Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research
Anthony F. Starace Publications
He was:
George Holmes University Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 United States
Research Interests:
Theory of intense laser-atom interactions; single and multiphoton detachment and ionization processes; harmonic generation; intense, short laser pulse interactions with matter; few-body dynamics; atoms in strong static fields; coherent control of atomic processes; and entanglement and decoherence of spin-based quantum information systems.
Temporal coherent control of resonant two-photon double ionization of the hydrogen molecule via doubly excited states, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap and Anthony F. Starace
Origin of the multiphoton-regime harmonic-generation plateau structure, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap and Anthony F. Starace
Minimizing the duration of isolated attosecond pulses, Dian Peng, Anthony F. Starace, Hua-Chieh Shao, and Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap
Attosecond-pulse metrology based on high-order harmonic generation, T. S. Sarantseva, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Silaev, A. A. Romanov, N. V. Vvedenskii, and Anthony F. Starace
Obituary: Anthony Starace (1945-2019)
Analytic description of high-order harmonic generation in the adiabatic limit with application to an initial s state in an intense bicircular laser pulse, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Minina, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, M. Yu. Ivanov, and Anthony F. Starace
Molecular Symmetry-Mixed Dichroism in Double Photoionization of H2, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, Alexei V. Meremianin, N. L. Manakov, L. B. Madsen, S. X. Hu, and Anthony F. Starace
Violation of centrosymmetry in time-resolved coherent x-ray diffraction from rovibrational states of diatomic molecules, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic generalized description of a perturbative nonparaxial elegant Laguerre-Gaussian phasor for ultrashort pulses in the time domain, Andrew Vikartofsky, Ethan C. Jahns, and Anthony F. Starace
Performance of plastic electron optics components fabricated using a 3D printer, Phillip WIebe, Peter Beierle, Hua-Chieh Shao, Bret Gergely, Anthony F. Starace, and Herman Batelaan
Control of Harmonic Generation by the Time Delay Between Two-Color, Bicircular Few-Cycle Mid-IR Laser Pulses, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Minina, N. V. Vvedenskii, A. A. Silaev, M. Yu. Ivanov, and Anthony F. Starace
Dynamical electron vortices in attosecond double photoionization of H2, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, A. V. Meremianin, N. L. Manakov, L. B. Madsen, S. X. Hu, and Anthony F. Starace
Enhancing high-order harmonic generation by sculpting waveforms with chirp, Dian Peng, M. V. Frolov, Liang-Wen Pi, and Anthony F. Starace
XUV-assisted high-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy, T. S. Sarantseva, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, and Anthony F. Starace
Time-resolved electron (e,2e) momentum spectroscopy: Application to laser-driven electron population transfer in atoms, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Perturbative representation of ultrashort nonparaxial elegant Laguerre-Gaussian fields, Andrew Vikartofsky, Anthony F. Starace, and Liang-Wen Pi
Ionization enhancement and suppression by phase-locked ultrafast pulse pairs, David B. Foote, Y. Lin, Liang-Wen Pi, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, Anthony F. Starace, and W. T. Hill
Adiabatic-limit Coulomb factors for photoelectron and high-order-harmonic spectra, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Minina, S. V. Popruzhenko, and Anthony F. Starace
Kinematical vortices in double photoionization of helium by attosecond pulses, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, A. V. Meremianin, N. L. Manakov, S. X. Hu, L. B. Madsen, and Anthony F. Starace
Doubly-excited state effects on two-photon double ionization of helium by time-delayed, oppositely circularly-polarized attosecond pulses, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap and Anthony F. Starace
Enhancing high-order-harmonic generation by time delays between two-color, few-cycle pulses, Dian Peng, Liang-Wen Pi, M. V. Frolov, and Anthony F. Starace
Energy-resolved coherent diffraction from laser-driven electronic motion in atoms, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Imaging Electronic Motions by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Discontinuities in the electromagnetic fields of vortex beams in the complex source-sink model, Andrew Vikartofsky, Liang-Wen Pi, and Anthony F. Starace
Control of threshold enhancements in harmonic generation by atoms in a two-color laser field with orthogonal polarizations, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, and Anthony F. Starace
Atomic photoionization experiment by harmonic-generation spectroscopy, M. V. Frolov, T. S. Sarantseva, N. L. Manakov, K. D. Fulfer, B. P. Wilson, J. Troß, X. Ren, Erwin D. Poliakoff, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, Anthony F. Starace, and C. A. Trallero-Herrero
Multistart spiral electron vortices in ionization by circularly polarized UV pulses, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, Alexei V. Meremianin, N. L. Manakov, S. X. Hu, L. B. Madsen, and Anthony F. Starace
Imaging population transfer in atoms with ultrafast electron pulses, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Photodetachment of a model molecular system by an elliptically polarized field, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, S. S. Marmo, and Anthony F. Starace
