


Ecosystem Services: The Significance of Contributions by Invasive Plant Species, Stephen L. Young


True integrated weed management, Stephen L. Young


High-Resolution Mapping of Open Chromatin in the Rice Genome, Wenli Zhang, Yufeng Wu, James C. Schnable, Zixian Zeng, Michael Freeling, Gregory E. Crawford, and Jiming Jiang



Registration of ‘NH03614 CL’ Wheat, P. Stephen Baenziger, Robert A. Graybosch, Lenis Alton Nelson, Teshome H. Regassa, Robert N. Klein, D. D. Baltensperger, Dipak K. Santra, A. M. H. Ibrahim, W. Berzonsky, J. M. Krall, Lei Xu, Stephen N. Wegulo, M. L. Bernards, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, J. H. Hatchett, M.-S. Chen, and G. Bai


Structuring an Efficient Organic Wheat Breeding Program, P. Stephen Baenziger, Ibrahim Salah, Richard S. Little, Dipak K. Santra, Teshome Regassa, and Meng Yuan Wang


A First Insight into Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium in the U.S. Peanut Minicore Collection, Vikas Belamkar, Michael Gomez Selvaraj, Jamie L. Ayers, Paxton R. Payton, Naveen Puppala, and Mark D. Burow




Integrated soil–crop system management for food security, Xin-Ping Chen, Zhen-Ling Cui, Peter M. Vitousek, Kenneth Cassman, Pamela A. Matson, Jin-Shun Bai, Qing-Feng Meng, Peng Hou, Shan-Chao Yue, Volker Römheld, and Fu-Suo Zhang


Heritable Epigenetic Variation among Maize Inbreds, Steve R. Eichten, Ruth A. Swanson, James C. Schnable, Amanda J. Waters, Peter J. Hermanson, Sanzhen Liu, Cheng-Ting Yeh, Yi Jia, Karla Gendler, Michael Freeling, Patrick S. Schnable, Matthew W. Vaughn, and Nathan M. Springer


High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: I. On-farm yield, yield potential, and impact of agronomic practices, Patricio Grassini, John Thorburn, Charles Burr, and Kenneth Cassman


High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: II. Irrigation management and crop water productivity, Patricio Grassini, Haishun Yang, Suat Irmak, John Thorburn, Charles Burr, and Kenneth G. Cassman


Registration of ‘Anton’ Hard White Winter Wheat, Robert A. Graybosch, C. James Peterson, P. Stephen Baenziger, David D. Baltensperger, Lenis Alton Nelson, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer, Bradford W. Seabourn, and Brian S. Beecher


Switchgrass for forage and bioenergy: Harvest and nitrogen rate effects on biomass yields and nutrient composition, John A. Guretzky, Jon T. Biermacher, Billy Cook, Maru K. Kering, and Jagadeesh Mosali


The Composition and Origins of Genomic Variation among Individuals of the Soybean Reference Cultivar Williams 82, William J. Haun, D. L. Hyten, Wayne W. Xu, Daniel J. Gerhardt, Thomas J. Albert, Todd Richmond, Jeffrey A. Jeddeloh, Gaofeng Jia, Nathan M. Springer, Carroll P. Vance, and Robert M. Stupar


Identification of a Second Asian Soybean Rust Resistance Gene in Hyuuga Soybean, Mandy D. Kendrick, Donna K. Harris, Bo-Keun Ha, D. L. Hyten, P. B. Cregan, Reid D. Frederick, H. Roger Boerma, and Kerry F. Pedley


Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Harvest Season on Forage Yield, Quality, and Macronutrient Concentrations in Midland Bermuda grass, Maru K. Kering, John A. Guretzky, Eddie Funderburg, and Jagadeesh Mosali


Stacking Resistance Alleles from Wild and Domestic Soybean Sources Improves Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance, Myungsik Kim, D. L. Hyten, Terry L. Niblack, and Brian W. Diers


Adding Value to Graduate Education: The Comprehensive Examination, John L. Lindquist, Samuel E. Wortman, and Charles A. Francis


Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies Candidate Genes Associated with Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in Soybean, Sujan Mamidi, Shireen Chikara, R. Jay Goos, D. L. Hyten, Deepti Annam, Samira Mafi Moghaddam, Rian K. Lee, P. B. Cregan, and Phillip E. McClean


Learning Gains and Response to Digital Lessons on Soil Genesis and Development, Martha Mamo, James A. Ippolito, Timothy A. Kettler, Ronald Reuter, Dennis L. McCallister, Patricia Morner, Dann E. Husmann, and Erin E. Blankenship


Miscanthus 3 giganteus productivity: the effects of management in different environments, Matt Maughan, German Bollero, D.K. Lee, Robert Darmody, Stacy Bonos, Laura Cortese, James Murphy, Roch E. Gaussoin, Matthew Sousek, David Williams, Linda Williams, Fernando Miguez, and Thomas Voigt


Registration of Seven Winter Wheat Germplasm Lines Carrying the Wsm1 Gene for Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus Resistance, Jasdeep S. Mutti, P. Stephen Baenziger, Robert A. Graybosch, Roy French, and Kulvinder S. Gill


Biological Suppression of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti ) in an Eastern Nebraska Soil, Jane Okalebo, Gary Y. Yuen, Rhae A. Drijber, Erin E. Blankenship, Cafer Eken, and John L. Lindquist


Cytokinin-mediated source ⁄sink modifications improve drought tolerance and increase grain yield in rice under water-stress, Zvi Peleg, Maria Reguera, Ellen Tumimbang, Harkamal Walia, and Eduardo Blumwald


Mutational analysis of the major soybean UreF paralogue involved in urease activation, Joe C. Polacco, D. L. Hyten, Mônica Medeiros-Silva, David A. Sleper, and Kristin D. Bilyeu


Volume, texture, and molecular mechanism behind the collapse of bread made with different levels of hard waxy wheat flours, Shivananda K. Garimella Purna, Rebecca A. Miller, Paul A. Seib, Robert A. Graybosch, and Yong-Cheng Shi


Estimation of surface soil organic matter using a ground-based active sensor and aerial imagery, D. F. Roberts, V. I. Adamchuk, J. F. Shanahan, R. B. Ferguson, and J. S. Schepers


Switchgrass Contains Two Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenases Involved in Lignin Formation, Aaron J. Saathoff, Christian M. Tobias, Scott E. Sattler, Eric J. Haas, Paul Twigg, and Gautam Sarath


Corn and Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti ) Transpiration in Response to Drying Soil, Jared Schmidt, Erin E. Blankenship, and John L. Lindquist


Genes Identified by Visible Mutant Phenotypes Show Increased Bias toward One of Two Subgenomes of Maize, James C. Schnable and Michael Freeling


Dose–Sensitivity, Conserved Non-Coding Sequences, and Duplicate Gene Retention through Multiple Tetraploidies in the Grasses, James C. Schnable, Brent S. Pedersen, Sabarinath Subramaniam, and Michael Freeling


Use of natural variation reveals core genes in the transcriptome of iron-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana roots, Ricardo J. Stein and Brian M. Waters


Screening Synteny Blocks in Pairwise Genome Comparisons through Integer Programming, Haibao Tang, Eric Lyons, Brent S. Pedersen, James C. Schnable, Andrew H. Paterson, and Michael Freeling


No-tillage increases soil profile carbon and nitrogen under long-term rainfed cropping systems, Gary E. Varvel and Wallace Wilhelm


Switchgrass, Kenneth P. Vogel, Gautam Sarath, Aaron J. Saathoff, and Robert B. Mitchell


The role of transition metal homeostasis in plant seed development, Elsbeth L. Walker and Brian M. Waters


Moving magnesium in plant cells, Brian M. Waters


Moving micronutrients from the soil to the seeds: Genes and physiological processes from a biofortification perspective, Brian M. Waters and Renuka P. Sankaran


High Yield Corn Production Can Result in High Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Charles S. Wortmann, Charles A. Shapiro, Achim Dobermann, Richard B. Ferguson, Gary W. Hergert, Daniel Walters, and David Tarkalson


Integrating Management of Soil Nitrogen and Weeds, Samuel E. Wortman, Adam Davis, Brian J. Schutte, and John L. Lindquist


Soil Fertility and Crop Yields in Long-term Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems in Eastern Nebraska, Samuel E. Wortman, Tomie D. Galusha, Stephen C. Mason, and Charles A. Francis



Complementary genetic and genomic approaches help characterize the linkage group I seed protein QTL in soybean, Yung-Tsi Bolon, Bindu Joseph, Steven B Cannon, Michelle A Graham, Brian W. Diers, Andrew Farmer, Gregory D May, Gary J. Muehlbauer, James Specht, Zheng Jin Tu, Nathan Weeks, Wayne W Xu, Randy C. Shoemaker, and Carroll P Vance


Emissions Savings in the Corn-Ethanol Life Cycle from Feeding Coproducts to Livestock, Virgil R. Bremer, Adam Liska, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Haishun Yang, Daniel T. Walters, and Kenneth G. Cassman


Crop Registration: The Pathway to Public Access of Plant Genetic Materials to Build Crops for the Future, D. D. Ellis, K. A. Garland-Campbell, J. A. Grotenhuis, M. M. Jenderek, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


‘Food for Life’: Looking beyond the Horizon, Charles A. Francis and John W. Doran


Re-examining the role of ABA as the primary long-distance signal produced by water-stressed roots, Jason Q. D. Goodger and Daniel P. Schachtman


Fertilizer Rate Effects on Forage Yield Stability and Nutrient Uptake of Midland Bermudagrass, John A. Guretzky, Maru K. Kering, Jagadeesh Mosali, Eddie Funderburg, and Jon T. Biermacher


Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi or Crop Rotation with Mycorrhizal Plants Improves the Growth of Maize in Limed Acid Sulfate Soil, Hasao Higo, Katsunori Isobe, Dong-Jin Kang, Kazuhiro Ujie, Rhae A. Drijber, and Ryuichi Ishii


Spring Grazing Impacts on the Vegetation of Reed Canarygrass–Invaded Wetlands, Heidi Hilhouse, Susan J. Tunnell, and James L. Stubbendieck


Good Agricultural Practices for Food Safety of Fresh Produce, Laurie Hodges


High-throughput SNP discovery through deep resequencing of a reduced representation library to anchor and orient scaffolds in the soybean whole genome sequence, David L. Hyten, Steven B Cannon, Qijian Song, Nathan Weeks, Edward W Fickus, Randy C Shoemaker, James E. Specht, Andrew Farmer, Gregory D May, and Perry B Cregan


High-throughput SNP discovery and assay development in common bean, David L. Hyten, Qijian Song, Edward W. Fickus, Charles V. Quigley, Jong-Sung Lim, Ik-Young Choi, Eun-Young Hwang, Marcial Pastor-Corrales, and Perry B. Cregan


A High Density Integrated Genetic Linkage Map of Soybean and the Development of a 1536 Universal Soy Linkage Panel for Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping, D. L. Hyten, Ik-Young Choi, Qijian Song, James E. Specht, Thomas E. Carter Jr., Randy C. Shoemaker, Eun-Young Hwang, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, and P. B. Cregan


Factors Affecting the Alkaline Cooking Performance of Selected Corn and Sorghum Hybrids, Weston B. Johnson, Wajira S. Ratnayake, David S. Jackson, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Scott R. Bean, and Stephen Mason


Economic Potential of Substituting Legumes for Synthetic Nitrogen in Warm Season Perennial Grasses used for Stocker Cattle Grazing, Maru Kering, John Biermacher, Ryan Reuter, Twain Butler, Job D. Springer, James Rogers, John Blanton, Joe Bouton, and John A. Guretzky


Fine mapping the soybean aphid resistance gene Rag1 in soybean, Ki-Seung Kim, Stephanie Bellendir, Karen A. Hudson, Curtis B. Hill, Glen L. Hartman, D. L. Hyten, Matthew E. Hudson, and Brian W. Diers


Fine mapping of the soybean aphid-resistance gene Rag2 in soybean PI 200538, Ki-Seung Kim, Curtis B. Hill, Glen L. Hartman, D. L. Hyten, Matthew E. Hudson, and Brian W. Diers


Fine Mapping of the SCN Resistance Locus rhg1-b from PI 88788, Myungsik Kim, David L. Hyten, Andrew F. Bent, and Brian W. Diers


Effect of Nitrogen Addition and Weed Interference on Soil Nitrogen and Corn Nitrogen Nutrition, John L. Lindquist, Sean P. Evans, Charles A. Shapiro, and Stevan Z. Knezevic


Structural and Functional Divergence of a 1-Mb Duplicated Region in the Soybean (Glycine max) Genome and Comparison to an Orthologous Region from Phaseolus vulgaris, Jer-Young Lin, Robert M. Stupar, Christian Hans, D. L. Hyten, and Scott A. Jackson


Selecting Strawberry Cultivars for Winter Greenhouse Production, Ellen T. Paparozzi, Stacy A. Adams, George E. Meyer, M. Elizabeth Conley, Vicki L. Schlegel, Erin E. Blankenship, and Paul E. Read


Heterosis in Sweet Sorghum and Selection of a New Sweet Sorghum Hybrid for Use in Syrup Production in Appalachia, T. W. Pfeiffer, M. J. Bitzer, J. J. Toy, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


Evaluation Of The Intercom Model For Predicting Growth Of Forest Herbs, Zorica S. Popović and J. L. Lindquist


SPRING SEED GUIDE 2010: NEBRASKA VARIETY AND HYBRID TESTS -- SOYBEANS, Teshome Regassa, Robert N. Klein, Bruce Anderson, Charles A. Shapiro, and Jim Krall


Tomato root transcriptome response to a nitrogen-enriched soil patch, Daniel R. Ruzicka, Felipe H. Barrios-Masias, Natasha T. Hausmann, Louise E. Jackson, and Daniel P. Schachtman


Growth And Fitness Components Of Wild × Cultivated Sorghum Bicolor (Poaceae) Hybrids In Nebraska, Lilyrani Sahoo, Jared J. Schmidt, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Donald Lee, and John L. Lindquist


Transgenic maize lines with cell-type specific expression of fluorescent proteins in plastids, Amir Sattarzadeh, Jonathan Fuller, Salvador Moguel, Katia Wostrikoff, Shirley Sato, Sarah Covshoff, Tom Clemente, Maureen Hanson, and David Stern


Efficacy of Singular and Stacked brown midrib 6 and 12 in the Modification of Lignocellulose and Grain Chemistry, Scott E. Sattler, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


Efficient Methods of Estimating Switchgrass Biomass Supplies, Marty R. Schmer, Robert B. Mitchell, Kenneth P. Vogel, Walter H. Schacht, and David B. Marx


Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean, Jeremy Schmutz, Steven B. Cannon, Jessica Schlueter, Jianxin Ma, Therese Mitros, William Nelson, David L. Hyten, Qijian Song, Jay J. Thelen, Jianlin Cheng, Dong Xu, Uffe Hellsten, Gregory D. May, Yeisoo Yu, Tetsuya Sakurai, Taishi Umezawa, Madan K. Bhattacharyya, Devinder Sandhu, Babu Valliyodan, Erika Lindquist, Myron Peto, David Grant, Shengqiang Shu, David Goodstein, Kerrie Barry, Montona Futrell-Griggs, Brian Abernathy, Jianchang Du, Zhixi Tian, Liucun Zhu, Navdeep Gill, Trupti Joshi, Marc Libault, Ananad Sethuraman, Xue-Cheng Zhang, Kazuo Shinozaki, Henry T. Nguyen, Rod A. Wing, Perry Cregan, James E. Specht, Jane Grimwood, Dan Rokhsar, Gary Stacey, Randy C. Shoemaker, and Scott A. Jackson


An Integrative Approach to Genomic Introgression Mapping, Andrew J. Severin, Gregory A. Peiffer, Wayne W. Xu, D. L. Hyten, Bruna Bucciarelli, Jamie A. O'Rourke, Yung-Tsi Bolon, David Grant, Andrew Farmer, Gregory D. May, Carroll P. Vance, Randy C. Shoemaker, and Robert M. Stupar


RNA-Seq Atlas of Glycine max: A guide to the soybean transcriptome, Andrew J. Severin, Jenna L. Woody, Yung-Tsi Bolon, Bindu Joseph, Brian W. Diers, Andrew Farmer, Gary J. Muehlbauer, Rex T. Nelson, David Grant, James E. Specht, Michelle A. Graham, Steven B. Cannon, Gregory D. May, Carroll P. Vance, and Randy C. Shoemaker


Abundance of SSR Motifs and Development of Candidate Polymorphic SSR Markers (BARCSOYSSR_1.0) in Soybean, Qijian Song, Gaofeng Jia, Youlin Zhu, David Grant, Rex T. Nelson, Eun-Young Hwang, D. L. Hyten, and P. B. Cregan


Influences of wind and sandblasting on the endangered blowout penstemon, James Stubbendieck, Cheryl D. Dunn, Heidi L. Hillhouse, and L. M. Landholt


Artificial selection for determinate growth habit in soybean, Zhixi Tian, Xiaobo Wang, Rian Lee, Yinghui Li, James E. Specht, Randall L. Nelson, Phillip E. McClean, Lijuan Qiu, and Jianxin Ma


SoyDB: a knowledge database of soybean transcription factors, Zheng Wang, Marc Libault, Trupti Joshi, Babu Valliyodan, Henry T. Nguyen, Dong Xu, Gary Stacey, and Jianlin Cheng


Following Tetraploidy in Maize, a Short Deletion Mechanism Removed Genes Preferentially from One of the Two Homeologs, Margaret R. Woodhouse, James C. Schnable, Brent S. Pedersen, Eric Lyons, Damon Lisch, Shabarinath Subramaniam, and Michael Freeling


Dryland Performance of Sweet Sorghum and Grain Crops for Biofuel in Nebraska, Charles S. Wortmann, Adam Liska, Richard B. Ferguson, Drew J. Lyon, R. N. Klein, and Ismail M. Dweikat


Increased Weed Diversity, Density and Above-ground Biomass in Long-term Organic Crop Rotations, Samuel E. Wortman, John L. Lindquist, Milton J. Haar, and Charles A. Francis



Blue Fescue Overseeding Improves Performance of Fairway Height Buffalograsses, Bekele G. Abeyo, Robert C. Shearman, Roch E. Gaussoin, Leonard A. Wit, Desalegn D. Serba, and Ugur Bilgili


Farmers and Nature Conservation: What is Known about Attitudes, Context Factors and Actions Affecting Conservation?, Johan Ahnström, Jenny Höckert, Hanna L. Bergea, Charles A. Francis, Peter Skelton, and Lars Hallgren


Scaling up of CO2 fluxes from leaf to canopy in maize-based agroecosystems, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea, Mark A. Mesarch, Andrew E. Suyker, and Shashi Verma


Quantum Simulation of High-Order Harmonic Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom, A. D. Bandrauk, S. Chelkowski, Dennis J. Diestler, J. Manz, and K.-J. Yuan


Effects of Nitrogen Supply on the Root Morphology of Corn and Velvetleaf, Kimberly D. Bonifas and John L. Lindquist


Mapping and Confirmation of a New Allele at Rpp1 from Soybean PI 594538A Conferring RB Lesion–Type Resistance to Soybean Rust, Nanda Chakraborty, Joe Curley, Reid D. Frederick, D. L. Hyten, Randall L. Nelson, Glen L. Hartman, and Brian W. Diers


Non-Destructive Determination of Maize Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Content, Veronica Ciganda, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and James S. Schepers


Limits to maize productivity in the Western Corn-Belt: A simulation analysis for fully irrigated and rainfed conditions, Patricio Grassini, Haishun Yang, and Kenneth G. Cassman


Evaluation of the waxy endosperm trait in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), Robert A. Graybosch and D. D. Baltensperger


Polyploidy creates higher diversity among Cynodon accessions as assessed by molecular markers, Osman Gulsen, Songul Sever-Mutlu, Nedim Mutlu, Metin Tuna, Osman Karaguzel, Robert C. Shearman, Terrance P. Riordan, and Tiffany M. Heng-Moss


Grazing Lands and Soil Carbon Storage, John A. Guretzky


Research emphasis – forage and bioenergy crop management, John A. Guretzky


Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy: II. Effects of P and K fertilization, John A. Guretzky, Maru Kering, Jon Biermacher, and Billy Cook


Bulked Segregant Analysis Using the GoldenGate Assay to Locate the Rpp3 Locus that Confers Resistance to Soybean Rust in Soybean, D. L. Hyten, James R. Smith, Reid D. Frederick, Mark L. Tucker, Qijian Song, and P. B. Cregan


Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy: I. Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Harvest System, Maru Kering, J. T. Biermacher, Billy Cook, and John A. Guretzky


Detection and validation of single feature polymorphisms using RNA expression data from a rice genome array, Sung-Hyun Kim, Prasanna R. Bhat, Xinping Cui, Harkamal Walia, Jin Xu, Steve Wanamaker, Abdelbagi M. Ismail, Clyde Wilson, and Timothy J. Close


Response to Plevin: Implications for Life Cycle Emissions Regulations, Adam Liska and Kenneth G. Cassman


Crop Yield Gaps: Their Importance, Magnitudes, and Causes, David B. Lobell, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Christopher B. Field


Gibberellic Acid Promotes Seed Germination in Penstemon digitalis cv. Husker Red, Anderson Machado de Mello, Nereu Augusto Streck, Erin E. Blankenship, and Ellen Paparozzi


Nutrient and Chemical Properties of Aging Golf Course Putting Greens as Impacted by Soil Depth and Mat Development, Ty A. McClellan, Roch E. Gaussoin, Bob Shearman, Charles S. Wortmann, Martha Mamo, Garald L. Horse, and David B. Marx


Forage Yields from 2008-2009 Small Grains, Jagadeesh Mosali, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, J. Baker, and S. Norton