Mentored research and creative activities in all disciplines allows students to develop skills and experiences that enhance their professional or graduate school credentials and career opportunities. Students have described their Honors senior projects as the "most intellectually exciting and rewarding experience" of their college careers.
Support for undergraduate research is strong at Nebraska. The University funds research scholarships that pair faculty mentors and students in their second and third years (UCARE-Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience). Academic departments also sponsor internships and cooperative education programs in the business and scientific communities in the state and in the nation.
The theses and projects here are open to the general public. Honors theses or projects that have been withheld from public disclosure are archived at
Huskers Helping Huskers: A Corporate-Level Analysis of the Nebraska Alumni Association, Rachel Kleist, Jordan Newsom, Jackson Grasz, Anne Conley, Anna Brodersen, and Samantha Turco
A Strategic Audit of Google, Timothy Knaak
Student Perceptions Of Reasons For Lecture And Active Learning, Calan Koch
Democratic Failure in Various Forms of Democracy, Jonathan Lederer
Investigating the Role of Free Radicals in Huntington's Disease Using Drosophila Melanogaster, Jennifer Libov
A Strategic Audit of Boston Beer, Jake Lindvall
The Influence of Female Creative Directors on Women Entering Advertising, Rachel Long
Strategic Audit of Spotify, Lauren Maciejewski
Does My Vote Count? Analyzing the Motivations of American Voters and the Obstacles They Face, Kalika Mahato
Investigation of Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Carbon-Based Electrocatalysts, Andrew Mason
A Strategic Audit of Tesla, Inc., Cody McCain
Strategic Audit of Facebook Through the Lens of International Reputation, Ryan M. McManaman
Escaping Death: Naloxone's Chemical Nature and Potential to Combat the Opioid Epidemic, Abigale Miller
Strategic Audit of MLS, Jacob Reed Miller
Fetal Programming of Intrauterine Growth Restricted Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Function, Micah Most
An Evaluation of Police Interviewing Methods: A Psychological Perspective, Cassandra Neal
How Media Impact Race Relations: Positive and Negative Historical Examples and Applied Psychological Principles, Sophia Nocera
Intuit, Inc.'s Small Business and Self Employed Unit: A Strategic Analysis, Cat Nyberg
Intuit, Inc.’s Small Business and Self Employed Unit: A Strategic Analysis, Cat Nyberg
Theatrical Trailers in the Modern World: Advertisement or Art?, Katherine O'Neil
A Comparative Analysis of the Fermentation Capabilities of Various Bifidobacterium Strains, Ella Oney
Microsoft Store Strategic Audit, James Onnen
The Extreme Effects of ‘Not-so-minor’ Concussions: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Literature Review, Alyssa Pierson
A Strategic Audit of Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., Sean Plowman
Strategic Audit: Spreetail, Jake Rehwoldt
Strategic Audit of Allianz Life Insurance of North America, Jacob Rosebaugh
Dietary Polyphenols and Their Perceived Health Benefits, Stephanie Russell
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Strategic Audit, Jessica Salzar
The Effect of Threat on Preferences for Male Versus Female Candidates, Marley Sandberg
An Analysis of Performance-Based Perception in Competitive Baseball Players, Grant Schlimgen and Michael Dodd
The Ralph Mueller Health Galleries: Uncovering the Lost History of UNL’s Morrill Hall, Eleanor Schmidt
Medicaid Work Requirements: State-Based Innovation or Punitive Policymaking?, Diane Sherwin
Facebook Inc. Strategic Analysis and Recommendation, Artem Shukaev
A Strategic Analysis of the Nebraska Alumni Association, Colton Siebert, Michael Eesley, Conrad Shiu, Melissa Newkirk, Joshua DeMers, and Jeb Vavak
Celtic Tiger Ireland as a Case Study in the Practical Application of Neoliberal Economic Policy, Natalie Sneed
Studies of Boundary Layer Transition from Laminar to Turbulent, Elizabeth Spaulding
Cercarial Parasitism of Freshwater Snails in Sandhills Ponds versus Streams, Caroline Emily Spethman
Interparental Control During Pregnancy Predicts Parental Control Directed Toward Infants, Jaime Stephenson
A Strategic Audit of Tesla, John J. Stobbe Jr.