Comment on “Universality of Returning Electron Wave Packet in High-Order Harmonic Generation with Midinfrared Laser Pulses”, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Wei-Hao Xiong, Liang-You Peng, J. Burgdörfer, and Anthony F. Starace
Scaling laws for high-order-harmonic generation with midinfrared laser pulses, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Wei-Hao Xiong, Liang-You Peng, J. Burgdörfer, and Anthony F. Starace
Electron Vortices in Photoionization by Circularly Polarized Attosecond Pulses, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, S. X. Hu, L. B. Madsen, N. L. Manakov, A. V. Meremianin, and Anthony F. Starace
Favorable target positions for intense laser acceleration of electrons in hydrogen-like, highly-charged ions, Liang-Wen Pi, S. X. Hu, and Anthony F. Starace
Rescattering effects in laser-assisted electron-atom bremsstrahlung, A. N. Zheltukhin, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic model for the description of above-threshold ionization by an intense short laser pulse, M. V. Frolov, D. V. Knyazeva, N. L. Manakov, Ji-Wei Geng, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
Nonlinear Dichroism in Back-to-Back Double Ionization of He by an Intense Elliptically Polarized Few-Cycle Extreme Ultraviolet Pulse, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, N. L. Manakov, A. V. Meremianin, S. X. Hu, L. B. Madsen, and Anthony F. Starace
Potential-barrier effects in three-photon-ionization processes, Liang-Wen Pi and Anthony F. Starace
Imaging electronic motions in atoms by energy-resolved ultrafast electron diffraction, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Resonant electron-atom bremsstrahlung in an intense laser field, A. N. Zheltukhin, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Zero-range-potential model for strong-field molecular processes: Dynamic polarizability and photodetachment cross section, S. V. Borzunov, M. V. Frolov, M. Yu. Ivanov, N. L. Manakov, S. I. Marmo, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic description of elastic electron-atom scattering in an elliptically polarized laser field, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, and A. N. Zheltukhin
Control of atomic dynamics in laser-assisted electron-atom scattering through the driving-laser ellipticity, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, and A. N. Zheltukhin
Asymmetries in production of He+(n = 2) with an intense few-cycle attosecond pulse, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, S. X. Hu, Wei-Chao Jiang, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
Carrier-envelope-phase-induced asymmetries in double ionization of helium by an intense few-cycle XUV pulse, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, N. L. Manakov, A. V. Meremianin, and Anthony F. Starace
Resonant enhancement of the harmonic-generation spectrum of beryllium, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap and Anthony F. Starace
Harmonic generation spectroscopy with a two-colour laser field having orthogonal linear polarizations, T. S. Sarantseva, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, M. Yu. Ivanov, and Anthony F. Starace
Imaging coherent electronic motion in atoms by ultrafast electron diffraction, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Time-resolved ultrafast electron (e,2e) momentum spectroscopy, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Use of Attosecond Electron Pulses to Image Electronic Motion in Atoms and Molecules, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
Validity of Factorization of the High-Energy Photoelectron Yield in Above-Threshold Ionization of an Atom by a Short Laser Pulse, M. V. Frolov, D. V. Knyazeva, A. M. Popov, O. V. Tikhonova, E. A. Volkova, Ming-Hui Xu, Liang-You Peng, Liang-Wen Pi, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic theory of high-order-harmonic generation by an intense few-cycle laser pulse, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. M. Popov, O. V. Tikhonova, E. A. Volkova, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, and Anthony F. Starace
High-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy with an elliptically polarized laser field, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, and Anthony F. Starace
Threshold effects in strong-field ionization: Energy shifts and Rydberg structures, Katarzyna Krajewska, Ilya I. Fabrikant, and Anthony F. Starace
Enhanced asymmetry in few-cycle attosecond pulse ionization of He in the vicinity of autoionizing resonances, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, S. X. Hu, Wei-Chao Jiang, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
Resonant phenomena in laser-assisted radiative attachment or recombination, A. N. Zheltukhin, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Decay of a Negative Molecular Ion in a Constant Electric Field, S. V. Borzunov, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, and M. V. Frolov
Analytic confirmation that the factorized formula for harmonic generation involves the exact photorecombination cross section, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, and Anthony F. Starace
High-order harmonic generation by atoms in a few-cycle laser pulse: Carrier-envelope phase and many-electron effects, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, A. A. Silaev, N. V. Vvedenskii, and Anthony F. Starace
Evidence of the 2s2 p(1P) doubly excited state in the harmonic generation spectrum of helium, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap and Anthony F. Starace
Perturbation-theory analysis of ionization by a chirped few-cycle attosecond pulse, Evgeny A. Pronin, Anthony F. Starace, and Liang-You Peng
Attosecond Streaking in the Low-Energy Region as a Probe of Rescattering, Ming-Hui Xu, Liang-You Peng, Zheng Zhang, Qihuang Gong, Xiao-Min Tong, Evgeny A. Pronin, and Anthony F. Starace
