A Climatology of Mean Monthly Snowfall for the Conterminous United States: Temporal and Spatial Patterns, John A. Harrington Jr., Randall S. Cerveny, and Kenneth F. Dewey
A Demonstration and Evaluation of the Use of Climate Information to Support Irrigation Scheduling and other Agricultural Operations (CAMaC Progress Report 87-4), K. G. Hubbard, D. A. Wilhite, S. J. Meyer, J. Booysen, R. Sagar, J. J. Schmidt, and J. R. Hines
Paleogeomorphic Significance of Two Paleosols in the Dakota Formation (Cretaceous), Southeastern Nebraska, R. M. Joeckel
Helminth Remains from Prehistoric Indian Coprolites on the Colorado Plateau, Karl J. Reinhard, Richard H. Hevly, and Glenn A. Anderson
Duer Ranch, Morrill County, Nebraska: Contrast between Cenozoic Fluvial and Eolian Deposition, James B. Swinehart and R. F. Diffendal Jr.
Drought in the Great Plains: a Bibliography (CAMaC Progress Report 87-5), Donald A. Wilhite and Deborah A. Wood
Characterizing Corn Hybrid Moisture Stress Sensitivity Using Canopy Temperature Measurements, B. L. Blad
Publications for the Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology 1976-1986 (CAMaC Special Report 86-1), B. L. Blad, K. G. Hubbard, R. E. Neild, N. J. Rosenberg, S. B. Verma, A. Weiss, D. A. Wilhite, M. H. Glantz, J. M. Norman, L. Hahn, and D. C. Rundquist
Habitat Selection and Movement Patterns in Sandhills Rodents, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Interference competition in a heteromyid community in the Great Basin of Nevada, USA, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Grain Sorghum, S. B. Verma
Respiratory Release of CO2 in Alfalfa and Soybean under Field Conditions, S. B. Verma
Overview of Nebraska and the Regional Aquifer from Proceedings of the 1985 Water Resources Seminar Series, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Inapplicability of the Concept of the "Sidney Gravel" to the Ogallala Group (Late Tertiary) in Part of Southern Banner County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
New Evidence Supporting the Blancan Age of the Sand and Gravel Sequence Capping the Ash Hollow Formation, Garden, Keith, and Lincoln Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., James W. Goeke, and Michael R. Voorhies
Keith County, Nebraska, Map Series, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Mark S. Kuzila, J. R. Culver, Harold M. DeGraw, R. R. Burchett, M. P. Carlson, T. Eversoll, William D. Gosnold, and Nebraska Geological Survey
Characteristics, Age Relationships, and Regional Importance of Some Cenozoic Paleovalleys, Southern Nebraska Panhandle, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., James B. Swinehart, and J. J. Gottula
Manual: Measurement of Evapotranspiration by the Bowen Ratio Energy Balance Method, Joon Kim and Shashi Verma
Tracking Mammals with Fluorescent Pigments: A New Technique, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Cenozoic Paleogeography of Western Nebraska, James B. Swinehart, Vernon F. Souders, Harold M. DeGraw, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Oligocene to Middle Miocene (White River and Arikaree Groups) Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of Western Nebraska, James B. Swinehart, Vernon F. Souders, H. M. DeGraw, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Middle Miocene to Recent Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of Western Nebraska, James B. Swinehart, Vernon L. Souders, H. M. DeGraw, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Contrasts Among Bidirectional Reflectance of Leaves, Canopies, and Soils, Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea
Selection Criteria for Drought Resistance, James R. Brandle
Armored Mud Balls and Friable Sand Megaclasts from a Complex Early Pleistoceme Alluvial Fill, Southwestern Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Comments on the Geologic History of the Ogallala Formation in the Southern Panhandle of Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Evidence for Quaternary Piracy of Pumpkin Creek, South-Central Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Further Comments on the Nature and Developmental History of Quaternary Pumpkin Creek, Banner, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Functional Cranial Analysis of Large Animalivorous Bats (Microchiroptera), Patricia W. Freeman
The Effects of Mowing on the Rodent Community of a Native Tall Grass Prairie in Eastern Nebraska, Cliff A. Lemen and Mary K. Clausen
THE GENUS: A MACROEVOLUTIONARY PROBLEM, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Cenozoic Geology of the Southern Nebraska Panhandle: Old Valleys, Volcaniclastics, and Vertebrates: 1984 Fall Field Trip, Nebraska Geological Society, James B. Swinehart, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Mary Rebone, and Robert Hunt
Kolmogorov Constants for CO2, Wind Velocity, Air Temperature, and Humidity Fluctuations Over a Crop Surface, S. B. Verma
Partitioning Solar Radiation into Direct and Diffuse, Visible and Near-Infrared Components, A. Weiss
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Long-Term Normal Percent Possible Solar Radiation Levels in the United States, Robert C. Balling and Randall S. Cerveny
An Irvingtonian Fauna from the Oldest Quaternary Alluvium in Eastern Pumpkin Creek Valley, Morrill and Banner Counties, Nebraska, R. George Corner and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Megaclasts in Alluvial Fills from the Ogallala Group (Miocene), Banner, Kimball, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Asymmetrical Distribution of Quaternary Alluvial Fills, Pumpkin Creek Drainage Basin, Western Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and R. George Corner
Climate Model for Winter Wheat Yield Simulation, Kenneth G. Hubbard and R.J. Hanks
Quantification of Competition among Coexisting Heteromyids in the Southwest, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
Bird Dispersal Recordings: An Overview, Robert H. Schmidt and Ron J. Johnson
A Digital Archive of Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover, November 1966 through December 1980, Kenneth F. Dewey and Richard R. Heim Jr.
