Patterns of Incubation Behavior in Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), Jonathan S. Burnam, Gretchen Turner, Susan Ellis-Felege, William E. Palmer, D. Clay Sisson, and John P. Carroll
Using Slow-Release Permanganate Candles to Remove TCE from a Low Permeable Aquifer at a Former Landfill, Mark D. Christenson, Ann Kambhu, and Steve D. Comfort
Geologic Observations along the Steamboat Trace Trail, Markers 16-20, in the Vicinity of Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska (Including on the Indian Cave Sandstone), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Partial Depredations on Northern Bobwhite Nests, Susan Ellis-Felege, Anne Miller, Jonathan S. Burnam, Shane D. Wellendorf, D. Clay Sisson, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll
Environmental and Organismal Predictors of Intraspecific Variation in the Stoichiometry of a Neotropical Freshwater Fish, Rana W. El-Sabaawi, Tyler J. Kohler, Eugenia Zandona, Joseph Travis, Michael C. Marshall, Steven A. Thomas, David N. Reznick, Matthew Walsh, James F. Gilliam, Catherine Pringle, and Alexander S. Flecker
Bats in and around structures, Dennis M. Ferraro, Lisa Pennisi, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Stephen M. Vantassel
Is Pretenure Interdisciplinary Research a Career Risk?, E. V. Fischer, K. R. M. Mackey, D. F. Cusack, L. R. G. DeSantis, L. Hartzell-Nichols, J. A. Lutz, J. Melbourne-Thomas, R. Meyer, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, C. J. B. Sorte, J. R. Taylor, and S. A. White
Remote estimation of crop gross primary production with Landsat data, Anatoly Gitelson, Yi Peng, Jeffrey G. Masek, Donald Rundquist, Shashi Verma, Andrew E. Suyker, John M. Baker, and Tilden Meyers
Estimating the Abundance of Long-billed Curlews in Nebraska, Cory J. Gregory, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Larkin A. Powell, and Joel G. Jorgensen
Avian Influenza Virus Prevalence in Migratory Waterfowl in the Central Flyway, 2007–2009, Scott R. Groepper, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Mark P. Vrtiska, and Thomas J. Deliberto
Evaluation of the effects of September hunting seasons on Canada geese in Nebraska, Scott R. Groepper, Mark P. Vrtiska, Larkin A. Powell, and Scott E. Hygnstrom
Establishing Winter Origins of Migrating Lesser Snow Geese Using Stable Isotopes, Viviane Hénaux, Larkin A. Powell, Mark P. Vrtiska, and Keith A. Hobson
Use of Partially Fenced Fields to Reduce Deer Damage to Corn, Aaron M. Hildreth, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Erin E. Blankenship, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
AMO- and ENSO-Driven Summertime Circulation and Precipitation Variations in North America, Q. Steven Hu and Song Feng
Interpretation of hydrologic trends from a water balance perspective: The role of groundwater storage in the Budyko hypothesis, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Tiejun Wang, Olivia M. Wright, and John D. Lenters
Fish Assemblage Shifts and Population Dynamics of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in the Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan: A Comparison Between Historical and Recent Time Periods Amidst Ecosystem Changes., Mark A. Kaemingk, Tracy L. Galarowicz, John A. Clevenger, David F. Clapp, and Herbert L. Lenon
Priority Effects Among Young-of-the-year Fish: Reduced Growth of Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) Caused by Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)?, Mark A. Kaemingk, Jeffrey C. Jolley, David W. Willis, and Steven R. Chipps
Developing slow-release persulfate candles to treat BTEX contaminated groundwater, Ann Kambhu, Steve D. Comfort, Chanat Chokejaroenrat, and Chainarong Sakulthaew
Flow, nutrients, and light availability influence Neotropical epilithon biomass and stoichiometry, Tyler J. Kohler, Thomas N. Heatherly II, Rana W. El-Sabaawi, Eugenia Zandona, Michael C. Marshall, Alexander S. Flecker, Catherine M. Pringle, David N. Reznick, and Steven A. Thomas
