Non-Destructive Estimation of Anthocyanins and Chlorophylls in Anthocyanic Leaves, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Olga B. Chivkunova, and Mark N. Merzlyak
A bio-optical algorithm for the remote estimation of the chlorophyll-a concentration in case 2 waters, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Daniela Gurlin, Wesley Moses, and Tadd Barrow
Characterizing the Seasonal Dynamics of Plant Community Photosynthesis Across a Range of Vegetation Types, Lianhong Gu, Wilfred M. Post, Dennis D. Baldocchi, T. Andrew Black, Andrew E. Suyker, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, and Steve C. Wofsy
Long-Term Agricultural Land-Use Trends In Nebraska, 1866–2007, Tim L. Hiller, Larkin A. Powell, Tim D. McCoy, and Jeffrey J. Lusk
Lichen Recovery Following Heavy Grazing by Reindeer Delayed by Climate Warming, David R. Klein and Martha Shulski
The Watershed as A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Environmental and Human Health, Alan S. Kolok, Cheryl L. Beseler, Xun-Hong Chen, and Patrick J. Shea
Corrigendum to “Incorporation of crop phenology in Simple Biosphere Model (SiBcrop) to improve land-atmosphere carbon exchanges from croplands” published in Biogeosciences, 6, 969–986, 2009, Erandathie Lokupitiya, S. Denning, K. Paustian, I. Baker, K. Schaefer, Shashi B. Verma, T. Meyers, C. J. Bernacchi, Andrew E. Suyker, and M. L. Fischer
Incorporation of crop phenology in Simple Biosphere Model (SiBcrop) to improve land-atmosphere carbon exchanges from croplands, Erandathie Lokupitiya, S. Denning, K. Paustian, I. Baker, K. Schaefer, Shashi B. Verma, T. Meyers, C. J. Bernacchi, Andrew E. Suyker, and M. L. Fischer
Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system, M. D. MacKay, P. J. Neale, C. D. Arp, L. N. De Senerpont Domis, X. Fang, G. Gal, K. D. Johnk, G. Kirillin, J. D. Lenters, E. Litchman, S. MacIntyre, P. Marsh, J. Melack, W. M. Mooij, F. Peeters, A. Quesada, S. G. Schladow, M. Schmid, C. Spence, and S. L. Stokes
A System for Estimating Bowen Ratio and Evaporation From Waste Lagoons, Rezaul Mahmood
Near Surface Atmospheric Response to Simulated Changes in Land-Cover, Vegetation Fraction, and Soil Moisture over Western Kentucky, Rezaul Mahmood
Simulation of Boundary Layer Trajectory Dispersion Sensitivity to Soil Moisture Conditions: MM5 and Noah-Based Investigation, Rezaul Mahmood
Variability of Anaerobic Animal Waste Lagoon delta15N Source Signatures, Sadayappan Mariappan, Mary Exner Spalding, Glen E. Martin, and Roy F. Spalding
Spring home ranges of white bass in irrigation reservoirs of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, D. R. Martin, Larkin A. Powell, and Kevin L. Pope
Spring home ranges of white bass in irrigation reservoirs of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, D. R. Martin, Larkin A. Powell, and K. L. Pope
Integrating Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, James W. Merchant and Sunil Narumalani
Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Case II Waters Using MODIS and MERIS Data—Successes and Challenges, Wesley Moses, Anatoly Gitelson, Sergey Berdnikov, and Vasiliy Povazhnyi
Corrections to “Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Using the Red and NIR Bands of MERIS—The Azov Sea Case Study”, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Sergey Berdnikov, and Vasiliy Povazhnyy
Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Using the Red and NIR Bands of MERIS—The Azov Sea Case Study, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Sergey Berdnikov, and Vasiliy Povazhnyy
Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in case II waters using MODIS and MERIS data—successes and challenges, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and V. Povazhnyy
Remote Sensing of Cropland Agriculture, M. Duane Nellis, Kevin P. Price, and Donald Rundquist
Differential soil respiration responses to changing hydrologic regimes, Vincent J. Pacific, Brian L. McGlynn, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, Howard E. Epstein, and Daniel J. Welsch
Tree canopy effect on grass and grass/legume mixtures in eastern Nebraska, Michael El. L. Perry, Walter H. Schacht, Gregory A. Ruark, and James R. Brandle
Modeling parasitism rate and parasitism risk: An illustration using a colonially nesting songbird, the red-winged blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus, Max Post van der Burg, Larkin A. Powell, and Andrew J. Tyre
Field System for Isoflurane Anesthesia of Multiple Species of Mesopredators, Larkin A. Powell
The Role of Learning Styles in Student Evaluations of a Problem-based Learning Course, Larkin A. Powell
