Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture: Faculty Publications
Accuracy of Genomic Prediction in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Improved by Accounting for Linkage Disequilibrium, Guillaume P. Ramstein, Joseph Evans, Shawn M. Kaeppler, Robert B. Mitchell, Kenneth P. Vogel, C. Robin Buell, and Michael D. Casler
Multidisciplinary Research and Extension Team Evolution: Processes, Outcomes, and Strategies, Daren Redfearn, Jay Parsons, and Mary Drewnoski
Identification and Verification of QTL Associated with Frost Tolerance Using Linkage Mapping and GWAS in Winter Faba Bean, Ahmed Sallam, Mustapha Arbaoui, Mohamed El-Esawi, and Nathan Abshire
Genome-Wide Discriminatory Information Patterns of Cytosine DNA Methylation, Robersy Sanchez and Sally A. Mackenzie
Information Thermodynamics of Cytosine DNA Methylation, Robersy Sanchez Rodriguez and Sally Ann Mackenzie
Information Thermodynamics of Cytosine DNA Methylation, Robersy Sanchez Rodriguez and Sally Ann Mackenzie
Multi-Phase US Spread and Habitat Switching of a Post-Columbian Invasive, Sorghum halepense, U. Uzay Sezen, Jacob N. Barney, Daniel Z. Atwater, Gary A. Pederson, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, J. Mike Chandler, T. Stan Cox, Sheila Cox, Peter Dotray, David Kopec, Steven E. Smith, Jill Schroeder, Steven D. Wright, Yuannian Jiao, Wenqian Kong, Valorie Goff, Susan Auckland, Lisa K. Rainville, Gary J. Pierce, Cornelia Lemke, Rosana Compton, Christine Phillips, Alexandra Kerr, Matthew Mettler, and Andrew H. Paterson
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ws-2 Introgression in a Proportion of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 Stock Seed Produces Specific Phenotypes and Highlights the Importance of Routine Genetic Verification, Mon-Ray Shao, Vikas Shedge, Hardik Kundariya, Fredric R. Lehle, and Sally Ann MacKenzie
Ws-2 Introgression in a Proportion of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 Stock Seed Produces Specific Phenotypes and Highlights the Importance of Routine Genetic Verification, Mon-Ray Shao, Vikas Shedge, Hardik Kundariya, Fredric R. Lehle, and Sally Ann MacKenzie
Draft Genome Sequence of Erwinia tracheiphila, an Economically Important Bacterial Pathogen of Cucurbits, Lori R. Shapiro, Erin D. Scully, Dana Roberts, Timothy J. Straub, Scott M. Geib, Jihye Park, Andrew G. Stephenson, Erika Salaau Rojas, Quin Liu, Gwyn Beattie, Mark Gleason, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Mark C. Mescher, Shelby G. Fleischer, Roberto Kolter, Naomi Pierce, and Olga Zhaxybayeva
Horizontal Gene Acquisitions, Mobile Element Proliferation, and Genome Decay in the Host-Restricted Plant Pathogen Erwinia Tracheiphila, Lori R. Shapiro, Erin D. Scully, Timonthy J. Straub, Jihye Park, Andrew G. Stephenson, Gwyn A. Beattie, Mark L. Gleason, Roberto Kolter, Miguel C. Coelho, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Mark C. Mescher, and Olga Zhaxybayeva
Student-Conducted Farmer Video Interviews, Jenn K. Simons, Justin van Wart, Charles Francis, and Kristyn Harms
Herbicide options for effective weed management in dry directseeded rice under scented rice-wheat rotation of western Indo- Gangetic Plains, Vijay Singh, Mangi L. Jat, Zahoor A. Ganie, Bhagirath S. Chauhan, and Raj K. Gupta
Construction of high resolution genetic linkage maps to improve the soybean genome sequence assembly Glyma1.01, Qijian Song, Jerry Jenkins, Gaofeng Jia, David L. Hyten, Vince Pantalone, Scott A. Jackson, Jeremy Schmutz, and Perry B. Cregan
The draft genome of the C3 panicoid grass species Dichanthelium oligosanthes, Anthony J. Studer, James C. Schnable, Sarit Weissmann, Allison R. Kolbe, Michael R. McKain, Ying Shao, Asaph B. Cousins, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, and Thomas P. Brutnell
Smokey comes of age: unmanned aerial systems for fire management, Dirac L. Twidwell Jr., Craig R. Allen, Carrick Detweiler, James Higgins, Christian Laney, and Sebastian Elbaum
Can Sub-Saharan Africa Feed Itself?, Martin K. van Ittersum, Lenny G. J. van Bussel, Joost Wolf, Patricio Grassini, Justin van Wart, Nicolas Guilpart, Lieven Claessens, Hugo de Groot, Keith Wiebe, Daniel Mason-D'Croz, Haishun Yang, Hendrik Boogard, Pepijn A. J. van Oort, Marloes P. van Loon, Kazuki Saito, Ochieng Adimo, Samuel Adjei-Nsiah, Alhassane Agali, Abdullahi Bala, Regis Chikowo, Kayuki Kaizzi, Mamoutou Kouressy, Joachim H. J. R. Makoi, Korodjouma Ouattara, Kindie Tesfaye, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Impact of derived global weather data on simulated crop yields, Justin Van Wart, Patricio Grassini, and Kenneth Cassman
Molecular Characterization of Resistance to Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & Syd.) in Soybean Cultivar DT 2000 (PI 635999), Tri D. Vuong, David R. Walker, Binh T. Nguyen, Tuyet T. Nguyen, Hoan X. Dinh, David L. Hyten, Perry B. Cregan, David A. Sleper, Jeong D. Lee, James G. Shannon, and Henry T. Nguyen
Modeling shattercane dynamics in herbicide-tolerant grain sorghum cropping systems, Rodrigo Werle, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and John L. Lindquist
Corn Era Hybrid Response to Nitrogen Fertilization, Krishna P. Woli, Matthew J. Boyer, Roger Wesley Elmore, John E. Sawyer, Lori J. Abendroth, and Daniel W. Barker
Shrubland resilience varies across soil types: implications for operationalizing resilience in ecological restoration, Carissa L. Wonkka, Dirac L. Twidwell, Jacob B. West, and William E. Rogers
Characterization and Development Mechanism of Apios americana Tuber Starch, Hanyu Yangchen, Vikas Belamkar, Steven B. Cannon, and Jay-lin Jane
MutS HOMOLOG1 silencing mediates ORF220 substoichiometric shifting and causes male sterility in Brassica juncea, Na Zhao, Xinyue Xu, Yashitola Wamboldt, Sally Ann MacKenzie, Xiaodong Yang, Zhongyuan Hu, Jinghua Yang, and Mingfang Zhang
High Tunnel Design, Site Development, and Construction, Stacy A. Adams and Kim Todd
Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources in the U.S. Midwest: A Review and Analysis of Challenges and Future Opportunities, Mahdi M. Al-Kaisi, Roger Wesley Elmore, Gerald A. Miller, and David Kwaw-Mensah
A Roadmap for Functional Structural Variants in the Soybean Genome, Justin E. Anderson, Michael B. Kantar, Thomas Y. Kono, Fengli Fu, Adrian O. Stec, Qijian Song, Perry B. Cregan, James E. Specht, Brian W. Diers, Steven B. Cannon, Leah K. McHale, and Robert M. Stupar
A Population Structure and Genome-Wide Association Analysis on the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection, Nonoy Bandillo, Diego Jarquin, Qijian Song, Randall L. Nelson, Perry Cregan, James Specht, and Aaron Lorenz
Tonoplast Sugar Transporters (SbTSTs) Putatively Control Sucrose Accumulation in Sweet Sorghum Stems, Saadia Bihmidine, Benjamin T. Julius, Ismail M. Dweikat, and David M. Braun
Cover Crops and Ecosystem Services: Insights from Studies in Temperate Soils, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Tim M. Shaver, John L. Lindquist, Charles A. Shapiro, Roger Wesley Elmore, Charles A. Francis, and Gary W. Hergert
Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Submergence Response Identifies Subtol6 as a Major Submergence Tolerance Locus in Maize, Malachy T. Campbell, Christopher A. Proctor, Yongchao Dou, Aaron J. Schmitz, Piyaporn Phansak, Greg R. Kruger, Chi Zhang, and Harkamal Walia
Switchgrass Germplasm Resources, Michael D. Casler, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Melanie Harrison
A Genomic Selection Index Applied to Simulated and Real Data, J. Jesus Ceron-Rojas, Jose Crossa, Vivi N. Arief, Kaye Basford, Jessica Rutkoski, Diego Jarquin, Gregorio Alvarado, Yoseph Beyene, Kassa Semagn, and Ian DeLacy
Understanding rice adaptation to varying agro-ecosystems: trait interactions and quantitative trait loci, Shalabh Dixit, Alexandre Grondin, Cheng-Ruei Lee, Amelia Henry, Thomas-Mitchell Olds, and Arvind Kumar
Differential Expression Analysis in RNA-Seq by a Naive Bayes Classifier with Local Normalization, Yongchao Dou, Xiaomei Guo, Lingling Yuan, David R. Holding, and Chi Zhang
Selective Genotyping for Marker Assisted Selection Strategies for Soybean Yield Improvement, Benjamin D. Fallen, Fred L. Allen, Dean A. Kopsell, Arnold M. Saxton, Leah McHale, J. Grover Shannon, Stella K. Kantartzi, Andrea J. Cardinal, P. B. Cregan, D. L. Hyten, and Vincent R. Pantalone
A Dedicated Type II NADPH Dehydrogenase Performs the Penultimate Step in the Biosynthesis of Vitamin K1 in Synechocystis and Arabidopsis, Abdelhak Fatihi, Scott Latimer, Stefan Schmollinger, Anna Block, Patrick Dussault, Wim F.J. Vermaas, Sabeeha S. Merchant, and Gilles J. Basset
Community Seed Banks: Origins, Evolution, and Prospects, Charles A. Francis
Occurrence of an herbicide-resistant plant trait in agricultural field margins, Karla L. Gag, David J. Gibson, Bryan G. Young, Julie M. Young, Joseph L. Matthews, Stephen C. Weller, and Robert G. Wilson
Overexpression of the transporters AtZIP1 and AtMTP1 in cassava changes zinc accumulation and partitioning, Eliana Gaitán-Solis, Nigel J. Taylor, Dimuth Siritunga, William Stevens, and Daniel P. Schachtman
How good is good enough? Data requirements for reliable crop yield simulations and yield-gap analysis, Patricio Grassini, Lenny G.J. van Bussel, Justin van Wart, Joost Wolf, Lieven Claessens, Haishun Yang, Hendrik Boogaard, Hugo de Groot, Martin K. van Ittersum, and Kenneth Cassman
Aquaporins Contribute to ABA-Triggered Stomatal Closure through OST1-Mediated Phosphorylation, Alexandre Grondin, Olivier Rodrigues, Lionel Verdoucq, Sylvain Merlot, Nathalie Leonhardt, and Christophe Maurel
Microsatellite Variations of Elite Setaria Varieties Released during Last Six Decades in China, Guanqing Jia, Xiaotong Liu, James C. Schnable, Zhengang Niu, Chunfang Wang, Yuhui Li, Shujun Wang, Suying Wang, Jinrong Liu, Erhu Guo, Hui Zhi, and Xianmin Diao
Soil and crop response to stover removal from rainfed and irrigated corn, Ian Kenney, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, DeAnn R. Presley, Charles W. Rice, Keith Janssen, and Brian Olson
Soil Moisture Affects Growing-Season Wildfire Size in the Southern Great Plains, Erik S. Krueger, Tyson E. Ochsner, David M. Engle, J. D. Carlson, Dirac L. Twidwell, and Samuel D. Fuhlendorf
Genetic control of morphometric diversity in the maize shoot apical meristem, Samuel Leiboff, Xianran Li, Heng-Cheng Hu, Natalie Todt, Jinliang Yang, Xiao Li, Xiaoqing Yu, Gary J. Muehlbauer, Marja C.P. Timmermans, Jianming Yu, Patrick S. Schnable, and Michael J. Scanlon
Genetic control of morphometric diversity in the maize shoot apical meristem, Samuel Leiboff, Xianran Li, Heng-Cheng Hu, Natalie Todt, Jinliang Yang, Xiao Li, Xiaoqing Yu, Gary J. Muehlbauer, Marja C.P. Timmermans, Jianming Yu, Patrick S. Schnable, and Michael J. Scanlon
Effects of Sowing Date on Phenotypic Plasticity of Fitness-Related Traits in Two Annual Weeds on the Songnen Plain of China, Haiyan Li, John L. Lindquist, and Yunfei Yang
Herbicides Applied at or Shortly after Seeding Are Effective for Weed Control in Seedling Buffalograss, Luqi Li, Matthew D. Sousek, and Zachary Reicher
Calibration and Validation of the Hybrid-Maize Crop Model for Regional Analysis and Application over the U.S. Corn Belt, Xing Liu, Jeff Andresen, Haishun Yang, and Dev Niyogi
Evaluation and Association Mapping of Resistance to Tan Spot and Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch in Adapted Winter Wheat Germplasm, Zhaohui Liu, Ibrahim El-Basyoni, Gayan Kariyawasam, Guorong Zhang, Allan Fritz, Jana Hansen, Francois Marais, Andrew Friskop, Shiaoman Chao, Eduard Akhunov, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Transgenic Wheat Expressing a Barley UDP-Glucosyltransferase Detoxifies Deoxynivalenol and Provides High Levels of Resistance to Fusarium graminearum, Xi Li, Sanghyun Shin, Shane Heinen, Ruth Dill-Macky, Franz Berthiller, Natalya Nersesian, Thomas Clemente, Susan McCormick, and Gary J. Muehbauer
Selection for Silage Yield and Composition Did Not Affect Genomic Diversity Within the Wisconsin Quality Synthetic Maize Population, Aaron Lorenz, Timothy M. Beissinger, Renato Rodrigues Silva, and Natalia de Leon
Adding Genetically Distant Individuals to Training Populations Reduces Genomic Prediction Accuracy in Barley, Aaron Lorenz and Kevin P. Smith
Identification of Novel QTL Governing Root Architectural Traits in an Interspecific Soybean Population, Lakshmi P. Manavalan, Silvas J. Prince, Theresa A. Musket, Julian Chaky, Rupesh Deshmukh, Tri D. Vuong, Li Song, Perry B. Cregan, James C. Nelson, J. Grover Shannon, James E. Specht, and Henry T. Nguyen
Soybean Yield and Nodulation Response to Crop History and Inoculation, Stephen Mason, Tomie Galusha, and Zaher Kmail
Potential for crop production increase in Argentina through closure of existing yield gaps, Fernando Aramburu Merlos, Juan Pablo Monzon, Jorge L. Mercau, Miguel Taboada, Fernando H. Andrade, Antonio J. Hall, Esteban Jobbagy, Kenneth Cassman, and Patricio Grassini
Proteomic profiling of maize opaque endosperm mutants reveals selective accumulation of lysine-enriched proteins, Kyla J. Morton, Shangang Jia, Chi Zhang, and David R. Holding
Comparing Yield Monitors with Weigh Wagons for On-farm Corn Hybrid Evaluation, Bjorn P. Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and Andrew W. Lenssen
Using a Simple Leaf Color Chart to Estimate Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll A Content in Maize (Zea Mays), Anthony Nguy-Robertson, Yi Peng, Timothy Arkebauer, David Scoby, James Schepers, and Anatoly Gitelson
Patch Burning: Implications on Water Erosion and Soil Properties, Altingul Ozaslan Parlak, Mehmet Parlak, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Walter H. Schacht, John A. Guretzky, and Martha Mamo
Fall Seed Guide 2015, Teshome Regassa, P. Stephen Baenziger, Stephen N. Wegulo, Greg Kruger, and Dipak K. Santra
Plants Coping Abiotic and Biotic Stresses: A Tale of Diligent Management, Hatem Rouached, Sikander Pal, Shimon Rachmilevitch, Marc Libault, and Lam-Son Phan Tran
Characterization of Novel Sorghum brown midrib Mutants from an EMS-Mutagenized Population, Scott E. Sattler, Ana Saballos, Zhanguo Xin, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Wilfred Vermerris, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Overexpression of SbMyb60 impacts phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and alters secondary cell wall composition in Sorghum bicolor, Erin D. Scully, Tammy Gries, Gautam Sarath, Nathan A. Palmer, Lisa Baird, Michelle J. Serapiglia, Bruce S. Dien, Akwasi A. Boateng, Zhengxiang Ge, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Paul Twigg, Thomas E. Clemente, and Scott E. Sattler
Fingerprinting soybean germplasm and its utility in genomic research, Qijian Song, D. L. Hyten, Gaofeng Jia, Charles V. Quigley, Edward W. Fickus, Randall L. Nelson, and P. B. Cregan
Evaluating a satellite-based seasonal evapotranspiration product and identifying its relationship with other satellite-derived products and crop yield: A case study for Ethiopia, Tsegaye Tadesse, Gabriel B. Senay, Getachew Berhan, Teshome Regassa, and Shimelis Beyene
