Measurement of the mass difference m(Ds+)–m (D+) at CDF II, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for Associated Production of Υand Vector Boson in pp̅ Collisions at √s =1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay D0→µ +µ - in pp̅ collisions at √s =1.96 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Central Pseudorapidity Gaps in Events with a Leading Antiproton at the Fermilab Tevatron p̅p Collider, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for a W1 Boson Decaying to a Top and Bottom Quark Pair in 1.8 TeV pp̅ Collisions, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for Lepton Flavor Violating Decays of a Heavy Neutral Particle in pp̅ Collisions at √s =1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for Long-Lived Charged Massive Particles in pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for the Supersymmetric Partner of the Top Quark in Dilepton Events from pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Multiscale modeling of hysteretic phenomena in magnets „(invited), Vladimir P. Antropov and Kirill D. Belashchenko

Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry study of vinylidene fluoride (70%)-trifluoroethylene (30%) copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Mengjun Bai, Matt Poulsen, A.V. Sorokin, Stephen Ducharme, C.M. Herzinger, and V.M. Fridkin

Optically Pumped Direct Extraction Electron Spin Filter System and Method of Use, Hermanus Batelaan, Benjamin B. Birdsey, Timothy J. Gay, and Brooks A. Hitt

The adsorption of orthocarborane on cobalt, L. Bernard, A. N. Caruso, Bo Xu, Bernard Doudin, and Peter A. Dowben

Magnetoresistance in boron carbide junctions, L. Bernard, J. Monson, Andrei Sokolov, Zong-Yuan Liu, C.S. Yang, Peter A. Dowben, Bermard Doudin, A. Harken, P. Welsch, and B. W. Robertson

LabView Interface for School-Network DAQ Card, Hans Berns, T. H. Burnett, Richard Gran, Graham Wheel, R. Jeffrey Wilkes, Daniel R. Claes, Jared Kite, and Gregory R. Snow

Observation of a narrow resonance of mass 2.46 GeV/c2 decaying to Ds*+ π0 and confirmation of the D*sJ (2317) state, Dave Z. Besson, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Cornell Electronic Storage Ring

Surface structure of ultrathin copolymer films of ferroelectric vinylidene fluoride (70%) with trifluoroethylene (30%) on graphite, Lei Cai, Hongwei Qu, Chenxi Lu, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, and Jiandi Zhang

Substrate Dependent Bonding of Chemisorbed 1,1’-Biphenyl-4,4’-Dimethanethiol, A. N. Caruso, R. Rajesekaran, Jody G. Redepenning, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, and Peter A. Dowben

Magnetic coupling in Co/Cr2O3/CrO2 "trilayer" films, Ruihau Cheng, A. N. Caruso, Lu Yuan, Sy_Hwang Liou, and Peter A. Dowben


Boron-Carbide and Boron Rich Rhobohedral Based Transistors and Tunnel Diodes, Peter A. Dowben

Finite-temperature spin polarization in half-metallic ferromagnets, Peter A. Dowben and Ralph Skomski

Comparison of the theoretical and experimental band structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) crystal, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, J.R. Hardy, Stephen Ducharme, Jaewu Choi, and Peter A. Dowben

Comparison of the theoretical and experimental band structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) crystal, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, J.R. Hardy, Stephen Ducharme, Jaewu Choi, and Peter A. Dowben

Theoretical study on the optical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride crystal, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Wei-Guo Yin, Jianjun Liu, J. R. Hardy, Mengjun Bai, and Stephen Ducharme

Model-Independent Quantum Approach for Intense Laser Detachment of a Weakly Bound Electron, M.V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, E.A. Pronin, and Anthony F. Starace

“Don’t Tell Me, I’ll Find Out”: Robert Karplus—A Science Education Pioneer, Robert Fuller

Dissociative electron attachment near threshold, thermal attachment rates, and vertical attachment energies of chloroalkanes, Gordon A. Gallup, Kayvan Aflatooni, and Paul Burrow

Light Storage with Light of Arbitrary Polarization, Hong Gao, Mark Rosenberry, and Herman Batelaan

Low-Cost Data Acquisition Card for School-Network Cosmic Ray Detectors, Sten Hansen, Thomas Jordan, Daniel R. Claes, Gregory R. Snow, Hans Berns, T. H. Burnett, Richard Gran, and R. Jeffrey Wilkes

Backscattering of an Intense Laser Beam by an Electron, Fei He, Y.Y. Lau, Donald P. Umstadter, and Richard Kowalczyk

Erratum: ‘‘Phase dependence of Thomson scattering in an ultraintense laser field’’ Phys. Plasmas 9, 4325 [2002], Fei He, Y. Y. Lau, Donald P. Umstadter, and Trevor Strickler

Atomic force acoustic microscopy methods to determine thin-film elastic properties, D.C. Hurley, K. Shen, N.M. Jennett, and Joseph A. Turner

