Developing a capacity for organizational resilience through strategic human resource management, Cynthia A. Lengnick-Hall, Tammy E. Beck, and Mark L. Lengnick-Hall
Mentoring Impact on Leader Efficacy Development: A Field Experiment, Paul B. Lester, Sean T. Hannah, Peter D. Harms, Gretchen R. Vogelgesang, and Bruce J. Avolio
A Tale of Two Paradigms: The Impact of Psychological Capital and Reinforcing Feedback on Problem Solving and Innovation, Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef, and Shannon L. Rawski
Psychological Capital and Employee Performance: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach, Suzanne J. Peterson, Fred Luthans, Bruce J. Avolio, Fred Walumbwa, and Zhen Zhang
The Gendering of Organizational Research Methods: Evidence of Gender Patterns in Qualitative Research [with commentaries and response], Donde Ashmos Plowman and Anne D. Smith
Aligning strategic processes in pursuit of firm growth, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jeffrey G. Covin, and Dennis P. Slevin
Effects of alliances, time, and network cohesion on the initiation of foreign sales by new ventures, Jifeng Yu, Brett Anitra Gilbert, and Benjamin M. Oviatt
DIALOGUE, Asghar Zardkoohi, Leonard Bierman, Daria Panina, and Subrata Chakrabarty
Impact of Positive Psychological Capital on Employee Well-Being Over Time, James B. Avey, Fred Luthans, Ronda M. Smith, and Noel F. Palmer
Exploring social constructions of followership: A qualitative study, Melissa K. Carsten, Mary Uhl-Bien, Bradley J. West, Jaime L. Patera, and Rob McGregor
Dynamic Creation: Extending the Radical Austrian Approach to Entrepreneurship, Todd H. Chiles, Chris S. Tuggle, Jeffery S. McMullen, Leonard Bierman, and Daniel W. Greening
The Philosophical Foundations of a Radical Austrian Approach to Entrepreneurship, Todd H. Chiles, Denise M. Vultee, Vishal K. Gupta, Daniel W. Greening, and Chris S. Tuggle
Regulation and Mindful Resident Care in Nursing Homes, Cathleen S. Colón-Emeric, Donde Ashmos Plowman, Donald Bailey, Kirsten Corazzini, Queen Utley-Smith, Natalie Ammarell, Mark Toles, and Ruth Anderson
Managing BPO Service Workers in India: Examining Hope on Performance Outcomes, Gwendolyn M. Combs, Rachel Clapp-Smith, and Sucheta Nadkarni
Team identification, trust, and conflict: A mediation model, GuoHong (Helen) Han and Peter D. Harms
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis, Peter D. Harms and Marcus Credé
What Do Conscientious People Do? Development and Validation of the Behavioral Indicators of Conscientiousness (BIC), Joshua J. Jackson, Dustin Wood, Tim Bogg, Kate E. Walton, Peter D. Harms, and Brent W. Roberts
Perceived Fairness of Pay: The Importance of Task versus Maintenance Inputs in Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, Tae-Yeol Kim, Todd J. Weber, Kwok Leung, and Yukiko Muramoto
The Development and Resulting Performance Impact of Positive Psychological Capital, Fred Luthans, James B. Avey, Bruce J. Avolio, and Suzanne Peterson
The impact of positivity and transparency on trust in leaders and their perceived effectiveness, Steven M. Norman, Bruce Avolio, and Fred Luthans
Everyday Sensegiving: A Closer Look at Successful Plant Managers, Anne D. Smith, Donde Ashmos Plowman, and Dennis Duchon
Relationship between positive psychological capital and creative performance, David S. Sweetman, Fred Luthans, James B. Avey, and Brett C. Luthans
Commanding board of director attention: Investigating how organizational performance and CEO duality affect board members' attention to monitoring, Chris S. Tuggle, David G. Sirmon, Chris R. Reutzel, and Leonard Bierman
Perceiver Effects as Projective Tests: What Your Perceptions of Others Say about You, Dustin Wood, Peter D. Harms, and Simine Vazire
Psychological Ownership: Theoretical Extensions, Measurement, and Relation to Work Outcomes, James B. Avey, Bruce Avolio, Craig Crossley, and Fred Luthans
Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions, Bruce Avolio, Fred Walumbwa, and Todd J. Weber
Experiencing Rare and Unusual Events Richly: The Role of Middle Managers in Animating and Guiding Organizational Interpretation, Tammy E. Beck and Donde Ashmos Plowman
The challenge of leading on unstable ground: Triggers that activate social identity faultlines, Donna Chrobot-Mason, Marian N. Ruderman, Todd J. Weber, and Chris Ernst
Authentic Leadership and Positive Psychological Capital: The Mediating Role of Trust at the Group Level of Analysis, Rachel Clapp-Smith, Gretchen Vogelgesang, and James Avey
Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever Happened to MarShawn DeMur? -- Instructor’s Manual, Gwendolyn Combs
Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever Happened to MarShawn DeMur? -- Student Workbook, Gwendolyn Combs
Learning motivation and transfer of human capital development: Implications from psychological capital, Gwendolyn Combs, Fred Luthans, and Jakari Griffith
Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous Behavior, Dennis Duchon and Brian Drake
A framework for examining leadership in extreme contexts, Sean T. Hannah, Mary Uhl-Bien, Bruce Avolio, and Fabrice L. Cavarretta
Not all Conscientiousness Scales Change Alike: A Multimethod, Multisample Study of Age Differences in the Facets of Conscientiousness, Joshua J. Jackson, Tim Bogg, Kate E. Walton, Dustin Wood, Peter D. Harms, Jennifer Lodi-Smith, Grant W. Edmonds, and Brent W. Roberts
The leadership of emergence: A complex systems leadership theory of emergence at successive organizational levels, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein and Donde Ashmos Plowman
Inquiry Unplugged: Building on Hackman’s Potential Perils of POB, Fred Luthans and Bruce Avolio
The “Point” of Positive Organizational Behavior, Fred Luthans and Bruce Avolio
Measuring workplace spirituality in an Asian context, Pawinee Petchsawanga and Dennis Duchon
An exploratory study of how potential "family and household capital" impacts new venture start-up rates, Peter Rodriguez, Chris S. Tuggle, and Sean M. Hackett
Operations Research Methodology Life Cycle Trend Phases as Recorded in Journal Articles, Marc J. Schniederjans, A. M. Schniederjans, and D. G. Schniederjans
A qualitative study of high-reputation plant managers: Political skill and successful outcomes, Anne D. Smith, Donde Ashmos Plowman, Dennis Duchon, and Amber M. Quinn
The use of personality test norms in work settings: Effects of sample size and relevance, Robert P. Tett, Jenna R. (Fitzke) Pieper, Patrick L. Wadlington, Scott A. Davies, Michael G. Anderson, and Jeff Foster
Complexity Leadership in Bureaucratic Forms of Organizing: A Meso Model, Mary Uhl-Bien and Russ Marion
The Influence of Leader Humor on Relationships between Leader Behavior and Follower Outcomes, Robert P. Vecchio, Joseph E. Justin, and Craig L. Pearce
Team Level Positivity: Investigating Positive Psychological Capacities and Team Level Outcomes, Bradley J. West, Jaime L. Patera, and Melissa K. Carsten
Getting Past Conflict Resolution: A Complexity View of Conflict, Leticia Andrade, Donde Ashmos Plowman, and Dennis Duchon
A call for longitudinal research in positive organizational behavior, James B. Avey, Fred Luthans, and Ketan H. Mhatre
The Additive Value of Positive Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes and Behaviors, James B. Avey, Fred Luthans, and Carolyn M. Youssef
The Association Between Ethnic Congruence in the Supervisor–Subordinate Dyad and Subordinate Organizational Position and Salary, James B. Avey, Bradley J. West, and Craig Crossley
Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors, James Avey, Tara S. Wernsing, and Fred Luthans
Emotional and behavioral reactions to social undermining: A closer look at perceived offender motives, Craig Crossley
Organizational Narcissism, Dennis Duchon and Michael Burns
Examining career-related mentoring and managerial performance across cultures: A multilevel analysis, William A. Gentry, Todd J. Weber, and Golnaz Sadri
Leadership efficacy: Review and future directions, Sean T. Hannah, Bruce Avolio, Fred Luthans, and Peter D. Harms
A Strategy for Third-Party Logistics Systems: A Case Analysis Using the Blue Ocean Strategy, Changsu Kim, Kyung Hoon Yang, and Jaekyung Kim
A Gravity Model of Immigration, Joshua Lewer and Hendrik Van den Berg
Experimental Analysis of a Web-Based Training Intervention to Develop Positive Psychological Capital, Fred Luthans, James B. Avey, and Jaime L. Patera
More evidence on the value of Chinese workers’ psychological capital: A potentially unlimited competitive resource?, Fred Luthans, James Avey, Rachel Clapp-Smith, and Weixing Li
The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in the Supportive Organizational Climate–Employee Performance Relationship, Fred Luthans, Steven M. Norman, Bruce J. Avolio, and James B. Avey
Impact of behavioral performance management in a Korean application, Fred Luthans, Shanggeun Rhee, Brett C. Luthans, and James B. Avey
Learning: The Interface of Quality Management and Strategic Alliances, Mahour Mellat-Parast and Lester Digman
Environmental Context, Managerial Cognition, and Strategic Action: An Integrated View, Sucheta Nadkarni and Pamela S. Barr
On the Same Page: The Value of Paid and Volunteer Leaders Sharing Mental Models in Churches, Stephanie T. Solansky, Dennis Duchon, Donde Ashmos Plowman, and Patricia G. Martínez
Evaluating Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) in Non Traditional Environments Using Simulation, Peter Southard and Scott Swenseth
