


Forage Yields from 2008-2009 Ryegrass, Jagadeesh Mosali, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, and S. Norton


Alternative Methods for Wetland Restoration in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska, USA, Nancy Nicolai and James L. Stubbendieck


Antibiotic Use in Animal Production: Environmental Concerns, Teshome H. Regassa, Richard K. Koelsch, Charles S. Wortmann, Richard F. Randle, and Akwasi A. Abunyewa


Farming Systems Education: Case Study of Swedish Test Pilots, Lennart Salomonsson, Anna Nilsson, Sofia Palmer, Adam Roigart, and Charles A. Francis


A Nonsense Mutation in a Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene Is Responsible for the Sorghum brown midrib6 Phenotype1[W][OA], Scott E. Sattler, Aaron J. Saathoff, Eric J. Haas, Nathan A. Palmer, Deanna L. Funnell, Gautam Sarath, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


Wheat (Triticum aestivum) NAM proteins regulate the translocation of iron, zinc, and nitrogen compounds from vegetative tissues to grain, Brian M. Waters, Cristobal Uauy, Jorge Dubcovsky, and Michael A. Grusak


Agroecology as a science, a movement and a practice. A review, A. Wezel, S. Bellon, T. Doré, Charles A. Francis, D. Vallod, and C. David


Evaluation of Glyphosate-Tolerant and Conventional Alfalfa Weed Control Systems during the First Year of Establishment, Robert Wilson Jr. and Paul Burgener


High-Yielding Corn Response to Applied Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur in Nebraska, Charles S. Wortmann, Achim R. Dobermann, Richard B. Ferguson, Gary W. Hergert, Charles A. Shapiro, D. D. Tarkalson, and Daniel T. Walters



Soybean Sowing Date: The Vegetative, Reproductive, and Agronomic Impacts, A. M. Bastidas, T. D. Setiyono, Achim Dobermann, Kenneth G. Cassman, Roger Wesley Elmore, George L. Graef, and James E. Specht


Establishing Switchgrass for Grazing and Energy, John Biermacher, Billy Cook, and John A. Guretzky


Importance and Effect of Nitrogen on Crop Quality and Health, Jürg Blumenthal, David D. Baltensperger, Kenneth G. Cassman, Stephen Mason, and Alexander Pavlista


Characterization of the folate salvage enzyme p-aminobenzoylglutamate hydrolase in plants, Gale G. Bozzo, Gilles J. C. Basset, Valeria Naponelli, Alexandre Noiriel, Jesse F. Gregory III, and Andrew D. Hanson


Agricultural Systems: Agroecology and Rural Innovations for Development [Book Review], Charles A. Francis


Agricultural Systems: Agroecology and Rural Innovations for Development, edited by Sieglinde Snapp and Barry Pound [Book Review], Charles A. Francis


Heterologous expression of a plastid EF-Tu reduces protein thermal aggregation and enhances CO2 fixation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) following heat stress, Jianming Fu, Ivana Momcilovic, Thomas E. Clemente, Harold N. Trick, Natalya Nersesian, and Zoran Ristic


Effect of sorghum seedlings, and previous crop, on soil fluorescent Pseudomonas spp., Deanna L. Funnell, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and David B. Marx


Effect of sorghum seedlings, and previous crop, on soil fluorescent Pseudomonas spp., Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Jeffrey Pedersen, and David B. Marx


Cloning and characterization of a caesalpinoid (Chamaecrista fasciculata) hemoglobin: The structural transition from a nonsymbiotic hemoglobin to a leghemoglobin, Sabarinathan K. Gopalasubramaniam, Frank A. Kovacs, Fernando Violante-Mota, Paul Twigg, Raul Arredondo-Peter, and Gautam Sarath


Cloning and characterization of a caesalpinoid (Chamaecrista fasciculate) hemoglobin: The structural transition from a nonsymbiotic hemoglobin to a leghemoglobin, Sabarinathan K. Gopalasubramaniam, Frank A. Kovacs, Fernando Violante-Mota, Paul Twigg, Raul Arrendondo-Peter, and Gautam Sarath


A high-oleic-acid and low-palmitic-acid soybean: agronomic performance and evaluation as a feedstock for biodiesel, George L. Graef, Bradley J. LaVallee, Patrick Tenopir, Mustafa Tat, Bruce Schweiger, Anthony J. Kinney, Jon H. Van Gerpen, and Thomas E. Clemente


Alternative Perennial Grasses for Bioenergy, John A. Guretzky


Shaping the Cross Timbers with Fire and Grazing, John A. Guretzky


Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Weather Dictate Nutritive Value of Fall Stockpiled Bermudagrass, John A. Guretzky, Jeff Ball, and Billy J. Cook


Cool-Season Legumes for Southern Pastures, John A. Guretzky and Twain Butler


Forage Yields from 2007-2008 Annual Ryegrass, John A. Guretzky and S. Norton


Forage Yields from 2007-2008 Small Grains, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, J. Baker, and S. Norton


Does the Corn/Soybean Farmer Have Time for Alternative Crops? [Abstract], Lori A. Hoagland, Laurie Hodges, Glenn A. Helmers, James R. Brandle, and Charles A. Francis


High-throughput genotyping with the GoldenGate assay in the complex genome of soybean, David L. Hyten, Qijian Song, Ik-Young Choi, Mun-Sup Yoon, James E. Specht, Lakshimi Matukumalli, Randall L. Nelson, Randy C. Shoemaker, Nevin D. Young, and Perry B. Cregan


Registration of ‘Darrell’ Wheat, A. M. H. Ibrahim, S. D. Haley, P. S. Baenziger, Y. Jin, M. A. C. Langham, J. Rickertsen, S. Kalsbeck, R. Little, J. Ingemansen, O. K. Chung, B. W. Seabourn, G. H. Bai, Ming-Shun Chen, and D. V. McVey


Switchgrass Biomass Simulation at Diverse Sites in the Northern Great Plains of the U.S., Jim R. Kiniry, Marty R. Schmer, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Robert B. Mitchell


Delineating site-specific management zones for pH-induced iron chlorosis, T. Kyaw, Richard B. Ferguson, Viacheslav I. Adamchuk, Dennis L. McCallister, David B. Marx, and D. D. Tarkalson


Soil Carbon Storage by Switchgrass Grown for Bioenergy, Mark A. Liebig, Marty R. Schmer, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Robert B. Mitchell


A critical role of two positively charged amino acids in the Jas motif of Arabidopsis JAZ proteins in mediating coronatine- and jasmonoyl isoleucine-dependent interactions with the COI1 F-box protein, Maeli Melotto, Christy Mecey, Yajie Niu, Hoo Sun Chung, Leron Katsir, Jian Yao, Weiqing Zeng, Bryan Thines, Paul E. Staswick, John Browse, Gregg A. Howe, and Sheng Yang He


Harvester Ant Nests Improve Recovery Performance of Drought Impacted Vegetation in Grazing Regimes of Semiarid Savanna, Texas, Nancy Nicolai, Fred Smeins, and Jerry Cook


Genetic background impacts soluble and cell wall-bound aromatics in brown midrib mutants of sorghum, Nathan A. Palmer, Scott Sattler, Aaron J. Saathoff, Deanna Funnell, Jeffrey Pedersen, and Gautam Sarath


Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability for Field-Applied Slurry from Swine Fed Traditional and Low-Phytate Corn, J. S. Paschold, B. J. Wienhold, Richard B. Ferguson, and Dennis L. McCallister


Crop Nitrogen and Phosphorus Utilization following Application of Slurry from Swine Fed Traditional or Low Phytate Corn Diets, J. S. Paschold, B. J. Wienhold, Dennis L. McCallister, and Richard B. Ferguson


Farm-Scale Production Cost of Switchgrass for Biomass, Richard K. Perrin, Kenneth P. Vogel, Marty R. Schmer, and Robert B. Mitchell


When Does Nitrate Become a Risk for Humans?, David S. Powlson, Tom M. Addiscott, Nigel Benjamin, Kenneth G. Cassman, Theo M. de Kok, Hans van Grinsven, Jean-Louis L'hirondel, Alex A. Avery, and Chris Van Kessel


Nitrogen uptake, fixation and response to fertilizer N in soybeans: A review, F. Salvagiotti, Kenneth G. Cassman, James E. Specht, Daniel T. Walters, Albert Weiss, and Achim R. Dobermann


Modeling Responses of Dryland Spring Triticale, Proso Millet and Foxtail Millet to Initial Soil Water in the High Plains, S. A. Saseendran, D. C. Nielsen, Drew J. Lyon, L. Ma, D. D. Baltensperger, G. Hoogenboom, and L.R. Ahuja


Plant Growth Hormone Regulated Transcription Factors And Promoters Thereof, Daniel P. Schachtman and Ryoung Shin


Leaf area index simulation in soybean grown under near-optimal conditions, T. D. Setiyono, Albert Weiss, James E. Specht, Kenneth G. Cassman, and A. Dobermann


Active Sensor Reflectance Measurements of Corn Nitrogen Status and Yield Potential, Fernando Solari, John Shanahan, Richard B. Ferguson, James S. Schepers, and Anatoly A. Gitelson


Determining optimum planting dates for pearl millet for two contrasting environments using a modelling approach, C. M. T. Soler, N. Maman, X. Zhang, S. C. Mason, and G. Hoogenboom


A Case Study to Teach the Diagnostic Process: Determining the Cause of Chlorosis in a Crop of Cut Dicentra, Marci Spaw, Kimberley A. Williams, Laurie Hodges, Ellen T. Paparozzi, and Ingrid L. Mallberg


Spatial distribution of transcript changes in the maize primary root elongation zone at low water potential, William G. Spollen, Wenjing Tao, Babu Valliyodan, Kegui Chen, Lindsey G. Hejlek, Jong-Joo Kim, Mary E. LeNoble, Jinming Zhu, Hans J. Bohnert, David Henderson, Daniel P. Schachtman, Georgia E. Davis, Gordon K. Springer, Robert E. Sharp, and Henry T. Nguyen


Decomposition of Bt and Non-Bt Corn Hybrid Residues in the Field, David D. Tarkalson, Stephen D. Kachman, Johannes M. H. Knops, Janice E. Thies, and Charles S. Wortmann


Detection and quantification of vitamin K1 quinol in leaf tissues, Chloë van Oostende, Joshua R. Widhalm, and Gilles J.C. Basset


Chapter 6: Nebraska Experience, S. R. Walker, J. C. Lund, D. G. Schumacher, P. A. Brakhage, B. C. McManus, J. D. Miller, M. M. Augustine, J. J. Carney, R. S. Holland, Kyle D. Hoagland, John C. Holz, Todd M. Barrow, Donald C. Rundquist, and Anatoly A. Gitelson


Quantitative trait locus mapping for seed mineral concentrations in two Arabidopsis thaliana recombinant inbred populations, Brian M. Waters and Michael A. Grusak


Whole-plant mineral partitioning throughout the life cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Columbia, Landsberg erecta, Cape Verde Islands, and the mutant line ysl1ysl3, Brian M. Waters and Michael A. Grusak


Adding Value to Swine Manure Through Accurate Prediction of Organic Nitrogen Availability, Charles S. Wortman, Charles Shapiro, and Aaron Nygren



Can organic agriculture feed the world?, Catherine Badgley; Ivette Perfecto; Kenneth Cassman , Responder; and Jim Hendrix , Responder


Climate change, biofuels, and global food security, Kenneth G. Cassman


Food and fuel for all: realistic or foolish?, Kenneth G. Cassman and Adam J. Liska


A Soybean Transcript Map: Gene Distribution, Haplotype and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis, Ik-Young Choi, D. L. Hyten, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, Qijian Song, Julian M. Chaky, Charles V. Quigley, Kevin Chase, K. Gordon Lark, Robert S. Reiter, Mun-Sup Yoon, Eun-Young Hwang, Seung-In Yi, Nevin D. Young, Randy C. Shoemaker, Curtis P. van Tassell, James E. Specht, and P. B. Cregan


Nutrient use efficiency – measurement and management, Achim Dobermann


Review of Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating by Jane Goodall with Gary McAvoy and Gail Hudson, Charles A. Francis


The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time [Book Review], Charles A. Francis


World Agriculture and Environment: A Commodity-by-Commodity Guide to Impacts and Practices [Book Review], Charles A. Francis


Distribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal biomarker C16:1cis11 among neutral, glyco and phospholipids extracted from soil during the reproductive growth of corn, Maria S. Grigera, Rhae A. Drijber, Rebecca A. Shores-Morrow, and Brian J. Wienhold


Increased abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil coincides with the reproductive stages of maize, M. Susana Grigera, Rhae A. Drijber, and Brian J. Wienhold


Redistribution of crop residues during row cultivation creates a biologically enhanced environment for soil microorganisms, M. Susana Grigera, Rhae A. Drijber, and Brian J. Wienhold


Finding Value in Switchgrass Today Through Cattle, John A. Guretzky


Forage Yields from 2006-2007 Annual Ryegrass Variety Trial, John A. Guretzky


Forage Yields from 2006-2007 Small Grains Variety Trial, John A. Guretzky


Switchgrass Establishment Requires Patience, John A. Guretzky


Forage potential of temperate legumes with perennial grasses in the Southern Plains, John A. Guretzky, Twain Butler, and Matt Mattox


Plant species richness in relation to pasture position, management, and scale, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, C. Lee Burras, and E. Charles Brummer


Multifunctional Rural Landscapes: Economic, Environmental, Policy, and Social Impacts of Land Use Changes in Nebraska, Twyla M. Hansen, Charles A. Francis, J. Dixon Esseks, and J. Allen Williams Jr.


Highly Variable Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium in Multiple Soybean Populations, D. L. Hyten, Ik-Young Choi, Qijian Song, Randy C. Shoemaker, Randall L. Nelson, Jose M. Costa, James E. Specht, and P. B. Cregan


Map Location of the Rpp1 Locus That Confers Resistance to Soybean Rust in Soybean, D. L. Hyten, G. L. Hartman, R. L. Nelson, R. D. Frederick, V. C. Concibido, J. M. Narvel, and P. B. Cregan


Comparative Nitrogen Uptake and Distribution in Corn and Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), John L. Lindquist, Darren C. Barker, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Alexander R. Martin, and Daniel T. Walters


NBS1 Mediates ATR-Dependent RPA Hyperphosphorylation Following Replication-Fork Stall and Collapse, Karoline C. Manthey, Stephen Opiyo, Jason G. Glanzer, Diana Dimitrova, James Elliott, and Gregory G. Oakley


Evaluating Bispyribac-sodium and Sulfosulfuron for Control of Roughstalk Bluegrass, Debbie Morton, Daniel Weisenberger, Zachary Reicher, Bruce Branham, Bill Sharp, Roch E. Gaussoin, John Stier, and Eric Koeritz


The Ripple Effect: Biofuels, Food Security, and the Environment, Rosamond L. Naylor, Adam Liska, Marshall B. Burke, Walter P. Falcon, Joanne C. Gaskell, Scott D. Rozelle, and Kenneth G. Cassman


Grassland Composition Affects Season Shifts in Seed Preference by Pogonomyrmex barbatus (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) in the Edwards Plateau, Texas, Nancy Nicolai, Jerry L. Cook, and Fred E. Smeins


Understanding and modeling the effect of temperature and daylength on soybean phenology under high-yield conditions, T. D. Setiyono, Albert Weiss, James E. Specht, A. M. Bastidas, Kenneth G. Cassman, and A. Dobermann


A Dialogue on Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Bridge the Gap between Plant Genomics and Crop Sciences, P. C. Struik, Kenneth G. Cassman, and M. Koornneef


Fertility Restoration of the Sorghum A3 Male-Sterile Cytoplasm through a Sporophytic Mechanism Derived from Sudangrass, Hoang V. Tang, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Christine D. Chase, and Daryl R. Pring


Fertility Restoration of the Sorghum A3 Male-Sterile Cytoplasm through a Sporophytic Mechanism Derived from Sudangrass, Hoang V. Tang, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Christine D. Chase, and Daryl R. Pring


Corn–Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti ) Interference Is Affected by Sublethal Doses of Postemergence Herbicides, Brescia R. M. Terra, Alexander R. Martin, and John L. Lindquist


Array-based genotyping and expression analysis of barley cv. Maythorpe and Golden Promise, Harkamal Walia, Clyde Wilson, Pascal Condamine, Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Jin Xu, Xinping Cui, and Timothy J. Close


Simulation study of the competitive ability of erect, semi-erect, and prostrate cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes, G. Wang, M. E. McGiffen Jr., John L. Lindquist, J. D. Ehlers, and I. Sartorato


Publishing Ltd Whole-plant mineral partitioning throughout the life cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Columbia, Landsberg erecta, Cape Verde Islands, and the mutant line ysl1ysl3, Brian M. Waters and Michael A. Grusak


Ethylene involvement in the regulation of the H+-ATPase CsHA1 gene and of the new isolated ferric reductase CsFRO1 and iron transporter CsIRT1 genes in cucumber plants, Brian M. Waters, Carlos Lucena, Francisco J. Romera, Gena G. Jester, April N. Wynn, Carmen L. Rojas, Esteban Alcántara, and Rafael Pérez-Vicente


Influence of Planting Date and Weed Interference on Sweet Corn Growth and Development, Martin M. Williams II and John L. Lindquist


Influence of Planting Date and Weed Interference on Sweet Corn Growth and Development, Martin M. Williams II and John L. Lindquist


BARCSoySNP23: a panel of 23 selected SNPs for soybean cultivar identification, M. S. Yoon, Q.J. Song, I. Y. Choi, James E. Specht, D. L. Hyten, and P. B. Cregan


Cell Wall Proteome in the Maize Primary Root Elongation Zone. II. Region-Specific Changes in Water Soluble and Lightly Ionically Bound Proteins under Water Deficit1[W][OA], Jinming Zhu, Sophie Alvarez, Ellen L. Marsh, Mary E. LeNoble, In-Jeong Cho, Mayandi Sivaguru, Sixue Chen, Henry T. Nguyen, Yajun Wu, Daniel P. Schachtman, and Robert E. Sharp



Plant Breeding Training in the U.S., P. Stephen Baenziger


Effect of nitrogen addition on the comparative productivity of corn and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), Darren C. Barker, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Alex R. Martin, Daniel T. Walters, and John L. Lindquist


Evaluation of the Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS) for Measurement of Sorghum Grain Attributes, S. R. Bean, O. K. Chung, M. R. Tuinstra, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and J. Erpelding


Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska, Mark L. Bernards, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Roch E. Gaussoin, Drew J. Lyon, Brady F. Kappler, Alex Martin, Robert N. Klein, Fred Roeth, Robert G. Wilson, Robert A. Masters, Patrick J. Shea, and Larry D. Schulze


Predicting biomass partitioning to root versus shoot in corn and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), Kimberly D. Bonifas and John L. Lindquist


Effect of cultivation and within-field differences in soil conditions on feral Helianthus annuus growth in ridge-tillage maize, Michael G. Burton, David A. Mortensen, and John L. Lindquist


Chemical composition and response to dilute-acid pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of alfalfa, reed canarygrass, and switchgrass, Bruce S. Dien, Hans-Joachim G. Jung, Kenneth P. Vogel, Michael D. Casler, JoAnn F. S. Lamb, Loren Iten, Robert C. Mitchell, and Gautum Sarath


Comment on “Carbon budget of mature no-till ecosystem in North Central Region of the United States”, Achim R. Dobermann, Daniel T. Walters, and John M. Baker