Mentored research and creative activities in all disciplines allows students to develop skills and experiences that enhance their professional or graduate school credentials and career opportunities. Students have described their Honors senior projects as the "most intellectually exciting and rewarding experience" of their college careers.
Support for undergraduate research is strong at Nebraska. The University funds research scholarships that pair faculty mentors and students in their second and third years (UCARE-Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience). Academic departments also sponsor internships and cooperative education programs in the business and scientific communities in the state and in the nation.
The theses and projects here are open to the general public. Honors theses or projects that have been withheld from public disclosure are archived at
Trans Legal Aid: Resources for Lawyers Representing Trans Clients, Sydney Miller
Hand Sanitizer Production Distribution Analysis, Regan Monhollon
Design of Hardware to Aid Smartphone-based Oscilloscope App, Riddock Moran
A Review on Heat Flux Measurement Techniques in the Nano and Microscale, Miguel Moreno
Intestinal Parasite Prevalence in Fecal Samples in Nebraska Dog Parks, Kristianna Muller
Presidential Rhetoric in Times of Health Crises: From President Eisenhower to President Trump, Abbi Murphy and Justin Kirk
Exploring Mortgage Loan Opportunities for Native 360, Donald Nam, Brooks Douglass, Michael Buehre Stackpole, and Broderick Diez
North 14th Street Corridor Improvements Project, Ashley Nguyen, Samantha Corey, Maricela Paramo Reyes, and Pooja Rajeev
Keep Calm and Carry On: Uncovering the True Blitz Spirit, Lauren Niedergeses
Real Time Audio Processing Using a Low-Power Digital Signal Processor, Aaron Norlinger
The Importance of Cultural Knowledge in Counterinsurgency, Allee Norvell
The Impact of China's Environmental and Trade Policies on U.S. Plastic and Paper Waste Exports, Savant Nzayiramya and John C. Beghin
Developing Indie Games With Agile, Camden Obertop
Northwestern Mutual Strategic Audit, Eleazar Oceguera
Biomechanical Analysis of Athletes Sprinting with Varying Degrees of Resistance, Michaela Ott
American Foreign Direct Investment in Morocco: How Can We Help?, Dylan Patrick
The Intersection of Leadership Identity Development and Meaning-Making Experiences in College Students, Tori Pedersen
Existence and Uniqueness of Minimizers for A Nonlocal Variational Problem, Michael Pieper
Workiva Strategic Audit, Rose Pilakowski
Furthering Women in Policing: How a Police Department's Duty Firearm Selection Process May Mitigate the Gender Disparity in Marksmanship, Jenna Prochnau
Targeting Transgenic Proteins to the Mitochondria in Plants, Susan Qudus and Jeffrey P. Mower
NELNET: POTENTIAL ENTRANCE INTO AN EMERGING MARKET Nelnet: Potential Entrance Into An Emerging Market, Gage Randall, Landon Kennedy, Marcus Kennedy, Alex Botkin, and Ben Samway
Mental Health Advocacy for Kids: A Social Media Campaign, B Rangel
Northern Natural Gas Company Strategic Audit, Morgan Reinecke
The Combined and Unique Roles of PTSD and Polyvictimization in Predicting Delinquency Among Adolescents, Joana Reyes
A Framework Comparison: .NET and Laravel, Guy Richard
Γλύκοπικρος & Bittersweet: An Autoethnographic Approach to Studying Abroad in Greece, Margaret Rieckman
A Cookbook for the Trendy Chef, Katja Roberts
Using Video Recordings to Support Meaningful Reflection of Mathematical Teaching Practices, David Scalzo
A Guide to Common Nutrition, Troy Scheer
Remotely Close: An Investigation of the Student Experience in First-Year Mathematics Courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sawyer Smith
Life, Strength, Woman: English Translation of Julia de Burgos’s Poetry, Alexis Stoffers
Examining the Impact of Political Identification and Morality on Compliance with COVID-19 Public Health Measures, Jessica Stump
The Public’s Preferences in Supreme Court Rationale, William Svob
Legislative Bill 519: Creating and Lobbying for Original Legislation, Brooklyn Terrill
Starvation Diets: The History and Moral Implications of Prolonging the Lives of Juvenile Diabetics Before the Discovery of Insulin, Olivia Thompson
BNSF Strategic Analysis, Bella Tran
SEABEM: An Artificial Intelligence Powered Web Application To Predict Cover Crop Biomass, Aime Christian Tuyishime and Andrea Basche
Biochar: Properties and Potential Benefits for Agricultural Soil in Rwanda, Andromede Uwase
The Green Wave: Effects of Legal Marijuana on The Labor Market., Sara Varon
An Overlooked Epidemic: Pediatric Oral Health Concerns On the Rise in Rural Communities, Emma Verbrugge
Development of Controller Area Network Bus Programming for Quarter-scale Tractor Pulling Sled, Brittani Wacker
The Relation Between Childhood Maltreatment and Marriage Quality in Adulthood, Melanie Wagner
Motivating Students to Participate in the German as a Foreign Language Classroom, Joanna Walton
A Strategic Audit of Hasbro, William Weiner, Amanda Fuechtmann, Avery Smith, Michaela Webb, and Zach Buhman
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Techniques for Creating Cross-platform Compatible Software, Michael Westberg
Launching an Online Boutique and Analyzing Digital Marketing Strategies Used, Kayla Weyers
The Muted Woman: A Lovey-Dovey Themed Recital, From A Man's Point Of View, Raven Williams
A Strategic Audit of SeaWorld, Thomas Wolfe
The Impact of Women on the Life and Legacy of Mark Antony, Lauren E. Yaple
Settler Colonialism and the Movement Towards Indigenous Forest Sovereignty, Madison Zucco
Addressing the Harms of Pornography, Gillian Allison
A Historical Analysis of the Causes of the French and Indian War, Jake Althouse
Metacognitive Function in Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Grace Amadon
Product, Process, and Professionalism: An Analysis of Industry Practices in Senior Design, Samuel Anderson
The Lion and the Eagle: The Ramifications of Reduced US-Iran Educational Diplomacy, Cameron Azimi
Advanced Technologies in Music Production and Collaboration, David Besonen
Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Proposal, Katelyn Bonham, Grace Novak, Kayla Brumley, Amanda Purintun, Lauren Niesen, and Sarah Rakes
An Analysis of the Behaviors Used by Physicians and (Pre)medical Students to Cope with Stress, Carter Bracht
Spatiotemporal Interactions Between Deer and Cattle, Sydney Brewer
Not-So-Full-Ride Scholarship: Analysis of Merit-Based Aid GPA Renewal Requirements, Samuel Brown
Study of Neon Collisional Negative Ion Compound Resonance Using a Trochoidal Electron Monochromator, Will Brunner
Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart: A Synopsis and Archive for a First Amendment Landmark, Sydney Brun-Ozuna
Walmart Strategic Analysis, Christian Burbach
A Home Run for Turnout: An Analysis on the Use of Sports Facilities to Increase Voter Turnout, Drew Bydalek
Using CRISPR-Cas9 to Construct Knockout Mutants in DNA-Repair Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, David Campbell
Full Spectrum Space Deterrence: From Laws to Technology, Joshua Carlson
Arbor Day Foundation Tree Program Recommendation, Kyler Caverzagie
Growth Perspectives in Tree Campus Higher Education and Tree City USA, Olivia Coffey, Logan Lewis, Michael Schneider, Mason Ellis, Austin Vandersteen, and Nicholas Lennon
Relational Dialectics in College LDRs: Managing the Tensions of Long-Distance Dating in College, Kenessa Copeland
An Analysis Of State Attorney General Attempts At Policy Influence Through NAAG Multistate Advocacy Letters, Sam Crowley
A Mathematical Model of Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Response to Treatment, Allison Cruikshank
Native. A Look into Interior Design's Impact in Rural Communities., Ashlynn Engelhard
Analysis of Single-Site Cysteine Mutation, I412C, in Human A Glycine Receptor States to Further Refine Structure and Allostery, Leah Engquist
Criminal Law and Parricide in a Reflection of Social Parameters from the Roman Monarchy into the Early Empire, Sierra Epke
Study of Native Colombian Tribes: Art as a Means of Inspiration, Sofia Fernandez
Esperanza Rising and Identity: Exploring Literature and Self in Upper Elementary School, Emma Fuller
Understanding Religious Tolerance in Yongchang, China, Liming Gao
A Strategic Audit of Medical Solutions, Christina Gay
The Effect of Agkistrodon Contortrix and Crotalus Horridus Venom Toxicity on Strike Locations with Live Prey., Chase Giese
A Person-Centered Care Model’s Effectiveness for Older Adults with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Karen Goeschel
The Importance of Managerial Positions in the Agile Development Process, Adam Gray
HIV-1 Transcription Elongation by Tat-mediated Recruitment of P-TEFb, Elizabeth Griggs
Looking Beyond Binaries: How Native Activists Create Decolonized Futures, Sam Guido
Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Selective, Sustained Attention, Brain Neural Oscillations, and Short-term Memory, Anamaria Guzman
Zara Strategic Analysis, Jessica Ha
Best Practices In Industry and CSE Senior Design, Conner Hallett
Practicality or Principle: A Comparative Study of the Origin of Legal Protections on Gun Rights, Robert (RJ) Haskin
Reforming United States Prisons: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, Alex Henkel
Modernizing Legacy Business Practices and Maintaining Backwards Compatibility When Replacing Legacy Software, Thomas Hillebrandt
Childhood Trauma and Substance Use: Differences by Race and Sex in Juvenile Justice Prevention Programs in Nebraska, Sophie Holtz
The Importance of Nutrition and Preventing Malnutrition in Older Adults: A Literature Review and Informational Booklet, Sophie Johnson
Rehabilitation for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears: A Written and Video Guide for Athletes Today and in the Future, Braeland Jones
Printed Repeat Pattern Development for Textiles: Design Theory and Process, Erin Kelly
Arbor Day Foundation Tree Programs Recommendations Report, Lane Knott, Mary Morton, Peyton Walker, Haley Faust, Kyler Caverzagie, and Alex Sanchez