Geology and Ground Water, Garden County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of Rock Creek Station State Historical Park, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Satellite-Based Adjustments for the Urban Heat Island Temperature Bias, Kevin P. Gallo and Timothy W. Owen
Temperature Trends of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network Based on Satellite-Designated Land Use/Land Cover, Kevin P. Gallo, Timothy W. Owen, David R. Easterling, and Paul F. Jamason
The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Electronic Communication Project, D. C. Gosselin, R. Feurer, S. Frack, A. Musson, L. Mayo, C. Karel, E. Schaefer, C. Snyder, J. Sarchett, and M. L. Alfieri
The Relative Importance of Patch Area and Perimeter–Area Ratio to Grassland Breeding Birds, Christopher J. Helzer and Dennis E. Jelinski
A Revised Measurement Methodology for Conifer Needles Spectral Optical Properties: Evaluating the Influence of Gaps between Elements, Mark A. Mesarch, Elizabeth Walter-Shea, Gregory P. Asner, Elizabeth M. Middleton, and Stephen Chan
Global rural temperature trends, Thomas C. Peterson, Kevin P. Gallo, Jay Lawrimore, Timothy W. Owen, Alex Huang, and David A. McKittrick
Filter strip performance and processes for different vegetation, widths, and contaminants, T. J. Schmitt, M. G. Dosskey, and K. D. Hoagland
Iron-Mediated Remediation of RDX-Contaminated Water and Soil under Controlled Eh/pH, J. Singh, Steven Comfort, and Patrick Shea
NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE: The Effects of Data Gaps on the Calculated Monthly Mean Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in the Continental United States: A Spatial and Temporal Study, David E. Stooksbury, Craig D. Idso, and Kenneth G. Hubbard
Streamflow depletion investigations in the Republican River basin: Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas, Jozsef Szilagyi
An objective method for determining principal time scales of coherent eddy structures using orthonormal wavelets, Jozsef Szilagyi, Marc B. Parlange, Gabriel G. Katul, and John D. Albertson
A Geomorphology-based Semi-distributed Watershed Model, J. Szilagyi and M. B. Parlange
Human Dental Microwear Caused by Calcium Oxalate Phytoliths in Prehistoric Diet of the Lower Pecos Region, Texas, Dennis Danielson and Karl Reinhard
Mummies and mummification practices in the southern and southwestern United States, Mahmoud Y. El-Najjar, Thomas M. J. Mulinski, and Karl Reinhard
Amphibians and Reptiles [of the Sand Hills], Patricia W. Freeman
Form, Function, and Evolution in Skulls and Teeth of Bats, Patricia W. Freeman
Mammals [of the Sand Hills], Patricia W. Freeman
Recent Northern Records of the Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypodidae) in Nebraska, Patricia W. Freeman and Hugh H. Genoways
Relationship between ecosystem productivity and photosynthetically active radiation for northern peatlands, S. E. Frolkin, J.L. Bubier, T.R. Moore, T. Ball, L.M. Bellisario, A. Bhardwaj, P. Carroll, P.M. Crill, Peter M. Lafleur, J.H. McCaughey, N.T. Roulet, A. E. Suyker, S.B. Verma, J.M. Waddington, and G.J. Whiting
Assessment of Urban Heat Islands: A Multi-Sensor Perspective for the Dallas-Ft. Worth, USA Region, Kevin P. Gallo and Timothy W. Owen
Using AVHRR Data for Quantitative Estimation of Vegetation Conditions: Calibration and Validation, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Felix Kogan, E. Zakarin, L. Spivak, and L. Lebed
Unique frontal sinuses in fossil and living Hyaenidae (Mammalia, Carnivora): Description and interpretation, R.M. Joeckel
Antelope County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 2, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Frank A. Smith, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Holt County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 45, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Frank A. Smith, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Climatology of the daily temperature range annual cycle in the United States, Daniel J. Leathers, Michael A. Palecki, David A. Robinson, and Kenneth F. Dewey
Air temperature variations and rice productivity in Bangladesh: A comparative study of the performance of the YIELD and the CERES-Rice models, Rezaul Mahmood
Distribution and Derivation of Mallard Band Recoveries from the Upper Mississippi River, 1961-1989, Larkin A. Powell and GENE ALLEN KLAASEN
EFFECTS OF RADIO TRANSMITTERS ON MIGRATING WOOD THRUSHES, Larkin A. Powell, David Krementz, Jason Lang, and Michael J. Conroy
