Faculty associated with the Center for Plant Science Innovation include:

Saet-Byul Kim, Plant-microbe interactions, plant immunity, disease susceptibility, fungal pathogen
In Memory ~ James R. Alfano, Bacterial pathogens and plant immunity
Edgar B. Cahoon, Lipid metabolism, function, and biotechnology
Heriberto D. Cerutti, Functional genomics, epigenetics, biotechnology, biofuels
Yufeng Ge, Plant phenotyping and image analysis, Precision agriculture and spatial statistics
Katarzyna Glowacka, Crop abiotic stress resistance
David Holding, Cereal endosperm functional genomics
David Hyten Jr., Soybean genetics and genomics Jennifer Markham, Lipid biochemistry, metabolomics, plant physiology
Etsuko N. Moriyama,Bioinformatics, genomics, and molecular evolution,br> Jeffrey P. Mower, Plant evolutionary and comparative genomics
Toshihiro Obata, Plant primary metabolism
Clemencia Rojas, Bacterial pathogen, bacterial diseases, crops, plant defense responses
Rebecca Roston, Lipid metabolism and abiotic stress
Sabrina Russo, Microbiome, plant ecology, ecophysiology, and biodiversity
Daniel Schachtman, Root microbiomes and abiotic stress tolerance
James Schnable, Plant genomics and phenomics
James Van Etten, Giant viruses infecting algae
Harkamal Walia, Plant phenomics and genomics
Jinliang Yang, Population genetics and genomics, Microbiome, and Plant phenomics
Bin Yu, RNA silencing, Epigenetics and functional genomics
Lirong Zeng, Post-translational modifications and plant immunity
Chi Zhang, Bioinformatics and computational systems biology
T. Jack Morris, Emeritus




A multidomain enzyme, with glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities, is involved in a chloroplastic pathway for glycerol synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Daniela Morales-Sánchez, Yeongho Kim, Ee Leng Terng, Laura Peterson, and Heriberto D. Cerutti


Towards the development of a sustainable soya bean-based feedstock for aquaculture, Hyunwoo Park, Steven Weier, Fareha Razvi, Pamela A. Peña, Neil A. Sims, Jennica Lowell, Cory Hungate, Karma Kissinger, Gavin Key, Paul Fraser, Jonathan Napier, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Thomas Clemente


Overexpression of SbMyb60 in Sorghum bicolor impacts both primary and secondary metabolism, Erin D. Scully, Tammy Gries, Nathan A. Palmer, Gautam Sarath, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Lisa Baird, Paul Twigg, Javier Seravalli, Thomas E. Clemente, and Scott E. Sattler


Differentially Regulated Orthologs in Sorghum and the Subgenomes of Maize, Yang Zhang, Daniel W. Ngu, Daniel Santana de Carvalho, Zhikai Liang, Yumou Qiu, Rebecca Roston, and James C. Schnable


Conventional and unconventional ubiquitination in plant immunity, Bangjun Zhou and Lirong Zeng



Transcriptome response of cassava leaves under natural shade, Zehong Ding, Yang Zhang, Yi Xiao, Fangfang Liu, Minghui Wang, Xinguang Zhu, Peng Liu, Qi Sun, Wenquan Wang, Ming Peng, Tom Brutnell, and Pinghua Li


Limited mitogenomic degradation in response to a parasitic lifestyle in Orobanchaceae, Weishu Fan, Andan Zhu, Melisa Kozaczek, Neethu Shah, Natalia Pabón-Mora, Favio González, and Jeffrey P. Mower


A Bacterial Effector Co-opts Calmodulin to Target the Plant Microtubule Network, Ming Guo, Panya Kim, Guangyong Li, Christian Elowsky, and James R. Alfano


Ginkgo and Welwitschia mitogenomes reveal extreme contrasts in gymnosperm mitochondrial evolution, Wenhu Guo, Felix Grewe, Weishu Fan, Gregory J. Young, Volker Knoop, Jeffrey D. Palmer, and Jeffrey P. Mower


ORM Expression Alters Sphingolipid Homeostasis and Differentially Affects Ceramide Synthase Activity, Athen N. Kimberlin, Gongshe Han, Kyle D. Luttgeharm, Ming Chen, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Julie M. Stone, Jennifer E. Markham, Teresa M. Dunn, and Edgar B. Cahoon


RNA-Seq Based Analysis of Population Structure within the Maize Inbred B73, Zhikai Liang and James C. Schnable


Residues Responsible for the Selectivity of α-Conotoxins for Ac-AChBP or nAChRs, Bo Lin, Shi-Hua Xiang, and Mengsen Li


snRNA 3' End Processing by a CPSF73- Containing Complex Essential for Development in Arabidopsis, Yunfeng Liu, Shengjun Li, Yuan Chen, Athen N. Kimberlin, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Bin Yu


Screen of Non-annotated Small Secreted Proteins of Pseudomonas syringae Reveals a Virulence Factor That Inhibits Tomato Immune Proteases, Takayuki Shindo, Farnusch Kaschani, Fan Yang, Judit Kovács, Fang Tian, Jiorgos Kourelis, Tram Ngoc Hong, Tom Colby, Mohammed Shabab, Rohini Chawla, Selva Kumari, Muhammed Ilyas, Anja C. Hörger, James R. Alfano, and Renier A. L. van der Hoorn


Screen of Non-annotated Small Secreted Proteins of Pseudomonas syringae Reveals a Virulence Factor That Inhibits Tomato Immune Proteases, Takayuki Shindo, Farnusch Kaschani, Fan Yang, Judit Kovács, Fang Tian, Jiorgos Kourelis, Tram Ngoc Hong, Tom Colby, Mohammed Shabab, Rohini Chawla, Selva Kumari, Muhammed Ilyas, Anja C. Hörger, James R. Alfano, and Renier A. L. van der Hoorn


Identification of Homogentisate Dioxygenase as a Target for Vitamin E Biofortification in Oilseeds, Minviluz G. Stacey, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Hanh T. Nguyen, Yaya Cui, Shirley Sato, Cuong T. Nguyen, Nongnat Phoka, Kerry M. Clark, Yan Liang, Joe Forrester, Josef Batek, Phat Tien Do, David A. Sleper, Thomas E. Clemente, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Gary Stacey


Evolutionary dynamics of the plastid inverted repeat: the effects of expansion, contraction, and loss on substitution rates, Andan Zhu, Wenhu Guo, Weishu Fan, and Jeffrey P. Mower


Dedicated Industrial Oilseed Crops as Metabolic Engineering Platforms for Sustainable Industrial Feedstock Production, Li-Hua Zhu, Frans Krens, Mark A. Smith, Xueyuan Li, Weicong Qi, Elbertus N. van Loo, Tim Iven, Ivo Feussner, Tara J. Nazarenus, Dongxin Huai, David C. Taylor, Xue-Rong Zhou, Allan G. Green, Jay Shockey, K. Thomas Klasson, Robert T. Mullen, Bangquan Huang, John M. Dyer, and Edgar B. Cahoon



Variable Frequency of Plastid RNA Editing among Ferns and Repeated Loss of Uridine-to-Cytidine Editing from Vascular Plants, Wenhu Guo, Felix Grewe, and Jeffrey P. Mower


Combinatorial Effects of Fatty Acid Elongase Enzymes on Nervonic Acid Production in Camelina sativa, Dongxin Huai, Yuanyuan Zhang, Chunyu Zhang, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Yongming Zhou


Gene Silencing in Microalgae: Mechanisms and Biological Roles, Eun-Jeong Kim, Xinrong Ma, and Heriberto Cerutti