Two-photon double ionization of helium: Evolution of the joint angular distribution with photon energy and two-electron energy sharing, Zheng Zhang, Liang-You Peng, Ming-Hui Xu, Anthony F. Starace, Toru Morishita, and Qihuang Gong
Potential barrier effects in high-order harmonic generation by transition-metal ions, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Potential barrier effects in two-photon ionization processes, Liang-Wen Pi and Anthony F. Starace
Movies of Electrons in Atoms, Michael Schirber, Hua-Chieh Shao, and Anthony F. Starace
Detecting Electron Motion in Atoms and Molecules, Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace
UNL physicists model potential 4-D imaging technique, Tom Simons, Hua-Chieh Shao, and Anthony F. Starace
Plateau Structure in Resonant Laser-Assisted Electron-Atom Scattering, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic Description of the High-Energy Plateau in Harmonic Generation by Atoms: Can the Harmonic Power Increase with Increasing Laser Wavelengths?, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, M. Yu. Emelin, M. Yu. Ryabikin, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic formulae for high harmonic generation, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, and Anthony F. Starace
Analytic formulas for above-threshold ionization or detachment plateau spectra, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Preface to the Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Ann Orel, Anthony F. Starace, Dragan Nikolić, Nora Berrah, Thomas Gorczyca, Emanuel Kamber, and John A. Tanis
Few-cycle attosecond pulse chirp effects on asymmetries in ionized electron momentum distributions, Liang-You Peng, Fang Tan, Qihuang Gong, Evgeny A. Pronin, and Anthony F. Starace
Perturbation theory analysis of attosecond photoionization, Anthony F. Starace, Evgeny A. Pronin, M. V. Frolov, and N. L. Manakov
EDITORIAL: Focus on Attosecond Physics, André D. Bandrauk, Ferenc Krausz, and Anthony F. Starace
Effective-range theory for an electron in a short-range potential and a laser field, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Wavelength Scaling of High-Harmonic Yield: Threshold Phenomena and Bound State Symmetry Dependence, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Threshold effects on plateau electron angular distributions in above-threshold detachment, Katarzyna Krajewska, Ilya I. Fabrikant, and Anthony F. Starace
Threshold Phenomena in Electron–Atom Scattering in a Laser Field, N. L. Manakov, Anthony F. Starace, A. V. Flegel, and M. V. Frolov
Angularly resolved electron spectra of H− by few-cycle laser pulses, Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong, and Anthony F. Starace
Attosecond pulse carrier-envelope phase effects on ionized electron momentum and energy distributions: roles of frequency, intensity and an additional IR pulse, Liang-You Peng, Evgeny A. Pronin, and Anthony F. Starace
Description of harmonic generation in terms of the complex quasienergy. I. General formulation, M.V. Frolov, A.V. Flegel, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Description of harmonic generation in terms of the complex quasienergy. II. Application to time-dependent effective range theory, M.V. Frolov, A.V. Flegel, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Thermal entanglement of two interacting qubits in a static magnetic field, G. Lagmago Kamta, Andrei Y. Istomin, and Anthony F. Starace
Threshold-Related Effects on the High Energy Plateau in Above-Threshold Detachment, Katarzyna Krajewska, Ilya I. Fabrikant, and Anthony F. Starace
Attosecond pulse carrier-envelope phase effects on ionized electron momentum and energy distributions, Liang-You Peng and Anthony F. Starace
Polarization control of direct (non-sequential) two-photon double ionization of He, Evgeny A. Pronin, N. L. Manakov, S. I. Marmo, and Anthony F. Starace
An analytical quantum model for intense field processes: Quantum origin of rescattering plateaus, M. V. Frolov, A. A. Khuskivadze, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Laser acceleration of electrons to giga-electron-volt energies using highly charged ions, S.X. Hu and Anthony F. Starace
Elliptic and Circular Dichroism Effects in Two-Photon Double Ionization of Atoms, Andrei Y. Istomin, Evgeny Pronin, N. L. Manakov, S.I. Marmo, and Anthony F. Starace
Nondipole effects in double photoionization of He at 450 eV excess energy, Andrei Y. Istomin, Anthony F. Starace, N.L. Manakov, A.V. Meremianin, A. S. Kheifets, and Igor Bray
Nondipole Effects in Double Photoionization of He, A.Y. Istomin, N. L. Manakov, A. V. Meremianin, and Anthony F. Starace
Threshold effects in strong-field detachment of H- and F-: Plateau enhancements and angular distribution variations, Katarzyna Krajewska, Ilya I. Fabrikant, and Anthony F. Starace
Application of Coulomb wave function discrete variable representation to atomic systems in strong laser fields, Liang-You Peng and Anthony F. Starace
Photodetachment of H- by a short laser pulse in crossed static electric and magnetic fields, Liang-You Peng, Qiaoling Wang, and Anthony F. Starace
Entanglement Evolution in the Presence of Decoherence, Jin Wang, Herman Batelaan, Jeremy Podany, and Anthony F. Starace
Comment on "Fano Line Shapes Reconsidered: Symmetric Photoionization Peaks from Pure Continuum Excitation", John W. Cooper, Chris H. Greene, Peter W. Langhoff, Anthony F. Starace, and Carl Winstead
Circularly polarized laser field-induced rescattering plateaus in electron-atom scattering, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Cutoffs of high-energy plateaux for atomic processes in an intense elliptically polarized laser field, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Rescattering effects in the multiphoton regime, M. V. Frolov, A. V. Flegel, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace