Windbreaks for Livestock Operations, Vernon Quam, LaDon Johnson, Bruce Wight, and James R. Brandle
Sanitation and Parasitism at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, Karl J. Reinhard
Trade, Contact, and Female Health in Northeast Nebraska, Karl Reinhard, Larry Tieszen, Karin L. Sandness, Lynae M. Beiningen, Elizabeth Miller, A. Mohammad Ghazi, Christiana E. Miewald, and Sandra V. Barnum
SPRINKLER IRRIGATON: A VOC REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVE, Roy F. Spalding, Mark E. Burbach, Mary Exner Spalding, Leyla Parra-Vicary, and Dennis R. Alexander
Research of the Nebraska Agroforestry Team, James R. Brandle
Vertebrates for Biological Control of Insects in Agroforestry Systems, James R. Brandle
WBECON- An Interactive Computer Model for the Economic Evaluation of Field Windbreaks, James R. Brandle
Profiles: Nelson Horatio Darton: His Surveys Laid the Foundation, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Understanding Groundwater Starts with the Rocks: Geologic Fralnework, Groundwater Occurrence and Irrigation Development in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Application of Sealevel Stratigraphy to Neogene Great Plains Stratigraphy, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and A. Lowrie
Geological Field Guide to the Cedar Point Biological Station, Keith County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Roger K. Pabian
Mammals of the Platte River Valley: Final Report, Patricia W. Freeman and Russell A. Benedict
Sorex merriami in Nebraska, Patricia W. Freeman, Jay D. Druecker, and Scott Tvrz
Reflectance Models for Quantifying Chlorophyll in Inland Waters, Anatoly A. Gitelson
Remote Sensing Observations of the Phytoplankton Distribution in Lake Kinneret, Anatoly A. Gitelson, M. Mayo, Y. Yacobi, A. Parparov, and T. Berman
Proceedings of the 6th International Grouse Symposium, David Jenkins
Asymmetric Trends of Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature, Thomas R. Karl, Philip D. Jones, Richard W. Knight, George Kukla, Neil Plummer, Vyacheslav Razuvayev, Kevin P. Gallo, Janette Lindseay, Robert J. Charlson, and Thomas C. Peterson
Eddy Correlation Measurement of CO2 Flux Using a Closed-Path Sensor: Theory and Field Tests Against an Open-Path Sensor, A. E. Suyker and S. B. Verma
Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance Related to Reflectance on the Canopy Scale, S. B. Verma
An Improved Goniometer System for Calibrating Field Reference-Reflectance Panels, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea, Cynthia J. Hays, and Mark A. Mesarch
Opportunities to Increase Tree Planting in Shelterbelts and the Potential Impacts on Carbon Storage and Conservation, James R. Brandle
Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Map of Northwest Nebraska: Probable Structures and Geomorphic Features of the Region, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Dan Canyon Burial: A PIII Burial in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Steve Dominguez, Karl Reinhard, Kari L. Sandness, Cherie A. Edwards, Dennis Danielson, F. A. Calabrese, and Chris Kincaid
Canine Teeth of Bats (Microchiroptera): Size, Shape and Role in Crack Propagation, Patricia W. Freeman
Morphometrics of the Family Emballonuridae, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Survey of Mollusks of the Platte River: Final Report, Patricia W. Freeman and Keith Perkins
Stable Isotope Composition of Calcareous Paleosols and Ground-water Cements from the Ogallala Group (Neogene), Western Nebraska, Leonard Robert Gardner, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Douglas F. Williams
Atmospheric Effects on the NDVI--Strategies for Its Removal, Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanré, B. N. Holben, B. L. Markham, and Anatoly A. Gitelson
Nonfederal Automated Weather Stations and Networks in the United States and Canada: A Preliminary Survey*, Steven J. Meyer and Kenneth G. Hubbard
Parasitology as an Interpretive Tool in Archaeology, Karl J. Reinhard
Coprolite Analysis: A Biological Perspective on Archaeology, Karl J. Reinhard and Baughn M. Bryant Jr
Coprolite Analysis: A Biological Perspective on Archaeology, Karl J. Reinhard and Vaughn M. Bryant Jr.
