Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission: White Papers, Conference Presentations, and Manuscripts
Wildcat Hills Rare Plant Survey Final Report, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Ponca State Park Vascular Plant Species List, Robert F. Steinauer
A Description of the Grassland Communities of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska Including Scotts Bluff National Monument and Rare Plant Survey of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska, Volume I, Terri Hildebrand and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
A Description of the Grassland Communities of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska Including Scotts Bluff National Monument and Rare Plant Survey of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska, Volume II, Terri Hildebrand and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Vegetative Sampling of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska including Scotts Bluff National Monument and Rare Plant Survey of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska, A Final Report to: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Terri Hildebrand and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Freshwater and Saline Flood Plain Wetlands of the North Platte River - Sources and Seasonal Dynamics: Kiowa Wildlife Management Area, Morrill, NE, Anne M. Matherne
Willa Cather Ecological Prairie: An Ecological Overview, Harold G. Nagel
The Flora and Plant Communities of the Ceresco Saline Basins, Southern Saunders County, Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
The Flora of Meadowlark Prairie, Northeastern Seward County, Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
The Flora of the Oak-Wooded Drainages at the Timber Point Area, Southeastern Butler County, Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
The Flora of Two Oak Drainages at the Red Cedar Area, Southwestern Saunders County, Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
The Vascular Plants of the Woodlands of South Table Creek in the Vicinity of the National Arbor Day Center, Nebraska City, Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Evaluation of Native Plant Communities on Nebraska Game and Parks Commission State Parks, Robert F. Steinauer
The Nebraska Stream Surveys--The Photographs: Nebraska Streams Photographed During Raymond Johnson's Statewide Stream Fishery Survey (1939-41) and How They Look Now, 78 Years Later., Steven C. Schainost
The Nebraska Stream Fishery Surveys: Being a Comparison of the First Statewide Collections of Raymond Johnson (1939-1941) with a Recent Resurvey (2003-2005), Steven C. Schainost and Edward J. Peters
A Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of Nebraska, Steven C. Schainost
The Crayfish of Nebraska, Steven C. Schainost
2016 Bryophyte and Rare Vascular Plant Surveys in Western Nebraska, Robert F. Steinauer
Smith Falls State Park Forest Enhancement Project for Aspen, Mike Groenewold
Range Maps for the Terrestrial Natural Communities of Nebraska, Steven B. Rolfsmeier, Gerry Steinauer, and Rachel Simpson
Habitat Assessment for Nebraska's At-risk Species: Descriptions of Species Models used in the CHAT (Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool) Species of Concern Data Layer, Rachel Simpson and Rick Schneider
Range Maps for Nebraska's Threatened and Endangered Species, Nebraska Natural Heritage Program
2013 Keya Paha Biological Unique Landscape Ecological Evaluation, Robert F. Steinauer
2011 Deer Creek Ranch Wetland Vegetation Survey, Robert F. Steinauer
Wetland Management Guidelines for Nebraska's Wildlife Management Areas, Ted LaGrange and Randy Stutheit
Native Forest and Woodland Management Guidelines for Nebraska's Wildlife Management Areas, Gerry Steinauer
Native Grassland Management Guidelines for Nebraska's Wildlife Management Areas, Gerry Steinauer, Kent Pfeiffer, and Jarren Kuipers
2009 Vascular Plant Surveys in the Central Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska, Mary Ann Feist, Paul B. Marcum, Loy R. Philippe, Brenda Molano-Flores, and Valerie Sivicek
Wetland Program Plan for Nebraska, Ted LaGrange
Terrestrial Ecological Systems and Natural Communities of Nebraska - Version IV, Steven B. Rolfsmeier and Gerry Steinauer
2010 Warbonnet Ranch Botanical Survey, Robert F. Steinauer
FINAL REPORT -- Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Program: Fish Community Monitoring and Habitat Assessment of Off-channel Mitigation Sites, Van Sterner, Royce Bowman, Brandon L. Eder, Sabrina Negus, Gerald Mestl, Kasey Whiteman, Darrick Garner, Vince Travnichek, Joshua Schloesser, Joseph McMullen, and Tracy Hill
Colorado Butterfly Plant (Gaura neomexicana coloradensis) in Nebraska, Travis Wooten
A 20-year Plan for Hunter/Angler Recruitment, Development and Retention in Nebraska
Homestead National Monument of America Bur Oak Forest Restoration Plan: Reference Condition and Management Considerations, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Botanical Survey of Fuel Reduction Areas on the Pine Ridge Ranger District of the Nebraska National Forest, Steven B. Rolfsmeier and Leslie Stewart-Phelps
2007 Plant Community Survey of the Wildcat Hills Banner & Scotts Bluff Counties, Nebraska, Robert F. Steinauer
2006 Vegetation Survey of the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Robert F. Steinauer
Plant Community Field Surveys in Eastern Nebraska Project Final Report, Alicia Admiraal
Nebraska Catfish Anglers: Descriptions And Insights Derived From The 2002 Nebraska Licensed Angler Survey, Keith Hurley and Kristin Duppong-Hurley
2002 Licensed Angler Survey: Summarized Results, Keith L. Hurley and Kristin L. Duppong-Hurley
Ecology of the Missouri River: Missouri River Creel Survey, Bellevue Bridge to Camp Creek, 3 April through 29 May 2004, Gerald Mestl
2004 Plant Community Field Surveys in Western Nebraska (Final Report), Robert F. Steinauer
2005 Plant Community Field Surveys in Western Nebraska, Robert F. Steinauer
Vascular Plant Surveys of the Winnebago and Omaha Indian Reservations, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Terrestrial Natural Communities of Nebraska (Version III - June 30, 2005), Gerry Steinauer and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
A Guide to Prairie and Wetland Restoration in Eastern Nebraska, Gerry Steinauer, Bill Whitney, Krista Adams, Mike Bullerman, and Chris Helzer
2003 Survey of Priority Natural Communities in Jefferson County, Nebraska, Robert F. Steinauer
Rapid Ecological Assessment of the Northern Mixedgrass Prairie Ecoregion (Nebraska Portion), Gerry Steinauer
Nebraska and South Dakota 2000 Missouri River Recreational Use Survey: Supplement II, Nebraska and South Dakota 2000 Missouri River Recreational Use Survey, Fort Randall tailwater to Big Sioux River, Gerald Mestl, Gerald Wickstrom, and Clifton Stone
Inventory of Parks Division Lands for Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats and Exemplary Natural Communities, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Conservation in a Highly Fragmented Landscape: The Central Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregional Conservation Plan, The Central Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion Planning Team
Terrestrial Natural Communities of Nebraska - Version II, Gerry Steinauer and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Horse Creek Fen, Birdwood Creek and Kelly Ranch Inventory, Robert F. Steinauer
1999 Nebraska Central Mixedgrass Prairie Rapid Ecological Assessment, Mike Bullerman
Inventory of the Central Mixed-Grass Prairie Ecoregion of Kansas and Nebraska, Hillary Loring, Mike Bullerman, and Kelly Kindscher
1999 Wildlife Management Area Threatened and Endangered Species Inventory, Final Report, Robert F. Steinauer
Inventory for Endangered, Threatened and Rare Plant and Animal Species Within the Floodplain Corridor of the Middle Loup River Basin in Nebraska, Michael I. Fritz and Gerry Steinauer
1997 Inventory for Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in Western Nebraska: A Final Report, Volume I, Terri Hildebrand
1997 Inventory for Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in Western Nebraska: A Final Report, Volume II, Terri Hildebrand
Ecological Evaluation for the West Ash Creek Potential Research Natural Area, Pine Ridge Ranger Unit, Nebraska National Forest, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
1998 Southeast Nebraska Tallgrass Praire Inventory: Johnson, Gage, and Jefferson Counties, Final Report, Robert F. Steinauer
1997 Rapid Ecological Assessment Northern Great Plains Steppe Ecoregion: Western and Central South Dakota, Northwestern Nebraska, Eastern Wyoming, A Final Report, Terri Hildebrand
Terrestrial Natural Communities of Nebraska - Version I, Gerry Steinauer and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
1996 Ecological Evaluation Cunningham Creek Potential Research Natural Area, A Final Report, Terri Hildebrand
Inventory for Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plant and Animal Species Within the Floodplain Corridor of the Middle Loup River Basin, Nebraska Natural Heritage Program
A Floristic Study of the Republican River Valley in Nebraska With Emphasis on Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants, Steven J. Rothenberger
Final Report: Oglala National Grasslands Badlands Vegetational Survey, Joyce Hardy
Identification and Conservation Strategy for Sandhills Fens in Cherry County Nebraska, Gerry Steinauer
Inventory of Rare Plant Species in the Pine Ridge Area of Nebraska (Dawes and Sioux County, Nebraska), Michael I. Fritz, Joyce Philips Hardy, and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
A Implementation Plan for the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Richard A. Gersib, Kenneth F. Dinan, Jon D. Kauffeld, Michael D. Onnen, P. Joe Gabig, John E. Cornely, Gerald E. Jasmer, Joseph M. Hyland, and Kenneth J. Strom
The Nebraska Natural Heritage Program: Two Year Progress Report, Mary Clausen, Mike Fritz, and Gerry Steinauer
Species Richness Gradients of Oak Forest Plants Along the Missouri River in Nebraska and Iowa, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Native Hay Production Along a Depth-To-Water-Table Gradient in Eastern Sandhills Wet Meadows, Wheeler County, Nebraska, Jean M. Novacek
The Missouri River Channel Catfish, Eugene T. Mahoney
Physical and Chemical Limnology of Lake McConaughy, Melvin W. Taylor and Kit M. Hams
The White Perch, Marone americana (Gmelin) in Nebraska, Gene Zuerlein
Vegetative Community Descriptions for the North Platte River in Wyoming and Nebraska, Lynn Fisher
Production of Synthetic Ampholytes for Isoelectric Focusing, Kenneth A. Pearson and David W. Oates
Wood Duck Nesting Boxes, Dick Gersib
Recommendations for Management of Sharp-Tailed Grouse in the Nebraska Sandhills, Leonard H. Sisson
Vegetation Development in Relation to Age of River Stabilization Structures Along a Channelized Segment of the Missouri River, John Arthur Vaubel
Pheasant Management Recommendations, William L. Baxter
The Interspersion Index as a Technique for Evaluation of Bobwhite Quail Habitat, William L. Baxter and Carl W. Wolfe
Management of Natural Lakes in the Northern Great Plains, D. B. McCarraher
The Flathead Catfish in Unchannelized and Channelized Missouri River, Nebraska, Larry A. Morris, Ralph Langemeier, and Arthur Witt Jr.
Nebraska Trappers' Guide: A Handbook on the Taking of Muskrat, Mink, Beaver, and Coyote and the Handling of Pelts, Edson Fichter and George Hytrek
The Effects of Channelization in the Missouri River on Fish and Fish-Food Organisms, Earl R. Kendle