U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska
Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center: Reports
Evaluating the Shelf Life and Sensory Properties of Beef Steaks from Cattle Raised on Different Grass Feeding Systems in the Western United States, Toni L. Duarte, Bakytzhan Bolkenov, Sarah C. Klopatek, James W. Oltjen, D. Andy King, Steven D. Shackelford, Tommy L. Wheeler, and Xiang Yang
Efficacy of Antimicrobial Interventions Used in Meat Processing Plants against Antimicrobial Tolerant Non–Antibiotic-Resistant and Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella on Fresh Beef, Norasak Kalchayanand, Sapna Chitlapilly Dass, Yangjunna Zhang, Eric L. Oliver, Bing Wang, and Tommy L. Wheeler
Genes Involved in Feed Efficiency Identified in a Meta-Analysis of Rumen Tissue from Two Populations of Beef Steers, Amanda K. Lindholm-Perry, Allison M. Meyer, Rebecca J. Kern-Lunbery, Hannah C. Cunningham-Hollinger, Taran H. Funk, and Brittney N. Keel
Interaction of replacing corn silage with soyhulls as a roughage source with or without 3% added wheat straw in the diet: impacts on intake, digestibility, and ruminal fermentation in steers fed high-concentrate diets, Bryan W. Neville, Wayde J. Pickinpaugh, Lea J. Mittleider, Rebecca L. Moore, Kendall C. Swanson, and Joel S. Caton
Effects of increasing dietary zinc sulfate fed to gestating ewes: II. Milk somatic cell count, microbial populations, and fatty acid composition, C. M. Page, R. M. Knuth, T. W. Murphy, D. C. Rule, B. Bisha, J. B. Taylor, and W. C. Stewart
Impacts of added roughage on growth performance, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and ruminal pH of feedlot steers fed wheat-based feedlot diets containing 30% modified distillers grains with solubles, Wayde J. Pickinpaugh, Bryan W. Neville, Rebecca L. Moore, and Joel S. Caton
Prenatal transportation stress did not impact ovarian follicle count for three generations of female Brahman offspring, Lacey K. Quail, Ronald D. Randel, Thomas H. Welsh Jr., Robert A. Cushman, Hannah K. Yake, Rui A. d'Orey Branco, Donald A. Neuendorff, Charles R. Long, and George A. Perry
Effects of administration of a growth promoting implant during the suckling phase or at weaning on growth, reproduction, and ovarian development in replacement heifers grazing native range, Shelby L. Rosasco, Emily A. Melchior-Tiffany, Cierrah J. Kassetas, Shad H. Cox, Richard L. Dunlap, Jennifer A. Hernandez Gifford, Eric J. Scholljegerdes, Robert A. Cushman, and Adam F. Summers
Greater numbers of antral follicles in the ovary are associated with increased concentrations of glucose in uterine luminal fluid of beef heifers, Alexandria P. Snider, Matthew S. Crouse, Shelby L. Rosasco, Kaitlin M. Epperson, Emmalee J. Northrop-Albrecht, Jerica J.J. Rich, Chadwick C. Chase Jr., Jeremy R. Miles, George A. Perry, Adam F. Summers, and Robert A. Cushman
Development and validation of high-resolution melting assays for the detection of potentially virulent strains of Escherichia coli O103 and O121, Frank J. Velez, Joseph M. Bosilevac, Sabine Delannoy, Patrick Fach, Ravinder Nagpal, and Prashant Singh
Microbial community structure from southern High Plains beef cattle feedyard manure and relationship with nitrous oxide emissions, Heidi Waldrip, David Parker, Sierra Miller, Lisa M. Durso, Byeng R. Min, Daniel N. Miller, Kenneth Casey, Bryan Woodbury, and Mindy J. Spiehs
Effects of harvest season on carcass characteristics of lambs in the Intermountain West, J. R. Whaley, T. W. Murphy, C. L. Gifford, W. J. Means, J. P. Ritten, H. N. McKibben, C. M. Page, and W. C. Stewart
Proteomic analyses identify differences between bovine epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa that contribute to longevity, Saulo Menegatti Zoca, Emmalee J. Northrop-Albrecht, Julie A. Walker, Robert A. Cushman, and George A. Perry
Evaluating Accuracy of DNA Pool Construction Based on White Blood Cell Counts, Amy N. Abrams, T. G. McDaneld, John W. Keele, Carol G. Chitko-Mckown, Larry A. Kuehn, and Michael G. Gonda
iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis of bovine pre-ovulatory plasma and follicular fluid, P A. Afedi, E L. Larimore, R A. Cushman, D Raynie, and G A. Perry
Genomic analysis of shiga toxin-containing Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from Argentinean cattle, Ariel Amadio, James L. Bono, Matías Irazoqui, Mariano Larzábal, Wanderson Marques da Silva, María Florencia Eberhardt, Nahuel A. Riviere, David Gally, Shannon D. Manning, and Angel Cataldi
Corrigendum to: PSXII-19 Urine Metabolomics Analysis Associated with Feed Efficiency on Crossbred Steers during the Growing and Finishing Period on Forage- and Concentrate-Based Diets, Virginia Artegoitia, John Newman, Ron Lewis, Andrew P. Foote, and Harvey C. Freetly
Development of polymorphic markers in the immune gene complex loci of cattle, K Bakshy, D Heimeier, J C. Schwartz, E J. Glass, S Wilkinson, R A. Skuce, A R. Allen, J Young, J C. McClure, J B. Cole, D J. Null, J A. Hammond, T P.L. Smith, and D M. Bickhart
Using genomics to measure phenomics: Repeatability of bull prolificacy in multiple-bull pastures, Gary L. Bennett, John W. Keele, Larry A. Kuehn, Warren M. Snelling, Robert A. Cushman, Tara G. McDaneld, Aaron M. Dickey, and Darrell Light
Genetic changes in beef cow traits following selection for calving ease, Gary L. Bennett, Richard M. Thallman, Warren M. Snelling, John W. Keele, Harvey C. Freetly, and Larry A. Kuehn
Review: Perspective on high-performing dairy cows and herds, J. H. Britt, R. A. Cushman, C. D. Dechow, H. Dobson, P. Humblot, M. F. Hutjens, G. A. Jones, F. M. Mitloehner, P. L. Ruegg, I. M. Sheldon, and J. S. Stevenson
The USDA-ARS Ag100pest initiative: High-quality genome assemblies for agricultural pest arthropod research, Anna K. Childers, Scott M. Geib, Sheina B. Sim, Monica F. Poelchau, Brad S. Coates, Tyler J. Simmonds, Erin D. Scully, Timothy P.L. Smith, Christopher P. Childers, Renee L. Corpuz, Kevin Hackett, and Brian Scheffler
Cytokine and Haptoglobin Profiles From Shipping Through Sickness and Recovery in Metaphylaxis- or Un-Treated Cattle, Carol G. Chitko-McKown, Gary L. Bennett, Larry A. Kuehn, Keith D. DeDonder, Michael D. Apley, Gregory P. Harhay, Michael L. Clawson, Aspen M. Workman, Bradley J. White, Robert L. Larson, Sarah F. Capik, and Brian V. Lubbers
Detection of bovine inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α with a multiplex electrochemiluminescent assay platform, Carol G. Chitko-McKown, Stacy L. Bierman, Larry A. Kuehn, Gary L. Bennett, Keith D. DeDonder, Michael D. Apley, Gregory P. Harhay, Michael L. Clawson, Bradley J. White, Robert L. Larson, Sarah F. Capik, and Brian V. Lubbers
Ruminal Protozoal Populations of Angus Steers Differing in Feed Efficiency, Brooke A. Clemmons, Sung B. Shin, Timothy P.L. Smith, Mallory M. Embree, Brynn H. Voy, Liesel G. Schneider, Dallas R. Donohoe, Kyle J. McLean, and Phillip R. Myer
Environmental conditions and gas concentrations in deep-pit finishing cattle facilities: A descriptive study, Erin L. Cortus, Brian P. Hetchler, Mindy J. Spiehs, and Warren Rusche
Association between clinical respiratory signs, lung lesions detected by thoracic ultrasonography and growth performance in pre‐weaned dairy calves, Inmaculada Cuevas-Gomez, Mark McGee, Jose Maria Sanchez, Edward O'Riordan, Nicky Byrne, Tara McDaneld, and Bernadette Earley
Transcriptome profiles of the skeletal muscle of mature cows during feed restriction and realimentation, Hannah C. Cunningham-Hollinger, Larry A. Kuehn, Kristi M. Cammack, Kristin E. Hales, William T. Oliver, Matthew S. Crouse, Celine Chen, Harvey C. Freetly, and Amanda K. Lindholm-Perry
Relationship of molecular breeding value for beef tenderness with heifer traits through weaning of their first calf, Robert A. Cushman, Gary L. Bennett, Richard G. Tait, Anthony K. McNeel, Eduardo Casas, Timothy P.L. Smith, and Harvey C. Freetly
Characterizing Genetic Regulatory Elements in Ovine Tissues, Kimberly M. Davenport, Alisha T. Massa, Suraj Bhattarai, Stephanie D. McKay, Michelle R. Mousel, Maria K. Herndon, Stephen N. White, Noelle E. Cockett, Timothy P L Smith, and Brenda M. Murdoch
Cerebrum, liver, and muscle regulatory networks uncover maternal nutrition effects in developmental programming of beef cattle during early pregnancy, Wellison J.S. Diniz, Matthew S. Crouse, Robert A. Cushman, Kyle J. McLean, Joel S. Caton, Carl R. Dahlen, Lawrence P. Reynolds, and Alison K. Ward
De novo assembly and annotation of the North American bison (Bison bison) reference genome and subsequent variant identification, L K. Dobson, A Zimin, D Bayles, E Fritz-Waters, D Alt, S Olsen, J Blanchong, J Reecy, T PL Smith, and J N. Derr
Production performance of cows raised with different postweaning growth patterns, Harvey C. Freetly, Robert A. Cushman, and Gary L. Bennett
Comparison of performance of F1 Romanov crossbred ewes with wool and hair breeds during spring lambing under intensive and extensive production systems, Brad A. Freking and Thomas W. Murphy
Characterization of the domestic goat γδ T cell receptor gene loci and gene usage, Alexandria Gillespie, Al Yirsaw, Karthick P. Gunasekaran, Timothy P. L. Smith, Derek M. Bickhart, Michael Turley, Timothy Connelley, Janice C. Telfer, and Cynthia L. Baldwin
Complete closed genome sequence of the extremely heat- resistant strain Escherichia coli aw1.7, Manita Guragain, James L. Bono, and Joseph M. Bosilevac
Locus of Heat Resistance (LHR) in Meat-Borne Escherichia coli: Screening and Genetic Characterization, Manita Guragain, Dayna M. Brichta-Harhay, James L. Bono, and Joseph M. Bosilevac
Rapid estimation of Salmonella enterica contamination level in ground beef – Application of the time-to-positivity method using a combination of molecular detection and direct plating, Dayna M. Harhay, Margaret D. Weinroth, James L. Bono, Gregory P. Harhay, and Joseph M. Bosilevac
A Reference Genome Assembly of Simmental Cattle, Bos taurus taurus, Michael P. Heaton, Timothy P.L. Smith, Derek M. Bickhart, Brian L. Vander Ley, Larry A. Kuehn, Jonas Oppenheimer, Wade R. Shafer, Fred T. Schuetze, Brad Stroud, Jennifer C. Mcclure, Jennifer P. Barfield, Harvey D. Blackburn, Theodore S. Kalbfleisch, Kimberly M. Davenport, Kristen L. Kuhn, Richard E. Green, Beth Shapiro, and Benjamin D. Rosen
Reference Transcriptomes of Porcine Peripheral Immune Cells Created Through Bulk and Single-Cell RNA Sequencing, Juber Herrera-Uribe, Jayne E. Wiarda, Sathesh K. Sivasankaran, Lance Daharsh, Haibo Liu, Kristen A. Byrne, Timothy P. L. Smith, Joan K. Lunney, Crystal L. Loving, and Christopher Tuggle
Use of bedding materials in beef bedded manure packs at hot and cold ambient temperatures: Effects on odorous volatile organic compounds and odor activity values, Jeff P. Jaderborg, Mindy J. Spiehs, Bryan L. Woodbury, Alfredo DiCostanzo, and David B. Parker
Use of bedding materials in beef bedded manure packs in hot and cool ambient temperatures: Effects on ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and greenhouse gas emissions, Jeff P. Jaderborg, Mindy J. Spiehs, Bryan L. Woodbury, Alfredo DiCostanzo, and David B. Parker
The ovarian follicle of ruminants: The path from conceptus to adult, Jennifer L. Juengel, Robert A. Cushman, Joëlle Dupont, Stéphane Fabre, Richard G. Lea, Graeme B. Martin, Francesca Mossa, Janet L. Pitman, Christopher A. Price, and Peter Smith
Accuracy of GEBV of sires based on pooled allele frequency of their progeny, Napoleón Vargas Jurado, Larry A. Kuehn, John W. Keele, and Ronald M. Lewis
Strain and host-cell dependent role of type-1 fimbriae in the adherence phenotype of super-shed Escherichia coli O157:H7, Robab Katani, Indira T. Kudva, Sreenidhi Srinivasan, Judith B. Stasko, Megan Schilling, Lingling Li, Rebecca Cote, Chitrita DebRoy, Terrance M. Arthur, Evgeni V. Sokurenko, and Vivek Kapur
Characterization and comparative analysis of transcriptional profiles of porcine colostrum and mature milk at different parities, Brittney N. Keel, Amanda K. Lindholm-Perry, William T. Oliver, James E. Wells, Shuna A. Jones, and Lea A. Rempel
Relationships among intramammary health, udder and teat characteristics, and productivity of extensively managed ewes, Ryan M. Knuth, Whitney C. Stewart, Joshua B. Taylor, Bledar Bisha, Carl J. Yeoman, Megan L. Van Emon, and Thomas W. Murphy
Extended haplotype-phasing of long-read de novo genome assemblies using Hi-C, Zev N. Kronenberg, Arang Rhie, Sergey Koren, Gregory T. Concepcion, Paul Peluso, Katherine M. Munson, David Porubsky, Kristen Kuhn, Kathryn A. Mueller, Wai Yee Low, Stefan Hiendleder, Olivier Fedrigo, Ivan Liachko, Richard J. Hall, Adam M. Phillippy, Evan E. Eichler, John L. Williams, Timothy P.L. Smith, Erich D. Jarvis, Shawn T. Sullivan, and Sarah B. Kingan
Effects of farrowing stall layout and number of heat lamps on sow and piglet behavior, Suzanne Leonard, Hongwei Xin, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Brett C. Ramirez, Anna K. Johnson, Somak Dutta, and G.A. Rohrer
Localization of kisspeptin, NKB, and NK3R in the hypothalamus of gilts treated with the progestin altrenogest, Ashley N. Lindo, Jennifer F. Thorson, Michelle N. Bedenbaugh, Richard B. McCosh, Justin A. Lopez, Samantha A. Young, Lanny J. Meadows, Elizabeth C. Bowdridge, Chrysanthi Fergani, Bradley A. Freking, Michael N. Lehman, Stanley M. Hileman, and Clay A. Lents
Distinctive gene expression patterns and imprinting signatures revealed in reciprocal crosses between cattle sub-species, Ruijie Liu, Rick Tearle, Wai Yee Low, Tong Chen, Dana Thomsen, Timothy P L Smith, Stefan Hiendleder, and John L. Williams
Characterisation of early positive mcr‐1 resistance gene and plasmidome in Escherichia coli pathogenic strains associated with variable phylogroups under colistin selection, Guerrino Macori, Scott V. Nguyen, Ankita Naithani, Daniel Hurley, Li Bai, Farid El Garch, Frédérique Woehrlé, Christine Miossec, Benjamin Roques, Peadar O’gaora, James L. Bono, and Séamus Fanning
Breed differences in placental development during late gestation between Chinese Meishan and White crossbred gilts in response to intrauterine crowding, Jeremy R. Miles and Jeffrey L. Vallet
Comparison of performance of F1 Romanov crossbred ewes with wool and hair breeds during fall lambing and body weight and longevity through six production years, Thomas W. Murphy and Brad A. Freking
Potential functional variants in AHR signaling pathways are associated with age at puberty in swine, Dan Nonneman, Clay A. Lents, Lea A. Rempel, and Gary A. Rohrer
Influence of estradiol on bovine trophectoderm and uterine gene transcripts around maternal recognition of pregnancy, Emmalee J. Northrop-Albrecht, Jerica J.J. Rich, Robert A. Cushman, Runan Yao, Xijin Ge, and George A. Perry
A Reference Genome Assembly of American Bison, Bison bison bison, Jonas Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. Rosen, Michael P. Heaton, Brian L. Vander Ley, Wade R. Shafer, Fred T. Schuetze, Brad Stroud, Larry A. Kuehn, Jennifer C. Mcclure, Jennifer P. Barfield, Harvey D. Blackburn, Theodore S. Kalbfleisch, Derek M. Bickhart, Kimberly M. Davenport, Kristen L. Kuhn, Richard E. Green, Beth Shapiro, and Timothy P.L. Smith
Assessment of alternative models for genetic analysis of worm and tick infestation in nellore cattle, T. L. Passafaro, F. B. Lopes, Thomas W. Murphy, B. D. Valente, R. C. Leite, G. J.M. Rosa, and F. L.B. Toral
Variants in the mitochondrial genome sequence of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bostrycidae), Lindsey C. Perkin, Timothy P.L. Smith, and Brenda Oppert
Development and validation of a neural network for the automated detection of horn flies on cattle, Eric T. Psota, E. K. Luc, G. M. Pighetti, L. G. Schneider, R. T. Trout Fryxell, J. W. Keele, and L. A. Kuehn
Adaptive selection signatures in river buffalo with emphasis on immune and major histocompatibility complex genes, Yan Ren, Callum MacPhillamy, Thu Hien To, Timothy P. L. Smith, John L. Williams, and Wai Yee Low
Pilot-scale H2S and swine odor removal system using commercially available biochar, Kyoung S. Ro, Brian Woodbury, Mindy Spiehs, Ariel A. Szogi, Philip J. Silva, Okhwa Hwang, and Sungback Cho
An environmental assessment of cattle manure and urea fertilizer treatments for corn production in the northern Great Plains, C. Alan Rotz, Senorpe Asem-Hiablie, Erin Cortus, Mindy J. Spiehs, Shafiqur Rahman, and Anne Stoner
Twenty-Four-Month Longitudinal Study Suggests Little to No Horizontal Gene Transfer In Situ between Third-Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant Salmonella and Third-Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia coli in a Beef Cattle Feedyard, John W. Schmidt, Sarah A. Murray, Aaron M. Dickey, Tommy L. Wheeler, Dayna M. Harhay, and Terrance M. Arthur
INVITED REVIEW: Mineral nutrition considerations for extensive sheep production systems, W. C. Stewart, J. D. Scasta, J. B. Taylor, T. W. Murphy, and A. A.M. Julian
Evolution of the sheep industry and genetic research in the United States: opportunities for convergence in the twenty-first century, J. W. Thorne, B. M. Murdoch, B. A. Freking, R. R. Redden, Thomas W. Murphy, J. B. Taylor, and Harvey D. Blackburn
Variants at the ASIP locus contribute to coat color darkening in Nellore cattle, Beatriz B. Trigo, Adam T.H Utsunomiya, Alvaro A.A.D. Fortunato, Marco Milanesi, Rafaela B.P. Torrecilha, Harrison Lamb, Loan Nguyen, Elizabeth M. Ross, Ben Hayes, Romulo C.M. Padula, Thayla S. Sussai, Ludmilla B. Zabarez, Rafael S. Cipriano, Maria M.T. Caminhas, Flavia L. Lopes, Cassiano Pelle, Tosso Leeb, Danika Bannasch, Derek Bickhart, Timothy P.L. Smith, Tad S. Sonstegard, Jose F. Garcia, and Yuri T. Utsunomiya
Validation of high-resolution melting assays for the detection of virulent strains of Escherichia coli O26 and O111 in beef and pork enrichment broths, Frank J. Velez, Joseph M. Bosilevac, and Prashant Singh
Meat tenderness: advances in biology, biochemistry, molecular mechanisms and new technologies, Robyn D. Warner, Tommy L. Wheeler, Minh Ha, Xin Li, Alaa El-Din Bekhit, James Morton, Rozita Vaskoska, Frank R. Dunshea, Rui Lui, Peter Purslow, and Wangang Zhang
Considerations and best practices in animal science 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing microbiome studies, Margaret D. Weinroth, Aeriel D. Belk, Chris Dean, Noelle Noyes, Dana K. Dittoe, Michael J. Rothrock Jr, Steven C. Ricke, Phillip R. Myer, Madison T. Henniger, Gustavo A. Ramírez, Brian B. Oakley, Katie Lynn Summers, Asha M. Miles, Taylor B. Ault-Seay, Zhongtang Yu, Jessica L. Metcalf, and James E. Wells
Evaluation of Salmonella Biofilm Cell Transfer from Common Food Contact Surfaces to Beef Products, Rong Wong, David A. King, and Norasak Kalchayanand
Evaluating large spontaneous deletions in a bovine cell line selected for bovine viral diarrhea virus resistance, Aspen M. Workman, Michael P. Heaton, Dennis A. Webster, Gregory P. Harhay, Theodore S. Kalbfleisch, Timothy P.L. Smith, Shollie M. Falkenberg, Daniel F. Carlson, and Tad S. Sonstegard
Evaluation of CD109, PCP4 and SEMA3D genes for their association with Ovine Johne’s disease in Turkish sheep, Yalçın Yaman, Ramazan Aymaz, Murat Keleş, Veysel Bay, Ecem Hatipoğlu, Cüneyt Kaptan, Atilla Başkurt, Onur Yilmaz, and Michael P. Heaton
Association of TLR2 haplotypes encoding Q650 with reduced susceptibility to ovine Johne’s disease inTurkish sheep, Yalcin Yaman, Ramazan Aymaz, Murat Keles, Veysel Bay, Cemal Un, and Michael P. Heaton
Impact of mixed biofilm formation with environmental microorganisms on E. coli O157:H7 survival against sanitization, Sapna Chitlapilly Dass, Joseph M. Bosilevac, Maggie Weinroth, Christian Elowsky, You Zhou, Angela Anandappa, and Rong Wang
Classification of small ruminant lentivirus subtype A2, subgroups 1 and 2 based on whole genome comparisons and complex recombination patterns, Aaron M. Dickey, Timothy P.L. Smith, Michael L. Clawson, Michael P. Heaton, and Aspen M. Workman
Effect of drying and/or warming piglets at birth on rectal temperature over the first 24 h after birth, Katherine D. Vande Pol, Andres F. Tolosa, Caleb M. Shull, Catherine B. Brown, Stephan A. S. Alencar, and Michael Ellis
Effect of method of drying piglets at birth on rectal temperature over the first 24 h after birth, Katherine D. Vande Pol, Andres F. Tolosa, Caleb M. Shull, Catherine B. Brown, Stephan A.S. Alencar, and Michael Ellis
Brangus cows have ovarian reserve parameters more like Brahman than Angus cows, Robert A. Cushman, Émerson M. Soares, Hannah K. Yake, Allyson L. Patterson, Shelby L. Rosasco, Joslyn K. Beard, Emmalee J. Northrop, Jerica J.J. Rich, Jeremy R. Miles, Chadwick C. Chase Jr., Michael G. Gonda, George A. Perry, Anthony K. McNeel, and Adam F. Summers
Complete Genome Sequence of a Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Fresno Isolate Recovered from a Bovine Lymph Node, Bradd J. Haley, Timothy P.L. Smith, Gregory P. Harhay, Guy H. Loneragan, Hattie E. Webb, Marie Bugarel, Seon Woo Kim, Jo Ann S. Van Kessel, and Dayna M. Harhay
Genome to Phenome: Improving Animal Health, Production, and Well-Being – A New USDA Blueprint for Animal Genome Research 2018–2027, Caird Rexroad, Jeffrey Vallet, Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli, James Reecy, Derek Bickhart, Harvey Blackburn, Mark Boggess, Hans Cheng, Archie C. Clutter, Noelle Cockett, Catherine Ernst, Janet E. Fulton, John Liu, Joan Lunney, Holly Neibergs, Catherine Purcell, Timothy P. L. Smith, Tad Sonstegard, Jerry Taylor, Bhanu Telugu, Alison Van Eenennaam, Curtis P. Van Tassell, and Kevin Wells
Recent Ogallala Aquifer Region Drought Conditions as Observed by Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies from GRACE, Yongjun Zhang, Xiaomao Lin, Prasanna Gowda, David Brown, Zachary Zambreski, and Seth Kutikoff
Comparison of different functions to describe growth from weaning to maturity in crossbred beef cattle, Madeline J. Zimmermann, Larry A. Kuehn, Matthew L. Spangler, R. Mark Thallman, Warren M. Snelling, and Ronald M. Lewis
Test duration for water intake, ADG, and DMI in beef cattle, Cashley M. Ahlberg, Kristi Allwardt, Ashley Broocks, Kelsey Bruno, Levi McPhillips, Alexandra Taylor, C. R. Krehbiel, Michelle Calvo-Lorenzo, Chris J. Richards, Sara E. Place, Udaya DeSilva, Deborah L. VanOverbeke, Raluca G. Mateescu, Larry A. Kuehn, Robert L. Weaber, Jennifer M. Bormann, and M. M. Rolf
Environmental effects on water intake and water intake prediction in growing beef cattle, Cashley M. Ahlberg, Kristi Allwardt, Ashley Broocks, Kelsey Bruno, Levi McPhillips, Alexandra Taylor, C. R. Krehbiel, Michelle S. Calvo-Lorenzo, Chris J. Richards, Sara E. Place, Udaya DeSilva, Deborah L. VanOverbeke, Raluca G. Mateescu, Larry A. Kuehn, Robert L. Weaber, Jennifer M. Bormann, and Megan M. Rolf
Antral follicular count is a tool that may allow the selection of more precocious Bradford heifers at weaning, R. Santa Cruz, R. A. Cushman, and C. Viñoles
Neonatal lactocrine deficiency affects the adult porcine endometrial transcriptome at pregnancy day 13, Ashley F. George, Teh-Yuan Ho, Nripesh Prasad, Brittney N. Keel, Jeremy R. Miles, Jeffrey L. Vallet, Frank F. Bartol, and Carol A. Bagnell
Complete Closed Genome Sequences of Three Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Dublin Strains Isolated from Cattle at Harvest, Dayna M. Harhay, Timothy P. L. Smith, Gregory P. Harhay, Guy H. Loneragan, Bradd J. Haley, Seon Woo Kim, and Jo Ann S. Van Kessel
The Effects of Sample Storage Conditions on the Microbial Community Composition in Hydraulic Fracturing Produced Water, Daniel Lipus, Amit Vikram, Richard Hammack, Kyle Bibby, and Djuna Gulliver
Effects of preovulatory estradiol on uterine environment and conceptus survival from fertilization to maternal recognition of pregnancy, Emmalee J. Northrop, Jerica J.J. Rich, Robert A. Cushman, Anthony K. McNeel, Emerson M. Soares, Kelsey Brooks, Thomas E. Spencer, and George Perry
First Complete Genome Sequence of a Genotype A2, Subgroup 4 Small Ruminant Lentivirus, Aspen M. Workman, Michael L. Clawson, Michael P. Heaton, and Aaron M. Dickey
Evaluation of Bacteriophage Application to Cattle in Lairage at Beef Processing Plants to Reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 Prevalence on Hides and Carcasses, Terrance M. Arthur, Norasak Kalchayanand, Getahun E. Agga, Tommy L. Wheeler, and Mohammad Koohmaraie
Effect of feeding three lysine to energy diets on growth, body composition and age at puberty in replacement gilts, J.A. Calderón Díaz, J. L. Vallet, R.D. Boyd, Clay A. Lents, T.J. Prince, A.E. DeDecker, C.E. Phillips, G. Foxcroft, and Kenneth J. Stalder
Comparative genomics of two super-shedder isolates of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Robab Katani, Rebecca Cote, Indira T. Kudva, Chitrita DebRoy, Terrance M. Arthur, and Vivek Kapur
Glucosamine supplementation during late gestation alters placental development and increases litter size, J. L. Vallet, Jeremy R. Miles, Bradley A. Freking, and Shane Meyer
Diagnostic Accuracy of Rectoanal Mucosal Swab of Feedlot Cattle for Detection and Enumeration of Salmonella enterica, Getahun E. Agga, Terrance M. Arthur, John W. Schmidt, Rong Wang, and Dayna M. Brichta-Harhay
Effects of In-Feed Chlortetracycline Prophylaxis in Beef Cattle on Animal Health and Antimicrobial-Resistant Escherichia coli, Getahun E. Agga, John W. Schmidt, and Terrance M. Arthur
Breed effects and genetic parameter estimates for calving difficulty and birth weight in a multibreed population, C. M. Ahlberg, L. A. Kuehn, R. M. Thallman, S. D. Kachman, W.M. Snelling, and Matthew L. Spangler
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association from genomic prediction models, Y. L. Bernal Rubio, J. L. Gualdron Duarte, R. O. Bates, C. W. Ernst, D. Nonneman, G. A. Rohrer, A. King, S. D. Shackelford, T. L. Wheeler, R. J. C. Cantet, and J. P. Steibel
Feed Efficiency And The Microbiota Of The Alimentary Tract, Harvey Freetly and Phillip Myer