Papers collected from the Conference on PreColumbian Textiles VIII, organized by Serge LeMaitre and held at the Museum of Art and History in Brussels, Belgium March 18-22, 2019. These papers represent a considerable number of those presented orally in Brussels. Subsequently, a new version of each text and its images has been submitted for publication, sent for peer review and then revised by the author(s). As text editors and coordinators of this publication, our goal has been to facilitate each author’s project and the recognition due to all persons and institutions involved.

The 22 articles in this volume represent a large variety of themes. While a majority analyzes archaeological textiles, a significant group addresses ethnographical textiles. The essays cover areas of the Andean highlands, the Peruvian desert coast, the Gran Chaco in Argentina and also Mesoamerica, up to northern Mexico. A number of the articles describe museum collections – either to characterize textiles from a particular site or region, or to review a collection’s history. Some present excavation data, analysis of colorants or conservation processes, while others explore the worldview of historic or PreColumbian peoples through textile analysis.




PreColumbian Textile Conference VIII / Jornadas de Textiles PreColombinos VIII, Lena Bjerregaard and Ann H. Peters


Frontmatter for PreColumbian Textile Conference VIII / Jornadas de Textiles PreColombinos VIII, Lena Bjerregaard and Ann H. Peters


Recontextualizando el patrimonio arqueológico: los textiles paracas descubiertos por Engel en Cabezas Largas, Jessica Lévy Contreras


Two-headed serpents and rayed heads: Precedents and reinterpretations in Paracas Necropolis imagery, Ann H. Peters


Representaciones textiles en los iconos de la litoescultura Tiwanaku: distribución y significado / Textile representations in the iconography of the Tiwanaku lithic sculpture: distribution and meaning, Carolina Aguero and Arturo Martínez


Middle Horizon textiles from Chimu Capac, Supe Valley, Peru, Amy Oakland


Una prenda triangular con plumas en la colección del Museo de sitio de Pachacámac, Lourdes Chocano Mena


Las relaciones interculturales vistas a través de los textiles del Cerro La Horca, durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío y Horizonte Tardío, valle del Fortaleza – Perú, Arabel Fernández L. and Luis Valle A.


La Momia de Marburg: su recontextualización a través del ajuar y ofrenda textil, Isabel Martínez Armijo, Anna-Maria Begerock, and Mercedes González


A highland textile tradition from the far south of Peru during the period of Inka domination, Penelope Dransart


Los tocapus de Llullaillaco, Beatriz Carbonell


El tapiz colonial con tocapus del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Mónica Solórzano Gonzales


La cestería de los cazadores-recolectores, procedente de la cueva de la Candelaria, Torreón, Coahuila, México, Gloria Martha Sánchez Valenzuela, Alejandra Quintanar Isaías, and Ana Jaramillo Pérez


Signos comunes en los textiles Andinos y los Mesoamericanos, Victòria Solanilla


The pre-Columbian textile collection of the German Textile Museum Krefeld, Katalin Nagy


Ancient Peruvian textiles in the Vatican Museums and their link to the Musée du Trocadéro collections, Jean-François Genotte


Hidden in plain sight. How ‘disturbing’ features found within two Peruvian textile fragments have turned into a ‘significant guide’ for conservation, Griet Kockelkoren and Emma Damen


Life of a Peruvian art collector: Guillermo Schmidt Pizarro and the fostering of public collections of pre-Hispanic art in the first half of the 20th century, Carolina Orsini and Anna Antonini


Colorantes presentes en mochilas Ika de la colección etnográfica del Världskulturmuseet (Antiguo Museo Etnografico) en Gotemburgo, Suecia, realizada por Gustav Bolinder, Beatriz Devia and Marianne Cardale de Schrimpff


Colecciones textiles etnográficas del Gran Chaco Sudamericano del Museo Etnográfico “J. B. Ambrosetti” y el estudio de su materialidad: un desafío a la mirada occidental sobre los otros no-occidentales, Mariana Alfonsina Elías


Documentando y conservando las colecciones plumarias del Museo Etnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti; Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Silvana Di Lorenzo and Silvia Manuale


Textil y territorio: sobre los tejidos intrincados de Poroma, Norte de Chuquisaca, Bolivia, Verónica Auza Aramayo


Un fundamento de la textualidad textil: los colores Tarabuco, Ricardo Cavalcanti-Schiel


Los “diseños verdaderos” en los tejidos de las mujeres cashinahuá del Alto Purús, María Elena del Solar