Supervisor Integrity Empowers Employees to Advocate for Diversity in Problematic Climates, Timothy G. Kundro, Brett H. Neely Jr., and Cindy P. Muir (Zapata)
Better To Be Loved by Some? Firm Flaunting as an Impression Management Strategy, A. Erin Bass, Michael D. Pfarrer, Ivana Milosevic, and Varkey K. Titus Jr.
Gender-based impacts of COVID-19 in Sub- Saharan Africa, Helen Onyeaka, Phemelo Tamasiga, Ifeanyi Michael Mazi, Hope Akegbe, and John K. Osiri
Stronger together: Building nonprofit resilience through a network with a shared Mission and organizational humility, Haley M. Woznyj, Oscar J. Stewart, and Tammy E. Beck
Effective Medical Waste Management for Sustainable Green Healthcare, Sang M. Lee and DonHee Lee
Positive psychological capital to help combat the mental health fallout from the pandemic and VUCA environment, Fred Luthans and Julie Dyrdek Broad
Merit versus maleness: How strategic positioning can mitigate external gender bias, Rachel Mui, Owen Parker, and Varkey K. Titus Jr.
Does Performance Breed Slack? Ownership as a Contingency to the Performance Feedback and Slack Relationship, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jonathan P. O'Brien, and Jaya Dixit
Supply Chain Governance Mechanisms, Green Supply Chain Management, and Organizational Performance, Sang M. Lee and Donghyun Choi
Making nice or faking nice? Exploring supervisors’ two-faced response to their past abusive behavior, Shawn T. McClean, Stephen H. Courtright, Junhyok Yim, and Troy A. Smith
Order matters: How altering the sequence of performance events shapes perceived quality formation, Owen Parker, Ke Gong, Rachel Mui, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jiancheng Du, and Gyebi Kwarteng
Do first impressions last? The impact of initial assessments and subsequent performance on promotion decisions, Dirk Black and Marshall Vance
Positive resources for psychiatry in the fourth industrial revolution: Building patient and family focused psychological capital (PsyCap), Julie Dyrdek Broad and Fred Luthans
Lessons Learned from Battling COVID-19: The Korean Experience, Sang M. Lee and DonHee Lee
“Untact”: a new customer service strategy in the digital age, Sang M. Lee and DonHee Lee
CEO scanning behaviors, self-efficacy, and SME innovation and performance: An examination within a declining industry, Rajiv Nag, François Neville, and Nikolaos Dimotakis
Metacritiques of Upper Echelons Theory: Verdicts and Recommendations for Future Research, Brett H. Neely Jr., Jeffrey B. Lovelace, Amanda P. Cowen, and Nathan J. Hiller
Unwelcome voices: The gender bias-mitigating potential of unconventionality, Owen Parker, Rachel Mui, and Varkey K. Titus Jr.
Organizational Aspirations and External Venturing: The Contingency of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Owen Parker, and Jeffrey G. Covin
How does your garden grow? The interface of employee and sales growth post IPO, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jenna R. Pieper, Matthew Josefy, and Theresa M. Welbourne
Understanding well-being at work: Development and validation of the eudaimonic workplace well-being scale, Amy L. Bartels, Suzanne J. Peterson, and Christopher S. Reina
Born to Take Risk? The Effect of CEO Birth Order on Strategic Risk Taking, Robert J. Campbell, Seung-Hwan Jeong, and Scott D. Graffin
Planting and harvesting innovation - an analysis of Samsung Electronics, Seung Hoon Jang, Sang M. Lee, Taewan Kim, and Donghyun Choi
The quality management ecosystem for predictive maintenance in the Industry 4.0 era, Sang M. Lee, DonHee Lee, and Youn Sung Kim
Employee performance, well‐being, and differential effects of human resource management subdimensions: Mutual gains or conflicting outcomes?, Chidiebere Ogbonnaya and Jake G. Messersmith
Entrepreneurship Everywhere: Across Campus, Across Communities, and Across Borders, Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Jake G. Messersmith, Matthew Rutherford, and Sharon Simmons
On the shoulders of giants: A meta-review of strategic human resource management, Kaifeng Jiang and Jake G. Messersmith
Innovation: from small “i” to large “I”, Sang M. Lee
Innovation for creating a smart future, Sang M. Lee and Silvana Trimi
Bang for the buck: Understanding employee benefit allocations and new venture survival, Jake G. Messersmith, Pankaj C. Patel, and Christopher Crawford
“Optimizing the performance of mean-variance portfolios in various markets: an “old-school” approach”, Roberto Stein and Orlando E. Contreras-Pacheco
Examining Follower Responses to Transformational Leadership from a Dynamic, Person–Environment Fit Perspective, Bennett J. Tepper, Nikolaos Dimotakis, Lisa Schurer Lambert, Joel Koopman, Fadel K. Matta, Hee Man Park, and Wongun Goo
Firm Structure and Environment as Contingencies to the Corporate Venture Capital–Parent Firm Value Relationship, Varkey K. Titus Jr. and Brian Anderson
Ripping off the Band-Aid: Scrutiny Bundling in the Wake of Social Disapproval, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Owen Parker, and A. Erin Bass
Competitive Repertoire Complexity: Governance Antecedents and Performance Outcomes, Brian L. Connelly, Laszlo Tihanyi, David J. Ketchen Jr., Christina Matz Carnes, and Walter J. Ferrier
Positive Projections and Health: An Initial Validation of the Implicit Psychological Capital Health Measure, P. D. Harms, Adam J. Vanhove, and Fred Luthans
Review of “DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good” by Michele Hunt, DreamMakers (dreammakers.org), Sang M. Lee
Environmental Policy Performances for Sustainable Development: From the Perspective of ISO 14001 Certification, Sang M. Lee, Yonghwi Noh, Donghyun Choi, and Jin Sung Rha
Voice of a “Seasoned” OB Professor, Fred Luthans
Psychological Capital: An Evidence-Based Positive Approach, Fred Luthans and Carolyn M. Youssef-Morgan
Pulling in different directions? Exploring the relationship between vertical pay dispersion and high-performance work systems, Jake G. Messersmith, Kyoung Yong Kim, and Pankaj C. Patel
Motivating employee referrals: The interactive effects of the referral bonus, perceived risk in referring, and affective commitment, Jenna R. Pieper, Jessica M. Greenwald, and Steven D. Schlachter
Referral Hire Presence Implications for Referrer Turnover and Job Performance, Jenna R. Pieper, Charlie O. Trevor, Ingo Weller, and Dennis Duchon
Graphic Novels: A Brief History, Their Use in Business Education, and the Potential for Negotiation Pedagogy, Mallory Wallace
Developing an innovative entity extraction method for unstructured data, Waleed A. Zaghloul and Silvana Trimi
My Family Made Me Do It: A Cross-Domain, Self-Regulatory Perspective on Antecedents to Abusive Supervision, Stephen H. Courtright, Richard G. Gardner, Troy A. Smith, Brian W. McCormick, and Amy E. Colbert
Positive Psychology in Sales: Integrating Psychological Capital, Scott B. Friend, Jeff S. Johnson, Fred Luthans, and Ravipreet Sohi
Pay-for-Performance’s Effect on Future Employee Performance: Integrating Psychological and Economic Principles Toward a Contingency Perspective, Anthony J. Nyberg, Jenna R. Pieper, and Charlie O. Trevor
Best practice recommendations for data screening, Justin A. DeSimone, Peter D. Harms, and Alice J. DeSimone
Racial Differences in Job Attribute Preferences: The Role of Ethnic Identity and Self-Efficacy, Jakari N. Griffith and Gwendolyn M. Combs
Diffusion of innovation: customer relationship management adoption in supply chain organizations, Vicky Ching Gu, Marc J. Schniederjans, and Qing Cao
The age of quality innovation, Sang M. Lee
Fred Luthans—The Anatomy of a 50-Year Academic Career: An Interview by Kenneth R. Thompson, Fred Luthans and Kenneth R. Thompson
The Paradox of Knowledge Creation in a High-Reliability Organization: A Case Study, Ivana Milosevic, A. Erin Bass, and Gwendolyn Combs
Quality management and innovation: new insights on a structural contingency framework, Dara Schniederjans and Marc Schniederjans
Contagion effect of global leaders’ positive psychological capital on followers: Does distance and quality of relationship matter?, Joana S. P. Story, Carolyn M. Youssef-Morgan, Fred Luthans, John E. Barbuto Jr., and James A. Bovaird
The Influence of Exploration on External Corporate Venturing Activity, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jenny M. House, and Jeffrey G. Covin
Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta-analysis, María del Carmen Triana, Mevan Jayasinghe, and Jenna R. Pieper
Narcissism: An Integrative Synthesis and Dominance Complementarity Model, Emily Grijalva and Peter D. Harms
A force of change: Chris Peterson and the US Army’s Global Assessment Tool, Paul B. Lester, Peter D. Harms, Mitchel Norman Herian, and Walter J. Sowden
Reciprocal Relationship Between Proactive Personality and Work Characteristics: A Latent Change Score Approach, Wen-Dong Li, Doris Fay, Michael Frese, Peter D. Harms, and Xiang Yu Gao
Uncovering the Nuances of Referral Hiring: How Referrer Characteristics Affect Referral Hires’ Performance and Likelihood of Voluntary Turnover, Jenna R. Pieper
The Role of Mindfulness and Psychological Capital on the Well-Being of Leaders, Maree Roche, Jarrod M. Haar, and Fred Luthans
A sociogenomic perspective on neuroscience in organizational behavior, Seth M. Spain and Peter D. Harms
Meeting the Challenges of Effective International HRM: Analysis of the Antecedents of Global Mindset, Joana S. P. Story, John E. Barbuto Jr., Fred Luthans, and James A. Bovaird
Impact of authentic leadership on performance: Role of followers’ positive psychological capital and relational processes, Hui Wang, Yang Sui, Fred Luthans, Danni Wang, and Yanhong Wu
Business intelligence in risk management: Some recent progresses, Desheng Dash Wu, Shu-Heng Chen, and David L. Olson
Participation in Decision Making as a Property of Complex Adaptive Systems: Developing and Testing a Measure, Ruth A. Anderson, Donde Plowman, Kirsten Corazzini, Pi-Ching Hsieh, Hui Fang Su, Lawrence R. Landerman, and Reuben R. McDaniel
Reflections on the Metamorphosis at Robben Island: The Role of Institutional Work and Positive Psychological Capital, Wayne F. Cascio and Fred Luthans
Managing Capital Market and Longevity Risks in a Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Samuel H. Cox, Yijia Lin, Ruilin Tian, and Jifeng Yu
The Importance of Developing Employability, Peter D. Harms and Bradley J. Brummel
Towards operationalizing complexity leadership: How generative, administrative and community-building leadership practices enact organizational outcomes, James K. Hazy and Mary Uhl-Bien
Reclaiming “Anthropology: The forgotten behavioral science in management history” – Commentaries, Fred Luthans, Ivana Milosevic, Beth A. Bechky, Edgar H. Schein, Susan Wright, and Davydd J. Greenwood
Meeting the Leadership Challenge of Employee Well-Being Through Relationship PsyCap and Health PsyCap, Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef, David S. Sweetman, and Peter D. Harms
Going Beyond Research on Goal Setting: A Proposed Role for Organizational Psychological Capital of Family Firms, Esra Memili, Dianne H.B. Welsh, and Fred Luthans
Self-presentation style in job interviews: The role of personality and culture, Delroy L. Paulhus, Bryce G. Westlake, Stryker S. Calvez, and Peter D. Harms
The Link Between Diversity and Equality Management Practice Bundles and Racial Diversity in the Managerial Ranks: Does Firm Size Matter?, Orlando C. Richard, Hyuntak Roh, and Jenna R. Pieper
The dark side of personality at work, Seth M. Spain, Peter D. Harms, and James M. Lebreton
Positive leadership: Meaning and application across cultures, Carolyn M. Youssef-Morgan and Fred Luthans
The Payback of Effective Innovation Programs: Empirical Evidence from Firms that Have Won Innovation Awards, Guoqiang Peter Zhang, Jifeng Yu, and Yusen Xia
Impact of Employees’ Character Strengths of Wisdom on Stress and Creative Performance, James B. Avey, Fred Luthans, Sean T. Hannah, David Sweetman, and Christopher Peterson
Ethnic Identity and Job Attribute Preferences: The Role of Collectivism and Psychological Capital, Gwendolyn Combs, Ivana Milosevic, Wonho Jeung, and Jakari Griffith
An Evaluation of the Consequences of Using Short Measures of the Big Five Personality Traits, Marcus Credé, Peter D. Harms, Sarah Niehorster, and Andrea Gaye-Valentine
Driven to Work and Enjoyment of Work: Effects on Managers’ Outcomes, Laura M. Graves, Marian N. Ruderman, Patricia J. Ohlott, and Todd J. Weber
Recognizing Leadership at a Distance: A Study of Leader Effectiveness Across Cultures, Peter D. Harms, Guohong Han, and Huaiyu Chen
Measuring implicit psychological constructs in organizational behavior: An example using psychological capital, Peter D. Harms and Fred Luthans
Pricing Mortality Securities with Correlated Mortality Indexes, Yijia Lin, Sheen Liu, and Jifeng Yu
EMERGENT ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY FOR COMPASSION, Laura T. Madden, Dennis Duchon, Timothy M. Madden, and Donde Ashmos Plowman
Pioneering Orientation and Firm Growth: Knowing When and to What Degree Pioneering Makes Sense, Brandon A. Mueller, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jeffrey G. Covin, and Dennis P. Slevin
Workplace Spirituality, Meditation, and Work Performance, Pawinee Petchsawanga and Dennis Duchon
Rehabilitation Settings After Joint Replacement: An Application of Multiattribute Preference Elicitation, Tiffany A. Radcliff, Murray J. Côté, David L. Olson, and Debra Liebrecht
Shareholder Influence over Director Nomination via Proxy Access: Implications for Agency Conflict and Stakeholder Value, Joanna Tochman Campbell, T. Colin Campbell, David G. Sirmon, Leonard Bierman, and Chris S. Tuggle
The entrepreneurial growth ceiling: Using people and innovation to mitigate risk and break through the growth ceiling in initial public offerings, Theresa M. Wellbourne, Heidi Neck, and G. Dale Meyer
Positive Global Leadership, Carolyn M. Youssef and Fred Luthans
Experimentally Analyzing the Impact of Leader Positivity on Follower Positivity and Performance, James Avey, Bruce J. Avolio, and Fred Luthans
Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Attitudes, Behaviors, and Performance, James B. Avey, Rebecca J. Reichard, Fred Luthans, and Ketan H. Mhatre
Hospital boards and hospital strategic focus: The impact of board involvement in strategic decision making, Karen Ford-Eickhoff, Donde Ashmos Plowman, and Reuben R. McDaniel Jr.
Adult Attachment Styles in the Workplace, Peter D. Harms
Leader development and the dark side of personality, Peter D. Harms, Seth M. Spain, and Sean T. Hannah