Controlling H- detachment with few-cycle pulses, S. X. Hu and Anthony F. Starace

Elucidating the mechanisms of double ionization using intense half-cycle, single-cycle, and double half-cycle pulses, G. Lagmago Kamta and Anthony F. Starace

Exchange Interactions and Curie Temperature of Y–Co Compounds, Arti Kashyap, Ralph Skomski, Renat F. Sabiryanov, Sitaram Jaswal, and David J. Sellmyer

Electronic structure of ErAs(100), Takashi Komesu, Hae-Kyung Jeong, Jaewu Choi, C.N. Borca, Peter A. Dowben, A.G. Petukhov, B.D. Schultz, and C.J. Palmstrom

Nanocomposite (Nd,Dy)(Fe,Co,Nb,B) 5.5/α-Fe multilayer magnets with high performance, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, and J. Ping Liu

Structure and magnetic properties of sputtered hard/soft multilayer magnets, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, J. Ping Liu, B.Z. Cui, X.K. Sun, J. Zhou, and David J. Sellmyer

Ferromagnetic domain-wall behavior during reversal and thermally activated antiferromagnetic reversal in an exchange-biased NiO/NiFe bilayer, Z. Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Oscillatory Interlayer Exchange Coupling and Its Temperature Dependence in [Pt/Co]3/NiO/[Co/Pt]3 Multilayers with Perpendicular Anisotropy, Z. Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Angular dependence of magnetization reversal process in exchange coupled ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Closely linear temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity in out-of-plane exchange-biased [Pt/Co] 3/NiO (11 Å) multilayer, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Out-of-plane exchange coupling between epitaxial Ni(50 Å) and NiO(600 Å) bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Variation of domain formation in a 15 nm NiFe layer exchange coupled with NiO layers of different thicknesses, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla

Consideration of possible mass and velocity corrections to magnetic cluster experiments, Z.Y. Liu, Peter A. Dowben, A.P. Popov, and David P. Pappas

Static and dynamic dipole polarizability of the helium atom using wave functions involving logarithmic terms, Mauro Masili and Anthony F. Starace

Atomic, electronic, and magnetic properties of magnetic tunnel junctions, I.I. Oleynik and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal

Cole-Cole Analysis of the Superspin Glass System Co80Fe20/Al2O3, O. Petracic, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, J.B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P.P. Freitas

X-Ray Radiation from Nonlinear Thomson Scattering of an Intense Femtosecond Laser on Relativistic Electrons in a Helium Plasma, K. Ta Phuoc, A. Rousse, M. Pittman, J.P. Rousseau, Victor Malka, S. Fritzler, Donald P. Umstadter, and D. Hulin

Nanoscale polarization manipulation and conductance switching in ultrathin films of a ferroelectric copolymer, Hongwei Qu, Wei Yao, T. Garcia, Jiandi Zhang, A.V. Sorokin, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, and V.M. Fridkin

Nonvolatile memory element based on a ferroelectric polymer Langmuir-Blodgett film, Timothy J. Reece, Stephen Ducharme, A.V. Sorokin, and Matt Poulsen

Giant metamagnetic moments in a granular FeCl2-Fe heterostructure, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleemann

THE SPECTRA OF TYPE II CEPHEIDS. II. THE Hα LINE IN INTERMEDIATE-PERIOD STARS, Edward G. Schmidt, Shawn Langan, Kevin M. Lee, Dale Johnston, Peter R. Newman, and Stephanie A. Snedden

THE SPECTRA OF TYPE II CEPHEIDS. I. THE Hα LINE IN SHORT-PERIOD STARS, Edward G. Schmidt, Kevin M. Lee, Dale Johnston, Peter R. Newman, and Stephanie A. Snedden

Fundamental and Magnetic-Hardening Studies of Rare-Earth and Nanocomposite Magnets, David J. Sellmyer and George C. Hadjipanayis


Studies of magnetic properties of the stabilizing layer for synthetic antiferromagnetically coupled media, Z.S. Shan, L. Bitman, S.S. Malhotra, D. Stafford, B. Bian, and G. Bertero

Effects of rapid thermal annealing on nanostructure, texture and magnetic properties of granular FePt:Ag films for perpendicular recording (invited), Y. Shao, M.L. Yan, and David J. Sellmyer

Plasma density gratings induced by intersecting laser pulses in underdense plasmas, Z.-M. Sheng, Jiandi Zhang, and Donald Umstadter

Spin-wave modes in magnetic nanowires, Ralph Skomski, M. Chipara, and David J. Sellmyer

Exchange through nonmagnetic insulating matrix, Ralph Skomski, Arti Kashyap, Y. Quiang, and David J. Sellmyer

Finite-Temperature Anisotropy of PtCo Magnets, Ralph Skomski, Arti Kashyap, and David J. Sellmyer

Equivalence of sweep-rate and magnetic-viscosity dynamics, Ralph Skomski, Roger D. Kirby, and David J. Sellmyer

Spin structure at nanojunctions and constrictions, Ralph Skomski and David J. Sellmyer

Resonant tunneling in magnetoresistive Ni/NiO/Co nanowire junctions, Andrei Sokolov, Ildar F. Sabiryanov, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Bernard Doudin, Xingzhong Li, and Jody G. Redepenning

CoPt hard magnetic nanoparticle films synthesized by high temperature chemical reduction, Yucheng Sui, Lanping Yue, Ralph Skomski, Xingzhong Li, J. Zhou, and David J. Sellmyer

Resonant Inversion of Tunneling Magnetoresistance, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Andrei Sokolov, Ildar F. Sabiryanov, and Bernard Doudin

Relativistic laser–plasma interactions, Donald Umstadter

Kinetics of ferroelectric switching in ultrathin films, G. Vizdrik, Stephen Ducharme, V.M. Fridkin, and S.G. Yudin

Curie–Weiss analysis of ferromagnetic and glassy transitions in nanostructured GdAl2, D. Williams, P. M. Shand, C. Stark, T. Pekarek, R. Brown, Lanping Yue, and Diandra Leslie-Pelecky

Magnetic transitions in disordered GdAl2, D. S. Williams, Paul M. Shand, Thomas M. Pekarek, Ralph Skomski, Valeri G. Petkov, and Diandra Leslie-Pelecky

Magnetic properties of L10 FePt and FePt:Ag nanocluster films, Yinfan Xu, Zhiguang Sun, Y. Qiang, and David J. Sellmyer

Elastic wave propagation and scattering in solids with uniaxially aligned cracks, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner

Scattering of elastic waves in damaged media, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner

Fabrication of nonepitaxially grown double-layered FePt:C/FeCoNi thin films for perpendicular recording, M.L. Yan, Xingzhong Li, L. Gao, Sy_Hwang Liou, David J. Sellmyer, R.J.M van de Veerdonk, and K.W. Wierman

Highly oriented nonepitaxially grown L10 FePt films, M.L. Yan, Nathan D. Powers, and David J. Sellmyer

Magnetotransport properties of CrO2 films down to single-grain sizes, Lu Yuan, Y. Ovchenkov, Andrei Sokolov, C.-S. Yang, Bernard Doudin, and Sy_Hwang Liou

Criss-crossing Laser Beams Zoom Electrons Along, P. Zhang, N. Saleh, Shouyuan Chen, Z.M. Sheng, and Donald P. Umstadter

Laser-Energy Transfer and Enhancement of Plasma Waves and Electron Beams by Interfering High-Intensity Laser Pulses, P. Zhang, N. Saleh, Shouyuan Chen, Z.M. Sheng, and Donald P. Umstadter

Recording characteristics of perpendicular magnetic media with CoZrNb, NiFeNb, and exchange-pinned NiFeNb soft magnetic underlayers, Min Zheng, Albert Chekanov, Geon Choe, Kenneth E. Johnson, Lan Gao, and Sy_Hwang Liou

Magnetic hysteresis of mechanically alloyed Sm–Co nanocrystalline powders, J. Zhou, Ralph Skomski, and David J. Sellmyer

Spin blockade in ferromagnetic nanocontacts, M. Ye Zhuralev, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Sitaram Jaswal, A.V. Vedyayev, and B. Dieny


Direct measurement of the W boson decay width, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Direct Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in Decays of Top Quarks, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Improved W boson mass measurement with the DØ detector, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Search for Leptoquark Pairs Decaying into νν + jets in pp̅ Collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Search for minimal supergravity in single-electron events with jets and large missing transverse energy in pp̅ collisions at √s =1.8 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Search for R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry in Two-Muon and Four-Jet Topologies, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Search for the Production of Single Sleptons through R-Parity Violation in pp̅ Collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Subjet multiplicity of gluon and quark jets reconstructed with the k algorithm in pp̅ collisions, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and D0 Collaboration

Search for the Scalar Top Quark in pp̅ Collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Gregory R. Snow, and DO Collaboration

Search for radiative b,-hadron decays in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Diffractive Dijet Production at √s= 630 and 1800 GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Measurement of B-meson lifetimes using fully reconstructed B decays produced, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Search for New Physics in Photon-Lepton Events in pp̅ Collisions at √s= 1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Study of the heavy flavor content of jets produced in association with W bosons in pp̅ collisions at √s =1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Branching ratio measurements of exclusive B+ decays to charmonium with the Collider Detector at Fermilab, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Cross section for forward J/ψ production in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Limits on Extra Dimensions and New Particle Production in the Exclusive Photon, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration

Measurement of the B+ total cross section and B+ differential cross section dσ/dpT in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV, Darin Acosta, Kenneth A. Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration