Optimizing Allocation of Monitoring Effort Under Economic and Observational Constraints, Scott A. Field, Andrew J. Tyre, and Hugh P. Possingham
Multi-platform comparisons of MODIS and AVHRR normalized difference vegetation index data, Kevin P. Gallo, Lei Ji, Brad Reed, Jeffrey Eidenshink, and John Dwyer
Selective Breeding for High Endurance Running Increases Hindlimb Symmetry, Theodore Garland Jr. and Patricia W. Freeman
Remote Monitoring of Chlorophyll Concentrations in Productive Turbid Waters [ABSTRACT], Anatoly A. Gitelson and Donald C. Rundquist
Remote Estimation of Crop Health [ABSTRACT], Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, and Donald C. Rundquist
Remote Estimation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Crops: Principles, Algorithm Calibration and Validation [ABSTRACT], Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, Donald C. Rundquist, and Shashi Verma
An Artificial-Neural-Network-based, Constrained CA Model for Simulating Urban Growth, Qingfeng Guan, Liming Wang, and Keith C. Clarke
Objective Threshold Determination for Nighttime Eddy Flux Filtering, Lianhong Gu, Eva M. Falge, Tom Boden, Dennis D. Baldocchi, T.A. Black, Scott R. Saleska, Tanja Suni, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, Steve C. Wofsy, and Liukang Xu
The evolution of a warm season severe eastern Kentucky flash flood, C. Henry, R. Mahmood, C. Smallcomb, M. Mclane, and D. Champlin
Effects of climate and landcover change on stream discharge in the Ozark Highlands, USA, Q. Steven Hu, Gary D. Willson, Xi Chen, and Adnan Adnan
Apparent soil electrical conductivity: applications for designing and evaluating field-scale experiments, C. K. Johnson, Kent M. Eskridge, and D. L. Corwin
Quality Control of Pre-1948 Cooperative Observer Network Data, Kenneth E. Kunkel, David R. Easterling, Kenneth Hubbard, Kelly Redmond, Karen Andsager, Michael C. Kruk, and Michael L. Spinar
Social science to improve fuels management: A synthesis of research relevant to communicating with homeowners about fuels management, Martha C. Monroe, Lisa Pennisi, Sarah McCaffrey, and Dennis Mileti
The July 2003 Dakota Hailswaths: Creation, Characteristics, and Possible Impacts, Matthew D. Parker, Ian Ratcliffe, and Geoffrey M. Henebry
Use of radio-telemetry to reduce bias in nest searching Utillzaci6n de radiotransmisores para reducir el sesgo en la hiisqueda de nidos, Larkin A. Powell, Jason Lang, David Krementz, and Michael J. Conroy
Pervasiveness of Phytoliths in Prehistoric Southwestern Diet and Implications for Regional and Temporal Trends for Dental Microwear, Karl J. Reinhard and Dennis R. Danielson
Rose productivity and physiological responses to different substrates for soil-less culture, C. Samartzidis, Tala Awada, E. Maloupa, K. Radoglou, and H.-I. A. Constantinidou
Influence of a Hailstreak on Boundary Layer Evolution, Zewdu T. Segele, David J. Stensrub, Ian C. Ratcliffe, and Geoffrey M. Henebry
Freshwater Mussel Survey of the 39-Mile District - Missouri National Recreational River, South Dakota and Nebraska, Jeff Shearer, Doug Backlund, and Stephen K. Wilson
The Finding of Echinostoma (Trematoda: Digenea) and Hookworm Eggs in Coprolites Collected From a Brazilian Mummified Body Dated 600–1,200 Years Before Present, L. Sianto, Karl J. Reinhard, M. Chame, S. Chaves, S. Mendonça, M. L. C. Gonçalves, A. Fernandes, L. F. Ferreira, and A. Araújo
Description of a database support tool for retrospective georeferencing of natural history museum specimen collections, Rachel A. Simpson and Jeremy B. Young
Evaluating the Simulation of a Simple Hydrology Model Using Long-Term Soil Moisture Measurements in the Nebraska Sand Hills, V. Sridhar, Kenneth Hubbard, and David A. Wedin
Discrete State-Space Approximation of the Continuous Kalinin-Milyukov-Nash Cascade of Noninteger Storage Elements, Jozsef Szilagyi
Flow Routing with Unknown Rating Curves Using a State-Space Reservoir-Cascade-Type Formulation, Jozsef Szilagyi, Gabor Balint, Balazs Gauzer, and Peter Bartha
Some Concerns when Using Data from the Cooperative Weather Station Networks: A Nebraska Case Study, Hong Wu, Kenneth G. Hubbard, and Jinsheng You
The Use of Pricing and Markets for Water Allocation, David Zilberman and Karina Schoengold
Animal Anti–Apoptotic Genes Enhance Recovery from Drought Stress in Tobacco, Tala Awada, David D. Dunigan, and Martin B. Dickman
Regional MODIS Analysis of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in the Kazakh Steppes, Kirsten M. de Beurs, Geoffrey M. Henebry, and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Ogallala Aquifer, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Topographic Maps, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Keith County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 51, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James W. Goeke
Lewis and Clark State Park Signs, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Les Howard
Variations in the Teleconnection of ENSO and Summer Rainfall in Northern China: A Role of the Indian Summer Monsoon*, Song Feng and Qi Hu
Comparison of MODIS and AVHRR 16-Day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Composite Data, Kevin P. Gallo, Lei Ji, Brad Reed, John Dwyer, and Jeffrey Eidenshink
Propane exploders and Electronic Guards were ineffective at reducing deer damage in cornfields, Jason M. Gilsdorf, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Erin E. Blankenship, and Richard M. Engeman
Evaluation of a deer-activated bio-acoustic frightening device for reducing deer damage in cornfields, Jason M. Gilsdorf, Scott E. Hyngstrom, Kurt C. Vercauteren, Greg M. Clements, Erin E. Blankenship, and Richard M. Engeman
Non-Destructive Assessment of Chlorophyll Carotenoid and Anthocyanin Content in Higher Plant Leaves: Principles and Algorithms, Anatoly A. Gitelson and Mark N. Merzlyak
Remote Estimation of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in Crops: Principles, Technique Calibration and Validation, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, Shashi Verma, Donald C. Rundquist, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Galina P. Keydan, Bryan Leavitt, Veronica Ciganda, George G. Burba, and Andrew E. Suyker
Arsenic in Nebraska's Groundwater and Public Water Supplies, David Gosselin, Lynne Klawer, and Angela Noe
The Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index and its Potential Utility for Gap Analysis, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Andrés Viña, and Anatoly A. Gitelson
On the USCRN Temperature System, Kenneth Hubbard, X. Lin, and C.B. Baker
Air Temperature Comparison between the MMTS and the USCRN Temperature Systems, K. G. Hubbard and X. Lin
Forecasting Vegetation Greenness With Satellite and Climate Data, Lei Ji and Albert J. Peters
Geomorphic and Environmental Change Around a Large, Aging Reservoir: Lake C. W. McConaughy, Western Nebraska, USA, R. Matthew Joeckel and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Late Albian dinosaur tracks from the cratonic (eastern) margin of the Western Interior Seaway, Nebraska, USA, R. M. Joeckel, J. M. Cunningham, R. G. Corner, P. L. Phillips, and G. A. Ludvigson
NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE Uncertainties of Derived Dewpoint Temperature and Relative Humidity, X. Lin and Kenneth Hubbard
Sensor and Electronic Biases/Errors in Air Temperature Measurements in Common Weather Station Networks*, X. Lin and Kenneth Hubbard
An Analysis of Simulated Long-Term Soil Moisture Data for Three Land Uses under Contrasting Hydroclimatic Conditions in the Northern Great Plains, Rezaul Mahmood and Kenneth Hubbard
The role of soil water availability in potential rainfed rice productivity in Bangladesh: applications of the CERES-Rice mode, Rezaul Mahmood, David R. Legates, and Mark Meo
Modification of growing-season surface temperature records in the northern Great Plains due to land-use transformation: Verification of modelling results and implication for global climate change, Rezaul Mamood, Kenneth G. Hubbard, and Christy Carlson
Response of Nebraska Sand Hills Natural Vegetation to Drought, Fire, Grazing, and Plant Functional Type Shifts as Simulated by the Century Model, Jennifer Mangan, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Robert S. Webb, Carol Wessman, and Alexander Goetz
Structures and Dynamics of Quasi-2D Mesoscale Convective Systems, Matthew D. Parker and Richard H. Johnson
Achieving Bat Conservation Through Tourism, Lisa A. Pennisi, Stephen M. Holland, and Taylor V. Stein
Atmospheric circulation and cyclone frequency variations linked to the primary modes of Greenland snow accumulation, Jeffrey C. Rogers, Deborah J. Bathke, Ellen Mosley-Thompson, and Sheng-Hung Wang
Collecting Spectral Data over Cropland Vegetation Using Machine-Positioning versus Hand-Positioning of the Sensor, Donald Rundquist, Richard L. Perk, Bryan Leavitt, Galina P. Keydan, and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Application of Snowfall and Wind Statistics to Snow Transport Modeling for Snowdrift Control in Minnesota, Martha Shulski and Mark W. Seeley
Using Visitors Motivations to Provide Learning Opportunities at Water-Based Recreation Areas, Taylor V. Stein, Christine B. Denny, and Lisa A. Pennisi
Accounting for stream-aquifer interactions in the state-space discretization of the KMN-cascade for streamflow forecasting, Jozsef Szilagyi
Heuristic Continuous Base Flow Separation, Jozsef Szilagyi
Linking Wild and Captive Populations to Maximize Species Persistence: Optimal Translocation Strategies, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Andrew J. Tyre, Katriona Shea, and Hugh P. Possingham
White-Tailed Deer, Kurt C. VerCauteren and Scott E. Hygnstrom
Monitoring Maize (Zea mays L.) Phenology with Remote Sensing, Andrés Viña, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Donald C. Rundquist, Galina P. Keydan, Bryan Leavitt, and James Schepers
Satellite monitoring of vegetation dynamics: Sensitivity enhancement by the wide dynamic range vegetation index, Andrés Viña, Geoffrey Henebry, and Anatoly A. Gitelson
A Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index, Nathan Wells, Steve Goddard, and Michael Hayes
Parasitism, the Diversity of Life, and Paleoparasitology, Adauto Araújo, Ana M. Jansen, Françoise Bouchet, Karl J. Reinhard, and Luiz F. Ferreira
Ecophysiology of seedlings of three Mediterranean pine species in contrasting light regimes, Tala Awada, Kalliopi Radoglou, Mariangela N. Fotelli, and Helen I. A. Constantinidou
Parasite Remains in Archaeological Sites, Françoise Bouchet, Niéde Guidon, Katharina Dittmar, Stephanie Harter, Luiz F. Ferreira, Sérgio A.M. Chaves, Karl J. Reinhard, and Adauto Araújo
Aggradation of gravels in tidally influenced systems: upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) on the cratonic margin of the North American Western Interior foreland basin., Robert L. Brenner, Gregory A. Ludvigson, Brian L. Witzke, Preston Lee Phillips, Timothy S. White, David F. Ufnar, Luis A. Gonzalez, R. Matthew Joeckel, Adrian Goettemoeller, and Benjamin R. Shirk
Inca Expansion and Parasitism in the Lluta Valley: Preliminary Data, Santoro Calagero, Karl J. Reinhard, and Sheila D. Vinton
Paleopharmacology and Pollen: Theory, Method, and Application, Sérgio A.M. Chaves and Karl J. Reinhard
Towards a unified approach for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in both terrestrial vegetation and turbid productive waters, Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Anatoly Gitelson, and Donald C. Rundquist
Ashfall Historic Park: Field Trip 5, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Lewis and Clark and the Geology of Nebraska and Parts of Adjacent States, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Anne P. Diffendal