How management style moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and workplace deviance: An uncertainty management theory perspective, Stefan Thau, Rebecca J. Bennett, Marie S. Mitchell, and Mary Beth Marrs
“A Noble Endeavor”: Comments from the Yearly Review Editor, Mary Uhl-Bien
The Joint Role of Locus of Control and Perceived Financial Need in Job Search, Edwin A. J. van Hooft and Craig Crossley
The utility of transactional and transformational leadership for predicting performance and satisfaction within a path-goal theory framework, Robert P. Vecchio, Joseph E. Justin, and Craig L. Pearce
Authentic Leadership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure, Fred Walumbwa, Bruce Avolio, William Gardner, Tara Wernsing, and Suzanne Peterson
How Transformational Leadership Weaves Its Influence on Individual Job Performance: The Role of Identification and Efficacy Beliefs, Fred O. Walumbwa, Bruce Avolio, and Weichun Zhu
Supply Chain Risk, Simulation, and Vendor Selection, Desheng Wu and David L. Olson
When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership, Michelle C. Bligh, Jeffrey C. Kohles, Craig L. Pearce, Joseph E. (Gene) Justin, and John F. Stovall
Illuminating a cross-cultural leadership challenge: When identity groups collide, Donna Chrobot-Mason, Marian N. Ruderman, Todd J. Weber, Patricia J. Ohlott, and Maxine A. Dalton
An Examination of Interracial Contact: The Influence of Cross-Race Interpersonal Efficacy and Affect Regulation, Gwendolyn Combs and Jakari Griffith
Diversity Training: Analysis of the Impact of Self-Efficacy, Gwendolyn Combs and Fred Luthans
Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of voluntary turnover, Craig Crossley, Rebecca J. Bennett, Steve M. Jex, and Jennifer L. Burnfield
Who shall lead? An integrative personality approach to the study of the antecedents of status in informal social organizations, Peter D. Harms, Brent W. Roberts, and Dustin Wood
Positive Psychological Capital: Measurement and Relationship with Performance and Satisfaction, Fred Luthans, Bruce J. Avolio, James B. Avey, and Steven M. Norman
Emerging Positive Organizational Behavior, Fred Luthans and Carolyn M. Youssef
Introduction to Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership and Complexity, Russ Marion and Mary Uhl-Bien
Shared leadership theory, Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, and Edwin A. Locke
Radical Change Accidentally: The Emergence and Amplification of Small Change, Donde Ashmos Plowman, Lakami T. Baker, Tammy E. Beck, Mukta Kulkarni, Stephanie Thomas Solansky, and Deandra Villarreal Travis
The role of leadership in emergent, self-organization, Donde Ashmos Plowman, Stephanie Solansky, Tammy E. Beck, LaKami Baker, Mukta Kulkarni, and Deandra Villarreal Travis
Predicting the Counterproductive Employee in a Child-to-Adult Prospective Study, Brent W. Roberts, Peter D. Harms, Avshalom Caspi, and Terri E. Moffitt
Being Ethical When the Boss Is Not, Mary Uhl-Bien and Melissa K. Carsten
Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era, Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion, and Bill McKelvey
Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace: The Impact of Hope, Optimism, and Resilience, Carolyn M. Youssef and Fred Luthans
The Importance of Vertical and Shared Leadership within New Venture Top Management Teams: Implications for the Performance of Startups, Michael D. Ensley, Keith M. Hmieleski, and Craig L. Pearce
Becoming the Harvard Man: Person-Environment Fit, Personality Development, and Academic Success, Peter D. Harms, Brent W. Roberts, and David Winter
Perceptions of Leadership in Undergraduate Fraternal Organizations, Peter D. Harms, Dustin Woods, Brent W. Roberts, Dan Bureau, and A. Michelle Green
Potential Added Value of Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes, Milan Larson and Fred Luthans
Complexity leadership theory: An interactive perspective on leading in complex adaptive systems, Benyamin B. Lichtenstein, Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion, Anson Seers, James Douglas Orton, and Craig Schreiber
Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro-Intervention, Fred Luthans, James Avey, Bruce Avolio, Steven M. Norman, and Gwendolyn Combs
Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro-intervention, Fred Luthans, James B. Avey, Bruce Avolio, Steven M. Norman, and Gwendolyn Combs
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy in Central Asian transition economies: Quantitative and qualitative analyses, Fred Luthans and Elina Sharlezdvna Ibrayeva
Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency, Fred Luthans, Gretchen R Vogelgesang, and Paul B. Lester
The impact of efficacy on work attitudes across cultures, Fred Luthans, Weichun Zhu, and Bruce Avolio