Using Reflection Documents to Assess Student Learning, Larkin A. Powell
Wilderness Serendipity: Planning and Assessing Learning during an Experiential Field Course, Larkin A. Powell, Andrew J. Tyre, Scott E. Hygnstrom, David A. Wedin, P. R. Hanson, Mark S. Kuzila, and James B. Swinehart
Avian Foraging Patterns in Crop Field Edges Adjacent to Woody Habitat, Heidi L. Puckett, James R. Brandle, Ron J. Johnson, and Erin E. Blankenship
Landscape Structure Control on Soil CO2 Efflux Variability in Complex Terrain: Scaling from Point Observations to Watershed Scale Fluxes, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui and Brian L. McGlynn
ANIMAL HELMINTHS IN HUMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS: A REVIEW OF ZOONOSES IN THE PAST, Luciana Sianto, Marcia Chame, Cassius S. P. Silva, Marcelo L. C. Gonçalves, Karl Reinhard, Martín Horacio Fugassa, and Adauto Araújo
Nondestructive Estimation of Anthocyanin Content in Grapevine Leaves, Mark R. Steele, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Donald C. Rundquist, and Mark N. Merzlyak
Evapotranspiration of irrigated and rainfed maize–soybean cropping systems, Andrew E. Suyker and Shashi Verma
Estimating Spatially Distributed Monthly Evapotranspiration Rates by Linear Transformations of MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temperature Data, J. Szilagyi and J. Jozsa
Comment on ‘‘Power law catchment-scale recessions arising from heterogeneous linear small-scale dynamics’’ by C. J. Harman, M. Sivapalan, and P. Kumar, Jozsef Szilagyi
A modified Advection-Aridity model of evapotranspiration, Jozsef Szilagyi, Michael T. Hobbins, and Janos Jozsa
Analytical solution of the coupled 2-D turbulent heat and vapor transport equations and the complementary relationship of evaporation, Jozsef Szilagyi and Janos Jozsa
An evaporation estimation method based on the coupled 2-D turbulent heat and vapor transport equations, Jozsef Szilagyi and Janos Jozsa
Complementary relationship of evaporation and the mean annual water-energy balance, Jozsef Szilagyi and Janos Jozsa
Retrieval of Foliar Information about Plant Pigment Systems from High Resolution Spectroscopy, Susan L. Ustin, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Stéphane Jacquemoud, Michael Schaepman, Gregory P. Asner, John A. Gamon, and Pablo Zarco-Tejada
Impact of Empire Expansion on Household Diet: The Inka in Northern Chile’s Atacama Desert, Sheila D. Vinton, Linda Perry, Karl J. Reinhard, Calogero M. Santoro, and Isabel Teixeira-Santos
Nutrient Uptake and Mineralization during Leaf Decay in Streams – A Model Simulation, J. R. Webster, J. D. Newbold, Steven A. Thomas, and P. J. Mulholland
A Century of Climate Change for Fairbanks, Alaska, Gerd Wendler and Martha Shulski
First Record of Pseudorabies in Feral Swine in Nebraska, Sam Wilson, Alan R. Doster, Justin D. Hoffman, and Scott E. Hygnstrom
Upstream-Downstream Relationships in Terms of Annual Streamflow Discharges and Drought Events in Nebraska, Hong Wu, Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Tao Hong, David B. Marx, and Xunhong Chen
Quality Control of Soil Water Data in Applied Climate, Jinshing You, Kenneth Hubbard, Rezaul Mamood, Venkataramana Sridhar, and Dennis Todey
Latitudinal patterns of magnitude and interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange regulated by biological and environmental variables, Wenping Yuan, Yiqi Luo, Andrew D. Richardson, Ram Oren, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Ivan A. Janssens, Reinhart Ceulemans, Xuhui Zhou, Thomas Grünwald, Marc Aubinet, Christian Berhofer, Dennis D. Baldocci, Jiquan Chen, Allison L. Dunn, Jared L. DeForest, Danilo Dragoni, Allen H. Goldstein, Eddy Moors, J. William William Munger, Russell K. Monson, Andrew E. Suyker, Gregory Starr, Russell L. Scott, John Tenhunen, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, and Steven C. Wofsy
Non-Destructive Detection of Water Stress and Estimation of Relative Water Content in Maize, Art I. Zygielbaum, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Timothy J. Arkebauer, and Donald C. Rundquist
Paleoparasitology: Perspectives with New Techniques, Adauto Araújo, Karl Reinhard, Otilio M. Bastos, Ligia C. Costa, Claude Pirmez, Alena Iñighez, Ana Carolina Vicente, Carlos M. Morel, and Luiz Fernando Ferreira
Parasites as Probes for Prehistoric Human Migrations? (galley proofs), Adauto Araújo, Karl J. Reinhard, Luiz F. Ferreira, and Scott Lyell Gardner
Buffered, lagged, or cooled? Disentangling hyporheic influences on temperature cycles in stream channels, Alicia S. Arrigoni, Geoffrey C. Poole, Leal A. K. Mertes, Scott J. O'Daniel, William W. Woessner, and Steven A. Thomas