Lewis and Clark and the Geology of the Great Plains, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Anne P. Diffendal
Techniques of DNA-studies on Prehispanic Ectoparasites (Pulex sp., Pulicidae, Siphonaptera) from Animal Mummies of the Chiribaya Culture, Southern Peru, Katharina Dittmar, U. Mammat, M. Whiting, Sonia Guillén, Karl J. Reinhard, and T Goldmann
Novel technique for remote estimation of CO2 flux in maize, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Shashi B. Verma, Andrés Viña, Donald C. Rundquist, Galina P. Keydan, Bryan Leavitt, Timothy J. Arkebauer, George G. Burba, and Andrew E. Suyker
Remote estimation of leaf area index and green leaf biomass in maize canopies, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Andrés Viña, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Donald C. Rundquist, Galina P. Keydan, and Bryan Leavitt
Using Earth Science Research Projects to Develop Collaboration Between Scientists at a Research University and K-12 Educators: Insights for Future Efforts, David C. Gosselin, Richard Levy, and Ronald J. Bonnstetter
Air Temperature Errors Caused by Air Filter and Construction Effects on HMP45C Temperature Sensors in Weather Stations, K. G. Hubbard and X Lin
Enterobius vermicularis: Ancient DNA from North and South American Human Coprolites, Alena M. Iñiguez, Karl J. Reinhard, Adauto Araújo, Luiz F. Ferreira, and Ana Carolina P. Vicente
AVHRR-Based Spectral Vegetation Index for Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation State and Productivity: Calibration and Validation, Felix Kogan, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Edige Zakarin, Lev Spivak, and Lubov Lebed
AVHRR-Based Spectral Vegetation Index for Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation State and Productivity: Calibration and Validation, Felix Kogan, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Edige Zakarin, Lev Spivak, and Lubov Lebed
Temporal variations of extreme precipitation events in the United States: 1895–2000, Kenneth E. Kunkel, David R. Easterling, Kelly Redmond, and Kenneth Hubbard
The CERES-Rice Model-Based Estimates of Potential Monsoon Season Rainfed Rice Productivity in Bangladesh, Rezaul Mahmood, Mark Meo, David R. Legates, and Mark L. Morrissey
Pathoecology of Chiribaya Parasitism, Elizabeth Martinson, Karl J. Reinhard, Jane E. Buikstra, and Katharina Dittmar de la Cruz
In-Field Labeling of Western Corn Rootworm Adults (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with Rubidium, Timothy M. Nowatzki, Bradley Niimi, Kelli J. Warren, Sean Putnam, Lance J. Meinke, David C. Gosselin, F. Edwin Harvey, Thomas E. Hunt, and Blair Siegfried
Southeast Nebraska Geology: Field Trip 3, Roger K. Pabian; Robert F. Diffendal, Jr. Jr.; and Darwin R. Boardman II
Southeastern U.S. Vegetation Response to ENSO Events (1989–1999), Albert J. Peters, Lei Ji, and Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea
Urban Canada Geese in Georgia: Assessing a Golf Course Survey and a Nuisance Relocation Program, Larkin A. Powell, Michael J. Conroy, Kipling S. Balkcom, and Joe Caudell
Nesting Success and Juvenile Survival for Wood Thrushes in an Eastern Iowa Forest Fragment, Larkin A. Powell, Lara Scott, and Jason Hass
Louse Infestation of the Chiribaya Culture, Southern Peru: Variation in Prevalence by Age and Sex, Karl J. Reinhard and Jane E. Buikstra
A Case of Megacolon in Rio Grande Valley as a Possible Case of Chagas Disease, Karl J. Reinhard, Thomas M. Fink, and Jack Skiles
Diagnosing Ancient Diphyllobothriasis from Chinchorro Mummies, Karl J. Reinhard and Otto Urban
Ecomorphology of Bats: Comparative and Experimental Approaches Relating Structural Design to Ecology, Sharon M. Swartz, Patricia W. Freeman, and Elizabeth F. Stockwell
Comment on "A reappraisal of the Kalman filtering technique as applied in river flow forecasting" by M. Ahsan and K. M. O'Connor, Jozsef Szilagyi