2003), Kathy Bosch and Herbert G. Lingren
G90-992 Evapotranspiration (ET) or Crop Water Use, Norman L. Klocke, Kenneth Hubbard, William L. Kranz, and Darrell G. Watts
G90-993 Basic Cultural Practices for Commercial Production of Green (Snap) Beans, Laurie Hodges
G90-994 Full-Fat Soybeans for Pigs (Revised July 1992), Duane Reese
G90-998 How to Interpret and Use the ProStaphTM Test, Jeffrey F. Keown
G90-999 Nutritional Management of the High-Producing Dairy Cow in the 1990s, Rick J. Grant and Jeffrey F. Keown
NCR90-379 Sheep Diseases, R.M. Jordan
NF90-277 Setting Up Your Own Business: Planning Your Insurance Coverage, Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel and Paul H. Gessaman
RP367 Strategies for Feeding the Ewe Flock, R.M. Jordan
RP375 Angora Goats in the Midwest, R. M. Jordan
CC178 Revised 1989 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1989, Lenis Alton Nelson and B. E. Anderson
CC351 Organizing a Team : Team Building
CC352 Developing a Productive Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC354 Facts about Individuals and Families in Nebraska, Georgia L. Stevens
EC85-1243 Revised 1989 Integrated Pest Management : A Common Sense Approach to Lawn Care, K. S. Erusha and R. C. Sherman
EC89-102 Nebraska Spring Small Grain Variety Tests 1989, Lenis Alton Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, and Russell S. Moomaw
EC89-104 Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests 1989, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and R. S. Moomaw
EC89-106 Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 1989, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and P. T. Nordquist
EC89-107 Nebraska Proso and Sunflower Variety Tests, 1989, Lenis Alton Nelson and David D. Baltensperger
EC89-119 Hail Damage Assessment and Replant Decisions, Charles A. Shapiro and Timothy A. Powell
EC89-119 Hail Damage Assessments and Replant Decisions, Charles A. Shapiro and Timothy A. Powell
EC89-1221 Arbor Day : A Nebraska Creation, Michael Kuhns
EC89-1242 Selected Vegetable Cultivars for Nebraska, Betty Besal
EC89-130 A 1989 Guide for...Herbicide Use in Nebraska
EC89-1509 1989 Insect Management Guide : Corn and Sorghum, S. D. Danielson, F. P. Baxendale, and R. J. Wright
EC89-1511 1989 Insect Management Guide : Alfalfa, Soybeans, Wheat, Range and Pasture, S. D. Danielson, F. P. Baxendale, and R. J. Wright
EC89-1537 1989 Insect Management Guide : Sugarbeets, Dry Beans, Sunflowers, Vetch, Potatoes, Onion, S. D. Danielson, F. P. Baxendale, and R. J. Wright
EC89-1550 Nebraska Management Guide for Control of Arthropod Pests of Livestock and Horses, John B. Campbell
EC89-1551 Nebraska Management Guide For Control of Arthropod Pests Of Poultry and Pets: Featuring: Poultry, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Birds, Guinea Pigs and Gerbils, John B. Campbell
EC89-1552 Insecticide Recommendations for Garden Vegetables, Frederick P. Baxendale and James A. Kalisch
EC89-1553 Insect Management Guide for Garden Vegetables, Frederick P. Baxendale, David L. Keith, and James A. Kalisch
EC89-1761 Poisonous Snakes and Snakebite in Nebraska, Ron J. Johnson
EC89-1871 Wheat Streak Mosaic Disease, John E. Watkins, Roy C. French, John B. Campbell, Eric D. Kerr, and Robert N. Klein
EC89-1908 Swine Reproductive Problems : Noninfectious Causes, Donald G. Levis and Alex Hogg
EC89-212 Swine Reproductive Management, Donald G. Levis, Dwane R. Zimmerman, and Alex Hogg
EC89-219 1989 Nebraska Swine Report, M.A. Giesemann, E.R. Peo, A. J. Lewis, Duane Reese, J.D. Hancock, Murray Danielson, Marvin Rhodes, Merwin L. Frey, Alan R. Doster, Homer E. Connell, Donald G. Levis, Cindy Marolf, Edgar T. Clemens, Michael C. Brumm, Donald L. Ferguson, William Ahlschwede, Dwane R. Zimmerman, J.D. Kopf, Rodger K. Johnson, Thomas Socha, John Keele, Larry Young, and Chris R. Calkins
EC89-259 The Nebraska Poultry Report 1989
Ec89-263 Nebraska Breeding and Calving Record Book
EC89-264 B Artificial Insemination of Swine, Donald G. Levis
EC89-265 Ammonia Treatment of Low Quality Forages, Richard J. Rasby, Ivan G. Rush, John Ward, and Terry Klopfenstein
EC89-425 Planning your Lifestyle : The Good Life Report : What is Fitness
EC89-723 Irrigation Scheduling Using Soil Moisture Blocks in Silty Soils, William L. Kranz and Dean E. Eisenhauer
EC89-724 Irrigation Scheduling Using Tensiometers in Sandy Soils, William L. Kranz, Thomas Dorn, and Dean E. Eisenhauer
EC89-730 Anti-pollution Protection When Applying Chemicals With Irrigation Systems, Dean E. Eisenhauer and DeLynn R. Hay
EC89-731 Water Conservation Checklist for the Home
EC89-883 Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, Allen C. Wellman and Lynn H. Lutgen
G88-892 Mixing Quality Pig Feed (Revised July 1992), Duane Reese and Mike Brumm
G89-897 Strawberries, Don Steinegger and Donald E. Janssen
G89-899 Weed Control in No-Till Corn, Grain Sorghum and Soybean Production, R.S. Moomaw, Alex Martin, R.N. Stougaard, Fred Roeth, G.A. Wicks, Robert N. Klein, and Paul J. Jasa
G89-900 Phytophthora Root Rot of Alfalfa, John E. Watkins, Fred A. Gray, and Bruce Anderson
G89-901 Understand Your Soil Test: Sulfur, K.D. Frank and Delno Knudsen
G89-902 Intensive Gardening Techniques, Betty Besal
G89-904 Corn Insects - Quick Reference, J. F. Witkowski and Frederick P. Baxendale
G89-905 Weed Control on CRP Acres (Revised July 1997), Robert N. Klein, Gail A. Wicks, John E. Watkins, and Jerry D. Volesky
G89-906 Barley Yellow Dwarf Disease of Barley, Oats, and Wheat, John E. Watkins and Leslie C. Lane
G89-907 Drinking Water: Testing for Quality (Revised April 2005), Sharon Skipton, Bruce I. Dvorak, and Wayne Woldt
G89-908 Controlling Snake Problems Around Homes, Ron J. Johnson
G89-912 Alfalfa Crown and Root Rots and Stand Longevity, John E. Watkins, Fred A. Gray, and Bruce Anderson
G89-915 Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Horses, Rick Grant, Bruce Anderson, Richard J. Rasby, and Terry L. Mader
G89-915 Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Horses, Rick Grant, Bruce Anderson, Richard J. Rasby, and Terry L. Mader
G89-915 Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Horses (Revised April 1997), Rick Grant, Bruce Anderson, Richard J. Rasby, and Terry L. Mader
G89-916 How Much Sodium Are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
G89-917 How Much Vitamin A Are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn