Mentored research and creative activities in all disciplines allows students to develop skills and experiences that enhance their professional or graduate school credentials and career opportunities. Students have described their Honors senior projects as the "most intellectually exciting and rewarding experience" of their college careers.
Support for undergraduate research is strong at Nebraska. The University funds research scholarships that pair faculty mentors and students in their second and third years (UCARE-Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience). Academic departments also sponsor internships and cooperative education programs in the business and scientific communities in the state and in the nation.
The theses and projects here are open to the general public. Honors theses or projects that have been withheld from public disclosure are archived at
German Immigration and its Ties to Landscape Change in Nebraska, Lindsey LaBrie
Synthesis and Evaluation of Nebraska Red Derivatives for Protein Labeling Studies, Lauren Lesiak
Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Project MNGT 475L, Trevor Lockard, Demi VanReeuwijk, Drew Spadaro, Frances Munro, Leigh Hanson, and Mason Smalley, Inc Strategic Audit, Ningzhi Luo
Abortion, Homosexuality, and Fiscal Conservatism: The Coalescence of the New Right around a Partisan Sex Education, Sheridan Macy
Green Delivery: An Arbor Day Foundation Partnership Program, Vincent Malene, Sarah Schilling, David Petersen, Anthony Hare, Cassandra Arritt, and Ross Grieb
Neutrophil Infiltration into the Cervical Compartment is Suppressed by HIV Infection, Madeline Maschka
Communicating Computing Limitations Through Kinesthetic Pedagogy, Michael Mason
The Arbor Day Foundation Employee Carbon Neutralization Program, Justin McCall, Maya Mercer, Grant Biggs, Ray Anderson, Bret Klabunde, Colleen Doyle, and Brady Conant
Institutional Form and its Influence on Instability Following the Assassination of a Head of State, Ashlee McGill
An Examination of Nebraska’s Law Setting the Age of Majority at Nineteen, Lauren McNeal
Epicenter: An Investigation of Interior Design's Influence of the American Suburban Situation, Lindsay Meyer
Young, Dumb, and Broke: How Family Communication Affects Financial Literacy, Brenna Micek
Greenfield Agriculture: Project Planning for a Business in the Industrial Hemp Industry, Brent Miller
What Makes Green Parties Successful: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Austria, and France, Macy Miller
The Woman's Role in Human Reproduction and Generation According to Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophers, Olivia Miller
The Rising Risk of Terrorism in the Philippines and Natural Resource Corruption, Blair Mills
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing in the 21st Century: Identification and Analysis of Key Elements, Robert N. Mills
Winnebago Nation of Nebraska Response Patterns, 1865-1911: A Gendered & Generational Analysis, Ashley Morrison
Arbor Day Foundation Consultation, Frances Munro, Drew Spadaro, Trevor Lockard, Mason Smalley, Leigh Hanson, and Demi van Reeuwijk
Genetic Diversity of Potassium Ion Channel Proteins Encoded by Chloroviruses that Infect Chlorella heliozoae, Carter Murry
How Relevant is the Hippocratic Oath in Guiding Physicians' Views on Physician-assisted Suicide, Megan Neal
Does Money Buy Healthiness: An Examination of the Effects of Socioeconomic Indicators on Physical and Mental Health, Caleb Nigrin
Galvanized Yankees: Confederates in Union Service, Patrick O'Neil
Arbor Day Foundation Children’s Book Recommendation Report, Bekah Otten, Allie Stromp, Megan Copsey, Reagan Scott, Tina Blaser, and Megan McCann
A Mathematical Model of Speeding, Jared Ott and Xavier Pérez Giménez
Green Delivery: An Arbor Day Foundation Partnership Program, David Petersen
The Effects of Phosphate on the Metamorphosis of Larval Western Barred Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium), Lexy Polivanov
Encapsulating Educational Design for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Lauren Praeuner
Evaluation of the Potential Geological and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Imminent Cascadia Megathrust Earthquake, Matthew Pritchard
Stock Market Correlations to Economic Indicators, Anthony K. Quandt
Arbor Day Foundation, Shoilee Rahman, Caleb Krohn, Kevin Woolworth, Kathryn Shehan, Nicholas Senior, and Jairo Gamboa
Membrane Lipid Extraction Methods from Sorghum bicolor, Max Regester
Nebraska Dog 4-H Learning Resources: Assessing Youth Opinions and Determining Focus of Future Curriculum Development Efforts, Tressa Reiner
Loup Public Power District Fishing Pier & Parking Lot, Tyler Ruwe
Green Delivery- Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Project, Sarah Schilling, David Peterson, Anthony Hare, Casey Arritt, Ross Grieb, and Vinny Malene
Curriculum for Hippotherapy for Children with Autism, Brenna Schulte and Kristy Weissling
Arbor Day Foundation Consultation, Drew Spadaro, Leigh Hanson, Demi Van Reeuwijk, Fran Munro, Mason Smalley, and Trevor Lockard
Sex Related Differences in Skeletal Muscle Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue, Cross-Sectional Area, and Grayscale, Christina Sullivan
Motivation in the Mathematics Classroom, Evan Thornton-Kolbe
An Inquiry into Double Dividend Effects of Carbon Taxes, Gregory Tracey
Characterization of a Split-Nluc Assay for Monitoring Changes in Alpha-Synuclein Solubility in Living Cells, BaoLong Truong
Arbor Day Foundation, Demi van Reeuwijk, Drew Spadaro, Frances Munro, Leigh Hanson, Trevor Lockard, and Mason Smalley
“My name is my identity”: Understanding Conceptualizations of Gender Identity to Improve Measurement, Sage Volk
Diatom Morphology in Light of a Changing Climate: A Focus on Aulacoseira crenulata, Brighid Welchans
Geometric Iteration of a Knee Prosthetic and Static Stress-bearing Capacity, Alexander Wheeler
Husker to Husker Nightline: A Peer-run Warm Line Texting Service Development at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Audrey Wilhelm
An Empirical Analysis of Individual Events in Collegiate Forensics, Jordan Duffin Wong
Differences in Psychological Distress for United States Native and Foreign Born Populations: Testing for Mediation of Neighborhood Satisfaction, Poverty, and Health Insurance, Madison L. Woodward
Activist Investors: A Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective on Hedge Fund Activism and the Need for Focus on All Stakeholders, Lucy Marie Ankenbauer
My Pop-Up Shoppe, Brenna Backemeyer
Quidlibet audendi potestas: Deviant Word Order in the Odes of Horace, Henry R. Bauer
Demographics of a Painted Turtle (Chrysemys Picta) Population Responding to Drought in the Nebraska Sandhills, Allyson Beard
Englands Happie Queene: Female Rulers in Early English History, Emily Benes
Adidas: A Strategic Audit, Rebekah Birch
Purchasing Products to Make a Difference: A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility, Gender, and Cosmetic Purchasing Behavior by College Students, Allegra Blomenberg
Coming and Going: Identity, Institutions, and the United Kingdom's Resistance to the European Union, Lauren Bruning
An Exception in Risk-Taking Behavior: Religiosity as a Situation-Specific Predictor of Sexual Risk-Taking, Trenton Buhr
Strategic Audit: Target Corporation, Andee Capell
A Strategic Audit of Runza Restaurants, Chase Caverzagie
Progress is a Game of Inches: A History and Analysis of Athlete Activism Before and During the Era of Social Media, Elic Chisam
Strategic Success: The Ansoff Matrix vs. The Balanced Scorecard, Christian Cleberg
Strategic Audit: Starbucks, Madison Clements
Boy Scouts of America Concept Site Master Plan and Improvements, Anna Cole, Jacob Chekal, William Seeger, Shanon Al-Brady, and Nicholas Cowles
A Strategic Audit of Oriental Trading Company, Isaac Coleman
The Effects of Biased Literature on Self- and Social-Perceptions of LGBTQ Individuals, Marielle Crisler
Strategic Audit of Moody's Analytics, Matthew Dottavio
Analysis of Error within Forensic Measurements and Photogrammetry Programs, Amy Douglas
A Strategic Audit of Microsoft, Alexander Eitzman
Ordered Growth of Ferroelectric Diisopropylammonium-Bromide Microcrystals through Slotted-Jar Growth and Lithographically Controlled Wetting, Andrew J. Fanning
Trendjacking: A Social Justice Analysis, Rachel Finnegan
A Strategic Audit of Microsoft Azure, Lee Fitchett
“That’s why I deleted you, Aunt Kathy”: Political Tolerance, Online Selective Exposure, and Relational Closeness, Justice Forte
A Strategic Audit of Garmin LTD, Jared Frenzel
A Strategic Audit of CoreCivic, Reid Gahan
The NAA Challenge: Serving Millennials Through Subscription Boxes, Katie Gaul, Tommie Brechbill, Kylee Yakel, Grant Schirmer, Regan Burnham, and Paris Gunderson
Mandatory Minimum Penalties: An Analysis of Four State’s Penal Codes and Federal Court Policies, Cassie Geiken
H/L Ratio as a Measurement of Immune Function in Terrapene ornata Species, Vesa Govori
"The Tyrant Father": Leslie Stephen and Masculine Influences on Virginia Woolf and her Novel, To the Lighthouse, Anya Graubard
Strategic Audit of Microsoft Office, Dylan Dmitri Gray
Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Approaches for Software Development Management as Applied to a Design Studio Project, Bethany Hage
Changes in hemodynamic response to faces, scenes, and objects in a visual statistical learning task: An fMRI analysis, Aaron T. Halvorsen
Strategic Audit of the National Football League, Jordan T. Hansen
Strategic Framework Planning and Implementation, Eric Herr
Treatment of Plastic Wastes Using Plasma Gasification Technology, Zachary Homolka
Cyanotech: A Strategic Audit, Trent Hoppe
The Influence of Selected Demographic Factors on the Retention of Middle School Instrumental Music Students, Evan Hoylman
Parent Engagement and Perceptions of Fairness in the Douglas County Child Welfare System: A FIRST Court Program Evaluation, Rebecca Human
Strategic Audit of Kohl's Corporation, Abigail Jarratt
Detection of Heteroplasmic Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Melt Curve Analysis and Dual Labeled Fluorescent Probes, Emily Jezewski
IBM Cloud Strategic Audit, Jack C. Johnson
President Trump and Civil Litigation: Executive Immunity and the Emoluments Clause, Hayley Kaiser
Cboe Global Markets: Strategic Audit, Lambros Karkazis
Strategic Audit of, Inc, Sarah E. Kenny
Defining Authentic: The Relationship Between Native Art and Federal Indian Policy, 1879-1961, Aurora Kenworthy