Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
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Document Type
NAMRU-3 Translations 601-700 (T601-T700)
Translations from Russian, French, Japanese, etc.
United States Naval Medical Research Unit no. 3, Department of Medical Zoology care of the American Embassy, Cairo, Egypt
T601. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SAPEGINA, V. F. (1967). The ecology of ixodid ticks in the forest-steppe tickborne encephalitis focus of northeastern Altai. In: The nature of tickborne encephalitis foci in Altai (northeastern part) (A. A. Maksimov, ed.). Biol. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otd; Novosibirsk, pp. 38-45.
T602. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NOVIKOVA, A. V. (1966). On epizootics of muskrats in Kurgan Oblast. In: The muskrat of western Siberia. (The biocenotic relations, parasite fauna, epizootics and measures of prophylaxis). Biol. Inst., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otd., Novosibirsk, pp. 156-158.
T603. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TERSKIKH, I. I., SIDOROV, V. E., AKHUNDOVA, E. D. and OBOLADZE, D. B. (1972). Susceptibility of Alveonasus lahorensis Naumann ticks to the agent causing ovine enzootic abortion. Vop. Virus., 17(4):430-432.
T604. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. STOLBOV, D. N, BUTENKO, A. M., EGOROVA, P. S., LESHCHINSKAYA, E. V. and CHUMAKOV, M. P. (1965). Crimean hemorrhagic fever in Astrakhan Oblast. In: Endemic viral infections (Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and Astrakhan virus from Hyalomma pl. plumbeum tick (Chumakov, M. P. ed.). Trudy Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, 7:271-278.
T605. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. VASIL'EVA, I. S. (1971). Contribution to the problem of hosts of Alectorobius tartakovskyi Ol. ticks. III. Factors determining the role of different animal species in feeding of tick populations. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 40(5):577-581.
T606. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KOZLO, P. G. (1968). Ecological and morphological characteristics of Sus scrofa L. from the Belovezhskaya pushcha dense virgin forest. Vestn. Zool., Kiev, (6):53-58.
T607. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RAKOV, N. V. (1956). Some specific conditions for boar survival on Sikhote-Alin. Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody Moscow, n. s, 61(1):13-22.
T608. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ERMOSHKEVICH, V. I. (1966). Species composition, number correlation, and seasonal dynamic s of ixodid ticks parasitizing cattle in southern regions of Tadzhikistan. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., p. 91.
T609. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BEZUKLADNIKOVA, N. A. (1960). Ectoparasites of domestic dogs in Kazakhstan. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 12:236-240.
T610. Trudy Inst. Zool. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. EMEL'YANOVA, N. D. (1966). Some results and problems in the study of ixodids in eastern Siberia and the Far East. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., pp. 89-90.
T611. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. DROZDOVSKY, E. M. (1967). The use of embryonic development properties in nematode systematics. Trudy Gelmint. Lab., 18:22-29.
T612. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BERDYEV, A. (1973). Occurrence of the tick Ixodes eldaricus Dzhap. 1950 on rodents in Kopet-Dag (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 7(2):183-185.
T613. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., BELYAEVA, A. P., VOROSHILOVA, M. K., BUTENKO, A. M., SHALUNOVA, N. V., SEMASHKO, I. V., MART'YANOVA, L. I., SMIRNOVA, S. E., BASHKIRTSEV, V. N., ZAVODOVA, T. I., RUBIN, S. G., TKACHENKO, E. A., KARMYSHEVA, V. Ya., REINGOL'D, V. N., POPOV, G. V., KIROV, I., STOLBOV, D. N. and PERELATOV, V. D. (1968). Progress in studying the etiology, immunology, and laboratory diagnosis of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in the USSR and Bulgaria. In: Tickborne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers, and Mosquitoborne arboviral infection, edited by Chumakov, M. P. Mater. 15. Nauch. Sess. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. (Moscow, October 21-25, 1968), (3):100-103.
T614. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUMAKOV, M. P., SMIRNOVA, S. E. and TKACHENKO, E. A. (1969). Antigenic relationships between the Soviet strains of Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and the Afro-Asian Congo virus strains. In: Arboviruses, edited by Chumakov, M. P. Mater. 16. Nauch. Sess. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. (Moscow, October 21-23, 1969), (2):152-154.
T615. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PAK, T. P. (1972). Epidemiological zonation of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in Tadzhik SSR. Zh. Mikrobiol., Moscow, 49(12):112-114.
T616. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KARPOVICH, V. N. (1973). The life cycle of Ceratixodes putus (Pick. -Camb.) in Murmansk conditions. Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 7(2):128-134.
T617. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ARIFDZHANOV, K. A. and NIKITINA, R. E. (1961). Detection of Crithidia hyalomma (O’Farrell 1913) in Hyalomma a. anatolicum (Koch 1944) ticks. Zool. Zh., 40(1):20-24.
T618. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GROMOV, A. I., TIMOFEEV A, N. S., TRUKHMANOV, M. M., VEIDE, A. A., GOLOVINA, T. I., DOBROLYUBOVA, R. P., LAZAREV, O. P., MERZLYAKOV, A. P., RAFAILOV, M. G., TOMOFEEVA, A. A. and SHCHERBINA, R. D. (1969). Establishment of natural tularemia focus on Sakhalin. Zh. Mikrobiol., Moscow, 46(3):125-127.
T619. TRANSLATION FROM POLISH. DERYLO, A., DUTKIEWICZ, J. and TOS-LUTY, S. (1973). Test to determine Toxoplasma gondii localization in experimentally infected Ixodes ricinus ticks. Abstr. 11. Congr. Polish Parasit. Soc. (Poznan, May 10-12, 1973), p. 30.
T620. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TKACHENKO, E. A., KHANUN, K. and BEREZIN, V. V. (1969). Serological investigation of human and animal sera in agar gel diffusion and precipitation (DPRA) test for the presence of antibodies to Crimean hemorrhagic fever and Grand Arbaud viruses. In: Arboviruses, edited by Chumakov, M. P. Mater. 16. Nauch. Sess. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. (Moscow, October 21-23, 1969), (2):265.
T621. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. EMEL’YANOVA, N. D. and GORDEEVA, V. P. (1969). Data on the study of birds acting as hosts of ixodid ticks in East Manchurian mountain area spurs and in the Pre-Khanka Plain. In: Migratory birds and their role in arboviral distribution, edited by Cherepanov, A. I. et al. Sibirsk Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Biol. Inst. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Prirod. -Ochag. Infekts., Novosibirsk, pp. 160-169.
T622. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELASHOVA, V. S. (1964). Contribution to the method of holding and maintaining bats in the laboratory. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 22:215-216.
T623. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SMIRNOV, V. A. (1966). Data on the study of Ceratixodes putus - bloodsucking ectoparasites of seabird colonies in the Bering Sea. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., pp. 195-196.
T624. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BOICHEV, D. and RIZVANOV, K. (1960). Relationships between Botrytis cirenrea Pers. and ixodid ticks. Zool. Zh., 34(3):462.
T625. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. EMEL’YANOVA, N. D. (1967). Ixodid ticks of northeastern Asia and their ecological grouping by host characteristics. In: Parasitological problems, edited by Markevich, A. P. Tezisy Dokl. 5. Nauch. Konf. Ukrain. Respub. Nauch. Obshch. Parasit., Kiev, pp. 349-351.
T626. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ADAMOVICH, V. L. and BALAISHITS, E. N. (1969). Contribution to the question on possible existence of natural foci of arboviral infections in Bryansk Oblast. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 38(1):106-107.
T627. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RAKHIMOV, T. Kh. (1972). A parasite found in sheep blood. Veterinariya, 49(5):63-64.
T628. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SAPEGINA, V. F. (1969). Haemaphysalis concinna Koch habitat distribution in the Altai foothills. In: Migratory birds and their role in arboviral distribution, edited by Cherepanov, A. I., et al. Sibirsk. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Biol. Inst., Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef., Minist. Zdravookhr. RSFSR, Omsk. Inst. Prirod. -Ochag. Infekts.; Novosibirsk, pp. 236-238.
T629. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELASHOVA, V. S. (1966). Argas vespertilionis ticks in Kazakhstan. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., pp. 25-26.
T630. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MAL'KOV, G. B., DARGOL'TS, V. G. and VORONIN, Yu. K. (1966). Mass parasitism by adult Ixodes persulcatus P. Sch. ticks on gallinaceous and passerine birds in tickborne encephalitis foci. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., p. 127.
T631. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV, Yu. S. (1968). Transovarial transmission of the spirochete Borrelia sogdiana in Ornithodoros papillipes ticks and its effect on biological properties of the agent. Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 2(3):193-201.
T632. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ABUSALIMOV, N. S. (1958). Cattle, pigs, wild deer, and jackal as hosts of Hyalomma aegyptium Linne 1758. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR, 14(7):543-545.
T633. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LAGUTENKO. Yu. P. (1969). Morphology and topography of dermal sense organs in ixodid ticks. Zool. Zh., 48(1):74-84.
T634. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GAVRILOVSKAYA, I. N., CHUMAKOV, M. P. and BELYAEVA, A. P. (1964). Characteristic biological properties of the Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) virus strain Goloshubina. Mater. 11. Nauch. Sess. Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. (Moscow, 1964), pp. 302-303.
T635. TRANSLATION FROM JAPANESE. KITAOKA, S. and FUJISAKI, K. (1972). On the winter-active ticks, Haemaphysalis kitaokai Hoogstraal, 1969 and H. megaspinosa Saito, 1969. Jap. J. Vet. Sci., 34 (Supp.):173-174.
T636. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. FILIPPOVA, N. A. and USPENSKAYA, I. G. (1973). Ixodes kaiseri Arthur 1957 (Ixodidae) species taxonomic status. Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 7(4):297-306.
T637. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SAVITSKY, B. P. and OKUNTSOVA, E. V. (1967). Distribution of Ixodes angustus Neum. (Ixodidae). Zool. Zh., 46(12):1849-1850.
T638. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SIDOROV, V. E. (1960). Gut of argasid ticks as inhabitation environment of Borrelia sogdianum. Zool. Zh., 39(9):1324-1329.
T639. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MARKOV, G. and SHAMMAKOV, S. (1965). Ticks on lizards of western Turkmen SSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk Turkmen SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, (1):91-93.
T640. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. POPOVA, E. V. (1966). On the species composition and distribution of ixodid ticks and gamasid mites in natural infection foci in Stavropol’ Region. Tezisy Dokl. l. Akarol. Soveshch., pp 161-162.
T641. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SARTBAEV, S. K. (1959). Data on the biology of Haemaphysalis warburtoni Nutt. 1912 in Kirgizia. Izv. Akad. Nauk Kirgiz. SSR, s. Biol. Nauk, 1(2):65-78.
T642. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. STARKOV. O. A. (1972). Hyalomma (Hyalommina) kumari Sharif 1928 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae) – a new bloodsucking species and subgenus for the USSR fauna. Izv. Akad. Nauk Tadzhik SSR, Otd. Biol. Nauk, 1(46):73-75.
T643. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RAVDONIKAS, O. V., CHUMAKOV, M. P., SOLOVEY, E. A., IVANOV, D. I. and KORSH, P. V. (1971). Importance of the marsh-burrow inhabiting Ixodes apronophorus P. Sch. tick in Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus circulation in a natural focus. In: Viral hemorrhagic fevers: Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Omsk hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, edited by Chumakov, M. P. Trudy Inst. Polio. Virus. Entsef. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, 19:485-491.
T644. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., L'VOV, D. K., TSIRKIN, Yu. M., SIDOROVA, G. A., ARISTOVA, V. A., GOSTINSHCHIKOVA, G. V. and ANDREEV, V. P. (1972). New arboviral foci associated ecologically with birds in southeastern Azerbaijan. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 118-121.
T645. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. RYBALKO, S. I., PETROVA, E. F, and PRIKHOD'KO, E, T. (1963). Tickborne encephalitis in eastern Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh, SSR, 19:234-237.
T646. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. PETROVA, E. V. (1955). Data on the ixodid tick fauna of domestic animals in the Bek-Pak-Dala pasture complex. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, 3:44-46.
T647. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. MIRZOEVA, N. M., SULTANOVA, Z. D., KANBAI, I. G., SOKOLOVA, E. I. and KULIEVA, N. M. (1972). Results of serological and virological examination of birds for arboviruses in Azerbaijan SSR. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 121-124.
T648. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L’VOV, D. K., TIMOFEEVA, A. A., GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., POGREBENKO, A. G., CHERVONSKY, V. I., GROMOV, A. I., TSIRKIN, Yu. M., ZEMIT. A. S., GOSTINSHCHIKOVA, G. V., LEONOVA, G. N., SAZONOV, A. A., ZHEZMER, V., POLIVANOV, V. M., CHUPAKHINA, T. I., BELIKOVA, I. P., SHIBAEV. Yu. V., SHESTAKOV. V. I., YUDAKOV, A. G. and LEBEDEV, V. I. (1972). Contribution to the ecology of Tuleniy and Sakhalin arboviruses in the Far East. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 46-52.
T649. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. USPENSKAYA, I. G. (1971). Influence of cultivated areas on the ixodid tick fauna. Parasite Zhivot. Rast. Akad. Nauk Moldav. SSR. (7):115-120.
T651. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. EROFEEV, V. S., KARPOV, S. P., FEDOROV, Yu. V. and VIDILINA, R. A. (1972). Genetic characteristics of tickborne encephalitis virus strains (standard, isolated from ticks parasitizing birds, and selected variants). Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 141-145.
T652. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GAIDAMOVICH. S. Ya., PEIKRE, E. A., VASILENKO. V. A., KIRYUSHCHENKO. T. V. and MEL'NIKOVA, E. E. (1972). Antibodies to Sumakh and Kemerovo viruses in migratory birds. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits., (Omsk, December 1971). pp. 138-141.
T653. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L'VOV. D. K. (1972). The state and objectives of work planned by the National Committee for the Study of Viruses Ecologically Associated with Birds. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 3-11.
T654. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BALASHOV. Yu. S. (1971). Genotypic differences between populations of Ornithodoros tartakovskyi Ol. (Ixodoidea, Argasidae). Zool. Zh., 50(12):1795-1802.
T655. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SAGREDO, N. P. (1928). Linguatula rhinaria larva (Pentastoma denticulatum) in human lungs. Vrach. Delo, 11(4):3l4-3l6.
T656. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NIKITINA, R. E. (1965). The mechanism of fowl spirochetosis transmission by Argas persicus (Oken 1818) ticks. Zool. Zh., 44(2):294-296.
T657. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BAIRAMOVA, R. A. (1963). Test on infecting chicken embryos with tickborne spirochetosis by feeding infected Ornithodorus ticks. Zh. Mikrobiol., Moscow, 40(9):83-84.
T658. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TIMOFEEVA, S. S., CHERVONSKY, V. I., L'VOV, D. K. and POPOVA, O. M. (1972). Serological examination of migratory birds for arboviruses in northeastern Arkhangel'sk Region. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 70-75.
T659. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SIDENKO, V. P., SEMENOV, B. F., STEPANOVSKAYA, L. D., KARASEVA, P. S. SOCHINSKY, V. A., POLYAKOV, E. M., GREKOV, V. S. and SOLOMKO, R. M. (1972). Seasonal migrations of wild birds inhabiting biotopes of the southern Ukraine littoral and their associations with arboviruses. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 130-138.
T660. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ARAKCHEEVA, S. G. (1963). Contribution to the question on Spirocheta sogdiana transmission mechanism by Alectorobius tholozani ticks. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(6):665-667.
T661. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TSIRKIN, Yu. M., KARAS', F. R., TIMOFEEV, E. M., L'VOV, D. K., GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., VESELOVSKAYA, O. V., OSIPOVA, N. Z., GREBENYUK, Yu. I. and VARGINA, S. G. (1972). Isolation of Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus (CHF) from Hyalomma plumbeum ticks in Kirgizia. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 98-102.
T662. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUNIKHIN, S. P., SEMENOV, B. F., VARGIN, V. V., BEREZIN, V. V. and KARMYSHEVA, V. Ya. (1972). Methodic approaches to the study of seasonal activity of some arboviruses in connection with elucidating possible transcontinental transportation of West Nile virus by migratory birds. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 27-34.
T663. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GUSALOVA, N. G. (1972). Variability of morphological criteria in Hyalomma scupense P. Sch. 1918 and Hyalomma detritum P. Sch. 1919 and its importance in systematics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Tadzhik. SSR, Dushanbe, 15(3):69-71.
T664. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ARAKCHEEVA, S. G. (1963). Contribution to the question of existence of filtrable developmental stages of Spirocheta sogdiana in the tick Alectorobius tholozani. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 32(6):660-665.
T665. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TSILINSKY, Ya. Ya., LEBEDEV, A. D., PAK, T. P., GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., TIMOFEEV, E. M., ERSHOV, F. I., TSIRKIN, Yu. M. and L’VOV, D. K. (1972). Isolation of Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) virus from Hyalomma plumbeum ticks in Tadzhikistan. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 94-97.
T666. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. OSIPOVA, N. Z., GREBENYUK, Yu. I., KARAS’, F. R., VARGINA, S. G., STEBLYANKO, S. N., TSIRKIN, Yu. M. and TIMOFEEV, E. M. (1972). Birds of Fergana region and their ectoparasites. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 108-111.
T667. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. SHCHEULOV, A. P. (1956). Contribution to the question of development of the tickborne spirochetosis agent. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 25(4):342-345.
T668. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. DUMINA, A. L. (1972). Development of heterologous antibodies to Japanese encephalitis virus in white mice immunized with different antigenic B group arboviruses. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 38-41.
T669. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BLAGODARNYY, Ya. A., BLEKHMAN, I. M., LEPYKO, V. N., LARIN, S. A. and YAKUNIN, M. P. (1971). The role of ticks in transmitting tuberculosis mycobacteria. Veterinariya, 48(7):48-49.
T670. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TIMOFEEV, E. M., GREBENYUK, Yu. I., KARAS’, F. R., OSIPOVA, N. Z. and TSIRKIN, Yu. M. (1972). Characteristics of CHF natural foci in southeastern Osh Oblast, Kirgiz SSSR. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 103-108.
T671. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. AKHUNDOVA, E. D., ABUSHEV, F. A. and STERKHOVA, N. N. (1972). Ectoparasites of some bird species in different regions of Azerbaijan SSR. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971) pp. 128-130.
T672. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BELOZEROV, V. N. (1969). Reaction of larval and nymphal Haemaphysalis concinna Koch to daylength. Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 3(1):17-21.
T673. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHUNIKHIN, S. P., SEMENOV, B. F., VARGIN, V. V. and TAKAKHASHI, M. (1972). Characteristics of the humoral response in rock doves to experimental infection with viruses ecologically as sociated with birds and mammals (West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, Sindbis, Sicilian phlebotomus fever, and Bhanja). Mater., Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 35-38.
T674. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. YAKUNIN, M. P. and KRIVKOVA, A. M. (1971). New bloodparasite species of the family Babesiidae (Piroplasmidae) in birds. Parazitologiya, Leningrad, 5(5):462-465.
T675. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TERSKIKH, I. I. and BEKLESHOVA, A. Yu. (1972). Combined natural foci of ornithosis and arboviruses and mixed infection in wild birds. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 84-91.
T676. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KHARITONOVA, N. N. and LEONOV, Yu. A. (1972). Infection of small mammals with Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) virus by alimentary route. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 114-117.
T677. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GAIDAMOVICH, S. Ya. (1972). Classification and identification of arboviruses. Vestn. Akad, Med, Nauk SSSR, 27(6):25-33,
T678. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L’VOV, D. K, and GOSTINSHCHIKOVA, G. V., (1970), Contemporary concepts on the role of ticks as vectors of arboviruses, Tezisy Dokl. 2. Akarol. Soveshch., pt, 1; 290-292,
T679. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ABUSHEV, F. A., STERKHOVA, N. N. and AKHUNDOVA, E. D. (1972). The role of herring gulls and common terns in forming the natural ornithosis focus on an island of Baku Archipelago, Azerbaijan SSR. Mater. Simp, Itogi 6. Simp, Izuch, Virus, Ekol. Svyazan, Ptitis, (Omsk, December 1971), pp, 124-127.
T680. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. ANDREEV, V. P., VASILJEV, V. I. and SHCHERBINA, A. A. (1973). Nesting conditions and possible epizootiological importance of four Laridae bird species on certain islands of the eastern Caspian Sea, Sborn. Trudy Ekol. Virus., (1):110-115.
T681. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KARPOVICH, V. N. and PILIPAS, N. I. (1972), Migrations of Murmansk kittiwakes and their possible participation in transportation of arboviruses. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp, Izuch, Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971). Pp. 81-84,
T682. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KARPOVICH, V. N, and PILIPAS, N. I. (1972). Seasonal distribution of Alciformes birds nesting in Murmansk region in the permanent habitat areas of Ceratixodes putus Pick. -Camb. ticks. Mater. Simp. Itogi 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 91-94.
T683. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BUSYGIN, F. F. and TSAPLIN, I. S. (1971), Serological confirmations of possible introduction of Kyasanur Forest disease and West Nile viruses into western Siberia. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 65-66.