Toward production of jet fuel functionality in oilseeds: identification of FatB acyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterases and evaluation of combinatorial expression strategies in Camelina seeds, Hae Jin Kim, Jillian E. Silva, Hieu Sy Vu, Keithanne Mockaitis, Jeong-Won Nam, and Edgar B. Cahoon


Toward production of jet fuel functionality in oilseeds: identification of FatB acyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterases and evaluation of combinatorial expression strategies in Camelina seeds, Hae Jin Kim, Jillian E. Silva, Hieu Sy Vu, Keithanne Mockaitis, Jeong-Won Nam, and Edgar B. Cahoon


SUMOylation by a Stress-Specific Small Ubiquitin-Like Modifier E2 Conjugase Is Essential for Survival of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Stress Conditions, Amy R. Knobbe, Kempton M. Horken, Thomas M. Plucinak, Eniko Balassa, Heriberto Cerutti, and Donald P. Weeks


Fungal Morphogenesis, Xiaorong Lin, J. Andrew Alspaugh, Haoping Liu, and Steven D. Harris


Production of high levels of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate in plastids of Camelina sativa seeds, Meghna R. Malik, Wenyu Tang, Nii Patterson, Jihong Tang, Rachel L. Wellinghoff, Mary L. Preuss, Claire Burkitt, Nirmala Sharma, Yuanyuan Ji, Joseph M. Jez, Oliver P. Peoples, Jan G. Jaworski, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Kristi D. Snell


Redirection of metabolic flux for high levels of omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acid accumulation in camelina seeds, Huu Tam Nguyen, Hyunwoo Park, Karen L. Koster, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Hanh Nguyen, John Shanklin, Thomas E. Clemente, and Edgar B. Cahoon


The Role of Ethylene in Plant Responses to K+ Deficiency, Daniel P. Schachtman


The Taurine Biosynthetic Pathway of Microalgae, Rahul Tevatia, James Allen, Deepak Rudrappa, Derrick White, Thomas E. Clemente, Heriberto Cerutti, Yaşar Demirel, and Paul H. Blum


Modifications of membrane lipids in response to wounding of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves, Hieu Sy Vu, Rebecca Roston, Sunitha Shiva, Manhoi Hur, Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Xuemin Wang, Jyoti Shah, and Ruth Welti


Osmotic Stress Induces Phosphorylation of Histone H3 at Threonine 3 in Pericentromeric Regions of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zhen Wang, Juan Armando Casas-Mollano, Jianping Xu, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Chi Zhang, and Heriberto Cerutti


Osmotic stress induces phosphorylation of histone H3 at threonine 3 in pericentromeric regions of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zhen Wang, Juan Casas-Mollano, Jianping Xu, Jean-Jack Riethoven, Chi Zhang, and Heriberto D. Cerutti


siRNA-directed DNA Methylation in Plants, Meng Xie and Bin Yu


microRNA biogenesis, degradation and activity in plants, Meng Xie, Shuxin Zhang, and Bin Yu


Chlorophyll Synthase under Epigenetic Surveillance Is Critical for Vitamin E Synthesis, and Altered Expression Affects Tocopherol Levels in Arabidopsis, Chunyu Zhang, Wei Zhang, Guodong Ren, Denli Li, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Ming Chen, Yongming Zhou, Bin Yu, and Edgar B. Cahoon



The Origin and Biosynthesis of the Benzenoid Moiety of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) in Arabidopsis, Anna Block, Joshua R. Widhalm, Abdelhak Fatihi, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Yashitola Wamboldt, Christian Elowsky, Sally Ann MacKenzie, Edgar B. Cahoon, Clint Chapple, Natalia Dudareva, and Gilles J. C. Basset


Molecular Evolution of Glycoside Hydrolase Genes in the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera), Seong-il Eyun, Haichuan Wang, Yannick Pauchet, Richard H. ffrench-Constant, Andrew K. Benson, Arnubio Valencia-Jimenez, Etsuko N. Moriyama, and Blair Siegfried


Identification of RNA silencing components in soybean and sorghum, Xiang Liu, Tao Lu, Yongchao Dou, Bin Yu, and Chi Zhang


Small RNAs meet their targets: When methylation defends miRNAs from uridylation, Guodong Ren, Xuemei Chen, and Bin Yu


Methylation protects microRNAs from an AGO1- associated activity that uridylates 5′ RNA fragments generated by AGO1 cleavage, Guodong Ren, Meng Xie, Shuxin Zhang, Carissa Vinovskis, Xuemei Chen, and Bin Yu


Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors: Targets and roles in plant immunity, Tania Y. Toruño


Evaluation of constitutive iron reductase (AtFRO2) expression on mineral accumulation and distribution in soybean (Glycine max. L), Marta W. Vasconcelos, Thomas E. Clemente, and Michael A. Grusak


PRL1, an RNA-Binding Protein, Positively Regulates the Accumulation of miRNAs and siRNAs in Arabidopsis, Shuxin Zhang, Yuhui Liu, and Bin Yu


Unprecedented Heterogeneity in the Synonymous Substitution Rate within a Plant Genome, Andan Zhu, Wenhu Guo, Kanika Jain, and Jeffrey P. Mower



Functional Modeling Identifies Paralogous Solanesyl-diphosphate Synthases That Assemble the Side Chain of Plastoquinone-9 in Plastids, Anna Block, Rikard Fristedt, Sara Rogers, Jyothi Kumar, Brian Barnes, Joshua Barnes, Christian Elowsky, Yashitola Wamboldt, Sally Ann Mackenzie, Kevin Redding, Sabeeha S. Merchant, and Gilles J. Basset


Arabidopsis 56–Amino Acid Serine Palmitoyltransferase- Interacting Proteins Stimulate Sphingolipid Synthesis, Are Essential, and Affect Mycotoxin Sensitivity, Athen N. Kimberlin, Saurav Majumder, Gongshe Han, Ming Chen, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Julie M. Stone, Teresa M. Dunn, and Edgar B. Cahoon


Arabidopsis 56–Amino Acid Serine Palmitoyltransferase- Interacting Proteins Stimulate Sphingolipid Synthesis, Are Essential, and Affect Mycotoxin Sensitivity, Athen N. Kimberlin, Saurav Majumder, Gongshe Han, Ming Chen, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Julie M. Stone, Teresa M. Dunn, and Edgar B. Cahoon


A novel function prediction approach using protein overlap networks, Shide Liang, Dandan Zheng, Daron M. Standley, Huarong Guo, and Chi Zhang


Fuzzy clustering of CPP family in plants with evolution and interaction analyses, Tao Lu, Yongchao Dou, and Chi Zhang


Small Interfering RNA–Mediated Translation Repression Alters Ribosome Sensitivity to Inhibition by Cycloheximide in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Xinrong Ma, Eun-Jeong Kim, Insun Kook, Fangrui Ma, Adam Voshall, Etsuko N. Moriyama, and Heriberto D. Cerutti


Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Uses Proteasome Inhibitor Syringolin A to Colonize from Wound Infection Sites, Johana C. Misas-Villamil, Izabella Kolodziejek, Emerson Crabill, Farnusch Kaschani, Sherry Niessen, Takayuki Shindo, Markus Kaiser, James R. Alfano, and Renier A. L. van de Hoorn


Mutational Analyses of a Fork Head Associated Domain Protein, DAWDLE, in Arabidopsis thaliana, Lakshmi Ayiloor Narayanan, Dipaloke Mukherjee, Shuxin Zhang, Bin Yu, and David Chevalier


Camelina seed transcriptome: a tool for meal and oil improvement and translational research, Huu T. Nguyen, Jillian E. Silva, Ram Podicheti, Jason Macrander, Wenyu Yang, Tara J. Nazarenus, Jeong-Won Nam, Jan G. Jaworski, Chaofu Lu, Brian E. Scheffler, Keithanne Mockaitis, and Edgar B. Cahoon


Pseudomonas HopU1 modulates plant immune receptor levels by blocking the interaction of their mRNAs with GRP7, Valerie Nicaise, Anna Joe, Byeong-Ryool Jeong, Christin Korneli, Freddy Boutrot, Isa Westedt, Dorothee Staiger, James R. Alfano, and Cyril Zipfel


Dynamic Expression of Imprinted Genes Associates with Maternally Controlled Nutrient Allocation during Maize Endosperm Development, Mingming Xin, Ruolin Yang, Guosheng Li, Hao Chen, John Laurie, Chuang Ma, Dongfang Wang, Yingyin Yao, Brian A. Larkins, Qixin Sun, Ramin Yadegari, Xiangfeng Wang, and Zhongfu Ni


Complementarity to an miRNA Seed Region Is Sufficient to Induce Moderate Repression of a Target Transcript in the Unicellular Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Tomohito Yamasaki, Adam Voshall, Eun-Jeong Kim, Etsuko N. Moriyama, Heriberto Cerutti, and Takeshi Ohama


Plant MicroRNAs Display Differential 3' Truncation and Tailing Modifications That Are ARGONAUTE1 Dependent and Conserved Across Species, Jixian Zhai, Yuanyuan Zhao, Stacey A. Simon, Sheng Huang, Katherine Petsch, Siwaret Arikit, Manoj Pillay, Lijuan Ji, Meng Xie, Xiaofeng Cao, Bin Yu, Marja Timmermans, Bing Yang, Xuemei Chen, and Blake C. Meyers


A thraustochytrid diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 with broad substrate specificity strongly increases oleic acid content in engineered Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, Chunyu Zhang, Umidjon Iskandarov, Elliott T. Klotz, Robyn L. Stevens, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Tara J. Nazarenus, Suzette L. Pereira, and Edgar B. Cahoon


Comparative analyses of two Geraniaceae transcriptomes using next-generation sequencing, Jinxin Zhang, Tracey A. Ruhlman, Jeffrey P. Mower, and Robert K. Jansen


CDC5, a DNA binding protein, positively regulates posttranscriptional processing and/or transcription of primary microRNA transcripts, Shuxin Zhang, Meng Xie, Guodong Ren, and Bin Yu


Comparative studies of differential gene calling using RNA-Seq data, Ximeng Zheng and Etsuko N. Moriyama



The Pseudomonas syringae HrpJ protein controls the secretion of type III translocator proteins and has a virulence role inside plant cells, Emerson Crabill, Andrew Karpisek, and James R. Alfano


Vitamin Deficiencies in Humans: Can Plant Science Help?, Teresa B. Fitzpatrick, Gilles J. C. Basset, Patrick Borel, Fernando Carrari, Dean DellaPenna, Paul D. Fraser, Hanjo Hellmann, Sonia Osorio, Christophe Rothan, Victoriano Valpuesta, Catherine Caris-Veyrat, and Alisdair R. Fernie


Pseudomonas syringae Catalases Are Collectively Required for Plant Pathogenesis, Ming Guo, Anna Block, Crystal D. Bryan, Donald F. Becker, and James R. Alfano


Fuzzy clustering of CPP family in plants with evolution and interaction analyses, Tao Lu, Yongchao Dou, and Chi Zhang


Evidence against equimolarity of large repeat arrangements and a predominant master circle structure of the mitochondrial genome from a monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus) lineage with cryptic CMS, Jeffrey P. Mower, Andrea L. Case, Eric R. Floro, and John H. Willis


Metabolic and Gene Expression Changes Triggered by Nitrogen Deprivation in the Photoautotrophically Grown Microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Coccomyxa sp. C-169, Joseph Msanne, Di Xu, Anji Reddy Konda, J. Armando Casas-Mollano, Tala Awada, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Heriberto Cerutti


Uridylation of miRNAs by HEN1 SUPPRESSOR1 in Arabidopsis, Guodong Ren, Xuemei Chen, and Bin Yu


Regulation of miRNA abundance by RNA binding protein TOUGH in Arabidopsis, Guodong Ren, Meng Xie, Yongchao Dou, Shuxin Zhang, Chi Zhang, and Bin Yu


Critical roles of RNA-binding proteins in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis, Guodong Ren and Bin Yu


Post-transcriptional control of miRNA abundance in Arabidopsis, Guodong Ren and Bin Yu


Ectopic expression of Rubisco subunits in maize mesophyll cells does not overcome barriers to cell type-specific accumulation, Katia Wostrikoff, Aimee Clark, Shirley Sato, Thomas E. Clemente, and David Stern


A subgroup of SGS3-like proteins act redundantly in RNA-directed DNA methylation, Meng Xie, Guodong Ren, Pedro Costa-Nunes, Olga Pontes, and Bin Yu


The DNA- and RNA-binding protein FACTOR of DNA METHYLATION 1 requires XH domain-mediated complex formation for its function in RNA-directed DNA methylation, Meng Xie, Guodong Ren, Chi Zhang, and Bin Yu



Plant targets for Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors: Virulence targets or guarded decoys?, Anna Block and James R. Alfano


RNA-Mediated Silencing in Algae: Biological Roles and Tools for Analysis of Gene Function, Heriberto Cerutti, Xinrong Ma, Joseph Msanne, and Timothy Repas


Two Distinct Roles of ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF TRITHORAX1 (ATX1) at Promoters and within Transcribed Regions of ATX1-Regulated Genes, Yong Ding, Zoya Avramova, and Michael E. Fromm


Structure Function Analysis of an ADP-ribosyltransferase Type III Effector and Its RNA-binding Target in Plant Immunity, Byeong-Ryool Jeong, Yan Lin, Anna Joe, Ming Guo, Christin Korneli, Huirong Yang, Ping Wang, Min Yu, Ronald Cerny, Dorothee Staiger, James R. Alfano, and Yanhui Xu


A Plant DJ-1 Homolog Is Essential for Arabidopsis thaliana Chloroplast Development, Jiusheng Lin, Tara J. Nazarenus, Jeanine L. Frey, Xinwen Liang, Mark A. Wilson, and Julie M. Stone


Structural and Functional Analysis of the Type III Secretion System from Pseudomonas fluorescens Q8r1-96, Dmitri V. Mavrodi, Anna Joe, Olga V. Mavrodi, Karl A. Hassan, David M. Weller, Ian T. Paulsen, Joyce E. Loper, James R. Alfano, and Linda S. Thomashow


Delivery of Prolamins to the Protein Storage Vacuole in Maize Aleurone Cells, Francisca C. Reyes, Taijoon Chung, David Holding, Rudolf Jung, Richard Vierstra, and Marisa S. Otegui


MPK6, Sphinganine and the LCB2a Gene from Serine Palmitoyltransferase are Required in the Signaling Pathway That Mediates Cell Death Induced by Long Chain Bases in Arabidopsis, Mariana Saucedo-García, Arturo Guevara-Garcia, Ariadna González-Solís, Felipe Cruz-García, Sonia Vázquez-Santana, Jennifer E. Markham, M. Guadalupe Lozano-Rosas, Charles R. Dietrich, Maricela Ramos-Vega, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Marina Gavilanes-Ruíz


MutS HOMOLOG1 Is a Nucleoid Protein That Alters Mitochondrial and Plastid Properties and Plant Response to High Light, Ying-Zhi Xu, Maria P. Arrieta-Montiel, Kamaldeep S. Virdi, Wilson B. M. de Paula, Joshua R. Widhalm, Gilles J. Basset, Jaime I. Davila, Thomas Elthon, Christian G. Elowsky, Shirley J. Sato, Thomas E. Clemente, and Sally Ann MacKenzie



Individuality in gut microbiota composition is a complex polygenic trait shaped by multiple environmental and host genetic factors, Andrew K. Benson, Scott A. Kelly, Ryan Legge, Fangrui Ma, Soo Jen Low, Jaehyoung Kim, Min Zhang, Phaik Lyn Oh, Derrick Nehrenberg, Kunjie Huab, Stephen D. Kachman, Etsuko N. Moriyama, Jens Walter, Daniel A. Peterson, and Daniel Pomp


The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector HopG1 targets mitochondria, alters plant development, and suppresses plant innate immunity, Anna Block, Ming Guo, Guangyong Li, Christian Elowsky, Thomas Clemente, and James R. Alfano


Turnover of Mature miRNAs and siRNAs in Plants and Algae, Heriberto Cerutti and Fadia Ibrahim


Alkylresorcinol Synthases Expressed in Sorghum bicolor Root Hairs Play an Essential Role in the Biosynthesis of the Allelopathic Benzoquinone Sorgoleone, Daniel Cook, Agnes M. Rimando, Thomas E. Clemente, Joachim Schroder, Franck E. Dayan, N. P. Dhammika Nanayakkara, Zhiqiang Pan, Brice P. Noonan, Mark Fishbein, Ikuro Abe, Stephen O. Duke, and Scott R. Baerson


Plant Immunity Directly or Indirectly Restricts the Injection of Type III Effectors by the Pseudomonas syringae Type III Secretion System, Emerson Crabill, Anna Joe, Anna Block, Jennifer M. Van Rooyen, and James R. Alfano


Uridylation of mature miRNAs and siRNAs by the MUT68 nucleotidyltransferase promotes their degradation in Chlamydomonas, Fadia Ibrahim, Linda A. Rymarquis, Eun-Jeong Kim, James Becker, Eniko Balassa, Pamela J. Green, and Heriberto D. Cerutti


Horizontal acquisition of multiple mitochondrial genes from a parasitic plant followed by gene conversion with host mitochondrial genes, Jeffrey P. Mower, Saša Stefanović, Weilong Hao, Julie S. Gummow, Kanika Jain, Dana Ahmed, and Jeffrey D. Palmer


A Putative RNA-Binding Protein Positively Regulates Salicylic Acid–Mediated Immunity in Arabidopsis, Yiping Qi, Kenichi Tsuda, Anna Joe, Masanao Sato, Le V. Nguyen, Jane Glazebrook, James R. Alfano, Jerry D. Cohen, and Fumiaki Katagiri


Origin of the polycomb repressive complex 2 and gene silencing by an E(z) homolog in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas, Scott Shaver, J. Armando Casas-Mollano, Ronald L. Cerny, and Heriberto D. Cerutti


γ-Zeins are essential for endosperm modification in quality protein maize, Yongrui Wu, David R. Holding, and Joachim Messing


Mining the bitter melon (momordica charantia l.) seed transcriptome by 454 analysis of nonnormalized and normalized cDNA populations for conjugated fatty acid metabolism-related genes, Peizhen Yang, Xiangjun Li, Jay M. Shockey, and Edgar B. Cahoon


Translational Inhibition by MicroRNAs in Plants, Bin Yu and Hai Wang



Roadmap for future research on plant pathogen effectors, James R. Alfano


Histone H3 Phosphorylation: Universal Code or Lineage Specific Dialects?, Heriberto Cerutti and J. Armando Casas-Mollano


The Majority of the Type III Effector Inventory of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 Can Suppress Plant Immunity, Ming Guo, Fang Tian, Yashitola Wamboldt, and James R. Alfano


The Spitzenkörper: A signalling hub for the control of fungal development?, Steven D. Harris


Prediction of antigenic epitopes on protein surfaces by consensus scoring, Shide Liang, Dandan Zheng, Chi Zhang, and Martin Zacharias