Pathoecology and the Future of Coprolite Studies in Bioarchaeology, Karl J. Reinhard and Vaughn M. Bryant Jr.
Evaluating chloroplast DNA in prehistoric Texas coprolites: medicinal, dietary, or ambient ancient DNA? (Galley Proofs), Karl J. Reinhard, Sérgio M. Chaves, John G. Jones, and Alena M. Iñiguez
Hydrologic-Carbon Cycle Linkages in a Subalpine Catchment, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui
Isotopic Evidence of Methane Oxidation across the Surface Water–Ground Water Interface, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui and Jennifer Y. King
Measuring and modeling CO2 and H2O fluxes in complex terrain, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui and Brian L. McGlynn
Interpretation and evaluation of combined measurement techniques for soil CO2 efflux: Discrete surface chambers and continuous soil CO2 concentration probes, Diego Andrés Riveros-Iregui, Brian L. McGlynn, Howard E. Epstein, and Daniel L. Welsch
Nondestructive Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Grapes, Mark Steele, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and Donald Rundquist
Comment on "Comparison of 15 evaporation models applied to a small mountain lake in the northeastern USA", Jozsef Szilagyi
New Findings about the Complementary Relationship-Based Evaporation Estimation Methods, Jozsef Szilagyi and Janos Jozsa
Application of a routing model for detecting channel flow changes with minimal data, Jozsef Szilagyi, Nicholas Pinter, and Rob Venczel
Phylotyping and Functional Analysis of Two Ancient Human Microbiomes, Raúl Y. Tito; Simone Macmil; Graham Wiley; Fares Najar; Lauren Cleeland; Chunmei Qu; Ping Wang; Frederic Romagne; Sylvain Leonard; Agustín Jiménez Ruiz; Karl Reinhard; Bruce A. Roe; and Cecil M. Lewis, Jr.
PEREGRINE FALCON SURVIVAL AND RESIGHTING FREQUENCIES ON THE WASHINGTON COAST, 1995–2003, Daniel E. Varland, Larkin A. Powell, Mary Kay Kenney, and Tracy Fleming
A test of the cross-scale resilience model: Functional richness in Mediterranean-climate ecosystems, Donald A. Wardwell, Craig R. Allen, Garry D. Peterson, and Andrew J. Tyre
Estimation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange for the Conterminous United States by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data, Jingfeng Xiao, Qianlai Zhuang, Dennis D. Baldocchi, Beverly E. Law, Andrew D. Richardson, Jiquan Chen, Ram Oren, Gregory Starr, Asko Noormets, Siyan Ma, Shashi Verma, Sonia Wharton, Steven C. Wofsy, Paul V. Bolstad, Sean P. Burns, David R. Cook, Peter S. Curtis, Bert G. Drake, Matthias Falk, Marc L. Fischer, David R. Foster, Lianhong Gu, Julian L. Hadley, David Y. Hollinger, Gabriel G. Katul, Marcy Litvak, Timothy A. Martin, Roser Matamala, Steve McNulty, Tilden P. Meyers, Russell K. Monson, J. William Munger, Walter C. Oechel, Kyaw Tha Paw U, Hans Peter Schmid, Russell L. Scott, Ge Sun, Andrew E. Suyker, and Margaret S. Torn
Interactions Across Spatial Scales among Forest Dieback, Fire, and Erosion in Northern New Mexico Landscapes, Craig D. Allen
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: Report of Activities October 2006 – October 2007, Craig R. Allen and Kevin L. Pope
Parasite findings in archeological remains: Diagnosis and interpretation, Adauto Arajuo, Karl J. Reinhard, and Luiz Fernando Ferreira
Dental wash: a problematic method for extracting microfossils from teeth (galley proofs), Célia H. C. Boyadjian, Sabine Eggers, and Karl J. Reinhard
Bird Movement Predicts Buggy Creek Virus Infection in Insect Vectors, Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, Amy T. Moore, and Nicholas Komar
Impacts of Predators on Northern Bobwhites in the Southeast, John P. Carroll, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, and William E. Palmer
Vegetative and Invertebrate Community Characteristics of Conservation Reserve Program Fields Relative to Gamebirds in Western Kansas, Elizabeth D. Doxon and John P. Carroll
The Trade-Off between Tooth Strength and Tooth Penetration: Predicting Optimal Shape of Canine Teeth, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
High School Students' Perceptions of a College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Susan Fritz, Dann E. Husmann, Duane Reese, Richard Stowell, and Larkin A. Powell
Departures from Gibrat’s Law, Discontinuities and City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, Colin M. Gallagher, and John Mittelstaedt
An Evaluation of MODIS 250-m Data for Green LAI Estimation in Crops, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Brian D. Wardlow, Galina P. Keydan, and Bryan Leavitt
Ground Water Dependence of Endangered Ecosystems: Nebraska’s Eastern Saline Wetlands, F. Edwin Harvey, Jerry F. Ayers, and David C. Gosselin
Patterns of Fish Diversity in a Mainstem Missouri River Reservoir and Associated Delta in South Dakota and Nebraska, USA, Mark A. Kaemingk, Brian D.S. Graeb, Christopher W. Hoagstrom, and David W. Willis
Impacts of the Agricultural Green Revolution Induced Land Use Changes on Air Temperatures in India, Rezaul Mahmood
Increase in Near-Surface Atmospheric Moisture Content due to Land Use Changes: Evidence from the Observed Dewpoint Temperature Data, Rezaul Mamood, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Ronnie D. Leeper, and Stuart A. Foster
Ecological Correlates of Buggy Creek Virus Infection in Oeciacus vicarius, Southwestern Nebraska, 2004, Amy T. Moore, Eric A. Edwards, Mary Bomberger Brown, Nicholas Komar, and Charles R. Brown
Linking Flux Network Measurements to Continental Scale Simulations: Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange Capacity under Non-Water-Stressed Conditions, Katherine B. Owen, John Tenhunen, Markus Reichstein, Quan Wang, Eva Falge, Ralf Geyer, Xiangming Xiaos, Paul Stoy, Christof Ammann, Altaf Arain, Marc Aubinet, Mika Aurela, Christian Bernhofer, Bogdan Chojnicki, Andre Granier, Thomas Gruenwald, Julian Hadley, Bernard Heinesch, David Hollinger, Alexander Knohl, Werner Kutsch, Annalea Lohila, Tilden Meyers, Eddy Moors, Christine Moureaux, Kim Pilegaard, Nobuko Saigusa, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, and Chris Vogel
Unresolved issues with the assessment of multidecadal global land surface temperature trends, Roger A. Pielke Sr., Christopher A. Davey, Dev Niyogi, Souleymane Fall, Jesse Steinweg-Woods, Ken Hubbard, Xiaomao Lin, Ming Cai, Young-Kwon Lim, Hong Li, John Nielsen-Gammon, Kevin Gallo, Robert Hale, Rezaul Mahmood, Stuart Foster, Richard T. McNider, and Peter Blanken
Documentation of Uncertainties and Biases Associated with Surface Temperature Measurement Sites for Climate Change Assessment, Roger A. Pielke Sr., John Nielsen-Gammon, Christopher Davey, Jim Angel, Odie Bliss, Nolan Doesken, Ming Cal, Souleymane Fall, Dev Niyogi, Kevin Gallo, Robert Hale, Kenneth Hubbard, Xiaomao Lin, Hong Li, and Sethu Raman
Hunter-gatherer Use of Small Animal Food Resources: Coprolite Evidence, Karl J. Reinhard, J. R. Ambler, and C. R. Szuter
Comment on Reinterpreting the Pollen Data from Dos Cabezas, Karl J. Reinhard, Vaughn M. Bryant, and Sheila Dorsey Vinton
Reinterpreting the Pollen Data from Dos Cabezas, Karl J. Reinhard, Vaughn M. Bryant, and Sheila D. Vinton
Soil carbon and tree litter dynamics in a red cedar–scotch pine shelterbelt, Thomas J. Sauer, Cynthia A. Cambardella, and James R. Brandle
Development of the Soil Moisture Index to Quantify Agricultural Drought and Its “User Friendliness” in Severity-Area-Duration Assessment, Venkataramana Sridhar, Kenneth Hubbard, Jinshing You, and Eric D. Hunt
Analysis of the nonlinearity in the runoff response to precipitation through numerical modeling, Jozsef Szilagyi
Hungarian National Report on IAHS: 2003-2006, Jozsef Szilagyi
On the Inherent Asymmetric Nature of the Complementary Relationship of Evaporation, Jozsef Szilagyi
On the Inherent Asymmetric Nature of the Complementary Relationship of Evaporation, Jozsef Szilagyi
Estimation of Catchment-Scale Evapotranspiration from Baseflow Recession Data: Numerical Model and Practical Application Results, Jozsef Szilagyi, Zoltan Gribovszki, and Peter Kalicz
On Diurnal Riparian Zone Groundwater-Level and Streamflow Fluctuations, Jozsef Szilagyi, Zoltan Gribovszki, Peter Kalicz, and Mihaly Kucsara
If larvae were smart: a simple model for optimal settlement behavior of competent larvae, Robert J. Toonen and Andrew J. Tyre
Identifying mechanistic models of spatial behavior using pattern-based modeling: An example from lizard home ranges, Andrew J. Tyre, Gregory D. Kerr, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and C. Michael Bull
Nutrient Cycling in Forage Production Systems, David A. Wedin and Michael P. Russelle
Grânulos de amido e fitólitos em cálculos dentários humanos: contribuição ao estudo do modo de vida e subsistência de grupos sambaquianos do litoral sul do Brasil, Verônica Wesolowski, Sheila Maria Ferraz Mendonça de Souza, Karl Reinhard, and Gregório Ceccantini
A Method for Estimating Fractal Dimension of Tree Crowns from Digital Images, Dongsheng Zhang, Ashok Samal, and James R. Brandle
Climate variability has a stabilizing effect on the coexistence of prairie grasses, Peter B. Adler, Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, Phaedon C. Kyriakidis, Qingfeng Guan, and Jonathan M. Levine
Monitoring Sustainability in Tropical Forests: How Changes in Canopy Spatial Pattern Can Indicate Forest Stands for Biodiversity Surveys, Naikoa Aguilar and Geoffrey Henobry
Patterns in body mass distributions: sifting among alternative hypotheses, Craig R. Allen, A. S. Garmestani, T. D. Havlicek, P. A. Marquet, G. D. Peterson, C. Restrepo, C. A. Stow, and B. E. Weeks
Methodology and Results of Calculating Central California Surface Temperature Trends: Evidence of Human-Induced Climate Change?, John R. Christy, William B. Norris, Kelly Redmond, and Kevin P. Gallo
Absorption Properties of Dissolved and Particulate Matter in Turbid Productive Inland Lakes, Giorgio Dall'Olmo and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Effect of Bio-Optical Parameter Variability and Uncertainties in Reflectance Measurements on the Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Turbid Productive Waters: Modeling Results, Giorgio Dall'Olmo and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Ecophysiology of Two Native Invasive Woody Species and Two Dominant Warm-Season Grasses in the Semiarid Grasslands of the Nebraska Sandhills, Kathleen D. Eggemeyer, Tala Awada, David A. Wedin, F. Edwin Harvey, and Xinhua Zhou
Ecophysiology of Two Native Invasive Woody Species and Two Dominant Warm-Season Grasses in the Semiarid Grasslands of the Nebraska Sandhills, Kathleen D. Eggemeyer, Tala Awada, David A. Wedin, F. Edwin Harvey, and Xinhua Zhou
NebGuide, Extension Service and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Privies and Parasites: The Archaeology of Health Conditions in Albany, New York, Charles L. Fisher, Karl Reinhard, Matthew Kirk, and Justin DiVirgilo
An experimental approach to modeling the strength of canine teeth, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Puncturing ability of idealized canine teeth: edged and non-edged shanks, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Three-Band Model for Noninvasive Estimation of Chlorophyll Carotenoids and Anthocyanin Contents in Higher Plant Leaves, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Galina P. Keydan, and Mark N. Merzlyak
Relationship between gross primary production and chlorophyll content in crops: Implications for the synoptic monitoring of vegetation productivity, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, Shashi Verma, Donald C. Rundquist, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Galina P. Keydan, Bryan Leavitt, Veronica Ciganda, George G. Burba, and Andrew E. Suyker
Assistance With Wildlife Damage Problems in Nebraska, Scott E. Hygnstrom, John M. Hobbs, James G. Bruner, James Weverka, Dallas R. Virchow, and Dennis M. Ferraro
SL1 RNA gene recovery from Enterobius vermicularis ancient DNA in pre-Columbian human coprolites, Alena M. Iñiguez, Karl Reinhard, Marcelo Luiz Carvalho Gonçalves, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto Araújo, and Ana Carolina Paulo Vincente
AN ASSESSMENT OF BIRD HABITAT QUALITY USING POPULATION GROWTH RATES, Melinda Knutson, Larkin A. Powell, Randy Hines, Mary Friberg, and Gerald J. Niemi
Severe Convective Wind Environments, Evan L. Kuchera and Matthew D. Parker
Trend Identification in Twentieth-Century U.S. Snowfall: The Challenges, Kenneth E. Kunkel, Michael A. Palecki, Kenneth G. Hubbard, David A. Robinson, Kelly T. Redmond, and David R. Easterling
Impacts of Irrigation on 20th Century Temperature in the Northern Great Plains, Rezaul Mahmood
The GeoProfile Metadata, Exposure of Instruments, and Measurement Bias in Climatic Record Revisited, Rezaul Mahmood
Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis, Atte Moilanen, Michael C. Runge, Jane Elith, Andrew Tyre, Yohay Carmel, Eric Fegraus, Brendan A. Wintle, Mark Burgman, and Yakov Ben-Haim
Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis, Atte Moilanen, Michael Runge, Jane Elith, Andrew J. Tyre, Yohay Carmel, Eric Fegraus, Brendan A. Wintle, Mark A. Burgman, and Yakov Ben-Haim
Enriched feather hydrogen isotope values for Wood Thrushes sampled in Georgia, USA, during the breeding season: implications for quantifying dispersal, Larkin A. Powell and Keith Hobson
A Coprological View of Ancestral Pueblo Cannibalism, Karl Reinhard
A Coprological View of Ancestral Pueblo Cannibalism Debate over a single fecal fossil offers a cautionary tale of the interplay between science and culture, Karl J. Reinhard
Prevalence and Serovars of Salmonella in the Feces of Free-Ranging White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Nebraska, David G. Renter, David P. Gnad, Jan M. Sargeant, and Scott E. Hygnstrom
A Multi-Site Analysis of Random Error in Tower-Based Measurements of Carbon and Energy Fluxes, Andrew D. Richardson, David Y. Hollinger, George C. Burba, Kenneth J. Davis, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Gabriel G. Katul, J. William Munger, Daniel M. Ricciuto, Paul C. Stoy, Andrew E. Suyker, Shashi Verma, and Steven C. Wofsy
Price elasticity reconsidered: Panel estimation of an agricultural water demand function, Karina Schoengold, David L. Sunding, and Georgina Moreno
A Convective Line with Leading Stratiform Precipitation from BAMEX, Brandom Storm, Matthew D. Parker, and David P. Jorgensen
Discussion of "Estimation of the water balance using observed soil water in the Nebraska Sandhills" by V. Sridhar and K.G. Hubbard, Jozsef Szilagyi
A hybrid, Markov chain-based model for daily streamflow generation at multiple catchment sites, Jozsef Szilagyi, Gabor Balint, and Andras Csik
Simulation of the superimposition of floods in the Upper Tisza Region, in "Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks through Flood Management", Jozsef Szilagyi, Gabor Balint, Andras Csik, Balazs Gauzer, and Margit Horoszne Gulyas
Assessing stream-aquifer interactions through inverse modeling of flow routing, Jozsef Szilagyi, Marc B. Parlange, and Gabor Balint
Identifying landscape scale patterns from individual scale processes, Andrew J. Tyre, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and C. Michael Bull
Bat House Construction and Installation, Stephen Vantassel, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Ron J. Johnson, and Dennis Ferraro
Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and Top Management Fraud in Listed Companies: An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Cases, H. Zhou, J. Li, and T. Liu
An assessment of key aspects of warm and cool season severe flash flooding in the Southern Appalachians, W. M. Baldwin and R. Mahmood
STEROID HORMONE LEVELS ARE RELATED TO CHOICE OF COLONY SIZE IN CLIFF SWALLOWS, Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, Samrrah A. Raouf, Linda C. Smith, and John C. Wingfield
Seasonal and Interannual Varialbility in Evapotranspiration of Native Tallgrass Prairie and Cultivated Wheat Ecosystems, by G.G. Burba, S.B. Verma, George G. Burba and Shashi B. Verma
Vertical Movement of Water in a High Plains Aquifer Induced by a Pumping Well, Xunhong Chen, YanFeng Yin, James W. Goeke, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Effect of Bio-Optical Parameter Variability on the Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Turbid Productive Waters: Experimental Results, Giorgio Dall'Olmo and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Effect of Bio-Optical Parameter Variability on the Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Turbid Productive Waters: Experimental Results—Erratum, Giorgio Dall'Olmo and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Geologic Framework and Groundwater Occurrence (Kimball County, Nebraska), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Effects of spring supplementary feeding on population density and breeding success of released pheasants Phasianus colchicus in Britain, Roger A. H. Draycott, Maureen I. A. Woodburn, John P. Carroll, and Rufus B. Sage