SynFind: Compiling Syntenic Regions across Any Set of Genomes on Demand, Haibao Tang, Matthew D. Bomhoff, Evan Briones, Liangsheng Zhang, James C. Schnable, and Eric Lyons
ALLMAPS: robust scaffold ordering based on multiple maps, Haibo Tang, Xingtan Zhang, Chenyong Miao, Jisen Zhang, Ray Ming, James C. Schnable, Patrick S. Schnable, Eric Lyons, and Jianguo Lu
Model and Sensor-Based Recommendation Approaches for In-Season Nitrogen Management in Corn, L. J. Thompson, R. B. Ferguson, N. Kitchen, D. W. Frazen, M. Mamo, H. Yang, and J. S. Schepers
First Approximations of Prescribed Fire Risks Relative to Other Management Techniques Used on Private Lands, Dirac L. Twidwell, Carissa L. Wonkka, Michael T. Sindelar, and John R. Weir
From field to atlas: Upscaling of location-specific yield gap estimates, Lenny G.J. van Bussel, Patricio Grassini, Justin van Wart, Joost Wolf, Lieven Claessens, Haishun Yang, Hendrik Boogaard, Hugo de Groot, Kazuki Saito, Kenneth Cassman, and Martin K. van Ittersum
Assessment of rice self-sufficiency in 2025 in eight African countries, P. A.J. van Oort, K. Saito, E. Amovin-Assagba, Lenny G.J. van Bussel, Justin van Wart, Hugo de Groot, Martin K. van Ittersum, Kenneth Cassman, and M. C.S. Wopereis
QTL for seed protein and amino acids in the Benning × Danbaekkong soybean population, C. V. Warrington, H. Abdel‑Haleem, D. L. Hyten, P. B. Cregan, J. H. Orf, A. S. Killam, N. Bajjalieh, Z. Li, and H. R. Boerma
Distribution of Herbicide-Resistant Shattercane and Johnsongrass Populations in Sorghum Production Areas of Nebraska and Northern Kansas, Rodrigo Werle, Amit J. Jhala, Melinda K. Yerka, J. Anita Dille, and John L. Lindquist
Residue Harvest Effects on Irrigated, No-Till Corn Yield and Nitrogen Response, Charles S. Wortmann, Charles A. Shapiro, and Marty R. Schmer
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) that Underlie SCN Resistance in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] PI438489B by ‘Hamilton’ Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) Population, Kassem My Abdelmajid, Laura Ramos, D. L. Hyten, Jason Bond, Abdelhafid Bendahmane, Prakash R. Arelli, Victor N. Njiti, Silvia Cianzio, Stella K. Kantartzi, and Khalid Meksem
Constructing a Block and Fence Growing Bench for use with a Capillary Mat Irrigation System for Greenhouse Plant Production, Stacy A. Adams and Ellen T. Paparozzi
Cold Frames, High Tunnels, and Greenhouses: Choose a Growing Structure Best for You, Stacy A. Adams and Kim A. Todd
The interaction of climate change, land cover, and political representation in the USA, Brady W. Allred, Dirac L. Twidwell, and Samuel D. Fuhlendorf
Development of SCAR markers and UP-PCR cross-hybridization method for specific detection of four major subgroups of Rhizoctonia from infected turfgrasses, Bimal S. Amaradasa, Dilip Lakshman, Brandon J. Horvath, and Keenan Amundsen
Porocercospora seminalis gen. et comb. nov., the causal organism of buffalograss false smut, Bimal S. Amaradasa, Hugo Madrid, Johannes Z. Groenewald, Pedro W. Crous, and Keenan L. Amundsen
First Report of Curvularia inaequalis and Bipolaris spicifera Causing Leaf Blight of Buffalograss in Nebraska, B. S. Amaradasa and K. Amundsen
Do cover crops increase or decrease nitrous oxide emissions? A meta-analysis, Andrea D. Basche, F. E. Miguez, T. C. Kaspar, and M. J. Castellano
Challenges and opportunities in transdisciplinary science: The experience of next generation scientists in an agriculture and climate research collaboration, Andrea D. Basche, Gabrielle E. Roesch-McNally, Lindsay A. Pease, Christopher D. Eidson, Guy Bou Lahdou, Mike W. Dunbar, Trevor J. Frank, Laura Frescoln, Lei Gu, Ryan Nagelkirk, Jose Pantoja, and Adam K. Wilke
How do various maize crop models vary in their responses to climate change factors?, Simon Bassu, Nadine Brisson, Jean-Louis Durand, Kenneth J. Boote, Jon Lizaso, James Jones, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Alex Ruane, Myriam Adam, Christian Baron, Bruno Basso, Christian Biernath, Hendrick Boogaard, Sjaak Conijn, Marc Corbeels, Delphine Deryng, Giacomo de Sanctis, Sebastian Gayler, Patricio Grassini, Jerry Hatfield, Steven Hoek, Cesar Izaurralde, Raymond Jongschaap, Armen Kemanian, Christian Kersebaum, Soo-Hyung Kim, Naresh Kumar, David Makowski, Christoph Muller, Claas Nendel, Eckart Priesack, Maria Virinia Pravia, Federico Sau, Iurii Shcherbak, Fulu Tao, Edmar Teixeira, Dennis Timlin, and Katharina Waha
Comprehensive Characterization and RNA-Seq Profiling of the HD-Zip Transcription Factor Family in Soybean (Glycine max) during Dehydration and Salt Stress, Vikas Belamkar, Nathan T. Weeks, Arvind K. Bharti, Andrew Farmer, Michelle A. Graham, and Steven B. Cannon
eQTL Networks Reveal Complex Genetic Architecture in the Immature Soybean Seed, Yung-Tsi Bolon, D. Hyten, James H. Orf, Carroll P. Vance, and Gary J. Muehlbauer
Mapping the low palmitate fap1 mutation and validation of its effects in soybean oil and agronomic traits in three soybean populations, Andrea J. Cardinal, Rebecca Whetten, Sanbao Wang, Jérôme Auclair, D. L. Hyten, P. B. Cregan, Eleni Bachlava, Jason Gillman, Martha Ramirez, Ralph Dewey, Greg Upchurch, Lilian Miranda, and Joesph W. Burton
MSH1-Induced Non-Genetic Variation Provides a Source of Phenotypic Diversity in Sorghum bicolor, Roberto de la Rosa Santamaria, Mon-Ray Shao, Guomei Wang, David O. Nino-Liu, Hardik Kundariya, Yashitola Wamboldt, Ismail M. Dweikat, and Sally Ann MacKenzie
Drought effects on composition and yield for corn stover, mixed grasses, and Miscanthus as bioenergy feedstocks, Rachel Emerson, Amber Hoover, Allison Ray, Jeffrey Lacey, Marnie Cortez, Courtney Payne, Douglas L. Karlen, Stuart Birrell, David Laird, Robert Kallenbach, Josh Egenolf, Matthew Sousek, and Thomas Voigt
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soil Treated with Dung Pats, Kenneth Evans, Ana Wingeyer, Martha Mamo, Walter H. Schacht, Pamela Sutton, and Kent M. Eskridge
Fate of C and N from Dung Pats into Soil, Kenneth Evans, Ana Wingeyer, Martha Mamo, Pamela Sutton, Jeff Bradshaw, Kent M. Eskridge, Matt Judkins, Jenna Beckmann, and Erin Hatch
Nebraska’s groundwater legacy: Nitrate contamination beneath irrigated cropland, Mary E. Exner Spaulding, Aaron J. Hirsh, and Roy F. Spalding
Arabidopsis Lipins, PDAT1 Acyltransferase, and SDP1 Triacylglycerol Lipase Synergistically Direct Fatty Acids toward β-Oxidation, Thereby Maintaining Membrane Lipid Homeostasis, Jilian Fan, Chengshi Yan, Rebecca Roston, John Shanklin, and Changcheng Xu
Identification of differentially expressed genes between sorghum genotypes with contrasting nitrogen stress tolerance by genome-wide transcriptional profiling, Malleswari Gelli, Yongchao Duo, Anji Reddy Konda, Chi Zhang, David R. Holding, and Ismail M. Dweikat
Drivers of spatial and temporal variation in soybean yield and irrigation requirements in the western US Corn Belt, Patricio Grassini, Jessica A. Torrion, Kenneth Cassman, Haishun Yang, and James Specht
The Trehalose Pathway in Maize: Conservation and Gene Regulation in Response to the Diurnal Cycle and Extended Darkness, Clémence Henry, Samuel W. Bledsoe, Allison Siekman, Alec Kollman, Brian M. Waters, Regina Feil, Mark Stitt, and L. Mark Lagrimini
A genome-wide association study of seed protein and oil content in soybean, Eun-Young Hwang, Qijian Song, Gaofeng Jia, James E. Specht, David L. Hyten, Jose Costa, and Perry B. Cregan
Genotyping by sequencing for genomic prediction in a soybean breeding population, Diego Jarquin, Kyle Kocak, Luis Posadas, Katie Hyma, Joseph Jedlicka, George L. Graef, and Aaron Lorenz