Geophysical Analysis of the Midcontinent Rift’s Subsurface Structure in Southeastern Nebraska, Patrick Szopinski
Outdoor Education Center Concept Site Master Plan and Improvements as Designed by Wingineers, Christina Thibodeau
Artistic Syncretism in Latin America: From Olmec to Spanish Colonialism, Nicole Timm
Comparing Nebraskan and Finnish Education Policy and Its Impacts on Mathematics Teaching, Elizabeth Tyler
Strategic Audit of Proxibid, Maxim van Klinken
Nationalism and Education: A Case Study of Germany and Japan, Sarah Vrtiska
A Strategic Audit of Nintendo Co., Ltd., Emily Wagner
UNL-CC Outdoor Education Center Master Plan, Marie Wagner
Pascal's Triangle Modulo n and Its Applications to Efficient Computation of Binomial Coefficients, Zachary Warneke
Microsoft: A Strategic Audit, Jacob Paul Warner
Take Off to Superiority: The Evolution & Impact of U.S. Aircraft in War, Lane Weidner
Civil Engineering Design of Cornhusker Council's Outdoor Education Center, Kelly Weiler
Intuit, Inc. Strategic Audit, Bethany Wiles
Strategic Audit of Adidas, Mason Wright
Dance For What?: A Documentary of the UNL Hip Hop Dance Club (Part 1: Who Are They?), Jordan Youing
Dance For What?: A Documentary of the UNL Hip Hop Dance Club (Part 2: Part Two: What is Hip Hop?), Jordan Youing
Dance For What?: A Documentary of the UNL Hip Hop Dance Club (Part 3: What is the UNL Hip Hop Dance Club?), Jordan Youing
Google Ads: A Strategic Audit, Jessee Zhang
The Rise and Fall of Gilmore Girls' Feminist Legacy, McKenna Ahlgren
Copy Number Variation in the Porcine Genome Detected from Whole-Genome Sequence, Rebecca Anderson
An Analysis of the Social and Political Barriers to Wind Energy Development in Lancaster County, Nebraska, Corrin Bemis
Superheroes, Safety, and Social Policy: Induced Levels of Physical Security may Produce Greater Liberal Policy Preferences, Jacob Berggren
Modular Scheduling System for Westside School District, Tyler Bienhoff
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology to Enhance Conservation Biology Research, Ann Briggs
Intuit Strategic Audit, Tara Brookhouser
Information Disorder and the Need for News Literacy Education in the Digital Era, Lauren Brown-Hulme
Strategic Audit of the Public Accounting Industry with a Focus on EY, Mary Candela
Adobe Systems Inc. Strategic Analysis and Recommendation, David Cao
A Strategic Audit of Medtronic PLC, Jozzy Carter
Automated Outlier Detection in Crime Data Using Programming, Aidan Connolly
Factors Affecting the Parasitism of Gregarine Species in Grasshoppers In Western Nebraska, Alexandra Creigh, Kristin McLarty, and Scott Lyell Gardner
Citigroup Strategic Audit, Kurt Cronican
A Strategic Audit of Tesla, Inc.: Electrifying our Future or About to Run out of Energy?, Chloe Dana
Language Use by Spanish Heritage Speakers in the Classroom and the World and the Implications for Educators, Amanda Deras
Walt Whitman: The Man Behind the Words, Sara Duke
Parallels of Morality: Wilde and Nietzsche’s Challenge to Social Obligation, Amzie A. Dunekacke
Strategic Audit of National Instruments, Grant Fishburn
An Analysis of Project Setup and Organization in Software, Adam Fitzgibbon
Marketing Process at the Nebraska Repertory Theatre, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Promote Avenue Q, Bridget Fleischer
Genetic Diversity and Distinctness of Wild Nebraska Hops and Hop Cultivars (Humulus lupulus L.), Megan Franklin
A Review of the Seismic Isolation Design Procedure, Francisco Garcia
Free Medical Clinics in America, Amanda Golden
Arsenic Toxicity and Mitochondrial Metabolism in Astrocytes, Reilly Grealish
Improving the Interprofessional Relationship Between Nurses and Speech-Language Pathologists: A Pilot Study, Christina Hamling and Kristy Weissling
The Efficacy of a Diet Low in Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols (FODMAPs) in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Raelyn Haubensak
Duality in Carnivàle: An Exploration of Light and Dark, Nathan Hittle
A Strategic Audit of Tesla, Abigail Hoelzlhammer
Fanfiction as a Form with Merit, Alyssandra Holmes
Strategic Audit of Spreetail, Aryn Huck
Strategic Business Audit of Nelnet, Matthew Kachek
StudioHub: Streamlining Communication in Private Music Studios, Joseph Klinck
Preliminary Analysis of Hieroglyph and Iconography Placement on Freestanding Monuments at Copán, Honduras, Elizabeth Koenen
Sexual Assault in the Political Sphere, Robert Larsen
“Marie” and “An Unusual Recourse”: English Translations of German Early Romantic Stories, Meghan Leadabrand
Understanding Unconventional Methods of Self-Disclosure in New Relationships, Brandon Lepard