New investigative techniques [in Mummies, Disease & Ancient Cultures], Theodore A. Reyman, Henrick Nielsen, Ingolf Thuesen, Derek N. H. Notman, Karl Reinhard, Edmund Tapp, and Tony Waldron
Windbreak Renovation, Craig Stange, Jon Wilson, James R. Brandle, and Mike Kuhns
Optical Properties of Canopy Elements in Black Spruce, Jack Pine and Aspen Stands in Saskatchewan, Canada, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea and Mark A. Mesarch
Geology and Ground Water, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of the Ponca Creek and Keya Paha River Drainage Basins in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Ecological Water Treatment System for Removal of Phosphorus and Nitrogen from Polluted Water, Ray W. Drenner, Donald J. Day, Stacy J. Basham, J. Durward Smith, and Susan I. Jensen
Survey of Mollusks of the Niobrara River: Final Report, Patricia W. Freeman and Keith Perkins
Puncturing Ability of Bat Canine Teeth: The Tip, Patricia W. Freeman and William N. Weins
Twenty-Five Years of the Shadle Fellowship, Hugh H. Genoways and Patricia W. Freeman
Diet of a Relict Population of the Eastern Woodrat in Nebraska, Hugh H. Genoways, Patricia W. Freeman, and Mary K. Clausen
Monitoring of Polluted Water Bodies by Remote Sensing, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Robert Stark, Gideon Oron, and Inka Dor
Domestic Well Water Quality in Rural Nebraska: Focus on Nitrate-Nitrogen, Pesticides and Coliform Bacteria, D. C. Gosselin, J. Headrick, R. Tremblay, X. H. Chen, and S. E. Summerside
SEM Analysis of Quartz Sand Grain Surface Textures Indicates Alluvial/Colluvial Origin of the Quaternary "Glacial" Boulder Clays at Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), East-Central China, P. E. Helland, Pei-Hua Huang, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Coyote Food Habits at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska, Jeffrey J. Huebschman, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Joseph A. Gubanyi
Internal Anatomy of the Snout and Paranasal Sinuses of Hyaenodon (Mammalia, Creodonta), R. M. Joeckel, H.W. Bond, and G.W. Kabalka
Impacts of air temperature variations on the boro rice phenology in Bangladesh: implications for irrigation requirements, Rezaul Mahmood
Late Holocene Eolian Activity in the Mineralogically Mature Nebraska Sand Hills, Daniel R. Muhs, Thomas W. Stafford Jr., James B. Swinehart, Scott D. Cowherd, Shannon A. Mahan, Charles A. Bush, Richard F. Madole, and Paula B. Maat
The impact of using area-averaged land surface properties -topography, vegetation condition, soil wetness-in calculations of intermediate scale (approximately 10 km2) surface-atmosphere heat and moisture fluxes, Piers Sellers, Mark Heiser, Forrest Hall, Shashi Verma, Raymond Desjardins, Peter Schuepp, and Ian MacPherson
Geologic Map of the Scottsbluff, 1 ° x 2 ° Quadrangle, Nebraska and Colorado, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Water-Balance Modeling in a Changing Environment: Reductions in Unconfined Aquifer Levels in the Area Between the Danube and Tisza Rivers in Hungary, Jozsef Szilagyi and Charles Vorosmarty
Spectral Information Content of the Boreal Forest, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea
Analytical Perspectives on a Protohistoric Cache of Ceramic Jars from the Lower Colorado Desert, James M. Bayman, Richard H. Hevly, Boma Johnson, Karl J. Reinhard, and Richard Ryan
Prairie Legacies - Mammals, Russell A. Benedict, Patricia W. Freeman, and Hugh H. Genoways
Eumops perotis, Troy L. Best, W. Mark Kiser, and Patricia W. Freeman
Windbreaks for Snow Management, James R. Brandle and H. Doak Nickerson
Reproductive Success of Grasshopper Sparrows in Relation to Edge, Jennifer M. DeLisle and Julie A. Savidge
Geology Beneath the Primary Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site Southwest of Shelton, Buffalo County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Frank A. Smith
Improving the validation of model-simulated crop yield response to climate change: an application to the EPIC model* Jour. Ser. No. 11339 Nebraska Ag. Res. Div., William E. Easterling; Xiafen Chen; Cynthia Hays; James R, Brandle; and Hehui Zang
The Influence of Land Use/Land Cover on Climatological Values of the Diurnal Temperature Range, Kevin P. Gallo, David R. Easterling, and Thomas C. Peterson
A Recent Record of Mountain Lion in Nebraska, Hugh H. Genoways and Patricia W. Freeman