Utility of Improvised Video-Camera Collars for Collecting Contact Data From White-Tailed Deer: Possibilities in Disease Transmission Studies, Michael J. Lavelle, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Aaron M. Hildreth, Tyler A. Campbell, David B. Long, David G. Hewitt, Jeff Beringer, and K. C. VerCauteren
Are Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum a single species?, Daniela Leles, Scott L. Gardner, Karl Reinhard, Alena Iñiguez, and Adauto Araujo
Workshop Examines Warming of Lakes Worldwide, John D. Lenters, Simon J. Hook, and Peter B. McIntyre
A geospatial modeling framework for assessing biofuels-related land-use and land-cover change, Ruopu Li, Qingfeng (Gene) Guan, and James W. Merchant
The General Ensemble Biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) and its Applications to Agricultural Systems in the United States, Shuguang Liu, Zhengxi Tan, Mingshi Chen, Jinxun Liu, Anne Wein, Zhengpeng Li, Shengli Huang, Jennifer Oeding, Claudia Young, Shashi Verma, Andrew Suyker, Stephen Faulkner, and Gregory W. McCarty
Synchrony of net nitrogen mineralization and maize nitrogen uptake following applications of composted and fresh swine manure in the Midwest U.S., Terrance D. Loecke, Cynthia A. Cambardella, and Matt Liebman
National Climate Assessment Technical Report on the Impacts of Climate and Land Use and Land Cover Change, Thomas Loveland, Rezaul Mahmood, Toral Patel-Weynand, Krista Karstensen, Kari Beckendorf, Norman Bliss, and Andrew Carlton
Seasonal Variation in Heat Fluxes, Predicted Emissions of Malodorants, and Wastewater Quality of an Anaerobic Swine Waste Lagoon, Rezaul Mahmood
Effects of Consumer Interactions on Benthic Resources and Ecosystem Processes in a Neotropical Stream, Michael C. Marshall, Andrew J. Binderup, Eugenia Zandona, Sandra Goutte, Ronald D. Bassar, Rana W. El-Sabaawi, Alexander S. Flecker, Susan S. Kilham, David N. Reznick, and Cathy M. Pringle
Mid-contract management of Conservation Reserve Program grasslands provides benefits for ring-necked pheasant nest and brood survival, Ty W. Matthews, J. Scott Taylor, and Larkin A. Powell
Ring-necked pheasant hens select managed Conservation Reserve Program grasslands for nesting and brood-rearing, Ty W. Matthews, J. Scott Taylor, and Larkin A. Powell
Spatial Heterogeneity across Five Rangelands Managed with Pyric-Herbivory, Devan Allen McGranahan, David M. Engle, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Stephen L. Winter, James R. Miller, and Diane M. Debinski
Groundwater beneath a Phase III Management Area in the Central Platte Natural Resources District, Nebraska: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Donald W. Meals, Roy F. Spalding, Mary Exner Spalding, Richard B. Ferguson, Mark L. McFarland, Deanna L. Osmond, and Jean Spooner
Phosphorus in Phoenix: a budget and spatial representation of phosphorus in an urban ecosystem, Genevieve S. Metson, Rebecca L. Hale, David M. Iwaniec, Elizabeth M. Cook, Jessica R. Corman, Christopher S. Galletti, and Daniel L. Childers
Operational MERIS-based NIR-red algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal waters — The Azov Sea case study, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Sergey Berdnikov, Vladislav Saprygin, and Vasily Povazhnyi
Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid productive waters using airborne hyperspectral data, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly Gitelson, Richard L. Perk, Daniela Gurlin, Donald C. Rundquist, Bryan C. Leavitt, Tadd M. Barrow, and Paul Brakhage
Impacts of an Invasive Snail (Tarebia granifera) on Nutrient Cycling in Tropical Streams: The Role of Riparian Deforestation in Trinidad, West Indies, Jennifer M. Moslemi, Sunny B. Snider, Keeley MacNeill, James F. Gilliam, and Alexander S. Flecker