Vertebral Pathology in Prehistoric and Historic Skeletons From Northeastern Nebraska, Karin L. Sandness and Karl J. Reinhard
Why can the weighting parameter of the Muskingum channel routing method be negative?, Jozsef Szilagyi
Predicting Canopy Light-Use Efficiency from Leaf Characteristics, T. J. Arkebauer
Windbreak Establishment, Patricia Boehner, James R. Brandle, and Sherman Finch
WBECON: A windbreak evaluation model 1, James R. Brandle
How Windbreaks Work, James R. Brandle and Sherman Finch
Photoperiod Control of Poplar Bark Storage Protein Accumulation, Gary D. Coleman, Tony H.H. Chen, Stephen G. Ernst, and Leslie Fuchigami
Geologic Map Showing Configuration of the Bedrock Surface, North Platte, 1 ° x 2 ° Quadrangle, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Plate Tectonics, Space, Geologic Time, and the Great Plains: A Primer for Non-Geologists, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Notes from the field: Bat Boxes, Patricia W. Freeman
Aerospace Monitoring of Water Quality, Anatoly A. Gitelson and Ferenc Szilagyi
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Quartz Sand Surface Features, Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group, Western Nebraska, Patricia E. Helland and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Windbreaks and Wildlife, Ron J. Johnson, Mary M. Beck, and James R. Brandle
Modeling Canopy Stomatal Conductance in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem, Joon Kim and Shashi B. Verma
Late Paleozoic Cyclic Sedimentation in Southeastern Nebraska: A Field Guide, Roger K. Pabian and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Windbreaks in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Vernon C. Quam, John Gardner, James R. Brandle, and Teresa K. Boes
Modeling Canopy Photosynthesis: Scaling up from a Leaf to Canopy in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem, S. B. Verma
Leaf Reflectance and Transmittance in Soybean and Corn, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea and Blaine Blad
Estimation of Shortwave Hemispherical Reflectance (Albedo) from Bidirectionally Reflected Radiance Data, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea and Blaine L. Blad
Management of Microclimate with Windbreaks, James R. Brandle
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Tree Survival and Forest Pests in the Great Plains, James R. Brandle
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Tree Survival and Forest Pests in the Great Plains, James R. Brandle
Shelterbelts: A Buffer to Climate on the Plains, James R. Brandle
Regional Climate Centers: New Institutions for Climate Service and Climate- Impact Research, Stanley A. Changnon, Peter J. Lamb, and Kenneth G. Hubbard
Review of Report of the ARL Serials Prices Project, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Sidney Gravel and Kimball Formation, Supposed Parts of the Ogallala Group (Neogene), Are Not Objectively Mappable Units, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Pacific/ North American Teleconnection Pattern and United States Climate. Part I: Regional Temperature and Precipitation Associations, Daniel J. Leathers, Brent Yarnal, and Michael A. Palecki
Carbon Dioxide Exchange in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem, S. B. Verma
Components of Surface Energy Balance in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem, S. B. Verma
Lake Maloney Quadrangle, Nebraska--Lincoln County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Prairie Paths, Mouse Highways and Night time Traffic, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Assessment of Squirrel-Caused Power Outages, J. Chris Hamilton, Ron J. Johnson, Ronald M. Case, and Michael W. Riley
From the Gulf to the Rio Grande: Human Adaptation in Central, South, and Lower Pecos Texas, Thomas Hester, Stephen L. Black, D. Gentry Steele, Ben W. Olive, Anne A. Fox, Karl Reinhard, and Leland C. Bement
Geomorphology of a Pennsylvanian Land Surface: Pedogenesis in the Rock Lake Shale Member, Southeastern Nebraska, Robert Matthew Joeckel
Testing Macroevolutionary Hypotheses with Cladistic Analysis: Evidence Against Rectangular Evolution, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Cyclic Sedimentation, Paleogeography, Paleoecology, and Biostratigraphy in Kansas and Nebraska, Roger K. Pabian and Robert F. Diffendal, Jr. Jr.
BIOARCHEOLOGICAL SYNTHESIS for "From the Gulf to the Rio Grande: Human Adaptation in Central, South, and Lower Pecos Texas", Karl Reinhard, Ben W. Olive, and D. Gentry Steele
A Mimbres Burial with Associated Colon Remains from the NAN Ranch Ruin, New Mexico, Harry J. Shafer, Marrianne Marek, and Karl J. Reinhard
Geology of the Pre-Dune Strata, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Aerodynamic Resistances to Transfers of Heat, Mass and Momentum, S. B. Verma
Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor and Sensible Heat Fluxes over a Tallgrass Prairie, S. B. Verma
Plio-Pleistocene Glacial Deposits in Northeastern Nebraska: New Exposures and Interpretations, M. R. Voorhies and R. G. Goodwin
Irrigation Scheduling of Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, and Potatoes (CAMaC Progress Report 87-8), Blaine L. Blad
Comparison of Measured and Modeled Radiation, Heat, and Water Vapor Fluxes: Fife Pilot Study (CAMaC Progress Report 87-7), Blaine L. Blad, Shashi B. Verma, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Patrick Starks, Cynthia Hays, John M. Norman, and Elizabeth Walter-Shea
Broadwater [SE] Quadrangle, Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Broadwater SW Quadrangle, Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Courthouse Rock Quadrangle, Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Dalton Quadrangle, Morrill and Cheyenne Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Fairchild Ranch Quadrangle, Morrill and Cheyenne Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Horsehead Ranch Quadrangle, Morrill and Cheyenne Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Lawrence Fork / Potter 2 NE Quadrangle, Nebraska—Banner, Morril, and Cheyenne Counties, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Lisco NW Quadrangle, Nebraska—Garden, Morrill, and Cheyenne Counties, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Mud Springs Quadrangle, Nebraska—Morrill and Cheyenne Counties, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Redington Quadrangle, Nebraska—Banner and Morrill Counties, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
River Potholes: Modern and Ancient, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Singleton Ranch Quadrangle, Nebraska—Banner, Kimball, and Cheyenne Counties, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Frugivorous and animalivorous bats (Microchiroptera): dental and cranial adaptations, Patricia W. Freeman
A new Late Miocene herpetofauna from Franklin County, Nebraska, R. M. Joeckel
Diet, Parasitism, and Anemia in the Prehistoric Southwest, Karl J. Reinhard
Seasonal Variations in the Diurnal Characteristics of Heavy Hourly Precipitation across the United States, Julie A. Winkler, Brent Robert Skeeter, and Paul Yamamoto
Windbreaks and Crop Production, James R. Brandle
A Preliminary Investigation of a Relationship between South American Snow Cover and the Southern Oscillation, Randall S. Cerveny, Brent R. Skeeter, and Kenneth F. Dewey
Satellite-Derived Maps of Snow Cover Frequency for the Northern Hemisphere, Kenneth F. Dewey
Paleohydrology of Some Ogallala (Neogene) Streams in the Southern Panhandle of Nebraska, R. G. Goodwin and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.