Department of Educational Administration
Department of Educational Administration: Faculty Publications
The Structure of Student Engagement in Community College Student Success Programs: A Quantitative Activity Systems Analysis, Deryl K. Hatch
Academic Advising and the Persistence Intentions of Community College Students in their First Weeks in College, Deryl K. Hatch and Crystal E. Garcia
Content Validation of the Community College Student Success Program Inventory, Deryl K. Hatch, Naomi Mardock-Uman, and Matthew J. Nelson
The Role of District and School Leaders' Trust and Communications in the Simultaneous Implementation of Innovative Policies, Hal A. Lawson, Francesca T. Durand, Kristen Campbell Wilcox, Karen M. Gregory, Kathryn S. Schiller, and Sarah J. Zuckerman
Vietnamese Graduate International Student Repatriates: Reverse Adjustment, Anh Le and Barbara LaCost
Building Momentum in Student Engagement: Alternative Breaks and Students’ Social Justice and Diversity Orientation, Elizabeth Niehaus
Does Location Really Matter? Exploring the Role of Place in Domestic and International Service-Learning Experiences, Elizabeth Niehaus and Crystal Garcia
Exploring Integrative Learning in Service-Based Alternative Breaks, Elizabeth Niehaus, Courtney Holder, Mark Rivera, Crystal E. Garcia, Taylor C. Woodman, and Julie Dierberger
Enacting Efficacy In Early Career: Narratives Of Agency, Growth, And Identity, Elizabeth K. Niehaus, Jillian Reading, and Crystal E. Garcia
Refugee Students in Community Colleges: How Colleges Can Respond to an Emerging Demographic Challenge, Minerva D. Tuliao, Deryl K. Hatch, and Richard J. Torraco
Talent Development of Refugee Women, Minerva D. Tuliao, Katherine Najjar, and Richard J. Torraco
Role of Student Affairs in International Student Transition and Success, Christina W. Yao and Chrystal A. George Mwangi
Strategies for Navigating Financial Challenges among Latino Male Community College Students: Centralizing Race, Gender, and Immigrant Generation, Elvira Abrica and Eligio Martinez Jr
Observing Classroom Engagement in Community College: A Systematic Approach, Stacy Alicea, Carola Suárez-Orozco, Sukhmani Singh, Tasha Darbes, and Elvira Abrica
Learning through personal connections: Cogenerative dialogues in synchronous virtual spaces, Stephanie Bondi, Tareq Daher, Amy Holland, Adam R. Smith, and Stacy Dam
“We’re Still Here … We’re Not Giving Up”: Black and Latino Men’s Narratives of Transition to Community College, Beth E. Bukoski and Deryl K. Hatch
Editors’ Notes to New Directions for Community Colleges, no. 175, Gloria Crisp and Deryl K. Hatch
The Role of Leadership and Culture in Creating Meaningful Assessment: A Mixed Methods Case Study, Timothy C. Guetterman and Nancy Mitchell
A Brief History and a Framework for Understanding Commonalities and Differences of Community College Student Success Programs, Deryl K. Hatch
An Empirical Typology of the Latent Programmatic Structure of Community College Student Success Programs, Deryl K. Hatch and E. Michael Bohlig
What’s in a Name? The Challenge and Utility of Defining Promising and High-Impact Practices, Deryl K. Hatch, Gloria Crisp, and Katherine Wesley
Latino Men in Two-Year Public Colleges: State-Level Enrollment Changes and Equity Trends over the Last Decade, Deryl K. Hatch, Crystal E. Garcia, and Victor B. Sáenz
Variation Within the “New Latino Diaspora”: A Decade of Changes Across the United States in the Equitable Participation of Latina/os in Higher Education, Deryl K. Hatch, Naomi Mardock Uman, and Crystal E. Garcia
Leadership Development for School Principals: An Adult Learning Perspective, Hyun-Jun Joo and Taeyeon Kim
International Female Graduate Students' Experience at a Midwestern University: Sense of Belonging and Identity Development, Anh T. Le, Barbara LaCost, and Michael Wismer
Alternative Breaks as a Context for Informal Interactions with Diversity, Elizabeth K. Niehaus
UNDERSTANDING STEM MAJORS’ INTENT TO STUDY ABROAD, Elizabeth Niehaus and Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas
Faculty Transformation in Curriculum Transformation: The Role of Faculty Development in Campus Internationalization, Elizabeth K. Niehaus and Letitia Williams
Serving a Higher Power: The Influence of Alternative Break Programs on Students’ Religiousness, Elizabeth Niehaus and Mark Rivera
Left Unsaid: The Role of Work Expectations and Psychological Contracts in Faculty Careers and Departure, KerryAnn O’Meara, Jessica Chalk Bennett, and Elizabeth Niehaus
A Efficacious Theoretical Perspective of Rural Female School Superintendents' Self-Sustainability, John M. Palladino, Jean M. Haar, Marilyn Grady, and Kaye Perry
Early History of the Fields of Practice of Training and Development and Organization Development, Richard J. Torraco
The Persistence of Working Poor Families in a Changing U.S. Job Market: An Integrative Review of the Literature, Richard J. Torraco
Transitioning to Performance-Based State Funding: Concerns, Commitment, and Cautious Optimism, Lindsay K. Wayt and Barbara LaCost
Unfulfilled Expectations: Influence of Chinese International Students’ Roommate Relationships on Sense of Belonging, Christina W. Yao
“I Don’t Think I’m Prepared”: Perceptions of U.S. Higher Education Doctoral Students on International Research Preparation, Christina W. Yao and Louise Michelle Vital
Mobilization and Adaptation of a Rural Cradle-to-Career Network, Sarah J. Zuckerman
The Scope and Design of Structured Group Learning Experiences at Community Colleges, Deryl K. Hatch and E. Michael Bohlig
Exploring the Role of Alternative Break Programs in Students’ Career Development, Elizabeth K. Niehaus and Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas
Serving a Stranger or Serving Myself: Alternative Breaks and the Influence of Race and Ethnicity on Student Understanding of Themselves and Others, Elizabeth K. Niehaus and Mark Rivera
Invisible but Essential: The Role of Professional Networks in Promoting Faculty Agency in Career Advancement, Elizabeth Niehaus and KerryAnn O'Meara
Nice White men or social justice allies?: Using critical race theory to examine how White male faculty and administrators engage in ally work, Lori D. Patton and Stephanie Bondi
Sense of Belonging in International Students: Making the Case against Integration to US Institutions of Higher Education, Christina W. Yao
HLM Behind the Curtain: Unveiling Decisions Behind the Use and Interpretation of HLM in Higher Education Research, Elizabeth Niehaus, Corbin M. Campbell, and Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas
A high-need Azeri school: A Georgian perspective, Nino Sharvashidze and Miles T. Bryant
Graduate Program Redesign to Prepare 21st Century Educational Leaders, Michelle Abrego, Chuey Abrego, Timothy W. Gilson, Nicholas J. Pace, Mary J. Goggins Selke, and Peggy Smith
A Teaching Model for Concept Learning and Changes in Critical Thinking, S. C. Hoffman Ph.D. and Marilyn Grady
Act Local or Global?: Comparing Student Experiences in Domestic and International Service-Learning Programs, Elizabeth K. Niehaus and Léna Kavaliauskas Crain
Playing for Keeps, Heather Olsen and Nicholas J. Pace
Champion or Chump: Using a Book-Length Case Study to Evaluate a Mythical Principal, Nicholas J. Pace and Timothy W. Gilson
Influence of academically-based living-learning communities on men’s awareness and appreciation for diversity, Christina W. Yao and Matthew R. Wawrzynski
Students and Institutions Protecting Whiteness as Property: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of Student Affairs Preparation, Stephanie Bondi
Unpacking the Black Box of Student Engagement: The Need for Programmatic Investigation of High Impact Practices, Deryl K. Hatch
The Meaning Students Make as Participants in Short-Term Immersion Programs, Susan R. Jones, Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon, S. Mei-Yen Ireland, Elizabeth K. Niehaus, and Kristan Cilente Skendall
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Engaging Students as Agents in Their Own Development, Elizabeth K. Niehaus, Megan A. O'Rourke, and Daniel T. Ostick
Enhancing undergraduate education: Examining faculty experiences during their first year in a residential college and exploring the implications for student affairs professionals, Jody E. Jessup-Anger, Matthew R. Wawrzynski, and Christina W. Yao
One Year Later: The Influence of Short-Term Study Abroad Experiences on Students, Heather T. Rowan-Kenyon and Elizabeth Niehaus
Community College Student Engagement Patterns: A Typology Revealed Through Exploratory Cluster Analysis, Victor B. Sáenz, Deryl K. Hatch, Beth E. Bukoski, Suyun Kim, Kye-hyoung Lee, and Patrick Valdez
IT'S NOT THE BICYCLE, IT'S THE RIDE: EIGHT NCPEA LIVING LEGENDS RESPOND, Theodore Creighton, Marilyn Grady, Louis Wildman, Robert Beach, Rosemary Papa, Martha McCarthy, Charles Achilles, and Texas A&M University
“We Just Don’t Have the Possibility Yet”: U.S. Latina/o Narratives on Study Abroad, Kevin R. McClure, Katalin Szelényi, Elizabeth Niehaus, Aeriel A. Anderson, and Jeffrey Reed
Service-Learning Is… How Faculty Explain Their Practice, KerryAnn O’Meara and Elizabeth K. Niehaus
Preparation and Opportunity, Marilyn Grady
Viewing Rural Female Superintendents through an Efficacy Lens, Jean M. Haar, John Palladino, Marilyn Grady, and Kaye Lynn Peery
Weighing In: Rural Iowa Principals’ Perceptions of State-Mandated Teaching Evaluation Standards, Terri A. Lasswell, Nicholas J. Pace, and Gregory A. Reed
10 Questions to Answer for Technology to Succeed in Your School, Doreen Gosmire and Marilyn Grady
A Bumpy Road: Principal as Technology Leader, Doreen Gosmire and Marilyn Grady
New Professors: Promotion and Tenure Issues, Marilyn Grady
Safe Proms in High-Risk Times, Nicholas J. Pace
Distance Education Strategy: Mental Models and Strategic Choices, John C. Adams and Alan T. Seagren
The State Department of Education's Role in Creating Safe Schools, Marilyn Grady, Jean Haar, and Mary Ann Losh
A Comparison of Bullying in Four Rural Middle and High Schools, Jody Isernhagen and Sandra Harris
Gay, Rural, and Coming Out: A Case Study of One School's Experience, Nicholas J. Pace
You've Got to Talk Him Out of It, Nicholas J. Pace
Voices in the Hallway: Three Rural Iowa Schools, Victoria Robinson, Thomas Blaine, and Nicholas J. Pace
Administrative Support and Challenges in Nebraska Public School Early Childhood Programs: Preliminary Study, Christine Marvin, Barbara LaCost, Marilyn Grady, and Paul Mooney
Faculty Use of Student Evaluation Feedback, Yuankun Yoo, Ellen Weissinger, and Marilyn L. Grady
Education Policy Analysis Archives, Kirsten L. Rewey and Brent D. Cejda
Collaborating on Web-Based Instruction in Higher Education: Benefifits and Risks, Barbara Y. LaCost, Jody Isernhagen, and Larry L. Dlugosh
Classroom Management Issues for Teaching Assistants, Jiali Luo, Laurie H Bellows, and Marilyn Grady
Pathways to Administrative Positions, Marilyn Grady, Bernita L Krumm, and Kaye Lynn Peery
Pathways to Administrative Positions, Marilyn Grady, Bernita Krumm, and Kaye Lynn Peery
A Pernicious Problem: The Absence of Women from Administrative Roles, Marilyn Grady, Barbara LaCost, Frederick C. Wendel, and Bernita Krumm
Hispanic Women in Leadership: Opportunities, Barriers, and Strategies, Kaye Lynn Peery and Marilyn Grady
The State Department of Education's Role in Creating Safe Schools, Marilyn Grady, Bernita Krumm, and Mary Ann Losh
Superintendents' and School Board Members' Perceptions of Empowerment, Marilyn Grady
Compulsory Education: Challenges and Opportunities, Marilyn Grady and Doreen Gosmire
Early Leaver Superintendents, Marilyn Grady and Jack McKay
Resource Allocation, Barbara LaCost, Patricia A. O'Connell, Marilyn Grady, Steven Coleman, Donna Gloshen, Barbara Jacobson, Scott Koch, Harlan Metschke, Douglas Radtke, and Mary Jo Svatora
The Department Chair:New Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges, Alan T. Seagren, John W. Creswell, and Daniel W. Wheeler