Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)
Research and Evaluation in Education, Technology, Art, and Design
Art TEAMS: Teaching with Arts and Emerging Media Year 3 Infographic, Azadeh Hassani, HyeonJin Yoon, Guy Trainin, Kimberley D'Adamo, and Jiabin Lyu
Art TEAMs Year 3 Report, Guy Trainin, HyeonJin Yoon, Azadeh Hassani, Zohreh Tamimdari, Jiabin Lyu, Kimberley D'Adamo, Gretchen Larsen, Elizabeth Valerio-Boster, Michael Nti Ababio, and Sarah Trainin
Art TEAMS Year 2 Report, Guy Trainin, HyeonJin Yoon, Libby Valerio-Boster, and Kimberley D'Adamo
Art TEAMS: Teaching with Arts and Emerging Media Infographic, Elizabeth Valerio-Boster and Guy Trainin
Impact of the Pandemic on Computer Science Education, Dwight Miller and Guy Trainin
Art TEAMs Year 1 Report 2021-2022, Guy Trainin, HyeonJin Yoon, Kimberley D'Adamo, Lorinda Rice, and Carrie Bohmer
Review of Flexible Learning Spaces in Education, Emily A. Fisher, Donger Liu, and Guy Trainin
Review of Nature Experience in Learning, Donger Liu, Emily A. Fisher, and Guy Trainin
Review of Benefits of Nature Experience for Young Children, Donger Liu and Guy Trainin
Supporting English Language Learners Inside the Mathematics Classroom: One Teacher’s Unique Perspective Working with Students During Their First Years in America, Amy Marie Fendrick
Creating and Reflecting on a Graphic Arts Unit for 8th Grade Computer
Project Based Learning: Assessing and Measuring Student Participation, Bethany A. Clark
Creative Research Stages, Student Guide: Scaffolding Creative Research for Students and Teachers, by Students and Teachers, Kimberley D'Adamo
Blogging with Students across the Curriculum, Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin
Integrating iPads in the Kindergarten Classroom: How Does Technology Engage Students in Learning?, Kristine Ray
Elementary Teacher Education Program- Vital Statistics, Guy Trainin and Mary Masur
Rural Families in the Digital Age- An Inforgraphic, Guy Trainin, LaDonna A. Werth, and Mary Masur
Motivating Reluctant Writers: A Cumulative Research Project Aimed to Improve Student Motivation and Writing Outcomes, Ashley R. Turner
Tech EDGE Use of New Literacies in Elementary Classrooms Today: A partnership to Enhance Student Learning Through Teacher Preparation and Professional Development, Qizhen Deng, Laurie A Friedrich, and Guy Trainin
The Effect of Morphological Strategies Training for English Language Learners, Qizhen Deng and Guy Trainin
Tech EDGE Student Rubric Grades 2-3, Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin
Tech EDGE Student Rubric grades 4-5, Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin
Tech EDGE Student Rubric K-1, Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teacher Preparation: Impact of Coaching Professional Development and Mobile Devices, Guy Trainin and Laurie A. Friedrich
Tech EDGE, Use of New Literacies in Elementary Classrooms Today: A Partnership to Enhance Student Learning through Teacher Preparation and Professional Development, Guy Trainin, Laurie A. Friedrich, and Qizhen Deng
Empowering Literacy Instruction with iPads: Teacher Reflection in a Multilayered Professional Development Approach, Kathleen M. Wilson and Laurie A. Friedrich
Looking for a Diverse Teacher Force, Guy Trainin, William England, and Britney Tonniges
Kit and Dick Schmoker Reading Center- by the Numbers, Guy Trainin, Amanda Hall, and Britney Tonniges
All the World's a Stage: Reaching English Language Learners through Drama, Laura M. S. Fortney
Nebraska Reading First Final Report, Guy Trainin and Kathryn AC Wilson
Year Five of Implementation—2008-2009 Nebraska Reading First Annual Report, Guy Trainin, Mindy Murphy, Kristin Javorsky, and Kathryn A. Wilson
Nebraska Reading First Evaluation Winter 2008 Newsletter, Emily Hayden
Nebraska Reading First 2007-08 Annual Report, Emily Hayden, Guy Trainin, Kristin Javorsky, Malinda Murphy-Yagil, and Kathryn Cook
Nebraska Reading First Evaluation Newsletter, Emily Hayden, Malinda M. Murphy, and Guy Trainin
Nebraska Reading First Fall 2007 Report, Emily Hayden, Guy Trainin, and Malinda M. Murphy
Reading First Annual Report Year 3, Malinda Mary Murphy, Guy Trainin, Oren Yagil, Kristin Javorsky, and Emily H. Hayden
Project RAISE, Reading and Arts Integrated for Student Excellence, Final Report, Nancy Andrzejszak
Online Community and Connectedness, Ellen Glisan and Guy Trainin
Annual Report of Nebraska's Reading First, Guy Trainin
Nebraska's Reading First State Report Fall 2005-6, Guy Trainin
Visual Arts and Writing a Mutually Beneficial Relationship, Guy Trainin, Nancy Andrzejczak, and Monique Poldberg
Nebraska Reading First Winter Report 2005-2006, Guy Trainin and Oren Yagil
Nebraska's Reading First State Report Fall 2005-6, Guy Trainin and Oren Yagil
Annual Progress Report: Nebraska Reading First two year implementation, Guy Trainin, Oren Yagil, and Malinda M. Murphy