Estimation of Seasonal Dynamics of Pasture and Crop Productivity in Kazakhstan Using NOAA/AVHRR Data, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Felix Kogan, Lev Spivak, Edige Zakarin, and Lubov Lebed
Novel Algorithms for Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll Content in Higher Plant Leaves, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Mark N. Merzlyak, and Yuri Grits
Scale issues in soil moisture modelling: problems and prospects, Rezaul Mahmood
Notes on Bats from Montserrat (Lesser Antilles) with Comments Concerning the Effects of Hurricane Hugo, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, and Patricia W. Freeman
WOOD THRUSH NESTLINGS FED FRUIT BY SINGLE PARENT, Larkin A. Powell, Kathleen Rangen, and Jason Lang
Mammals of the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone, Andrew Smith and Donald A. Smith
Windbreak Management, Craig Stange
The local effect of intermittency on the inertial subrange energy spectrum of the atmospheric surface layer, Jozsef Szilagyi, Gabriel G. Katul, Marc B. Parlange, John D. Albertson, and Anthony T. Cahill
Surface Exchange of Water Vapour Between An Open Sphagnum Fen and the Atmosphere, S. B. Verma
Conifer Shoot Bidirectional Scattering: Methodology and Preliminary Results, E.A. Walter-Shea and M.A. Mesarch
A model to evaluate windbreak protection efficiency, James R. Brandle
The Economic Impact of Field Shelterbelts in the Northern Great Plains, James R. Brandle
Windbreak Shelter as a Function of Wind Direction, James R. Brandle
Geology of the Ogallala/High Plains Regional Aquifer System in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of the Ogallala/High Plains Regional Aquifer System in Nebraska: Field Trip No. 6, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Nectarivorous feeding mechanisms in bats, Patricia W. Freeman
Reflectance in the Red and Near Infra-Red Ranges of the Spectrum as Tool for Remote Chlorophyll Estimation in Inland Waters: Lake Kinneret Case Study, Anatoly A. Gitelson and Yosef Z. Yacobi
The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Initiative, D. C. Gosselin, D. R. Mohlman, F. V. Belohlavy, A. M. Matherne, and J. L. Wright
Toward an Integrated Regional Research Program on Global Change and the Nation's Major Grasslands: Second Annual Report, Great Plains Regional Center-NIGEC
Effects of bromide and iodide on stalk secretion in the biofouling diatom Achnanthes longipes (Bacillariophyceae), Kyle D. Hoagland, Lisa M. Johnson, and Michael R. Gretz
Water Runoff Monitoring in Arid Areas Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, G. G. Lemoine, Anatoly A. Gitelson, E. Adar, and J. G.M. Bakker
Seasonal Land-Cover Regions of the United States, Thomas R. Loveland, James W. Merchant, Jesslyn F. Brown, Donald O. Ohlen, Bradley C. Reed, Paul Olson, and John Hutchinson
Cluster Analysis of the Coprolites from Antelope House: Implications for Anasazi Diet and Cuisine, Mark Q. Sutton and Karl Reinhard
Geologic Map of Morrill County, Nebraska, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Remote sensing of chlorophyll in Lake Kinneret using highspectral- resolution radiometer and Landsat TM: spectral features of reflectance and algorithm development, Yosef Z. Yacobi, Anatoly Giltelson, and Meir Mayo
Family Odontophoridae (New World Quails), John P. Carroll
Geomorphic and Structural Features of the Alliance 1º × 2º Quadrangle, Western Nebraska, Discernible from Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Maps, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Environments of Aeolian Deposition in South-Central Nebraska During the Last Glacial Maximum, Zhao-Dong Feng, William C. Johnson, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Water-Nymphs of the Platte, Patricia W. Freeman and Keith Perkins
Quantifying the Tooth-Food Interface with Finite-Element Analysis and Photoelasticity, Patricia W. Freeman and W. N. Weijs
Semi-Annual Progress Report fo the Period of May 1, 1994 to October 31, 1994 (HPCC Report 94-6), Kenneth G. Hubbard, Steven J. Meyer, and David E. Stooksbury
Low-Frequency Oscillations in Radiative-Convective Systems, Part II: An Idealized Model, Qi Hu and David A. Randall
Size distribution and scattering phase function of aerosol particles retrieved from sky brightness measurements, Y. J. Kaufman, A. A. Gitelson, A. Karnieli, E. Ganor, R. S. Fraser, T. Nakajima, S. Mattoo, and B. N. Holben
Otitis Media, Mastoiditis, and Infracranial Lesions In Two Plains Indian Children, Robert W. Mann, Douglas W. Owsley, and Karl J. Reinhard