The complete genome sequence of the Arabidopsis and tomato pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, C. Robin Buell, Vinita Joardar, Magdalen Lindeberg, Jeremy Selengut, Ian T. Paulsen, Michelle L. Gwinn, Robert J. Dodson, Robert T. Deboy, A. Scott Durkin, James F. Kolonay, Ramana Radupu, Sean Daugherty, Lauren Brinkac, Maureen J. Beanan, Daniel H. Haft, William C. Nelson, Tanja Davidsen, Nikhat Zafar, Liwei Zhou, Jia Liu, Qiaoping Yuan, Hoda Khouri, Nadia Fedorova, Bao Tran, Daniel Russell, Kristi Berry, Teresa Utterback, Susan E. Van Aken, Tamara V. Feldblyum, Mark D'Ascenzo, Wen-Ling Deng, Adela R. Ramos, James R. Alfano, Samuel Cartinhour, Arn K. Chatterjee, Terrence P. Delaney, Sondra G. Lazarowitz, Gregory B. Martin, David J. Schneider, Xiaoyan Tang, Carol L. Bender, Owen White, Claire M. Fraser, and Alan Collmer
GacA, the Response Regulator of a Two-Component System, Acts as a Master Regulator in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 by Controlling Regulatory RNA, Transcriptional Activators, and Alternate Sigma Factors, Asita Chatterjee, Yaya Cui, Hailian Yang, Alan Collmer, James R. Alfano, and Arun K. Chatterjee
Bcl-2 Family Members Inhibit Oxidative Stress-Induced Programmed Cell Death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Shao-Rong Chen, David Dunigan, and Martin Dickman
Review of Molecular Biology of Fungal Development, Mycology Series, Volume 15, Marty Dickman
A Protein Kinase from Colletotrichum trifolii Is Induced by Plant Cutin and Is Required for Appressorium Formation, M. B. Dickman, Y.-S. Ha, Z. Yang, B. J. Adams, and C. Huang
EVOLUTION OF WHEAT STREAK MOSAIC VIRUS: Dynamics of Population Growth Within Plants May Explain Limited Variation, Roy C. French and Drake C. Stenger
Genetic Variation Among Isolates of the Web Blight Pathogen of Common Bean Based on PCR-RFLP of the ITS-rDNA Region, G. Godoy-Lutz, J. R. Steadman, B. Higgins, and K. Powers
Transcription Strategy in a Closterovirus: a Novel 5'-Proximal Controller Element of Citrus Tristeza Virus Produces 5'- and 3'-Terminal Subgenomic RNAs and Differs from 3' Open Reading Frame Controller Elements, Siddarame Gowda, Maria A. Ayllon, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Moshe Bar-Joseph, and William O. Dawson
Are Chlorella Viruses a Rich Source of Ion Channel Genes?, Ming Kang, Anna Moroni, Sabrina Gazzarrini, and James L. Van Etten
Induced Resistance as a Mechanism of Biological Control by Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3, Ozlem Kilic-Ekici and Gary Y. Yuen
Evaluation of Resistance Screening Methods for Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Soybean and Dry Bean, Linda S. Kull, Tri D. Vuong, Kris S. Powers, Kent M. Eskridge, James R. Steadman, and Glen L. Hartman
Use of A 3 Cytoplasm to Reduce Risk of Gene Flow through Sorghum Pollen, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, D. B. Marx, and Deanna L. Funnell
Unusual Life Style of Giant Chlorella Viruses, James L. Van Etten
Fungal Biology and Agriculture: Revisiting the Field, O. Yarden, D. J. Ebbole, S. Freeman, R. J. Rodriguez, and M. B. Dickman
Adenylyl Cyclase Functions Downstream of the Gα Protein Gpa1 and Controls Mating and Pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans, J. Andrew Alspaugh, Read Pukkila-Worley, Toshiaki Harashima, Lora M. Cavallo, Deanna L. Funnell, Gary M. Cox, John R. Perfect, James W. Kronstad, and Joseph Heitman
Emergence of a New Cucurbit-Infecting Begomovirus Species Capable of Forming Viable Reassortants with Related Viruses in the Squash leaf curl virus Cluster, J. K. Brown, A. M. Idris, C. Alteri, and Drake C. Stenger
Isolation and characterization of a virus that infects Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta), Tonje Castberg, Runar Thyrhaug, Aud Larsen, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Mikal Heldal, James L. Van Etten, and Gunnar Bratbak
An Evolutionary Perspective of Pierce’s Disease of Grapevine, Citrus Variegated Chlorosis, and Mulberry Leaf Scorch Diseases, Jianchi Chen, John S. Hartung, Chung-Jan Chang, and Anne K. Vidaver
Mapping of the P1 proteinase cleavage site in the polyprotein of Wheat streak mosaic virus (genus Tritimovirus), Il-Ryong Choi, Kempton M. Horken, Drake C. Stenger, and Roy C. French
Bean pod mottle virus: A Threat to U.S. Soybean Production, Loren J. Giesler, Said A. Ghabrial, Thomas E. Hunt, and John H. Hill
Selected Soybean Plant Introductions with Partial Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, D. D. Hoffman, B. W. Diers, G. L. Hartman, C. D. Nickell, R. L. Nelson, W. L. Pedersen, E. R. Cober, George L. Graef, J. R. Steadman, C. R. Grau, B. D. Nelson, L. E. del Rio, T. Helms, T. Anderson, V. Poysa, University of Guelph, and W. C. Stienstra
Characterization of the Aspergillus nidulans 14-3-3 homologue, ArtA, Peter R. Kraus, Amy F. Hoffman, and Steven D. Harris
Genomewide identification of proteins secreted by the Hrp type III protein secretion system of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, Tanja Petnicki-Ocwieja, David J. Schneider, Vincent C. Tam, Scott T. Chancey, Libo Shan, Yashitola Jamir, Lisa M. Schechter, Misty Janes, C. Robin Buell, Xiaoyan Tang, Alan Collmer, and James R. Alfano
Phylogenetic relationships, strain diversity and biogeography of tritimoviruses, Frank Rabenstein, Dallas L. Seifers, Jorg Schubert, Roy C. French, and Drake C. Stenger
Greenhouse and Field Evaluation of Biological Control of Fusarium Head Blight on Durum Wheat, D. A. Schisler, N. I. Khan, Michael J. Boehm, and P. J. Slininger
Functional Characterization and Localization of the Aspergillus nidulan Formin SEPA, Kathryn E. Sharpless and Steven D. Harris
The p23 Protein of Citrus Tristeza Virus Controls Asymmetrical RNA Accumulation, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Siddarame Gowda, Maria A. Ayllon, Maria R. Albiach-Marti, Shailaja Rabindran, and William O. Dawson
Uses of Antimicrobials in Plant Agriculture, Anne K. Vidaver
Isolation and Characterization of Endophytic Colonizing Bacteria from Agronomic Crops and Prairie Plants, Denise K. Zinniel, Patricia A. Lambrecht, N. Beth Harris, Zhengyu Feng, Daniel Kuczmarski, Phyllis Higley, Carol A. Ishimaru, Alahari Arunakumari, Raul G. Barletta, and Anne K. Vidaver
Contributions of genetic drift and negative selection on the evolution of three strains of wheat streak mosaic tritimovirus, I.-R. Choi, J.S. Hall, M. Henry, Lingyu Zhang, G. L. Hein, Roy C. French, and D.C. Stenger
Abrogation of disease development in plants expressing animal antiapoptotic genes, M. B. Dickman, Y. K. Park, T. Oltersdorf, W. Li, T. Clemente, and Roy C. French
Age-related Resistance in Bell Pepper to Cucumber mosaic virus , Hernan Garcia-Ruiz and John F. Murphy
Three Distinct Mechanisms Facilitate Genetic Isolation of Sympatric Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus Lineages, Jeffrey Hall, Roy C. French, Gary L. Hein, Thomas Jack Morris, and Drake Stenger
Structure and Temporal Dynamics of Populations within Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus Isolates, Jeffrey S. Hall, Roy C. French, Thomas Jack Morris, and Drake C. Stenger
Septum formation in Aspergillus nidulans, Steven D. Harris
The NS5A protein of bovine viral diarrhoea virus interacts with the α subunit of translation elongation factor-1, Craig M. Johnson, Daniel R. Perez, Roy C. French, William C. Merrick, and Ruben O. Donis
Selection and Evaluation of Microorganisms for Biocontrol of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat Incited by Gibberella zeae, N. I. Khan, D. A. Schisler, Michael J. Boehm, P. J. Slininger, and R. J. Bothast
Use of flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, and PCR-based techniques to assess intraspecific and interspecific matings of Armillaria species, Mee-Sook Kim, Ned B. Klopfenstein, Geral I. McDonald, Kathiravetpillai Arumuganathan, and Anne K. Vidaver
The Aspergillus nidulans snt Genes Are Required for the Regulation of Septum Formation and Cell Cycle Checkpoints, Peter R. Kraus and Steven D. Harris
Identification of Seed Gall Nematodes of Agronomic and Regulatory Concern with PCR-RFLP of ITS1, Thomas O. Powers, Allen L. Szalanski, P. G. Mullin, T. S. Harris, T. Bertozzi, and J. A. Griesbach
Fungal symbiosis from mutualism to parasitism: who controls the outcome, host or invader?, Regina S. Redman, David Dunigan, and Rusty J. Rodriguez
First Report of Columbia Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in Potato in Texas, A. L. Szalanski, P. G. Mullin, T. S. Harris, and T. O. Powers
Virulence of Puccinia triticina on Wheat in Nebraska during 1997 and 1998, J. E. Watkins, J. Schimelfenig, P. Stephen Baenziger, and Kent M. Eskridge
Accumulation of barley stripe mosaic virus is significantly reduced in transgenic wheat plants expressing a bacterial ribonuclease, Lingyu Zhang, Roy C. French, Willem G. Langenberg, and Amitava Mitra
Chitinases from the Plant Disease Biocontrol Agent, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C3, Z. Zhang, Gary Yuen, Gautam Sarath, and A. R. Penheiter
Sequences of Citrus Tristeza Virus Separated in Time and Space Are Essentially Identical, Maria R. Albiach-Marti, Munir Mawassi, Siddarame Gowda, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Mark E. Hilf, Savita Shanker, Ernesto C. Almira, Maria C. Vives, Carmelo Lopez, Jose Guerri, Ricardo Flores, Pedro Moreno, Steve M. Garnsey, and William O. Dawson
'Earlibrite' Strawberry, C. K. Chandler, D. E. Legard, David Dunigan, T. E. Crocker, and C. A. Sims
‘Strawberry Festival’ Strawberry, C. K. Chandler, D. E. Legard, David Dunigan, T. E. Crocker, and C. A. Sims
A plant virus vector for systemic expression of foreign genes in cereals, Il-Ryong Choi, Drake C. Stenger, Thomas Jack Morris, and Roy C. French
Nuclear Localization of Turnip Crinkle Virus Movement Protein p8, Yuval Cohen, Feng Qu, Andreas Gisel, Thomas Jack Morris, and Patricia Zambryski
Phylogeny of Calostoma, the Gelatinous-Stalked Puffball, Based on Nuclear and Mitochondrial Ribosomal DNA Sequences, Brandi D. Hughey, Gerard C. Adams, Tom D. Bruns, and David S. Hibbett
Characterization of North American Armillaria species by nuclear DNA content and RFLP analysis, Mee-Sook Kim, Ned Klopfenstein, Geral I. McDonald, Kathiravetpillai Arumuganathan, and Anne K. Vidaver
A Potassium Channel Protein Encoded by Chlorella Virus PBCV-1, B. Plugge, S. Gazzarrini, M. Nelson, R. Cerana, James L. Van Etten, C. Derst, D. DiFrancesco, A. Moroni, and G. Thiel
Utility of the Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase II Gene for Resolving Relationships among Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), K. P. Pruess, B. J. Adams, T. J. Parsons, X. Zhu, and Thomas O. Powers
The open reading frame 5A of foxtail mosaic virus is expressed in vivo and is dispensable for systemic infection, N.L. Robertson, Roy C. French, and Thomas Jack Morris
Evaluation of Proposed Amended Names of Several Pseudomonads and Xanthomonads and Recommendations, N. W. Schaad, A. K. Vidaver, G. H. Lacy, K. Rudolph, and J. B. Jones
Condition of Green Ash, Incidence of Ash Yellows Phytoplasmas, and Their Association in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Regions of North America, J. A. Walla, W. R. Jacobi, N. A. Tisserat, M. O. Harrell, J. J. Ball, G. B. Neil, D. A. Reynard, Y. H. Guo, and L. Spiegel