Dietary analysis of Piraino 1, Sicily, Italy: The role of archaeopalynology in forensic science, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Albert R. Zink, Karl J. Reinhard, Melissa Lein, Stephanie Panzer, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Rachel Rachid, Wanderley De Souza, Adauto Araujo, Sergio A.M. Chavez, Sara LeRoy-Toren, Isabel Teixeira-Santos, and Juliana M. F. Dutra
Common–interest community agreements on private lands provide opportunity and scale for wildlife management, Larkin A. Powell
ERRATUM, Larkin A. Powell
Attendance Patterns and Survival of Western Meadowlark Nests, Larkin A. Powell, Matthew D. Giovanni, Scott R. Groepper, Mitchell Reineke, and Walter H. Schacht
Swimways: Protecting Paddlefish through Movement-centered Management, Brenda M. Pracheil, Mark A. Pegg, Larkin A. Powell, and Gerald Mestl
Monitoring live fuel moisture using soil moisture and remote sensing proxies, Yi Qi, Philip E. Dennison, Jessica Spencer, and David Riano
Sharing a vision for biodiversity conservation and agriculture, John E. Quinn
Using slow-release permanganate candles to remediate PAH-contaminated water, Lindy Rauscher, Chainarong Sakulthaew, and Steve D. Comfort
Synthesizing Parasitology with Archaeology in Paleopathology, Karl Reinhard and Adauto Araujo
Understanding the Pathoecological Relationship between Ancient Diet and Modern Diabetes through Coprolite Analysis: A Case Example from Antelope Cave, Mojave County, Arizona, Karl J. Reinhard, Keith L. Johnson, Sara LeRoy-Toren, Kyle Wieseman, Isabel Teixeira-Santos, and Mônica Vieira
Complex terrain leads to bidirectional responses of soil respiration to inter-annual water availability, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, Brian L. McGlynn, Ryan E. Emanuel, and Howard E. Epstein
An alternative method using digital cameras for continuous monitoring of crop status, Toshihiro Sakamoto, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Anthony L. Nguy-Robertson, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Brian D. Wardlow, Andrew E. Suyker, Shashi B. Verma, and Michio Shibayama
Application of day and night digital photographs for estimating maize biophysical characteristics, Toshihiro Sakamoto, Anatoly Gitelson, Brian D. Wardlow, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Shashi Verma, Andrew E. Suyker, and Michio Shibayama
The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration program: A history and overview of the first projects, Courtney A. Schultz and Theresa Jedd
Eating lizards: a millenary habit evidenced by Paleoparasitology, Luciana Sianto, Isabel Teixeira-Santos, Marcia Chame, Sergio M. Chavez, Sheila M. Souza, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Karl Reinhard, and Adauto Araujo
Estimating seasonal evapotranspiration from temporal satellite images, Ramesh K. Singh, Shuguang Liu, Larry L. Tieszen, Andrew E. Suyker, and Shashi B. Verma
On evapotranspiration and shallow groundwater fluctuations: A Fourier-based improvement to the White method, Mehmet Evren Soylu, John D. Lenters, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, and Steven P. Loheide II
Population Size of Hatchery-Reared and Wild Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River, Kirk D. Steffensen, Larkin A. Powell, and Mark A. Pegg
Dynamics of Predation, Alison N.P. Stevens
Factors Affecting Global Climate, Alison N.P. Stevens
Predation, Herbivory, and Parasitism, Alison N.P. Stevens
Planet Protectors, A.P. Stevens
Gross primary production and ecosystem respiration of irrigated and rainfed maize–soybean cropping systems over 8 years, Andrew E. Suyker and Shashi B. Verma
Developing a Restorable Wetland Index for Rainwater Basin Wetlands in South-Central Nebraska: A Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis, Zhenghong Tang, Xu Li, Nan Zhao, Ruopu Li, and F. Edwin Harvey
Insights from Characterizing Extinct Human Gut Microbiomes, Raul Y. Tito; Dan Knights; Jessica Metcalf; Alexandra J. Obregon-Tito; Lauren Cleeland; Fares Najar; Bruce Roe; Karl Reinhard; Kristin Sobolik; Samuel Belknap; Morris Foster; Paul Spicer; Rob Knight; and Cecil M. Lewis, Jr.