T684. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., L'VOV, D. K., TSIRKIN, Yu. N., CHERVONSKY, V. I., GOSTINSHCHIKOVA, G. V., SIDOROVA, G, A, and ARISTOVA, V. A. (1971). Isolation of arboviruses from ticks collected in herring gull colonies on Glinyany Island in Azerbaijan, Mater, 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), p. 85.
T685. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. KHARITONOVA, N. N. and LEONOV, Yu. A. (1971). Infection of mammals and birds with Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus by the alimentary route. Mater, 6, Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 31-32.
T686. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. CHERVONSKY, V, I., L'VOV, D, K., GOSTINSHCHIKOVA, G. V., GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., TSIRKIN, Y. M., VESELOVSKAYA, O. V. and ZEMIT, A, S, (1971). Detection of Tuleniy virus on Kamchatka (Commander Islands), Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp, 37-38.
T687. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. LEONOVA, G. N., L'VOV. D. K., CHERVONSKY, V. I., TSIRKIN, Yu. M., BELIKOVA, N. P. SHESTAKOV, V. I., SHIBAEV, Yu. V., YUDAKOV, A. G. and SAZONOV, A. A. (1971). Serological and parasitological examination of marine birds on Furungel'm Island (Rimsky-Korsakov Archipelago). Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), p. 54.
T688. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BEREZIN, V. V. and RESHETNIKOV, I. A. (1971). West Nile fever virus in wild birds. Mater. 6, Simp. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 93-94.
T689. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BOGDANOV, I. I. and VOLYNETS, L. V. (1971). Contribution to ecological association between bloodsp-sucking mosquitoes and birds in Omsk hemorrhagic fever foci of the southern forest-steppe in western Siberia. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 26-27.
T690. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L'VOV, D. K., SMIRNOV, V. A., GROMASHEVSKY, V. L., VESELOVSKAYA, O. V. and LAVROVA, N. A. (1973). Isolation of Zaliv Terpeniya arbovirus from Ixodes (Ceratixodes) putus Pick. -Cambro ticks in Murmansk Oblast. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 42(6):728-730.
T691. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L'VOV, D. K. and VINOGRAD, L. A. (1971). Isolation of Uukuniemi virus from blackbirds trapped in Chernovtsy Oblast. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), p. 95.
T692. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L'VOV, D. K., TIMOFEEVA, A. A., CHERVONSKY, V. L., GROMASHEVSKY. V. L., GROMOV, A. I., POGREBENKO, A. G., CHUPAKHINA, T. I. and LEBEDEV, V. I. (1971). Arbovirus foci in the northern Far East. Study of new viruses – Tyuleniy and Sakhalin. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), p. 34.
T693. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NETSKY, G. I. (1970). Fifth symposium on studying the role of migratory birds in transmission of arboviruses. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 39(1):122-124.
T694. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. TIMOFEEV, E. M., SHAKHGIL'DYAN, I. V., RUBIN, S. N., GREBENYUK, Yu. I. and KARAS', F. R. (1973). Results of serological examination of human blood sera and domestic animals with 15 arboviruses in southwestern districts of Osh Oblast in Kirgiz SSR. Sborn. Trud. Ekol. Virus., (1):80-87.
T695. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NETSKY, G. I. (1971). Ecological aspects of studying epidemiological geography of arboviruses. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 6-7.
T696. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. L'VOV, D. K., KOSTYRKO, I. I. and GROMASHEVSKY, V. L. (1973). Experimental infection of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens molestus with Tyuleniy virus. Med. Parasit., Moscow, 42(2):191-193.
T697. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. OSIPOVA, N. Z., GREBENYUK, Yu. I., KARAS', F. R. and VARGINA, S. G. (1971). Birds of Fergana region and their ectoparasites. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 76-77.
T698. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. NETSKY, G. I. (1972). Ecological aspects of studying epidemiological geography of arboviruses. Mater. Simp. Itogr. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, December 1971), pp. 18-22.
T699. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. GOLOVKIN, A. N. and SMIRNOV, V. A. (1971). Characteristics of marine bird colonies in the extreme North in connection with their epidemiological importance. Mater. 6. Simp. Izuch. Virus. Ekol. Svyazan. Ptits. (Omsk, 1971), pp. 38-39.
T700. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN. BEKLESHOVA, A. Yu., TERSKIKH, I. I. and SMIRNOV, V. A. (1970). Arboviruses isolated from bird ticks Ceratixodes putus Pick. -Cambro collected in areas of the extreme north. Vop. Virus., 15(4):436-440.
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