Geometries and General Features of Some Cenozoic Valleys and Valley Fills, Western Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Gully, Scour Hole, and Pothole Development at the Base of the Gering Formation (Miocene?), Southeastern Banner County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Harrisburg Quadrangle, Banner County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Regional Implications of the Geology of the Ogallala Group (Upper Tertiary) of Southwestern Morrill County, Nebraska, and Adjacent Areas, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Influence of windbreak-shelter on soybean growth canopy structure, and light relations, S.N. Ogbuehi and James R. Brandle
Agricultural Meteorology in China, Norman J. Rosenberg
Teaching Vertebrate Pest Control: A Challenge to Wildlife Professionals, Robert M. Timm
Plant and Air Temperatures in Differentially-Irrigated Corn, B. L. Blad
Review of Bartlett, Great Surveys of the American West, and Schubert, Vanguard of Expansion: Army Engineers in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1819-1879, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Gravity and Ground Magnetic Investigations in Eastern Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and R. R. Burchett
Gravity and Ground Magnetic Investigations in Eastern Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and R. R. Burchett
Correspondence of Food Habits and Morphology in Insectivorous Bats, Patricia W. Freeman
Museums Are More Than Elephant Graveyards, Patricia W. Freeman
FORESTRY FOR WILDLIFE HABITAT IMPROVEMENT. Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service EC 81-1747, EC 80-1747, Frank A. Hershey and Howard L. Wiegers
Elm trees and elm leaf beetles: patterns of herbivory, Cliff A. Lemen
A test of macroevolutionary problems with neontological data, Cliff A. Lemen and Patricia W. Freeman
A Comparison of Reproductive Strategies among Marine Snakes, Cliff A. Lemen and Harold K. Voris
A New Species of Rhynchomys (Muridae) from the Philippines, Guy G. Musser and Patricia W. Freeman
Influence of windbreak-shelter on soybean production under rainfed conditions, S.N. Ogbuehi and James R. Brandle
Influence of Windbreak-shelter on soybean production under rainfed conditions, S.N. Ogbuehi and James R. Brandle
Limitations in the use of leaf dry weight and leaf number for predicting leaf area of soybeans, S.N. Ogbuehi and J.R. Brandle
Geology of Lake McConaughy Area, Keith County, Nebraska, Roger K. Pabian, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Frankie Gould
Mass and Energy Exchanges of a Soybean Canopy Under Various Environmental Regimes, S. B. Verma
Regional Tectonics and Seismicity of Eastern Nebraska, Annual Report July 1980 - June 1981, R. R. Burchett
Ash Hollow Historical Park, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Rush Creek – Lisco Structural Basin, Garden and Morrill Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Allocation of Reproductive Effort to the Male and Female Strategies in Wind-Pollinated Plants, Cliff A. Lemen
Relationship Between Relative Brain Size and Climbing Ability in Peromyscus, Cliff A. Lemen
Reflectorized soybean canopy in relation to transpiration and herbicide phytotoxicity, S.N. Ogbuehi, J.R.C. Leavitt, and James R. Brandle
Regional Tectonics and Seismicity of Eastern Nebraska, R. R. Burchett
Lake Erie Induced Mesosystems- An Operational Forecast Model, Kenneth F. Dewey
An Objective Forecast Method Developed for Lake Ontario Induced Snowfall Systems, K. F. Dewey
An Objective Forecast Method Developed for Lake Ontario Induced Snowfall Systems, K. F. Dewey
A Gering Formation (Miocene) Pumice Conglomerate and Associated Beds from Broadwater, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Broadwater NE Quadrangle, Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Broadwater NW Quadrangle, Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Redescription and Comparison of a Highly Fossorial Mole, Domninoides mimicus (Insectivora, Talpidae), from the Clarendonian, Patricia W. Freeman
Specialized Insectivory: Beetle-Eatinga nd Moth-Eating Molossid Bats, Patricia W. Freeman
Turbulence Under Conditions of Sensible Heat Advection, R. P. Motha, S. B. Verma, and N. J. Rosenberg
The States and Natural Hazards, The Council of State Governments and Robert Kuzelka
Exchange Coefficients Under Sensible Heat Advection Determined by Eddy Correlation, S. B. Verma
Aerial and Crop Resistances Affecting Energy Transport, S. B. Verma and B. J. Barfield
Local and Regional Components of Sensible Heat Advection, Thomas W. Brakke, Shashi B. Verma, and Norman J. Rosenberg
Shelter effects on growth and yield of corn - Nebraska, U.S.A., James R. Brandle
Brule SE Quadrangle, Keith and Perkins Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Brule (SW) Quadrangle, Keith and Perkins Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Glinn Ranch Quadrangle, Keith County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Green Ranch Quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Hershey West Quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Martin Quadrangle, Nebraska—Keith County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Maxwell Quadrangle, Nebraska—Lincoln County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Nevens Quadrangle, Nebraska—Keith County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.