Soybean Cyst Nematode Reproduction in the North Central United States, J. Wang, P. A. Donald, T. L. Niblack, G. W. Bird, J. Faghihi, J. M. Ferris, C. Grau, D. J. Jardine, P. E. Lipps, A. E. MacGuidwin, H. Melakeberhan, G. R. Noel, P. Pierson, P. M. Riedel, P. R. Sellers, W. C. Stienstra, T. C. Todd, G. L. Tylka, T. A. Wheeler, and D. S. Wysong
An efficient wheat transformation procedure: transformed calli with long-term morphogenic potential for plant regeneration, Lingyu Zhang, J.J. Rybczynski, W.G. Langenberg, Amitava Mitra, and Roy C. French
The Role of Chitinase Production by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Strain C3 in Biological Control of Bipolaris sorokiniana, Zhongge Zhang and Gary Y. Yuen
Fully Biologically Active In Vitro Transcripts of the Eriophyid Mite-Transmitted Wheat Streak Mosaic Tritimovirus, Il-Ryong Choi, Roy C. French, Gary L. Hein, and Drake C. Stenger
Pisatin demethylation by fungal pathogens and nonpathogens of pea: Association with pisatin tolerance and virulence, Leslie M. Delserone, K. McCluskey, D. E. Matthews, and H. D. VanEtten
Morphogenesis is coordinated with nuclear division in germinating Aspergillus nidulans conidiospores, Steven D. Harris
Identification and Characterization of Genes Required for Hyphal Morphogenesis in the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus nidulans, Steven D. Harris, Amy F. Hofmann, Hugo W. Tedford, and Maurice P. Lee
dnaK and the Heat Stress Response of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea, Lisa M. W. Keith, James E. Partridge, and Carol L. Bender
Novel application of PhastSystem polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using restriction fragment length polymorphism ± internal transcribed spacer patterns of individuals for molecular identification of entomopathogenic nematodes, Horolma Pamjav, Dimitra Triga, Zsuzsanna Buzµs, Tibor Vellai, Attila Lucskai, Byron Adams, Alexander P. Reid, Ann Burnell, Christine Griffin, Itamar Glazer, Michael G. Klein, and Andras Fodor
Isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus with Specific Virulence to Landraces of Phaseolus vulgaris of Andean Origin, Craig M. Sandlin, James R. Steadman, Carlos M. Araya, and Dermot P. Coyne
Genetic variation in geographical populations of western and Mexican corn rootworm, A. L. Szalanski, R. L. Roehrdanz, D. B. Taylor, and L. Chandler
An engineered closterovirus RNA replicon and analysis of heterologous terminal sequences for replication, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Siddarame Gowda, V. P. Boyko, Maria R. Albiach-Marti, Munir Mawassi, J. Navas-Castillo, Alexander V. Karasev, V. Dolja, Mark E. Hilf, D. J. Lewandowski, P. Moreno, Moshe Bar-Joseph, S. M. Garnsey, and William O. Dawson
Giant Viruses Infecting Algae, James L. Van Etten and Russel Meints
Colletotrichum trifolii Mutants Disrupted in the Catalytic Subunit of cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Are Nonpathogenic, Zhonghui Yang and Martin B. Dickman
Biological Control of Bipolaris sorokiniana on Tall Fescue by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Strain C3, Z. Zhang and G. Y. Yuen
A Phylogenetic Analysis of Heterorhabditis (Nemata: Rhabditidae) Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 DNA Sequence Data, B. J. Adams, A. M. Burnell, and Thomas O. Powers
Polymerase Chain Reaction Detection and Phylogenetic Characterization of an Agent Associated with Yellow Vine Disease of Cucurbits, Francisco J. Avila, Benny D. Bruton, Jacqueline Fletcher, J. L. Sherwood, Sam D. Pair, and Ulrich Melcher
Lindsay M. Black, 1907 to 1997, Myron K. Brakke and D. V. R. Reddy
Characterization of the large (L) RNA of peanut bud necrosis tospovirus, S. Gowda, Satyanarayana Tatineni, R. A. Naidu, A. Mushegian, W. O. Dawson, and D. V. R. Reddy
Signaling via cAMP in fungi: interconnections with mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, James Kronstad, Adriana De Maria, Deanna Funnell, R. David Laidlaw, Nancy Lee, Mário Moniz de Sá, and Marilee Ramesh
Signaling via cAMP in Fungi: Interconnections with Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways, James Kronstad, Adriana De Maria, Deanna L. Funnell, R. David Laidlaw, Nancy Lee, Mário Moniz de Sá, and Marilee Ramesh
Interactions between the Structural Domains of the RNA Replication Proteins of Plant-Infecting RNA Viruses, Erin K. O'Reilly, Zhaohui Wang, Roy C. French, and C. Cheng Kao
A Partial Host Range of the High Plains Virus of Corn and Wheat, Dallas L. Seifers, Tom L. Harvey, T. J. Martin, and Stanley G. Jensen
Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Family Potyviridae: Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and Brome Streak Mosaic Virus Are Not Members of the Genus Rymovirus, Drake C. Stenger, Jeffrey S. Hall, Il-Ryong Choi, and Roy C. French
Certification and the American Phytopathological Society, L. J. Stowell, J. Amador, O.W. Barnett, R. J. Cook, D. E. Mathre, A. K. Vidaver, and S. A. Tolin
Peanut yellow spot virus is a member of a new serogroup of Tospovirus genus based on small (S) RNA sequence and organization, Satyanarayana Tatineni, S. Gowda, K. Lakshminarayana Reddy, S. E. Mitchell, W. O. Dawson, and D. V. R. Reddy
Physiologic Specialization of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici in Nebraska During 1995 and 1996, J. E. Watkins, S. S. Rutledge, P. Stephen Baenziger, and W. Youngquist
A Sensitive ELISA for Pythium ultimum Using Polyclonal and Species-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies, G. Y. Yuen, J. Q. Xia, and C. L. Sutula
Expression of Human Lactoferrin cDNA Confers Resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum in Transgenic Tobacco Plants, Zhanyuan Zhang, Dermot P. Coyne, Anne K. Vidaver, and Amitava Mitra
United States Patent, Number: 5,633,447: PLANT TISSUE COMPRISING A SUBGENOMIC PROMOTER, Paul G. Ahlquist and Roy C. French
United States Patent , Number: 5,602,242: HYBRID RNA VIRUS, Paul G. Ahlquist, Roy C. French, and Robert F. Sacher
The Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of Belonolaimus (Nemata: Belonolaimidae), T. Cherry, A. L. Szalanski, T. C. Todd, and Thomas O. Powers
Hyaluronan Synthase of Chlorella Virus PBCV-1, Paul L. DeAngelis, Wei Jing, Michael V. Graves, Dwight E. Burbank, and James L. Van Etten
Chlorella Virus PBCV-1 Encodes a Homolog of the Bacteriophage T4 UV Damage Repair Gene denV, Masakazu Furuta, John Schrader, Holly Schrader, Tyler Kokjohn, Simon Nyaga, Amanda McCullough, R. Stephen Lloyd, Dwight Burbank, Dorit Landstein, Leslie C. Lane, and James L. Van Etten
The Aspergillus nidulans sepA gene encodes an FH1/2 protein involved in cytokinesis and the maintenance of cellular polarity, Steven D. Harris, Lisbeth Hamer, Kathryn E. Sharpless, and John E. Hamer
Characteristics of Beet Soilborne Mosaic Virus, a Furo-like Virus Infecting Sugar Beet, G.B. Heidel, C.M. Rush, T.L. Kendall, S.A. Lommel, and Roy C. French
Characterization of an ATP-Dependent DNA Ligase Encoded by Chlorella Virus PBCV-1, C. Kiong Ho, James L. Van Etten, and Stewart Shuman
Genetic Variability Among Maize Inbred Lines for Resistance to the High Plains Virus–Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus Complex, A. Marçon, S. M. Kaeppler, and S. G. Jensen
The rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Region as a Taxonomic Marker for Nematodes, Thomas O. Powers, T. C. Todd, A. M. Burnell, P. C. B. Murray, C. C. Flemming, Allen L. Szalanski, B. A. Adams, and T. S. Harris
Identification of the Wheat Curl Mite as the Vector of the High Plains Virus of Corn and Wheat, Dallas L. Seifers, Tom L. Harvey, T. J. Martin, and Stanley G. Jensen
Identification of Cyst Nematodes of Agronomic and Regulatory Concern with PCR-RFLP of ITS1, Allen L. Szalanski, Dezhi D. Sui, T. S. Harris, and Thomas O. Powers