Content Posted in 2013
102 Species Seen during Fall Field Trip, September 18-20, 1992, Scott Purdy
10. Appraisal: The Teachers' Perspective, Peg Shafer
10. Establishing Passing Standards, Craig N. Mills
10. Guidelines for Computer Testing, Bert F. Green
11. Equating, Judy A. Shea and John J. Norcini
11. The Assessment of Teacher Assessment: Concluding Thoughts and Some Lingering Questions, James V. Mitchell Jr.
125 Species Seen during Annual Spring Meeting, May 155-17, 1992, Scott Purdy
12. Computerized Testing In Licensure, C. David Vale
13. Future Psychometric Practices In Licensure Testing, Steven S. Nettles
1978 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1979 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1979 (Twenty-Second) Fall Occurrence Report
1980 (Fifty-Fifth) Spring Migration and Occurrence Report
1980 (Twenty-Third) Fall Occurrence Report
1981 Bald Eagle Count, George W. Brown
1981 (Fifty-Sixth) Spring Migration and Occurrence Report
1981 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1981 (Twenty-Fourth) Fall Occurrence Report
1982 (Fifty-Seventh) Spring Occurrence Report
1986 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1987 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1987 (Thirtieth) Fall Occurrence Report
1988 Nebraska Nesting Report, Esther V. Bennett
1988 (Thirty-First) Fall Occurrence Report
1989 Nebraska Nesting Report, Esther V. Bennett
1989 (Sixty-Fourth) Spring Occurrence Report
1990 Fall Field Days (December 1990)
1990 (Sixty-Fifth) Spring Occurrence Report
1991 Fall Occurrence Report, Ray Korpi
1991 (Fourth) Report of the NOU Records Committee
1991 National Wildlife Federaton Eagle Survey Results
1991 Nebraska Christmas Bird Count
1991 Treasurer's Report, Alice Kenitz
1993 Midwinter Survey of Bald and Golden Eagles in Nebraska
1993 Nebraska Christmas Bird Count, R. G. Cortelyou
1993 Treasurer's Report, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union, Inc., Colleen Babcock
1995 (Seventh) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joseph A. Gubanyi
1997 (9th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Mark A. Brogie
1998 Index in Nebraska Bird Review (December 1998)
1999-2000 Nebraska Nesting Report, Wayne Mollhoff
1999 (Eleventh) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joel G. Jorgensen
1. Computer-Assisted Personal ity Test Interpretation: The Dawn of Discovery, Douglas N. Jackson
1. Costs of Curating Archeological Collections: A study of repository fees in 2002 and 1997/98, S. Terry Childs and Karolyn Kinsey
1. Curriculum-Based Measurement, Stanley L. Deno
1. Face Validity: Siren Song for Teacher Testers, W. James Popham
1. Introduction: The Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Testing, Royce R. Ronning, Jane C. Conoley, and John G. Glover
1. Measurement Beyond the Individual, Charles F. Halverson
1. What is Licensure, Kara Schmitt
2001 (13th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joel G. Jorgensen
2001-2002 Christmas Bird Counts
2002 (12th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joel G. Jorgensen
2003 (15th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Mark A. Brogie
2003 Christmas Bird Counts in Nebraska
2005-06 Christmas Bird Counts in Nebraska
2005 (17th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Mark A. Brogie
2008 KSU INSORTMIL/USAID Poultry Experiment in West Africa, S. Issa and J. D. Hancock
2011 Montana Wolf Pack Locations
2012 Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Monitoring, Research, Management, and Outreach Report for the Lower Platte River, Nebraska, Mary B. Brown, Joel G. Jorgensen, and Lauren R. Dinan
2013 Beef Cattle Report (Whole Report)
2013 Nebraska Crop Budgets, Roger K. Wilson
23. Archeology and Civic Engagement, Barbara J. Little and Nathaniel Amdur-Clark
2. A Review of Curriculum-Based Procedures on Nine Assessment Components, Gerald Tindal
2. Families As The Focus Of Assessment: Theoretical And Practical Issues, Cindy I. Carlson
2. Legal And Professional Bases For Licensure Testing, William A. Mehrens
2. Psychodiagnostic Computing: From Interpretive Programs to Expert Systems, Marley W. Watkins and Paul A. McDermott
2. Science, Technology, and Intelligence, Earl Hunt
2. Teacher-Performance Assessments: A New Kind of Teacher Examination, Edward H. Haertel
3. Assessing Family Health And Distress: An Intergenerational-Systemic Perspective, James H. Bray
3. Assessment of Val id ity In Computer-Based Test Interpretations, Kevin L. Moreland
3-D Radar Sampling Methods for Ornithology and Wildlife Management, Robert C. Beason and Tim J. Nohara
3. Enhancing Instructional Programming and Student Achievement with Curriculum-Based Measurement, Lynn S. Fuchs
3. Improving Teaching Through the Assessment Process, Donald M. Medley
3. Policy Issues With Psychometric Implications, Michael Rosenfeld, Richard F. J. Tannenbaum, and Scott Wesley
3. Toward a Cognitive Theory for the Measu rement of Achievement, Robert Glaser, Alan Lesgold, and Susanne Lajoie
4. Academic Skill Assessment: An Evaluation of the Role and Function of Curriculum-Based Measurements, Francis E. Lentz and Jack J. Kramer
4. Assessing the Quality of Teacher Assessment Tests, William A. Mehrens
4-H Broiler Project : Extension Circular 14-06-2, W. F. Aubol
4-H Club Forestry Records : Extension Circular Form 17-01-2
4-H Club Yard Beautification : Extension Circular 12-41-2
4-H Entomology Manual : Extension Circular 16-01-71, Robert E. Roselle
4-H Garden Club Manual : Extension Circular 12-31-2
4-H Garden Manual : Extension Circular 12-31-2, Wayen C. Whitney
4-H Record Book : Learning to be a Homemaker : Extension Circular Form 11-11-2
4-H Record Book; Your Sleeping Unit : Extension Circular Form 11-41-2
4-H Safety Club Manual : Extension Circular 13-01-2, William D. Lutes
4-H Safety Club Manual : Extension Circular 13-01-63, Rollin D. Schneider
4-H Safety Clubs Songs, Games, Slogans : Extension Circular 13-6-2
4-H Safety in the Home : Extension Circular 13-11-2, William D. Lutes
4-H Safety Tips : Extension Circular 13-07-2, William D. Lutes
4-H Soil Conservation Club Manual First Year : Extension Circular 18-01-2
4-H Soil Conservation Club Manual Second Year : Extension Circular 18-11-2
4-H Sugar Beet Club Demonstration : Extension Circular 12-51-2
4-H TV Action Club : Extension Circular 25-01-69
4-H Wildlife Conservation : Extension Circular 18-51-2, Morris Hemstrom
4. Multicultural Family Assessment, Jane Close Conoley and Lorrie E. Bryant
4. Practice Analysis: Building The Foundation For Validity, Joan E. Knapp and Lenora G. Knapp
4. The g Beyond Factor Analysis, Arthur R. Jensen
4. The Validity of ComputerBased Test Interpretations of the MMPI, Lorraine D. Eyde, Dennis M. Kowal, and Francis J. Fishburne Jr.
501 Baseball Books Fans Must Read before They Die, Ron Kaplan
50 CFR Part 17: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for Gunnison Sage-Grouse; Proposed Rule, Patty Gelatt
56th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station May 1943, W.W. Burr
57th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station May 1944, W.W. Burr
58th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station 1945, W.W. Burr
59th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station June 1946, W.W. Burr
5. Curriculum-Based Assessment: Implications for Psychoeducational Practice, Edward S. Shapiro
5. Sibling Relationships, Michelle C. Schicke
5. Systematic Item Writing And Test Construction, Anthony LaDuca, Steven M. Downing, and Thomas R. Henzel
5. Teacher Evaluation in the Organizational Context, Linda Darling-Hammond
5. The Assessment of Cognitive Factors in Academic Abilities, Stephen L. Benton and Kenneth A. Kiewra
5. Use of Computer Technology in Behavioral Assessments, Thomas R. Kratochwill, Elizabeth J. Doll, and W. Patrick Dickson
60th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station May 1947, W.W. Burr
61th Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station May 1948, W.W. Burr
6. Assessing Marital Quality In Longitudinal And Life Course Studies, David R. Johnson
6. CBA: An Assessment of Its Current Status and Prognosis for Its Future, Mark R. Shinn and Roland H. Good III
6. Developing And Using Clinical Examinations, Jimmie C. Fortune and Theodore R. Cromack
6. Measuring Performance in Teacher Assessment, Richard J. Stiggins
6. Theoretical Implications from Protocol Analysis on Testing and Measurement, K. Anders Ericsson
6. The Use of the Computer In the Practice of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt and Jorge L. Mendoza
7. Basic Psychometric Issues In Licensure Testing, Howard W. Stoker and James C. Impara
7. Implementation Decisions in Designing Computer-Based Instructional Testing Programs, John V. Noonan and Paul D. Sarvela
7. Issues In Measuring The Effects Of Divorce On Children, Paul R. Amato
7. Legal and Professional Issues in Teacher-Certification Testing: A Psychometric Snark Hunt, George F. Madaus
7. Structure and Process in Cognitive Psychology Using Multidimensional Scaling and Related Techniques, Edward J. Shoben and Brian H. Ross
8. Family Assessment In Behavioral Parent Training For Antisocial Behavior, Elaine Buterick Werth
8. Issues in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction: Eval uation and Measurement, Harold F. O'Neil Jr. and Eva L. Baker
8. Item Banking, Betty A. Bergstrom and Richard C. Gershon
8. Limitations of Using Student-Achievement Data for Career-Ladder Promotions and Merit-Pay Decisions, Ronald A. Berk
8. New Perspectives in the Analysis of Abilities, John B. Carroll
9. Assessment Issues in Families of Individuals with Disabilities, Marjorie Ann Padula
9. Differential Item Functioning In Licensure Tests, Barbara S. Plake
9. Legal Issues in Computerized Psychological Testing, Donald N. Bersoff and Paul J. Hofer
9. Teaching Assessment: The Administrator's Perspective, John R. Hoyle
A 3-Dimensional Multiscale Finite Element Analysis Of Damage Accumulation in Carbon Fiber Unidirectional Composites., Savio Camara
A ballistic material model for continuous-fiber reinforced composites, Chian-Fong Yen
A bias correction for estimates of effective population size based on linkage disequilibrium at unlinked gene loci, Robin Waples
A bibliometric analysis of contributions in the journal ‘Library Trends’, Taapas Kumar Das Mr
A Bibliometric analysis of the literature of IFLA Journal during 2001-2010, Sarwesh Pareek , Librarian
A bibliometric analysis of the research output of Sambalpur University’s publication in ISI Web of Science during 2007-11, Rabindra K. Maharana and Bipin Bihari sethi
Ab-initio and model studies of spin fluctuation effects in transport and thermodynamics of magnetic metals, James K. Glasbrenner
Ab-initio and model studies of spin fluctuation effects in transport and thermodynamics of magnetic metals, James K Glasbrenner
Ab-initio study of free standing TiO2 clusters: Stability and magnetism, T.H. Rana, Pankaj Kumar, Ashok K. Solanki, Ralph Skomski, and Arti Kashyap
A Biological Framework for Evaluating Whether a Species Is Threatened or Endangered in a Significant Portion of Its Range, Robin Waples, Peter B. Adams, James Bohnsack, and Barbara L. Taylor
A Biologic Basis for Integrated Malaria Control, F. Ellis McKenzie, J. Kevin Baird, John C. Beier, Altaf A. Lal, and William H. Bossert
A Bird on the Shoreline, Shelly Clark
A Black-Bellied Whistling Duck Specimen from Nebraska, Thomas E. Labedz
Abolishing activity against ascorbate in a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from switchgrass, Frank A. Kovacs, Gautam Sarath, Kyle Woodworth, Paul Twigg, and Christian M. Tobias
Abolishing activity against ascorbate in a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from switchgrass, William P. Kustas, Joseph G. Alfieri, Martha C. Anderson, Paul D. Colaizzi, John H. Prueger, Steven R. Evett, Christopher M.U. Neale, Andrew N. French, Lawrence E. Hipps, José L. Chávez, Karen S. Copeland, and Terry A. Howell
A Book-collector's Guide to Roger Tory Peterson, Paul A. Johnsgard
About the Authors- JNCHC Spring/Summer 2012
A Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Protein Expressed in Latently Infected Neurons (ORF2) Promotes Neurite Sprouting in the Presence of Activated Notch1 or Notch3, Devis Sinani, Leticia Frizzo da Silva, and Clinton Jones
Academically Adept, Linda Frost
Academic Library Websites in Rajasthan: an analysis of Content, Sarwesh Pareek and Dinesh K. Gupta
A Case Among Cases, Bernice Braid and Gladys Palma De Schrynemakers
A Case for Extrinsic Dispositions, Jennifer McKitrick
A Case History of Wolf-Human Encounters in Alaska and Canada, Mark E. McNay and Mary V. Hicks
A Case Study of Reading Instruction in a Philippine Classroom, Maria Selena Protacio and Loukia K. Sarroub
A. Catalysis of CO-PROX by water-soluble rhodium fluorinated porphyrins; B. Studies toward fluorination of electron rich aromatics by nucleophilic fluoride, Shri Harsha Uppaluri
A. Catalysis of CO-PROX by Water-Soluble Rhodium Fluorinated Porphyrins B. Studies toward Fluorination of Electron Rich Aromatics by Nucleophilic Fluoride, Shri Harsha Uppaluri
A Cautionary Tale Concerning Textile Reproduction, Marjorie Durko Puryear
Accessing High-Quality Instructional Strategies, Edmund T. Hamann and Jenelle Reeves
Accessing Indigenous Knowledge Resources in Libraries and the Problems Encountered by Librarians Managing IK in Oyo State, Nigeria, Idowu Adegbilero Adeniyi and Roselyn E. Subair Mrs
Accessory Genes Confer a High Replication Rate to Virulent Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Ryan M. Troyer, Jesse Thompson, John H. Elder, and Sue VandeWoude
Access to Digital Libraries for Disadvantaged Users, Silke Higgins
Access to Media Resources as Predictor of Adolescents’ Attitude to Sexual and Reproductive Health Practices in Selected Non-Governmental Organisations in Nigeria, Sunday Olusola Ladipo Mr and Adewale Adeduntan Mr
Accounting for Individuals, Uncertainty, and Multiscale Clustering in Core Area Estimation, Ryan R. Wilson, Mevin B. Hooten, Bradley N. Strobel, and John Shivik
Accuracy of perceptual and acoustic methods for the detection of inspiratory loci in spontaneous speech, Yu-Tsai Wang, Ignatius S. B. Nip, Jordan R. Green, Ray D. Kent, Jane Finley Kent, and Cara Ullman
Accuracy of Within-household Selection in Web and Mail Surveys of the General Population, Kristen Olson and Jolene D. Smyth
A Chant from the Great Plains: An Analysis and Rationale for a Critical Edition, Raul G. Barcenes
A Chant from the Great Plains: An analysis and rationale for a critical edition, Raul G Barcenes
A Checklist of Parasites of California, Oregon, and Washington Marine and Estuarine Fishes, Milton S. Love and Mike Moser
A Checklist of the Birds of Mormon Island Crane Meadows
A Chronological Bibliography of E. D. E. N. Southworth's Works Privileging Periodical Publication, Melissa J. Homestead and Vicki L. Martin
Acknowledgement Patterns in Annals of Library and Information Studies 1999-2012, Gurjeet Kaur Rattan Ms
"Acknowledgments," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1991), Rosalind Morris
A Climatology of Lake-Effect Snowfall and Evaluation of the Cobb Method for the Great Lakes Region, Seth Kutikoff
A College Model for Countering Human Trafficking, Ron D. Petitte
A Comparative Analysis of Library and Information Science Post Graduate Education in India and UK, Suboohi Siddiqui and Paramjeet K. Walia
A comparative Analysis of Social Sciences Research Publications in four South Asian countries, B M Gupta and G Mahesh
A Comparative Study of Users’ Experiences with Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows XP: A Case Study of University of Ibadan, Ugwunwa Chinyere Esse
A Comparison of Methods for Estimating Raccoon Abundance: Implications for Disease Vaccination Programs, James C. Beasley, William S. Beatty, Todd C. Atwood, Shylo R. Johnson, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.
A Comparison of MLIS Curricula Taught in Pakistani Library and Information Science Schools with Higher Education Commission Curriculum, Muhammad Tufail Khan Mr and Khalid Mahmood
A Complete Species Census and Evidence for Regional Declines in Piping Plovers, Susan M. Haig, Cheron L. Ferland, Francesca J. Cuthbert, Jack Dingledine, J. Paul Goossen, Anne Hecht, and Nell McPhillips
A comprehensive change detection method for updating the National Land Cover Database to circa 2011, Suming Jin, Limin Yang, Patrick Danielson, Collin Homer, Joyce Fry, and George Xian
A Cone of Coherent Light, S.-Y. Chen, A. Maksimchuk, E. Esarey, and Donald P. Umstadter
A Criterion for Nuclear-Energized Pulsational Instability, Norman R. Simon and R. Stothers
Activation of interspecies-hybrid Rubisco enzymes to assess different models for the Rubisco–Rubisco activase interaction, Rebekka M. Wachter, Michael E. Salvucci, A. Elizabete Carmo-Silva, Csengele Barta, Todor Genkov, and Robert Spreitzer
Activism, Deliberation, and Networked Public Screens: Rhetorical Scenes From the Occupy Moment in Lincoln, Nebraska (Part 1 & 2), Joshua P. Ewalt, Jessy J. Ohl, and Damien S. Pfister
Activities of the Medical Information and Intelligence Agency For the Month Ending 31 October 1956, James W. Dean Lt Col and David Arredondo , Depositor
Activity Patterns of Wild Boars (Sus Scrofa) in Southern Texas, Tyler A. Campbell and David B. Long
Acute Toxicity, Histopathology, And Coagulopathy In American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius) Following Administration Of The Rodenticide Diphacinone, Barnett A. Rattner, Katherine E. Horak, Sarah E. Warner, Daniel D. Day, Carol U. Meteyer, Steven F. Volker, John Eisemann, and John J. Johnston
Acute toxicity of diphacinone in Northern bobwhite: Effects on survival and blood clotting, Barnett A. Rattner, Katherine E. Horak, Sarah E. Warner, and John J. Johnston
A cytoplasm-specific activity encoded by the Trithorax-like ATX1 gene, Ivan Ndamukong, Hanna Lapko, Ronald L. Cerny, and Zoya Avramova
Adaptation to Climate Change: Changes in Farmland Use and Stocking Rate in the U.S., Jianhong E. Mu, Bruce A. McCarl, and Anne W. Wein
Adapting to a Changing World: An Environmental History of the Eastern Shoshone, 1000-1868, Adam R. Hodge
Adapting to a changing world: An environmental history of the Eastern Shoshone, 1000-1868, Adam R Hodge
Adaptive Co-Scheduler for Highly Dynamic Resources, Kartik Vedalaveni
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2000 Duck Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2001 Duck Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2002 Duck Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2003 Duck Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2004 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2005 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2006 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2007 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2008 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2009 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2010 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2011 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management: 2012 Hunting Season
Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group, Fred Johnson
Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group
Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group
Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group Annual Meeting
Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group Annual Meeting Summary
Adaptive Regulation of Waterfowl Harvests: Lessons Learned and Prospects for the Future, Fred A. Johnson and Dave J. Case
Adaptive Regulation of Waterfowl Hunting in the U.S., Fred A. Johnson
A Data-Based Conservation Planning Tool for Florida Panthers, Jennifer L. Murrow, Cindy A. Thatcher, Frank T. van Manen, and Joseph D. Clark
A Day at Filastrocca Preschool, Pistoia, Italy: Meaning Making Through Literacy and Creative Experience, Keely D. Cline, Carolyn Pope Edwards, Algo Giacomelli, Lella Gandini, Donatella Giovannini, and Annalia Galardini
Addendum to Greater Snow Goose Article
Adding by Subtracting: How Limited Scope Agreements for Dispute Resolution Representation Can Increase Access to Attorney Services, Kristen M. Blankley
Additional Observations on the Birds of the Lake McConaughy Region, Paul Johnsgard
Additional Spring Migration Report
Additions to the known Vesperidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Bolivia, James E. Wappes, Steven W. Lingafelter, Miguel A. Monné, and Julieta Ledezma Arias
Addition to Fall 1991 Occurrence Report
Addresses for the March Review
Addressing Constitutional Concerns and Strengthening Nebraska’s Election Administration: A Roadmap to Substantive Reform, Adam S. Morfeld
Addressing Nonsystematic Factors Contributing to the Underrepresentation of Minorities as Jurors, Elizabeth Neeley
Addressing uncertainties in residential energy performance benchmarking and projecting through data mining approach, Endong Wang
A Decade of Change for the Israeli Air Force, Nicholas Carter
A Decade of Study into Repository Fees for Archeological Curation, S. Terry Childs and Seth Kagan
A Defect in Dystrophin Causes a Novel Porcine Stress Syndrome, Dan Nonneman, Tami Brown-Brandl, Shuna A. Jones, Ralph T. Wiedmann, and Gary A. Rohrer
A Description of Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) veropesoi n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from the Intestine of the Silver Croaker Fish Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae) off the East Coast of Brazil, Francisco Tiago de Vasconcelos Melo, P. A.F.B. Costa, E. G. Giese, Scott Lyell Gardner, and J. N. Santos
A Desert Shrub’s Crystallized Protein Sheds Light on Photosynthesis, Michael Salvucci and Dennis O’Brien
A Dickinson Triptych, Randall Snyder
A Distance Education Classroom Designed to Facilitate Synchronous Learner and Instructor Interactions, Stuart P. Bernstein
A distance education classroom designed to facilitate synchronous learner and instructor interactions, Stuart P Bernstein
A Distributional Check-List of Nebraska Mosquitoes, William F. Rapp Jr.
Administrative Support and Challenges in Nebraska Public School Early Childhood Programs: Preliminary Study, Christine Marvin, Barbara LaCost, Marilyn Grady, and Paul Mooney
Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use: The Mediating Influence of Health Service Utilization, Sarah E. Malone
Adolescent Violent Victimization and Precocious Union Formation, Danielle C. Kuhl, David F. Warner, and Andrew Wilczak
Adolf Eichmann: Ein Optant aus Tramin, Gerald Steinacher
Adopted women of color: Narratives of their college experiences, Natasha M Billie
Adoption of site-specific variable rate sprinkler irrigation systems, Robert G. Evans, Jake LaRue, Kenneth C. Stone, and Bradley A. King
A Dose of Selenium That Goes a Long Way, Sandra Avant and J. Bret Taylor
Advanced micro/nanofabrication in one, two, and three dimensions, Wei Xiong
Advanced Synthetic Techniques and Emerging Applications of Porphyrin Paddlewheel Frameworks, Brandon J Burnett
Advantages of Understanding the Lady Beetle Diet, Jonathan Lundgren
Aerial Searches for Whooping Cranes along the Platte River, Nebraska, John G. Sidle, Wallace G. Jobman, and Craig A. Faanes
Aerodynamic Methods for Estimating Turbulent Fluxes, John H. Prueger and William P. Kustas
A Faculty / Staff Discussion Seminar on Textiles, Deborah A. Brothers
A feasibility study of a two-stage renewable energy harvester using rapid waste bio-degradation technologies, Daihong Yu
Affinity chromatographic studies of drug-protein binding in personalized medicine, Jeanethe Anguizola
Affirmative Judgments: The Sabbath of Deconstruction, Roland K. Végső
Afghan After a Fashion: The Fusion of Politics with Religion and Women's Textile Craft Economies, M. Catherine Daly
A field evaluation of a trap for invasive American bullfrogs, Nathan P. Snow and Gary Witmer
A Floristic Analysis and Comparison of Plant Communities in Harlan County, Nebraska, Naomi D. Hastings and Steven J. Rothenberger
A Focus of Human Infection by Haplorchis taichui (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) in the Southern Philippines, Vicente Y. Belizario Jr., Winifreda U. de Leon, Mary Joan J. Bersabe, Purnomo, J. Kevin Baird, and Michael J. Bangs
A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities, Bradley F. Blackwell, Thomas W. Seamans, Paige M. Schmidt, Travis L. Devault, Jerrold L. Belant, Mark J. Whittingham, James A. Martin, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic
Africa's Next step, Kyle Pierce
Afterburn: A Novel, Danielle Metcalf
Age-Dependent Impairment of IgG Responses to Glycosylphosphatidylinositol With Equal Exposure to Plasmodium falciparum Among Javanese Migrants to Papua, Indonesia, Sarah N. Hudson Keenihan, Sutanti Ratiwayanto, Saraswati Soebianto, Krisin, Harijani Marwoto, Gowdahalli Krishnegowda, D. Channe Gowda, Michael J. Bangs, David J. Frayauff, Thomas L. Richie, Sanjai Kumar, and J. Kevin Baird
Agelaius Blackbirds And Rice In Uruguay And The Southeastern United States, Ethel N. Rodriguez and Michael L. Avery
A Genetic Analysis of Tolerance to Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Blight in North American Maize, Aaron P. Andersen
Age Structure in a Sample of Texoceiws (Mammalia, Antilocapridae) From Garden County, Nebraska, Mary Ann Turner
Aging and Religious Participation in Late Life, Kuan-Yuan Wang
Agricultural biotechnology, international trade, general equilibrium and efficiency, Comlanvi M Konou
Agricultural Development in the Northern Savannah of Ghana, Tara N. Wood
Agricultural development in the northern savannah of Ghana, Tara Nicole Wood
Agricultural Impacts: Greater Prairie Chickens and Center Pivot Irrigation Systems in Nebraska and Northwestern Colorado, Verlin Carlton Stephens
Agricultural Productivity in Mercosur, Preeti Bharati
Agricultural Research Magazine April 2012
Agricultural Research Magazine, April 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine August 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine February 2012
Agricultural Research Magazine, February 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine January 2012
Agricultural Research Magazine, January 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine, July 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine March 2012
Agricultural Research Magazine, March 2013
Agricultural Research Magazine, May-June 2013
Agroforestry, Thomas J. Sauer and Guillermo Hernandez-Ramirez
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, April 10, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, April 15, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, April 27, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, April 29, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, August 13, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, August 25, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter,August 5, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, December 21, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, December 9, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, February 10, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, February 28, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, January 13, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, January 14, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, January 27, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, January 28, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, July 16, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, July 18, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, June 20, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, June 20, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, June 27, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, March 12, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, March 25, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, March 26, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, March 7, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, May 11, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, May 13, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, May 25, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, May 27, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, November 22, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, November 22, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, November 30, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, November 8, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, October 10, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, October 24, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, October 25, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, October 5, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, September 20, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, September 23, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, September 5, 2012, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy & Horticulture Newsletter, September 9, 2011, Kathy Schindler
Agronomy Journal Turns One Hundred, Calvin H. Pearson, Susan M. Ernst, Ken A. Barbarick, Jerry L. Hatfield, Gary A. Peterson, and Dwayne R. Buxton
Agroterrorism— Why We’re Not Ready: A Look at the Role of Law Enforcement, Alberto R. Gonzales, Regina B. Schofield, and Glenn R. Schmitt
A Ground Dove at DeSoto NWR, Loren Padelford and Babs Padelford
A Handbook For Honors Administrators, Ada Long
A Historical Geography of Sand Island 1870 - 1944, Lucas P. Johnson
AHM Working Group: 2003 Report
AHM Working Group Meeting Summary
AHM Working Group Post-Meeting Briefing
A Hoary Redpoll in Dodge County, Rick Manning
A Hybrid Directed Test Suite Augmentation Technique, Zhihong Xu, Yunho Kim, Moonzoo Kim, and Gregg Rothermel
A hydro-climatological lake classification model and its evaluation using global data, Brandi Bracht-Flyr, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, and Sherilyn C. Fritz
Airlines’ pilots’ perceptions concerning recommended practices that reduce the risk of bird strikes, Flavio Antonio Coimbra Mendonça
Airports Offer Unrealized Potential for Alternative Energy Production, Travis L. DeVault, Jerrold L. Belant, Bradley F. Blackwell, James A. Martin, Jason A. Schmidt, Loren Wes Burger Jr, and James W. Patterson Jr.
A Landowner’s Guide to New England Cottontail Habitat Management, Margaret Arbuthnot
A Landowner's Guide to Woodcock Management in the Northeast, Greg F. Sepik, Ray B. Owen Jr, Malcom W. Coulter, and Howard L. Mendall
A Late Baird's Sandpiper in Keith County, Stephen J. Dinsmore
A Late Miocene Accipitrid (Aves: Accipitriformes) from Nebraska and Its Implications for the Divergence of Old World Vultures, Zihui Zhang, Alan Feduccia, and Helen F. James
A Late Pleistocene-Holocene Vertebrate Fauna From Red Willow County, Nebraska, R. George Corner
Alginate Hydrogel as a Three-dimensional Extracellular Matrix for In Vitro Models of Development, Catherine Sargus-Patino
Algorithms for Grid Graphs in the MapReduce Model, Taylor P. Spangler
Alien dominance of the parasitoid wasp community along an elevation gradient on Hawai’i Island, Robert W. Peck, Paul C. Banko, Marla Schwarzfeld, Melody Euaparadorn, and Kevin W. Brinck
A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation, Daniel L. Osborne and Raymond B. Hames
Aligning strategic processes in pursuit of firm growth, Varkey K. Titus Jr., Jeffrey G. Covin, and Dennis P. Slevin
A Linguistic View Of Habermas' Theory Of Communicative Competence, Elisabeth Leinfellner
A list of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) intercepted in quarantine on imported succulent plants in Korea 2006-2010, Jungyoun Ji and Soo-Jung Suh
Allelic Variation in the Erythropoietin Receptor Gene is Associated with Uterine Capacity and Litter Size in Swine, J. L. Vallet, B. A. Freaking, K. A. Leymaster, and R. K. Christenson
All Living Things are DJs: Rhetoric, Aesthetics, and Remix Culture, Scott H. Church
All living things are DJs: Rhetoric, aesthetics, and remix culture, Scott H Church
All-Optical Electron Injector, Phil Schewe, James Riordon, Ben Stein, and Donald P. Umstadter
All-Optical Steering Of Laser-Wakefield-Accelerated Electron Beams, A. Popp, J. Vieira, J. Osterhoff, Zs. Major, R. Horlein, Matthias Fuchs, R. Weingartner, T.P. Rowlands-Ree, M. Marti, R.A. Fonseca, S.F. Martins, L.O. Silva, Simon M. Hooker, F. Krausz, F. Gruner, and Stefan Karsh
Almond Hulls: Harvest Leftover May Offer a Health Connection, Gary R. Takeoka and Marcia Wood
A longitudinal study of school connectedness and academic outcomes across sixth grade, Kate Niehaus, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, and Christopher R. Rakes
Alpine Russet: A Potato Cultivar Having Long Tuber Dormancy Making it Suitable for Processing from Long-term Storage, Jonathan L. Whitworth, Richard G. Novy, Jeffrey C. Stark, Joseph J. Pavek, Dennis L. Corsini, Steven L. Love, Nora Olsen, Sanjay K. Gupta, Tina Brandt, M. Isabel Vales, Alvin R. Mosley, Solomon Yilma, Steve R. James, Dan C. Hane, Brian A. Charlton, Clinton C. Shock, N. Richard Knowles, Mark J. Pavek, Jeffrey S. Miller, and Charles R. Brown
Altered physiology, cell structure, and gene expression of Theobroma cacao seedlings subjected to Cu toxicity, Vânia L. Souza, Alex-Alan F. de Almeida, Jadiel de S. Souza, Pedro A. O. Mangabeira, Raildo M. de Jesus, Carlos P. Pirovani, Dário Ahnert, Virupax C. Baligar, and Leandro L. Loguercio
Alternative Cereal Processing Technologies [Conference Program and Proceedings] (Lobatse, Botswana, November 4-6, 2008), Martin Kebakile and Kemelo Ookeditse
Alternative Funding Models for Nigerian Academic Libraries., Chuma Opara Nnadozie
A Mao A minute Real Computers as Virtual Weavers, Lisa Lee Peterson
A Mark–Recapture Technique for Monitoring Feral Swine Populations, Matthew M. Reidy, Tyler A. Campbell, and David G. Hewitt
A Matter of Regionalism: Remembering Brandon Teena and Willa Cather at the Nebraska History Museum, Carly S. Woods, Joshua P. Ewalt, and Sara J. Baker
A Matter of Scale, Matthew L. Jockers and Julia Flanders
Ambidextrous Supply Chain Management as a Dynamic Capability: Building a Resilient Supply Chain, Jin Sung Rha
A MEG Study of Sleep, Norman R. Simon, Ilonka Manshanden, and Fernando H. Lopes da Silva
Ameliorating The Effects Of The Digenetic Trematode, Bolbophorus damnificus On The Channel Catfish Industry, Lester Khoo, David J. Wise, Linda M. Pote, Andrew J. Mitchell, Todd S. Byars, Marlena C. Yost, Cynthia M. Doffitt, Brian Dorr, Barbara A. George, D. Tommy King, Terrill R. Hanson, Craig S. Tucker, Terrence E. Greenway, Matthew J. Griffin, Alvin C. Camus, and Carla C. Panuska
Amelioration of Proteolipid Protein 139–151-Induced Encephalomyelitis in SJL Mice by Modified Amino Acid Copolymers and Their Mechanisms, Joel N.H. Stern, Zsolt Illés, Jay Reddy, Derin B. Keskin, Eric Sheu, Masha Fridkis-Hareli, Hiroyuki Nishimura, Celia F. Brosnan, Laura Santambrogio, Vijay K. Kuchroo, and Jack L. Strominger
American Anthropology and Company, Stephen O. Murray
American Bullfrogs as Invasive Species: A Review of the Introduction, Subsequent Problems, Management Options, and Future Directions, Nathan Snow and Gary Witmer
American Indian Law Research for State Courts, Nancy Carol Carter
American Jews and America's Game, Larry Ruttman
American Metal Work, 1976, Norman Geske
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 35, no. 1, Spring 2013, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 35, no. 2, Fall 2013, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 Becomes Law, David J. Goeller
American Woodcock Conservation Plan: A Summary of and Recommendations for Woodcock Conservation in North America, James R. Kelley Jr., Scot Williamson, and Thomas R. Cooper
American Woodcock Population Status, 2001, James R. Kelley Jr.
American Woodcock Population Status, 2002, James R. Kelley Jr.
American Woodcock Population Status, 2003, James R. Kelley Jr.
American Woodcock Population Status, 2004, James R. Kelley Jr.
American Woodcock Population Status, 2005, James R. Kelley Jr. and Rebecca D. Rau
American Woodcock Population Status, 2006, James R. Kelley Jr. and Rebecca D. Rau
American Woodcock Population Status, 2007, James R. Kelley Jr. and Rebecca D. Rau
American Woodcock Population Status, 2008, Thomas R. Cooper, Keri Parker, and Rebecca D. Rau
American Woodcock Population Status, 2009, Thomas R. Cooper and Keri Parker
American Woodcock Population Status 2010, Thomas R. Cooper and Keri Parker
American Woodcock Population Status 2011, Thomas R. Cooper and Keri Parker
American Woodcock: Population Status, 2012, Thomas R. Cooper and Rebecca D. Rau
A Method for Analyzing the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony in Criminal Cases, Richard A. Wise and Martin A. Safer
A Mid-Continent Irruption of Canada Lynx, 1962-63, Harvey L. Gunderson
Amino acid residues at the N- and C-termini are essential for the folding of active human butyrylcholinesterase polypeptide, Ramachandra S. Naik, Nagarajan Pattabiraman, Kunjan A. Patel, Bhupendra P. Doctor, and Ashima Saxena
A Mixed Methods Case Study: Understanding the Experience of Nebraska 4-H Participants Relative to Their Transition and Adaptation to College, Jill Walahoski
A mixed methods case study: Understanding the experience of Nebraska 4-H participants relative to their transition and adaptation to college, Jill Walahoski
A mixed methods study of a journal-writing intervention for undergraduate students in a college mathematics course, Mary Grace Zeleny
Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide Loss from Sprinkler Applied Beef Feedlot Effluent, Blythe P. McAfee
Ammonia: Measurement Issues, Lowry A. Harper
A Modeling Milestone for Soil Phosphorus Management, Peter Vadas and Ann Perry
A Modified Theory of Gravitation, Rock H. Castellano
A Molecular Key for the Identification of Blow Flies in Southeastern Nebraska, Upeka Samarakoon, Steven R. Skoda, Frederick P. Baxendale, and John E. Foster
Amorphous Hf-based foams with aligned, elongated pores, Marie E. Cox, Laszlo J. Kecskes, Suveen N. Mathaudhu, and David C. Dunand
A motivated workforce: A mixed methods study of worker motivation at a Nebraska manufacturing company, Kevin R Wesley
Amphibian community composition and its relationship to salinity along the Salt Creek in Wilderness Park, Lancaster County, Nebraska, Nicholas Arneson
Amphibian Occupancy and Functional Connectivity of Restored Wetlands in the Missouri River Floodplain, Michelle L. Hellman
An adaptive utility interactive photovoltaic system based on a flexible switch matrix to optimize performance in real-time, Mahmoud Alahmad, Mohamed Amer Chaaban, Siu Kit Lau, Jonathan Shi, and Jill Neal
An Additional Nebraska Record of Common Eider?, W. Ross Silcock
Anaerobic Digestion of Finishing Cattle Manure, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Samodha C. Fernando, and Jana L. Harding
An African Pearl Finds a Home in the U.S., INTSORMIL
Analaysis of Long-Eared Owl (Asio otus) Pellets from Eastern Nebraska, Rachel D. Mahan, Emily C. Mahan, and Brandon D. Sachtleben
Análisis de metales pesados en un céstodo de la familia Dilepididae, Jorge Falcón-Ordaz, Scott Monks, Griselda Pulido-Flores, and Claudia Romo-Gómez
Análisis morfométrico de Glypthelmins quieta (Stafford, 1900) Stafford, 1905 (Digenea: Macroderoididae) en la Reserva de la Biosfera Barranca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo, México, Francisco Alemán-Muñoz, Griselda Pulido-Flores, Scott Monks, and Jorge Falcón-Ordaz
Analyses of Dye, Weaving and Metal Thread in Ottoman Silk Brocades and their Reproduction, Recep Karadag, Emine Torgan, and Yusuf Yildiz
Analysis of Feasibility of Lincoln's West O Area for Redevelopment, Adam E. Brown
Analysis of feeding behavior of group housed growing–finishing pigs, T.M. Brown-Brandl, G.A. Rohrer, and R.A. Eigenberg
Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Capsid Proteins: Insights into Capsid Assembly, Willie A. Hughes
Analysis of the Feasibility of Utilizing Wakeup Radios to Optimize Energy and Latency Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks, Benjamin D. Parks
Analysis Of Vertebrate Pest Research, Jim Hone
Analytic description of elastic electron-atom scattering in an elliptically polarized laser field, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, and A. N. Zheltukhin
Analyzing Paradata to Investigate Measurement Error, Ting Yan and Kristen Olson
An Analysis of a Nigerian Library and Information Science Journal: A Bibliometric Analysis, nelson edewor mr.
An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Non-Passerine Birds in Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Passerine Birds in Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard
An Analysis of the Bison Dentition, Hudson-Meng Site, Sioux County, Nebraska, Kathleen D. Russell
An analytical framework for quantifying and testing patterns of temporal dynamics in social networks, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Michael L. Avery, and Timothy F. Wright
An Andean Colonial Woman’s Mantle: the New World and its Global Networks., Elena Phipps
An annotated list of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Florida: Part I. The family Hydroptilidae, with descriptions of five new species, Steven C. Harris, Andrew K. Rasmussen, and Dana R. Denson
An Assessment of Computer and ICT Skills Among Secondary School Teachers in Ota Ogun State, Adebayo Oyeronke and Michael Fagbohun
An assessment of seedling damage by wild house mice (Mus musculus) and wild deer mice (Peromyscus spp.), Gary W. Witmer, Nathan P. Snow, Rachael S. Moulton, and Jenna L. Swartz
An Atlas for Guatemala, a Tool for Conserving World Crops, Karen Williams and Dennis O’Brien
Anatomy of the buried Burdekin River channel across the Great Barrier Reef shelf: How does a major river operate on a tropical mixed siliciclastic/carbonate margin during sea level lowstand?, Christopher R. Fielding, J. D. Trueman, G. R. Dickens, and M. Page
Ancient Designs for the Modern Era: Artists Interpret Andean Textiles, Blenda Femenías
Ancient Emblems, Modern Cuts: Weaving and the State in Southeastern Indonesia, Ian Pollock
Ancient Traditions, New Interpretations: Compression Resist Textiles in North and Mesoamerica, Virginia Davis
An Epitope from Acanthamoeba castellanii That Cross-React with Proteolipid Protein 139-151-Reactive T Cells Induces Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in SJL Mice, Chandirasegaran Massilamany, David Steffan, and Jay Reddy
An Estimate of Avian Mortality at Communication Towers in the United States and Canada, Travis Longcore, Catherine Rich, Pierre Mineau, Beau MacDonald, Daniel G. Bert, Lauren M. Sullivan, Erin Mutrie, Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Robert L. Crawford, Michael L. Avery, Albert M. Manville II, Emilie R. Travis, and David Drake
An Ethical Rabbit Hole: Model Rule 4.4, Intentional Interference with Former Employee Non-Disclosure Agreements and the Threat of Disqualification, Part II, Maura I. Strassberg
An evaluation of long-term preservation methods for brown bear (Ursus arctos) faecal DNA samples, Melanie A. Murphy, Lisette P. Waits, Katherine C. Kendall, Samuel K. Wasser, Jerry A. Higbee, and Robert Bogden
An Evaluation of Pelvic Bone Shape in Beef Carcasses, Justine J. Hosch, Kim Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne, Jerilyn Hergenreder, and Chris R. Calkins
An Evaluation of the Extended Sirloin Cap Coulotte, Justine J. Hosch, Kim Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne, Michelle E. Semler, M.D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
A New Approach toMolecular Plant Breeding, Dennis O’Brien and Jean-Luc Jannink
A new approach to safety assessment at gated highway-rail grade crossings, Zheng Luo
A New Genus and Species of Lungworm (Nemata: Metastrongyloidea) from Akodon mollis Thomas, 1894 (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Peru, Maria Elizabeth Morales, Scott Lyell Gardner, and John E. Ubelaker
A new genus for the Neotropical species of Aesalus Fabricius, with descriptions of eight new species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae), M. J. Paulsen
A New Interpretation of Certain Bobbin Lace Patterns in Le Pompe, 1559, Laurie Waters
A new North American species of Microrhagus Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae), with a key to the Nearctic species, Robert L. Otto
A New Species of Diceratherium From The Lower Pliocene (Valentinian) of Boyd County, Nebraska, Lloyd G. Tanner
A New Species of Metathelazia (Nematoda: Pneumospiruridae) from the Lungs of a Nine-Banded Armadillo in Central Mexico = Especie nueva de Metathelazia (Nematoda: Pneumospiruridae) de los pulmones de un armadillo del centro de México, F. Agustín Jiménez-Ruiz, Rogelio Rosas-Valdez, and Scott Lyell Gardner
A New Species of Molinema (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) in Bolivian Rodents and Emended Description of Litomosoides esslingeri Bain, Petit, and Diagne, 1989, Juliana Notarnicola, F. Agustin Jimenez Ruiz, and Scott Lyell Gardner
A new species of Villiersicometes Santos-Silva, 2003 from French Guiana (Coleoptera, Disteniidae, Disteniinae), Pierre-Henri Dalens
A New 'Star' in the Firmament--Teaching Space and Telecoms Law as a Post-Graduate LL.M. Programme, Frans G. von der Dunk
A New Urgency About Anthrax: Recent Efforts to Prevent the Proliferation of Biological Weapons in the Former Soviet Union, Jack M. Beard
A New Way To Map Drought and Water Use Worldwide, Don Comis, William P. Kustas, and Martha C. Anderson
An Examination of Chipped Stone from Two Middle Holocene Archaeological Sites in the East Central Great Plains, Christine A. Nycz
An Examination of How Women and Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Minorities Experience Barriers in Biomedical Research and Medical Programs, Devasmita Chakraverty
An Examination of the Mechanisms and Environments Supportive of Bow Echo Mesovortex Genesis, George Limpert
An examination of the mechanisms and environments supportive of bow echo mesovortex genesis, George Limpert
An Experiment in the Law: Studying a Technique to Reduce Failure to Appear in Court, Alan J. Tomkins, Brian H. Bornstein, Mitchel Norman Herian, David I. Rosenbaum, and Elizabeth Neeley
An Explanation For The Blue Sequence Of Variable Stars, R. Stothers and Norman R. Simon
An Exploration of Men's Attitudes Regarding Depression and Help-Seeking, Brian Paul Cole
An Exploration of Men's Attitudes Regarding Depression and Help-Seeking, Brian P Cole
An Historical Archaeological Investigation of the Indianola Prisoner of War Camp in Southwestern Nebraska, Allison Marie Young
An Iceland Gull in Cedar County, Nebraska, Mark A. Brogie and Ed M. Brogie
An ideal combination for marine turtle conservation: exceptional nesting season, with low nest predation resulting from effective low-cost predator management, Richard Engeman, R. Erik Martin, John Woolard, Margo Stahl, Charles Pelizza, Anthony Duffiney, and Bernice Constantin
Animal anti-apoptotic genes ameliorate the loss of turgor in water-stressed transgenic tobacco, Tala Awada, D. D. Dunigan, and M. B. Dickman
Animal Liberation And The Lessons Of Nature, Steve F. Sapontzis
Animal Rights And The Need To Understand Nature; A Debate, Walter E. Howard
An improved method for predicting the accuracy of genetic stock identification, Eric C. Anderson, Robin Waples, and Steven T. Kalinowski
An Inquiry into Authorial Attribution, Sarah Potvin
An Introduction to Latent Variable Mixture Modeling (Part 1): Overview and Cross-Sectional Latent Class and Latent Profile Analyses, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Natalie A. Williams, and Gilbert R. Parra
An Introduction to Latent Variable Mixture Modeling (Part 2): Longitudinal Latent Class Growth Analysis and Growth Mixture Models, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Gilbert R. Parra, and Natalie A. Williams
An in vitro Evaluation of Commercially Available Disposable Prophylaxis Angles, Caren M. Barnes, Lisa S. Fleming, and Carl M. Russell
An in vivo Comparison of Commercially Available Disposable Prophylaxis Angles, Lisa S. Fleming, Caren M. Barnes, and Carl M. Russell
Anisotropy of W in Fe and Co, Arti Kashyap, P Manchanda, P. K. Sahota, Ralph Skomski, Jeffrey Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
An Iterative Treatment Of Double-Mode Pulsation, Norman R. Simon
Annotated Checklist of Mammals of Nebraska, J. Knox Jones Jr. and Jerry R. Choate
Annotated World Bibliography of Host Fruits of Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Grant T. McQuate and Nicanor J. Liquido
Announcement of Website: entitled “Johnson revisited: An extension of the Guide to American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899.”, Charles D. Bernholz and John Wiese
Announcement of Website: “Kappler’s map: The Platte River image from the Treaty with the Pawnee: Grand, Loups, Republicans, etc., 1848.”, Charles D. Bernholz and Jane Fitzgerald
Annual Meeting at Ogallala June 2004
Annual Seroprevalence of Yersinia pestis in Coyotes as Predictors of Interannual Variation in Reports of Human Plague Cases in Arizona, United States, Heidi E. Brown, Craig E. Levy, Russell E. Enscore, Martin E. Schriefer, Thomas J. DeLiberto, Kenneth L. Gage, and Rebecca J. Eisen
Another Common Crane in Nebraska with a Summary of North American Records, Gary Lingle
Another Description of Ross' Gull, Richard C. Rosche
Another Style of Competence: The Caregiving Child, Carolyn P. Edwards
A novel bipolar electric fence for excluding white-tailed deer from stored livestock feed, G. E. Phillips, M. J. Lavelle, J. W. Fischer, Joshua J. White, Scott J. Wells, and K. C. VerCauteren
A novel function prediction approach using protein overlap networks, Shide Liang, Dandan Zheng, Daron M. Standley, Huarong Guo, and Chi Zhang
A Novel Isoflurane Anesthesia Induction System for Raccoons, Kevin T. Bentler, Daniel N. Gossett, and J. Jeffrey Root
An Overview Of Animal Damage Control (ADC) Assistance To The Vertebrate Pest Management Industry, William H. Clay
Anoxia Tolerance of Forensically Important Calliphorids, Melissa M. Lein
AN RR LYRAE PERIOD SHIFT IN TERMS OF THE FOURIER PARAMETER ϕ31, Christine M. Clement, Michael Jankulak, and Norman R. Simon
Ant colony optimization as a method for strategic genotype sampling, Matthew L. Spangler, K. R. Robbins, J. Keith Bertrand, M. MacNeil, and R. Rekaya
Anthraquinone-based bird repellent for sunflower crops, Scott J. Werner, George M. Linz, James C. Carlson, Susan E. Pettit, Shelagh K. Tupper, and Michele M. Santer
Anthraquinone repellent to reduce take of non-target birds from zinc phosphide rodenticide applications, Scott J. Werner, Shelagh K. Tupper, Susan E. Pettit, James C. Carlson, and George M. Linz
Anthropological Data Regarding the Adaptiveness of Hebephilia, Raymond B. Hames and Ray Blanchard
Antibodies to Avian Influenza Viruses in Canada Geese (Branta canadensis): A Potential Surveillance Tool?, Whitney M. Kistler, David E. Stallknecht, Thomas J. DeLiberto, Seth Swafford, Kerri Pedersen, Kyle Van Why, Paul C. Wolf, Jerry A. Hill, Darren L. Brunning, James C. Cumbee, Randall M. Mickley, Carl W. Betsill, Adam R. Randall, Roy D. Berghaus, and Michael J. Yabsley
Anticipating the Silk Road; Some Thoughts on the Wool-Murex Connection in Tyre, Jane Schneider
Antigenic Characterization of H3N2 Influenza A Viruses from Ohio Agricultural Fairs, Zhixin Feng, Janet Gomez, Andrew S. Bowman, Jianqiang Ye, Li-Ping Long, Sarah W. Nelson, Jialiang Yang, Brigitte Martin, Kun Jia, Jacqueline M. Nolting, Fred Cunningham, Carol Cardona, Jianqiang Zhang, Kyoung-Jin Yoon, Richard D. Slemons, and Xiu-Feng Wan
Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of RV144 Vaccine AIDSVAX Clade E Envelope Immunogen Is Enhanced by a gp120 N-Terminal Deletion, S. Munir Alam, Hua-Xin Liao, Georgia D. Tomaras, Mattia Bonsignori, Chun-Yen Tsao, Kwan-Ki Hwang, Hiayan Chen, Krissey E. Lloyd, Cindy Bowman, Laura Sutherland, Thomas L. Jeffries Jr., Daniel M. Kozink, Shelley Stewart, Kara Anasti, Frederick H. Jaeger, Robert Parks, Nicole L. Yates, R. Glenn Overman, Faruk Sinangil, Phillip W. Berman, Punnee Pitisuttithum, Jaranit Kaewkungwal, Sorachai Nitayaphan, Nicos Karasavva, Supachai Rerks-Ngarm, Jerome H. Kim, Nelson L. Michael, Susan Zolla-Pazner, Sampa Santra, Norman L. Letvin, Stephen C. Harrison, and Barton F. Haynes
Anti-Immigrant Ideology in U.S. Crime Reports: Effects on the Education of Latino Children, Theresa Catalano
Antimicrobial Activity of Nanoemulsion in Combination with Cetylpyridinium Chloride in Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Yoon Y. Hwang, Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Diane R. Bienek, Valerie Lee, Tao You, and Rene Alvarez
An Unholy Alliance: The Connection Between Foster Care and Human Trafficking, Michelle R. Lillie
A Patchwork History of Textile Use in Southeastern Turkey: Examination of a Rare Set of Kurdish Work Clothing, Charlotte Jirousek
A Perspective on Livestock–Wolf Interactions on Western Rangelands, Stewart Breck, Patrick Clark, Larry Howery, Douglas Johnson, Bryan Kluever, Samuel Smallidge, and Andres Cibils
A Perspective on Thirty Years of the Webb, Pearman and Leuning Density Corrections, Xuhui Lee and William J. Massman
A Phenomenological Study of Mid-Career Female Student Affairs Administrators' Experiences Navigating the Career Labyrinth Including Obstacles in Catholic Higher Education, Michele K Starzyk
A Phenomenological Study of the Factors Leading Low Socioeconomic Status Urban Students to Enroll in a University, Luke D. Schultheis
A Pilot Mixed Methods Evaluation Study of the Effectiveness of an After-School Cooking Club Curriculum for Middle School Students, Elisha M. Hall
A Plea For Reexamining Heavy Element Opacities In Stars, Norman R. Simon
Apologies and Settlement, Jennifer K. Robbennolt
Apoptosis and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, Laura C. Miller and James M. Fox
A population model for walleye in Nebraska irrigation reservoirs, Robert A. Kill
“A Portfolio of Dreams: Clean Energy as an Investment”, Eric Holley
A potential bias in the temporal method for estimating Ne in admixed populations under natural selection, Hitoshi Araki, Robin Waples, and Michael S. Blouin
Apparent prevalence of swine brucellosis in feral swine in the United States, Kerri Pedersen, Sarah N. Bevins, Brandon S. Schmit, Mark W. Lutman, Michael P. Milleson, Clint T. Turnage, Troy T. Bigelow, and Thomas J. Deliberto
APPARENT SURVIVAL OF BREEDING WESTERN SANDPIPERS ON THE YUKON-KUSKOKWIM RIVER DELTA, ALASKA, Matthew Johnson, Daniel R. Ruthrauff, Brian J. McCaffery, Susan M. Haig, and Jeffrey R. Walters
Appendix- Water for Food conference proceedings, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Application of chromosomal DNA and protein targeting for the identification of Yersinia pestis, Marilynn A. Larson, Shi-Jian Ding, Shawn R. Slater, Anna Hanway, Amanda M. Bartling, Paul D. Fey, Oksana Lockridge, Stephen C. Francesconi, and Steven H. Hinrichs
Application of Marketing Strategies and Mix to Digital Information Services (DIS): Nigerian University Libraries Perspectives, Alice A. Bamigbola Mrs.
Application of reverse genetics to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccinology, Hiep Lai Xuan Vu
Application of Spectral Remote Sensing for Agronomic Decisions, J. L. Hatfield, Anatoly A. Gitelson, J. S. Schepers, and C. L. Walthall
Application of the Baade-Wesselink inversion technique to SWDra, X Ari and U Sgr, Norman R. Simon
Applications of Cobb-Douglas Production Function in Construction Time-Cost Analysis, Ashkan Hassani
Applying Corn Condensed Distillers Solubles to Hay Windrows Prior to Baling: II. Effects on Growing Cattle Performance, Jason M. Warner, Cody J. Schneider, Richard J. Rasby, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Mark Dragastin
Applying Corn Condensed Distillers Solubles to Hay Windrows Prior to Baling: I. Procedure and Effects on Bale Temperature and Nutrient Composition, Jason M. Warner, Rick J. Rasby, and Mark Dragastin
Applying statistical methodologies to simulate the fate and transport of engineered nanoparticles in the subsurface, Chunmei Bai
Applying the Categorical Imperative in Kant's Rechtslehre, Nelson T. Potter Jr.
Appraising The Quality of Malaysian Union Catalog, Ahmad Fuzi Md Ajis and Zuraidah Abd Manaf
April 17, 2013 - ALEC Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2013 - ALEC Department Meeting Minutes
April 2013- Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue
April 20, 2012 - ALEC Department Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2012 - ALEC UCC Meeting Minutes
A Probable Nesting of Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) in Nebraska,, Wayne Mollhoff
A Professional Project Surveying Student-Run Advertising and Public Relations Agencies at Institutions with ACEJMC Accredited Programs, Allison M. Busch
A Profile Of Depredating Mountain Lions, Steven D. Fairaizl and San Juan Stiver
A prospective study of physical fitness, obesity, and the subsequent risk of mental disorders among healthy young adults in army training, Marlene E. Gubata, Nadia Urban, David N. Cowan, and David W. Niebuhr
A Protein (ORF2) Encoded by the Latency-Related Gene of Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Interacts with DNA, Daraporn Pittayakhajonwut, Devis Sinani, and Clinton Jones
A PROVISIONAL RR LYRAE DISTANCE SCALE, Norman R. Simon and Christine M. Clement
Apuesta por Sorgo para Hacer Pan: Mezclar Harina de Trigo con Sorgo Podría Reducir hasta 50% los Costos de Producción de Pan Francés y Dulce, pero el Proyecto Necesita Más Equipo, Lourdes Quintanilla
Aquacultured Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Possess a Large Core Intestinal Microbiota That Is Resistant to Variation in Diet and Rearing Density, Sandi Wong, Thomas Waldrop, Steven Summerfelt, John Davidson, Frederic Barrows, P. Brett Kenney, Timothy Welch, Gregory D. Wiens, Kevin Snekvik, John F. Rawls, and Christopher Good
A Qualitative Study to Examine the Relationships of First-Year Student Residents and Their Resident Peer Assistants at a Four Year Private University, Janet P. Goodman
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Water Quality at Buffered and Non-Buffered Wetland Sites on Federal Waterfowl Production Areas in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska, John R. Riens, Matt S. Schwarz, Fatima Mustafa, and W. Wyatt Hoback
Arabidopsis 56–Amino Acid Serine Palmitoyltransferase- Interacting Proteins Stimulate Sphingolipid Synthesis, Are Essential, and Affect Mycotoxin Sensitivity, Athen N. Kimberlin, Saurav Majumder, Gongshe Han, Ming Chen, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Julie M. Stone, Teresa M. Dunn, and Edgar B. Cahoon
Arabidopsis disrupted in SQD2 encoding sulfolipid synthase is impaired in phosphate-limited growth, Bin Yu, Changcheng Xu, and Christoph Benning
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Trial of Tafenoquine for Weekly Prophylaxis against Plasmodium falciparum, Braden R. Hale, Seth Owusu-Agyei, David J. Fryauff, Kwadwo A. Koram, Martin Adjuik, Abraham R. Oduro, W. Roy Prescott, J. Kevin Baird, Francis Nkrumah, Thomas L. Ritchie, Eileen D. Franke, Fred N. Binka, John Horton, and Stephen L. Hoffman
ARAPAHO PRAIRIE, Arthur County, Nebraska: Approximate AP Grid for GIS, Kathleen H. Keeler, A. T. Harrison, and L. S. Vescio
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi differ in their ability to regulate the expression of phosphate transporters in maize (Zea mays L.), Hui Tian, Rhae A. Drijber, Xiaolin Li, Daniel N. Miller, and Brian J. Wienhold
Are Agrofuels A Conservation Threat Or Opportunity For Grassland Birds In The United States?, Bruce A. Robertson, Robert A. Rice, T. Scott Sillett, Christine Ribic, Bruce A. Babcock, Douglas A. Landis, James R. Herkert, Robert J. Fletcher Jr, Joseph J. Fontaine, Patrick J. Doran, and Douglas W. Schemske
A Reassessment of Olmec Preeminence In The Central Highlands of Mexico: The El Terror Phase of Iglesia Vieja, Morelos, Ronald A. Grennes and G.H. Coleman
A reassessment of the role of propagule pressure in influencing fates of passerine introductions to New Zealand, Michael P. Moulton, Wendell P. Cropper Jr., and Michael L. Avery
Are Dispositions Causally Relevant?, Jennifer McKitrick
A Red-Naped Sapsucker in Sioux County, Nebraska, Mark A. Brogie and Ellen L. Brogie
A Reference Grammar of Kotiria (Wanano), Kristine Stenzel
A Relationship of Parts, Jacob Francois
A Remarkable New Anomiopus Westwood from Peru (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), W. D. Edmonds and Luis Figueroa
A Reservation-based Smart Parking System, Hongwei Wang and Wenbo He
Are the challenges and opportunities in contemporary diverse classrooms being met?, Loukia K. Sarroub, Lisa Patel Stevens, and A. Jonathan Eakle
A Retrospective Economic Analysis of the Ontario Red Fox Oral Rabies Vaccination Programme, S. Shwiff, C. P. Nunan, Katy N. Kirkpatrick, and S. S. Shwiff
A retrospective study of anxiety disorder diagnoses in the military from 2000 to 2009, Meghan E. Lovering, Susan P. Proctor, and Kristin J. Heaton
A Review of 105 Consecutive Uniport Endoscopic Plantar Fascial Release Procedures for the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis, Troy N. Morton, Jeffrey P. Zimmerman, Michael Lee, and John D. Schaber
A Review of Economic Ornithology in the United States, Theodore S. Palmer
A Review of Findings from the “Gender and Aggression Project” Informing Juvenile Justice Policy and Practice Through Gender-Sensitive Research, Candice L. Odgers, Marlene M. Moretti, and N. Dickon Reppucci
A review of New World Laemophloeus Dejean (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae): 1. Species with antennal club of more than three antennomeres, Michael C. Thomas
A Review Of The Evidence For Aboriginal Agriculture With Special Reference To The Nebraska Area, Marvin F. Kivett
A review of the genus Alurnus Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), C. L. Staines
A Review of the Status of Limnodromus griseus, the Short-Billed Dowitcher, in Nebraska, Joel Jorgensen
A revision of the species of Anogdus LeConte of the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Leiodinae: Leiodini), Stewart B. Peck and Joyce Cook
A riverscape perspective of Pacific salmonids and aquatic habitats prior to large-scale dam removal in the Elwha River, Washington, USA, S. J. Brenkman, Jeff J. Duda, Christian E. Torgersen, Ethan Welty, G.R. Pess, R. Peters, and M.L. Mchenry
Army Flight Medic Performance Of Paramedic Level Procedures: Indicated Vs. Performed, Scott A. Bier, Erik Hermstad, Christopher Trollman, and Melinda Holt
A role for BELLRINGER in cell wall development is supported by loss-of-function phenotypes, J Peter Etchells, Lucy Moore, Wen Zhi Jiang, Helen Prescott, Richard Capper, Nigel J. Saunders, Anuj M. Bhatt, and Hugh G. Dickinson
A Role for Honors in Conservation and Biodiversity Education, Kenneth J. Oswald and Ernest Smith
A Rough, Tough Forage for Rangeland Cattle, Ann Perry
Arrests Among Homeless and Runaway Youths: The Effects of Race and Gender, Kevin A. Yoder, Ed A. Muñoz, Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Barbara J. McMorris
ARS National Program for Human Nutrition Monitoring
ARS Researchers Winning Battle With Noxious Weed, Daniel Gandolfo and Jesús García
ARS Scientists Rally 'Round the Range, Dennis O’Brien, Ann Perry, Tony Svejcar, Jeremy James, and Mary Lucero
ARS Validates Soil Moisture Data Collected Via Satellite, Ann Perry
ARS Works Toward Control of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Sharon Durham and Dennis O’Brien
Art and Artists in Nebraska, Norman Geske
Art and Politics: Contemporary Arpilleras, Flora Zárate
Articulating the Distinctiveness of the Honors Learning Experience, Angela M. Salas
Artificial Nest Cavity Used Successfully by Native Species and Avoided by European Starlings, Laura A. Tyson, Bradley F. Blackwelll, and Thomas W. Seamans
ARTivention: Utilizing Fiber Art For Activist Engagement, Maggie Leininger
ASARECA-INTSORMIL: Regional Sorghum Research and Development Workshop, September 2–6, 2012, Executive Hotel, Adama, Ethiopia, Kimberly Christiansen
A scan of the horizon indicates conservation is changing, but are conservation-related societies?, Stephen L. Young
As clear as mud: A critical review of evidence for the ecological roles of Australian dingoes, Benjamin L.R. Allen, Peter J.S. Fleming, Lee R. Allen, Richard M. Engeman, Guy Ballard, and Luke K.-P. Leung
As clear as mud: A critical review of evidence for the ecological roles of Australian dingoes, Benjamin L. Allen, Peter J.S. Fleming, Lee R. Allen, Richard M. Engeman, Guy Ballard, and Luke K.-P. Leung
A Search for Quantitative Trait Loci for Ovulation Rate in Cattle, A. N. Blattman, B. W. Kirkpatrick, and K. E. Gregory
A Search for the Sweet Spot in Sugar Beet Production, Ann Perry
A Second Bald Eagle Nest in Nebraska, Greg Wingfield
A Second Specimen Record of Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) from Nebraska, Thomas E. Labedz
A sediment ecotoxicity assessment platform for in situ measures of chemistry, bioaccumulation and toxicity. Part 1: System description and proof of concept, G. Allen Burton Jr., Gunther Rosen, D. Bart Chadwick, Marc S. Greenberg, W. Keith Taulbee, Guilherme R. Lotufo, and Danny D. Reible
A Semiotic Interpretation of Sense-making in Information Seeking, Zao Liu
A Sense of Place and Identity in Aotearoa New Zealand, Kelly Thompson
A Sense of Place: The Artist and the American Land, Norman A. Geske
A Silent Textile Trade War: Batik Revival as Economic and Political Weapon in 17th Century Java, Ruurdje Laarhoven
A simulation of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the continental United States, Mark A. Finney, Charles W. McHugh, Isaac C. Grenfell, Karin L. Riley, and Karen C. Short
A simulation study for the analysis of uncertain binary responses: Application to first insemination success in beef cattle, Robyn L. Sapp, Matthew L. Spangler, Romdhane Rekaya, and J. Keith Bertrand
A simulation test of the effectiveness of several methods for error-checking non-invasive genetic data, David A. Roon, Lisette P. Waits, and Katherine C. Kendall
A single major QTL controls expression of larval Cry1F resistance trait in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and is independent of midgut receptor genes, Brad S. Coates, Douglas V. Sumerford, Miriam D. Lopez, Haichuan Wang, Lisa M. Fraser, Jeremy A. Kroemer, Terrence Spencer, Kyung S. Kim, Craig A. Abel, Richard L. Hellmich, and Blair D. Siegfried
A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Bovine Kit Oncogene (Hardy−Zuckerman 4 Feline Sarcoma Viral (v-kit) Oncogene Homolog), M. D. Grosz and R. T. Stone
A spatially explicit degree-day model of Rift Valley fever transmission risk in the continental United States, Sarah K. Konrad, Scott N. Miller, and Will K. Reeves
Aspect and Species Influences on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability in Arizona Chaparral Soils, James O. Klemmedson and Brian J. Wienhold
Aspects of the Nesting Ecology of Least Terns and Piping Plovers in Central Nebraska, Craig A. Faanes
Assessing Contemporary Human Activity at Sites in the Anasazi Archeological District, San Juan National Forest: A Quantitative Approach, Ralph J. Hartley and Anne M. Wolley Vawser
Assessing Institutional Ability to Support Adaptive, Integrated Water Resources Management, Christina Hoffman and Sandra Zellmer
Assessing Measurement Techniques for Identifying Race, Ethnicity, and Gender: Observation-Based Data Collection in Airports and at Immigration Checkpoints, Steven K. Smith and Carol J. DeFrances
Assessing Potential Risk to Alligators, Alligator mississippiensis, from Nutria Control with Zinc Phosphide Rodenticide Baits, Gary Witmer, John D. Eisemann, Thomas M. Primus, Jeanette R. O’Hare, Kelly R. Perry, Ruth M. Elsey, and Phillip L. Trosclair III
Assessing Respondent Driven Sampling for Network Studies in Ethnographic Contexts, Kirk Dombrowski, Bilal Khan, Joshua Moses, Emily Channell, and Evan Misshula
Assessing Retention in Two Freshman Natural Resource Orientation Courses, Mark E. Burbach and Shannon Moncure
Assessing spatial variation and overall density of aerially broadcast toxic bait during a rat eradication on Palmyra Atoll, Richard Engeman, William C. Pitt, Are R. Berentsen, and John D. Eisemann
Assessing tungsten transport in the vadose zone: From dissolution studies to soil columns, Gulsah Sen Tuna, Washington Braida, Adebayo Ogundipe, and David Strickland
Assessing wolves and cougars as conservation surrogates, Kyran E. Kunkel, T. C. Atwood, T. K. Ruth, Daniel H. Pletscher, and M. G. Hornocker
Assessing wolves and cougars as conservation surrogates, K. E. Kunkel, T. C. Atwood, T. K. Ruth, D. H. Pletscher, and M. G. Hornocker
Assessment, Accountability, and Honors Education, Christopher A. Snyder and Scott Carnicom
Assessment of Abilities of White-Tailed Deer to Jump Fences, Kurt C. Vercauteren, Timothy R. Vandeelen, Michael J. Lavelle, and Wayne Hall
Assessment of a rotenone application event at Mormon Island West lake in Central Nebraska, Keith D. Koupal, Brian C. Peterson, and Casey W. Schoenebeck
Assessment of Bird Damage to Sunflower and Corn in North Dakota, Megan E. Klosterman, George M. Linz, Anthony A. Slowik, and William J. Bleier
Assessment of Bird Damage to Sunflower and Corn in North Dakota, Megan E. Klosterman, George M. Linz, Tony A. Slowik, and William J. Bleier
Assessment of Bird-management Strategies to Protect Sunflowers, George M. Linz, H. Jeffrey Homan, Scott J. Werner, Heath M. Hagy, and William J. Bleier
Assessment of Coal Geology, Resources, and Reserve Base in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, James A. Luppens, David C. Scott, Lee M. Osmonson, Jon E. Haacke, and Paul E. Pierce
Assessment of Coal Geology, Resources, and Reserves in the Montana Powder River Basin, Jon E. Haacke, David C. Scott, Lee M. Osmonson, James A. Luppens, Paul E. Pierce, and Jay A. Gunderson
Assessment of Competencies of Library and Information Science Educators in Nigeria, Michael Onuchukwu Okoye
Assessment of Competencies of Professional Librarians in Nigeria., Michael Onuchukwu Okoye
Assessment of diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer cases at two cancer centers in Egypt and Tunisia, Catherine Schairer, Amr S. Soliman, Sherif Omar, Hussein Khaled, Saad Eissa, Farhat Ben Ayed, Samir Khalafallah, Wided Ben Ayoub, Elizabeth D. Kantor, Sofia Merajver, Sandra M. Swain, Mitchell Gail, and Linda Morris Brown
Assessment of Human-Coyote Conflicts: City and County of Broomfield, Colorado, Stan Grant, Julie Young, and Seth Riley
Assessment of Introduction Pathway for Novel Avian Influenza Virus into North America by Wild Birds from Eurasia, Ryan S. Miller, Steven J. Sweeney, Judy E. Akkina, and Emi K. Saito
Assessment of Macroinvertebrate Communities in Adjacent Urban Stream Basins, Kansas City, Missouri, Metropolitan Area, 2007 through 2011, Eric D. Christensen and Heather M. Krempa
Assessment of Management to Mitigate Anthropogenic Effects on Large Whales, Julie M. Van Der Hoop, Michael J. Moore, Susan G. Barco, Timothy V.N. Cole, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Allison G. Henry, Donald F. Mcalpine, William A. Mclellan, Tonya Wimmer, and Andrew R. Solow
Assessment of Pathways for the Introduction and Spread of Mycobacterium bovis in the United States, Katie Portacci, Jason Lombard, Lauren Abrahamsen, Eric Bush, Charles Fossler, Robert Harris, Kamina Johnson, Ryan S. Miller, Dianna Mitchell, Randy Pritchard, Steven Sweeney, and Todd Weaver
Assessment of Tannin Variation in Tamarisk Foliage Across a Latitudinal Gradient, Amanda M. Hussey, B. A. Kimball, and Jonathan M. Friedman
Assessment-of Teaching: Purposes, Practices, and Implications for the Profession- Complete Work, Jane Close Conoley, James Y. Mitchell Jr., Steven L. Wise, and Barbara S. Plake
Assessment of the Environmental Impact Of Brodifacoum During Rodent Eradication Operations in New Zealand, D. R. Morgan, G. R. Wright, S. C. Ogilvie, R. Pierce, and P. Thomson
Assessment of the in vivo genotoxicity of isomers of dinitrotoluene using the alkaline Comet and peripheral blood micronucleus assays, Emily May Lent, Lee C.B. Crouse, Michael J. Quinn Jr, and Shannon M. Wallace
Assessment of the Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Needs of Child Care Providers Across Nebraska, Tracy C. Delaney
Assessment of Tillage Practices Using Landsat-TM 5 in Nebraska., Sonisa Sharma
Assessment of toxicity and potential risk of the anticoagulant rodenticide diphacinone using Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio), Barnett A. Rattner, Katherine E. Horak, Rebecca S. Lazarus, Karen M. Eisenreich, Carol U. Meteyer, Steven F. Volker, Christopher M. Campton, John D. Eisemann, and John J. Johnston
Assignment methods: matching biological questions with appropriate techniques, Stephanie Manel, Oscar Gaggiotti, and Robin Waples
Association analysis of PRNP gene region with chronic wasting disease in Rocky Mountain elk, Stephen N. White, Terry R. Spraker, James O. Reynolds, and Katherine I. O’Rourke
Association of Inactive Myostatin in Piedmontese-Influenced Steers and Heifers on Performance and Carcass Traits at Different Endpoints, Stephanie K. Moore, Cody J. Schneider, Kelsey Rolfe, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, William A. Griffin, Josh R. Benton, Galen E. Erickson, and Matthew L. Spangler
Associations Between Teacher Emotional Support and Depressive Symptoms in Australian Adolescents: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study, Patrick Pössel, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, Michael G. Sawyer, Susan H. Spence, and Annie C. Bjerg
Assumptions Regarding Indians and Judicial Humility: Thoughts from a Property-Law Lens, Ezra Rosser
A Strategy for Estimating Tree Canopy Density Using Landsat 7 ETM+ and High Resolution Images Over Large Areas, C. Huang, Limin Yang, Bruce K. Wylie, and Collin Homer
A study of HDPE in high pressure of hydrogen gas---measurement of permeation parameters and fracture criteria, Sompong Prachumchon
A Study of Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Faculty Members of Darul Ihsan University in Bangladesh., Sk. Mamun Mostofa
A Study of Library Usage and Satisfaction by Social Scientists at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Rubina Bhatti
A Study of the Historical Development and Horticultural Practices of a Public Garden, Steven J. Nosal
A Study of the Usability and Design Components of Academic Libraries Websites in Pakistan, Amjid Khan, Shamshad Ahmed, Yassir Mahmood, and Salman Bin Naeem
A Study on Countermeasures against Steganography: an Active Warden Approach, Qilin Qi
A Study on Utilization of Information and Communication Technology By the Users of University Libraries in Tamilnadu, India, Selva Kumar P, Selva Kumar P, and Thandava Moorthy K
A summary of the published data on host plants and morphology of immature stages of Australian jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with additional new records, C. L. Bellamy, G. A. Williams, J. Hasenpusch, and A. Sundholm
A Survey of Non-Classical Polyandry, Kathrine E. Starkweather and Raymond Hames
A Survey of the Use of Electronic Resources in Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Rachael Oyeranti Oyedapo and Reuben Abiodun Ojo
Asymmetries in Mating Preferences between Species: Female Swordtails Prefer Heterospecific Males, Michael J. Ryan and William E. Wagner Jr.
Asymmetries in production of He+(n = 2) with an intense few-cycle attosecond pulse, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, S. X. Hu, Wei-Chao Jiang, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
Asymmetry: Aesthetics and Politics of Ply-split Braiding, David W. Fraser
A Synopsis of Bolivian Polyrhaphis Audinet-Serville (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) with description of a new species, James E. Wappes and Antonio Santos-Silva
A Taxonomic Investigation of Some Rhizomatous Species Of The Genus Muhlenbergia (Gramineae), James Kurtz and David M. Sutherland
A Test for Detecting Changes in Closed Networks Based on the Number of Communications Between Nodes, Christopher S. Wichman
A test for detecting changes in closed networks based on the number of communications between nodes, Christopher S Wichman
A Textile Enterprise As a Tool of Economic Development: Part I, Haddy Prom
A Textile Enterprise As a Tool of Economic Development: Part II, June Pearson Bland
Atlas and checklist of the bark and ambrosia beetles of Texas and Oklahoma (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae), Thomas H. Atkinson and E.G. Riley
Atlas of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench): Production in Eastern and Southern Africa, Charles S. Wortmann, Martha Mamo, Christopher Mburu, Elias Letayo, Girma Abebe, Kaizzi C. Kayuki, Medson Chisi, Munyaradzi Mativavarira, Soares Xerinda, and Theophile Ndacyayisenga
Atovaquone/Proguanil Therapy for Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Indonesians Who Lack Clinical Immunity, Mark D. Lacy, Jason D. Maguire, Mazie J. Barcus, Judith Ling, Michael J. Bangs, Robert Gramzinski, Hasan Basri, Priyanto Sismadi, Gerri B. Miller, Jeffrey D. Chulay, David J. Fryauff, Stephen L. Hoffman, and J. Kevin Baird
Atrazine and Nitrate in Public Drinking Water Supplies and non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Nebraska, USA, Martha G. Rhoades, Jane L. Meza, Cheryl L. Beseler, Patrick J. Shea, Andy Kahle, Julie M. Vose, Kent Eskridge, and Roy F. Spalding
Atrazine Hazards to Fish, Wildlife, and Invertebrates: A Synoptic Review, Ronald Eisler
At-Satellite Reflectance: A First Order Normalization Of Landsat 7 ETM+ Images, Chengquan Huang, Limin Yang, Collin Homer, Bruce K. Wylie, James E. Vogelmann, and Thomas DeFelice
Attempting to eradicate invasive Gambian giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus) in the United States: lessons learned, Gary Witmer and P. Hall
Attracting New Residents to Rural Nebraska: The Problem with Retention, Randolph L. Cantrell and Rebecca J. Vogt
Attraction of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) to Volatile Chemicals in Western Kenya, Matthew W. Murphy, Raymond F. Dunton, Michael J. Perich, and Wayne A. Rowley
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation, at ATX1- Regulated Genes, Yong Ding, Ivan Ndamukong, Zaoshi Xu, Hanna Lapko, Michael Fromm, and Zoya Avramova
August 2013- Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue
August 31, 2012 - ALEC UCC Meeting Minutes
A unifying approach to behavioral coverage, Elena Sherman
Authentic, Transformational Leadership: A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Black/White Biracial Leaders, Carmen R. Zafft
Authentic, transformational leadership: A phenomenological study of the experiences of Black/White biracial leaders, Carmen R Zafft
Automated Test Case Generation to Validate Non-functional Software Requirements, Pingyu Zhang
Automated test case generation to validate non-functional software requirements, Pingyu Zhang
Availability of food resources, distribution of invasive species, and conservation of a Hawaiian bird along a gradient of elevation, Paul C. Banko, Peter T. Oboyski, John W. Slotterback, Steven J. Dougill, Daniel M. Goltz, Luanne Johnson, and Megan E. Laut
AVANEX™ endophyte-infected grasses for the aviation industry now a reality, Chris Pennell and Phil Rolston
A Variation on the Baade-Wesselink Technique, Norman R. Simon
Avian Hazards at JAX, Amy Johnson
Avian Influenza Virus Prevalence in Migratory Waterfowl in the Central Flyway, 2007–2009, Scott R. Groepper, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Mark P. Vrtiska, and Thomas J. Deliberto
Avian mortality at communication towers in the United States and Canada: which species, how many, and where?, Travis Longcore, Catherine Rich, Pierre Mineau, Beau MacDonald, Daniel G. Bert, Lauren M. Sullivan, Erin Mutrie, Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Michael L. Avery, Robert L. Crawford, Albert M. Manville II, Emilie R. Travis, and David Drake
Avian mortality at communication towers in the United States and Canada: which species, how many, and where?, Travis Longcore, Catherine Rich, Pierre Mineau, Beau MacDonald, Daniel G. Bert, Lauren M. Sullivan, Erin Mutrie, Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Michael L. Avery, Robert L. Crawford, Albert M. Manville II, Emilie R. Travis, and David Drake
Avian Subspecies and the U.S. Endangered Species Act, Susan M. Haig and Jesse D'Elia
Avian Subspecies: Summary and Prospectus, Susan M. Haig and Kevin Winker
Avian use of solid waste transfer stations, Brian E. Washburn
A virus-induced gene silencing method to study soybean cyst nematode parasitism in Glycine max, Pramod K. Kandoth, Robert Heinz, Greg Yeckel, Nathan W. Gross, Parijat S. Juvale, John Hill, Steven A. Whitham, Thomas J. Baum, and Melissa G. Mitchum
A visible band index for remote sensing leaf chlorophyll content at the canopy scale, E. Raymond Hunt Jr., Paul C. Doraiswamy, James E. McMurtrey, Craig S.T. Daughtry, Eileen M. Perry, and Bakhyt Akhmedov
Awareness and Use of Lobbying and Advocacy as Strategic Approach for Improving Library and Information Services in Imo State, Nigeria., oyemike victor ossai-onah mr.
Awareness and Use of Online Public Access Catalogue by Students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria., O. M. Fabunmi Miss and B. O. Asubiojo Mrs
A Wari Tapestry Textile in a Tiwanaku Tomb from the Osmore Valley, Moquegua, Peru, Amy Oakland
A Widow’s Will: Examining the Challenges of Widowhood in Early Modern England and America, Alyson D. Alvarez
Background Unit : Extension Circular 11-31-2, Magdalene Pfister
Background Unit : Extension Circular 11-31-69, Magdalene Pfister
Back matter Agricultural Research Magazine August 2013
Back matter Agricultural Research Magazine February 2012
Back matter Agricultural Research Magazine January 2011
Back matter Agricultural Research Magazine March 2012
Bacterial community structure of contrasting soils underlying Bornean rain forests: Inferences from microarray and next-generation sequencing methods, Sabrina E. Russo, Ryan Legge, Karrie A. Weber, Eoin L. Brodie, Katherine C. Goldfarb, Andrew K. Benson, and Sylvester Tan
Bacterial DNA replication enzymes: The interaction between primase and helicase, Christopher A Frey
Bald Eagle Counts at Two Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District Facilities, Mark M. Peyton and Rodger Knaggs
Bald Eagles Nest at North Platte National Wildlife Refuge, Brad McKinney
Ballistic helmets – Their design, materials, and performance against traumatic brain injury, S.G. Kulkarni, X.-L. Gao, S.E. Horner, J.Q. Zheng, and N.V. David
Band Encounters of Wintering European Starlings Captured in Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas, H. Jeffrey Homan, James R. Thiele, Garrett W. Unrein, Shannon M. Gaukler, Anthony A. Slowik, Linda B. Penry, and George M. Linz
Band-tailed Pigeon Population Status, 2010, Todd A. Sanders
Band-tailed Pigeon Population Status, 2011, Todd A. Sanders
Band-tailed Pigeon Population Status, 2012, Todd A. Sanders
Banking participation in the United States: An analysis of unbanked and underbanked households, Elizabeth M Breitbach
Barriers to Chinese college students seeking psychological help from professionals, Haiping Wang
Baseball's Last Great Scout, Dan Austin
Baseball's New Frontier, Fran Zimniuch
Battling Problem Pests in Paradise, Stephanie Yao and Dennis O’Brien
Baye Fadioul Niang: A Brief Biography of an Ebeniste in Senegal, Katie J. Niang
Baylisascariasis fact sheet, Emily L. Blizzard
Beaver sterilization project, Castor canadensis, in an urban setting, Marc-André Fortin
Becoming Melungeon, Melissa Schrift
Beginning Storage Improvement : Extension Circular 11-26-2, Jerre L. Whithrow
Behavioral aspects and predation of seeds of Cardiospermum grandiflorum Swartz (Sapindaceae) by Cissoanthonomus tuberculipennis Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Silvana Lampert, Marcoandre Savaris, Germano H. Rosado-Neto, and Paul Roberto Valle da Silva Pereira
Behavioral flexibility and species invasions: the adaptive flexibility hypothesis, Timothy F. Wright, J.R. Eberhard, E.A. Hobson, Michael L. Avery, and M.A. Russello
Behavioral Sex Differences in Children of Diverse Cultures: The Case of Nurturance to Infants, Carolyn P. Edwards
BEHAVIOR AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS OF ROCK SANDPIPERS BREEDING ON THE YUKON-KUSKOKWIM RIVER DELTA, ALASKA, Matthew Johnson, Jesse R. Conklin, Branden L. Johnson, Brian J. McCaffery, Susan M. Haig, and Jeffrey R. Walters
Behind the Veil? Catharine Sedgwick and Anonymous Publication, Melissa J. Homestead
Being there: A grounded-theory study of student perceptions of instructor presence in online classes, William Feeler
Beneficial Partnerships: K-Staters Conduct Projects throughout Africa, Gloria Holcombe and Timothy Dalton
Better French Fries: Technique Helps Lower Fat, Zhongli Pan and Marcia Wood
Better Maps Mean Better Rangeland Management, Brandon Bestelmeyer and Ann Perry
Between Light and Shadow, Kathryn Lypke Vigesaa
Between Worlds: Students' Lived Experiences and Perspectives on Math, Science, and Technology Education Between Mexico and the United States, Estefania Larsen
Beyond Minimum Standards: Federal Requirements and State Interpretations of the Indian Child Welfare Act, Kathryn E. Fort
Beyond the Looking-Glass: The Intensity of the Gothic Dream in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Anne N. Nagel
Beyond Treble Damages: Hanover Shoe and Direct Purchaser Suits After Comes v. Microsoft Corp., Adam Thimmesch
Beyond use versus availability: behaviour-explicit resource selection, Ryan R. Wilson, Lynne Gilbert-Norton, and Eric M. Gese
Bibliography of Diseases and Parasites of Marine Fish and Shellfish (With Emphasis on Commercially Important Species), Carl J. Sindermann
Bibliography of Monograph Anthologies
Bibliography of NCHC Journals and Monographs
Bibliography of NCHC Monographs
Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 2008-2012, Nilaranjan Barik and Puspanjali Jena Dr
Billy "the Hill" and the Jump Hook, Billy McGill and Eric Brach
Binaural room impulse response database acquired from a variable acoustics classroom, Zhao Peng, Siu Kit Lau, Lily M. Wang, Sean Browne, and Kenneth P. Roy
Bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in young-of-the-year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the vicinity of a Superfund Site in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, and in the adjacent waters, Ashok D. Deshpande, Bruce W. Dockum, Thomas Cleary, Cameron Farrington, and Daniel Wieczorek
Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award – sponsored by Waters- Michelle J. Yoo, David S. Hage
Bioassay of Winter Wheat for Gibberellic Acid Sensitivity, Alexander Pavlista, Dipak Santra, and David D. Baltensperger
Bio-bibliometric Study of Dr. Khalid Mahmood’s Contributions to LIS Field in Pakistan, Muhammad Qayyum and Mirza Muhammad Naseer
Bio-bibliometric Study of Dr. Khalid Mahmood’s Contributions to LIS Field in Pakistan, Muhammad Qayyum and Mirza Muhammad Naseer
Biochemistry of Ensiling, John A. Rooke and Ronald D. Hatfield
Biodiversity, Biogeography, and Conservation of Bats in the Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Peter A. Larsen, and Roxanne J. Larsen
Biofuel production from water hyacinth in the Pantanal wetland, Ivan Bergier, Suzana M. Salis, César H.B. Miranda, Enrique Ortega, and Carlos A. Luengo
Biography of James L. Van Etten, Christen Brownlee
Biological conversion assay using Clostridium phytofermentans to estimate plant feedstock quality, Scott J. Lee, Thomas A. Warnick, Sivakumar Pattathil, Jesús G. Alvelo-Maurosa, Michelle J. Serapiglia, Heather McCormick, Virginia Brown, Naomi F. Young, Danny J. Schnell, Lawrence B. Smart, Michael G. Hahn, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Susan B. Leschine, and Samuel P. Hazen
Biological, technical, and social aspects of applying electrified fladry for livestock protection from wolves (Canis lupus), N. J. Lance, S. W. Breck, C. Sime, P. Callahan, and J. A. Shivik
Biology and control of common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.), Christopher A Proctor
Biology and Control of Common Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.), Christopher Proctor
Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 8. Eleutherodactylus planirostris, the Greenhouse Frog (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae), Christina A. Olson, Karen H. Beard, and William C. Pitt
Biology of Invasive Monk Parakeets in South Florida, Michael L. Avery, Eric A. Tillman, Kandy L. Keacher, John E. Arnett, and Kelli J. Lundy
Biomass and Cellulosic Ethanol Production of Forage Sorghum Under Limited Water Conditions, Jon Cotton, Gloria Burow, Veronica Acosta-Martinez, and Jennifer Moore-Kucera
Biomass Gasification: An Alternative Solution to Animal Waste Management, Hanjing Wu
Biomass gasification: An alternative solution to animal waste management, Hanjing Wu
Biomechanical response of artery following stent implantation: Implication for restenosis, Shijia Zhao
Biopsychosocial-spiritual experiences of men in fertility treatment seeking couples, Daniel S Felix
Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of volatile organic compounds over C4 biofuel crops, Martin Graus, Allyson S.D. Eller, Ray Fall, Bin Yuan, Yaling Qian, Philip Westra, Joost de Gouw, and Carsten Warneke
Biosynthetic mechanism for antimycotic macrolactam HSAF and mycotoxin fumonisins, Lili Lou
Bird Banding Notes from Ruth Green, Ruth Green
Bird damage to select fruit crops: The cost of damage and the benefits of control in five states, Aaron M. Anderson, C.A. Lindell, Karen M. Moxcey, W.F. Siemer, George M. Linz, P.D. Curtis, J.E. Carroll, C.L. Burrows, Jason R. Boulanger, K.M.M. Steensma, and Stpehanie A. Shwiff
Bird in the House, Crystal Spring Gibbins
Birds and Birding in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains Region, Jacqueline L. Canterbury; Paul A, Johnsgard; and Helen F. Downing
Birds in the Vicinity of the Airport, Edward Coleman
Birds of Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center - 1999-2004, Kevin Poague
Birds of the Central Platte River Valley and Adjacent Counties, Mary B. Brown and Paul Johnsgard
Birds of the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska, Joel G. Jorgensen
BIRD STRIKE PREVENTION Version 3.x, Arie Dekker, Hans van Gasteren, and Inge Both
Bird strikes and aircraft fuselage color: a correlational study, Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Jimmy Gaffney, Bradley F. Blackwelll, and Patrice Baumhardt
Black-footed ferret areas of activity during late summer and fall at Meeteetse, Wyoming, Kathleen A. Fagerstone and Dean E. Biggins
Black Rail in Knox County, Nebraska, Mark A. Brogie and Ellen L. Brogie
Black-Throated Sparrow Banded in Omaha, Nebraska, Ruth C. Green
Blinded by the Veil, Laura Stemp-Morlock
Blood Parasites in Owls with Conservation Implications for the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis), Heather D. Ishak, John P. Dumbacher, Nancy L. Anderson, John J. Keane, Gediminas Valkiūnas, Susan M. Haig, Lisa A. Tell, and Ravinder N. M. Sehgal
Blue Light Rescues Mice from Potentially Fatal Pseudomonas aeruginosa Burn Infection: Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action, Tianhong Dai, Asheesh Gupta, Ying-Ying Huang, Rui Yin, Clinton K. Murray, Mark S. Vrahas, Margaret E. Sherwood, George P. Tegos, and Michael R. Hamblin
Blurring the Boundaries, B.J. Hollars
Body Geographic, Barrie Jean Borich
Body Lice, Yersinia pestis Orientalis, and Black Death, Mark Welford, Brian Bossak, Robert G. McLean, Michael W. Fall, Michel Drancourt, and Didier Raoult
Boiga Irregularis (Brown Treesnake), Tom Mathies, William C. Pitt, and Joseph A. Rabon
Book Review: Doing Science by Ivan Valiela, J. L. Hatfield
"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1996) 64(4), Hazel Scheiber
BOOK REVIEW: Gideon Yaffee, Manifest Activity: Thomas Reid’s Theory of Action, Jennifer McKitrick
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (December 1980)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (December 1981)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (December 1982)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (December 1987)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (June 1980), R.G. Cortelyou
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (June 1982), Neva Pruess
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (June 1991)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (March 1981)
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (March 1991), R.G. Cortelyou
Book Review- Nebraska Bird Review (September 1981)
Book Review: Nitrate and Man: Toxic, Harmless or Beneficial? by J. L'hirondel and J.-L. L'hirondel, J. L. Hatfield
Book Review of Gladys Black's "Iowa Birdlife" from Nebraska Bird Review December 1992, Hazel Scheiber
Book review: RATCLIFFE, B. C AND M. J. PAULSEN. 2008. The Scarabaeoid Beetles of Nebraska. Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 22, 570 p., Donald B. Thomas
Book Reviews from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1991), Lysbeth Benkert
Book Reviews from Nebraska Bird Review June 1990
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1990)
"Book Reviews" from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1990)
BOOK REVIEWS- Nebraska Bird Review December 1983
Book Reviews-Nebraska Bird Review (June 1989), Larry L. Einemann
Book Reviews- Nebraska Bird Review (March 1980), R.G. Cortelyou
Book Reviews- Nebraska Bird Review March 1987
Book Reviews- Nebraska Bird Review (September 1982), R.G. Cortelyou
BOOK REVIEWS- Nebraska Bird Review September 1983
Book reviews-Nebraska Bird Review (September 1989)
Book Review: The Baculovirus Expression System: A Laboratory Guide (1992) King, L. A. & Possee, R. D., David D. Dunigan
Book Review: Writing and Presenting Scientific Papers (2nd edition). B. Malmfors, P. Garnsworthy, and M. Grossman, J. L. Hatfield
Borlaug Fellowship Opens Doors for Rachel Opole [Student Accolades], Mary Lou Peter
Borrowing the Role of College Student: First Experiences and Influences in an Early College Program, Kimberley A. Rector
Boselaphus tragocamelus (Artiodactyla: Bovidae), David M. Leslie Jr.
Bottled Disaster, Alex Arneson
Boundary value problems for discrete fractional equations, Pushp Awasthi
Bovine herpesvirus regulatory proteins, bICP0 and VP16, are readily detected in trigeminal ganglionic neurons expressing the glucocorticoid receptor during the early stages of reactivation from latency., Leticia Frizzo da Silva, Insun Kook, Alan R. Doster, and Clinton Jones
Bovine Tuberculosis in a Nebraska Herd of Farmed Elk and Fallow Deer: A Failure of the Tuberculin Skin Test and Opportunities for Serodiagnosis, W. Ray Waters, Gary E. Stevens, Mark A. Schoenbaum, Kathy A. Orloski, Suelee Robbe-Austerman, N. Beth Harris, S. Mark Hall, Bruce V. Thomsen, Arach J. Wilson, Roger E. Brannian, Jeffrey T. Nelson, Shawn Schafer, Javan Esfandiari, Meghan Dutton, Rena Greenwald, and Konstantin P. Lyashchenko
Braids on Early Japanese Banners, Masako Kinoshita
Breaking Impasses in Judicial Settlement Conferences: Seven (More) Techniques for Resolution, Morton Denlow
Breeding Bird Communities Associated With Tallgrass Prairies in Southeast Nebraska, Stephen L. Winter, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, and Britt L. Smith
Breeding Sorghum Cultivars for Processing, Gary Perterson
Bridging Two Dynasties, Lyle Spatz
Brief Communications: Rapid and Costly Ageing in Wild Male Flies, Russell Bonduriansky and Chad Brassil
Bringing It Home: Extracultural Experiences in the Art of Carolyn Price Dyer, Mary Lane
Bringing the Dark Past to Light, John-Paul Himka and Joanna Beata
Building a Collaborative Fiber Art Project in the Nation’s Capital, Jennifer L. Lindsay
Building a GIS Model to Assess Agritourism Potential, Brian G. Baskerville
Building Baby’s Tiny Bones: Formulas and Mother’s Milk Analyzed in Animal Study, Marcia Wood, Jin-Ran Chen, and Aline Andres
Building Family Strengths : Extension Circular 23-20-78, Ron Daly
Building on the Past, Making the Future, Stephanie Bunn
Building the primary cilium membrane, CJ Westlake, J Rahajeng, Q Lu, RH Scheller, S Caplan, and PK Jackson
Building Upon Common-Pool Resource Theory to Explore Success in Transitioning Water Management Institutions, Christina M. Hoffman
Building upon common-pool resource theory to explore success in transitioning water management institutions, Christina M Hoffman
Bullying in Schools, Rana Sampson
Bumble Boosters: Doing Science as a Community of Learners, Douglas A. Golick and Marion D. Ellis
Bumble Boosters: Students Doing Real Science, Douglas A. Golick, Diana M. Schlesselman, Marion D. Ellis, and David W. Brooks
Bureaucratic Ideals and Artisanal Reality Survival Strategies in the Production of Echigo J u, Melissa M. Rinne
Business Motivations for Implementing Sustainability-Focused Projects: P3 Program - Lessons Learned, Ayna Kekilova
By the Numbers, J. Michael Scott, Dale D. Goble, Leona K. Svancara, and Anna Pidgorna
“By your exertions conjointly with ours”: British printed cottons in Brazil, 1827-1841, Sarah B. Parks
Cable median barrier failure analysis and remediation, Cody S Stolle
Cahokia's Boom and Bust in the Context of Climate Change, Larry Benson, Timothy R. Pauketat, and Edward R. Cook
Calcium Carbonate Inclusions In Pottery: Some Cautions For The Archaeologist, Raymond Leicht
Calculating Ne and Ne/N in age-structured populations: a hybrid Felsenstein-Hill approach, Robin Waples, Chi Do, and Julien Chopelet
Calculation Of Fractal Dimension From Cattle Thermoregulatory Responses, R. L. KORTHALS, Y. R. CHEN, G. L. HAHN, and R. A. EIGENBERG
Call for Change, Donald L. Fixico
Camelina seed transcriptome: a tool for meal and oil improvement and translational research, Huu T. Nguyen, Jillian E. Silva, Ram Podicheti, Jason Macrander, Wenyu Yang, Tara J. Nazarenus, Jeong-Won Nam, Jan G. Jaworski, Chaofu Lu, Brian E. Scheffler, Keithanne Mockaitis, and Edgar B. Cahoon
Camelina water use and seed yield response to irrigation scheduling in an arid environment, D. J. Hunsaker, A. N. French, and K. R. Thorp
Can a Prairie Teach us About Agricultural Water Quality?, Ann Perry
Candida albicans Czf1 and Efg1 Coordinate the Response to Farnesol during Quorum Sensing, White-Opaque Thermal Dimorphism, and Cell Death, Melanie L. Langford, Jessica C. Hargarten, Krista D. Patefield, Elizabeth Marta, Jill R. Blankenship, Saranna Fanning, Kenneth W. Nickerson, and Audrey L. Atkin
Can Environmental Variation Generate Positive Indirect Effects in a Model of Shared Predation?, Chad Brassil
Can Faculty Afford Honors?, Annmarie Guzy
Can Genetically Engineered Crops Become Weeds?, Kathleen H. Keeler
Canopy Resistance as Affected by Soil and Meteorological Factors in Potato, Kamal H. Amer and Jerry L. Hatfield
Can Primaquine Therapy for Vivax Malaria be Improved?, J. Kevin Baird and Karl H. Rieckmann
Can the Elitism of Honors Help Students at Non-Elite Schools?, Benjamin Moritz
Can We Study Textiles From Other Cultures Without Ethnocentrism? The Andes As A Case Study, Sophie Desrosiers
Capacitan a Panificadores para Utilizar Sorgo, Roxana Ortiz
Capacitan a Personas Intersadas y Panaderos sobre la Utilización de Harina de Sorgo: Más de 25 Personas Interesadas Entre Ellos Panaderos Son Capacitados Sobre el Uso de Harina de Sorgo, Roxana Ortiz and Eduardo Funes
Capacity, Caitlin Leibman
Capture of Breeding and Wintering Shorebirds with Leg-Hold Noose-Mats, Katherine R. Mehl, Kiel L. Drake, Gary W. Page, Peter M. Sanzenbacher, Susan M. Haig, and Jonathan E. Thompson
Capturing and Handling Wild Animals, Sanford D. Schemnitz, Gordon R. Batcheller, Matthew J. Lovallo, H. Bryant White, and Michael W. Fall
Carbohydrate Hydrolysis, Transport and the Effect of Glycosylation on the Hot-acid Stability of a Hyperthermoacidophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, Sreedevi Madhusoodhanan Lalithambika
Carbon benefits from protected areas in the conterminous United States, Daolan Zheng, Linda S. Heath, and Mark J. Ducey
Carbon materials for supercapacitors, Yang Gao
Carbon Source Quality and Placement Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Status, Brian Wienhold, Gary E. Varvel, J. M. F. Johnson, and W. W. Wilhelm
Carbon storage and sequestration by trees in urban and community areas of the United States, David J. Nowak, Eric J. Greenfield, Robert E. Hoehn, and Elizabeth Lapoint
Cardiovascular Fitness Moderates the Relations Between Estimates of Obesity and Physical Self-Perceptions in Rural Elementary School Students, Nathanael G. Mitchell, Justin B. Moore, Wendy S. Bibeau, and Kathleen Moritz Rudasill
Caregiving through a Relationship Lens in Reggio Emilia and a Lab School in Canada, Carolyn P. Edwards and Alex Dougherty
Carnivores from the Jamber Local Fauna (Pliocene, Valentinian), Boyd County, Nebraska, Karen Kreycik Messenger and Charles L. Messenger
Carrier-envelope-phase-induced asymmetries in double ionization of helium by an intense few-cycle XUV pulse, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, N. L. Manakov, A. V. Meremianin, and Anthony F. Starace
Cataloging and Classification Skills of Library and Information Science Practitioners in their Workplaces: A Case Analysis, David A. Cabonero and Russell B. Dolendo
Causal Explanation of Human Behavior in the Social Sciences, Maria R. Zavada
Causal explanation of human behavior in the social sciences, Maria R Zavada
Causes as Powers: BOOK SYMPOSIUM on Stephen Mumford and Rani Lill Anjum, Getting Causes from Powers, Jennifer McKitrick, Anna Marmodoro, Stephen Mumford, and Rani Lill Anjum
Causes of Pneumonia Epizootics among Bighorn Sheep, Western United States, 2008–2010, Thomas E. Besser, Margaret A. Highland, Katherine Baker, E. Frances Cassirer, Neil J. Anderson, Jennifer M. Ramsey, Kristin Mansfield, Darren L. Bruning, Peregrine Wolff, Joshua B. Smith, and Jonathan A. Jenks
CEHS Student Research Conference Program
CEHS Student Research Conference Program--Abstracts
Cell Assembly Sequences Arising from Spike Threshold Adaptation Keep Track of Time in the Hippocampus, Vladimir Itskov, Carina Curto, Eva Pastalkova, and Gyorgy Buzsaki
Censorship and the Challenges of Library Services Delivery in Nigeria, Japheth A. Yaya Mr
CENTA S-3 bmr y CENTA S-4 bmr: Variedades de Sorgo Forrajero para Ensilaje, INTSORMIL-CENTA
CENTA SS- 44, New Sorghum Forage Hybrid for El Salvador, INTSORMIL
CENTA SS-44, Nuevo Híbrido de Sorgo para Forraje en EL Salvador, INTSORMIL
Center for Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization - Policy Research Group, Konstantinos Giannakas
Center for Grassland Studies, Fall 2009, Volume 15, No. 3
Center for Grassland Studies, Fall 2010, Volume 16, No. 3
Center for Grassland Studies, Fall 2011, Volume 17, No. 3
Center for Grassland Studies, Summer 2009, Volume 15, No. 2
Center for Grassland Studies, Summer 2010, Volume 16, No. 2
Center for Grassland Studies, Summer 2011, Volume 17, No. 2
Center for Grassland Studies, Winter-Spring 2010, Volume 16, No. 1
Center for Grassland Studies, Winter-Spring 2011, Volume 17, No. 1
Cephalocyclus majomaensis and Oscarinus cabreroi new species of Mexican Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Marco Dellacasa, Giovanni Dellacasa, and Robert D. Gordon
Cepheids: Pulsation, Evolution, Opacity, Norman R. Simon
Cephid Velocity Curves, Norman R. Simon, A.S. Lee, and Terry J. Teays
Ceremonial Textiles of the Mardi Gras Indians, Ann Dupont
Challenge for Sustaining Agriculture, Mark Walbridge
Challenges and Unique Solutions to Rodent Eradication in Florida, Gary Witmer, John D. Eisemann, Parker Hall, Michael L. Avery, and Anthony Duffiney
Challenges of Predicting the Potential Distribution of a Slow-spreading Invader: A Habitat Suitability Map for an Invasive Riparian Tree, Catherine S. Jarnevich and Lindsay V. Reynolds
Challenging Balance Between Productivity and Environmental Quality: Tillage Impacts, D. C. Reicosky, T. J. Sauer, and J. L. Hatfield
Challenging the Politics of Creating Art in the 21st Century: An Artist/Educator's Perspective, Claire Campbell Park
Champion of Choice, Cathleen Miller
Changes in abiotic influences on seed plants and ferns during 18 years of primary succession on Puerto Rican landslides, Lawrence R. Walker, Aaron B. Shiels, Peter J. Bellingham, Ashley D. Sparrow, Ned Fetcher, Fred H. Landau, and Deborah J. Lodge
Changes in Avian Vocalization Occurrence and Frequency Range During the Winter, Amy I. Oden
Changes in Forest Structure, Fuels and Potential Fire Behaviour Since 1873 in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA, Alan H. Taylor, Anna M. Vandervlugt, R. Stockton Maxwell, Robert M. Beaty, Catherine Airey, and Carl N. Skinner
Changes in grouping patterns of saiga antelope in relation to intrinsic and environmental factors in Mongolia, B. Buuveibaatar, T. K. Fuller, A. E. Fine, B. Chimeddorj, J. K. Young, and J. Berger
Changes in Poa annua Populations in Response to Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators, Jesse Brown
Changes in Soil Attributes Following Low Phosphorus Swine Slurry Application to No-Tillage Sorghum, Brian J. Wienhold
Changes in the A.O.U. Check-List
Changes to the Bylaws of the N.O.U. Records Committee
Chapter 13: Development of a National Early Detection System for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Birds in the United States of America, Thomas J. Deliberto, Seth R. Swafford, and Kyle R. Van Why
Chapter 14: Intergenerational Relationships and Rural Return Migration, Christiane von Reichert, John B. Cromartie, and Ryan O. Arthun
Chapter 1- Introduction to Water and Food Conference Proceedings, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Switchgrass as an Energy Crop, David J. Parrish, Michael D. Casler, and Andrea Monti
Chapter 20: Pecan, Tommy E. Thompson and Patrick J. Conner
Chapter 20 Rainfed Farming Systems in the USA, Alan Franzluebbers, Jean L. Steiner, Doug Karlen, Tim Griffin, Jeremy Singer, and Don Tanaka
Chapter 2 Fragaria, K. E. Hummer, Nahla Bassil, and Wambui Njuguna
Chapter 2- Global Perspectives on Water for Food, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 2 Switchgrass Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics, Michael D. Casler
Chapter 30: The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Agriculture in the United States, Raymond P. Motha
Chapter 3- Genetics and Physiology of Crop Water Use, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 4: Crop Management of Switchgrass, Matt A. Sanderson, Marty Schmer, Vance Owens, Pat Keyser, and Wolter Elbersen
Chapter 4- Human Dimensions of Water for Food Production, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 4: Top-Predators as Biodiversity Regulators: Contemporary Issues Affecting Knowledge and Management of Dingoes in Australia, Benjamin L.R. Allen, Peter J.S. Fleming, Matt Hayward, Lee R. Allen, Richard M. Engeman, Guy Ballard, and Luke K.-P. Leung
Chapter 5: Connecting Landscape Fragments Through Riparian Zones, Gary Bentrup, Mike Dosskey, Gary Wells, and Michele Schoeneberger
Chapter 5 Switchgrass Harvest and Storage, Robert B. Mitchell and Marty R. Schmer
Chapter 5- Technologies and Advances in Water Management, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 6- A View from Agricultural Producers, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 6: Environmental Impacts of Switchgrass Management for Bioenergy Production, R. Howard Skinner, Walter Zegada-Lizarazu, and John P. Schmidt
Chapter 6: Safflower, Theodore J. Kisha and Richard C. Johnson
Chapter 7- Climate Challenges to Water for Agriculture, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter 8- Key Issues for the Future, Prem S. Paul, Monica Norby, Gillian Klucas, Ashley Washburn, Elizabeth Banset, and Vicki Miller
Chapter Five: AGRICULTURE COMES INTO ITS OWN, Robert Crawford
Chapter nine: Understanding Declines in Rusty Blackbirds, Russell Greenberg, Dean W. Demarest, Steven M. Matsuoka, Claudia Mettke-Hofmann, David Evers, Paul B. Hamel, Jason Luscier, Luke L. Powell, David Shaw, Michael L. Avery, Keith A. Hobson, Peter J. Blancher, and Daniel K. Niven
Chapter One: THE FEDERAL LAND GRANT, Robert Crawford
Chapter sixteen: Rodents and other vertebrate invaders in the United States, Michael W. Fall, Michael L. Avery, Tyler A. Campbell, Peter J. Egan, Richard Engeman, David Pimentel, William C. Pitt, Stephanie A. Shwiff, and Gary Witmer
Chapter Six: THE CROWNING YEARS, Robert Crawford
Chapter Two: THE FOUNDING OF THE UNIVERSITY, Robert Crawford
Characteristics of white-tailed deer visits to cattle farms: Implications for disease transmission at the wildlife-livestock interface, Are R. Berentsen, Ryan S. Miller, Regina Misiewicz, Jennifer L. Malmberg, and Mike R. Dunbar
Characterization and tuning of ultrahigh gradient permanent magnet quadrupoles, Stefan Becker, M. Bussmann, Sebastian Raith, Matthias Fuchs, R. Weingartner, P. Kunz, W. Lauth, U. Schramm, M. El Ghazaly, F. Gruner, H. Backe, and D. Habs
Characterization of Cereal Aphid Resistance in Tetraploid Switchgrass Populations (Panicum virgatum L.), Kyle G. Koch
Characterization of E. coli O157:H7 Strains Resulting from Contamination of Raw Beef Trim during High Event Periods, Terrance M. Arthur, James L. Bono, and Norasak Kalchayanand
Characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains Isolated from Supershedding Cattle, Terrance M. Arthur, Rafiq Ahmed, Margo Chase-Topping, Norasak Kalchayanand, John W. Schmidt, and James L. Bono
Characterization of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. associated with roots and soil of two sorghum genotypes, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Scott E. Sattler, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Characterization of Newcastle Disease Viruses Isolated from Cormorant and Gull Species in the United States in 2010, Diego G. Diel, Patti J. Miller, Paul C. Wolf, Randall M. Mickley, Anthony R. Musante, Daniel C. Emanueli, Kirk J. Shively, Kerri Pedersen, and Claudio L. Afonso
Characterization of Ovine Nectin-4, a Novel Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Receptor, Jamie Birch, Nicholas Juleff, Michael P. Heaton, Ted Kalbfleisch, James Kijas, and Dalan Bailey
Characterization of Porcine Uterine Estrogen Sulfotransferase, J. G. Kim, J. L. Vallet, G. A. Rohrer, and R. K. Christenson
Characterization of putative IgE-reactive N-terminal peptides from the 7S vicilin-like globulin of English Walnut (Juglans regia), M Downs, J Baumert, S Taylor, and ENC Mills
Characterization of the 2012 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H7N3 Virus Isolated from Poultry in an Outbreak in Mexico: Pathobiology and Vaccine Protection, Darrell R. Kapczynski, Mary Pantin-Jackwood, Sofia G. Guzman, Yadira Ricardez, Erica Spackman, Kateri Bertran, David L. Suarez, and David E. Swayne
Characterization of the Gut Microbiota and Colitogenic Bacterial Species in Core 1 O-glycans Deficient Mice, Maria E. Perez-Munoz
Characterization of the gut microbiota and identification of colitogenic bacterial species in core 1 O-glycans deficient mice, Maria Elisa Perez-Munoz
Characterization of the Rust Fungus, Puccinia emaculata, and Evaluation of Genetic Variability for Rust Resistance in Switchgrass Populations, Srinivasa Rao Uppalapati, Desalegn D. Serba, Yasuhiro Ishiga, Les J. Szabo, Shipra Mittal, Hem S. Bhandari, Joseph H. Bouton, Kirankumar S. Mysore, and Malay C. Saha
Characterization of the Uukuniemi Virus Group (Phlebovirus: Bunyaviridae): Evidence for Seven Distinct Species, Gustavo Oalacios, Nazir Savji, Amelia Tracassos da Rosa, Hilda Guzman, Xuejie Yu, Aaloki Desai, Gail Emilia Rosen, Stephen Hutchison, W. Ian Lipkin, and Robert Tesh
Characterization of Uterine Epidermal Growth Factor During Early Pregnancy in Pigs, J. G. Kim, J. L. Vallet, and R. K. Christenson
Characterization of white mold disease avoidance in common bean, Phillip N. Miklas, Lyndon D. Porter, James D. Kelly, and James R. Myers
Characterizing inflammatory breast cancer among Arab Americans in the California, Detroit and New Jersey Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registries (1988–2008), Kelly A. Hirko, Amr S. Soliman, Mousumi Banerjee, Julie Ruterbusch, Joe B. Harford, Robert M. Chamberlain, John J. Graff, Sofia D. Merajver, and Kendra Schwartz
Checklist and bibliography of the Trogidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), Jiri Zídek
Chemistry and Microbial Functional Diversity Differences in Biofuel Crop and Grassland Soils in Multiple Geographies, Lidia S. Watrud, Jay R. Reichman, Michael A. Bollman, Bonnie M. Smith, E. Henry Lee, Julie D. Jastrow, Michael D. Casler, Harold P. Collins, Steven Fransen, Robert B. Mitchell, Vance N. Owens, Brent Bean, William L. Rooney, Donald D. Tyler, and George A. King
Chemostratigraphy of the early Pliocene diatomite interval from MIS AND-1B core (Antarctica): Paleoenvironment implications, Giovanna Scopelliti, Adriana Bellanca, Donata Monien, and Gerhard Kuhn
Children’s Attitudes towards Peers with Disabilities: Associations with Personal and Parental Factors, Soo-Young Hong, Kyong-Ah Kwon, and Hyun-Joo Jeon
Children’s Social Behaviors and Peer Interactions in Diverse Cultures, Carolyn P. Edwards, Maria deGuzman, Jill Brown, and Asiye Kumru
Chinese fisheries enforcement: Environmental and strategic implications, Lyle J. Goldstein
Chinook Salmon Foraging Patterns in a Changing Lake Michigan, Gregory R. Jacobs, Charles P. Madenjian, David B. Bunnell, David M. Warner, and Randall M. Caramunt
Chlorophyll Meter as Nitrogen Management Tool in Malting Barley, Brian J. Wienhold and J. M. Krupinsky
Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium vivax, J. Kevin Baird
Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium malariae in south Sumatra, Indonesia, Jason D. Maguire, Iwa W. Sumawinata, Sofyan Masbar, Budhi Laksana, Purnomo Prodjodipuro, Ika Susanti, Priyanto Sismadi, Nurlis Mahmud, Michael J. Bangs, and J. Kevin Baird
Chloroviruses: Not Your Everyday Plant Virus, James L. Van Etten and David D. Dunigan
Chromatographic analysis of drug interactions in the serum proteome, David S. Hage, Jeanethe A. Anguizola, Abby J. Jackson, Ryan Matsuda, Efthimia Papastavros, Erika Pfaunmiller, Zenghan Tong, John Vargas-Badilla, Michelle J. Yoo, and Xiwei Zheng
Chromosome Analysis Of Bidens Polylepis And Bidens Coronata (Compositae), Merlin G. Butler and Ronald R. Weedon
Chronological Bibliography of the Works of Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Lucinda Damon-Bach, Allison Roepsch, and Melissa J. Homestead
Chuck Hagel- U.S. SENATOR FROM NEBRASKA, Joint Committee on Printing
Cibule, Rosemary Zumpfe
Citation patterns in Educational Science theses at the University of Córdoba, Alexander Maz-Machado, Manuel Torralbo-Rodríguez, Mª Pilar Gutiérrez-Arenas, and Francisca Morales Sillero
Cited for More Than 60 Years of Flavor Research, Dennis O’Brien
Citrus Greening: A Puzzle with Many Pieces, Gail Wisler
Civic responsibility development in African-American and Latino students: A mixed methods study to understand the effects of service, Randall R McCrillis
Civilians on the Battlefield: By Using U.S. Civilians in the War on Terror, Is the Pot Calling the Kettle Black?, Joshua P. Nauman
Civilian Space Policy and Applications, U.S. Office of Technology Assessment
Civilian Space Stations and the U.S. Future in Space, U.S. Office of Technology Assessment
Clarity and Clarification: Grable Federal Questions in the Eyes of Their Beholders, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Clarity and Clarification: Grable Federal Questions in the Eyes of Their Beholders, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Cliff Swallows, Swallow Bugs, and West Nile Virus: An Unlikely Transmission Mechanism, Paul T. Oesterle, Nicole M. Nemeth, Ginger Young, Nicole Mooers, Stacey Elmore, Richard Bowen, Paul Doherty, Jeffrey Hall, Robert McLean, and Larry Clark
Climate Change and Climate Variability: El Salvador – Impacts on Productivity of Grain Crops and Opportunities for Management and Improvement, P. V. Vara Prasad
Climate Change and Cultural Response In The Prehistoric American Southwest, Larry Benson and Michael S. Berry
Climate change beliefs, concerns, and attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation among farmers in the Midwestern United States, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Linda Stalker Prokopy, Tonya Haigh, Jon Hobbs, Tricia Knoot, Cody Knutson, Adam Loy, Amber Saylor Mase, Jean McGuire, Lois Wright Morton, John Tyndall, and Melissa Widhalm
Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production, J. L. Hatfield, K. J. Boote, B. A. Kimball, L. H. Ziska, R. C. Izaurralde, D. Ort, A. M. Thomson, and D. Wolfe
Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Forage and Rangeland Production, R. C. Izaurralde, A. M. Thomson, J. A. Morgan, P. A. Fay, H. W. Polley, and J. L. Hatfield
Climate suitability and human influences combined explain the range expansion of an invasive horticultural plant, Carolyn M. Beans, Francis F. Kilkenny, and Laura F. Galloway
Climatic niche, ecological genetics, and impact of climate change on eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.): Guidelines for land managers, Dennis G. Joyce and Gerald E. Rehfeldt
Climatic Resources, Jerry L. Hatfield and John H. Prueger
Clinical Auscultation In Noisy Environments, Steven Gaydos
Clinical Effects and Antivenom Use for Snake Bite Victims Treated at Three US Hospitals in Afghanistan, Jason D. Heiner, Vikhyat S. Bebarta, Shawn M. Varney, Jason D. Bothwell, and Aaron J. Cronin
Clinical Use of Colistin Induces Cross-Resistance to Host Antimicrobials in Acinetobacter baumannii, Brooke A. Napier, Eileen M. Burd, Sarah W. Satola, Stephanie M. Cagle, Susan M. Ray, Patrick McGann, Jan Pohl, Emil P. Lesho, and David S. Weiss
Clinical Use of Probiotics in Pediatric Allergy (CUPPA): A World Allergy Organization Position Paper, Alessandro Fiocchi, Wesley Burks, Sami L. Bahna, Leonard Bielory, Robert J. Boyle, Renata Cocco, Sten Dreborg, Richard E. Goodman, Mikael Kuitunen, Tari Haahtela, Ralf G. Heine, Gideon Lack, David A. Osborn, Hugh Sampson, Gerald W. Tannock, and Bee Wah Lee
Clone Size of Andropogon gerardii Vitman (Big Bluestem) at Konza Prairie, Kansas, Kathleen H. Keeler, Charles F. Williams, and Linda S. Vescio
Closing Remarks—Seventeenth Vertebrate Pest Conference, Rex O. Baker
Closure and homological properties of (auto)stackable groups, Ashley Johnson
Closure and homological properties of (auto)stackable groups, Ashley Johnson
Cloth and the Corpse in Ebira, John Picton
Clothes from Cactus? Ancient and Contemporary Examples of Cactus Fiber Clothes and Textiles in Ecuador, Lynn A. Meisch
Clothes Make the Page: Uniforms in the U.S. Capitol, Felicia Wivchar
Cloth in Contemporary West Africa: A Symbiosis of Factory-made and Hand-made Cloth, Heather Marie Akou
Clothing or Decoration: Exploring the Penis Sheath of Papua New Guinea, Catherine Murphy
Cloud Computing Applications in Indian Central University libraries: A study of librarians` use, MAYANK YUVARAJ
Clustering and Classification of Multi-domain Proteins, Neethu Shah
CMOS Smart Camera with Focal Plane Neighborhood-Parallel Image Processing, Joseph A. Schmitz
CO2 uptake and ecophysiological parameters of the grain crops of midcontinent North America: Estimates from flux tower measurements, Tagir G. Gilmanov, Bruce K. Wylie, Larry L. Tieszen, Tilden P. Meyers, Vern S. Baron, Carl J. Bernacchi, David P. Billesbach, George G. Burba, Marc L. Fischer, Aaron J. Glenn, Niall P. Hanan, Jerry L. Hatfield, Mark W. Heuer, Steven E. Hollinger, Daniel M. Howard, Roser Matamala, John H. Prueger, Mario Tenuta, and David G. Young
Coaching: A Tool for Personal, Organizational and Business Innovation in Rural Communities, Connie Reimers-Hild
Cob Removal Effect on Sediment and Runoff Nutrient Loss from a Silt Loam Soil, Brian J. Wienhold and John E. Gilley
Coccidia of Gerbils from Mongolia, Ethan T. Jensen
Coercivity Enhancement in Zr2Co11-Based Nanocrystalline Materials Due to Mo Addition, Wenyong Zhang, Shah R. Valloppilly, XINGZHONG LI, Ralph Skomski, Jeffrey E. Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
Coercivity Enhancement in Zr2Co11-Based Nanocrystalline Materials Due to Mo Addition, Wenyong Zhang, Shah R. Valloppilly, Xingzhong Li, Ralph Skomski, Jeffrey Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
Collaboration between traditional and biomedical practitioners in the Bui Division, Cameroon, Mary J Hallin
Collaboration for Improved Soil and Water Management in Eastern and Southern Africa, Charles S. Wortmann
Collaborative Research in Economics in Pakistan: The Case of Pakistan Development Review from 1973 to 2009, Sajjad Ullah Jan and Mumtaz Ali Anwar
Collecting Paradata for Measurement Error Evaluations, Kristen Olson and Bryan Parkhurst
Colonial-Nesting Waterbirds: A Glorious and Gregarious Group
Colonial Waterbird Populations and Management on Florida’s Gulf of Mexico Coast, Ann Hodgson and Ann F. Paul
Colony Connectivity of Pacific Coast Double-Crested Cormorants Based on Post-Breeding Dispersal From the Region’s Largest Colony, Karen N. Courtot, Daniel D. Roby, Jessica Y. Adkins, Donald E. Lyons, D. Tommy King, and R. Scott Larsen
Colony Survivorship in Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, Western Harvester Ant, in Western Nebraska, Kathleen H. Keeler
Color and Sensory Properties of Beef Steaks Treated with Antimicrobial Sprays, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, Justine J. Hosch, Lasika S. Senaratne, Kim Varnold, and Chris R. Calkins
Color Wheel : Extension Circular Form 11-14-2
Combat-related gunshot wounds in the United States military: 2000-2009 (cohort study), John J. Walker, Joseph F. Kelly, Brendan J. McCriskin, Julia O. Bader, and Andrew J. Schoenfeld
Combinatorial Neural Codes from a Mathematical Coding Theory Perspective, Carina Curto, Vladimir Itskov, Katherine Morrison, Zachary Roth, and Judy L. Walker
Combined chloroquine, sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine and primaquine against Plasmodium falciparum in Central Java, Indonesia, Edith R. Lederman, Jason D. Maguire, Iwa W. Sumawinata, Krisin Chand, Iqbal Elyazar, Lusi Estiana, Priyanto Sismadi, Michael J. Bangs, and J. Kevin Baird
Combined effects of plant competition and insect herbivory hinder invasiveness of an introduced thistle, Tomomi Suwa and Svata M. Louda
Combining genetic test information and correlated phenotypic records for breeding value estimation, Matthew L. Spangler, J. Keith Bertrand, and R. Rekaya
Coming Full Circle, Suzanne Crawford O’Brien
Comments on Hill: “Punishment, Conscience, and Moral Worth”, Nelson T. Potter Jr.
Comments on Nebraska's Falconiform and Stringiform Bird Fauna, Paul Johnsgard
Commercializing University Research results: A Case Study by Behbahan Islamic Azad University, Parisa Masudian, Mohammad Reza Farhadpoor, and Nasrallah Ghashgayizadeh
Commercial Marketing & Exhibition Package, Jessica Ng
Common Questions about AAC Services in Early Intervention, Cynthia J. Cress and Christine A. Marvin
Communal Breeding: Clever Defense Against Cheats, Bruce E. Lyon and Daizaburo Shizuka
Community Exposure to Tsunami Hazards in California, Nathan J. Wood, Jamie Ratliff, and Jeff Peters
Community Partners’ Assessment of Service Learning in an Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Course, Sarah Steimel
Community, Power, and Memory in Díaz Ordaz's Mexico: The 1968 Lynching in San Miguel Canoa, Puebla, Kevin M. Chrisman
Comparability of Online and Paper/Pencil Mathematics Performance Measures, John L. Moon
Comparability of Online and Paper/Pencil Mathematics Performance Measures, John L Moon
Comparative Analysis of Edwardsiella Isolates from Fish in the Eastern United States Identifies Two Distinct Genetic Taxa Amongst Organisms Phenotypically Classified as E. tarda, Matt J. Griffin, Sylvie M. Quiniou, Theresa Cody, Maki Tabuchi, Cynthia Ware, Rocco C. Cipriano, Michael J. Mauel, and Esteban Soto
Comparative growth of spring-planted canola, brown mustard and camelina, Alexander D. Pavlista, David D. Baltensperger, Terry A. Isbell, and Gary W. Hergert
Comparative Response of Rams and Bulls to Long-Term Treatment with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs, H. Jiménez-Severiano, M. J. D'Occhio, D. D. Lunstra, M. L. Mussard, T. L. Davis, W. J. Enright, and J. E. Kinder
Comparative studies of differential gene calling using RNA-Seq data, Ximeng Zheng and Etsuko Moriyama
Comparative Toxicity of Diphacinone to Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Barnett A. Rattner, Katherine E. Horak, Sarah E. Warner, Daniel D. Day, and John J. Johnston
Comparing a Bioenergetics Model With Feeding Rates of Caged European Starlings, H. Jeffrey Homan, Randal S. Stahl, and George M. Linz
Comparing an intensive falconry program with selective culling to prevent gulls’ presence, Ericka Thiériot, Pierre Molina, and Jean-François Giroux
Comparing Biomass Yields of Low-Input High-Diversity Communities with Managed Monocultures Across the Central United States, Mari-Vaughn V. Johnson, Jim R. Kiniry, Homer Sanchez, H. Wayne Polley, and Philip A. Fay
Comparing Journal Impact Factor and H-type Indices in Virology Journals, Zao Liu and Gary (Gang) Wan
Comparing Light-Conversion Efficiency of Plants and Manmade Solar Cells, Donald R. Ort and Sharon Durham
Comparing Three Measures of Depressive Symptoms among American Indian Adolescents, Lisa E. Thrane, Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Mack Shelley
Comparing Wet and Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles for Yearling Finishing Cattle, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Dirk Burken, C.J. Schneider, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry Klopfenstein
Comparison of Common Cytotypes of Andropogon gerardii (Andropogoneae, Poaceae), Kathleen H. Keeler and Geoffrey A. Davis
Comparison Of Connectedness Measures And Changes In Connectedness Of The U.S. Duroc Population, N. Soga, Matthew L. Spangler, C. R. Schwab, P. J. Berger, and T. J. Baas
Comparison of Coyote and Coyote × Dog Hybrid Food Habits in Southeastern Nebraska, Brian R. Mahan
Comparison of DAYCENT-Simulated and Measured Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Corn Field, Marek K. Jarecki, Timothy B. Parkin, Alvarus S. K. Chan, Jerry L. Hatfield, and Raymond Jones
Comparison of Feeding Wet Distillers Grains in a Bunk or on the Ground to Cattle Grazing Native Sandhills Winter Range, Jacqueline Musgrave, Leslie Aaron Stalker, Matthew C. Stockton, and T. J. Klopfenstein
Comparison of Field-Scale Herbicide Runoff and Volatilization Losses: An Eight-Year Field Investigation, Timothy J. Gish, John H. Prueger, Craig S. T. Daughtry, William P. Kustas, Lynn G. McKee, Andrew L. Russ, and Jerry L. Hatfield
Comparison of Meat Composition from Offspring of Cloned and Conventionally Produced Boars, S. C. Walker, R. K. Christenson, R. P. Ruiz, D. E. Reeves, S. L. Pratt, F. Arenivas, N. E. Williams, B. L. Bruner, and I. A. Polejaeva
Comparison of molecular breeding values based on within- and across-breed training in beef cattle, Stephen D. Kachman, Matthew L. Spangler, Gary L. Bennett, Kathryn J. Hanford, Larry A. Kuehn, Warren M. Snelling, Mark Thallman, Mahdi Saatchi, Dorian J. Garrick, Robert D. Schnabel, Jeremy F. Taylor, and E John Pollak
Comparison of molecular breeding values based on within- and across-breed training in beef cattle, Stephen D. Kachman, Matthew L. Spangler, Gary L. Bennett, Kathryn J. Hanford, Larry Kuehn, Warren M. Snelling, R.M. Thallman, Mahdi Saatchi, Dorian J. Garrick, R. D. Schnabel, Jeremy F. Taylor, and John Pollak
Comparison of nucleic acid extraction platforms for detection of select biothreat agents for use in clinical resource limited settings, Michelle A. Shipley, Jeffrey W. Koehler, David A. Kulesh, and Timothy D. Minogue
Comparison of Old Field Succession on a Tallgrass Prairie and a Nebraska Sandhills Prairie, Mary L. Bomberger Brown, Shelly L. Shields, A. Tyrone Harrsion, and Kathleen H. Keeler
Comparison of Reference (Potential) Evapotranspiration Equations and Long-term Average Frequency Distribution in Humid, Subhumid, Arid, Semiarid, and Mediterranean-Type Climates, María Gabriela Arellano Bello
Comparison of two models for estimating mortality from baitings with Compound DRC-1339 Concentrate avicide, Jeffrey H. Homan, Randal S. Stahl, and George M. Linz
Comparison of two models for estimating mortality from baitings with Compound DRC-1339 Concentrate avicide, H. Jeffrey Homan, Randal S. Stahl, and George M. Linz
Comparison of two soil quality indexes to evaluate cropping systems in northern Colorado, T.M. Zobeck, A.D. Halvorson, Brian J. Wienhold, V. Acosta-Martinez, and D.L. Karlen
Comparisons between blackbird damage to corn and sunflower in North Dakota, Megan E. Klosterman, George M. Linz, Anthony Slowik, and H. Jeffrey Homan
Complete Closed Genome Sequences of Mannheimia haemolytica Serotypes A1 and A6, Isolated from Cattle, Gregory P. Harhay, Sergey Koren, Adam M. Phillippy, D. Scott McVey, Jennifer Kuszak, Michael L. Clawson, Dayna M. Harhay, Michael P. Heaton, Carol G. Chitko-McKown, and Timothy P. L. Smith
Complete plastid genomes from Ophioglossum californicum, Psilotum nudum, and Equisetum hyemale reveal an ancestral land plant genome structure and resolve the position of Equisetales among monilophytes, Felix Grewe, Wenhu Guo, Emily A. Gubbels, A Katie Hansen, and Jeffrey P. Mower
Complete Work- THE INFLUENCE OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY ON TESTING, Royce R. Ronning, John A. Glover, Jane C. Conoley, and Joseph C. Witt
“Comportamiento de los Sorgos Híbridos para Grano Dentro de los Ensayos Uniformes del PCCMCA 2009" = “Performance of the Hybrid Sorghums for Grain in the Uniform Trials of PCCMCA 2009”, René Clará Valencia, Denis Téllez Gonzalez, Rafael Obando, Nury Gutiérrez, Salvador Zeledón, Rene Velásquez, Julián Ramírez, Ismael Camargo Buitrago, and Román Gordon
“Comportamiento de los Sorgos Híbridos para Grano Dentro de los Ensayos Uniformes del PCCMCA 2010” = “Performance of the Hybrid Sorghums for Grain in the Uniform Trials of PCCMCA 2010”, René Clará Valencia, Rafael Obando, Nury Gutiérrez, Fabricio Dolmus, Marvin Jiménez, Ricardo Estebez, Alberto Morán, Norman Danilo Escoto Gudiel, and Roman Gordón Mendoza
Comportamiento de los Sorgos Híbridos para Grano Dentros de los Ensayos Uniformes del PCCMCA 2010, René Clará Valencia, Rafael Obando, Nury Gutiérrez, Fabricio Dolmus, Marvin Jiménez, Ricardo Estebez, Alberto Morán, Norman Danilo Escoto Gudiel, and Roman Gordón Mendoza
Compounds in Whole-Grain Rice Varieties, Ming-Hsuan Chen, Karen Bett-Garber, and Rosalie Marion Bliss
Comprehensive genotyping of the USA national maize inbred seed bank, Maria C. Romay, Mark J. Millard, Jeffrey C. Glaubitz, Jason A. Peiffer, Kelly L. Swarts, Terry M. Casstevens, Robert J. Elshire, Charlotte B. Acharya, Sharon E. Mitchell, Sherry A. Flint-Garcia, Michael D. McMullen, James B. Holland, Edward S. Buckler, and Candice A. Gardner
Compromising genetic diversity in the wild: unmonitored large-scale release of plants and animals, Linda Laikre, Michael K. Schwartz, Robin Waples, Nils Ryman, and The GeM Working Group
Computationally efficient methods for modelling laser wakefield acceleration in the blowout regime, B. M. Cowan, Serguei Y. Kalmykov, A. Beck, X. Davoine, K. Bunkers, A. F. Lifschitz, E. Lefebvre, D. Bruhwiler, Bradley Shadwick, and Donald Umstadter
Concentrated Flow Paths in Riparian Buffer Zones of Southern Illinois, R. C. Pankau, J. E. Schoonover, K. W. J. Williard, and P. J. Edwards
Concomitant administration of GonaConTMand rabies vaccine infemale dogs (Canis familiaris) in Mexico, Fernando Vargas-Pino, Verónica Gutiérrez-Cedillo, Erick J. Canales-Vargas, Luis R. Gress-Ortega, Lowell A. Miller, C. E. Rupprecht, Scott C. Bender, Patricia García-Reyna, Juan Ocampo-López, and Dennis Slate
Concurrent simulation of the eddying general circulation and tides in a global ocean model, Brian K. Arbic, Alan J. Wallcraft, and E. Joseph Metzger
Conditions and Limitations on Learning in the Adaptive Management of Mallard Harvests, Fred A. Johnson, William L. Kendall, and James A. Dubovsky
Conference Program: 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, 2013
Confirmed Spring 1998 Whooping Crane Sightings in the USA
Confirmed Whooping Crane Sightings, 1942-1982, Wally Jobman
Conflicting Patterns of Genetic Structure Produced by Nuclear and Mitochondrial Markers in the Oregon Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps wrighti): Implications for Conservation Efforts and Species Management, Mark P. Miller, Susan M. Haig, and Steven Wagner
Congenital Transmission of Neospora Caninum in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), J. P. Dubey, M. C. Jenkins, O. C. H. Kwok, L. R. Ferreira, S. Choudhary, S. K. Verma, I. Villena, E. Butler, and M. Carstensen
Congressional Campaign Ribbons, Farar Elliott
Connecting children to nature: A multiple case study of nature center preschools, Patti Ensel Bailie
Connecting with Volunteers: Memorable Messages and Volunteer Identification, Sarah Steimel
Consensus-based reporting standards for diagnostic test accuracy studies for paratuberculosis in ruminants, Ian A. Gardner, Søren S. Nielsen, Richard J. Wittington, Michael T. Collins, Douwe Bakker, Beth Harris, Srinand Sreevatsan, Jason E. Lombard, Raymond Sweeney, David R. Smith, Jerrie Gavalchin, and Shigetoshi Eda
Consequences of Antenna Design in Telemetry Studies of Small Passerines, Steve J. Dougill, Luanne Johnson, Paul C. Banko, Dan M. Goltz, Michael R. Wiley, and John D. Semones
Consequences of a short pulse of pesticide exposure for survival and reproduction of Gammarus pulex, Anders Cold and Valery E. Forbes
Consequences of recent Southern Hemisphere winter variability on polar mesospheric clouds, David E. Siskind, Michael H. Stevens, Mark Hervig, Fabrizio Sassi, Karl Hoppel, Christoph R. Englert, and Andrew J. Kochenash
Conservation and Ecology of Marine Forage Fishes— Proceedings of a Research Symposium, September 2012, Theresa Liedtke, Caroline Gibson, Dayv Lowry, and Duane Fagergren
Conservation Biology for Suites of Species: Demographic Modeling for Pacific Island Kingfishers, Dylan C. Kesler and Susan M. Haig
Conservation, Experimentation, Innovation, and Model Honors Programs, Bernice Braid and Gladys Palma De Schrynemakers
Conservation Genetics of Pacific Salmon, Robin Waples and David Teel
Conservation Genetics of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus) in the Western Hemisphere: Population Genetic Structure and Delineation of Subspecies, W. Chris Funk, Thomas D. Mullins, and Susan M. Haig
Conservation Strategy for the New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), Steven Fuller and Anthony Tur
Conservators' Approaches to Viewing Textiles, Harold F. Mailand
Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes, Dale D. Goble, J. Michael Scott, and Frank W. Davis
Consistent divergence times and allele sharing measured from cross-species application of SNP chips developed for three domestic species, J. M. Miller, J. W. Kijas, M. P. Heaton, J. C. Mcewan, and D. W. Coltman
Constraints On Frugivory By Bears, Christy A. Welch, Jeffrey Keay, Katherine C. Kendall, and Charles T. Robbins
Construction and Nonclinical Testing of a Puumala Virus Synthetic M Gene-Based DNA Vaccine, R. L. Brocato, M. J. Josleyn, V. Wahl-Jensen, C. S. Schmaljohn, and J. W. Hooper
Constructions, Sean Ryan Larson
Contemporary Comics Storytelling, Karin Kukkonen
Contemporary Handweaving IV, Norman A. Geske
Contents - THE ECONOMY OF HONORS- JNCHC Spring/Summer 2012, Ada Long and Dail Mullins
Contradictio in terminis or Realpolitik? A Qualified Plea for a Role of 'Soft Law' in the Context of Space Activities, Frans G. von der Dunk
Contribution of Postmortem Muscle Biochemistry to the Delivery of Consistent Meat Quality with Particular Focus on the Calpain System, M. Koohmaraie and G. H. Geesink
Contributions of phenotypic plasticity to differences in thermogenic performance between highland and lowland deer mice, Zachary A. Cheviron, Gwendolyn C. Bachman, and Jay F. Storz
Control and understanding of the formation of micro/nanostructured metal surfaces using femtosecond laser pulses, Craig A Zuhlke
Control Genético del Color del Grano de Sorgo, René Clará Valencia and William L. Rooney
Controlled expedient disposal of excess gun propellant, M.R. Walsh, S. Thiboutot, M.E. Walsh, and G. Ampleman
Control of atomic dynamics in laser-assisted electron-atom scattering through the driving-laser ellipticity, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, and A. N. Zheltukhin
Cool-season whole-plant gas exchange of exotic and native semiarid bunchgrasses, Erik P. Hamerlynck, Russell L. Scott, Greg A. Barron-Gafford, Michelle L. Cavanaugh, M. Susan Moran, and Travis E. Huxman
Cooperation and competition: nepotistic tolerance and intrasexual aggression in western bluebird winter groups, Janis L. Dickinson, Melody Euaparadorn, Katherine Greenwald, Chandreyee Mitra, and Daizaburo Shizuka
Coordinated Silencing of MYC-Mediated miR-29 by HDAC3 and EZH2 as a Therapeutic Target of Histone Modification in Aggressive B-Cell Lymphomas, Xinwei Zhang, Xiaohong Zhao, Warren Fiskus, Jianhong Lin, Tint Lwin, Rekha Rao, Yizhuo Zhang, John C. Chan, Kai Fu, Victor E. Marquez, Selina Chen-Kiang, Lynn C. Moscinski, Edward Seto, William S. Dalton, Kenneth L. Wright, Eduardo Sotomayor, Kapil Bhalla, and Jianguo Tao
Coots Use Hatch Order to Learn to Recognize and Reject Conspecific Brood Parasitic Chicks, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
Co-production of electricity and ethanol, process economics of value prior combustion, Trevor Treasure, R. Gonzalez, Richard Venditti, Y. Pu, H. Jameel, Steve Kelley, and Jeffrey Prestemon
Cormorant Food Habit and Potential Impacts on Sport and Commercial Fisheries: An Annotated Bibliography, John L. Trapp and Shauna Hanisch
Corn Cob Residue Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics during Decomposition, Brian J. Wienhold, Gary E. Varvel, and Virginia L. Jin
Corn Cobs On Deck for Cellulosic Feedstock, Brian J. Wienhold and Ann Perry
Corn Defenses Probed for New Pest-Fighting Clues, Jan Suszkiw, Eric Schmelz, and Alisa Huffaker
Corn Residue Removal Effects On Subsequent Yield, Brian J. Wienhold, Gary E. Varvel, Virginia L. Jin, Rob B. Mitchell, and Kenneth P. Vogel
Correction in the Nebraska Bird Review, Vol. 61 (3), 1993, p. 137
Corrections in Nebraska Bird Review 61(2) September 1993.
Corrections in Vol. 60, no. 3, p.78, 1992, Rosalind Morris
"Corrections to 1989 Fall Occurrence Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1990)
Corrections to 1989 Spring Occurrence Report
Corrections to 2004-05 Christmas Bird Counts
Correction to 1979 Fall Occurrence Report
Correction to 1979 Spring Migration Report
Correction to 1980 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Alice Kenitz
Correction to 1980 Spring Migration Report, Alice Kenitz
Correction to 1981 Spring Migration Report
Correction to 1986 Spring Occurrence Report
Correction to 1988 Spring Occurrence Report
Correction to the 2001 (13th) Report of the NOU Records Committee
Correction to Winter Bird Numbers Article
Correlation of Human Olfactory Responses to Airborne Concentrations of Malodorous Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Swine Effluent, J. A. Zahn, A. A. DiSpirito, Y. S. Do, B. E. Brooks, E. E. Cooper, and J. L. Hatfield
Corrigendum (Russo et al. 2007): A Re-Analysis of Growth–Size Scaling Relationships of Woody Plant Species, Sabrina E. Russo, Susan K. Wiser, and David A. Coomes
Corrigendum to "Effect of elliptically polarised light on the angular distribution of photoelectrons", James A. R. Samson and Anthony F. Starace
Cosmology research in India: a scientometric study, Bidyarthi Dutta Dr. and Durga Sankar Rath Prof.
Cost Analysis of Forage Alternatives, Roger K. Wilson and Matthew Stockton
Costs and Benefits in the Economy of Honors, Richard Badenhausen
Costs and Benefits of Monogamy and Polygyny for Yanomamö Women, Raymond B. Hames
Costume Design for Paragon Springs, Bethany D. Skinner
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 3 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 3 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 3 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 4 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 4 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issue 4 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issues 1-2 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 45, Issues 1-2 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 3 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 3 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 3 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 4 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 4 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issue 4 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issues 1-2 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issues 1-2 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 46, Issues 1-2 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issue 3 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issue 3 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issue 3 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issue 4 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issue 4 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issues 1-2 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issues 1-2 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 47, Issues 1-2 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issue 3 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issue 3 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issue 3 (Table of Contents)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issues 1-2 (Complete)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issues 1-2 (Cover)
Court Review, Volume 48, Issues 1-2 (Table of Contents)
Covariation between understorey light environments and soil resources in Bornean mixed dipterocarp rain forest, Sabrina E. Russo, Lin Zhang, and Sylvester Tan
Cover crop and conidia delivery system impacts on soil persistence of Metarhizium anisopliae (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) in sugarbeet, Mark A. Boetel, Ayanava Majumdar, Stefan T. Jaronski, and Richard D. Horsley
Cover of Plants with Extrafloral Nectaries at Four Northern California Sites, Kathleen H. Keeler
Cow dogs: Use of livestock protection dogs for reducing predation and transmission of pathogens from wildlife to cattle, Kurt C. Vercauteren, Michael J. Lavelle, Thomas M. Gehring, and Jean-Marc Landry
Coxsackievirus B3 Infection Leads to the Generation of Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain-α-Reactive CD4 T Cells in A/J Mice, Arunakumar Gangaplara, Chandirasegaran Massilamany, Deborah M. Brown, Gustavo A. Delhon, Asit K. Pattnaik, Nora Chapman, Noel Rose, David J. Steffen, and Jay Reddy
Coyote Capture Vulnerability Relative to Space Use and Trap Density, Ryan R. Wilson, Julie K. Young, and John Shivik
Creating a New Generation of Courts, Brian Ostrom, Roger Hanson, and Kevin Burke
Creating Interdisciplinary Collaborations to Support and Understand Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Ruth Heaton, Wendy Smith, and Traci Kutaka
Creating New Markets for African Sorghum Farmers, INTSORMIL
Creating Safe Places for Conflict Resolution to Happen, Carolyn P. Edwards
Creation of a high-amylose durum wheat through mutagenesis of starch synthase II (SSIIa), A.C. Hogg, K. Gause, P. Hofer, J.M. Martin, Robert A. Graybosch, L.E. Hansen, and M.J. Giroux
Crime Against People with Disabilities, 2007, Michael L.R. Rand and Erika Harrell
Critical Habitat, J. Michael Reed, H. Resit Akçakaya, Mark Burgman, Darren Bender, Steven R. Beissinger, and J. Michael Scott
Critical Thinking Impact on Faculty Members ‘Information Seeking Behavior in IAU Babol Branch, Safie Tahmasebi Limoni and Mitra Ghiasi
Crop and Soil Productivity Response to Corn Residue Removal: A Literature Review, W. W. Wilhelm, J. M. F. Johnson, J. L. Hatfield, W. B. Voorhees, and D. R. Linden
Crop-Friendly Bacteria Tapped To Battle Fungal Marauders, Patricia Okubara and Jan Suszkiw
Crop Management Technologies Approved/Recommended to Farmers by INTSORMIL Supported NARS Programs 2006-2012, Elvis A. Heinrichs
Cropping history affects nodulation and symbiotic efficiency of distinct hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) genotypes with resident soil rhizobia, N. V. Mothapo, J.M. Grossman, T. Sooksa-nguan, J. Maul, S. L. Bräuer, and W. Shi
Cropping system effects on soil quality in the Great Plains: Synthesis from a regional project, Brian J. Wienhold, J.L. Pikul Jr, M.A. Liebig, M.M. Mikha, G.E. Varvel, J.W. Doran, and S.S. Andrews
CropWatch No. 2002-10, May 17, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-11, May 24,2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-12, May 23, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-13, June 14, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-14, June 21, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-15, June 28, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-16, July 12, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-17, July 19, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-18, July 26, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-19, Aug. 9, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-1, March 1, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-20, Aug. 23, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-21, Sept. 6, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-22, Sept. 20, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-23, Oct. 4, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-24, Oct. 18, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-25, Nov. 1 ,2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-26, Nov. 15, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-2, March 15, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-3, March 29, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-4, April 5, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-5, April 12, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-6, April 19, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-7, April 26, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-8, May 3, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2002-9, May 10, 2002, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-10, May 16, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-11, May 23, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-12, May 23, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-13, June 6, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-14, June 13, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-15, June 20, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-16, June 27, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-17, July 4, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-18, July 11,2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-19, July 25, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-1, Feb, 4, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-20, August 8, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-21, August 22, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-22, September 5, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-23, September 19, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-24, October 10, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-25, October 24, 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-26, November 21 , 2003, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-2, March 7, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-3, March 21, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-4, April 4, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-5, April 11, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-6, April 18, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-7, April 25, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-8, May 2, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 2003-9, May 9, 2003, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-10, June 10, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-11, June 17, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-11, June 24, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-13, July 1, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-14, July 15, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-15, July 22, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-16, July 29, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-17, Aug. 5, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-18, Aug. 19, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-19, Sept. 2, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-1, March 18, 1994, Lisa Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-20, Sept. 16, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-21, Sept. 30, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-22, Oct. 14, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-23, Oct. 28, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-24-2, Dec. 16, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-24, Nov.11, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-2, March 25, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-3, April 1, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-4, April 15, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-5, April 22, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-6, April 29, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-7, May 6, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-8, May 13, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 94-9, May 27, 1994, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-10, May 19,1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-11, June 9, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-11, May 26,1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-13, June 16, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-14, June 23, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-15, June 30, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-16, July 14, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-17, July 28, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-18, Aug. 4, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-19, Aug. 11, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-1, March 17, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-20, Aug. 18, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-21, Aug. 25, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-22, Sept. 1, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-23, Sept. 15, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-24, Oct. 13, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-25, Oct. 27, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-26, Nov. 10, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-2, March 24, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-3, March 31, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-4, April 7, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-5, April 14, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-6, April 21, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-7, April 28, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-8, May 5, 1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 95-9, May 12,1995, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-10, May 31,1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-11, June 7, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-12, June 14, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-13, June 21, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-14, June 28, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-15, July 12, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-16, July 19, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-17, July 26, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-18, Aug. 2, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-19, Aug. 16, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-1, March 8, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-20, Aug. 30, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-21, Sept. 13, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-22, Sept. 20, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-23, Oct. 4,1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-24, Oct. 18, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-25, Nov. 8,1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-26, Dec. 13, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-2, March 15, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-3, March 22, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-4, April 5, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-5, April 19, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-6, April 26, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-7, May 10, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-8, May 17, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 96-9, May 24, 1996, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-10, May 23, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-11, May 30, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-12, June 6,1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-13, June 13, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-14, June 20, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-15, June 27, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-16, July 11,1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-17, July 18, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-18, July 25, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-19, Aug. 1, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-1, March 14, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-20, Aug. 15, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-21, Aug. 29, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-22, Sept. 12, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-23, Sept. 26, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-24, Oct. 10, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-25, Nov. 7,1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-26, Dec. 12, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-2, March 28, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-3, April 11 , 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-4, April 11, 1997 Special Edition, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-5, April 18, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-6, April 25, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-7, May 2, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-8, May 9, 1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 97-9, May 16,1997, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-10, May 22, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-11, June 5,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-12, June 12, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-13, June 19, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-14,, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-15, July 2, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-16, July 9,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-17, July 16, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-18, July 24, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-19, July 31,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-1, March 6, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-20, Aug. 14, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-21, Aug. 28,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-22, Sept. 4, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-23, Sept. 11, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-24, Oct. 2,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-25, Oct. 16, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-26, Nov. 20, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-2, March 20, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-3, April 3, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-4, April 10, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-5, April 17, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-6, April 24, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-7, May 1, 1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-8, May 8,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 98-9, May 15,1998, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-10, May 21, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-11, May 28, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-12, June 4,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-13, June 11, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-14, June 18, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-15, June 25, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-16, July 2,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-17, July 16,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-17, July 9,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-19, July 23, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-1, March 5, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-20, Aug. 6, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-21, Aug. 20, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-22, Sept. 17, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-23, Oct. 8,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-24, Oct. 29,1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-25, Nov. 19, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-26, Jan. 28, 2000, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-2, March 19.1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-3, April 2, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-4, April 9, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-5, April 16, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-6, April 23, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-7, April 30, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-8, May 7, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
CropWatch No. 99-9, May 14, 1999, Lisa Brown Jasa
Cross-cultural Commemoration: Historical Chinese Patchwork Inspires a New Tradition in America, Marin F. Hanson
Cross‑Cultural Research on Kohlberg's Stages: The Basis for Consensus, Carolyn P. Edwards
Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance, Yun Ye
Cross-layer optimized wireless video surveillance, Yun Ye
Crow Pellets from Winter Roosts in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Mary Annala, Eric A. Tillman, Gregory A. Backus, Kandy L. Keacher, and Michael L. Avery
Crusading Quilts: Social Reform and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Amanda Lensch
Crystal structures and phase formation thermodynamics of iron-gold nanoclusters, Pinaki Mukherjee
Cultivation conditions and the diffusion of oxygen into culture media: The rationale for the flask-to-medium ratio in microbiology, Greg A. Somerville and Richard A. Proctor
Culturally Proficient Teachers, Lori Piowlski
Culturally Proficient Teachers, Lori R. Piowlski
Cultural Negotiations, David L. Browman
Cultural Practices To Maintain Soil Quality and Address Climate Change, Upendra Sainju and Dennis O’Brien
Current Challenges Can Help Fuel Future Opportunities, Jeffrey J. Steiner
Current known range of the Platte River caddisfly, Ironoquia plattensis, and genetic variability among populations from three Nebraska Rivers, Lindsay A. Vivian, Michael Cavallaro, Kate Kneeland, Erica Lindroth, W. Wyatt Hoback, Kerri M. Farnsworth-Hoback, Robert R. Harms, and John E. Foster
Current State of Weed Management in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems, Alec F. McErlich and R. A. Boydston
Current Status of ShodhGangotri: Repository of Indian Research in Progress, Shantashree S. Sengupta
Curriculum-Based Measurement- Complete Work, Jane Close Conoley and Jack J. Kramer
Curved precast prestressed concrete girder bridges, Musa Alawneh
Cytokines in Pigs Bred Selectively for High and Low Immune Response [abstract only], Jay Reddy, Bruce N. Wilkie, Bonnie A. Mallard, and Soren Rosendal
Cytotypes of Andropogon gerardii Vitman (Poaceae): Fertility and Reproduction of Aneuploids, Guillermo A. Norrmann and Kathleen H. Keeler
Dahomey Appliqués and the Politics of Production, Holly Paquette
Damage progression from impact in layered glass modeled with peridynamics, Florin Bobaru, Youn Doh Ha, and Wenke Hu
Das Massaker der Fosse Ardeatine und die Taterverfolgung. Deutsch-italienische Störfalle von Kappler bis Priebke, Gerald Steinacher
Data from the 2006 International Piping Plover Census, Elise Elliott-Smith, Susan M. Haig, and Brandi M. Powers
Dealing With Wild Pig Depredation In California: The Strategic Plan, Douglas Updike and John Waithman
Death and Texas: The Unevolved Model of Decency, Patrick Metze
Death Became Them: The Defeminization of the American Death Culture, 1609-1899, Briony D. Zlomke
Death Zones and Darling Spies, Beverly Deepe Keever
December 7, 2012 - ALEC UCC Meeting Minutes
Decentralized Collision Avoidance, Jayasri K. Janardanan
Deceptive Textiles: Lister’s Velvet Loom, Resilitex, Decoys for WW II, Britain, Barbara Setsu Pickett and Eugene Nicholson
Decision Making Processes of Informant Handlers, Larry W Golba
Declining global per capita agricultural production and warming oceans threaten food security, Chris Funk and Molly E. Brown
Decoding the Divine: Kathi Embroideries of Saurashtra, Victoria Z. Rivers
Decomposition and nitrogen dynamics of 15N‑labeled leaf, root, and twig litter in temperate coniferous forests, Tiff L. van Huysen, Mark E. Harmon, Steven S. Perakis, and Hua Chen
Decomposition and Nutrient Release of Different Cover Crops in Organic Farm Systems, Jianru Shi
Decomposition Rates of Native and Improved Cultivars of Grasses in the Northern Great Plains, J. R. HENDRICKSON, Brian J. Wienhold, and J. D. BERDAHL
Decompositions of Betti Diagrams, Courtney Gibbons
Decompositions of Betti diagrams, Courtney Gibbons
Dedication- Freddye Turner Davy
Dedication- Licensure Testing: Purposes, Procedures, And Practices, James C. Impara
Deep sequencing and genome-wide analysis reveals the expansion of MicroRNA genes in the gall midge Mayetiola destructor, Chitvan Khajuria, Christie E. Williams, Mustapha El Bouhssini, R. Jeff Whitworth, Stephen Richards, Jeffrey J. Stuart, and Ming-Shun Chen
Deep Water Horizon Spill Appendix 1
Deep Water Horizon Spill Appendix 3
Deep Water Horizon Spill Tables
Deer Responses to Repellent Stimuli, Bruce A. Kimball, Jimmy Taylor, Kelly R. Perry, and Christina Capelli
Defect Distributions and Transport in Nanocomposites: A Theoretical Perspective, Blas Pedro Uberuaga, Enrique Martinez, Zhenxing Bi, Mujin Zhuo, Michael Nastasi, Amit Misra, and Alfredo Caro
Defending the Traditions by Preserving the Classics, Kevin L. Dooley
Deference Determinations and Stealth Constitutional Decision Making, Eric Berger
Defining and predicting surgeon utilization at forward surgical teams in Afghanistan, Kyle N. Remick, James A. Dickerson, Daniel Cronk, and Shawn C. Nessen
Defining Scavenger-Actors: Understanding a Global Menace, James Harrold
Degree of woody encroachment into grasslands controls soil carbohydrate and amino compound changes during long term laboratory incubation, Courtney A. Creamer, Timothy R. Filley, Dan C. Olk, Alain Plante, Clément Peltre, Sara M. Top, and Thomas W. Boutton
De héroe a santo: Masculinidad y españolidad en La vida nueva de Pedrito de Andía, de Sánchez Mazas, Iker Gonzalez-Allende
Dehydrogenase and Oxoreductase Activities of Porcine Placental 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase, Harold G. Klemcke
Demographic Risk Factors for Severe and Fatal Vivax and Falciparum Malaria Among Hospital Admissions in Northeastern Indonesian Papua, Mazie J. Barcus, Hasan Basri, Helena Picarima, C. Manyakori, Sekartuti, Iqbal Elyazar, Michael J. Bangs, Jason D. Maguire, and J. Kevin Baird
Demography and Genetic Structure of a Recovering Grizzly Bear Population, Katherine C. Kendall, Jeffrey B. Stetz, John Boulanger, Amy MacLeod, David Paetkau, and Gary White
Demonstration of CRISPR/Cas9/sgRNA-mediated targeted gene modification in Arabidopsis, tobacco, sorghum and rice, Wen Zhi Jiang, Huanbin Zhou, Honghao Bi, Michael Fromm, Bing Yang, and Donald P. Weeks
Density measurement in a laser-plasma-accelerator capillary using Raman scattering, T. Weineisen, B. Goppner, K. Schmid, Matthias Fuchs, H. Schroder, Stefan Karsh, and Florian Gruner
Departmental Libraries at the University of Peshawar: Current Status, Services, Issues, Challenges and Prospects, Amjid Khan and Rubina Bhatti
Department of the Army Reorganization Planning Directive 381-2, Technical, Area Analysis, and Order of Battle Intelligence Production, 18 May 1962, G. H. Decker Gen.; J. C. Lambert Maj. Genl.; Robert McNamara; and Robert Bolin , depositor
Deportation for a Sin: Why Moral Turpitude Is Void for Vagueness, Mary P. Holper
Depression and diabetes comorbidity: psychotherapy treatment preferences among a predominantly mexican sample of primary care patients with diabetes, Maria Jose Herrera
Depression and diabetes comorbidity: Psychotherapy treatment preferences among a predominantly Mexican sample of primary care patients with diabetes., Maria José Herrera
Derivation of a Tasseled Cap Transformation Based On Landsat 7 At-Satellite Reflectance, C. Huang, Bruce K. Wylie, Limin Yang, Collin Homer, and Gregory Zylstra
Desarrollo de Líneas in situ de Sorgo por Pequeños Productor@s en la Región Norte de Nicaragua Mediante los Métodos de Fitomejoramiento Participativo, Silvio Aguirre A., Orlando Gómez, Blanca Castro, and Rolando Herrera
Descripción de los estados inmaduros de Macracanthopyga verganiana Lizer y Trelles (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), Patricia González and María C. Granara de Willink
Description of a new Crossidius LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Trachyderini) from southern Georgia with comments on its biology and unusual distribution, Roy F. Morris II and James E. Wappes
Description of a new species of Adelorhagus Horn, 1890 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) from Honduras with a key to the species, Robert L. Otto
Descriptions of new species of the New World genus Perilypus Spinola (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae), Weston Opitz
Design and Application of a Direct-Push Vadose Zone Gravel Permeameter, Ronald B. Miller, Derek M. Heeren, Garey A. Fox, Daniel E. Storm, and Todd Halihan
Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Technology Networking System, Sushanta Mohan Rakshit
Design and synthesis of porphyrinic metal-organic frameworks, Haemi Chung
Design, characterization, and interrogation of surface-based electrochemical biosensors, Jennifer Y Gerasimov
Design considerations for table-top, laser-based VUV and X-ray free electron lasers, F. Gruner, Stefan Becker, U. Schramm, T. Eichner, R. Weingartner, D. Habs, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, M. Geissler, M. Ferrario, B. van der Geer, H. Backe, W. Lauth, and S. Reiche
Designing a monitoring plan, Eric M. Gese, Hilary S. Cooley, and Frederick F. Knowlton
Design of a Compliant Underactuated Robotic Finger with Coordinated Stiffness, Etienne Dessauw
Design of Experimental Methods to Test the Performance of Pads and Helmets under Blast Loading Conditions, Kurtis Palu
Detecting an elusive invasive species: a diagnostic PCR to detect Burmese python in Florida waters and an assessment of persistence of environmental DNA, Antoinette J. Piaggio, Richard Engeman, Matthew W. Hopken, John S. Humphrey, Kandy L. Keacher, William E. Bruce, and Michael L. Avery
Detecting Deadly Colonies of E. Coli, Rosalie Marion Bliss
Detecting Stress in Animals, Sharon Durham and Ted H. Elsasser
Detection and Characterization of a Distinct Bornavirus Lineage from Healthy Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), Susan Payne, Lina Covaleda, Guo Jianhua, Seth Swafford, John Baroch, Pamela J. Ferro, Blanca Lupiani, J Jill Heatley, and Ian Tizard
Detection of Autoreactive CD4 T Cells Using Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Dextramers, Chandirasegaran Massilimany, Bijaya Upadhyaya, Arunakumar Gangaplara, Charles Kuszynski, and Jay Reddy
Detection of New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase (Encoded by blaNDM-1) in Acinetobacter schindleri during Routine Surveillance, Patrick McGann, Michael Milillo, Robert J. Clifford, Erik Snesrud, Lindsay Stevenson, Michael G. Backlund, Helen B. Viscount, Reyes Quintero, Yoon I. Kwak, Michael J. Zapor, Paige W. Waterman, and Emil P. Lesho
Detection of prion protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) with chronic wasting disease using protein misfolding cyclic amplification, Tracy A. Nichols, Terry R. Spraker, Tom Gidlewski, Jenny G. Powers, Glenn C. Telling, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Mark D. Zabel
Detection of volatile organic compounds in cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis, Nir Peled, Radu Ionescu, Pauline Nol, Orna Barash, Matt McCollum, Kurt VerCauteren, Matthew Koslow, Randal Stahl, Jack Rhyan, and Hossam Haick
Detection probabilities of two introduced frogs in Hawaii: implications for assessing non-native species distributions, Christina A. Olson, Karen H. Beard, David N. Koons, and William C. Pitt
Determinación del efecto teratogénico en el desarrollo del tejido óseo en Rattus norvegicus cepa Wistar, inducido por la presencia de Arsénico a concentraciones encontradas en aguas de Zimapán, Hidalgo, México, Mireya Quiterio-Pérez, Juan Carlos Gaytán-Oyarzún, Scott Monks, Alberto José Gordillo-Martínez, and Francisco Prieto-García
Determinants of bovine thermal response to heat and solar radiation exposures in a field environment, Brad Scharf, Michael J. Leonard, Robert L. Weaber, Terry L. Mader, G. Leroy Hahn, and Donald E. Spiers
Determining forces required to override obstacles for ground vehicles, George L. Mason, Burhman Q. Gates, and Victoria D. Moore
Determining Information literacy Competency of Faculty members and Post graduate Medical and Para medical Students in Using Medical Information Resources, Hakimeh Hazrati, Vahideh Zarea Gavgani, and Naser Ghornanian
Determining Scaphirhynchus Sturgeon Population Demographics and Dynamics: Implications for Range-Wide Management, Recovery, and Conservation, Martin J. Hamel
Determining Sex of Plains Pocket Gophers by Incisor Width, Ronald M. Case and Alan B. Sargeant
Deterring the Democratic People's Republic of Korea: The role of Japan's ballistic missile defense, Jonathan Trexel
Developing and Characterizing a Rapid Prototyping Stereo-Lithography Machine to Produce Interpenetrating Polymer Network Systems, Lena R. Butterfield
Developing an Effective Management Plan for Starlings Roosting in Downtown Omaha, Nebraska, James R. Thiele, George M. Linz, H. Jeffrey Homan, and Garrett W. Unrein
Developing a Restorable Wetland Index for Rainwater Basin Wetlands in South-Central Nebraska: A Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis, Zhenghong Tang, Xu Li, Nan Zhao, Ruopu Li, and F. Edwin Harvey
Developing Entrepreneurism: Student Training and Involvement, Curtis L. Weller
Developing Entrepreneurship, the Tanzania Experience: SUA-INTSORMIL Project, Joseph J. Mpagalile and Wenceslaus R. Ballegu
Developing Standards in the Home Living Projects : Extension Circular 11-17-2, Magdalene Pfister
Developing Wildlife Management Into A Successful Business, Peter C. Nelson
Development and Application of Difference and Fractional Calculus on Discrete Time Scales, Tanner J. Auch
Development and application of difference and fractional calculus on discrete time scales, Tanner J Auch
Development and characterization of two porcine monocyte-derived macrophage cell lines, Carol G. Chitko-McKown, Stephen K. Chapes, Laura C. Miller, Penny K. Riggs, M. Teresa Ortega, Benedict T. Green, and Richard D. McKown
Development and evaluation of a replicon particle vaccine expressing the E2 glycoprotein of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle, John Dustin Loy, Jill Gander, Mark Mogler, Ryan Vander Veen, Julia Ridpath, Delbert Hank Harris, and Kurt Kamrud
Development History and Bibliography of the U.S. Forest Service Crown-Condition Indicator for Forest Health Monitoring, KaDonna C. Randolph
Development of 2-Rib and 3-Rib Beef Chuck Subprimal, Justine J. Hosch, Kim A. Varnold, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Michelle E. Semler, Michael D. Chao, and Chris R. Calkins
Development of a Chimeric Plasmodium berghei Strain Expressing the Repeat Region of the P. vivax Circumsporozoite Protein for In Vivo Evaluation of Vaccine Efficacy, Diego A. Espinosa, Anjali Yadava, Evelina Angov, Paul L. Maurizio, Christian F. Ockenhouse, and Fidel Zavala
Development of A circa 2000 Landcover Database For The United States, Collin Homer, Chengquan Huang, Limin Yang, and Bruce K. Wylie
Development of a controllable polymer system using interpenetrating networks, Emilie Bobo
Development of a Feral Swine Toxic Bait (Hog-Gone®) and Bait Hopper (Hog-Hopper™) in Australia and the USA, Steven Lapidge, Jason Wishart, Linton Staples, Kathy Fagerstone, Tyler Campbell, and John Eisemann
Development of a Field Test for Total Suspended Solids Analysis, Jessica Branigan
Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the Detection of Pecan Residues in Processed Foods, Denise Tran
Development of a new energy-absorbing roadside/median barrier system with restorable elastomer cartridges, Jennifer D Schmidt
Development of a new methodology for evaluating the thermal performance of residential buildings, Keke Zheng
Development of a PCR assay and marker-assisted transfer of leaf rust resistance gene Lr58 into adapted winter wheats, Vasu Kuraparthy, Shilpa Sood, Gina-Brown Guedira, and Bikram S. Gill
Development of a taxonomy for key terms in Mathematics Education and its use in a digital repository, Pedro Gómez Dr. and María C. Cañadas Dr.
Development of broad spectrum virus resistance in plants, Leny C Galvez
Development of dengue DNA vaccines, Janine R. Danko, Charmagne G. Beckett, and Kevin R. Porter
Development of efficient finite element model for Truck Mounted Attenuator, Krzysztof Grzegorz Waszczuk
Development of Optimal Protocol for Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopic Evaluation of Meat Quality, S. D. Shackelford, T. L. Wheeler, and M. Koohmaraie
Development of restoration trajectory metrics in reforested bottomland hardwood forests applying a rapid assessment approach, Jacob F. Berkowitz
DFVF: database of fungal virulence factors, Tao Lu, Bo Yao, and Chi Zhang
DG algebras with exterior homology, W. G. Dwyer, J. P.C. Greenlees, and Srikanth B. Iyengar
Diagnostic accuracy of rectal mucosa biopsy testing for chronic wasting disease within white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herds in North America: Effects of age, sex, polymorphism at PRNP codon 96, and disease progression, Bruce V. Thomsen, David A. Schneider, Katherine I. O’Rourke, Thomas Gidlewski, James McLane, Robert W. Allen, Alex A. McIsaac, Gordon B. Mitchell, Delwyn P. Keane, Terry R. Spraker, and Aru Balachandran
Diamond-based heat spreaders for power electronic packaging applications, Thomas Guillemet
Diana Princess of Wales FBI Files
Didactic Lessons Derived from the Shoshone River Skunk Rabies Epizootic, Craig A. Ramey, Kenneth H. Mills, Justin W. Fischer, and Robert G. Mclean
Did a Woman Write “The Great American Novel”? Judging Women’s Fiction in the Nineteenth Century and Today, Melissa J. Homestead
Diet-Induced Alterations of Host Cholesterol Metabolism Are Likely To Affect the Gut Microbiota Composition in Hamsters, Inés Martínez, Diahann J. Perdicaro, Andrew W. Brown, Susan Hammons, Trevor J. Carden, Timothy P. Carr, Kent M. Eskridge, and Jens Walter
Differences in Beef Strip Loin Steaks of Steers Due to the Inactive Myostatin Mutation, Michelle E. Semler, Chris R. Calkins, and Galen E. Erickson
Differences in PAH tolerance between Capitella species: Underlying biochemical mechanisms, Lis Bach, Annemette Palmqvist, Lene Juel Rasmussen, and Valery E. Forbes
Differential determinants and effects of audit quality, Jamie L Hoelscher
Differential parasitism of seed-feeding Cydia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by native and alien wasp species relative to elevation in subalpine Sophora (Fabaceae) forests on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Peter T. Oboyski, John W. Slotterback, and Paul C. Banko
Different methods of selecting animals for genotyping to maximize the amount of genetic information known in the population, Matthew L. Spangler, R. L. Sapp, J. Keith Bertrand, M. D. MacNeil, and R. Rekaya
Digging Behaviors Of Radio-Tagged Black-Footed Ferrets Near Meeteetse, Wyoming, 1981–1984, Dean E. Biggins, Louis R. Hanebury, and Kathleen A. Fagerstone
Digital Distractions in the Classroom: Student Classroom Use of Digital Devices for Non-Class Related Purposes, Bernard McCoy
Digital Gravescapes: Digital Memorializing on Facebook, Scott H. Church
Dihydrofolate Reductase Mutations in Plasmodium vivax from Indonesia and Therapeutic Response to Sulfadoxine plus Pyrimethamine, Michele D. Hastings, Kathryn M. Porter, Jason D. Maguire, Ika Susanti, Winni Kania, Michael J. Bangs, Carol Hopkins Sibley, and J. Kevin Baird
Diminished Corn Production and Ethanol Policy - Should the RFS be Waived?, Richard K. Perrin
Direct carbon fuel cell: A proposed hybrid design to improve commercialization potential, Justin Ruflin, Alexander D. Perwich II, Chris Brett, J. Kevin Berner, and Scott M. Lux
Directed graph limits and directed threshold graphs, Derek Boeckner
Directed Test Suite Augmentation, Zhihong Xu
Directed test suite augmentation, Zhihong Xu
Direct Effects of Wide-Area Malathion Application on Fish, Norman P. Stucky
Directions for Making Divided Box : Extension Circular 11-06-2
Dirty Words in Deadwood, Melody Graulich and Nicolas S. Witschi
Disability among US Army Veterans vaccinated against anthrax, Sandra I. Sulsky, Rose Luippold, Patrick Garman, Hayley Hughes, Edward J. Boyko, Charles Maynard, and Paul J. Amoroso
Disaccharide Intolerance Of European Starlings, Leonard R. Askham
Discordant Patterns of Genetic Variation at Two Chloroquine Resistance Loci in Worldwide Populations of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum, Rajeev K. Mehlotra, Gabriel Mattera, Moses J. Bockarie, Jason D. Maguire, J. Kevin Baird, Yagya D. Sharma, Michael Alifrangis, Grant Dorsey, Philip J. Rosenthal, David J. Fryauff, James W. Kazura, Mark Stoneking, and Peter A. Zimmerman
Discovering Divergence: A Framework for Finding Unexpected Behavior Using Directed Exploration, Heath G. Roehr
Discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes associated with fertility and production traits in Holstein cattle, Sarah D. Cochran, John B. Cole, Daniel J. Null, and Peter J. Hansen
Discussion of Panel "Textile Tradition and Fashion in the Context of Globalization", Joanne B. Eicher
Discussion of Recent Approaches to Expanding Textile Studies, Patricia A. Cunningham
Disease in a dynamic landscape: Host behavior and wildfire reduce amphibian chytrid infection, Blake R. Hossack, Winsor H. Lowe, Joy L. Ware, and Paul Stephen Corn
Disease Management, Timothy C. Paulitz
Diseases at the livestock–wildlife interface: Status, challenges, and opportunities in the United States, Ryan S. Miller, Mathew L. Farnsworth, and Jennifer L. Malmberg
Disposable Personal Goodwill, Frosty the Snowman, and Martin Ice Cream All Melt Away in the Bright Sunlight of Analysis, Bret Wells and Craig Bergez
Dissecting a wildlife disease hotspot: the impact of multiple host species, environmental transmission and seasonality in migration, breeding and mortality, Vicki L. Brown, John M. Drake, David E. Stallknecht, Justin D. Brown, Kerri Pedersen, and Pejman Rohani
Dissolved organic matter composition and photoreactivity in prairie lakes of the U.S. Great Plains, Christopher L. Osburn, Courtney R. Wigdahl, Sherilyn C. Fritz, and Jasmine E. Saros
Distinct developmental profiles in typical speech acquisition, Jennell C. Vick, Thomas F. Campbell, Lawrence D. Shriberg, Jordan R. Green, Hervé Abdi, Heather Leavy Rusiewicz, Lakshmi Venkatesh, and Christopher A. Moore
Distinct Functions of Autoreactive Memory and Effector CD4+ T Cells in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Wassim Elyaman, Pia Kivisäkk, Jay Reddy, Tanuja Chitnis, Khadir Raddassi, Jaime Imitola, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Vijay K. Kuchroo, Hideo Yagita, Mohamed H. Sayegh, and Samia J. Khoury
Distinct Population Segments, Robin S. Waples
Distribución de la Herpetofauna en cuatro tipos de vegetación del estado de Hidalgo, México, Uriel Hernández-Salinas and Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista
Distribution and Abundance of the Mariana Subspecies of the Common Moorhen, Leilani L. Takano and Susan M. Haig
Distribution and Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles in Western Nebraska with Ecological Notes on the Herpetiles of Arapaho Prairie, Royce E. Ballinger, John D. Lynch, and Patrick H. Cole
Distribution and Prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in Wild Predators in Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming, S. T. Stroandt, D. R. Virchow, M. W. Dryden, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and K. R. Kazacos
Distribution and Quantification of Antibiotic Resistant Genes and Bacteria across Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Metagenomes, Lisa M. Durso, Daniel N. Miller, and Brian J. Wienhold
Distribution Extension of Escherbothrium molinae Berman and Brooks, 1994 (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea: Triloculariidae) in Urotrygon sp. from the Pacific Coast of Mexico, Francisco Zaragoza-Tapia, Scott Monks, Griselda Pulido-Flores, and Juan Violante-González
Distribution of Plants with Extrafloral Nectaries and Ants at Two Elevations in Jamaica, Kathleen H. Keeler
Distribution of Plants with Extrafloral Nectaries in Temperate Communities, Kathleen H. Keeler
Distribution of Two Species of Long-eared Bats of the Genus Myotis on the Northern Great Plains, J. Knox Jones Jr. and Jerry R. Choate
Distributions, Densities, and Relative Abundances of Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in a Nebraska Sandhills Prairie, Anthony Joern
Disturbance Frequency and Vertical Distribution of Seeds Affect Long-Term Population Dynamics: A Mechanistic Seed Bank Model, Eric A. Eager, Chirakkal V. Haridas, Diana Pilson, Richard Rebarber, and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Diversification or Cotton Recovery in the Malian Cotton Zone: Effects on Households and Women, Jeanne Yekeleya Coulibaly
Diversity As A Tool To The Paleoecologic Study Of A Pennsylvanian Shale, Stephen Emanuel Jacobs
Divine Providence: The 2011 Flood in the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project, Charles A. Camillo
Divine Worth: Weaving and the Ancestors in Highland Madagascar, Rebecca L. Green
Do credit-based transfer programs have an impact on intellectual development from secondary education to postsecondary education?, James J Uhlenkamp
Does a Judge’s Religion Influence Decision Making?, Brian H. Bornstein and Monica K. Miller
Does Being Rural Matter?: The Roles of Rurality, Social Support, and Social Self-Efficacy in First-Year College Student Adjustment, Allison L. Bitz PhD
Does Birding Have a Future?, Rick Wright
Does Exclusion From Normative Peer Groups in Early Adolescence Predict the Development of Substance Use Problems in Early Adulthood?, Cody R. Meyer
Do gastrointestinal taste receptors contribute to associative learning and foraging behavior?, G. J. Golden, A. M. Hussey, and B. A. Kimball
Dogs, Pine Trees, and Carbs, Neil P.J. Price and Marcia Wood
Domesticated Wild Things, and Other Stories, Xhenet Aliu
Do non-response follow-ups improve or reduce data quality?: A review of the existing literature, Kristen Olson
Do Students Understand What Researchers Mean by Bullying?, Kristin E. Bieber
Do Students Understand What Researchers Mean by Bullying?, Kristin E Bieber
Double Mode Pulsation as a Resonance Phenomenon, Norman R. Simon
Downstream Approaches to Phosphorus Management in Agricultural Landscapes: Regional Applicability and Use, R. Kröger, E. J. Dunne, J. Novak, K. W. King, E. McLellan, D. R. Smith, J. Strock, K. Boomer, M. Tomer, and G. B. Noe
Draft Environmental Assessment for Umbrella Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) in Colorado, Connie Young-Dubovsky and Terry Ireland
Draft Genome Sequence of the Fast-Growing Marine Bacterium Vibrio natriegens Strain ATCC 14048, Zheng Wang, Baochuan Lin, W. Judson Hervey IV, and Gary J. Vora
Drainage Ditch Research Reveals Opportunities for Cleaning Up Runoff, Ann Perry
Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling, Ruopu Li, Zhenghong Tang, Xu Li, and Jessie Winter
Drama and Pride in the Gateway City, John Harry Stahl and Bill Nowlin
Dramatic and immediate improvements in insular nesting success for threatened sea turtles and shorebirds following predator management, Richard Engeman, Anthony Duffiney, Sally Braem, Christina Olsen, Bernice Constantin, Parks Small, John Dunlap, and J.C. Griffin
Dream State , Audrey L. Stommes
Drill Hole Data for Coal Beds in the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, Jon E. Haacke and David C. Scott
Driver Fatigue Enforcement Techniques and Their Effect on Crashes, Carrie Mohlman
Drought And The Model Of A Quaternary Terrace-Cycle, C. Bertrand Schultz and Thompson Mylan Stout
Drought as a Component of Local Hazard Mitigation Plans: Are the 100 Fastest Growing Counties Ready?, Jeffrey L. Henson
Dryland cropping systems influence the microbial biomass and enzyme activities in a semiarid sandy soil, Veronica Acosta-Martinez, Robert Lascano, Francisco Calderón, Jill D. Booker, Ted M. Zobeck, and Dan R. Upchurch
Dryland Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Influenced by Sheep Grazing in the Wheat–Fallow System, Upendra M. Sainju, Andrew W. Lenssen, Hayes B. Goosey, Erin Snyder, and Patrick G. Hatfield
Dual Diffusion: Analysis and Implications for Sales Force Management, Madhavan Parthasarathy, Ravipreet S. Sohi, and Ronald D. Hampton
Due Process, the Sixth Amendment, and International Extradition, Roberto Iraola
Dynamic and static characterization of compact crack arrest tests of navy and nuclear steels, James A. Joyce, R. E. Link, C. Roe, and J. C. Sobotka
Dynamic data race detection and healing, Du Li
Dynamic Electron Control using Light and Nanostructure, Cheng-Wei Huang
Dynamic electron control using light and nanostructure, Cheng-Wei Huang
Dynamic Fracture of Advanced Composites With Nanoreinforced Interfaces, Mikhail Kartashov
Dynamics of Envelope Evolution in Clade C SHIV-Infected Pig-Tailed Macaques during Disease Progression Analyzed by Ultra-Deep Pyrosequencing, For Yue Tso, Damien C. Tully, Sandra Gonzalez, Christopher Quince, On Ho, Patricia Polacino, Ruth M. Ruprecht, Shiu-Lok Hu, and Charles Wood
Dynamics of Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) Forests and Historical Landscape Change along Unchannelized Segments of the Missouri River, USA, Mark D. Dixon, W. Carter Johnson, Michael L. Scott, Daniel E. Bowen, and Lisa A. Rabbe
Dynamics of Plant Root Growth Under Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, M. Madhu and J. L. Hatfield
Dynamic versus Instantaneous Models of Diet Choice, Brian O. Ma, Peter A. Abrams, and Chad Brassil
Dynamic vulnerability assessment of highway and railway bridges, Mehdi Mohseni
Eagle Lager: A Sorghum Success Story on Many Levels, Ian Mackintosh
Early Adaptive Immune Responses in the Respiratory Tract of Foot and- Mouth Disease Virus-Infected Cattle, J. Pega, D. Bucafusco, S. Di Giacomo, J. M. Schammas, D. Malacari, A. V. Capozzo, J. Arzt, C. Pérez-Beascoechea, E. Maradei, L. L. Rodríguez, M. V. Borca, and M. Pérez-Filgueira
Early detection of population fragmentation using linkage disequilibrium estimation of effective population size, Phillip R. England, Gordon Luikart, and Robin Waples
Early Fall Migration of Sedge Wrens, Paul A. Bedell
Early Life Course Pathways of Adult Depression and Chronic Pain, Bridget J. Goosby
Early-Onset Alcohol Use Among Native American Youth: Examining Female Caretaker Influence, Melissa L. Walls, Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Kurt D. Johnson
Early Weaning: A Good Bet for Beef Producers in Drought-Stricken Areas, R.C. Waterman and Sandra Avant
Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: II. Development of replacement heifers weaned at 80 or 215 d of age, R.C. Waterman, T.W. Geary, J.A. Paterson, and R.J. Lipsey
Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: III. Steer weaning, finishing and carcass characteristics, R.C. Waterman, T.W. Geary, J.A. Paterson, R.J. Lipsey, W.R. Shafer, L.L. Berger, D.B. Faulkner, and J.W. Homm
Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: I. Performance and reproductive response in range beef cows, R.C. Waterman, T.W. Geary, J.A. Paterson, and R.J. Lipsey
Eating patterns and physical activity characteristics among urban and rural students in Saudi Arabia, Omar Ibn Ibrahim Abuzaid
Eavesdropping Parasitoids Do Not Cause the Evolution of Less Conspicuous Signaling Behavior in a Field Cricket, Oliver M. Beckers and William E. Wagner
Ebola Virus Exploits a Monocyte Differentiation Program To Promote Its Entry, Osvaldo Martinez, Joshua C. Johnson, Anna Honko, Benjamin Yen, Reed S. Shabman, Lisa E. Hensley, Gene G. Olinger, and Christopher F. Basler
EC02-152 Value of Potatoes for Feeding Livestock, Alexander Pavlista and Ivan G. Rush
EC07-2508 Fumigating Farm-stored Grain with Aluminum Phosphide, Clyde Ogg and Thomas W. Dorn
EC100 Crop Varieties in Nebraska
EC100 Revised 1947 Crop Varieties in Nebraska, C. O. Gardner
EC100 Revised 1949 Crop Varieties in Nebraska, H. H. Wolfe and C. O. Gardner
EC100 Revised 1951 Crop Varieties in Nebraska, H. H. Wolfe and J. D. Furrer
EC101 Hold the Moisture in the Soil, E. H. Doll
EC102 Revised 1933 Permanent and Temporary Pastures for Nebraska, P. H. Stewart and D. L. Gross
EC103 Nebraska Official Corn Yield Tests, L. M. Camp, E. E. Frolik, and T. A. Kiesselbach
EC108 Certified Seed 1921 Season
EC113 Seed Treatment for Stinking Smut (Bunt) in Wheat
EC114 Rev. 1947 Producing High Corn Yields, C. O. Gardner
EC114 Revised Dec. 1946 Report of the 1946 Nebraska Corn Yield Contest
EC115 Success with Soybeans, D. L. Gross
EC119 Brome Grass for Erosion Control, E. H. Doll and D. L. Gross
EC121 Soybeans in Nebraska, P. H. Stewart and D. L. Gross
EC123 Soil Washing : The Cause and Methods of Prevention, P. H. Stewart and I. D. Wood
EC126 Rev 1947 Methods of Lawn Improvement
EC 127 rev. 1933 Seed Corn Testing
EC128 Barberry Eradication in Nebraska, A. F. Thiel
EC128 Barberry Eradication in Nebraska, A. F. Thiel
EC 128 Rev 1927 Reduce Stem-Rust Losses by Barberry Eradication, A. F. Thiel
EC 128 Revised 1927, A. F. Thiel
EC129 Profitable Wheat Production, P. H. Stewart and D. L. Gross
EC135 Field Bean Production in Nebraska
EC144 Report of the 1939 Cooperative Sorghum Variety Trials, R. L. Cushing, T. A. Kiesselbach, E. F. Frolik, and D. L. Gross
EC148 Seed Treatment for Cereals, J. E. Livingston and D. L. Gross
EC14 The Climate of Nebraska, George A. Loveland
EC150 Commercial Fertilizers : Suggestions for Use in Nebraska 1944, J. W. Fitts and H. F. Rhoades
EC155 Flaxseed Production in Nebraska
EC156 Producing Sorghums for Sirup
EC157 Eradication of Bindweed in Gardens and Lawns
EC159 Revised 1950 Crabgrass Control in Lawns, J. D. Furrer and Neal E. Shafer
EC159 Revised 1956 Crabgrass Control in Bluegrass Lawns, J. D. Furrer and Neal E. Shafer
EC161 Puncture Vine - A Growing Menace in Nebraska, N. S. Hanson and D. L. Gross
EC162 Pennycress and Peppergrass : Enemies of the Dairyman, N. S. Hanson
EC163 Using Nitrogen Fertilizers in Nebraska, J. W. Fitts, H. F. Rhoades, and J. R. McHenry
EC165 Grass Down Field Waterways, D. E. Hutchinson
EC165 Revised 1950 Grass Down Field Waterways, D. E. Hutchinson and O. J. McDougal Jr.
EC166 The Cocklebur : A Serious Weed in Nebraska, Noel Hanson
EC167 What is Certified Seed?, D. L. Gross
EC169 Common Red Clover in Nebraska, D. L. Gross
EC169 Revised 1956 Red Clover in Nebraska, D. L. Gross and J. D. Furrer
EC171 Stubble Mulch Farming, F. L. Duley and J. C. Russell
EC173 Alfalfa and Sweetclover Silage, D. L. Gross
EC173 Revised 1949 Alfalfa and Sweetclover Silage
EC173 Revised 1955 Alfalfa and Sweetclover Silage
EC175 Revised 1949 Soil Fertility Practices, R. A. Olson and J. W. Fitts
EC175 Soil Fertility Practices, R. A. Olson
EC 176 Nebraska Hayfever Weeds, J. D. Furrer and E. L. MacQuiddy
EC177 What Oats Shall I Grow?, C. O. Gardner
EC178 Revised 1956 Shall We Grow Hubam Sweetclover, D. L. Gross and J. D. Furrer
EC178 Shall We Grow Hubam Sweetclover, D. L. Gross
EC179 Chemical Weed Control in Nebraska, Noel S. Hanson
EC179 Revised 1949 Weed Control in Nebraska, N. E. Shafer, D. L. Klingman, J. D. Furrer, and Glenn Viehmeyer
EC180 Crop Production Under Irrigation in Nebraska, D. L. Gross
EC181 Producing Hybrid Seed Corn in Nebraska, C. R. Porter
EC182 Crop Rotations Under Irrigation, D. L. Gross
EC183 Alfalfa in Nebraska, D. L. Gross
EC185 Suggestions for Organizing a County Crop Improvement Association, C. R. Porter
EC186 A Weed Sprayer Guide, J. D. Furrer
EC186 Revised 1954 A Weed Sprayer Guide, J. D. Furrer
EC187 How to Reduce Grain Storage Losses
EC188 Grass Seed Production in Nebraska, Laird G. Wolfe and Henry H. Wolfe
EC190 Grassland Farming, D. L. Gross
EC191 Bromegrass in Nebraska, D. L. Gross
EC191 Revised 1952 Bromegrass in Nebraska, D. L. Gross
EC192 Soybean Production in Nebraska, W. E. Lyness and D. L. Gross
EC247 Slaughtering Hogs and Cutting Pork on the Farm
EC256 Urea as a Protein Extender for Ruminants, T. W. Dowe
EC257 How to Tell Calf Age by the Teeth
EC25 Extension Results as Influenced by Various Factors, M. C. Wilson and W. H. Brokaw
EC261 Soap and other Detergents, Mary May Miller
EC26 Ten Years of Nebraska Agricultural Extension Work in Crops and Soils 1922-1931, P. H. Stewart and D. L. Gross
EC27 The progress of Boys and Girls 4-H Club Work
EC28 10 Years of Extension Work in Home Economics
EC29 Ten Years of Agricultural Extension Work with Nebraska Farmers, 1922-1931
EC30 If You Farm : Your County Extension Agent and Agricultural Advisory Committee will Help You, George Hendrix
EC32 Hardy Alfalfa for Nebraska, T. A. Kiesselbach and Arthur Anderson
EC422 Maxing the Most of our Individuality
EC424 Accessories Complete the Costume
EC432 Hat Selection-- Becoming, Appropriate Hats
EC433 Renovation of Hat Materials
EC454 Keeping Clothes Wearable, Helen Rocke
EC456 Tailored Finishes Made Easy, Helen Rocke
EC460 Patterns and their Use, Helen Rocke
EC461 Fitting the Dress, Helen Rocke
EC462 Repair of Clothing and Household Linens, Helen Rocke
EC463 Storage of Clothing, Verna Glandt and Helen Rocke
EC464 Clothing the Family at Low Cost, Helen Rocke
EC465 Decorative Finishes for Home Sewing, Helen Rocke
EC467 Clothing the Family in Wartime, Helen Rocke
EC470 Fall and Winter Clothes, Helen Rocke
EC471 Time Savers in Sewing, Helen Rocke
EC473 Clothing pointers for '46, Helen Rocke
EC474 Fabrics Old and New : Part I. What They are Made of, Helen Rocke
EC475 Fabrics New and Old : Part II How to Buy and Care for them, Helen Rocke
EC476 Planning the Family Wardrobe
EC477 Man Made Fibers and Fabrics, Helen Rocke
EC478 Care of Modern Fabrics, Helen Rocke
EC504 The Christmas Story : A Pantomime
EC51 The Business Side of a Club Part I
EC52 The Business Side of a Club Part II
EC543 Community Program with Halloween Suggestions
EC551 Year Book for Community Study Clubs : Series I
EC562 Story Telling and the Child's Library, J. W. Searson
EC567 A Sketch of American Literature, J. W. Searson
EC568 Poems and Short Stories of Country Life, J. W. Searson
EC569 Favorite American Poems, J. W. Searson
EC570 Favorite American Story Tellers, J. W. Searson
EC581 Recreation in the Home, Mignon Quaw Lott
EC58 Revised Suggestions for Business Meeting
EC5 Disinfection and Disinfectants, L. V. Skidmore
EC62-219 Nebraska Swine Production Report, D. M. Danielson, Philip A. Henderson, D.B. Hudman, George W. Kelley Jr., Leo E. Lucas, M.L. Mumgaard, E.A. Olson, E.R. Peo Jr., L.J. Sumption, L.C. Welch, and William Ahlschwede
EC625 How to Produce Better Milk and Cream, E. L. Reichart
EC626 Revised 1933 Selection and Care of Dairy Sires -- The Nebraska Safety Bull Pen, M. L. Flack
EC626 Selection and Care of Dairy Sires -- The Nebraska Safety Bull Pen, M. L. Flack
EC627 Feeding Milk Cows, H. P. Davis and M. N. Lawritson
EC627 Revised 1951 Feeding Milk Cows, C. W. Nibler
EC627 Revised 1953 Feeding Milk Cows, C. W. Nibler
EC627 Revised no date New Method of Feeding Milk Cows, C. W. Nibler
EC628b D.H.I.A Records are used for Sire Evaluation Purposes
EC628 Revised 1950 Artificial Insemination of Dairy Cattle, C. W. Nibler and M. N. Lawritson
EC628 Revised 1952 Artificial Insemination of Dairy Cattle, C. W. Nibler and M. N. Lawritson
EC629 Revised 1954 Factors Influencing Breeding Efficiency in Artificial Breeding of Dairy Cattle, C. W. Nibler
EC630 Revised 1951 Grade A Milk, C. W. Nibler and P. A. Downs
EC631 Dairy Herd Management, C. W. Nibler
EC631 Revised 1955 Dairy Herd Management, C. W. Nibler
EC646 Revised 1946 Artificial Insemination of Dairy Cattle, M. N. Lawritson and C. W. Nibler
EC700 The use of Rope on the Farm, Virgil Overholt
EC701 Farm Water System : Insulated Pump House
EC701 Revised 1953 Farm Water System : Insulated Pump House, M. L. Mumgaard and E. A. Olson
EC702 Grinding the Farm Tools, L. M. Roehl
EC703 Farm Sewage Disposal, Paul R. Hoff and H. J. Young
EC703 Revised 1947 Farm Sewage Disposal, E. A. Olson
EC709 Homemade Food Driers : Their Construction and Use, R. M. Loper and Mabel Doremus
EC71-219 1971 Nebraska Swine Report, E.R. Peo Jr., R. D. Fritschen, N.R. Underdahl, Charles A. Mebus, Larry L. Bitney, E.A. Olson, P.J. Cunningham, William Ahlschwede, D.E. Stillwell, R. W. Mandigo, Murray Danielson, Phillip H. Grabouski, Harold H. Hodson Jr., O.D. Grace, and JAMES DRAKE HELDT
EC713 Revised 1933 The Trench Silo in Nebraska, Ivan D. Wood and E. B. Lewis
EC713 The Trench Silo in Nebraska, Ivan D. Wood and E. B. Lewis
EC714 Revised 1932 Know Your Sewing Machine, Paul R. Hoff
EC720 Pit, Semi-pit and Bank Silos, L. W. Chase
EC721 New Devices for Distributing Cut Ensilage in a Trench Silo
EC72-219 1972 Nebraska Swine Report, William Ahlschwede, Frank Baker, Roger W. Mandigo, D.R. Zimmerman, D. Murray Danielson, B.D. Moser, Larry L. Bitney, E.R. Peo Jr., R. D. Fritschen, N.R. Underdahl, Steven L. Pilcher, E.A. Olson, and Wayne F. Fisher
EC722 Farm Buildings for Nebraska, Ivan D. Wood and R. M. Loper
EC722 Revised 1947 List of Farm Buildings and Equipment Plans, E. A. Olson
EC723 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems, Ivan D. Wood
EC729 Outdoor Electric Chick Brooder for Small Flocks, F. D. Yung and R. M. Loper
EC730 A Colony Brooder House for the Farm Flock, J. R. Redditt and Paul R. Hoff
EC730 Revised 1933 A Colony Brooder House for the Farm Flock, J. R. Redditt and Paul R. Hoff
EC73-219 1973 Nebraska Swine Report, E.R. Peo, P.J. Cunningham, JAMES DRAKE HELDT, Leo E. Lucas, Bobby D. Moser, Keith E. Gilster, Murray Danielson, William Ahlschwede, R.D. Fritschen, Alex Hogg, Larry Bitney, R. Gene White, and Lanny K. Icenogle
EC732 Selecting and Applying Paints, C. H. Van Vlack
EC74-219 1974 Nebraska Swine Report, Larry L. Bitney, Bobby D. Moser, Murray Danielson, P.J. Cunningham, D.R. Zimmerman, Keith E. Gilster, Ronald K. Christsenson, Roger W. Mandigo, K.L. Neer, M.S. Chesney, G.R. Popenhagen, R. Gene White, Alex Hogg, William Ahlschwede, E.R. Peo Jr, R.D. Schnieder, James A. DeShazer, L.F. Elliott, and R. D. Fritschen
EC75-219 Nebraska Swine Report, William Ahlschwede, T. E. Socha, Alfonso Torres-Medina, A.J. Lewis, P.J. Cunningham, Dwane R. Zimmerman, E.R. Peo Jr., Larry K. McMullen, Bobby D. Moser, D. L. Ferguson, Phillip H. Grabouski, Murray Danielson, Charles W. Francis, L.F. Elliott, J.A. DeShazer, Roger W. Mandigo, W.J. Goldner, R. D. Fritschen, and Gary Zoubek
EC76-219 Nebraska Swine Report, R. D. Fritschen, E.R. Peo Jr., Donald L. Ferguson, Murray Danielson, William Ahlschwede, Dwane R. Zimmerman, Bobbyq D. Moser, Keith E. Gilster, Norman R. Underdahl, Charles A. Mebus, Larry Bitney, A.J. Lewis, and Oliver D. Grace
EC77-219 Nebraska Swine Report, E.R. Peo Jr., Clayton L. Kelling, Alex Hogg, Oliver D. Grace, Larry Bitney, Michael Duffy, Bobby D. Moser, William Ahlschwede, R.D. Fritschen, Keith E. Gilster, Wayne J. Hansen, Dwane R. Zimmerman, P.J. Cunningham, Roger W. Mandigo, J.F. Campbell, JAMES DRAKE HELDT, Murray Danielson, Mike Cooksley, and Steve Pohl
EC78-219 1978 Nebraska Swine Report, Dwane R. Zimmerman, Roger Kinsey, Roy Carlson, Bobby D. Moser, Dean Boyd, Wayne R. Cast, R. D. Fritschen, Donald L. Ferguson, Jerry Jensen, E.R. Peo Jr., James A. DeShazer, David P. Shelton, D.M. Danielson, M.E. England, D.S. Pollman, Bruce Treffer, William Ahlschwede, Larry W. Olson, and T. E. Socha
EC79-219 1979 Nebraska Swine Report, R. D. Fritschen, B.D. Moser, Gayle Watts, Erik R. Cleveland, P.J. Cunningham, R.K. Johnson, Austin J. Lewis, William Ahlschwede, Alex Hogg, Gerald Bodman, Dwane R. Zimmerman, R.D. Geisert, E.R. Peo Jr., Roy Carlson, D.M. Danielson, D.S. Pollmann, M.A. Crenshaw, D.K. O'Connell, Roger W. Mandigo, D.G. Olson, Elbert C. Dickey, and B.L. Seman
EC80-219 1980 Nebraska Swine Report, Roger W. Mandigo, Louise M. Dalton, Dennis G. Olson, Clayton L. Kelling, Roy Carlson, E.R. Peo Jr., T.J. Janssen, F. Caporaso, Donald G. Levis, Michael Brumm, David P. Shelton, D.M. Danielson, William Ahlschwede, Robert M. Timm, Bobby D. Moser, Elbert C. Dickey, Gerald Bodman, and Austin Lewis
EC81-219, 1981 Nebraska Swine Report, D.B. Hudman, Donald L. Ferguson, D.M. Danielson, Robert M. Timm, Duane E. Reese, Bobby D. Moser, Alex Hogg, Michael F. Kocher, Gerald Bodman, Eugene J. Veburg, J.A. DeShazer, Dennis D. Schulte, Austin J. Lewis, Larry Bitney, E.R. Peo Jr., Kelly Keaschall, Roger W. Mandigo, T.S. Janssen, M.L. Lesiak, D.G. Olson, M.C. Brumm, M.P. McGinley, William Ahlschwede, and Dwane R. Zimmerman
EC82-219 1982 Nebraska Swine Report, Layne C. Anderson, Austin J. Lewis, Alex Hogg, Murray Danielson, D.B. Hudman, D.M. Danielson, M. A. Crenshaw, Roy L. Carlson, E.R. Peo Jr., J. D. Crenshaw, M.C. Brumm, Ron J. Johnson, Erik R. Cleveland, Rodger K. Johnson, Roger W. Mandigo, P.J. Cunningham, Phil David, T. E. Socha, William Ahlschwede, David P. Shelton, Richard O. Pierce, and Gerald Bodman
EC83-219 1983 Nebraska Swine Report, J. D. Crenshaw, E.R. Peo Jr., R. D. Fritschen, Roy L. Carlson, Rodger K. Johnson, William Ahlschwede, Robert M. Timm, Murray Danielson, J.B. Campbell, Gary L. Asche, Austin J. Lewis, A.D. Flowerday, WARREN WILLIAM SAHS, M.C. Brumm, J. A. DeShazer, Douglas G. Overhults, Roger J. Kittok, J. E. Kinder, and Temple Grandin
EC84-219 1984 Nebraska Swine Report, Mark Crenshaw, Murray Danielson, Duane Reese, E.R. Peo Jr., Jim L. Nelssen, Austin J. Lewis, William Ahlschwede, R.K. Johnson, Roger W. Mandigo, C.T. Wang, R. D. Fritschen, S. Kay Rockwell, Marilyn Goding, William R. Lamberson, M.C. Brumm, Donald G. Levis, R. K. Christenson, Dwane R. Zimmerman, Colleen Kelly, Jack Kopf, Chris R. Calkins, C.B. Frye, Roger W. Mandigo, Raymond A. Valvano, Dale Hill, and Larry Bitney
EC85-219 1985 Nebraska Swine Report, Roger J. Kittok, James E. Kinder, Rodger K. Johnson, Donald G. Levis, R. K. Christenson, Casey B. Frye, Chris R. Calkins, Roger W. Mandigo, Robert M. Timm, Daryl D. Fisher, Roy Carlson, E.R. Peo Jr., William R. Schneider, Martin L. Wiernusz, Alex Hogg, R. D. Fritschen, Lee I. Chiba, William Ahlschwede, M.C. Brumm, D. Carlson, G.W. Jesse, H.F. Mayes, G.M. Zinn, J.A. DeShazer, Jerry D. Plessing, Dennis D. Schulte, Marcus J. Milanuk, Gerald Bodman, LaVerne E. Stetson, and Jack L. Schinstock
EC86-219 1986 Nebraska Swine Report, Rodger K. Johnson, Dwane R. Zimmerman, M.C. Brumm, David Shelton, Keith L. Vacha, J. A. DeShazer, Gerald Bodman, James W. Lamkey, Roger W. Mandigo, Chris R. Calkins, Larry W. Hand, Steven J. Goll, E.R. Peo Jr., Roy Carlson, Austin J. Lewis, Fayrene Hamouz, Lee I. Chiba, Joy L. Kovar, Joel H. Brendemuhl, Alex Hogg, William G. Kvasnicka, Clayton L. Kelling, Duane E. Reese, William Ahlschwede, and J.D. Kopf
EC87-219 1987 Nebraska Swine Report, William Ahlschwede, Donald G. Levis, Gerald Bodman, Murray Danielson, Fernando A. Osorio, A.R. Dosteris, W. Leonard Staudinger, Gary Anderson, James W. Lamkey, Roger W. Mandigo, Chris Calkins, M.C. Brumm, B.D. Schultz, Edgar T. Clemens, Duane E. Reese, Lawrence N. Quint, H.A. Grabouski, E.R. Peo Jr., J.D. Hancock, Donald L. Ferguson, Alex Hogg, and Rollin D. Schnieder
EC88-219 1988 Nebraska Swine Report, Steven M. Neal, Rodger K. Johnson, Duane R. Zimmerman, Roger J. Kittok, Colleen Kelly, Greg Bussler, Franklin Eldridge, Julie Farver-Koenig, Dwane Zimmerman, Donald G. Levis, J.J. Ford, R. K. Christenson, Murray Danielson, J.B. Morgan, Chris R. Calkins, Roger W. Mandigo, M.C. Brumm, David P. Shelton, Larry Bitney, Duane E. Reese, E.R. Peo Jr., J.D. Hancock, A.J. Lewis, William Ahlschwede, and Daniel A. Burosh
EC89-219 1989 Nebraska Swine Report, M.A. Giesemann, E.R. Peo, A.J. Lewis, Duane Reese, J.D. Hancock, Murray Danielson, Marvin Rhodes, Merwin L. Frey, Alan R. Doster, Homer E. Connell, Donald G. Levis, Cindy Marolf, Edgar T. Clemens, Michael C. Brumm, Donald L. Ferguson, William Ahlschwede, Dwane R. Zimmerman, J.D. Kopf, Rodger K. Johnson, Thomas Socha, John Keele, Larry Young, and Chris R. Calkins
EC90-219 1990 Nebraska Swine Report, M.C. Brumm, Jan Mohrmann, Larry L. Bitney, Paula J. Fedorka-Cray, Pushpa Srikumaran, Sally A. Breisch, Steven J. Weiss, Gary A. Anderson, Donald G. Levis, Duane Reese, Luis Gama, Clyde Naber, Terry Radke, Edd Clemens, Alyce Zalesky, Dennis Schulte, Gerald R. Bodman, Marcus Milanuk, David P. Shelton, Joe D. Hancock, E.R. Peo, Austin J. Lewis, Mark A. Giesemann, Lee I. Chiba, Gary F. Louis, William C. Weldon, Robert V. Knox, Murray Danielson, William Ahlschwede, Rodger K. Johnson, and Gregg Eckardt
EC91-219 Nebraska Swine Report, Chris R. Calkins, Rodger Johnson, Dwane R. Zimmerman, Luis Gama, Murray Danielson, Joel Wenninghoff, Randy Saner, Austin J. Lewis, Mark A. Giesemann, William C. Weldon, Steven L. Christianson, Ernest R. Peo Jr., James Friesen, Azzeddine Azzam, Larry L. Bitney, Michael C. Brumm, Vernon B. Mayrose, Duane Reese, Brian S. Knust, Clyde H. Naber, Jeff Damme, Darryl Barnhill, Jung-Ho Son, Robert Knox, Gene G. Gourley, Diane K. Fraser, W.M. Greeley, William Ahlschwede, and Dale Kabes
EC92-219 Nebraska Swine Report, Robert A. Kunkle, Gerald Duhamel, Alex Hogg, Paul M. Ermer, Phillip S. Miller, Austin J. Lewis, Gary F. Louis, Joel Wenninghoff, Randy Saner, Sara Wiseman, Murray Danielson, Karen J. Wedekind, Barbara E. Straw, Jerre Johnson, Duane Reese, Jeff Ingalls, Clyde H. Naber, Michael C. Brumm, George Vatzias, Dwane R. Zimmerman, William Ahlschwede, William C. Weldon, and Larry L. Bitney
Echinococcus: Presence in Wolves, and Agency Efforts on Public Education and Outreach, Jennifer Ramsey
Eco-evolutionary dynamics: fluctuations in population growth rate reduce effective population size in chinook salmon, Robin Waples, David Jensen, and Michelle McClure
Ecological Challenges To Controlling Wild Rabbits In Australia Using Virally-Vectored Immunocontraception, C. K. Williams
Ecological Regime Shifts in Lake Kälksjön, Sweden, in Response to Abrupt Climate Change Around the 8.2 ka Cooling Event, Linda Randsalu-Wendrup, Daniel J. Conley, Jacob Carstensen, Ian Snowball, Catherine Jessen, and Sherilyn C. Fritz
Ecology And Geography Of Human Monkeypox Case Occurrences Across Africa, Christine K. Ellis, Darin S. Carroll, Ryan R. Lash, A. Townsend Peterson, Inger K. Damon, Jean Malekani, and Pierre Formenty
Ecology of common salvinia, Salvinia minima Baker, in southern Florida, Philip W. Tipping, Melissa R. Martin, Laurie Bauer, Ryan M. Pierce, and Ted D. Center
Ecology of Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans) Seed Germination for Grasslands of Temperate Climates, Chengchou Han and Stephen L. Young
Ecology of Scale in Visual Landscape Assessments, Richard K. Sutton
Economic analysis of small-scale agricultural digesters in the United States, Katherine H. Klavon, Stephanie A. Lansing, Walter Mulbry, Andrew R. Moss, and Gary Felton
Economic Analysis of Small Scale Sorghum Processing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Jeremia Makindara, Joseph J. Mpagalile, and Wenceslaus Ballegu
Economic Analysis Update: Supplementing Distillers Grains to Grazing Yearling Steers, Stephanie K. Moore, Andrea K. Watson, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Walter H. Schacht
Economic Effectiveness, Efficiency, And Selectivity Of Fox Squirrel Trapping In Pecan Groves, J. Grant Huggins
Economic evaluation of beaver management to protect timber resources in Mississippi, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Katy N. Kirkpatrick, and Kris Casscles Godwin
Economic Evaluation of Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus) Rabies Prevention in Mexico, Aaron M. Anderson, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Karen Gebhardt, A. J. Ramırez, Steven Shwiff, Dennis Kohler, and Luis Lecuona
Economic Impact Assessment of Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains CRSP: Sorghum and Millet Germplasm Development Research, Timothy J. Dalton and Yacob A. Zereyesus
Economic Impact of Double-Crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, Depredation on Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Aquaculture in Mississippi, USA, Brian S. Dorr, Loren Wes Burger Jr, Scott Barras, and Kristina Casscles-Godwin
Economic Impact of Sorghum and Millet Technologies In Mali Agricultural Campaign 2010-2011, Jeanne Coulibaly, Gautam Kumaraswamy, John H. Sanders, and INTSORMIL
Economic Impact of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on Dairy and Beef Cattle Production, David B. Taylor, Roger D. Moon, and Darrell R. Mark
Economics of Feeding Elevated Levels of Corn Silage in Finishing Diets Containing MDGS, Dirk Burken, Terry Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Ecotoxicology, Valery E. Forbes and Peter Calow
Ectoparasites of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), Raccoon (Procyon lotor), and Striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) from Keith County, Nebraska, Lance A. Durden and Dennis J. Richardson
Edith Lewis as Editor, Every Week Magazine, and the Contexts of Cather's Fiction, Melissa J. Homestead
Editorial for special issue of papers from the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), James S. Schepers
Editor's Comments- Nebraska Bird Review (December 1997), Rosalind Morris
Editor's Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction- Ada Long
Editor's Note, Tarik Abdel-Monem and Alan Tomkins
Editor's Note, Steve Leben
Editor's Note, Alan Tomkins