Interannual and spatial impacts of phenological transitions, growing season length, and spring and autumn temperatures on carbon sequestration: A North America flux data synthesis, Chaoyang Wu, Alemu Gonsamo, Jing Ming Chen, Werner A. Kurz, David T. Price, Peter M. Lafleur, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Danilo Dragoni, Gil Bohrer, Christopher M. Gough, Shashi B. Verma, Andrew E. Suyker, and J. William Munger
Paleoepidemiology of Intestinal Parasites and Lice in Pre-Columbian South America, Adauto Araujo, Karl Reinhard, Daniela Leles, Luciana Sianto, Alena M. Iñiguez, Martin Fugassa, Bernardo Arriaza, Nancy Orellana, and Luis Fernando Ferreira
INTENSE NATURAL SELECTION ON MORPHOLOGY OF CLIFF SWALLOWS (PETROCHELIDON PYRRHONOTA) A DECADE LATER: DID THE POPULATION MOVE BETWEEN ADAPTIVE PEAKS? Sélection naturelle intensive sur la morphologie de Petrochelidon pyrrhonota une décennie plus tard: la population s’est-elle déplacée entre deux pics adaptatifs?, Mary Bomberger Brown and Charles R. Brown
Nebraska's Tern and Plover Conservation Partnership -- a model for sustainable conservation of threatened and endangered species, Mary Bomberger Brown, Mark E. Burbach, John Dinan, Renae J. Held, Ron J. Johnson, Joel G. Jorgensen, Jeanine Lackey, Jeffrey F. Marcus, Gina S. Matkin, and Christine M. Thody
2011 Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Monitoring, Research, Management, and Outreach Report for the Lower Platte River, Nebraska, Mary Bomberger Brown, Joel G. Jorgensen, and Lauren R. Dinan
A Review of Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Management, Conservation, and Recovery on the Lower Platte River, Nebraska, Mary Bomberger Brown, Joel G. Jorgensen, Sonya E. Steckler, Melissa J. Panella, and W. Ross Silcock
Statistical Distribution of Streambed Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity along the Platte River, Nebraska, Cheng Cheng, Jinxi Song, Xunhong Chen, and Deming Wang
Fluctuation of Hyporheic Zone Thickness Due to Inflow and Outflow across the Water-sediment Interface, Xunhong Chen
Conservation cuantitativa de los vertebrados, Michael J. Conroy, John P. Carroll, Juan Carlos Senar, and Jeffrey j. Thompson
Characterizing the performance of ecosystem models across time scales: A spectral analysis of the North American Carbon Program site-level synthesis, Michael C. Dietze, Rodrigo Vargas, Andrew D. Richardson, Paul C. Stoy, Alan G. Barr, Ryan S. Anderson, M. Altaf Arain, Ian T. Baker, T. Andrew Black, Jing M. Chen, Philippe Ciais, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Christopher M. Gough, Robert F. Grant, David Hollinger, R. Cesar Izaurralde, Christopher J. Kucharik, Peter Lafleur, Shugang Liu, Erandathie Lokupitiya, Yiqi Luo, J. William Munger, Changhui Peng, Benjamin Poulter, David T. Price, Daniel M. Ricciuto, William J. Riley, Alok Kumar Sahoo, Kevin Schaefer, Andrew E. Suyker, Hanqin Tian, Christina Tonitto, Hans Verbeeck, Shashi B. Verma, Weifeng Wang, and Ensheng Weng
Paleoamerican Diet, Migration and Morphology in Brazil: Archaeological Complexity of the Earliest Americans, Sabine Eggers, Maria Parks, Gisela Grupe, and Karl J. Reinhard
On the spatial heterogeneity of net ecosystem productivity in complex landscapes, Ryan E. Emanuel, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, Brian L. McGlynn, and Howard E. Epstein
Evaluating observed and projected future climate changes for the Arctic using the Köppen-Trewartha climate classification, Song Feng, Chang-Hoi Ho, Qi Hu, Robert Oglesby, Su-Jong Jeong, and Baek-Min Kim
Influence of Atlantic sea surface temperatures on persistent drought in North America, Song Feng, Qi Hu, and Robert Oglesby
Optimizing spectral indices and chemometric analysis of leaf chemical properties using radiative transfer modeling, Jean-Baptiste Féret, Christophe François, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Gregory P. Asner, Karen M. Barry, Cinzia Panigada, and Stéphane Jacquemoud
Review of MAMMALIAN TEETH: ORIGIN, EVOLUTION, AND DIVERSITY by Peter S. Ungar, Patricia W. Freeman
Review of Mammalogy, 5th edition by T. A. Vaughan, J. M. Ryan, and N. J. Czaplewski, Patricia W. Freeman
Cedar Infestation Impacts Avian Communities along the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska, January S. Frost and Larkin A. Powell
PARASITISM OF PREHISTORIC HUMANS AND COMPANION ANIMALS FROM ANTELOPE CAVE, MOJAVE COUNTY, NORTHWEST ARIZONA, Martín Horacio Fugassa, Karl Reinhard, Keith L. Johnson, Scott L. Gardner, Mônica Vieira, and Adauto Araujo
Estimating Nest Density When Detectability Is Incomplete: Variation In Nest Attendance And Response To Disturbance By Western Meadowlarks, Matthew D. Giovanni, Max Post van der Burg, Lars C. Anderson, Larkin A. Powell, Walter H. Schacht, and Andrew J. Tyre
Nest survival of Long-billed Curlew in Nebraska, Cory J. Gregory, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Larkin A. Powell, and Joel G. Jorgensen
Nest survival of Long-billed Curlew in Nebraska, Cory J. Gregory, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Larkin A. Powell, and Joel G. Jorgensen
Numerical Validation of a Diurnal Streamflow-Pattern-Based Evapotranspiration Estimation Method, Zoltan Gribovszki, Peter Kalicz, and Jozsef Szilagyi
Tracking large carnivore dispersal using isotopic clues in claws: An application to cougars across the Great Plains, Viviane Hénaux, Larkin A. Powell, Keith A. Hobson, Clayton Kent Nielsen, and Michelle A. LaRue
Tracking plant physiological properties from multi-angular tower-based remote sensing, Thomas Hilker, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Nicholas C. Coops, Forrest G. Hall, and T. Andrew Black
Do Invasive Riparian Woody Plants Affect Hydrology and Ecosystem Processes?, Julie A. Huddle, Tala Awada, Derrel L. Martin, Xinhua Zhou, Sue Ellen Pegg, and Scott J. Josiah
Variations in North American Summer Precipitation Driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Qi Hu, Song Feng, and Robert J. Oglesby
The Influence of Habitat and Environment on Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) Nest Sites and Nest Success in Northern Lake Michigan, Mark A. Kaemingk, Alexander Clem, and Tracy L. Galarowicz
Movement of Smallmouth Bass within the Beaver Island Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan., Mark A. Kaemingk, Tracy L. Galarowicz, John A. Clevenger, and David F. Clapp
Exploring Spatial Distributions of Larval Yellow Perch Perca flavescens, Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, and Their Prey in Relation to Wind., Mark A. Kaemingk, Jeffrey C. Jolley, David W. Willis, and Brian DS Graeb
Effect of Passive Integrated Transponder Tag Implantation Site on Tag Retention, Growth, and Survival of Two Sizes of Juvenile Bluegills and Yellow Perch, Mark A. Kaemingk, Michael J. Weber, Paul R. McKenna, and Michael L. Brown
Modeling gross primary production of irrigated and rain-fed maize using MODIS imagery and CO2 flux tower data, Joshua L. Kalfas, Xiangming Xiao, Diana X. Vanegas, Shashi B. Verma, and Andrew E. Suyker
Estimation of Land Surface Evapotranspiration with a Satellite Remote Sensing Procedure, Ayse Kilic, Ian Ratcliffe, Pariskhit Ranade, Kenneth Hubbard, Ramesh K. Singh, Babuarao Kamble, and Jeppe Kjaersgaard
Comparison and Analysis of Empirical Equations For Soil Heat Flux for Different Cropping Systems and Irrigation Methods, Ayse Kilic, R. K. Singh, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea, Shashi Verma, and Andrew E. Suyker
Farmer perceptions of sustainable agriculture practices and drought risk reduction in Nebraska, USA, Cody L. Knutson, Tonya Haigh, Michael J. Hayes, Melissa Widhalm, J. Nothwehr, M. Kleinschmidt, and L. Graf
Seasonal energy and water balance of a Phragmites australis-dominated wetland in the Republican River basin of south-central Nebraska (USA), John D. Lenters, Gregory J. Cutrell, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Durelle T. Scott, Kyle S. Herrman, and Dean E. Eisenhauer
Understanding Weather, Climate, and Birthweight: Findings from the U.S. Natility Data Files 1969-78, Ge Lin and Song Feng