Remediating Explosive-Contaminated Groundwater by in situ Redox Manipulation (ISRM) of Aquifer Sediments, H.K. Boparai, Steven Comfort, Patrick J. Shea, and J.E. Szecsody
Familiarity with Breeding Habitat Improves Daily Survival in Colonial Cliff Swallows, Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, and Kathleen R. Brazeal
Terrapene ornata (Ornate Box Turtle) Predation on Cliff Swallows, Mary Bomberger Brown and Charles R. Brown
2008 Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Monitoring, Research, Management, and Outreach Report for the Lower Platte River, Nebraska, Mary Bomberger Brown and Joel G. Jorgensen
A bioenergetic model for zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton), Christopher J. Chizinski, B. Sharma, K. L. Pope, Kevin L. Pope, and R. Patinos
Vertical Profile and Temporal Variation of Chlorophyll in Maize Canopy: Quantitative “Crop Vigor” Indicator by Means of Reflectance-Based Techniques, Verónica Ciganda, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and James S. Schepers
GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE O'NEILL 1º X 2º QUADRANGLE, NEBRASKA, WITH CONFIGURATION MAPS OF SURFACES OF FORMATIONS, Robert Diffendal, Jr.; Michael R. Voorhies; E. Jane Voorhies; H. E. LaGarry; C. L. Timperley; and M. E. Perkins
Pamphlet to Accompany Geologic Map GMC-34: Geologic Map of the O’Neill 1º x 2º Quadrangle, Nebraska, with Configuration Maps of Surfaces of Formations, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Michael R. Voorhies, E. Jane Voorhies, H. E. LaGarry, C. L. Timperley, and M. E. Perkins
Lifestyle of Shellmound Builders in Brazil (galley proofs), Sabine Eggers, C. C. Petronilho, K. Brandt, J. Filippini, and Karl J. Reinhard
How does a riverine setting affect the lifestyle of shellmound builders in Brazil?, Sabine Eggers, C. C. Petronilho, K. Brandt, C. Jericó-Daminello, J. Filippini, and Karl Reinhard
A Simple Morphological Predictor of Bite Force in Rodents, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Photosynthetic Response of Soybean to Twospotted Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychydae) Injury, Adeney de Freitas Bueno, Regiane Cristina Oliveira de Freitas Bueno, Paul David Nabity, Leon George Higley, and Odair Aparecido Fernandes
Eimeriid Oocysts From Archaeological Samples in Patagonia, Argentina, Martín Horacio Fugassa, N. H. Sardella, V. Taglioretti, Karl J. Reinhard, and Adauto Araujo
Rationale for a Permanent Seismic Network in the U.S. Central Plains Utilizing U.S. Array, Stephen S. Gao, Tina M. Niemi, Ross A. Black, Kelly H. Liu, Raymond R. Anderson, Robert M. Joeckel, Robert W. Busby, and John Taber
Power laws, Discontinuities and Regional City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestan, Craig R. Allen, and Colin M. Gallagher
The Risk of Flawed Inference in Evolutionary Studies When Detectability Is Less than One, Olivier Gimenez, Anne Viallefont, Anne Charmantier, Roger Pradel, Emmanuelle Cam, Charles R. Brown, Mark D. Anderson, Mary Bomberger Brown, Rita Covas, and Jean-Michel Gaillard2
Synoptic Monitoring of Gross Primary Productivity of Maize Using Landsat Data, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, Jeffrey G. Masek, Shashi Verma, and Andrew E. Suyker
Evapotranspiration Calculation on the Basis of the Riparian Zone Water Balance, Zoltan Gribovszki, Peter Kalicz, Mihaly Kucsara, Jozsef Szilagyi, and Peter Vig
Riparian zone evapotranspiration from diurnal groundwater-level fluctuations, Zoltan Gribovszki, Peter Kalicz, Jozsef Szilagyi, and Mihaly Kucsara
Getting Started with pRPL, Qingfeng Guan
Getting started with pSLEUTH, Qingfeng (Gene) Guan
Application of Spectral Remote Sensing for Agronomic Decisions, J. L. Hatfield, Anatoly A. Gitelson, James S. Schepers, and C. L. Walthall
Experimental Inoculation of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) with Buggy Creek Virus, Kathryn P. Huyvaert, Amy T. Moore, Nicholas A. Panella, Eric A. Edwards, Mary Bomberger Brown, Nicholas Komar, and Charles R. Brown
Enterobius vermicularis ancient DNA In Pre-Columbian Human Populations, Alena Mayo Iniguez, Karl J. Reinhard, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto Araujo, Ana Carolina, and Paulo Vincente
Eco-geomorphic implications of hillslope aspect: Inferences from analysis of landscape morphology in central New Mexico, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Omer Yetemen, Enrique R. Vivoni, Hugo A. Gutierrez-Jurado, and Rafael L. Bras
A Tick From a Prehistoric Arizona Coprolite (Galley Proofs), Keith L. Johnson, Karl J. Reinhard, Luciana Sianto, Adauto Araújo, Scott Lyell Gardner, and John J. Janovy Jr.
Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management, Cody L. Knutson
Trends in Twentieth-Century U.S. Extreme Snowfall Seasons, Kenneth E. Kunkel, Michael A. Palecki, Leslie Ensor, David Easterling, Kenneth Hubbard, David Robinson, and Kelly Redmond
Trends in Twentieth-Century U.S. Snowfall Using a Quality-Controlled Dataset, Kenneth E. Kunkel, Michael Palecki, Leslie Ensor, Kenneth Hubbard, David Robinson, Kelly Redmond, and David Easterling
A Coupled MM5-Noah and Surface Model-Based Assessment of Sensitivity of Planetary Boundary Layer Variables to Anomalous Soil Moisture Conditions, Rezaul Mahmood
Equilibrium Sampling Used to Monitor Malodors in a Swine Waste Lagoon, Rezaul Mahmood
Equilibrium Sampling Used to Monitor Malodors in a Swine Waste Lagoon, Rezaul Mahmood
Meso-Scale Weather and Climate Observations in Kentucky for Societal Benefit, Rezaul Mahmood
Fish Distributions and Nutrient Cycling in Streams: Can Fish Create Biogeochemical Hotspots?, Peter B. McIntyre, Alexander S. Flecker, Michael J. Vanni, James M. Hood, Brad W. Taylor, and Steven A. Thomas
A child and his fate: tuberculosis, perimortem trauma and mummification, Sheila M. M.De Souza, Karl J. Reinhard, Bernardo Tessarollo, Jose Fernando Cardona Zannier, and Adauto Araujo
Variability in soil respiration across riparian-hillslope transitions, Vincent J. Pacific, Brian L. McGlynn, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, Daniel L. Welsch, and Howard E. Epstein
Phylogeographical Structure and Evolutionary History of Two Buggy Creek Virus Lineages in the Western Great Plains of North America, Abinash Padhi, Amy T. Moore, Mary Bomberger Brown, Jerome E. Foster, Martin Pfeffer, Kathryn P. Gaines, Valerie A. O'Brien, Stephanie A. Strickler, Allison E. Johnson, and Charles R. Brown
Effects of Habitat Disturbance on Survival Rates of Softshell Turtles (Apalone spinifera) in an Urban Stream, Michael Plummer, David G. Krementz, Larkin A. Powell, and Nathan Mills
Effects of Habitat Disturbance on Survival Rates of Softshell Turtles (Apalone spinifera) in an Urban Stream, Michael Plummer, David G. Krementz, Larkin A. Powell, and Nathan E. Mills
An Ecologist Struggles with the Problem of Evil: Why Aldo Leopold and Baby Meadowlarks Argue against an All-powerful God, Larkin A. Powell
Low Reproductive Success of Mallards in a Grassland-Dominated Landscape in The Sandhills of Nebraska, Larkin A. Powell, Johann Walker, Zach Cunningham, Mark P. Vrtiska, and Scott Stephens
Parasite Pathoecology of Salmon Pueblo and Other Chacoan Great Houses: The Healthiest and Wormiest Ancestral Puebloans, Karl Reinhard
Pathoecology of Two Ancestral Pueblo Villages, Karl Reinhard
Parasite Pathoecology of Chacoan Great Houses: The Healthiest and Wormiest Ancestral Puebloans, Karl J. Reinhard
Chinese Liver Flukes in Latrine Sediments From Wong Nim’s Property, San Bernardino, California: Archaeoparasitology of the Caltrans District Headquarters (Galley Proofs), Karl J. Reinhard, Adauto Araújo, Luciana Sianto, Julia G. Costello, and Karen Swope
Pathoecology and the Future of Coprolite Studies in Bioarchaeology, Karl J. Reinhard and Vaughn M. Bryant Jr.